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1. State your own view of teaching as a career.

Teaching is noble occupation in our society since it declared as eminent profession among
other career and there’s a lot of thing that teaching could be does. It can change the attitude,
knowledge and different aspect of life of students and produced a good outcome. Teaching as
a profession requires a great deal of responsibility. It is pretty hard profession since it takes a lot
of time to master the lesson, just to educate the students and help them to develop not even
the moral characters and also the abilities or skills . As a teacher or aspiring teacher, you must
take big responsibility for everything you teach and says because your words will either inspire
or discourage the students.
2. Why is it considered a profession like medicine or nursing?
We are aware having a profession which is related to medicine and nursing is career create a
great cost and contribution in to our society. Most likely same on becoming an aspiring teacher.
As a teacher is not only making yourself to improve but also help individual and our nation by
providing services by teaching and to open the path for bright future.
3. Interview a beginning teacher about his/her anxieties, fears as well as the joys and
Teacher Name: GERVY CANQUE
As a Teacher I've always think about assessing the students for developmental, feedback and
reporting purposes. In addition, my greatest satisfaction in the field of teaching is to maintain
my competency and current knowledge of relevant curriculum programs. And also to provide
the physical, social, cultural, emotional wellbeing and safety of students while at school and
assist in their progression towards inclusion. And as a teacher I also trying to face my fears.
Such as, fear of not being in control of a class, fear of running out of teaching materials, fear of
feeling embarrassed in front of a class, fear of not being able to answer a question, fear of
being observed, to name but a few. But now I've already conquer these fears of mine, and this
is the greatest joy for me as a teacher.
4. Why is teaching often labeled as the noblest of all professions?
There are several occupations that people has chosen based on his skills and abilities. Any
career or business may be pursued by an individual. It is based on his abilities and desire. For
human growth, all professions are equally essential. Teaching, on the other hand, is a career
that has led people down the path of growth and prosperity. Teaching is a noble career that
forms an individual's character and future. It is also a career helps people to achieve their
designated profession, so that teaching has been regarded as one of the noblest occupations
since the beginning of time.
5. If you are a prospective teacher, what are some expectations you have now? After
reading the lesson.
As a prospective teacher, there are many things that I have already acquire which very helpful
in this choosing career. Being computer literate is the one expectation in the teacher. Since it is
the best way to manage the classroom environment as well and it is also suitable to 21 st
century learner’s. The other one is to being passionate. As a prospective teacher I can also open
and create a path for improvement to my future student ,school , environment and also to
make myself more confident. This confident will truly a great help in making someone more
reliable that will attract others to follow the lead. Doing this kind of thing attract the attention
of your students and make them follow and trust you.

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