Re-Discovery of A Lost Zone Through Successful Carbonate Rock Solids Cleanout in Open-Hole Section Using Coiled Tubing

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Re-Discovery of a Lost Zone Through Successful Carbonate Rock Solids

Cleanout in Open-Hole Section Using Coiled Tubing

Abdullah Al-Ibrahim, Haifa Al-Bader, S. Packirisamy, Vidya Sagar, and A. Manimaran, KOC

Copyright 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Kuwait Oil & Gas Show and Conference held in Kuwait City, Kuwait, 15-18 October 2017.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may
not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

Objectives / Scope: The objective of this paper is to present an uncommon challenge of formation
solids production from open-hole section while testing and completing deep HPHT carbonate formations
and successful application of coiled tubing technique for effective wellbore cleanouts to rediscover the
exploratory well.
Method, Procedures, Process: A discovery of oil and gas from a new field was lost because of well
complications during well completion operation. Re-entry was made in the existing exploratory well to
reactivate the discovered zone since the zone of interest could not be cased due to drilling complications
and completed the well in 3-7/8" open-hole section for production purposes. Open-hole completions are
difficult to manage due to the various stabilizing and destabilizing factors. While tubing check by slick line
it has been found that the well was filled with sludge/solids up to the kick of point (15,830 ft). Deeper,
deviated and open-hole well presents challenging task of carrying out interventions to unlock the reservoir
potential. Cleaning of rock solids in the open-hole section in this deviated well is more challenging and
critical which requires new methodology in order to achieve effective well bore cleaning.
Carbonate formation solids production is different from the common problem of sand production from the
unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs. As there is possibility of solid production from the open-hole section,
a methodology for cleaning of solid fill in open-hole section using 1-1/5 inch coiled tubing with modified
jetting tool was applied. While circulating 1.5 ppg brine to clean out fill, the well became active.
Results, Observations, Conclusions: The uncommon problem of formation solid production was managed
well within the available resources. Mechanical restriction in a highly deviated and open-hole section was
cleared successfully by using coiled tubing intervention to improve efficiency, reduce cost, reduce operating
time and allow early production. The lost discovery was rediscovered by overcoming all challenges. During
production phase it was observed that the solid plugging in production tubing is occurring frequently in
this case study well. The solid production problem faced during testing was re-evaluated and the risks are
properly addressed in future well test procedure.
2 SPE-187656-MS

Novel / Additive Information: This paper addresses the relevant testing, completion, solid cleaning and
production issues and discusses the solutions arrived at. This paper also details the application of CT in
open-hole well bore cleaning, post cleaning well performance, and lessons learned. The best practice applied
in this discovery well will be useful for the future exploratory/delineation wells planned to be drilled in
similar reservoir.

An exploratory well was drilled to a depth of 17,980 ft. in a new structure located in West Kuwait field
to explore the hydrocarbon potential. Middle Marrat was the primary target where as Najmah and Sargelu
formations were the secondary targets. The casing design comprises of one conductor casing string, three
intermediate surface casing, and two liner casing strings tied back to surface and one liner string hanged
against primary target zone. Based on the observations while drilling, subsequent analysis of Electro logs,
core data and mud logs, few zones were identified to be tested in Jurassic formations.
The target zone of Marrat formation was against the 5 inch corrosion resistant alloy (CRA) liner. The
zone was tested with DST and oil and gas were discovered from this new structure. The well was perforated
in underbalanced condition with TCP guns and was tested with cased hole Drill Stem Testing (DST). Coiled
tubing is used during well testing for displacement of kill fluids to achieve under balance prior to perforation,
well activation, stimulation and well killing operations. High Pressure Coiled Tubing (HPCT) is required
for deep and high pressure wells.
Access to the discovered zone was lost because of complications during further testing operations. Re-
entry was made in the existing exploratory well by side tracking to revive the discovered zone. Finally the
well was completed with 3-7/8 inch open hole (OH) section against the discovered zone. During retesting the
well produced oil and gas with formation solids. Existing open hole section has wellbore stability problems
during production.
Experience gained from open hole section, challenges encountered during solid cleaning / production
and safe practices followed will be discussed in this paper.

Formation properties
Lower Jurassic Formations mainly consist of Limestone with low porosity and permeability. Middle Marrat
formation in lower Jurassic section is the main hydrocarbon bearing formation with some presence of natural
fractures. Pressure of this deep reservoir ranges from 10,500 psi to 4,500 psi and temperature ranges from
250 to 300 deg F. The Deep and High Pressure carbonate reservoirs are generally drilled with high density
Oil Base Mud (OBM) from 17 to 20.8 ppg.

Challenges expected to be present during testing deep exploratory wells with slim open hole section are;

• Wellbore stability in open hole section

• Unconsolidated formation

• High pressure reservoir (> 10,000 psi),

• High mud weight (17 to 20.8 ppg)

• Solid production/plugging during well testing,

• Limit on CT injection pressure above 10,000 psi and pulling load.

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Production of solids from deep carbonate reservoir imposes a new challenge for coiled tubing (CT)
operations, which is different from the common problem of sand production from the unconsolidated sand
stone reservoirs. In some wells, Drill stem test (DST) string got plugged with formation solids and coiled
tubing stuck during well testing operations. These challenges and extreme well conditions has put some
limitation on the required operations.

Discovery well
The primary target zone in this case study exploratory well is tested with Drill stem test (DST) assembly
and perforated the target interval in underbalance condition using tubing conveyed perforating (TCP) gun
hanger as shown in Fig – 01. There was no flow after perforating the well in underbalanced condition.
Coiled tubing was used to displace the remaining mud in the wellbore with diesel. The well didn't show any
improvement. The solvent (Mud Clean) could not be squeezed at 10,000psi into the formation. The break
down Acid (15% HCl) was spotted with CT and squeezed into the formation at maximum injection rate
0.84 bpm @ 7600 psi pressure. The well was opened for clean up after reaction time. The well flowed good
quantity of oil and gas with 1-3% water cut. PLT was performed with shut in survey followed by flowing
survey to determine the production profile and zonal phase contributions along the perforation interval and
to determine the source of water. Bottom hole pressure and temperature recorded during flowing survey
are 5179 psi and 277.4 deg F, respectively. The PLT survey result shows that 83% of the total hydrocarbon
production is coming from the upper part of the perforated intervals and water production is coming from
the lower part of the perforation as shown in Fig – 03. The discovered zone was isolated by setting EZSV
plug and placing cement on top of EZSV plug for testing secondary target zone which is on top of the
primary target.
4 SPE-187656-MS

Figure 01—Initial completion well schematic complication

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Figure 02—Re-completion in OH section schematic

6 SPE-187656-MS

Figure 03—PLT result after discovery

The secondary target test interval was perforated in dynamic underbalance condition using tubing conveyed
perforating (TCP) gun and tested with Drill stem test (DST) assembly. After perforation there was no flow,
so acid stimulation was carried out. After activation and stimulation the well showed no influx. However,
the well was plugged with formation solids. It was decided to call off the test and recomplete the well in
the primary target zone.
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During recompletion operation the well showed multiple kicks and losses. Five cement plugs were placed
for controlling mud losses and gains. 1483 bbls of 17-20 ppg cement slurry was pumped into the well during
cement squeeze job to control losses. Caliper log showed that hole size is 6.88 inch (Actual ID is 6.125 inch)
at 16,080 ft depth. Gyro Survey was recorded. Max inclination was 3.32 deg @ 15,710 ft. It was observed
that the well was unintentionally side tracked, so it was decided to continue drilling the side tack section.
The side tracked hole was drilled to 16,261 ft 24,000 bbls of 17.5 to 21 ppg oil based mud was lost in
the well. Overcoming all difficulties the side tracked hole was drilled 16,261 ft. 5 inch liner was lowered
at 16,261 ft and cemented. 3 7/8 inch hole was drilled up to 16,785 ft to reach the target zone. The primary
target zone in 3-7/8 inch open-hole was completed with 3-1/2 inch tubing and PBR seal assembly as shown
in Fig – 02 for production purposes. The zone of interest could not be cased due to drilling complications
faced during recompletion.
Nowadays, many wells are being completed as open hole completions. This technique offers large flow
area, when compared to cemented and perforated completions. But pressure drawdown may cause hole
collapse and solid production problem which will restrict the production rate. Existing open hole section in
the primary target formation encountered wellbore stability problems.

Rigless testing
Coiled tubing was used to displace the well bore mud with diesel. While circulating out remaining mud in
the well, the well became active. The well was flowed through separator for rate measurements. Main acid
treatment was attempted. While pumping Main acid there was no injectivity up to 9,500 psi. Slick line run
found obstruction at 15,830 ft. While lowering coiled tubing for cleaning found obstruction at 15,709 ft and
cleared the obstruction by pumping water. Found obstruction again at 15,815 ft and cleared the obstruction
by circulating water. Found obstruction again at 16,111 ft which could not be cleared with water circulation.
Sample was collected @ 16,123 ft using Slick Line. Lab results shows that the collected sample is basically
organic that can be washed or cleaned by using plain water and the remaining sample can be dissolved by
using Non Acidic Reagent Solvents (NARS). Based on the lab results coiled tubing cleaning was attempted
but the well fill could not get cleared by circulating diesel and NARS.
Planned for cleaning the fill using jet blaster tool on coiled tubing with brine circulation. Accordingly
run in Coiled tubing with jet blaster tool bottom-hole assembly and cleared the fill till well TD, 16785 ft,
by pumping brine @ 1.1 bpm. While clearing the obstruction observed return of big size formation solids
and cement cuttings at surface in slugs. While circulating out fill by diesel the well became active. The flow
was diverted to the nearest production facility. Flow rates were measured through separator. The production
rate was almost equal to the initial production rate but that could not be sustained due to solid production
problem. During production phase it was observed that the solid plugging in production tubing is occurring
frequently in this case study well. The well ceased to flow because of solid accumulation in open-hole
section. Later, Tubing Check on Slick Line, 2.25 inch DDB got held up at 16,288 ft. Released the stuck up
and collected sample for analysis.
Lab test results of sample collected(as shown in Fig – 04) from this case study well infer that it mainly
composed of some Fe2 (CO3)2, salts with slightly organics materials. Based on the lab result remedial
action needs to be implemented for sustained production.
8 SPE-187656-MS

Figure 04—Sample images of sample collected during test

➢ Discovery from this new structure opened up a new opportunity for exploration and production of
oil and gas from untapped reserves in Kuwait.
➢ The long-term testing of this well is key in understanding the reserves potential in the Marrat
➢ The uncommon problem of formation solid production was managed well within the available
resources. Mechanical restriction in a highly deviated and open-hole section was cleared successfully
by using coiled tubing intervention.
➢ To prevent unwanted solids production, existing open-hole section suspected posing potential
wellbore stability problems, well is to be recompleted with slotted 3 ½ inch tubing for getting
sustained production from this discovery well.
➢ The solid production problem faced during testing was re-evaluated and the risks are properly
addressed to manage future wells properly.

The authors acknowledge Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) and Ministry of Oil (MoO) for granting permission
to publish this paper. The authors also would like to extend their appreciation to Exploration Group, Prospect
Evaluation Team, Deep Drilling Group, Well surveillance group and service companies for their support
during well testing operations.

API American Petroleum Institute standard
BHA Bottom-hole assembly
BHP Bottom-hole pressure
BHT Bottom-hole temperature
BPM Barrel per minute
CCL Casing collar locator
CO2 Carbon dioxide
SPE-187656-MS 9

CT Coiled Tubing
CRA Corrosion Resistant Alloy
DDB Drive down Bailer
DD Drilled depth
DST Drill stem test
Ft Feet
GR Gamma Ray
H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
HCl Hydrochloric Acid
HPCT High Pressure Coiled Tubing
HPHT High pressure high temperature
ID Internal diameter
KOC Kuwait oil company
MD Measured depth
MoO Ministry of oil
N2 Nitrogen
NACE National association of corrosion engineers
OBM Oil based mud
OD Outer Diameter
OH Open hole
NARS Non Acidic Reagent Solvents
Lbs Pounds
Ppg Pound per gallon
Prodn Production
PBR Polished bore receptacle
PBTD Plug back total depth
PPG Pounds per gallon
PLT Production Logging Tool
POOH Pulling out of hole
RIH Run in hole
RST Reservoir Saturation Tool
TCP Tubing Conveyed Perforation
TD Target depth
TVD True vertical depth
W/c Water cut
WBM Water based mud

1. SPE paper titled " Successful Discovery of Light Oil from an Unsuccessful Paleozoic Well
through re-entry - A case study of HPHT well " presented at the SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition held in Denver, Colorado, USA, 30 October–2 November 2011.
Authors : Haifa Al-Bader, Yousef Zaid Al-Salali, Vidya Sagar Duggirala, Ayyavoo Manimaran,
Packirisamy Subban, Kuwait Oil Company, KOC.
2. SPE paper " Using E-Coiled Tubing for Production Logging While N2 Lifting in Horizontal/
Deviated Exploratory Well " presented at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and
Conference held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 7–10 November 2016. Authors : Abdullah Al-Ebrahim,
10 SPE-187656-MS

Haifa Al-Bader, Abdul Razzaq Al-Nabhan, Vidya Sagar Duggirala, Ayyavoo Manimaran,
Packirisamy Subban, Kuwait oil Company, KOC.
3. SPE paper " Successful DST Methodology Adopted in Highly deviated, Deep, Sour & HPHT
Exploratory well: A Case Study " presented at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition
and Conference held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 10–13 November 2014. Authors :
Abdulla Al-Ibrahim, Haifa Al-Bader, Yousef Al-Salali, Vidya sagar Duggriala, Manimaran
Ayyayo, Packirisamy Subban, Kuwait Oil Company (KOC).
4. SPE Paper, " Challenges in Testing and Completion of Highly Sour HPHT Reservoir in the State
of Kuwait " presented at the SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Exhibition held in Manama,
Bahrain, 10–13 March 2013. Authors : Yousef Al-Salali, Haifa Al-Bader, Vidya Sagar Duggirala,
Ayyavoo Manimaran, Packirisamy Subban, Abdullah Al-Ibrahim, Anupam Rajkhowa, Kuwait oil
company (KOC).
5. IPTC Paper, " How to Manage CT operations in Hostile environment: Field Case Studies on
CT Challenges in Deep HPHT High Sour Carbonate Formations " presented in International
Petroleum Technology Conference held in Doha, Qatar, 20–22 January 2014. Authors :
Packirisamy Subban, Haifa Al-Bader, Yousef Al-Salali, Duggirala Vidya sagar, Ayyoo
Manimaran, Abdulla Read Al-Ibrahim, A nupam Rajkhowa, Kuwait Oil Company (KOC).
6. SPE paper titled " Surmounting The Challenges Leads To Discovery Of New Field In Deep
Jurassic Formation. : A case study " presented at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum
Exhibition & Conference held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 11–14 November 2012. Authors : Abdullah
Reda Al-Ibrahim, Vidya Sagar Duggirala, Manimaran Ayyavoo, Yousef Zaid Al-Salali,
Packirisamy Subban, Anwar Ibrahim, Kuwait Oil Company, KOC.
7. SPE paper titled " Successful Downhole Sampling in HPHT Extreme Sour Exploratory Wells
Using DST Sampler.-Case studies " presented at the SPE Middle East Oil & Gas Show and
Conference held in Manama, Bahrain, 8–11 March 2015. Authors : Yousef Al-Salali, Haifa Al-
Bader, Abdullah Al-Ibrahim, Packirisamy Subban, Anupam Rajkhowa, Vidya Sagar Duggirala,
Manimaran Ayyavoo, Kuwait Oil Company, KOC.
8. SPE paper titled " Re-Discovery of a Lost Zone Through Successful Carbonate Rock Solids
Cleanout in Open-Hole Section Using Coiled Tubing" was presented at the SPE Middle East Oil
& Gas Show and Conference held in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, 6–9 March 2017. Authors:
Abdullah Al-Ibrahim, Haifa Al-Bader, Packirisamy Subban, Vidya Sagar Duggirala, Manimaran
Ayyavoo, Kuwait Oil Company, KOC.
9. Internal well test reference reports / booklets of Kuwait oil company (KOC).
10. Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) Exploration Reference Manual.
11. KOC – GE – 11 : Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Procedure for Exploration, Drilling &
Work over Operations
12. KOC – GE – 14 : Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Procedure for Well Surveillance
13. Contractor well test reports and procedures related to well testing and coiled tubing operations.

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