Day 1 - MR Khang

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Ex2: Match

Charge interest
do business
Give Advice
Issue Bonds/ stocks or shares
Make Loans/ laws/ profits/ a loss
Offer Advice/ services/ loans
pass Laws
Pay Interest/ a deposit
Provide Services/ capital/ loans
Raise capital
Receivce deposits
share profits


1. A best kept secret

2. He worked commercial bank manager
3. .
1. Local marketplace
2. Local entrepreneur
3. Going to see
4. Helping start up
5. Businesses grow

Q1: To what extent is banking regulated in your country? What are the advantages and disadvantages
of this?

- restrictions and limitations on credit extension

- Maximum ratio of short-term funds to be used for medium and long-term loans

- Ratio of buying and investing in Government bonds and Government guaranteed bonds

- Limits on capital contribution and share purchase

Q2: Do you prefer to go to the local branch of your bank, or to use the internet or the telephone?
Why? Why do you think most customers still prefer to go to the bank?

It's undeniable that internet banking is more convenient and faster to carry out transaction as well as
other services.

However, local bank branch still has many advantage points that keep customers choose for transaction.
Firstly, most customers prefer branch support when problems arise. They want to speak with an
individual when they have an issue. Connecting with consumers in a personal way can significantly
improve customer loyalty.

Secondly, several consumers always prefer to resolve banking issues at the bank because most of the
telephone agents often delayed resolution of the transactions.

Moreover, customers are worried of the security.

Therefore, I think almost people like me still prefer to go to the bank branch.

Q3: Is the central bank in your country independent from government? What powers and
responsibilities does it have?

The central bank in Vietnam is not independent from government. It carries out the nation's monetary
policy and control its money supply, often mandated with maintaining low inflation and steady GDP

Trần Thu Hiên

- Do business

- send deposits to bank for saving

- buy gold, dollars

- take up a project for community

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