Loads Introductory Tutorial For Structural Analysis Part 41

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Introductory Tutorial for Structural Analysis

Part 4
 Display Structure
 Constants
 Supports
 Loads

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Display Structure

To display the specified items, select "Draw Spec" from the top of the Staad Pre Window. The "Create
Single Line for Draw Command" Window will appear.

Click on "Icon" at the top left of the screen. The "Draw Icon" Window will appear. Select the Joint
Numbering, Member Numbering, Property Name, Property Shape, and Support Options.

Click on the "Accept" button to accept the entry and to close this window. Next, select "Return" from the
top of the Create Single Line for Draw Command Window. The Select Member/Element Window will

Click on the "Toolbox" button to access the Toolbox Window.

Using the Toolbox Window one can specify which icons are displayed on the screen by clicking on the
"icon" button. The Icon Window may also be accessed by clicking on the "icon" button on the tool bar.
This button has a red pinned support, a blue wide flange beam, and a black horizontal dimension line, and
it is the ninth button in from the left on the Toolbar.

The icons may be toggled on and off by clicking on the box to the left of the icon's name. Any icon with a
check mark in this box is toggled on, and any icon with an empty square is toggled off. For the purpose of
this example, the grid has been toggled off, and the joint number, member number, element number, and
support icons have been toggled on. Select the "Accept" button to accept the selection.

Select "Return" in the Toolbox Window to return to the Select Member/Element Window. Select the
"Return" in this window to return to the Staad Pre Window.


Specify material constants for the members. Select the "Constant" option from the Staad Pre Window to
display the Constant Menu.

Select "Elasticity" (Youngs Modulus) option from the Constant Menu to display the "Define Elasticity"
Window. The program lists material types in the Define Elasticity Window or permits a material value to
be entered in the current units system. Select the material type being used in the structure, and click on
"Accept" to accept the selection.

The Select Member/ Element Window will appear. If all members have the same constant, select the
"ALL" button under the "Commands" Heading; otherwise, specify the constant for each individual
member following the selection procedure involving the "Object" button. Whichever option was used, the
selected members will be highlighted in the graphics screen. Select the "Return" button to accept the
selection and to return to the STAAD-PRE Window.

To input Poissons Ratio, repeat the procedure that was used to specify the modulus of elasticity.

If member self-weights are to be included in the analysis, the density of the material must be provided.
Select the "Constant" option from the top of the Staad Pre Window and then select the "Density" option
from the Constant Menu. Follow the same procedure that was given for establishing the modulus of
elasticity to select the member or members having the specified density. After completing the density
selection, the Staad Pre Window will reappear.


Specify the supports with the "Support" option from the top of the Staad Pre Window. The Support Menu
will appear. From the Support Menu, select the "Fixed" option.

From the Select Joint Window, select the "Object" button under the "Commands" Heading. In the graphic
portion of the Staad Pre Window,use the mouse to click on Joint #1. Joint #1 should be highlighted. Press
the right mouse button to return to the Select Joint Window. Select the "Return" button from the Select
Joint Window to accept Joint #1 being fixed and to return to the Staad Pre Window.
Similarly, follow the same steps to select the right support (Joint #4) as pinned.

(Note: To specify a roller support use the "Fixed But" option. This allows the user to define the
unconstrained degrees of freedom).


The frame being analyzed is subjected to the following three primary load cases: 1) Service Level
Uniform Dead Load of 1.25 k/ft on Member 2; 2) Service Level Uniform Live Load of 2.5 k/ft on
Member 2; and 3) A Service Level Lateral Wind Load at Joint #2 of 10 kips that acts towards the right. In
the STAAD program, these loads are referred to as Primary Loads. For design purposes, the STAAD
program allows the user to combine these loads using one of two methods: 1) The Load Combination
option which is to be used in the analysis and design of steel frames by the Allowable Stress Design
(ASD) Method, for the analysis and design of reinforced concrete beams by the Strength Design (SD)
Method, and for the analysis and design of steel beams by the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)
Method; and 2) The Repeat Load option is to be used in performing an analysis and design of reinforced
concrete frames by the Strength Design (SD) Method and for the analysis and design of steel frames by
the Load the Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method.

Primary Loads

To specify the loads on the structure, select the "Load" option from the top of the STAAD-PRE Window.

Select the "Primary" option from the Load Menu to specify primary loads. The "New Load Case"
Window will open with the following prompts.

Type New Load Case Number [1]:

Press the "Tab" key on the keyboard to accept the default number in the box or type a number and press
the "Tab" key.

Type New Load Title:

Type the load title as "Service Level Dead Load" and press the "Accept" button to accept the entry, to
close the window, and to open the Load Menu Window. The Load Menu screen will appear.

Select the "self-weight" option if the member self-weights are to be included in the analysis. If selected,
the Selfweight Window will open. Select the "Y" option under the "Direction" Heading to indicate that
the direction for the line of action of the member self-weights is parallel to the Y-axis of the Global
Coordinate System.

To enter the direction of the self-weight along the Global Axis and to enter the magnitude of the self-
weight factor, type -1 from the keyboard under the "Type" Heading to specify that the selfweight acts
downward and is at a service level magnitude (recall that + Y is upwards). Click on the "Accept" button to
accept the entry and to close this window.
To specify a member load, select the "Member" option at the top of the Load Menu Window to reveal the
Member Menu showing different types of member loads.

Select the "Uniform Force" option to specify a uniformly distributed force. The program displays the
Uniform Force Load Window to specify load intensity and location on the member. To enter the intensity
of the load, click the left mouse button when the cursor is on the input box just to the right of the notation
"w1", type - 1.25 from the keyboard, and press the "Tab" key on the keyboard. With d1 and d2 equal
to zero, the uniform load will act along the entire length of the member. Specify the direction of the load
as GY (global Y-axis direction) from the Uniform Force Menu, and click on the "Accept" button to accept
the entry, to close this window, and to to open the Select Member Window.

From the Select Member Window, click on the "Object" button under the Commands Heading. Next,
click on Member 2 in the graphics window to select the beam as the member which has this load. Member
2 should be highlighted. Click the right mouse button to return to the Select Member Window. Select the
"Return" option to accept your choice and to return to the Uniform Force Load Window.

At this time, another service level uniform dead load could be specified on this same member or any other
member in the structure. If no more member or joint service level dead loads are to be included in this
load case, select the "Cancel" button to return to the Load Menu Window. Click on "Return"at the top of
the Load Menu Window to return to the Staad Pre

To see the applied load on the structure, click on the "View Load Icon on Structure" button on the toolbar.
This icon shows a red frame with black loads applied vertically and horizontally and it is the tenth button
in from the left.

Click on the Load Case you wish to see displayed, and then click on the "Accept" button.

Select "Load" option from the top of the Staad Pre Window. From the Load Menu, again choose
"Primary." When the "Open Load Case" Window appears, click on "New."

The New Load Case Window will appear with the following prompts:

Type New Load Case Number [2]:

Repeat the previous steps that were given for Load Case 1 to define Load Case 2 as Service Level Live
Load and to establish a downward uniform load of 2.50 kips/ft on Member 2. However, do not respecify
the self-weight.

To specify Load Case 3, select the "Diff. Load" option from the Load Types Menu. Select the "New
Load" option from the Select Load Case Window. Enter the new load case number as 3 and the new loads
title a as "Service Level Wind from the Left". Select the "Joint" option from the Load Types Menu. The
Joint Load Window will appear.
To enter the intensity of the load in the FX (force, X) direction click the left mouse button when the
cursor is on the "FX" input box just to the right of the notation FX and type 10.0 from the keyboard. If
other loads exist at the same joint, click the left mouse button when the cursor is on the next type of joint
load, and type the load in the input box. Select the "Accept" button to accept this entry and to close this
window. From the Select Joint Window, click on the "Object" option under the Commands Heading.
Click on Joint #2 on the frame in the graphic screen to specify the joint that has the specific joint loads.
Press the right mouse button and then select the "Return" button from the Select Joint Load Window to
return to the Joint Load Window. If all the joint loads have been entered, click on the "Cancel" button to
close the window and return to the Load Menu Window.

Load Combination

The Load Combination method of combining loads is to be used when a first-order, elastic structural
analysis is sufficient (refer to the first paragraph of the Loads section). If the Repeat Load Command is to
be used to form the load combinations, skip this section and refer to the section entitled Repeat Load.

When the Load Combination command is selected, the program STAAD will not actually analyze the
structure for the loads from the load combinations, but will instead algebraically add the results obtained
from the primary load analyses after multiplying these results by the corresponding load factors.


Select the "Return" option from the Load Menu Window to return to the Staad Pre Window. Select the
"Load" option from the Staad Pre Window. Select the "Combination" option from the Load Window.

The Load Combination Window lists the primary load case numbers and load case titles.
Enter the new load case number and the new load combination's title in the appropriate boxes.

For a steel structure designed by the ASD Method, all of the load factors for the individual service level
load cases in any load combination not involving wind or earthquake forces should be set equal to 1.0.
When the load combination contains service level wind or earthquake forces, set the load factors equal to
0.75 for all of the individual service level load cases that are in the particular combination.

For structural steel beams designed by the LRFD Method, the load factors would be 1.2 and 1.6 for load
combinations involving only service level dead and live loads, respectively.

For reinforced concrete beams designed by the SD Method, the load factors would be 1.4 and 1.7 for load
combinations involving only service level dead and live loads, respectively.

To apply the load factors to the service-level primary load cases, click on the box under the heading
"Type Load Number with Factor List:". Enter the loads and load factors in the following manner:

Load Case Number, Load Factor, Load Case Number, Load Factor, etc.

At the bottom of the Load Combination Window, there is a box with SSRC next to it. The SSRC
command refers to the square root of the sum of the squares method for combining loads. Do not click on
the SSRC box.
Repeat the load combination input procedure for each subsequent load combination. After forming a load
combination, select the "Accept" option to return to the STAAD-PRE Window.

After all load combinations have been inputted, go to the section entitled ANALYSIS.

Repeat Load

The Repeat Load method of combining loads is to be used when a second-order, elastic structural analysis
is required (refer to the first paragraph of the Load section). If the Load Combination Command is to be
used to form the load combinations, skip this section and refer to the section entitled Load Combination.

When the Repeat Load command is selected, the program STAAD will treat the loads within the
combination as a new primary load case. Therefore, another analysis of the structure will be performed
with these loads present and a superposition of the results obtained from the initial primary load cases will
not be applied. Recall that the Load Combination command caused an algebraical addition of the results
of the previously defined primary load cases.


To specify a repeat load, select the "Load" option from the Staad Pre Window to specify another load
case. Select the "Primary" option in the Load Menu.

The Open Load Case Window will appear. Select the "New" option.

Enter the new load case number and the new load's title. Select the "Repeat" option from the Load Types
Menu. The Repeat Load Window will open.
To apply the load factors to the service-level primary load cases, click on the box under the heading
"Type Load with Factor List:". Enter the loads in the following manner:

Load Case Number, Load Factor, Load Case Number, Load Factor, etc. When all load factors have been
entered for a repeat load combination, select the "Accept" button from the Repeat Load Window. The
Repeat Load Window will close leaving the Load Menu Window. If another load combination involving
the Repeat Load command is desired, repeat the previous procedure.

Example Steel Frame:

For the LRFD steel frame example problem, after selecting the "Load" option from the Staad Pre
Window, enter the new load case number as 4 and the new load title as Factored Level Dead Plus Live
Load. Select the "Repeat" option from the Load Types Menu to open the Repeat Load Window. Type 1
for Load Case #1 (Service Level Dead Load), followed by a comma, and then type 1.2 from the keyboard,
followed by another comma. Type 2 for Load Case #2 (Service Level Live Load), followed by a comma,
and then type 1.6 from the keyboard. Select the "Accept" option and then "Return" to return to the Staad
Pre Window. The first load combination has been entered.

To input the second combination, select the "Load" option from the Staad Pre Window. Select the "New
Load" option from the Select Load Case Window. Enter the new load case number as 5 and new loads
title as Factored Level Dead Plus Live Plus Wind. Select the "Repeat" option from the Load Types Menu.
Input load factors of 1.2, 0.5, and 1.3 for Load Cases 1, 2, and 3, respectively (Service Level Dead, Live,
and Wind Loads, respectively) using the previously described procedure. Select the "Accept" option and
then "Return" to return to the Staad Pre Window.

Go to the section entitled ANALYSIS.

Example Reinforced Concrete Frame:

For the SD reinforced concrete frame example problem, follow the procedure given for the LRFD steel
frame example problem, except use different load factors. For Load Case 4 the load factors would be 1.4
and 1.7 for the service level dead and live loads, respectively. For Load Case 5 the load factors would be
1.050, 1.275, and 1.275 for the service level dead, live, and wind loads, respectively.

To return to the Staad Pre Window, select the "Return" option from the Load Menu Wind

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