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Ex. Why does he say he can’t come? a. Busy

b. On holiday
c. Not well
d. late
1. Her bag will be…? a. Big and red
b. Small and white
c. Big and black
d. Small and red
2. Where is room 308? a. On the fourth floor
b. On the right of the hall
c. Near the garden
d. After the copy machine
3. What time does he want to meet a. 12
you? b. 11.30
c. 10.30
d. 11
4. What does she want to buy? a. Art
b. Books
c. Clothes
d. Music
5. What’s Maggie’s phone number? a. 2107324319
b. 2107324931
c. 2107323491
d. 2107323914

6. Where are the friends going? a. Park

b. Football game
Min 13.13 c. Swimming
d. Woods
7. What does he order for dessert? a. Ice cream
b. Apple pie
c. Fruit
d. Chocolate cake
8. Where do she and her husband a. Their children
usually go? b. warm and sunny places
c. Turkey or Egypt
d. Jack’s parents
9. Why does Maria prefer Madrid? a. She has family there
Starts 17.01 b. It’s better than London
c. It has a good football match
d. She doesn’t like Manchester
10. What did he used to do? a) Doctor
b) Computer programmer
c) Factory worker
d) teacher
11. What time will the plane now leave? a. 9.30
b. 11.30
c. 10
d. 11
12. When are the fitness training classes? a) Thursday to Saturday
b) At weekends
c) Tuesday to Thursday
d) Monday and Wednesday

13. What is offered at school this year? a. Do summer courses

b. Get cheaper courses
c. Get value for money
d. Talk with locals
14. What can visitors see every day? a) Films
b) Well-known artists
c) National costumes
d) An art exhibition
15. What’s happening on Friday? a) An inspection
b) A survey
c) A one hour meeting
d) A 10-minute interview
16. What time is his flight home? a) 11 pm
b) 6pm
c) 4pm
d) 5pm
17. What’s the main tip the man gives? a. Write everything down
b. Call after interviews
c. Develop a system
d. Develop relationships
18. How should he get the equipment? a) Hire
Starts at min 36.20 b) Buy second hand
c) New
d) From his brother
19. Where could you eat lunch? a) At the beach
Starts at 38.27 b)The kiosko
c) Bus
d) cafe
20. What does the woman think about this a) Still uncertain
new country? b) Mostly negative
Starts 40.50 c) Likes everything
d) Doesn’t want to talk about it
21. How did he and his wife travel? a) Plane
b) Boat
c) Train
d) car
22. How does she feel before the job a) Bored
interview? 44.49 b) Relieved
c) Nervous
d) angry
23. The man thinks the book is a) Fantastic
c)Old fashioned
24. they’re worried a) there won’t be enough food
starts in 48.33 b)there will be too much cake
c) the team won’t want to eat if they lose
d) there will be too much food left
25. where are they? a) a coffee shop
b)antiques shop
c) furniture shop
d) palace

Answers: a – d – b – c – c – c – b – d – a – d – c – a – d - d – c – a – c – a – a – a - a - d – d – a - c

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