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Department of Mechanical Engineering 2015


Vertical Pressure vessel

Name Stream ID
Meseret Abrahaley Thermal R/812/04
Kokeb Welay Design R/710/04

Submitted to senishaw fikadu

Submission date 05/10/2007
Department of Mechanical Engineering 2015

First of all we would like thank our almighty God who helped us in doing this project.
Lastly we want to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to our senior friends for
their successful participation for the completion of this project.

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

Department of Mechanical Engineering 2015

Table of Contents
Table of content..........................................................................................................................................iii
Chapter one.................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Applications of pressure vessels.................................................................................................1
Chapter two.................................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Pressure vessel component R [2].......................................................................................................3
2.2 Designing procedure..........................................................................................................................5
2.2.1 Determine the length and diameter of the vessel R [1&3].........................................................5
2.3 Material selection R [1, 3, 4&5].........................................................................................................6
2.4 WELDING TYPE R [2]........................................................................................................................10
Chapter three............................................................................................................................................12
3.1 Calculate the sell thickness R [2]......................................................................................................12
3.2 Review different type of head R [7].................................................................................................13
Chapter four..............................................................................................................................................16
4.1 IDENTIFY DESIGN OF HEAD TO SHHELL TRANSTION R [2]................................................................16
4.3 FLANGE AND GASKET DESGIN R [1].................................................................................................18
Chapter five...............................................................................................................................................27
5.1 CALCULATING WALL THICKNESS OF THE NOZZLE R [2]....................................................................27
5.2 REINFORCMENT OF OPENING R [3&1].............................................................................................27
5.3 DESIGN OF MANHOLE OR INSPECTION R [9]...................................................................................29
5.4 SUPORET DESGEN AND CHECK OF PRESSURE VESSLE R [2].............................................................29
5.5 FABRICATION AND WELDING METHOD...........................................................................................38

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

Department of Mechanical Engineering 2015

Table of content
Table 1 Given parameter.............................................................................................................................2
Table 2 used to fined L/D ratio....................................................................................................................5
Table 3 Material selection...........................................................................................................................8
Table 4 Material selection 2........................................................................................................................9
Table 5 Material selection 3......................................................................................................................10
Table 6 Material selection 3......................................................................................................................10
Table 7 Revision of stainless steel.............................................................................................................10
Table 8 Temperature pressure rating........................................................................................................16
Table 9 150lb. Flanges standard ANSI B16.5..............................................................................................17
Table 10 value of (K, T, Z, Y and U)............................................................................................................22
Table 11 value of the constant..................................................................................................................24
Table 12 material [SA-193-B7]...................................................................................................................26
Table 13 Material SA-106-B.......................................................................................................................27
Table 14 wind pressure.............................................................................................................................32
Table 15 Coefficient of C and B..................................................................................................................32
Table 16 Formula......................................................................................................................................33
Table 17 Formula for time of vibration......................................................................................................35

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

Chapter one

1.1 Introduction
What is pressure vessel?
Pressure vessels used to store and transmit liquid, vapor and gases under pressure in general.
The pressure vessels of this fluid will exert pressure equally in all direction on the wall and ends
of pressure vessels. Because of this loading, stresses are including on certain section of the
cylinder (pressure vessels) wall.
The pressure differential is dangerous and fatal accidents have occurred in the history of pressure
vessels development and operation. Consequently, pressure vessels design, manufacturing and
operations regulated by engineering authorities backed by legislation. For these reason pressure
vessels involves maximum safe operating pressure and temperature.

1.1.2 Applications of pressure vessels

Pressure vessels is used in variety of applications in both industry and privet sector. They appear
in these industrial compressed air receiver and domestic hot water storage tanks. Other example
of pressure vessels are diving cylinder, recompression champers, distillation towers, pressure
reactors, autoclaves and many other vessels in mining operation, oil refineries and petrochemical
plant, nuclear reactors vessels, submarine space ship habitats, pneumatic reservoirs, hydraulic
reservoirs under pressure, rail vehicle air break reservoirs, road vehicle break reservoir and
storage vessels for liquefied gases such as ammonia, chlorine, propane, butane and LPG.
Pressure vessels can theoretically be almost any shape, but shapes made of section of spheres,
cylinders and cones usually employed. A common design is a cylinder with end caps called
heads. Heads spheres are frequently either hemispherical or dished (tori spherical). More
complicated shapes have historically been match harder to analyze for safe operation and are
usually far more difficult to construct.
Theoretically, spherical pressure vessel has approximately twice the strength of a spherical
pressure vessel with the same wall thickness. However the spherical shape is difficult to
manufacture, and therefore more expensive, so most pressure vessels are cylindrical with 2:1
semi-elliptical heads or end caps on each end. Smaller pressure vessels are assembled from a
pipe and two covers. For cylindrical vessels with diameter up to 600mm, it is possible to
seamless pipe for the shell, those avoiding many inspections and testing issues.
Designing pressure vessels are hazardous and cause loss of life. Therefore, design codes are
being introduced for the pressure vessels design, safety factor is applied in the design to offer
higher reliability of the pressure vessel. Commonly used design codes are, ASME boiler and

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

pressure vessel code, the pressure equipment directive of EU(PED), Japanese industrial standard
(JIS) CSA B51 in Canada , AS1210 in Australia and other international standard.

Objective of the project

 General objective
In complicated pressure vessels unexpected engineering construction; high pressure, extreme of
temperature and severity of functional performance requirement pose exciting design problem.
The word “DESIGN” does not mean only calculations of the detailed dimension of a member,
but rather it all-inclusive term, incorporating:
1. The established reasoning of the most likely mode of damage and failure;
2. The method of stress analysis employed and significance of result;
3. The material selection type and it’s environmental character;
The ever increasing use of pressure vessel has given special emphasis to analytical and
experimental method for determining their emphasis to their operating stresses

 Specific objection
A) In order to determining the minimum thickness of the vessel.
B) For determining internal pressure.
C) To determine the dead weight of the vessel.

Given parameter
Medium Inner Nominal Service Position Support 2 Bottom
service volume Temp. element longitudinal discharge
pressure (m3) (° c ¿ 1 lateral pipe nominal
(mpa) nominal diameter
diameter (mm)
Acid 1.6 0.25 400 vertical Bottom 80 25
solution legs

Table 1 Given parameter

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

Chapter two

2.1 Pressure vessel component R [2]

Nozzles:-A narrow or tempering part at the end of the tube or pipe, used to direct or control the
flow of the liquid or gas. It is necessary component of pressure vessel for the process industries.
Nozzles are used for the following applications:
- Attach piping for flow into or out of the vessel.
- Attach instrument connections, (e.g., level gauges, thermowells, or pressure gauges).
- Provide access to the vessel interior at many ways.
- Provide for direct attachment of other equipment items, (e.g., a heat exchanger or mixer)
Flange:- It is one of attachment and accessories essential for the vessel. Used for coupling the
pipe which the fluid enter or live the pipe to pressure vessel. it is also used on the shell of a
vessel to permit disassembly and removal , for cleaning internal parts. The flange are used for
closures, nozzles, man holes, return flux, pipe inter and bottom product and etc.
We select the flange type SLIP ON FLANGE on your pressure vessel
1. It is easily aligned in welding assembly.
2. It is initial cost low
Man holes:- Also it is one of the attachment and accessories essential for the vessel. It is large in
size. It is the way the man used for maintain the pressure vessel.
The shell: - is the primary component that contains the pressure. Pressure vessel shells are
welded together to form a structure that has a common rotational axis. Most pressure vessel
shells are cylindrical, spherical and conical in shape.
Head:-is part or component used to close both ends the shell. heads are typically el5)support:-
The type of support that is used depends primarily on the size and orientation of the pressure
vessel. In all cases, the pressure vessel support must
be adequate for the applied weight, wind, and earthquake loads. Generally It is component which
is used to support the pressure vessel.
Support: - The type of support that is used depends primarily on the size and orientation of the
pressure vessel. In all cases, the pressure vessel support must
be adequate for the applied weight, wind, and earthquake loads .Generally It is component which
is used to support the pressure vessel
Skirt support
 The support material between the vessel and the foundation is termed as skirt.

It is welded to the base of the vessel and has consists of a cylindrical or conical shell. The skirt is
usually welded to the vessel. It is recommended for vertical vessels as they do not impose

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

concentrated load on the vessel shell. It is suitable for the use of tall columns subjected to wind
loading. There is no maximum bending moment on the skirt because of itself, but there is
maximum bending moment due to stress from dead weight and from wind load in another word
no stress formed due to internal and external pressure by itself.
 Thickness of the skirt must be sufficient to with stand the dead weight loads and bending
moment imposed on it by the vessel.

Anchor bolt

 The moment produced by wind and other lateral load will tend to overturn the vessel, so
this is opposed by securely anchored the skirt of the vessel to the concrete foundation by
using anchor bolt. The main aim of anchor bolt is used to support skirt. The anchor bolt is
used to shear over turning load equally.

Gaskets: - A gasket is used to create a seal between mating surfaces of machines or piping
assemblies. The seal is necessary to prevent leakage
of gas, liquid, or dust into or out of these assemblies. The gasket must
be able to withstand the pressures applied to it and to be unaffected by
the temperature or materials that it comes in contact with.
When a gasket is clamped between the mating surfaces of a joint it must deform enough to
compensate for the imperfections in the finish of the mating surfaces.
It would not be economical to machine all surfaces to a mirror finish, and the bumps, scrapes,
and corrosion of normal use would soon reduce the quality of the finish. Tool marks are usually
evident on the surfaces of most machine pieces. The clamping pressure applied to these joints
does not create enough distortion in the flanges to effect a seal, so a gasket, placed between these
surfaces, deforms to fill in the valleys and compress on the high points. The gasket must be soft
enough to deform, yet strong enough to resist being squeezed out by the pressure carried in the
machinery. It is desirable to have some roughness (tool markings) on most flange surfaces to
help grip the gasket and prevent it from creeping under internal pressure. These tool marks
should run the same way as the lay of the gasket; that is, a circular gasket should have
circular tool marks in the flange face. ellipsoidal, tori-spherical, hemispherical,
conical and tori-conica

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

2.2 Designing procedure

2.2.1 Determine the length and diameter of the vessel R [1&3]

We know that the volume of a pressure vessel is 0.25m3 and the volume is equal to the
sum of the volume of the head/bottom(hemispherical) and the volume vessel shell (which is in
cylindrical in shape).
According to process equipment design, brownell and young suggest that the ratio of
L/D can be determined by according to their presser value. And the ratio of L/D is given blow.
The pressure that was given for my operating pressure is 1.6 MPa.
 OPERATING PRESSURE is a pressure which required for the process, served by
the vessel, at which the is vessel normal operated.
 DESIGN PRESSURE is the pressure used in the design of a vessel. It recommended to
design a vessel and its parts for high pressure than the operating pressure.
design pressure = operating pressure+ 5 to 10 percent operating pressure
I select 10 percent for more safety purpose.
=1.6MPa + 0.1*1.6MPa=1.76MPa
The pressure table value that used to find the ratio of L/D.


Psi MPa
L/D ratio
3 0-250 0.000-1.724
4 250-500 1.724-3.448
5 >500 >3.448
Table 2 used to fined L/D ratio

There for the ratio of L/D=4 and L=4D because the deign pressure is b/n
1.724-3.448 MPa.
V= 2Vh +Vs where Vh =volume of the head
Vs=volume of the shell
Vh =(4/3)*π*R3=(4/3)*π*(D/2)3=(1/6)*π*D3 D=internal diameter of
the shell(D=2*R)

Vs= (1/6)*π*D3
Vs= (1/6)*π*D3 R=internal radius of the shell
Vh=π*R2*L=π*(D/2)2*L = (1/4)*π*D2*L L=length of the shell

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

Vh = (1/4)*π*D2*(4D) L/D=5 and L=4D
Vh = (4/4)*π*D3
And the sum of the volume is 4m3
V=2Vh + Vs=0.25m3 = (1/6)*π*D3 + (1)*π*D3
0.25m3=3.665D3 and D = (0.25/3.665)1/3m=0.261m=0.26m
There for D= 0.26m
To change it in standard form D=1m------------------------ ( ans )

2.3 Material selection R [1, 3, 4&5]

 The selection of materials for a machine part or structure member is one of the most
important decisions that the designer has to make.
 Methods for estimating stresses and deflection of machine member are based on the
properties of the materials from which members will made.
 We do select materials not only for stress and deflection design but also for filling gaps,
space, or for as the tics qualities to resist corrosion.
 For the selection of materials the physical, mechanical, chemical, and their manufacturing
process are the most important decision the designer has to make.

Mechanical properties
 strength stiffness
 fatigue hardness
 elasticity
 plasticity
 ductility
 brittleness
 machine ability
 toughen
Chemical properties
 oxidation stability
 corrosion resistance
 degradation
 toxicity
 flammability
Physical properties
 density
 specific heat
 thermal expansion

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

 conductivity
 melting point
 electric properties
 magnetic properties
Material Types
 ductile
 brittle
 Plastics
 Composites
 Ferrous
 non-ferrous
 alloys
Manufacturing process
cast sanding
shell molding
hot working
cold working
powder metal gory

Heat treatment
 annealing
 tempering
 quenching
According to different kind of standard such as ASMS the following given below are used
for the selection of materials
A) Strength
B) Corrosion resistance
C) Resistance to hydraulic attack
D) Fracture toughness
E) Fabricablity/predictability
A. Strength-it is the capability or property of material to with stand or sustained to high load
under tension is called strength.
Strength of the material is based on the mechanical properties .it is used for the most easy,
strong &low cost of productions. Some of the mechanical properties are (toughness, ductility
yield strength, ultimate strength (UST) and creep strength and machinability).

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

Ductility – it is the property of material which enables to be drawn out or elongated to an
appreciable extent before repute under the load .
Yield strength – the stress level at which the plastic begin deformation .is a region where the
material changes from plastic to elastic deformation .the material we select for our pressure
vessel are shown below

Metal alloys Stainless steel Carbon steel silicon killed

Yield strength (MPa) 205

Table 3 Material selection

 property of material which enables to machined easily in the desired shape by cutting
 It signifies how much force & power are required to remove stock from the material.

Ultimate tensile strength (UTS)- when basic strength of material reaches the maximum
value .Its measured by a standard tensile test.

Material Stainless steel Carbon steel Silicon killed


UTS 719.6

Creep strength- is ability of the material which resist the slow and &continuous deformation
under steady load &some temperature.

B. Corrosion resistance
Corrosion: is gradual distraction of metals by the chemical or electrochemical reaction with
the environment.
 it made the material dissolve, softening & wearing away.
 our natural environment are caused for corrosion are : air ,salt & water

Example of corrosion

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

Rusting of iron when it exposed to atmospheric corrosion
Chemical Stainless steel Carbon steel Silicon killed
So by use of
Oil G the following
resistance method , we minimize the destruction done by corrosion
 by using of cathodic protection
 by using of protective coating or surface coating
 galvanization
 hot dipping
 tinning

C. Resistance to hydraulic attack

 The tensile strength (uts) & elastic modulus of metals decrease with
increasing the temperature.
 Hydrogen attack cause irreversible damage through the component thickness
&damage carbon &low alloy steel.
Material Stainless steel 18 cr/8Ni Carbon steel Silcon killed
unstablized (304)
Tensile strength (ust) 510

Design stress 107.6

Table 4 Material selection 2

So because of the above reason we have to take consideration on tensile strength, design stress
when we design something.

D. Fracture toughness
 Ability of the material absorbs the energy or impact load without any fracture.
Material Stainless steel 18Ni/8cr Carbon steel Silicon killed
Fracture toughness 76
Table 5 Material selection 3

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

E. Fabricablity: Construct or manufacture (industrial product), especially from prepared
component. It is based on how it made & cost of production .some properties of material we
construct our pressure vessel is given below

Material machining Cold work Hot work casting welding Annealing

Stainless S S S D S 10500c
Table 6 Material selection 3

S – Satisfactory
D – Difficult, special technique needed
U – Unsatisfactory
When we conclude our material selection ,from our material of construction stainless
steel 18cr/8Ni, unstablized (304),it has good yield strength ,tensile strength, good fracture
toughness ,good resistance of temperature ,&has good resistance to corrosion & it can be
fabricated in different method except casting-because difficult & special technique needed

Material Tensile strength Modules of Hardness brinell Specific gravity

Stainless steel 510 190 166 8.0

Table 7 Revision of stainless steel


A welding joint is a permanent joint which is obtained by the fusion of the edges of the two parts
to be joined together with or without the application of pressure and a filler material. Welding is
extensively used in fabrication as an alternative method for casting or forging and as a
replacement for bolted and riveted joints.
Advantage of welding joint
 The welding structures are usually lighter than riveted structures.
 The welding joints provide maximum efficiency (may be 100%).
 Welding joint has prater strength.
 The welding provides very rigid joints.
 It is possible to weld any part of a structure at any point.

Welding processes

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

The welding processes may be broadly classified into the following two groups
1. Welding processes that use heat alone e.g. fusion welding
2. Welding processes that use a combination of heat and pressure

e.g. forge welding

Stress for welding joint
The stresses in welded joints are difficult to determine because of the variable and unpredictable
Parameters like homogeneity of the weld metal, thermal stresses in the welds, changes of
Properties due to high rate of cooling etc. The stresses are obtained, on the following
 The load is distributed uniformly along the entire length of the weld, and
 The stress is spread uniformly over its effective section

Chapter three
3.1 Calculate the sell thickness R [2]
To find the thickness of the pressure vessel which subjected to internal design
pressure of P=1.76MPa there are different equations and its corrosion allowance for

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

stainless steel 18Cr/8Ni is (2mm) from the table. There will be a minimum wall thickness
required to ensure that any vessel is sufficiently rigid to withstand its own weight, and any
incidental loads.
Where t = min. required thickness of shell, mm
P= internal design pressure, pa
R = inside radius of shell, mm
S = max. Allowable stress, Pa
E = joint efficiency (min)
C.A=corrosion allowance, mm


It means that the governing stress will be the circumferential stress (hoop stress) in the
long seam. For this it has to satisfy that P does not exceed 0.385SE .In which case we shall
use the following formulae for thickness of shell.

t = PR/ (SE -0.6P) + C.A


It means that the governing stress will be the longitudinal stress in the
circumferential joint. For this it has to satisfy that P does not exceed 1.25SE. Or if the
circumferential joint efficiency is less than ½ the longitudinal joint efficiency. In which case we
use the formula for thickness is
t = PR/ (2SE +0.4P) + C.A
Given P=1.76MPa
S= 107.558MPa
let’s use these two equation to fined the thickness of the pressure vessel and select the
smallest value of them because safety purposes. The weight of the pressure vessel can affect
the support leg.

 Case1 using
(a) Circumferential stress(longitudinal joint)
P ≤ 0.385SE
P ≤ 0.385*107.558MPa*1

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

1.76MPa ≤ 41.41MPa ---------------- (satisfied)
There for t=PR/ (SE-0.6P) + C.A
= (1.76MPa*0.5m)/ (107.558MPa*1 - 0.6*1.76MPa) + 0.002m

 case 2 using
(b) Longitudinal stress (circumferential stress)
P ≤ 1.25SE
P ≤ 1.25*107.558MPa*1
1.76MPa ≤ 134.45MPa ------------------ (satisfied)
There for t=PR/(2SE+0.4P) + C.A
= (1.76MPa*0.5m)/ (2*107.558MPa*1 + 0.4*1.76MPa) + 0.002m
t= 0.0061m=6.1mm
t=6.1mm --------------------------------------- (ans.)
And the smallest value is ts=10.3mm and for standard value let’s take t=6 mm.
Finally let’s fined the external radius and diameter
Ro =R+t=0.5m+0.006m
Ro =0.506m ---------------------------- (ans.)
Do=1.012m ------------------------- (ans.)

3.2 Review different type of head R [7]

There are different kinds of pressure vessel closed heads. Some of them are listed blow

a) Flanged head b) Hemispherical head

c) Elliptical head d) Tori spherical head
e) Conical head f) Ori conical head
Where P=internal design pressure
E=joint efficiency
R0= external radius
Ri=internal radius

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

S= allowable shear
tH=thickness of the head

A) Flanged head
Formed domed heads are made with a short straight cylindrical section, called a flange or
skirt. This ensures that the weld line is away from the point of discontinuity between the head
and the cylindrical section of the vessel.

B) ASMS hemispherical
The design thickness of hemispherical head is given by
t=PRi/ (2SE-0.2P)
C) ASMS elliptical head
The design thickness of elliptical head is given by
where D-shell diameter
K-stress intensity facto K= [1/6 + (a/b)2] a and b semi-
major, semi- miner axes of ellipse
D) ASMS Tori spherical head
The design thickness of Torispherical head is given by
t=PLM/ (2SE-0.2P) where L-spherical cross radiuses
M=1/4[1/3 + (L/r) 1/2] M-shear intensity factor
r-knuckle radiuses

E) ASMS conical head

The design thickness conical head is given by
t = PD/2cosα (SE-0.6P) where α- seim-apex angel

F) ASMS tori conical head

The design thickness toriconical head is given by
For conical region tc= PD/2cosα (SE-0.6P)
For Tori spherical region tk=PLM/ (2SE-0.2P)
M=1/4[1/3 + (L/r) 1/2] M- shear intensity factor
Design for head
My pressure vessel is vertical with hemispherical head in shape and 1.76MPa internal
design pressure is applied on it and it’s thickness is given blow

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

According on the two theory
1) thin-shell theory
S= (PR)/ (2t)
2) ‘’exact’’ theory
S= [PRi3/R30-R3i] [1+R30/2R3i]
Given values Ri=0.5m
1) thin-shell theory
S= (PR)/ (2t)
S= (1.76MPa*0.5m)/ (2*0.006m)
S=73.33MPa ---------------------------- (ans.)
2) ‘’exact’’ theory
S= [PRi3/ (R30-R3i)] [1+R30/2R3i]
S= [(1.76MPa*(0.5m) 3)/ (0.5063-0.53) m3] *[1 + (0.5063/2*0.53)]
S=73.32MPa ------------------- (ans.)
There for lets fined the head thickness and take the largest value for S=73.33MPa.

th= PRi/ (2SE-0.2P) + C.A

= (1.76MPa*500mm)/ (2*73.33MPa*1 – 0.2*1.76MPa) + 2mm
th = 11.25mm
The standard head thickness is 12mm

Chapter four
To join the head and shell I use butt walled joint. Joining of a plate unequal thickness
with butt weld, the thickness of the plate shall be tapered is more than 3.125mm (1/8in).

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

Fig 6.waldig type of head to shall
Thickness of head (th=12mm) and shell (ts=8mm), their deference (4mm) is greater than
3.125mm (1/8in) or 3.175mm.
l ≥ 3*y and y=4mm
l ≥ 12mm.


For selecting the standard dimension and material for the flange by applying the
American National Standard ANSI B16.5-1981 of temperature and pressure rating. The
given temperature is 400oC (752oF) and pressure is 1.6MPa (0.232KPSi).there for design
pressure lets change in to standard value which is 3.10MPa(450Psi).

Class 150lb.
Hydrostatic test/design pressure MPa(PSi) 3.10(450)
Temperature ,oC(oF) Maximum allowable non-shock pressure,
400(752) 0.651(94.4)
Table 8 Temperature pressure rating

We know that the flange is class 150lb and the material is Forged steel SA181 .I select
Welding-neck flanges, because have a long tapered hub between the flangering and the welded
joint. This gradual transition of the section reduces the discontinuity stresses between the flange
and branch, and increases the strength of the flange assembly. Welding-neck flanges are suitable
for extreme service conditions; where the flange is likely to be subjected to temperature, shear
and vibration loads. They will normally be specified for the connections and nozzles on process
vessels and process equipment.

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

There are 7 flange that I used for my pressure vessel their value is shown blow.
 Two longitudinal pipe with D=80mm(3.15in).
 One lateral pipe with D=80mm (3.15in).
 One bottom discharge D=25mm (1in)
 One sample opening D=25mm(1in)
 Temperature gage D=25mm(1in)
 Safety valve D=25mm(1in)
Table 9 150lb. Flanges standard ANSI B16.5

Nom Diamet Length Diameter Diameter Outside Thickness Outside Boltin

inal er of through the of the hub of the hub diameter of the diameter g
pipe the hub [C] at the at the base flange flange [J] the raised
size, bore, point of [G] [H] face [K]
mm( mm(in) welding
in) [A] [E]
80.0( 90.17(3 71.4375(2.8 101.6(4.0) 120.3125(4 215.9(8.5 23.8125(0. 139.7(5.5) M16
3.15) .55) 125) .8125) ) 9375)

25m 26.67(1 55.56(2.187 33.528(1.3 49.21(1.93 107.95(4. 14.287(0.5 50.8(2) M10

m(1) .05) 5) 2) 75) 25) 625)

fig 7.welding neck flange


The lode on the flange can be given as fallow
m=gasket factor
Pi=internal pressure of flange

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

B=in side diameter of a flange for each pipe
b=effective gasket selling width
2b=effective gasket pressure width
tf=thickness of flange
hd= (G + H – 2E)/4
hg= (H - G)/4
ht= (G + H)/4
G’=mane diameter of gasket
=B + (ht-hg)
Hg=gasket reaction forces (pressure forces)
=πG’ (2b) mPi
H=total pressure
= (π/4)G’2Pi
Hd=pressure force of area inside the flange
= (π/4) B2Pi
Ht=pressure for a flange face
=H - Hd
The moment on the flange is
Mop=Hd*hd + Ht*ht + Hg*hg
Let’s calculate the lode and moment

 There gasket factor width and internal pressure for the flange are the same
m=1.25, b=10mm and Pi=0.651MPa
hd= (G + H – 2E)/4
For 25mm= (49.21+107.95-2*33.528)mm/4=22.526mm
For 80mm = (120.3125+215.9-2*101.6)mm/4=33.25mm

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

hg= (H - G)/4
For 25mm= (107.95-49.21)mm/4=14.685mm
For 80mm= (215.9-120.3125)mm/4=23.89mm
For 25mm= (49.21+107.95)mm/4=39.29mm
For 80mm= (+133.5)mm/4=84.05mm
For 25mm=14.287mm
For 80mm=23.8125mm
For 25mm=26.67mm/2=13.335mm
For 80mm=90.17mm/2=45.09mm
G’=B + (ht - hg)
For 25mm=13.335mm + (39.29-14.685) mm=37.94mm
For 80mm=45.09mm + (84.05-23.89) mm=105.25mm
H= (π/4) G’2Pi
For 25mm= (π/4)(37.94mm)2*0.651MPa=735.979N
For 80mm = (π/4)(105.25)2*0.651MPa=5663.89N
Hd= (π/4) B2Pi
For 25mm= (π/4)(13.335mm)20.651MPa=90.92N
For 80mm = (π/4)(45.09mm)2*0.651MPa=1,039.516N
Ht =H-Hd
For 25mm= (735.979-90.92)N=645.06N
For 80mm= (5663.9-1039.516)N=4524.384N
Hg=πG’ (2b)mPi
For 25mm=π (37.94mm)(2*10mm)1.5*0.651MPa=2327.82N
For 80mm=π (105.25mm)(2*10mm)1.5*0.651MPa=6457.65N

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The moment is
Mop=Hd*hd + Ht*ht + Hg*hg
For 25mm pipe
For 80mm pipe
The minimum load required bolt load under the operating condition given by
Wm1=H + Hg
Wm1, 25mm=735.979 + 2327.82N=3063.799N
Wm1, 80mm=5663.89N + 6457.65N=12121.54N
The force and the momentum must be checked under the bolting up conditions. The
moment is given by
Where Wm2 is the bolt load required to sat the gasket, given by
Wm2= yπG’b
y=gasket sating pressure (stress) =2.8MPa
Wm2, 25mm=2.8MPaπ37.94mm*10mm=3,337.37N

B) Flange stress R [2] and R [3]

Flange stress are given by
Longitudinal hub stress
Radial flange stress

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Tangential flange stress
σtg=F3M - F4σrd
where M is taken as Mop/B’ or Matm/B’, whichever is the greater; and the factors F1, F2, F3
and F4 are functions of the flange type and dimensions, and are obtained as followed

F1= 1/λ gt2

gt= (G-A)/2
λ=δ + γ
d= (u/v) hogo2
ho= (B’go)1/2=(B’J)1/2
=(u/v) (B’J)1/2J2 B’=(G-A)/2
F2=β/λt2 t=thickness of the flange=J
F3=y/t2 y=(1-v2)u
F4=z z=k-factoer
K=A’/B’ A’= (H-G)/2 and B’=(G-A)/2


And from R[3] we find this table

Nominal pipe K T Z Y, MPa(Psi) U
25 2.6 1.31 1.35 (2.17) 2.38
80 3.17 1.16 1.22 (1.77) 1.94
Table 10 value of (K, T, Z, Y and U)

Y-gasket seating design stress

 Let’s find the value of (e)
e=F/ho =F/(B’J)1/2

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Let’s find the value of F (in y-axis) by using ASME code, section viii, Dev x-axis g1/go(or
B’/J) and (**)

h/ho(or (C-J)/(B’*J)1/2)
After calculating of this value we fined F for each flange
And the values are shown blow.

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And let’s find (α and β)
α25mm=10mm (0.0512/mm)+1=1.512
α80mm=10mm (0.0406/mm)+1=1.41
β25mm=1.333*10mm (0.0512/mm)+1=1.682
β80mm=1.333*10mm (0.0406/mm)+1=1.541
And γ will be
lets find the value of v from ASME code Viii Div. 1 using by the value of (**) and it will
v80mm= 0.275
d will be
d25mm = (2.38/0.2)(11.27mm*14.287mm)1/2(14.287mm)2
d80mm = (1.16/0.27)(15.07mm*23.8125mm)1/2(23.8125mm)2
The value of δ will be
δ25mm = (10mm)3/30822.05mm3
δ80mm = (10mm)3/46149.11mm3
Let’s find the value of λ
λ25mm = 0.0324+1.154=1.186
λ80mm= 0.0216+1.215=1.236
y will be
y25mm = (1-0.22)2.38=2.28
y80mm = (1-0.272) 1.94=1.798
gt will be

Nominal Dia. F1(1/mm2) F2 (1/mm2) F3(1/mm2) F4

25 0.00664 0.01418 0.0228 1.35
80 0.00332 0.01162 0.01798 1.22
Table 11 value of the constant

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To find the stress on the flange we must the value of the moment M and it is the largest of
them(Mop/B’ or Matm/B’). And it is given blow
Nominal diameter(mm) Mop, Nmm Matm(Nm)
25 615765.65 49.009
80 569195.69 240.532

There for M=Mop/B’ the stress is

For 25mm=0.00664(1/mm2) (615765.65Nmm/11.27mm)
For 80mm=0.00332(1/mm2) (569195.69Nmm/15.07mm)

σrd = F2M
For 25mm=0.01418(1/mm2)( 615765.65Nmm/11.27mm)
For 80mm=0.0134(1/mm2) ( 569195.69Nmm/15.07mm)
σtg =F3M-F4σrd
For 25mm=0.0228(1/mm2) (615765.65Nmm/11.27mm)-
For 80mm = 0.01798(1/mm2) (569195.69Nmm/15.07mm)-
= 61.65MPa
The flange must be sized so that the stresses given by equations satisfy the following
criteria: when ffo=102.04MPa (14.8KPSi) is the maximum allowable design stress for the flange
material at the operating conditions.
σhb> 1.5ffo
F0r 80mm 336.96MPa > 153.06MPa---- (satisfied)

For 25mm 774.76MPa >102.02MPa ------- (satisfied)

For 80mm 506.11MPa > 102.04MPa ------ (satisfied)
0.5(σhb+σrd) >ffo
For 25mm 568.775MPa > 102.04MPa --- (satisfied)
For 80mm 315.75MPa > 102.04MPa --- (satisfied)

0.5(σhb+σtg) >ffo
For 80mm 281.3MPa > 102.04MPa --- (satisfied)

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The bolt spacing must be selected to give a uniform compression of the gasket. It will
not normally be less than 2.5 times the bolt diameter, to give sufficient clearance for tightening
with a wrench or spanner. The following formula can be used to determine the maximum bolt
From the table the material [SA-193-B7] and maximum allowable stress(fb) for the bolt is
The minimum bolt area is given by
Where Wm greatest of Wm1or Wm2
Nominal Dia.(mm) Wm1(N) Wm2(N)
25 3063.799 3337.37
80 12121.54 9258.27
Table 12 material [SA-193-B7]

For 25mm =3337.37N/172.37N/ mm2=19.37mm2
For 80mm =12121.54N/172.37N/ mm2=70.3mm2
The bolt spacing must be selected to give a uniform compression of the gasket. It will
not normally be less than 2.5 times the bolt diameter, to give sufficient clearance for tightening
with a wrench or spanner. The following formula can be used to determine the maximum bolt

Pb=2db+6tf/ (m+0.5)
Where Pb-bolt pitch (spacing), mm
db- bolt diameter, mm
tf-flange thickness, mm
m-Gasket factor, 1.25
Pb will be
For 25mm
For 80mm

Chapter five
To find the thickness of the nozzle

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tn=PR/ (SE-0.6P) + C.A

Where tn-thickness of the flange

P-maximum allowable
E-joint efficiency (E=1)
S-maximum allowable stress
R-internal radius of the pipe
C.A-corrosion allowance
For our nozzle we selects SA-106-B from the table and S=83.63MPa (13.0KPSi).
Nominal Dia. (mm) P, MPa(PSi) C.A, mm(in) Radius(mm)
25 21.36 (3099) 4.76(3/16) 12.5
80 24.44 (3546) 3.17(1/8) 40
Table 13 Material SA-106-B

tn will be
tn, 25mm=[(21.36MPa*12.5mm)/(83.63MPa*1- 0.6*21.36MPa)]+4.76mm


The “equal area method” is the simplest method used for calculating the amount of
reinforcement required, and is allowed in most design codes and standards. The principle used is
to provide reinforcement local to the opening, equal in cross-sectional area to the area removed
in forming the opening. If the actual thickness of the vessel wall is greater than the minimum
required to resist the loading, the excess thickness can be taken into account when estimating the
area of reinforcement required. Similarly with a branch connection, if the wall thickness of the
branch or nozzle is greater than the minimum required, the excess material in the branch can be
taken into account. Any corrosion allowance must be deducted when determining the excess
thickness available as compensation. The standards and codes differ in the areas of the branch
and shell considered to be effective for reinforcement, and should be consulted to determine the
actual area allowed and the disposition of the various types of reinforcement. For branch
connections of small diameter the reinforcement area can usually be provided by increasing the
wall thickness of the branch pipe. Some design codes and standards do not require compensation
for connections below 89 mm (3 in.) diameter. If anything, the equal area method tends to over-
estimate the compensation required and in some instances the additional material can reduce the
fatigue life of the vessel. More sophisticated methods for determining the compensation required
have been introduced into the latest editions of the codes and standards. The equal-area method
is generally used for estimating the increase in thickness required to compensate for multiple

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First calculate the reinforcement area.
A=D*t*F where tr-shell thickness=0.64((D+tn) tn)1/2
F-correction factor=1
D-diameter of the pipe
tn-nozzle material thickness
E-joint efficiency=1
t-Shell material thickness= (for shell 12mm or for head 6mm)

By taking A1 as the largest of the A11 or A12 calculating the reinforcement area of the
A11 = (Et-F*tr)D and A12=2(E*t-F*tr)*(t + tn)

A11, 25mm= (1*12mm-1*6.42mm) 25mm=139.5mm2

A12, 25mm=2(1*12mm-1*6.42mm) (12mm+3.53mm) =173.31mm2
A11, 80mm = (1*80mm-1*12.43mm) 80mm=5405.6mm2
A12, 80mm =2(1*80mm-1*12.43mm) (12mm+4.47mm) =2225.75mm2
There for A1 (reinforcement in shell) will be the largest value of (A11 or A12)
A1, 25mm=173.31mm2
A1, 80mm=5405.6mm2
By taking A2 as the smaller of A11 or A22 and calculate the available nozzle wall.
A21= (tn-trn)5t and A22=2(tn - trn)(2.5tn-te) , te=0(no pad) , trn= PR/(SE-0.6P)
A21, 25mm=(3.53mm-0.268mm)5*12mm=195.72mm2
A22, 25mm=2(3.53mm-0.268mm)(2.5*3.53mm-0)=57.57mm2
A21, 80mm=(4.47mm-0.895mm)5*12mm=214.5mm2
A22, 80mm=2(4.47mm-0.895mm)(2.5*4.47mm-0)=79.9mm2
A2 will be

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A2, 25mm=195.72mm2
A2, 80mm=214.5mm2 total
A25mm, total = (173.31+195.72) mm2=369.03mm2
A80mm, total = (5405.6+214.5) mm2=5620.1mm2

Nominal Dia.(mm) Atotal(mm2) A(mm2)

25 369.03 300
80 5620.1 960

Atotal > A so it is adequately reinforced.


All pressure vessels for use with compressed air and those subject to internal corrosion, erosion
or mechanical abrasion, shall be provided with suitable manhole, hand hole, or other inspection
openings for examination and cleaning. The required inspection openings shown in the table
below are selected from the alternatives allowed by the Code, UG46, as they are considered to be
the most economical. The inside diameter of my pressure vessel is 1m(39.37in).
According to the diameter its manhole recommended is 381mm (15in).
Di mm(in) Inspection opening required, mm(in)
1000(39.37) 381(15)



As we are treating methanator as a thin cylinder so the values of hoop stress &
longitudinal stress are calculated as under
Therefore radial stresses are ignored (very small) so we consider the following
primary membrane stresses
(a)Hoop Stresses and (b) Longitudinal Stresses
S1= PiDi /2t

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= (1.6MPa) (1000mm) / 2(12mm)
= 66.6MPa

S2= PiDi/ 4t
= (1.6MPa) (1000mm) / 4(12mm)
= 33.3MPa
As hoop stress is greater so design is based on hoop stress.


it is assumed that weight of the vessel and its attachments results in
compressive stress only & eccentricity doesn’t exist and the resulting force
coincides with the axis of the vessel.
The weight shall be calculated for the various conditions of the tower as follows.
A. Erection weight
B. Operating weight
C. Test weight
The compressive stress due to the weight is given by
S = W / ct --------------------------------------------- (a)
Where S = unit stress, MPa
W = weight of vessel above the section under consideration, N
c = circumference of shell or skirt on the mean diameter, mm
t = thickness of shell or skirt, mm
The weights of different vessel elements are given in the tables attached.

1) SHELL=ρ shell* V shell *g
2) HEADS = ρ head* V head *g
3)FLANGES (6) = n* (SIZE) = 4*mflange*g=4*4350Kg*9.82m/s2

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ERECTION WEIGHT=458.38KN---------------(ans.)
Which include the weight of the erection + operating liquid
WEIGHT FOR OPERATING LIQUID = ρliquid*vpressure vessel*g
= 800Kg/m3*0.25m3*9.82m/s2
Total weight=1.96KN + 458.38KN=460.34KN------ (ans.)


Putting values in the formula (a)
Where, c = π * D mean = 3.14 *1000mm =3140mm
t = 12mm
Sw = 460.34KN/(3140mm*12mm) =12.2MPa (compressive)----------(1)


Towers under wind pressure are considered as uniformly loaded cantilever beams.
The computation of wind is based on standard ANSI A58.1-1982. Where terrain features and
local records indicate that 50 years at standard height are higher than those shown in the map,
those higher values shall be the minimum basic wind speed.
The minimum basic wind speed for determining design wind pressure shall be taken
from the map of wind speed. Design wind pressure shall be determined by the following
F=wind lode=q*G*Cf* A
P = qs*G*CfA/A=q*G*Cf
Where, P= Design wind pressure, MPa
q = Wind stagnation pressure at the standard height of 9.144m (30 feet) as tabulated:

Basic wind speed, 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

mph, V
Pressure PSf, q 13 17 21 26 31 37 44

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Table 14 wind pressure

Cf = Pressure coefficient (shape factor):

Round or elliptical towers----------------------------0.8

G = Combined height, exposure and gust factor coefficient as tabulated:

Coefficient G
Height above ground, ft. Exposure C Exposure B

0-20 1.2 0.7

20-40 1.3 0.8
40-60 1.5 1.0
60-100 1.6 1.1
100-150 1.8 1.3
150-200 1.9 1.4
Table 15 Coefficient of C and B

Exposure C---------------------The most severe exposure

Exposure B ---------------------Intermediate exposure
For the methanator we will take a wind speed of 112.7Km/hr(70mph), so the value of
qs =0.089MPa (13psf)
Cf = 0.8-------------------------For circular vessel
G = 1.3 ---------------Intermediate exposure & vessel height of 5.524m(18.1ft)
There for the value of wind pressure using the above formula will be;
P = 0.09256MPa
We will take the wind pressure 0.09MPa.


Shear V= Pw*D1*H

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Moment at base M=Pw*D1*H*h1

Moment at height h(t) Mt = M- ht{V-0.5PwD1ht}

Stress S= 12M / R2*π*t

Table 16 Formula

Where, D1= width of the vessel with insulation, 1.06m=1060mm

E = Efficiency of the welded joints = 1.0
h1= lever arm, ft = H / 2 = 2.762m=2762mm
ht = distance from base to section under consideration, 1.381m=1381mm
H = length of vessel section, 5.524m=5524mm
M = Maximum moment (at the base), Nm
Mt= Moment at height h t, Nm
Pw= Wind pressure, 0.089MPa
R = Mean radius of vessel, 0.5m=500mm
S = Stress due to wind, MPa =?
V = Total shear, N
t = Thickness of shell excluding corrosion, 12mm
The values of shear, moment at base & moment at skirt joint are calculated as under and then the
stress developed in response to the moment M(t) using the formulae listed in the table above. By
putting the values of the parameters listed above for methanator

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Shear V = 0.09N/mm2*1060mm*5524mm

V = 526.98KN
Moment (at base) M = 0.09N/mm2*1060mm*5524mm*2762mm
M =1455.5KNm
Moment at head to skirt joint
Mt = 1455545275Nmm – 1381mm{526989N – 0.5*0.09N/mm2*1381mm*1060mm}
Mt = 818.74kNm
Stress due to wind = 12*M / (R)2*π*t
=12*1455.5KNm/ (0.5m)2*π*0.03m
= 370.65KPa------------ (tensile)


As a result of wind tall towers develop vibration. The period of vibration should
be limited, since large natural periods of vibration can lead to fatigue failure. The allowable
period has been computed from the maximum permissible deflection.

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Period of vibration, T sec T=0.0000265(H / D)2*(w*D /t)½
Maximum allowable period of vibration, Ta Ta=0.80(WH /Vg) ½s
Table 17 Formula for time of vibration

Where, D = Outside diameter of vessel, 1.006m=1006mm

H = Length of vessel including skirt, 5.524m=5524mm
g = 9.82m / sec2 gravitational acceleration
t = Thickness of skirt at the base, 10mm
V = Total shear = ZICW/Rw (calculated ahead)=118.1KN
W= Weight of tower, =460.34KN
w= weight of tower per mater of height, = 83.33KN
Putting values to get period of vibration for methanator
T = 0.0000265(5.524/1.06) 2*(83.33*1.06/0.01) ½
T = 0.085 sec
Now allowable period of vibration
Ta = 0.80 {W*H / V*g} ½
Ta = 0.52sec
As ‘T’ is less than ‘Ta’ hence the condition is satisfied


The loading condition of the tower under seismic forces is similar to that of the
cantilever beam when the load increases uniformly towards the free end.

Shear Moment
V=ZICW/Rw M=[FtH+(V-Ft)(2H /3)]

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Mx= M(x/H)
Where C= Numerical coefficient=1.25S/T2/3
= 1.25*1/ (0.126)2/3 = 4.96
Rw=Numerical coefficient (use 2.9 for vessels)
E = Efficiency of welded joints = 1.0
Ft= Total horizontal seismic force at the top of the vessel, 0N(because T < 0.7)
= 0.07TV (Ft shall not exceed 0.25V)
= 0, for T < 0.7
H =Length of vessel including skirt, 5.524m=5524mm
I = Occupancy importance coefficient (use 1.0 for vessels)
K = Horizontal force factor (use 2.0 for vessels)
M = Maximum moment at the base, Nm
Mx= Moment at distance x, Nm
S = Numerical coefficient for site structure resonance= 1.0
The product CS shall not exceed 0.14
W = Weight of the vessel, 460.34KN
Z = Seismic factor = 0.15
Shear = (0.15*1*4.9*460.34KN)/2.9

V = 118.1KN
Ft = 0.07*T*V =0.07*0.085*118.1KN=702.69N
0.25V = 259.65N

As condition is that Ft should not exceed 0.25V so it is satisfied for methanator

Therefore Moment
M = [702.69*5.524 + (526.98-702.69)*(2*5.524/3)]
M =1937.4KNm
Moment at skirt to head joint
Mt = M(x/H) where x=H/3=5.524m/3=1.841m

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= 1937.4KNm*(1.841m/5.524m)
= 645.68KNm

Therefore stress due to earthquake

Seq = 12* Mt / R2 *π* t
= 12*645.98KNm/ (0.5)2*π*0.012

The stresses induced by the previously described loadings shall investigate in
combination to establish the governing stresses. It is assumed that wind and earthquake loads do
not occur simultaneously
Thus the tower should be designed for either wind or earthquake load
Whichever is greater?
In case of methanator the stress due to internal pressure is the hoop stress (membrane
stresses), the stress due to earthquake (greater) & stress due to weight (compressive) is
Combination of stresses will be as follows
+stress due to earthquake

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+stress due to internal pressure
-stress due to weight
From the previous calculations putting the values of stresses
Combined stress at the head to skirt joint on the vessel in operating conditions =876.77MPa

The governing stress will be tensile as shown by the positive sign, which is lesser than
allowable stress of the given material at that particular temperature
Therefore the design is safe.


Fabrication and welding method of the pressure vessel is based on the economic aspects of the
shell and the head. I used for the fabrication of the head and the shell by using but joint welding
for the contacting of the shall and head. We know that the martial for the pressure vessel is
stainless steel 18Cr/8Ni type 304 and its length is 2m by 1m and this stainless steel are joining by
but welding joint.
Shall fabrication Shell is fabricated by rolling the sheet of stainless steel and welds it
together to get the cylindrical shape of the vessel by using but weld joint.
Head fabrication
Head shall is fabricated by making it in to different parts and by using butt
Welding joint

Vessel design is a specialized subject, and will be carried out by Mechanical Engineers who are
conversant with the current design codes and practice , and methods of stress analysis. The word
"DESIGN" does not mean only the calculation of the detailed dimensions of a member, but
rather is an all-inclusive term, incorporating

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The project design is considering all criteria for a good quality and life time of the pressure
vessel. For this reasons the design done by considering the following and have long life and our
design are safe. This are:
 Thickness of vessel column
 Standard flange, material selection,
 Internal pressure
 Support skirt etc…
Therefore if we concerning the above information our design is safe.


R [1]-Coulson and Richardson’s, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Volume 6

R [3]-PRESSURE VESLL DESIGN MANUAL, 3rd Edition, BY Dennis Moss
Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page
R [4]-CHEMICAL ENGNEER’S HANDBOOK, Robert H.Berry and Don W.Geern
R [5]-Material science and Engineering,7th Edition, By William D.callister Jr.
R [6]-STANDARED HANDBOOK OF MACHINE DESIGN, by (Joseph E.shigey, Charles
R.mischke and Thomass H.brown)

 From previous adama university data

 Internet access

Prepared by Meseret Abrahaley and Kokeb Welay Page

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