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Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration (2021) 6:2


Performance analysis of desiccant cooling systems in a hot and dry

Sarra Belguith1 · Zina Meddeb2 · Romdhane Ben Slama1

Received: 30 March 2020 / Accepted: 7 October 2020

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

Using desiccant cooling systems could help to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from climate control systems
in buildings, because this cooling technology employs an environmentally friendly refrigerant and low-grade energy sources
such as solar energy. Here, the results obtained from a model of a desiccant cooling system are presented, as is the valida-
tion of that model using experimental data. The effectiveness of each component of the system (which included a desiccant
wheel, heat exchanger, and two evaporative coolors) was assumed to be constant in the model. The main objectives of this
work were to carry out a performance comparison of the ventilation, recirculation, and Dunkle cycles when the system was
used in the hot and dry climate of Gabès (Tunisia), and to investigate the impact of the ambient conditions on the ventilation
performance. Results showed that among the three cycles, the ventilation cycle presented the best coefficient of performance
(1.89), while the coefficients of performance of the recirculation and Dunkle cycles were 1.13 and 1.71, respectively. Moreo-
ver, the ventilation mode was found to be strongly influenced by the ambient conditions and to be more efficient when the
outside humidity ratio was below 18 g/kg.

Keywords  Desiccant cooling · Ventilation · Recirculation · Dunkle · COP · Outside conditions

List of symbols Subscripts and superscripts
COP Coefficient of performance exch Heat exchanger
F1 First potential function characteristic hum Humidifier
F2 Second potential function characteristic
H Specific enthalpy (kJ/kg)
HBE Heat balance error Introduction
QCOOL Specific cooling load (kJ/kg)
Qreg Specific supplied heat (kJ/kg) Increasing living standards are leading to a corresponding
T Air temperature (K, °C) rise in energy consumption. This is enhancing greenhouse
w Absolute humidity of the air (kg water/kg dry air) gas emissions and thus environmental pollution and global
warming. Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems
Greek letters
consume a significant percentage of the total energy used in
ε Effectiveness
buildings. For instance, according to a study by the Interna-
𝜑 Relative humidity (%)
tional Energy Agency, refrigeration systems consumed 6%
of the total energy supplied to buildings in 2016 (IEA 2018).
Communicated by Sudip Chakraborty, Chief Editor. Strategies for reducing electricity consumption and over-
coming pollution issues have been proposed. Erdem et al.
* Sarra Belguith (2017) suggested new strategies for designing ideal indoor
environments based on a biomimetic approach that involve
National Engineering School of Gabes, R. L. Energy, Water, constructing low- and zero-carbon buildings. Farooq et al.
Environment and Processes, Gabes University, Street Omar
(2019) showed the importance of an atrium in modern archi-
Ibn Elkhatab Zrig, 6072 Gabes, Tunisia
tecture, as the presence of an atrium in a building leads to an
National Engineering School of Gabes, R. L. Processes,
energy saving of 15.7% per year. Erdem et al. (2019) devised
Energy, Environment and Electrical Systems, Gabes
University, Street Omar Ibn Elkhatab Zrig, 6072 Gabes, a new natural ventilation strategy for buildings by focus-
Tunisia ing on the key problems with traditional air-conditioning

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systems. They also concluded that air conditioning in school used in cooling systems are the ventilation and recirculation
buildings was significantly influenced by the type of ventila- cycles. Therefore, some studies have evaluated the COPs of
tion used (either single-sided or cross ventilation). these two cycles under various climatic conditions. Bour-
In addition, it is necessary to consider the use of environ- doukan et al. (2010) performed a comparison of the ventila-
mentally friendly energy sources for cooling systems, in par- tion cycle with the recirculation cycle. They showed that the
ticular renewable energy such as solar energy, which is one COPs of the two cycles were very sensitive to the outside
of the most attractive energy sources for air conditioning as conditions and the effectiveness of each component used.
it is clean, limitless, and inexpensive as well as ecofriendly. Muzaffar et al. (2018) analyzed the performance of a desic-
Different types of collectors can be used to convert solar cant cooling system in various configurations and under a
radiation into heat. The highest thermal and electrical yields wide range of climatic conditions representative of global
are provided by concentrated photovoltaic thermal (CPVT) meteorological data.
collectors (Reza et al. 2018), but at low temperatures, plate The present article reports work aimed at modeling
solar collectors are highly efficient and inexpensive. There- and simulating a desiccant cooling system. The air states
fore, various cooling technologies powered by low-grade throughout the system were determined by solving a system
energy sources, such as desiccant cooling systems, have of coupled nonlinear algebraic equations. The model of the
been investigated in order to minimize costs. Desiccant desiccant cooling system was created by imputing efficiency
cooling systems use refrigerants that can be environmen- values for various components that characterized the system,
tally friendly. Such a system was first reported in 1955 by such as the desiccant wheel, the heat exchanger, and the
Pennington (Hürdoğan et al. 2010). Another advantage of a humidifier. In addition, the conditions in the space to be
desiccant cooling system is that it can adjust the temperature cooled, the environmental conditions (humidity ratio and
and the humidity ratio separately, which is important for temperature), and the regeneration air flow temperature were
maximizing human comfort. Due to the importance of such specified. The model was integrated into a Matlab calcula-
cooling systems, the literature contains extensive research tion code and then validated against experimental results.
into desiccant air-conditioning systems. Many of those stud- Afterwards, the numerical implementation was used to
ies have focused on the modeling and simulation of a desic- evaluate the performance of desiccant cooling cycles (ven-
cant wheel, which is the key component of any desiccant tilation, recirculation, and Dunkle cycles) in the hot and dry
cooling system (Xingchao and Roger 2019; Wu et al. 2019; climate of Gabès in Tunisia (Kottek et al. 2006). Finally,
Shahrooz and Hadi 2020). Nie et al. (2017) studied the per- the sensitivity of each cycle to the climatic conditions was
formance of a combined system consisting of a desiccant explored.
cooling system and a heat pump (HP-SDC). They showed
that the HP-SDC was more efficient than traditional cooling
systems. In order to make desiccant cooling systems more
competitive with traditional cooling systems, various studies System description
have focused on improving the COP of this technology. Nilo-
far et al. (2019) present a critical study of the properties of Ventilation cycle
adsorbent materials that were employed in a desiccant cool-
ing system to improve its performance; the study focused on The ventilation cycle, also known as the Pennington cycle,
other important factors such as environmental conditions, is an open cycle that relies primarily on the use of water
system design, and costs. Jani et al. (2015) proposed a hybrid and its phase-change potential. This cycle operates as fol-
solid desiccant vapor compression air-conditioning system lows (Fig. 1). The fresh air is dehumidified at a desiccant
for a hot and humid climate. They showed that this hybrid wheel; during the dehumidification process, the humidity
cooling system reduced the humidity by 65.59% compared ratio of the air decreases and its temperature increases due
to the outside air and guaranteed a high coefficient of perfor- to the heating caused by the release of adsorption energy
mance. Abbassi et al. (2017) evaluated the performance of (state points 1–2 in Fig. 1). Afterwards, the temperature of
desiccant cooling systems with different configurations and this air is decreased through heat exchange with the cooled
found that the ventilation cycle performance and recircula- return air (2–3). Finally, the process air is cooled further in
tion cycle performance of a single-stage system were higher a humidifier before being blown into the conditioned space
than those of a double-stage system. In a recent study, Demis (3–4). The operating sequence for the regeneration side is
et al. (2018) found that a multi-stage desiccant cooling sys- as follows. After being cooled at the humidifier (5–6), the
tem yielded high performance in a moderate climate. return air cools the incoming air in the heat exchanger (6–7).
A desiccant cooling system is characterized by various Finally, it is heated by the heat source to regenerate the des-
configurations, such as ventilation, recirculation, and Dunkle iccant wheel by removing moisture, after which it exits the
cycles (Muzaffer et al. 2015). The cycles most commonly air-conditioning system (Henning 2007).

Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration (2021) 6:2 Page 3 of 11  2

Fig. 1  Ventilation cycle of a
desiccant cooling system

Recirculation cycle process air side, the return air at state point 1 is humidified
and cooled by a humidifier (1–2). The sensible heat of this
This is the cycle that is most suitable for humid climates air is then exchanged in an air-to-air sensible heat exchanger
and buildings with high latent loads. The recirculation cycle (2–3). After this, the air passes through a desiccant wheel,
uses a mixture of fresh air and air extracted from the build- where its temperature increases and moisture is extracted
ing, or it may use only the air extracted from the building. during the dehumidification process (3–4). Afterwards,
In general, in recirculation mode, the process air side is a its sensible heat is removed by the heat exchanger (4–5)
closed loop whereas the regeneration air side is an open before the air is precooled by a second heat exchanger (5–6).
loop (Dezfouli et al. 2014). The air undergoes the follow- Finally, the air is cooled in another humidifier (6–7) before
ing process (see Fig. 2). Air extracted from the conditioned being blown into the room. On the regeneration air side,
space is dehumidified at a desiccant wheel (1–2 in Fig. 2) the sensible heat of the process air is passed to the ambi-
before being cooled in a heat exchanger (2–3). It is then ent air using a heat exchanger, causing the temperature of
further cooled by a humidifier before it is introduced into the ambient air to increase (8–9). This air is then preheated
the conditioned space (3–4). On the regeneration side, the (9–10; heat source: solar energy) in order to regenerate the
ambient air is humidified in a humidifier (5–6) before being desiccant wheel (10–11). The main drawback of the Dunkle
heated in a heat exchanger (6–7). It then undergoes another cycle is the complexity of its design (see Fig. 3).
heating stage (7–8; heat source: solar energy) in order to In the next section, we present the modeling and valida-
remove the water vapor droplets retained by the desiccant tion of a desiccant cooling system.
wheel. The only drawback of this cycle is the lack of fresh
air (Kodama 2000).

Dunkle cycle Modeling and validation

The Dunkle cycle combines the advantages of the two cycles In order to calculate the air states throughout the cycle, the
described above (Muzaffar et al. 2015). In this cycle, a third equations obtained from heat and mass transfer balances of
step utilizing a heat exchanger is included to improve the the system components were solved, which involved mak-
performance of the system. It also uses recycled air. On the ing the following assumptions (Sphaier and Nóbrega 2012):

Fig. 2  Recirculation cycle of a
desiccant cooling system

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Fig. 3  Dunkle cycle of a desic-

cant cooling system

Hypotheses (273.15 + T)1.49

F2 = − 1.127w0.07969 . (4)
• The air flow mass remains constant throughout the two
branches (process and regeneration) Here, 𝜀1 and 𝜀2 represent the degree of approximation
• The specific heat can be assumed to be constant because to the adiabatic state and the degree of dehumidification,
there is no significant change in temperature respectively. The values of 𝜀1 and 𝜀2 depend on the type of
• The system is operated in permanent mode desiccant wheel used. For an ideal wheel, 𝜀1 = 0 and 𝜀2 = 1
• The effectiveness of the heat exchanger and that of the (Jani et al. 2015). Typical values have also been proposed for
humidifier are independent of the operating conditions 𝜀1 and 𝜀2 that are not related to a specific adsorbent material
• The conditions in the environment and the conditioned or a specific range of conditions (Joudi and Dhaidan 2001;
space, namely the temperature and the humidity ratio, are Sheridan and Mitchell 1985):
• (𝜀  , 𝜀2) = (0.05, 0.95): high-performance wheel
Modeling • (𝜀  , 𝜀2) = (0.08, 0.8): moderate-performance wheel
• (𝜀  , 𝜀2) = (0.1, 0.7) or (𝜀  , 𝜀2) = (0.07, 0.8): low-performance wheel.
1 1
The desiccant wheel
The desiccant wheel performance is also defined by the
The dehumidification process is carried out at the desiccant following equation (Daou et al. 2006):
wheel. As a result, this component must be modeled in order w1 − w2
to evaluate the performance of the desiccant cooling system. 𝜀DW =
. (5)
The relevant literature classifies desiccant wheel models into
two main categories: physical and empirical (Panaras et al.
2010). There is also another approach that enables the outlet
states of the desiccant wheel to be predicted based on the The heat exchanger
method of analogy with a nonhygroscopic exchanger. This
simplified approach was developed by Maclaine-Cross and The role of the heat exchanger in the desiccant cooling sys-
Banks (1972) and Jurinak (1982). The equations that charac- tem is to facilitate heat exchange between the process air
terize the present model take the following forms (note that flow and the regeneration air flow. Therefore, the dry and
the subscripts in the equations below refer to state points in warm air that leaves the desiccant wheel is cooled by the
the ventilation cycle): heat exchanger while the humidity of the air remains con-
stant. On the other hand, the return air flow is preheated
F1 (T2 , w2 ) − F1 (T1 , w1 ) by the heat exchanger. The efficiency of the heat exchanger
𝜀1 = (1)
F1 (T8 , w8 ) − F1 (T1 , w1 ) is defined by the following equation (Sphaier and Nóbrega
F2 (T2 , w2 ) − F2 (T1 , w1 )
𝜀2 = (2) T2 − T3 T − T6
= 7
F2 (T8 , w8 ) − F2 (T1 , w1 ) 𝜀exch = . (6)
T2 − T6 T 2 − T6

2865 The humidity ratio of the air cooled by the heat exchanger
F1 = − + 4.344w0.8624 (3)
(T + 273.15)1.49 remains constant, i.e.,

Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration (2021) 6:2 Page 5 of 11  2

Table 1  Parameter values used to validate the model developed in

w3 = w2 , w6 = w7 . (7) this study
The vapor pressure and the saturated vapor pressure are Parameter Value
respectively defined by the following equations (Castaing
Efficiency of heat exchanger 0.575
Efficiency of humidifier 1 0.953
(w × P(T)) Efficiency of humidifier 2 0.918
Pv (T) = . (8)
(0.622 + w) Ambient air temperature (°C) 31.5
Humidity ratio of ambient air (kg/kg) 0.0095
Return air temperature (°C) 26.7
Ps = 9.8 × 104 × 10(5.978−(2225∕T)) . (9)
Humidity ratio of return air ( kg/kg) 0.01162
The relative humidity is calculated using the following Regeneration air temperature (°C) 60.8
Pv (T)
𝜑= × 100. (10)
Ps (T)
where Q f is the specific cooling capacity, Q reg is the
heat supplied for regeneration, and QH is the heat rejected
The humidifier to the environment. These parameters were calculated in
different ways depending on the cycle considered:
A humidifier or evaporative cooler is a component that simul-
taneously controls the temperature and humidity. The air that • Ventilation cycle:
leaves the heat exchanger is humidified by the humidifier. Dur- Qf = h5 − h4 , Qreg = h8 − h7 , QH = h9 − h1 .
ing the humidification process, water vapor is injected into
the air to cool it (its temperature decreases and its humidity
increases). The humidification process is an isenthalpic pro- • Recirculation cycle:
cess, so Qf = h1 − h4 , Qreg = h8 − h7 , QH = h9 − h5 .
h3 = h4 , h5 = h6 . (11)
The efficiency of the humidifier is defined by the following • Dunkle cycle:
equation (Threlkeld et al. 1998): Qf = h1 − h7 , Qreg = h10 − h9 , QH = h11 − h8 .

T 3 − T4 To estimate the global heat balance error (HBE) error,

𝜀hum = , (12)
T3 − Tsat the following equation was used (Sphaier and Nóbrega
where Tsat is the adiabatic temperature of saturation (Sevens
and Fellows 1966), which is given by Qf + Qreg − QH
HBE = . (18)
Tsat = 2.265[1.97 + 4.3T3 + 104 w3 ] ∕2 − 14.85. (13)

Model validation The coefficient of performance of the desiccant

cooling system
In order to validate the model presented above, the results
obtained with the model were compared with corresponding The coefficient of performance (COP) of the solar desic-
results obtained experimentally for the ventilation cycle by cant cooling system is the ratio between the cooling capac-
Kanoglu et al. (2004); see Table 1. These data were imple- ity supplied to the conditioned space and the heat supplied
mented in the initial simulation. to regenerate the desiccant wheel. The COP is calculated
In addition, the following energy balance was applied using the following equation (Kanoglu et al. 2004):
throughout the cycle to determine the accuracy of the solu-
tion (Sphaier and Nóbrega 2012): COP = . (19)
Qf + Qreg = QH , (14)
Thus, the COP of the desiccant cooling system in ven-
tilation mode is

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h5 − h4 isenthalpic. Also, segments 1–2 and 8–9 are parallel to 3–4

COP = , (20) and 5–6, respectively. This shows that the process at the
h8 − h7
desiccant wheel is nearly isenthalpic.
the COP of the desiccant cooling system in recirculation
mode is Comparison of different cycles of the desiccant
cooling system
h1 − h4
COP = , (21)
h8 − h7 The model of a desiccant cooling system presented above
and the COP of the desiccant cooling system in Dunkle was also used to compare the behavior of the air during
mode is the ventilation cycle with its behavior during the recircu-
lation and Dunkle cycles. Note that the regeneration tem-
h1 − h7 perature—an important parameter that greatly influences
COP = . (22)
h10 − h9 the dehumidification capacity of a desiccant cooling sys-
tem—was prespecified as 60 °C for all desiccant cooling
system configurations. This low value for the regeneration
temperature was chosen deliberately due to the fact that it
Results and discussion can easily be achieved using solar power, waste heat, district
heating, or heat pumps in a hot and dry climate. The dehu-
Validation results midification carried out during the ventilation cycle at this
regeneration temperature was equal to 0.0083 kg/kg (reduc-
The results obtained from the model agreed well with the ing the ambient air humidity ratio from 0.02 to 0.0117 kg/
experimental results obtained by Kanoglu et al. (2004); kg). During the recirculation cycle, the humidity ratio of the
see Table 2. For the temperature, the relative error varied air extracted from the conditioned space was reduced from
between 0 and 0.8%. For the relative humidity, the relative 0.016 to 0.0091 kg/kg. During the Dunkle cycle, the desic-
error varied between 0 and 9%. In addition, the HBE value cant wheel reduced the humidity ratio of the outlet air of the
did not exceed 1.5% in any of the simulations presented in heat exchanger from 0.0174 to 0.0111 kg/kg. In addition,
this study. To further verify the methodology applied in this the humidity ratio and temperature of the supply air play
work, the numerical simulations were verified qualitatively. important roles as they influence the latent and sensible heat
From an analysis of the psychrometric charts for the various of the conditioned space. The humidity ratio of the supply
cycles (ventilation, recirculation, and Dunkle; see Figs. 4, 5, air in the conditioned space during the ventilation mode was
and 6, respectively) of desiccant cooling, it was deduced that 0.0134 kg/kg, whereas the humidity ratios of the supply air
the results provided by the model are physically consistent. during the recirculation and Dunkle cycles were 0.0127 kg/
For example, during the ventilation cycle (Fig. 4), segments kg and 0. 0125 kg/kg, respectively. The temperature of the
1–2 and 8–9 have the same length, as required by the energy supply air in the room during the ventilation cycle, 18.48 °C,
balance at the desiccant wheel. Segments 3–2 and 7–6 also was higher than those during the recirculation cycle and the
have the same length, as required by the energy balance at Dunkle cycle (17.76 °C and 17.40 °C, respectively).
the heat exchanger. In addition, segments 3–4 and 5–6 are The overall behavior during the ventilation, recirculation,
parallel. This indicates that the process at the humidifier is and Dunkle cycles of the desiccant cooling system in terms

Table 2  Experimental State point T (°C) in model 𝜑 (%) in model T (°C) from Kanoglu 𝜑 (%) from
validation of the model et al. (2004) Kanoglu et al.
developed in this work (2004)

1 31.5 32.9 31.5 32.9

2 43.54 11.5 43.5 11.5
3 30.17 23.47 30.2 23.7
4 17.36 91 17.3 94
5 26.7 52.5 26.7 53
6 20.3 93 20.4 95
7 33.66 43.37 33.7 43.5
8 60.8 11.17 60.8 11
9 48.82 24.13 49.8 22.7

Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration (2021) 6:2 Page 7 of 11  2

Fig. 4  Psychrometric chart for the ventilation cycle of the desiccant cooling system

of the temperature and humidity ratio of the air, the relative experimental values, which varied between 0.4 and 0.6
humidity, and the enthalpy at different state points in the (Krishna and Murthy 1989; Jain et al. 2000; Kodama et al.
cycle is presented in Tables 3, 4, and 5, respectively. 2000). Differences between desiccant cooling system COP
The performance results for the three configurations of values in the literature are due to differences in the system
the solar desiccant cooling system in the hot and dry climate processes and operating conditions applied. In addition, in
of Gabès in Tunisia are shown in Table 6. The ventilation some cases, the desiccant cooling COP is defined differently
cycle yielded the highest COP of all the cycles: the COP (as the difference between the enthalpies of the ambient air
of the ventilation cycle was 1.89, while the COPs of the and the supply air).
recirculation and Dunkle cycles were 1.13 and 1.71, respec-
tively. Additionally, it should be noted that the ventilation Sensitivity of the ventilation cycle
and Dunkle cycles gave similar COPs. This fact can be to the outside conditions
explained by noting that the Dunkle cycle is applicable to
a wide range of climatic conditions (Join et al. 1995), but Figure 7 shows how the COP of the ventilation cycle varies
this cycle is rarely used in practice because of the complex- as a function of the ambient humidity ratio at different ambi-
ity of its design (Bourdoukan et al. 2010). Therefore, the ent temperatures. For a regeneration temperature of 60 °C,
ventilation cycle is most suitable for the climate of Gabès. increasing the ambient temperature and ambient humidity
In the current study, all of the main components of the des- ratio was found to increase the COP of the ventilation cycle.
iccant cooling configurations were characterized by high During the process of dehumidification, the desiccant wheel
efficiencies: the desiccant wheel efficiencies 𝜀1 and 𝜀2 were removes moisture from the outside air by creating a zone
0.05 and 0.95, respectively, and the efficiencies of the heat of low vapor pressure at the surface of the adsorbent mate-
exchanger and the humidifier were both 1. The calculated rial. A rise in the ambient humidity ratio corresponds to an
COP values for different configurations were similar to the increase in the water vapor content of the process air. This

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Fig. 5  Psychometric chart for the recirculation cycle of the desiccant cooling system

Fig. 6  Psychometric chart for the Dunkle cycle of the desiccant cooling system

Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration (2021) 6:2 Page 9 of 11  2

Table 3  Air states during the ventilation cycle in the desiccant cool- 2.5
ing system COP (30°C)
State point T (°C) w (g/kg) 𝜑(%) h (kJ/kg) COP(34°C)
1 30.90 20.00 70.39 82.21 2.2
2 52.72 11.70 13.54 83.52 2.1

3 22.62 11.70 67.04 52.58 2
4 18.48 13.40 97.73 52.58
5 26.00 16.00 74.68 66.91
6 22.62 17.40 98.37 66.91 1.8
7 52.72 17.40 19.87 98.14 1.7
8 60.00 17.40 14.09 105.69 1.6
9 38.28 25.60 59.99 104.40 1.5
0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02
Ambient air flow humidity ra o kg/kg
Table 4  Air states during the recirculation cycle in the desiccant
cooling system Fig. 7  Variation in the COP of the ventilation cycle as a function of
the ambient air humidity at different ambient temperatures
State point T (°C) w (g/kg) 𝜑(%) h (kJ/kg)

1 26.00 16.00 74.68 66.91 leads to a major difference in partial vapor pressure between
2 45.74 9.10 14.87 69.53 the process air flow and the adsorbent material. As a result,
3 26.59 9.10 41.51 49.95
the adsorption potential increases due to greater diffusion
4 17.76 12.70 96.51 49.95
of water vapor particles from the process air flow to the
5 30.90 20.00 70.39 82.21
adsorbent material, meaning that the outside air is dehu-
6 26.59 21.80 97.29 82.21
midified. Thus, the cooling effect of the system is greater
7 45.74 21.80 34.86 102.24
than the regeneration heat, so the COP increases. When the
8 60.00 21.80 17.53 117.14
outside humidity is > 18 g/kg, the cooling effect is less than
9 40.51 28.70 59.38 114.52
the regeneration heat, so the COP of the ventilation cycle
decreases. In another study that was performed under dif-
ferent operating conditions (Bourdoukan et al. 2010), the
Table 5  Air states during the Dunkle cycle in the desiccant cooling ventilation cycle was found to be more effective when the
system humidity ratio was below 11 g/kg.
State point T (°C) w (g/kg) 𝜑(%) h (kJ/kg)

1 26.00 16.00 74.68 66.91 Conclusions

2 22.62 17.40 98.37 66.91
3 32.62 17.40 55.83 77.29 In the investigation reported here, a desiccant cooling system
4 50.09 11.10 14.57 79.15 was simulated via MATLAB software using a nonalgebraic
5 30.90 11.10 39.61 59.45 system based on the energy and mass balances of the com-
6 20.90 11.10 70.26 49.19 ponents of the system. The effectiveness of each component
7 17.40 12.50 97.46 49.19 was selected based on the assumption that a highly efficient
8 30.90 20.00 70.39 82.21 system was used. Besides data associated with the formulae,
9 50.09 20.00 25.89 102.22 the mass flow rates of the process and regeneration air were
10 60.00 20.00 16.16 112.55 taken to be constant, and the conditions in the environment
11 42.69 26.30 48.81 110.69 and the conditioned space (namely the temperature and the
humidity ratio) were prespecified. The results obtained from
the model were validated experimentally. The coefficients
Table 6  Performance results for the ventilation, recirculation, and of performance (COPs) for three configurations of the des-
Dunkle cycles of the modeled solar desiccant cooling system iccant cooling system—the ventilation cycle, recirculation
Cycles Ventilation cycle Recirculation cycle Dunkle cycle cycle, and Dunkle cycle configurations—in the hot and dry
climate of Gabès in Tunisia were determined. The ventila-
COP 1.89 1.13 1.71 tion cycle COP was calculated to be 1.89, which was higher
than those for the recirculation cycle and the Dunkle cycle

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(1.13 and 1.71, respectively). Therefore, the ventilation cycle Join S, Dhar PL, Kaushik SC (1995) Evaluation of solid-desic-
is most appropriate for the climate of Gabès. A study of the cant-based evaporative cooling cycles for typical hot and
humid climates. Int J Refrig 18(5):287–296. https ​ : //doi.
effects of the ambient humidity ratio and temperature on org/10.1016/0140-7007(95)00016​-5
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efficient when the ambient humidity ratio is below 18 g/kg. dehumidifier and regenerator of a liquid desiccant cooling sys-
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