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define a coroutine function 'linear equation' which takes two arguments 'a' and 'b'

any coroutine derived from linear_equatuin should be capable of taking a number as

input and evaluating the expression a*(x**2)+b
the coroutine after evaluating the expression should print the message "Expression,
3*x^2+4, with x being 6 equals 112"
def linear_equation(a, b):
while True:
x = yield
e = a*(x**2)+b
print('Expression, '+str(a)+'*x^2 + '+str(b)+', with x being '+str(x)+'
equals '+str(e))

if __name__ == "__main__":
a = float(input())

b = float(input())

equation1 = linear_equation(a, b)


define a decorator 'coroutine_decorator' which can decorate any corouting function
the decorator must create the coroutine, call next on it and return the coroutine
that is ready for accepting any input
for ex
def linear_equation(a, b):
e1 = linear_equation(3, 4)


# Define 'coroutine_decorator' below

def coroutine_decorator(coroutine_func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwdargs):
c = coroutine_func(*args, **kwdargs)
return c
return wrapper

# Define coroutine 'linear_equation' as specified in previous exercise

def linear_equation(a, b):
while True:
x = yield
e = a*(x**2)+b
print('Expression, '+str(a)+'*x^2 + '+str(b)+', with x being '+str(x)+'
equals '+str(e))

if __name__ == "__main__":
a = float(input())

b = float(input())
equation1 = linear_equation(a, b)

Define coroutine 'linear_equation' and coroutine_decorator functions as requested
in previous test case
define a coroutine function numberParser which is capable of converting the passed
input into an integer and also sends the integers to two linear equation coroutines
- 'equation1' and 'equation2'
equation1 represents linear equation coroutine with a =3 and b=4
equation2 represents linear equation coroutine with a=2 and b=-1

# Define the function 'coroutine_decorator' below

def coroutine_decorator(coroutine_func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwdargs):
c = coroutine_func(*args, **kwdargs)
return c
return wrapper

# Define the coroutine function 'linear_equation' below

def linear_equation(a, b):
while True:
x = yield
e = a*(x**2)+b
print('Expression, '+str(a)+'*x^2 + '+str(b)+', with x being '+str(x)+'
equals '+str(e))

# Define the coroutine function 'numberParser' below

def numberParser():
equation1 = linear_equation(3, 4)
equation2 = linear_equation(2, -1)
# code to send the input number to both the linear equations
while True:
x = yield

def main(x):
n = numberParser()

if __name__ == "__main__":
x = float(input())

res = main(x);

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