Kinetic 1 L

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O 4
:For the hypothetical reaction A + 3B  2C, the rate of appearance of C given by ([C]/t) may also be expressed as -1

[ ] − ∆ [B ] ∆[C ] ∆[ A] ∆C
[ ] − 1 ∕2∆ [A ] ∆[C ] −2 ∕ 3 ∆[ B]
= ) A) = B = C) = D)
∆ t 2 ∕3∆ t ∆t ∆t ∆ t ∆ t ∆t ∆t

Nitric oxide gas (NO) reacts with chlorine gas according to the equation NO + ½ Cl2  NOCl. The following initial rates -2
.of reaction have been measured for the given reagent concentrations

Expt. # Rate (M/hr) NO (M) Cl2(M)

0.50 0.50 1.19 1

0.50 1.00 4.79 2
1.0 1.00 9.59 3
?Which of the following is the rate law (rate equation) for this reaction
rate = k[NO] (b) rate = k[NO][Cl 2]3 (c) rate = k[NO][Cl 2] )a(
rate = k[NO]2 [Cl2] (e) rate = k[NO] 2 [Cl2]2 )d(

For the reaction X + Y  Z, the reaction rate is found to depend only upon the concentration of X. A plot of 1/X verses -3
?time gives a straight line. What is the rate law for this reaction

rate = k [X] (b) rate = k [X] 2 (c) rate = k [X][Y] (d) rate = k [X] 2[Y] )a(

:Use the following information to answer questions 5 and 6

?For the chemical reaction system described by the diagram above, which statement is true -4

.The forward reaction is endothermic )a(

.The activation energy for the forward reaction is greater than the activation energy for the reverse reaction )b(
At equilibrium, the activation energy for the forward reaction is equal to the activation energy for the reverse )c(
.The activation energy for the reverse reaction is greater than the activation energy for the forward reaction )d(
.The reverse reaction is exothermic )e(

If the Ea for the forward reaction is 25 kJ/mol, and the enthalpy of reaction is -95 kJ/mol, what is E a for the reverse -5

120 kJ/mol (b) 70 kJ/mol (c) 95 kJ/mol (d) 25 kJ/mol (e) -70 kJ/mol )a(

?What is the detailed sequence of steps that leads to the net overall reaction called -6

.reaction coordinate. (C) reaction potential )A(

.reaction mechanism. (D) reaction rate law )B(

The graph above shows the result of a study of the reaction of X with a large excess of Y to yield Z . The concentration -7
of X and Y were measured over a period of time. According to the results, which of the following can be concluded about
?the rate law for the reaction under the conditions studied

.A) It is zero order in X. B) It is first order in X

.C) It is second order in X. D) It is first order in Y
.E) The overall order of the reaction is 2

.Consider the following proposed mechanism for a reaction -8

STEP I: X + Y ==> A + Z
STEP II: Z + X ==> D

?Given that the rate law for the reaction is found to be Rate = k [X][Y], which step in the mechanism is the slowest

.Step I )A(
.Step II )B(
.Not enough data to tell )C(
.A combination of Step I and Step II )D(
?All of the following statements are true of a possible mechanism for a reaction except one. Which one is NOT true -9

.A multi-step mechanism will have one step that is rate determining )A(
.The mechanism will have steps that sum together to equal the overall reaction )B(
If intermediates are present in the mechanism they will cancel out when considering the overall equation for the )C(
.The reaction will have a rate equation that includes all the reactants that appear in all the steps of the mechanism )D(

A first order reaction has a half-life of 120.0 days. What fraction of the reactant has been used up after 480.0 days -10

25.00% )A(
40.00% )B(
6.250% )C(
93.75% )D(

?Which of the following reactions can have a rate and a rate constant (k) with the same units -11

.A zero order reaction )A(

.A first order reaction )B(
.A second order reaction )C(
.No reaction can have this )D(

;A possible mechanism for any given chemical reaction -12

.Can only be determined experimentally )A(

.Can be derived from the balanced chemical equation for the reaction )B(
.Always has the slowest step first )C(
.Must always have at least four steps )D(

In a reaction that is first order with respect to X and first order with respect to Y, which of the following changes will -13
?have NO effect overall on the rate

Doubling [X] and doubling [Y] )A(

Doubling [X] )B(
Quadrupling [Y] )C(
Halving [X] and doubling [Y] )D(

.Consider the following proposed mechanism for a reaction -14

STEP I: X + Y ==> A + Z
STEP II: Z + X ==> D

?Which species is an intermediate

X )A(
Y )B(
Z )C(
A )D(

Consider the reaction X + Y ==> Z. Which rate law corresponds to a reaction where doubling both the concentration -15
?of X and Y would lead to the rate increasing by a factor of 16

Rate = k [Y] )A(

Rate = k [X]2[Y]2 )B(
Rate = k [X] [Y]2 )C(
Rate = k [X]2 )D(

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