Tears: Luz de Miel

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Luz de Miel

Dedicated to the animal brother of unequaled heart.

"Suddenly, call him, crossing him.

A star is born and died
A tear is born and died”
=Fragment of an Argentine zamba.

"Che aicoporasema, tvyasema , Ñandeyarami,

Jetaitema aicoasy, t ec ové cheñopy
Che arecosema opambaé ajhaijhuva.
Emaéna cherejhéTupanã mi! "
(I want to live well, to be happy Diosito Santo,
I an suffered so much, life has mistreated me. I want
to have
All I love. Look at me God the Holy One! )”
Guarani lied.
Soon, far away in the forest, shout a bird,
And I and he have companion in soul
Suffer song and cry“.
=Fragment of guarania song of Paraguay.

Luz de Miel

≈ The lark caught in the hunter's net began to sing sweeter than ever, as if
the melody of its song could fly and the net flee.
From the book: The pillars of the earth. From the writer Ken Follet .

≈ Why brother sad music so touches our soul?

The Paraguayan poet Manuel Ortíz Guerrero says: God kneaded the world
with pain and gave him the whole soul, with all his heart.
I find this tragic, it cannot be. Creation, even with its phenomena, is the source
and culmination of happiness. Creation gives desire to live, to live! To make
sense of it. Anxieties of being happy, of being total, feeling the fullness of
Mystics say that the soul longs for the original spiritual world that precedes the
material world.
I love both the spiritual world and in cahoots material forming
the universe: eternal body and eternal soul of the Creator: Tree of Life.
God: causa sui, origin. Like every creature, God is in principle an individual
being. God: the One in motion for the Two, the astonishing Spirit beginning the
spiritual world as a birth of light.
Each creature inherits from the Creator, carries within itself divine essence.
Every creature is a spark of light from the shadow of God.
God manifesting his soul through material creation: emanation of His
thinking and feeling. Like the man who realizes his being through
his psychic expression in materiality, as in art.
Creator: point, linear, triangular, pyramid, forming the Universal Tree from
One to Ten.

≈ Never end the exuberant Atlantic Forest! They make the jungle a
flowering forest: a colorful poem of the Creator.

≈ In the Genesis of the Bible, the myth of Adam and Eve is stated in a
passage: "Let not man eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, lest he should be eternal."
In another passage, he says: "By eating the forbidden fruit you will be like
"And the man was cast out of Eden."
Christianity interprets all this literally and as the crime for which all humankind
pays. On the other hand, it says that only Jesus paid for the sin that tarnished
the soul of all humans.
The Greek myth: Prometheus , speaks of this personage representing
the: humanity that by knowing if eternal insults to the gods, these warns to
him about the punishment that Zeus could command, but Prometheus
continued being arrogant and thus was tied to a mountain where a bird came
to eat his liver that always grew up because he could not die.

The Greek myth is easier to decipher humanity when perceiving its free will
among the creatures used and abused this power with arrogance that lasts
until today. The initial crime of humanity that came out of its natural habitat to
create civilizations was its selfishness: typical human characteristic, unbridled
ambition, desire for power, falsehood, betrayal, cunning, envy, arrogance. "So
the man chasing after the light stumbles upon his shadow."
The myth of the Bible should be interpreted contrary to where he speaks of
the Tree of Life or the knowledge of good and evil: man developed aptitude
different from other animals. Each animal has a specific gift like the man
who is also an animal. Man gradually became aware of his habitat, of his
inventive and analytical capacity. Thinking about the pro and against
the judgment tells him that his ambition will lead him to triumph and to
failure. At the end it speaks of the knowledge of God and of life, precisely the
knowledge about the pro and contra of life led man to seek liberation from
the oppressions created by himself. Then begins a life of its own
decisions about tomorrow and the search d and spirituality. Then the man
reaches the values of this life, he will aspire to eternity just experiencing the
vicissitudes of this face.
There is nothing more complacent than having lived much with pain and joys
and savoring side by side with God, aware that values transcend
being. The Tree of Life of Kabbalah and India reveal to us the creation of the
universe from One to ten talking about the Creator and the created, about the
principle and its expansion. The numbers reveal the different steps of
relationship of the divine personality with the individuality: each
creature. Getting absorbed in the contemplation of the universe, experiencing
the fellowship: A Total Embrace feeling the Unicidade: or oneness the
figure of God curve steeped in creation.

≈ The Falkland Islands were colonized by the Spanish and then by the
English as many other places throughout the land. The English remain as
settlers in our time more than other nations.
The desire for freedom for a nation to be sovereign is broken with the
stubbornness of the British to maintain imperialism. The English do not want to
give up the riches and the power that the Falklands represent for them, so
they send compatriots there, grant the inhabitants of the place all stewardship
for a life in abundance and tranquility indirectly fomenting hostility with the
neighboring country Argentina whom they accuse of a desire for colonialism
when in fact the Argentines have the right to want the independence of the
English because the Malvinas belong to the territory of South America and
not of Europe and the time of colonialism should already be extinct , in the
end all the nations that have lost colonialism , also lost economic stability, but
over time they have progressed and have established themselves as a
sovereign nation. But who can against the arrogant ones who dominate the
world and who have all the imperialist nations in favor? Because in the hour H
the rich enemies unite against the less powerful and, stupidly, there are

ignorant people who appreciate the power of the rich coming out in favor of
these in the hope of being like them: powerful oppressors.
As Abraham Lincoln said: Give power for one man and you will know him.

≈ Reincarnation happens to enhance the soul through a new body. We suffer

and we hear say: what karma! What have I done to deserve this?
In happy moments, we hardly ever ask what we have done to deserve this, as
if every bonanza were only God's gift and never merit.
The body comes to be individual by a single birth.
The impure soul reincarnates being always individual, that is, itself.
With metempsychosis, the soul does not remember its past life as the child
does not remember its aquatic life in the womb of the mother.
The unconscious records the whole past revealing itself very subtly or
shockingly or revealing itself never.
The karma or reaction suffered because of an earlier action calls the majority
of purgatory. It would be easier if we knew what we did in past lives, but they
say that it will be possible only in the spiritual dimension, there when it seems
superfluous to know of past lives.

≈ When a man dies, God will not ask him anything. In the hour of the death
parades the whole life in our front in couple of seconds and there it appears
the contentment or the displeasure, this hindering the psychic flight.
"At the end of life or at the time of death, questions arise from our intimacy
and the consciousness becomes clearer."
God will not ask anything because He knows all the answers. Neither will
judge anything because in the universal order is already implied the reaction
taken as a just consequence.
God considers spirituality: intense inner life in the aftermath of love.
Man must take into account the values to transcend the spirit.
"Neither philosophy nor science nor religion matters to God, but the Creator
wants his creatures to be love, good and happy."
God is not a complicated being. Of all beings, only man complicates things.

≈ A Catholic leader says that the Theory of Liberation presented

by Leonardo Boff had already begun with Catholicism when in the time of
militarism the church fought for the rights of the oppressed. (But the church
has always abhorred communism by Marxist ideas: without knowledge of the
philosophy of Karl Marx , because if the church knew, it would see that Marx
fosters brotherhood, peace, and justice as anyone else. Karl Marx was
a visionary, in the capitalist world and the contrasting inequalities that it
brought in. He foresaw the drastic consequences: the people seeking religion
in refuge to their humiliating condition, the world consuming without stopping,
sinking into more vices in search of a chimera to give meaning to life).

There have always been people in the world fighting for the liberation of
oppressed and hungry peoples: always and not through a single creed.
It also says that the church should not interfere in things of the state,
which Jesus had said: give to God what is of God and to Caesar what is
his. Evangelicals as understood this diplomatic statement of Jesus: paying the
tax that God wants and paying the tax that the state wants. From then on,
many churches became dictatorships, capitalists and oppressors promising
future prizes in a distant place where they claim to reign God and all good.
Asked the said leader why then the church gets into the affairs that the state
must decide, it responds contradictorily: because each religious is also a
citizen. Diplomacy finds answer and interpretation for everything.
The Catholic Church is as absolutist as the Muslim woman. She is oppressed,
she cannot decide anything because whoever has a firm head says to always
be the man or the church or a book that must be obeyed blindly because God
speaks there. Since the books that make up the Bible were written by men
inspired by God, but mostly macho with the inflexible mentality of the time,
men inspired and well intentioned, but fallible.
It also says: the woman should not use a condom because it will turn
The condom protects against diseases. The woman, as well as the man, must
learn to be sensible. Good sense comes most often from experience rather
than abstinence, studies, and advice.
"Let men exercise free will that every cause has effect and every formula has
its own and against because life acts with opposites to serve as teaching and
personal discovery of their own possibilities."
The sexual act was not only done for reproduction. In all species, the sexual
act is preceded by a festive ceremony, a wooing before acting and a
tenderness at the end.T he carnal appetite that appears in adolescence must
be oriented, as most inclinations must be educated to make it beautiful and
sensible. If the youth wants to enjoy his time he does with consecration and
not necessarily be depravity.
"It's so good to remember that we enjoy life with all that's right without being
aggressive about it."
It also says: the woman is fragile to decide if she should stay with her rapist's
son, she may reject him and then accept him.
"Men do not know what it is to be raped: it is invading the most intimate part
of the body with a strange unwanted seed and soiled by it. It is maiming the
woman. Hence to want the child to live: it is a dilemma. Moreover, is not the
woman a life already lived and suffered that deserves to be recovered?
It says: the born acephalus is also life.
"In that case, the whole family will suffer for the rest of the life, and the
parents will not be talked about."
The no-brainer is not aware of himself, according to doctors.
Once I dreamed that I was a drop of blood circling my veins, I was aware of
being alive as blood. Since then I think that every living being should live.

In antiquity, between certain tribes and between certain animals they ended
the lives of those that were born with imperfections like a natural selection. So
also, the seeds of both plants and animals, among them of man are so many
numerically and only few reproduce, in the case of man, in general, only one
will give birth.
In addition, the other seeds had conscious life. Is a potential life
conscious? The law of nature is the law of God: it selects without compassion.
Veterinarians practicing euthanasia: are they wiser, more just, and more
I had terrible pains in my kidneys and I told God that I would rather die, the
doctor tells me that I would understand if I did not want to live as a
I recovered, but if I had died, I think it would not have been a difficult woman,
even though each creature was unique. Anyway, through metempsychosis, my
soul would have another chance.
While the invalid: the majority I know loves life. Most beings are in pain or
not: they want to live.
"My request is that doctors find relief from pain."
In nature is the pharmacy of God.
"Even with mistakes, life is worth it. It is worth it if life was rebuilt for the
better, otherwise it would have been better not to be born to be just
brokenness and pain. "
One thing is certain: without love, life is worth nothing. Take more disease and
poverty knowing if loved. Love adds beauty and health.
Even with mistakes, each one must decide whether to continue living or
not. An unwanted strange life inside the womb is a terrible thing that should
not be desired to anyone. It may be that the woman ends up accepting the
child or adopting it in order not to pass her deception on to an innocent.
A rape that leaves a child as a sequel is too heavy.
Even so, time will tell what was best and most of the time the pain passes. The
child can be happy on the side of those who love him and will understand if a
broken woman has rejected him, will know that the best thing in life is to stay
where there is love and forget the vicissitudes without feeding grudges.
There are things fixed in life that never change, even humanity trying. And the
rest, referring mainly to the human being: everything is relative.

≈ The people of the whole world were at first what the environment offered
them to survive: fruit and seed pickers. Then some became lumberjacks,
others set out to raise animals. Others dedicated themselves to agriculture,
others progressing in the crafts, inventing first utensils, then came the
commerce, the struggles for territory and with it the proliferation of offspring
and the wars with all kinds of ambition and wiles until they turned territories
and tribes: bloody warriors , at the same time invoking the Creator and all his
divine entourage called by some of Gods or angels or saints or wizards or
magicians or forces of nature and the universe implanted by God, because all
peoples have always believed in the All -powerful in the first place and then in

the values of existences visible and invisible to man who are also values of
The inhabitants of the mountain raised sheep or goats. The coastlines became
anglers. The women who stayed in the home taking care of the children began
with the weaving, etc. So many families
took the surname profession exercised.

≈ The human animal is just one more in nature, but is proud of its ability to
change its environment, its ability to occupy all the corners of the earth
without respecting the territory of other beings, for its inventive and analytical
ability, especially it is proud for progressing at the cost of cruel methods of
destruction, power and lies.

≈ The late Brazilian comedian Chico Anísio says in one of his jokes: What if
man began to regress over the years until he returned to the time of the
invention of the wheel?
In nature there are always cycles of end and beginning, but never regressed
because evolution is divine law implanted in souls.

≈ One parent confessed that he would rather buy a video game than buy a
dog because he was another living being in the family causing it to break.
So he thinks that education and the human soul earn more by owning a video
game. You are mistaken; the Internet that is so informative is more used for
fun than to seek instruction and knowledge.
Nothing better to deepen the soul as the contact with the natives, with the
animals, plants, and so many energetic characteristics of nature. The sounds of
nature made so many musical instruments, the colors inspired moving
paintings. One should have contact with nature and read books to discover,
stop and think about the values of the world and of men.

≈ Materiality and spirituality have value in the right measure.

The exaggeration of taste by only one side leads to imbalance.

≈ losing the soul does not mean going to hell and yes losing peace. The soul
is our identity and it is lost when it is corrupted by ambition, achieving
triumph, at the same time the failure that is the loss of peace.

≈ I sit down in my mature years with a better spirit, I have achieved many
dreams, I consider myself a good and happy person.
Not for this I am better than others because even a criminal will come one day
to be what I am because all the worlds are round leading one day, even if by
leaps and bounds: to happiness, to fulfillment, to transcendence.

As the singer, Jim Morrison used to say: we are stones lapped by God; we
must also love the rough stone.

≈ There are those who do not accept divorce because it says that what God
unites man should not separate. However, man is a being of free will,
he plans his life mostly even unconsciously and, as he is a fallible being: he
can err. If a marriage has lost the magic of love, there is no one to convince
me that God will demand of someone who can endure living by feeling
Love is healthy where there is correspondence. If love ends, then it is better
to seek another love because each one has an infinite capacity to love and be
happy by his own will.

≈ The spirit after death will continue to live by what has been bent in life and
may even acquire new powers.
≈ to my modest understanding homosexuality results from a hormonal
dysfunction. Among gay couples, there is always a more masculine and a more
feminine one. Therefore, refrain from judging a feeling from which one is not
guilty, no one chooses to be male or female, sexual inclination develops by
influence of the natural environment and awakening, by involuntary male or
female excitement.
"We are all children of God destined to transcend one day."

≈ Life is a long way for wings all the dreams from heart. From childhood, I
feel that I am already flying.

Madams despise ≈ Domestic because they do nothing at

home. In Cuba Fidel Castro has banned domestic work because the whole
family to value the work of others and value themselves should do daily
household chores.

≈ Throughout the history of mankind he finds out whether

the poisonous man is on earth. Few are the humans without vices, of peace,
of good nature, "these few exemplary beings have carried humanity forward."
"The man disappearing from the earth, nature will be fruitful again."
With the disappearance of the man will also disappear beautiful thoughts,
beautiful poems, beautiful songs, beautiful monuments, and beautiful
spectacles However, do not worry because "all beauty will transcend beyond
this reality into the astral body, more subtle and resplendent than before." The
spirits of all existences will continue to be missionaries maintaining and even
enhancing their gifts. Over the years, tastes are refined, so it may happen that
in the other life many things lose importance and new ones become more

interesting. In other dimensions, musicians will continue to sow joy as books,
dance, and other human merits will continue to delight souls.
The nature will not be poorer without human values because she was muse of
men. Because nature has its movements, sounds, perfumes, forms, colors, its
reading, poems, knowledge and power that have inspired artists, writers,
scientists and thinkers.
The grandeur of the universe will continue without the presence of man. Man
will revive in the other dimension all the greatness of the creation he has

≈ Receive a big hug from my immeasurable soul my beloved brothers rhinos,

marine life elephants, bears, donkeys, hyenas, frogs, spiders, worms, flies and
so many animals all being valued by the Creator of all creatures. Receive the
embrace of my deep, gigantic trees and tiny mosses. That my embrace sits the
rejected one and softens the soul of the criminals never to do more harm by
having an urge to do only good.
Above all , let there be no more sadness in life, but I miss more hugs and
hugs are possible for all.
"It is the fellowship that culminates in communion with the Creator."

≈ Get a big hug from the Brazilian veterinary student who was shocked to
have the first lesson: to kill mice. She was able to save the lives of several lab
rats, many sick and defective because of the cruel human experiments.

≈ In settlements inhabited by simple people, one can more easily believe in

inexplicable phenomena and even increase the stories.
The appearance of the specter of a dead person is taken as resurrection. The
disappearance of a corpse robbed by authorities just for the deceased not to be
mystified results in more conviction that the deceased is alive.
The good side in this is that it leads one to think that love never accepts the
end because the definitive end truly does not exist.

≈ Treat addicts as sick. Patients should be hospitalized in an urgent case,

even against their will because it is about saving lives, but in the case of
addicts, they do not think they should be hospitalized for treatment against
their will. Just addicts who are addicts, slaves of an evil that dominates
them. If they really want to heal the addicts: they must be hospitalized to be
detoxified, otherwise they will never recover and will cost the public coffers
eternal sacrifices and high expenses. Democracy should not admit to a mess.

≈ In the Legion of Good Will, the leader Paiva Neto is exemplary, does not
give as much importance in gaining adepts for a credo alone or add sumptuous
temples to impose themselves or make marches to show how much your

church grows numerically and geometrically. He presents data on what they
have done to improve society by giving lessons of brotherhood that leads to
being a person as God wants us to be: good, love and happy because sowing
the being gives a huge compensation, grants indescribable happiness and the
soul strengthens not satisfying in itself: this pleasure is unknown to
consumers, they never feel consumed enough having to live in the vice of
constantly feeding selfishness.
The Legion of Good Will claims to be an ecumenical church like spirits’, like the
Catholic Church, as the universal and other creeds claim to be, but they are
not ecumenical, they are eminently evangelising.
In an ecumenical temple, he knows the principles, the thoughts and some
rituals of other creeds. Christians never speak of enlightened ones other than
Christian thinkers. Also other creeds such as Buddhism, Muslims, Jews do not
strive to unite the creeds pointing to analogies so as to lead to reflect and each
one decide for himself what most convinces him, what most identifies him with
his own principles .
All creeds affirm the same basic principles of "believing in God, fostering
brotherhood for joy and righteousness, distinguishing virtues, right from wrong
by learning about the nature of God intuited in nature and within oneself where
it also enlightens the flame of God. Knowing the ethical and aesthetic principles
of religions, there will be more understanding, more admiration and less
separation between humans”

≈ Praise is better than praying. Exalting the daily gifts will make the owner of
the world feel more enlightened, in the end, God knows better than we do
what is good for us because he knows our nature more than we know
ourselves. Surely, the Creator prefers to see smile, joy, contentment, life in
celebration than to live listening to complaints of the life that is suffered not
because of the designs of God but because of our own wrong attitude.
Rather than asking for our daily bread is asking the Universal Energy Source to
give us energy and willpower to conquer our bread for its own merit. It is
better to have reason to thank yourself for what you have done for yourself
and for a better world. Not all must fall from the sky. We are here to make our
will igniting the divine light that God has implanted in every being.

≈ The TV used to introduce novels showing the elite world and the people
sublimating their desires to conquer their idols. Then the TV came to show
more the reality of the people and this identifying with the soap operas went
on to claim more rights. Nevertheless, novels and news became a drug: a daily
conversation focused only on tragedies and the depression that was the
consequence of hidden dissatisfactions of the elite, became in the people
consequence of seeing and hearing only tragedies totally ignoring positive
actions. To compensate for the daily dissatisfaction of life invents itself every
day more: new consumption and new cheap amusements that bring enormous
profit to the media and unexpected profit for unprepared souls wasting their
lives with banalities. It is not so with acculturation that life goes forward, in

each ignorant being emerge a new feeling in the contact with the beauty of
other creeds, of other cultures.
Few foster the discovery of talents, talents, and non-performance. Creativity
with quality and originality that makes discover in each being a specific gift
implanted by the universal order.
From the mud are born the whiter lilies - says the Paraguayan poet Manuel
Ortiz Guerrero - Thus through initiatives with quality of very dedicated people
discovers if so many Brazilian talents in all areas of knowledge.

≈ The Brazilian literature is very rich and very well known by the people.
I was three years old when my mother started to buy me monthly the
Argentine magazine Billiken, where I soon read classic European and Arab
tales, Greek and Indian myths, classic Russian books, Germans, English,
French and many Latin authors. Poems Arab, Indian, Chinese, Argentine,
Chilean, Mexican, Peruvian, Paraguayan, etc. .: since girl.
In college, we were proud to say that we had encyclopedias that then sold
door to door. We knew about Marxism, about existentialism, Indian, esoteric
literature, about Egyptian, Guarani, Inca and Mayan culture, about classic
novels. In family gatherings called: Penha, there were shows of music, dance
and poetry. Q lmost all know how to play an instrument and sing, both men
and women had to show a culinary skill. Where was the time to feed
the culture and express the soul?

≈ In an American film an actor says: rather than waiting miracles in life is to

make each his miracle. To this, I want to add that each family should not
expect education and culture to reach their children solely from educational
entities, but rather start with their own parents by giving examples, guiding,
and instilling values. In addition, not every citizen should expect everything to
do the state. Each creature should not expect the house cleaner to do
everything, even if she is paid for it. Each one should collaborate by arranging
the bed, for example, so show a little consideration.
It is not by paying the price of a hotel that the guest has to leave the
bathroom filthy. It is not because there is a gari-the clean man of the street-
on the street that the citizen must soil the floor or in a condominium leave the
garbage on the stairs. It is not because there is a teacher in class giving
service that should be disrespected. It is not because society owes something
and because one pays high taxes, or because there is corruption and more
white-collar crimes that the people have the right to make depravations,
graffiti, looting, fires, etc. Where is the gift of the word and the noble deeds of
which Homo sapiens is so proud?

≈ In uniqueness there are no words. In the oneness, there is a poem, a

song, a dance of the heart without speaking or singing or dancing in the known

Uniqueness is a feeling of deep darkness and a hug of sidereal light.
Whoever feels one with the beloved: loses the words and forgets the time.
Whoever feels one with the jungle, feels the soul converted into leafy leaves
forever. Anyone who sits down watching the waterfall feels like an eternal
Those who contemplate a star feel a tiny, happy spark.
Anyone looking at a cloud traveler would return to cloud traveler.
Communion is sublime material and spiritual union.
Oneness is the universe conceived as the totality of God: the number ten.
Universe is creation: spiritual and material world of eternal nature.
Eternity is not static but is active according to the mission that gives life.

≈ Seagulls leave the whales' backs raw. Dragons tear apart pieces of other
animals. See the good zebra being lion food, the good little bird being snake
food, the good cicada being bird food, so many animals being human food ...
"It cannot be fair, it cannot be finished creation."
Cruelty does not match the splendor of creation, it is appalling, unacceptable,
cannot be! Man has to improve the world!

≈ Most dreams of building a nest with a great love. Most after separation
choose to never marry again to avoid further disappointment. The emptiness of
love is compensated by friendships or a furtive romance.
I want to die with my husband, but if I get widow will not want to have more
partner. I think with time, at least from time to time would want the company
of friends to share the good things of the day because it is sad rejoice alone.
Talk to God, with the sky, with nature, with a being gone is a sign of not being
alone, yet there are times when all that is felt more lonely yet.
"Most are alone among people who ignore the feeling and personal value."

≈ With thirty years and another couple of years married with separate
because they say that the relationship is worn. Couples should know that what
unites are repeated rituals every day and dates of commemorative union:
those days are valuable, make up the happiness sharing joys and sorrows. Be
husband or wife, being a parent is lesson of life.
The usual landscapes, the seasons, each change in our plants, whether they
are regarded with indifference passes the daily wonders unnoticed until one
day in the solitude of separation belatedly recognized what it means to walk a
path with partner and children.
Each family being ever motive conflict becomes embarrassing, discontent, life
has its missteps. However, every being contributes also joy and values that
we have to consider. In difficult times, no anger sitting: look at the photo
album and remember the good moments lived, there again a willingness to
start over. All are annoying and all have values. Loving and willful be. Take
example of animals and all of nature knows that compose himself forgetting
past storms when the present is renewed.

≈ The philosopher Ortega y Gasset said that the important thing is not the
way, but the walker. The Brazilian composer Renato Teixeira says fulfilling
life is simply comprehend the march and go touching face.
A handyman named Walter tells me in a crisis: the business is getting by.

≈ People who dislike animals have heavy astral live chewing conflicts are
unhappy with everyone, dissatisfied with themselves.
Most who loves animals are gentle. Angels are angels in company.

≈ the trees need water, where it does not rain turns the desert. In the
presence of lawn breathe clean air, where there is dense forest the air is
humid. Forests provide clouds to attract the rain and they create land
animals. Even animals who spend more days on the beach, the rocks or in the
field, find it refuge in the forests.
The springs and rivers give drink to animals and plants, but not abound where
there is little green. To the sea, need freshwater streams.
"The presence of more walls warms the atmosphere and the surroundings of
the cities." Each man is like a hot lamp and consuming oxygen.
The city not only heats up the area you are in, your warmth and pollution have
an effect around. The city of São Paulo, for example, would be more
unbearable than it is if it were not for the Atlantic Forest that provides enough
rain to ease the heat. But increasingly diminished forest becomes more warm
and deserted.
The nature, the earth, the planets, the sun, galaxies: they all live in motion
and constant change with temperature changes, consequences and
Needed not only liquid, the environment works with the interaction of all
To say that the phenomena of nature are always natural, is not it, human
actions can destroy the environment and can also rebuild.
The world is having fewer springs, less forests, less productive land vegetable
and mineral, less fresh air: it is true, not only by time, because the human
excesses are visible in the environment.
Cities do not have the quality of life that is more in places inhabited by plants
and animals and less inhabited by men. It may be that the greenhouse effect is
a passing phenomenon of nature, but that the human being collaborated to
make this happen more severely and quickly, is undeniable.
Where man leaves his steps heavy astral withering environment, unless some
native mingled in nature.
From time to time there are floods, earthquakes, melting, etc. and nature
always recovers, but there are things that are being hardly recoverable by the
abuse of such settlement human.
I have to suck the ozone layer of pure and fresh effect in the mornings. After
inhaling deeply or more, it is known that effect.
The sun warmed before gradually, at present only the sun appears, heats
already burning the skin on the head.

I am no expert on environmental phenomena to have better explain certain
things, but I know very well that there are those who invent tragedy to blame
the capitalists for political or religious reasons. And there are still those who
make capitalism propaganda being paid to defend certain theories.
There are scientists paid by manufacturers to name the positive effects of
coffee, alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, meat, etc. All have positive and negative
side; it depends on the judgment of each. Most obeys as vulgar
advertisements as breweries have made them drunk propagandists. The
advertising of a cigarette brand had a man looking free and happy, but he fell
into the trap of addiction not getting rid of painful lung cancer that led to his
Advertisements misleading too fineness delude crowds of all life because man
does not have as much judgment as he believes have.
Better to be another kind of animal that lives with more balance and wisdom.

≈ CAE s of all races and of all sizes, young or old: always are
gorgeous! There I see the place of shelter for abandoned dogs and cannot
imagine this contrast of animals as beautiful, good, gray, and unfortunate
situation of their lives. There are times when some doubt the goodness and
happiness for so misfortune. There are times when I do not admit so sorry and
I say, how can God allow man to degrade both His creation? How can you find
romanticism in pain? The pain of love is suffocating.
Be moved, occurs miss the sweet tears of a bolero, if it makes me sad the
night of Chopin, do not mean that to be moved so should you suffer
necessarily because the sensitive soul has a smorgasbord of beautiful
emotions to be enjoyed at the time of experiencing the music. I sit happy to
hear the joyful and melancholy gypsy songs, Russian and Hungarian. Banham
me indescribable sensations!
For the Almighty nothing is impossible.
If I were God would, not what moves, but would end the suffering, every day
would be renewed parties ever
would marry. The universe would sum of more joys and endless joys!

≈ Rituals. Life fulfills its daily life, nature takes its course, the celebrations of
the men, the mating party animal, the routine of everyday life, etc. Traditions
as the birthday of the land or people follow an order of composition. Man must
understand that life has daily rituals to order and make life easier as time to
work, to eat, sleep, etc. and as such marital separation there because of the
psychological strain that produces a routine where ever repeat customs
without be more fun youth, the man who claims to be as creative and even
have this capability, you can then renew your environment. With good will
can start dating, break the routine "without separating or spend too much."
The couple and family need any airing the routine breaking the repeated
deployed rituals. For my husband and I results easier to break rules because
we have no children and our cattle with us forever. So we do not meet every
day lunch at noon. If you want to go out to eat ice cream in the morning:
do. Also our prayers do not have time, we celebrate the presence of God that
moves us day by day like to hear the thrush singing in the morning, seeing a

butterfly in the window when we take the waterfall when we go out to lunch
with friends, etc. As less rituals have to meet every day easier becomes life,
the mood is lighter and spontaneous. The important thing for the Creator is
that your creatures are well, love and happy.

≈ Music is the language of angels and the soul of the world, tells
us Pythagoras.
In India, they say that God is a dancer for creating all with constant
motion. They also say that God in creating sings.
God is everything : musician, mathematician, geometer, architect, engineer,
chemical, physical, metaphysical, painter, put rhythm and sounds at all like the
sound of the deep and balls, prolonged: OM!
There are those who say that the word of men is more important than the
music, but the music is the universal language, is the most eloquent
language, people from different languages to understand when listening to
"The music, dance, painting, poetry most us closer to God. All festive
expressions of men as wedding, birthday unite people while it looms the
fellowship and it feels more the presence of God. "
Insensitive souls know measure anything without the word. They are poor in

≈ The rainbow is one of the most beautiful spectacles of nature seen in

waterfalls and after rain, it happens by unfolding colors.
The color black is the absence of color; the white color is the union of all
In the Bible, the rainbow symbolizes the end of the universal flood and
describes as a covenant of God with men never to flood the earth. The land
has gone through wet weather and glacial time. Various phenomena of nature
repeat it from time to time independent of human existence, but the man has
reached the point of being able to change the environment.
Before man, the earth ever had majestáticos rainbows.

≈ Abraham of the Bible was a man longing for peace and land in wartime as
many men today crave. There are reports in the Bible taken literally by many
and are puerile. In a report put God to the test Abraham by ordering him to kill
his son, but an angel stopped him saying that God has seen that Abraham is
an obedient servant and such promises you a large and successful offspring.
First God no need for proof to anyone because the Creator knows more his
creatures than these are known to themselves, secondly God never ask
anyone cruelty and be on your whole mind never obey an order as unfair and
would know, especially that such a command cannot come from a being as
perfect as God is. The evidence that a being undergoes in life are for self -
knowledge, that is, the man finds in certain situations than he is able. The
myth in the Bible may be referendum to Abraham as having to live in war the
loss of children to achieve the longed - for homeland.

He also says in the Bible that Abraham talked to God and that many interpret
as Abraham listening to God speak to the word of men. Around the world,
there has always been and there are mystics who communicate with God
directly without prayer average or other rituals but feeling the presence of God
at any given time or place. What else takes to feel the presence of God is not
so much the ritual or the thought in him but the emptying or fasting of the
mind, this much helps the body fast, "you have to know that it is through the
body that the soul evolves." God manifests himself through the creation and
his creatures without for that word or translation that results often impossible
to describe. With an empty mind, the feeling emerges with more strength and
communication with spirits is most evident. So learn the mind clears more to
hear "the voice inside cahoots the expression of nature that reveals the divine

≈ When a Latin reaches a European Nordic country knows he will live with
more civilized people, there gives realized that most Latinos are impontual less
painstaking work, less concentrated in the studios, etc. Earlier learn to love the
dark landscapes, autumn so colorful there, so the spring flowers after the long
winter, will value the silence and respect. Soon see that such order tired,
seeing asphalt in the woods remember with nostalgia our leafy forests with
trails and magical corners. He will feel nostalgia of laughter and spontaneous
hugs from friends and family, the sunny days, people dressed in more colors
on the beaches, dancing with more cursed. If a Latin goes there to become a
bourgeois, this will feel very well, but a less frivolous person will value their
land, their culture without many castles,museums and classical gardens that
are a beauty, but you will see that the strong Latin is nature and
its culture ancestor, also the cheerful and relaxed way,
friendliness, creativity , feeling the most friendly and less breakaway: that
all the fascinating Latin America: enchants to foreigners.
The materialist is less sentimental, but who is more sensitive soon realizes
arrogance and disguised contempt for most of the first world with foreigners
and this revolt, even they have reason to judge our mistakes.
The most educated Europeans appreciate our Indians, but suspicious of
Latinos. We have to learn from them to be more honest, not do things by
halves, but with good finishing and more cleanliness, have more willingness to
get ahead through their own efforts, respect the laws, be more citizens that
are aware, be more environmental, more patriots, in the end we have to
correct our errors that are serious. They also have much to learn from us,
every day more we have values in all areas of knowledge that leave nothing to
be desired in other lands. In addition, our nature, colors, smiles, music, dance
and poetry have no equal.

≈ The rituals of some religions are as complicated as having to rest

because God rested on Sundays, without explaining that should rest because in
creating all creatures need rest and recreation. You have to eat and drink in
memory of Jesus without saying that all be gone should be celebrated. Have to
be circumcised as a sign of being God's people, without saying that all
creation is God's world and circumcision is a painful way to schedule people.

Some say that circumcision would have been established for hygienic reasons.
Place the consumption of meat and milk as forbidden by God, without
explaining that this mix complicates digestion.
Many moral lessons, health, hygiene, etc. put old as the laws of God and
ready. So some religions simply accustomed to obey and not to think, much
less analyze, being so good to get out of ignorance becoming aware of life and
of himself.

≈ The land has gone through several transformations, the seabed shows a
lunar landscape before it was the sea, the desert has traces of time in which it
was advanced by sea, land separated forming continents and is going further
dislocations. The melting of the North Pole affects the climate and its
inhabitants, raises the sea level, while there are places in southern Argentina
and Chile where the ice is growing, even in the Himalayas. And at the North
Pole begins new organic life beneath the ice.
Men are also not as before, the Sumerians, the Babylonians, the Germans, the
Etruscans, the Greeks, the Romans and others were different from people
today in the same territories.
Each in its time, do not whine, do not want to clone before and think that all
beings gone and even the landscapes trips are in the astral body in another
dimension because "every good and beauty the Creator perpetuates and all
creation is destined to transform and transcend one day. "

≈ Living life in terms of a future hinders happiness.

Life is full of wonderful things daily.
There are things that are valued only when they disappear.
An eclipse happens from time to time is not more wonderful than the monthly
full moon, the daily Dawn, the summer rain, the waterfall, the rivers, the sea
we know.
Short every landscape, every smile, every family one. Every hour of work let
you glad to give you sustenance. Think how many happy Sundays and how
many days have passed loved ones company.
Know that every moment is valuable because it never comes back.
So many happy hours of youth, courtship time, the songs of that time, people
and animals that are no longer: never come back, so live every moment
intensely, because "the time is gone recover only in the hereafter."

≈ I collaborator entity Suipa of Brazil in defense of animals and a monthly

booklet saw several dogs and cats in adoption, was held at the picture of a
blind and deaf puppy, I thought, who will want to adopt him? Not slept more
thinking about her and my husband tells me, we will bring to it!
I cried a lot at first. Who did cruelly tearing her eyes? She got out of getting
quietly box, delivered to their fate, humiliated, totally crippled, with anemia
and ear infections. Home was terrified with the shower and so I went
spent sponge with soap and warm water massaging her, then moderately
water, then shampoo with sponge gently. First paws, neck, chest, back, belly
and finally the head a wet cloth to avoid water from entering the ear.

He named Missy. I danced with her trying to spend happy vibes. She could not
walk or bark, now walks alone for the whole apartment recognizing each place
and already late, has also become more expressive and was very
beautiful. There are people asking me why I adopted a blind puppy. Some
women were moved and called me angel.
There are people who adopt dogs with disabilities. I know couples who adopted
children with cancer. I see that there is so little compassion for the humans
with the losers, "animals and human animals are discarded when they get
older and get sick," there was a time that Russia gave to take hot water to the
elders and let them die.
Being compassionate is not living in pain, instead be supportive gives
pleasure! We are very happy with Missy and she feels comfortable with us.

≈ It is not good to travel by plane with the animal because the atmosphere
on high is not easy for everyone. Mostly it is dangerous for overweight dogs
with short noses happening death by suffocation.
It is also not good to leave the dog with weird because you can give up eating
and drinking dying in a few days. "The dog should not be attached to a person
not only happen to it in the absence of a familiar one; the animal will not feel
helpless there be another for which he sits esteem."
In the absence of the person loved the dog, redouble the attention and
affection to him. Make you happy, happy! Our puppies should travel on our

≈ The evangelicals have to understand that not all are to hear them
because tastes are different or because many need silence.
Noise pollution is a lack of respect.
On the other hand there are people who should try to be more tolerant of the
differences, if there is no way to rejoice in the joy of others, let them enjoy
their moments and short also what appeals to you as far as possible without
disturbing anyone. One way to appease the house parties is leaving a note in
neighboring them apologizing in advance for the noise that will at such a time
on such a day.

≈ Sad is hearsay to the revolutionaries of the sixties and seventies that were
wrong in their concepts, instead of spending what they know to young people
who have more opportunity to talk about the ideal, since the old are tired after
so much sacrifice in life. The only mistake that time was the use of drugs that
ended in terrible consequences worldwide. However "ideal for a simpler world,
more naturalistic, peaceful, clothing, the wigs, the philosophy of that beautiful
youth has no equal today." Too bad the capitalist consumerism triumphed over
these hippies hindering their expectations and creating more prejudices with

≈ The prohibition of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, prostitution does not diminish

consumption, release either. The difference is that in our time is no treatment

for prostitutes, for patients because of smoking or alcohol, drug addicts also
treated as patients and not as guilty.
We live in a technological and consumerist time mastering completely,
consumption culture and acculturation. Every invention turns business, every
minute appear new consumer items to costly and the neediest regardless of
the values, but life is a constant show.
With the release of drugs will decrease the crime, the crime industry will
be legalize
also gaining the state with high taxes. In addition, since large casinos and
nightclubs, large beverage plants, tobacco and drugs will win more than ever:
so exorbitantly raise prices. But here someone will offer cheaper merchandise.
The people should not play with taxes and with the healing
of irresponsible for their lives. The addict is burden of society.
The companies that both profit from addiction to pay the treatment of
imbeciles "sick." Companies will profit even more with the release because as
I say, the sale will be legalized.
"The consumers are rich and poor supporting organized crime which in
turn sustains wars and political experiencing illicit sex orgies, smoking, alcohol,
drugs. Without customers there would be no crime or diseases or parasites so
many useless and bold. "
Those who advocate the use of marijuana as medicine then receive income as
morphine users. Drugs, alcohol, coffee, etc. grant welfare and malaise and the
worst is the dependence destabilizing entire families. But that everyone
knows, it happens that the human being is the most pet idiot that exists and
"morbidly love lawlessness since childhood."
Marijuana also eats the neurons, muscles and the future.
Final solution against the vices do not exist, constructive humanity lives side
by side with destructive people. Aramis Maiblum.

≈ In big cities it is difficult to create bike paths because the streets are
narrow that barely enough to overcome the cars and trucks in the avenues
circulate even more difficult to pass. In the neighborhoods, it is also difficult to
ride a bike because the roads are very bumpy.

≈ who has a house on a paradise beach or quiet and paid dearly for it. I've
lived in a beach was almost deserted during the week and in the winter, but on
weekends the youth came with a noisy joy and the drums, but I was happy for
them to tan life and because I also had to break my beloved silence with
samba and serenade until the early hours with them and God certainly like
meditative beings and also is happy to see his creatures having fun.
Around the world there are beaches private staying longer preserved . They
say the beach is all, or say, the street belongs to everyone. But there are those
who behave without respect making noise as if only they existed and were
entitled to be loud all the time, throwing trash on the floor with impudence and
without regard for street sweepers and humiliating clean up the mess of
others, can be put garbage in trash or at least on the side if you are full or else
take home. Such people should be very relaxed in their homes. Such people
have no right to use the common good, alias or the beach or the sea or the

land or the street is nobody but belongs to God and citizens by paying taxes
have the right to use "if they use consciously, with education and cleanliness it
gives health and beauty. " It is nice to think that we are: citizens, planetary, all
the earth is our homeland, we should be good children of God and loving

≈ the art is inspired by the events of life as in nature, in love, in

fantasy. Some people say that life imitates art, it is not logical, but now this:
there are those who want to be an artist and live in imitation, envying,
hindering, criticizing the artists. Aramis Maiblum.

≈ If you speak in need of children: education and health as priority. Nothing

is a priority, many items are important as the protection of nature, helpless
animals because of human animals; children abandoned because of pais
irresponsible who think that society should play their children hindering the lives
of those who struggle with conscience and responsibility for a better life.
Just as there is children's day, mothers, valentines, teachers, etc., so there
should be a day old, the prisoners, the police because appreciate and
consideration will lead to honored to think about the values encouraging being
“Being person: educated, cultured, spiritual, generous, helpful, holistic, Zen."
Leave seeds and fruits in the world, be flower, be joy and beauty.

≈ And still missing in our time so much depression: broadcasters, TV,

magazines that not only criticize and talk of tragedies. Which also speak of
good facts. There is beauty in all nations. Politicians, police, businesspersons,
rich, are not all bad people, hardworking for a better world also deserve
praise. Tired and depressed hear only bad news reported enthusiastically by
people who profit from scandals, especially in the days of elections where a lot
of dirt and never appears gratitude or encouragement. Also missing more
solidarity program with our brothers more forgetful and careless.
Lack of generosity expensive with the poor, "generosity is a source of
happiness greater than consuming luxury constantly."

≈ Not all cities in the world, not all human constructions beyond the beauty
and well-being that nature gives.
Without nature, with arid landscape as it appears in fiction films, the world is
become gloomy, sinister, and glacial. There is breathe an air of constant
danger, lacking confidence in anyone. In nature, breathe God's presence.

≈ ”Art for me must contain beauty and beauty must contain magic and
magic is a way to find contact between the known and the unknown,
but sense . The feeling must be steeped in emotion with laughter and tears
"In my book: Moreno Heart where I tell my life, letters and poems, I also put
my college work, including: Philosophy and Art - Introduction -. There are
concepts that do not change on what is a work of art and others will change

according to the time and place trend. In the contemporary time a work of art
does not need to have aesthetic and unaesthetic in the art can prove a
significant idea, even if it is not engaging, charming, but has intelligence,
insight, maybe message or propose a reflection.
The ethics also has beauty, but since the early history of ethics was not
necessary for a work of art to be such. In the real, the surreal, the
impressionism, cubism and the other chains, are not judged ethics even in the
classic time. The picture of a prostitute, a cruel war, a forest fire and others
also fall in the artistic context when one reveals feel. But let clear my view that
so many things are said to be anti-art art and even infamy, degradation art
and true artists. The consumer product turned art disposable within the reach
of all social layers exposing the most diverse tastes, realities, and nothing
more, ah! That yes: all must have impact transcend the limits. All artistic and
cultural expressions show turned up some religions.
Yes embargo, there are so many talents in all occupations, so much vulgarity is
neither necessary nor extreme nor so fast.
We needed more worship feelings because the soul is fading.

≈ A frozen lake broke up and sank two people, the dog that accompanied
them ran barking in seeking help and succeeded.
A German Shepherd did not have the courage of his race, he was very
fearful. One day their owners cried for your help when thieves broke into the
house and the shepherd dog reacted like never before fighting ferociously
against the invaders and chasing them. Days later the dog enfarted and
died; It was too much for his sensitive heart. The dogs are adorable!

≈ God did nothing without rules. All teachers teach moderation and
respect. This is square attitude for those who worship the excesses.
When someone calls the attention of a Rio by lack of citizenship, there were
the many answer: Brazil is like that, a mess!
There come tormentors. Who stands out is an example of behavior or is
branded a crazy, wacky, weird. In many lands themselves, citizens oversee
and so it should be everywhere.

≈ Life is beautiful, but humiliating. Popular saying.

≈ Choose simplicity. The excess consumption, sex, whatever complicates life
and gives misleading contentment. Aramis Maiblum .
≈ Give thanks to the Creator, the cocoa, the discoverers of cocoa juice and
chocolate: that divine delight!

≈ It's so good the silence! Their body and soul rest in the shadow of God,
there all the landscapes penetrate the soul, every visible or non - existence
for us, presents significantly. This silent conversation does not need words, it is
the largest compendium.

≈ The size does not necessarily mean a separate place, in the same place
can find a being who feels happy and others who are
unhappy. The happiness is a state of mind as much suffering as purity, like
impurity may rise and fall in the cone of dimension.

≈ So much ignorance there is in relation to religious faith exists today who

say they believe in herbs healing power is not to believe in God's power. The
pharmacy of God found in nature, the healing power of herbs is ancient
knowledge that inspired the study on them progressing the natural sciences,
including chemistry and medicine.
The Creator manifested through the creatures.

≈ The Conservatives are pessimistic about the future and optimistic about
the past. Mumford.

≈ Rituals sadistic-masochistic continue in many faiths, there are still the

offerings with blood of human firstborn of animals and the first fruits of the
harvest. Flogging the body, scraping the hair, circumcision, burning hand in a
flame; humiliate animals, drinking poison, among others.
There is still excessive worship for metals and precious stones.
Certain that all this attracts powers being good fluids or heavy energies.
The rituals were born of inspiration from men wanting to please the occult
powers to create and attract sympathy or thanks.
The best ritual is that is born of own inspiration happening spontaneously
and not necessarily. Better still is not following rituals, simply flowing the soul
praises at the right time through the silence, the stillness, singing or dancing,
to feel the need of expression and correspondence.
A religious ritual and repetitive tax: tired. The daily ritual always repeating the
same tasks: distracting.
Spontaneity does and sometimes lunch outside the home, pray in nature and
not necessarily in a temple, considering that nature is the largest temple of
God to all beings, most inspiring of the most beautiful acts, it is the heart of
the Creator.

≈ The time to believe that animals, aboriginal, black, peasants, workers, the
illiterate have no value or feelings or intelligence or wisdom, should have
been overcome.
Most idiocy in the world is living product with the proud.

≈ the voice of God echoes constantly throughout creation. Just do not

listen to those who have ears of mercenaries. Rabindranath Tagore .

≈ Life is full of arrivals and departures. Pop Think.

≈ Change is the law of life. Chinese Popular thought.

≈ The invisible is such only apparently. In the world of the invisible

natives appears to be more sensed and felt.
In the civilized world have contact with the invisible means to be crazy. That's
because many moved away losing touch with the spirits of nature that is home
to so many souls, as a result become civilized is: insensitive .

≈ A US declared that the one who destroyed the Twin Towers is an animal
because a civilized would never do that. How wrong you are! "Animals do not
practice war or terrorism or torture."
The more civilized man is crueler and indifferent becomes.
"Neither education nor culture guarantee human sensitivity, but
the spirituality rather ensures brotherhood" .

≈ the civilizations never exceed the goodness and beauty of nature because
those were built with labor exhaustive done mostly by slaves measly rights.
I take this to mean that the companies should supervise over the supply of
lunch boxes for workers who are stews and bowel patients because of baking
soda to put in coffee and beans logo giving the feeling of satiety.
I also call on the authorities to monitor more the unions paid to defend the
rights of workers. Unions provide deaf ear to complaints and insistent workers
at risk of dismissal, so the majority is silent fearing the loss of livelihood.
"The unions understand more with business than with workers."

≈ there are people who have the habit of living making fun of others, feel
bright with general laughter. Are people "empty and vague, especially unloved
giving laughter to hide the desperate cry for not getting their goals and so
envy which have neither are able to have because those who are able, know
your values, have self-esteem, do not feel envy or desire to destroy the best or
different, rather admire the best and different "

≈ there is no curse of God in nothing but a consequence of injustice.

Bad action generates disgrace to themselves and others.
Good action generates blessings, good vibes for themselves and others.
"The responsibility of the acts incumbent upon each and are not others who
should suffer for it."
Many feel in their own skin the suffering of the world because they
are compassionate. In affect other people's tragedies because we
are brothers, therefore we must take care with our behavior preventing the
consequences of our negative actions affect others.
We must seek that our good deeds benefit to all generations because we are
"Good deeds generate immense personal satisfaction."

Nor would God do that to blame something has to suffer eternal punishment
because the consequences of the errors must be just right, and nothing more
than give a chance to straighten and learn to be better.
"No one shall be condemned forever because all existence is eternal, eternity
requires: cutting and transcendence and never annihilation because this can
not be the nature of the Creator who is the very Eternity"

≈ The farmers and builders remain the most sacrificed and the most
indispensable in the world.

≈ God created the world for complacency as the artist created to be

happy and make happy the all producing love, good and beauty.

≈ the loneliness is a good place to visit, but a sad place to stay.

Josh Billings.
≈ for animals are quite awkward, nerds, stupid, and crazy, monstrous,
fearsome. Or are otherwise: Lovely.

≈ God does not need intermediaries or medium to communicate or manifest,

the manifestation of the Creator is in each existence.
The messengers of God are visible masters, teachers, or not knowing more
about God and about life and have the mission to pass what they know to be
Throughout the world there are illuminated. "It should not be forgotten
that all existence is illuminated directly by God and so
each one driven by God and by his own will can and should illuminate your
light coming into contact with the spirit world"
The conversation with itself takes place in silence, a place that inspires the
individual and, generally, with more emphasis sit there the presence of
God "in the beauty of creation or an event marked the life of each
one." There are religious not spiritualized, out of their temples they feel
uncomfortable; only value the narrow world in which they live.
The spirituality is like God: Light Universal.

≈ Saints, angels, deities, protectors, teachers, prophets, visionaries and

other names are physical beings or possessors
metaphysicians powers specific , being what they are by the will of the
Creator and many are also at will, that is, on its own action, by own merit .
Many good things happen thanks to God, other things happen thanks to one of
our world or another dimension and many things happen thanks to yourself,
thanks to their own efforts.
God is not a being: selfish, jealous, exclusive to humans is aiming only for
themselves all the honors at the end, as it says in the Bhagavad Gita India:
the praises other gods are praises addressed indirectly to me that I am the

Creator of all creatures, each creature should be proud of, each victor is also
my triumph.

≈ We live in a technological era, computer, rampant consumerism and

sensationalism at all.
We live in the era of decay of values, the annihilation of the soul where the
good feelings are ridiculed and authenticity is overlooked.
For simple then, the current world is cruelly inhospitable.
Compared to other times the world continues with wars and cruelties, with
vanity, greed, selfishness, imbalance and scandals.
" Always spoke in noble sentiments, there have always been thinkers
reflecting on the human material and spiritual acts, there have always been
prophets, sages, scientists, artists, philosophers and always will be because
new generations will innovating and improving the ideas."
Side by side with the unselfish walk the petty souls.
Men won many rights and there is still a lot of dignity. Animal rights and the
rights of nature are being claimed and to weigh the odds in the progress of the
men in the materiality that in spirituality, in spite of everything, our century is
better because there is hope that, just science and technology able to improve
the world.
Side rampant capital of the empire, emerging classes are becoming aware of
the need urgently a universal brotherhood.

≈ Both speak of human rights violations in Cuba and not at all care about
the violation of human rights in the United States and Brazil, for example.
There is torture in many detention facilities in Brazil and in many
"arrests American ' located in several continents, inclusive
em Guantanamo Cuba .
In Cuba is forbidden torture, the prisoners work and earn the same as the
free workers and their earnings held in savings account to receive on the day
of the liberation prison that inmates often call: dorm because they are in
closed cells making nothing like in other lands, including in Brazil where
prisoners are plotting mischief to have nothing to do and nothing to lead them
to think they can be good and useful taking their lives in other directions.
There are inmates who live freely on the island are prohibited only from
leaving Cuba. The Brazilian writer Fernando Morais says that Cuba is the only
nation that resisted the American command without being devastated as other
nations. The fully Americanized Cuban right based in Miami made several acts
of terrorism in Cuba and killing more than seventy Cubans from an airplane,
poison crops from the air, encouraging the Cuban people to victimize machines
and burn crops, brainwashed launching the air pamphlets and "filled prayers of
sympathy with the oppressed Cuban people."
"Every time Cuba stick to the economic sanctions imposed by the true dictators
in the world: the Americans and their faithful followers in the first world: Cuba
will continue on the defensive and the controlled media." At present there is
always interference in the media, lack computer parts, lack import papers are
missing many things Americanized readily think so to Cuba and not to the
real oppressors and drivers that do not recognize the Cuban effort to be a

nation: free , sovereign, educated, educated, cultured, cheerful, highlighted to
be more to be where there is no slums or baggy or criminals where it should
live with dignity and practice brotherhood.
"There are mistakes, yes, because hands are tied is difficult to put the noble
ideals into practice." It is good to know that many people opposed to the
Cuban government receiving support from the Americans and the Germans,
among others, for "spreading falsehoods throughout the world in all

≈ In my philosophy classes talk about the knowledge of God as follows:

God as purely ideological entity for the skeptics. Fantasy, imagination fruit,
answer the vital questions.
God as an ethical entity for the precursors of morality.
God as existence with aesthetic purpose as a source of good and beauty,
as artists conceive.
God how to feel universal love, brotherhood, the maximum spirituality, the
scope of fullness, the serene joy, deep feeling of immensity and the slightest
existence, as it is for mystic.
God as spiritual world manifested in the material world and then the Great
Spirit amazing and bright: a being expanded in his work: the universe: the
dress reveals the Self in action. Thus they conceived
the philosophers regarded as evil magicians, demonic, rebels or enemies of
God in medieval time is coming back with overwhelming force starting to add
increasingly gullible fanatics of a macho god, totalitarian and separatist.

≈ There are religions creating controversy about retinue names of God. In

fact all the creatures are retinue of God and for God there are no hierarchies
or who should be more or less loved.
There are people saying that God has only prophets. Others say that God has
for emissary’s angels and saints, others call the mediums of messengers,
others call deities or loved guards, others appoint as fairies, goblins, deities
and so on.
They say that only God should be loved and other loved ignored because all
power resides solely in God.
Of course, the Creator of the universe is the Almighty, but He placed in every
creature material or immaterial as a gift mission.
Who fulfills its mission well and sow joy thus increasing his or her own power.
There are fruits and seeds that cure a particular disease, there are plants that
do not need their leaves turn tea, their presence is enough to energize body
and soul. There are men who have the gift of healing through touch and others
through a mantra.
In all religions there are entities called prophets, teachers, guru, saints,
angels, witches, end are all these ones: deities by Creators will , it was He
who made them be gods , or possession of certain powers and these powers
inspire respect , gratitude, love for God's creatures. "The more you admire
God's creatures, the more you discover the greatness of the Maker." God
manifests through the servant.

Why polemic both the names and terms? What matters is to love, honor,
recognize the qualities of each existence and love dedicated to anointing
someone, certainly not cause jealousy or carelessness or forgetfulness of God,
on the contrary, love only God demands an unhealthy devotion, whereas those
He loves God because they recognize His greatness in His creatures: love
everything more depth because he finds the love of God in everything.
Just to measure both word and every form of love, let each with its ritual and
belief. The important is that there is no more perverse rituals, destructive,
that does not impose on anyone, it is recognized that the various
manifestations of love of God also include the love for his creatures. There are
many creatures with their own characters and differences extol the goodness
and beauty.
Be either one or the other religion? It is that “there are so many beautiful
of love for God and love for his creatures " and that all
existence deserves to be recognized, loved and praised for their dedication in
their missionary area. We are all laudable gardeners’ creation that God also
put us in a more intense light pedestal. Who else who least have suffered so
much and deserve be pampered.
The greatness of souls is built with dedicated staff and collaboration of the
brothers with love, recognition and parties and more parties of life that every
party is joy and praise to the Creator of all creatures.
Do not despise the fallen because every life is destined to transcend.
The law of life is the restoration and not destruction.

≈ I had asked the following: apart from my husband, who would have liked
to get married? I am in love with my husband who lived for so many years. I
often say that the idols are love, as we love the stars that are on a high
pedestal and the beloved with whom one lives is impregnated in us both in
happiness and in misfortune.
Who loves seeks to maintain the magic, who also idolizes.
"The magic would break to join me carnally someone I admire. I have with my
idols a mystical relationship, consider them my light friends. “An idol receives
more than anything else: admiration and respect.
Happy to have been women loved by the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore ,
the physical and mystical Albert Einstein . There are so many souls who
deserve deep love like Nietzsche, Spinoza, Heraclitus, Pythagoras,
Abentofail , Giordano Bruno, Estefano, Henry Thoreau , here in Brazil the
physical Greissel and poets, and musicians, many musicians in the world,
among them Ki utaro and Jean Michell Charré that They make me travel the
world visiting my mother’s: many planets! And feeling the Creator in the secret
of each landscape from outer space.

≈ I like men with beauty Jesuína as my husband, and

women angelic as Jennifer Aniston, Luísa Mell . Attract me people
introverted, introspective, serious, sweet, mystical, and spiritualized, in love
for the Creator and the creatures most ignored by men. Not to belittle the

black beauty as Thais Araújo and brown-haired women Latin so expressive
and impressive.

≈ There are questions impertinent, but I'll answer: if I find at this time of
life the perfect man for me, the man of my dearest dreams, what would I
do? If the attraction - which is the first to emerge - is very strong, I may
decide to immediately leave with him, but I know that after a while back
because the love for my husband is very strong in spite of any defect, and
because I will uncover other defects.
Nobody is perfect, neither I nor anyone else, pitifully.
In my marriage was never very crises, if I report our disagreements, say, why
spend all!
I met couples who had not spoken for weeks, but my husband and I could
never stay long not to mention because it was too excruciating and then
someone just gave way. Also in my marriage there is much affinity, our tastes
are similar and our thoughts too. Outside of that, we learned a lot from
each other and so over time we define our character.
"It turns out an error that seems puerile between couples; it can
become unbearable as a mosquito only let not sleep in peace." Especially
women lead the details very much into account because the woman has by
nature to distinguish and appreciate everything more, women are
more intensive. Something curious in my life: whenever there was discord
among us, an angel appeared as a ray of sunshine at that moment was the
most beautiful thing in the world! But my spiritual side interpreted this as
being my angel incarnate me trying and taking me to reflect. In this debate I
talked so much about myself that at the end all turned enthusiasm cowardice
not daring to live a new love for the fear of me disenchanted and fear of losing
the love of my husband in spite of the hurt.
Both he and I are people of one partner only and infidelity would be for us
to catastrophe. I am not against people looking for a more stable love when
the union has become an ordeal, everyone has the right to seek always be
happy, but the history of our meeting is romantic and whenever I have a
question I review the photo albums with so many passages of our lives and
most friends convinces us that we belong forever. At home we enjoyed good
music and TV programs, especially TV Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, and always
went out for a walk to meet again as "ancient and eternal lovers."

≈ Jealousy: over the years, possessiveness decreases to know better the

partner, but if your partner does not feel jealousy is because it does not
matter, because they do not love.
Who loves becomes jealous angry and who does not love is indifferent.
Love and hate go hand in hand when the living is wound.
Who love suffers in disappointment, anger feels to be hurt.
Who is humiliated cannot always be loving and peaceful.
Anger is a natural reaction of anyone who feels wronged.
Never decrease a jealous partner who is already self-esteem shattered. "He
who lives by being overzealous need a lot of care, very hug and repeated
declarations of love." It costs so much that you love?

Most are jealous because the intimate shows him a danger.
Few jealous baseless.

≈ The beautiful songs of the past never come back, what a pity!
How can you forget, move, disappear from the air songs
how did they see the soul?
Where that enthusiastic interest?
"The human being is not trusted because their feeling and thinking are
Poor human soul! Only those who live with animals and plants learn them:
authenticity, nobility, constancy that lead to reflect on the deep feeling.
There are birds with repeated songs at the beginning of a new season always
charming sensitive to find this treasure of the day, however, that most men do
not realize this and therefore lives so unhappy. Instead of enjoying the
beauties of the day-to-day lives grumbling.

≈ appear in all new vocabularies times in the world. It is beautiful to learn

many languages in revealing other expressions, other cultures.
We live in the computer age where words should be shortened for lack of
time. Many things have already been eliminated, no longer use so many words
to start a letter no more so many last names as before. Appear new
expressions as derived from the English delete: delete means delete. Kiss
became written bs.
Some say that the Portuguese is our beautiful language and English. But the
Portuguese did not is the native language of Brazil, Portuguese is a foreign
language assimilated into the Brazilian population. The Portuguese for their
time is not a natural language of Portugal, is derived from the Latin language,
which at the time was as English is today.
Learn many languages is not for everyone. The easiest language to learn
English is to have a simpler grammar and do not have very long words. The
business contact was necessary learning the English language. Today Spanish
is also being required in the commercial relationship with the various land
speaks Spanish. The Japanese language and Chinese are also being more
necessary. But English is really easy and short. Tell is a step and roll rock sung
in languages other than English: decreases the rock charm.
Well looked the languages do not differ much, have many roots in
common. Through time many words are used internationally as those derived
from Greek, Arabic and French.
Why rival both complicate both be so separatist? Be more fraternal! The
language will not disappear from the map, only turn to further facilitate
communication and so draw attention to land Anglophone enjoying our
accent. Be both: national and international.

≈ The planet Earth has more water than land with a blue planet in space, so
it can also call: Planet water.
Our land is not fully known, our less known planet still water by Earthlings. The
land is already too: fascinating, and the water has extraordinary lives, animals

seem to plants, flying like birds, which are electric, which have fluorescent light
like fireflies of the earth, which are magnetic, and many other qualities like
beings from another planet.
"Living life to the fullest would be able to live traveling with a loved one to
see and review endless divine beauty": it will happen on the day we become
light and flying beings.

≈ is annoying high-pitched voice of evangelical women singing non - stop on

the bus and on the street for everyone to hear, bothers even more frequent
marches where traffic should stop or make detours.
Many evangelicals show a superiority complex and an aggressive enthusiasm
causing scandal to noise pollution and the Gentile imposing power and fear.
Have you noticed that a religious meeting the least raise their voices and
more tranquility pass are monks of religions originating in India, the esoteric,
shamans, including tribes Oceania and the Americas? They are Zen people,
more steeped in nature and therefore worship peace, serene joy, silence,
colors, scents, sound, dance, in order to have more diaphanous astral
transpiring intense inner life.
Other religions need human temples to feel up close to God, but as their voices
are so many and the joys seem forged, flee increasingly universal brotherhood
and not limited to the worship of the Bible as the only hope against not now
but in future with God.
As in the Old Testament of the Bible appear many contradictions and lack of
logic, there are religious saying that the Old Testament is a book written by
God to his people Israel and evangelicals alone follow the New Testament. And
will there citing: Romans, Corinthians, Revelation and other points also
containing incoherent writings fallible, imperative people, ordering in God's
name, finding the ones chosen at all times. The judgment in other parts of the
globe and at other times it is for this type of totally ignored because people
think their religion owns the truth and favorite of God.
"The Creator does not have favorites among his creatures and witness history
constant corrections and developments in the know."

≈ The little children as young dogs do not have straight legs because the
bones are not strong, so when it requires them to walk a lot, suddenly bend
your knees. Have compassion with ones; take them in a backpack, in a
suitable pocket, a basket or a basket comfortably.
Also not far to walk with short legs and long back dogs not to suffer
prematurely back. Prevent disease with vaccines and regular exams.
Everything worth spending when you know that the result is health at heart,
pancreas, liver, intestine, bronchi, skin, bones, kidneys, genitals, etc.
Inflammation can turn tumor, particularly animals complain only at the last
minute, so they are aware of any reaction to the movement of the ears can
mean any pain, brow shirring as hurt his head, dry nose, the temperature
falling or rising, the cache search, etc. Buy complete feed with Omega three,
minerals, vitamins, proteins appropriate for animals, because the medicines
and vitamins for humans can harm them instead of improving and this is

serious stuff as serious is to avoid giving them beans, bread, milk, ice cream,
pasta and sweets. The pancreas, liver and other organs thank.
Not all dogs like to take a bath, a small pool and even the shower we use can
be for them a huge, monstrous threat. Do not force them to practice extreme
Certain dogs strive to please us, but, if possible, make them happy without
requiring much, consider that their nature is simpler, less demanding than the
like’s humans so complicated.
The dog's social life is marking its presence in nature, to approach other
dogs, bark, run, play. Who loves is happier.

≈ Our soul is our dark side, dark. At the same time is our bright side from
the shade in sight.

≈ Love is not only selflessness, love is desire to give and also to be

matched, recognized, is the dedication by the partner, the son, the friend or a
It should be good for personal pleasure that raises self-esteem.
A thank you is good and ingratitude or indifference hurts.
The infatuation, jealousy, compassion, complicity, are part of love.
Since ancient times the animals, including the human animal, like demarcate
territory, belongings to be respect, and that in consequence of the natural law
of universal order.
"There is more that polygamy monogamy in nature and polygamy there is
always a favorite and a jealous".
Monogamy simplifies life more, while requiring ensure the love keeping
responsibility and deepening affection.
"In all areas of life learn to be better with crises."
We discovered the power of our antennas and electro magnetism.
No one should die of heartbreak because the rise from the ashes to better
depends on the inner strength in cahoots with the universe, not eternal
complaint but putting into action the desires with optimism thus attracting the
sympathy of the requested Lady of Happiness.

≈ Few are those who speak the words of Jesus: "You are the temple of
God. To him should pray and not to me. "
The most religious forces to go to human temples and visit the nature, there is
only focused on the Bible.
"Nature reveals the presence of God more than all the books and temples of
The strict masses, repeated prayers, mantras, etc. will atrophy itself
spontaneity to express itself affection, veneration at the time of personal
emotion and not only at scheduled moments that never lead to think and
where the creed is reduced to be just obedient and never be himself. Each
creature should light their own lamp and not only do what others
have developed as mandate of God.
"The condition for wisdom is a personal reflection"

≈ I heard at Rio + 20 that weigh as much lung disease, future generations
will thank carbon emissions will favor agriculture.
"There is so much monoculture and soil degradation in our day."
Sure that we are living a sun transformation cycle, the earth, the Terrain
species and probably other planets and other galaxies. "Always in the world
disasters of nature brought reflections on the values and the same is
happening now."
The earth is undergoing environmental decay to meet a processing cycle of
nature and "also" because men are rushing this process, especially the most
developed countries where in the name of welfare and human progress nature
will receding.
Even with the rapid environmental degradation, the basement is already
preparing microorganisms to be reborn, ice decreases in one place and is
growing elsewhere. There are men who are also protecting lives
endangered. In each species was ground Rev. Fading, and other processed
others survived.
However, the impressive even in our time is the insistence justify the
degrading human acts, live the time on behalf of democracy and human rights
prevails an exaggerated tolerance degradation customs.

≈ In Rio + 20 , same as in the Eco 92 , it is being claimed more human

rights than the rights of nature. They claim some defense of nature more to
favor the man because it is in danger and not for sympathy, let alone for
the sake of creation.
As much as the Pope, an American sent defends human procreation at a time
without a doubt the human overpopulation is
the greatest pollution. The poverty pollutes for lack of
conditions, wealth pollutes by overeating.
"Homo sapiens is found the king of creation and the favorite of God, the one
who received God’s command to multiply." Also think you have every right to
multiply indefinitely, even having spent the time in which they needed seed
for more acquisition and power and even living in a time in which nature will
giving more space for human settlements, even living in cities without space
with rush and nervousness, so competitive and demands to get jobs.
In all meetings in eco-system protection, there is more rhetoric than action,
more fun than concrete proposal. More selfishness that universal love. "Do
not speak of brotherhood, oneness, of integration."
Eco is the Greek word does not mean precisely house or home or place or
environment, it means more: natural habitat. At Rio + 20 speak
over nations that the planet as a "nation of all ozean and earthlings".
"Praised be the fight of the organization Green Peace, the words of
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa and the words of indigenous talking
more pro robustness of nature by nature itself."
Nature deserves to survive more than the man she be: wise, noble, loving,
more beautiful, visionary and missionary, more gardener and fraternal in the
creation, by fulfilling the cycles of life with more sense, being Zen.

≈ said that human survival should be more to his inventiveness as skillful
and artistic and especially their ability to speak thus facilitating the union to
act. They say that man learns faster to have the largest brain, speaking and
reading books. But the animals also collaborate forming groups, several
terrestrial species, marinas and air passed through and survived
disasters. Animals do not use words, but their expressions sufficient for them
to understand all you need to know in their habitat.
As human nature is more ambitious, you need more gestures, expressions
and more so were combining and developing languages.
"The animal also has fine intelligence to use in their habitat and can read
nature more than many humans."
The man away from nature developed other skills used in your environment,
but was below the animals in many areas and so it should change its opinion,
especially stop always do as much comparison forever it will be superior in
everything .
The man is very constructive in relation to himself. For other man it is much
more: dangerous, destructive, destroyer.
"Every creature, every element in the end all existence in the visible universe
or not for us, has sufficient capacity to develop according to the needs
in their habitat."

≈ The man is being called to reflect and act now as Noah of the Bible acted
in the coming of universal flood. The land has gone through several floods,
eras of ice and other times where transformers have survived the most
cautious. No evangelical pastor could explain why the Bible says that the fruits
and water that God has given sold out; "It has been the abuse and neglect
of men.”
"Us desire for the future more and less human nature to live in more
harmony." Consumerism and human competitiveness in our time turned
paranoia and not comfortable life.

≈ The Tijuca Forest with the Christ of Corcovado , the Park Pedra
Branca and the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro, checking as much as the
Serra da Cantareira in São Paulo and the Serra Gaucha in Rio Grande do Sul.
The beaches and islands of Bahia and Rio de Janeiro are stunning,
paradise! Not to mention the majestic Amazon and the Iguaçu Falls. And there
are those who say that paradise is not on earth!
Havens abound in the universe, including our planet which is also part of the
sky, To God there is no concept human upper or lower, but there is the
concept of oneness in God and universal brotherhood, all of : Mother of
creatures universe.

≈ And again to impose the corrupt Paraguayan conservative right, the

eternal oligarchy, the power of the few called in Spanish landowners in Brazil
colonels or landowners. Shamelessly they dropped to Paraguayan
President Fernando Lugo, in couple of hours, for acting against the police
as hired thugs of the landowners: in most military family. Drama like in many

Latin lands, including Brazil. Ali, readily gives his always critical, libelous,
defamatory look, thinking that freedom of expression includes disrespect
and rudeness. Someone in the most bourgeois TV Brazil offending the
presidents who most advocate the integration Latin like Hugo Chavez, Evo
Morales, Rafael Correa, Lula, Kirchner, Mojica says with obvious contempt Lula
helped "poor Paraguay" to help the "poor Bolivian Indian."
Indeed the Brazilian conservative right is not supportive, does not practice
brotherhood, let alone do justice, as this journalist who ignores the history of
Brazilian arrogance in the past, alias speaks of his own arrogance to say: just
missing that Brazil give political asylum the ousted president. The President of
Argentina Cristina Kirchner says with coarse gestures that: it uses plastic in
the face, as if he himself with his age and did not use plastic as if he himself
was not among people who worship the body: especially. Thus, this illustrious
journalist is insulting to old age and he also old public figure who should take
care of their appearance. Well looked at, he has more cheeks than the
president in Argentina. Lack him fix his lips bent both cynicism and contempt
and stop envying President Kirchner was always beautiful.
Your cynicism is both to disguise their ignorance inventing ever slander the
uninformed saying the leftist politics of our time in no way resembles the noble
left of old, and the station where he works is admittedly right from that time
and he, who is trying to please?
This gently journalist leftist hates the feel crazy, this illustrious person loves
elite as model of life. In addition, since when he defends celibacy of the
bishops? Why mind to say that the agent had deposed relationship only with
very young women? What he knows of life you never seem to have suffered?
Journalists like him. Criticizes the rulers who speak out against the extreme
greed of certain sectors of information abuse, monopolize, and manipulate
crowds being so immoral, corrupt.
Puts the agent and the Bolivian people as addicts, and the biggest addicts in
South America are in Brazil consuming marijuana first, second and third
cocaine playmaker. Places to Paraguay as a land of counterfeiters being that in
South America where most fake branded products, document, diploma, is in
He does not know that in Paraguay purchase with less price and tax "also"
authentic products to European and American countries, and in Asunción think
if more Americans creams, more gold in Turkey, more leather from Argentina
and Paraguay, more perfumes from France, Italy, Spain, England and most
authentic Scotch and Irish the most affordable price.
By mistake, I bought shoes "copied" brand: Adidas in Brazil and went to buy
the real thing in Paraguay be better to walk in the woods.
Surely this "personality" does not know the Paraguay from the government of
Fernando Lugo because there are large buildings everywhere, there clean,
tree-lined streets inside and outside the cities, there are monuments and more
tourist attractions than before, more exhibition domestic and as always
remains a more peaceful nation, less crime and less crowded than other lands
Paraguay has always been a more traditional country; conservative, more
submissive to rebel, cultural, suffered by the lack of jobs and lack of

employment is a problem of almost all countries. In Paraguay, unemployment
problem is ever so much the population emigrates.
It is hard to Paraguay leave the retardation being a nation with no outlet to the
sea thus having to pay customs duties and being a land always subject to the
decisions of the strongest. For example, the postponement of Venezuela's
entry into Mercosur by the lack of approval by Paraguay, presented a dilemma
to be more dependent on OAS Paraguay that Mercosur or UNASUR. The United
States has several strategic points on the planet. In South America are
Paraguay and Colombia.
Some journalists show cynically top and they are in the right, not to report or
comment, but the right to make up what it says spitting on their victims. So
disguise the inferiority of their petty, empty souls, sensationalism lovers and
"Human beings, who kill speaking, give fear"

≈ The Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff says rightly that the Paraguayan
ousted president should have joined over the UNASUR and Mercosur.
It is also true that from the beginning the ousted president was threatened
with impeachment, he knew this would happen soon and it was better not to
fight against the high and dangerous wall of power.
Where fewer Americans invest is in Paraguay, there is little work and no greed,
pay little tax. Paraguay is predominantly an agricultural country with land of
endless disputes since its inception as a free nation.
Reading the book of Miguel Angel Asturias of Guatemala entitled in Spanish:
El señor President, in German: Der GrûnePaps (Green Pope), any Latin,
including Brazil, will identify his land with the writing, a corrupt and
hypocritical political system and the drama of the landless and the landowners.
Stirring Fernando Lugo with the killers farmers including gunmen, military and
police, he signed it to his downfall.
Straight pitched his stumbling, scheduled well to blow look cool and the first
country to say that the dismissal was made with legality was the United
States. Lovers of socialism, almost all small land that nurture. Brazilian Most
know little to Latino brothers and no fraternal feeling.

≈ ask: what is the Brazilian music of all time?

There are so many, samba, marching, marching ranch, frevo, lambada, forró,
swing, MPB, etc. The most typical and best-known musical genre of Brazil's
samba with marches and ranch march led Brazil to fame worldwide. Since one
must be chosen, many compositions will be wronged.
I would choose a Brazilian music very melodic and sentimental sung around
the world, not lacking in the piano repertoire and guitar in Brazil and in other
lands. In verse speaks of the samba is the greatest joy in Brazil, at the same
time speaks of suffering in order to live this joy. In part, it says:
"Happiness is like a drop of dew on a flower petal, shines quiet after light
oscillates each as a tear of love.
Happiness seems eternal illusion of carnival, we work all year for a moment
dream to do the king's costume, pirate or gardener, and everything ends on
Wednesday. Sadness does not end Happiness does".

All songs movie Black Orpheus are famous because besides the typical
syncopated melodies, they also reveal the Brazilian sentimentality. They have
been translated into several languages.

≈ The partner does not belong to us, no one owns anyone. You believe that?
By forming a home shared with your partner all the belongings of the house,
why not also share each other?
As a partner of choice, we want someone to share life, our mentality, and our
tastes. Those who have a lot of affinity seem to be born for each other. A
couple so "belongs".
Who is in love gives himself entirely, belongs to the point of feeling is server
and king of the beloved, and wants to be matched in the same way to feel
full up, to feel if crowned with happiness.
There is no more beautiful thing to feel loved to the point of merging souls
becoming twins, inseparable society. One being owner of the other. Belong to
someone for love is what most crave the hearts in this life and who really love
the same person for all eternity.
In literature, narrate couples forgiven by God for the strength of love.

≈ If the perception human was more accurate, I would not need so much
suffering to learn. Most do not learn both lessons, with advice, with examples,
with joy. Learn more how to live with suffering and, usually, already at
So much time is wasted because of our folly.

≈ know such good people, but I am unhappy because they do not like all my
heart like. I wanted as friends were more inclined to read my writings, to
dance, to sing, to give more affection to animals.
They like yes all that, but not to them indispensable for me, for example, they
like other sea like me, but accept live somewhere else and even in another
nation that offers a good life material without high price as I worship beaches.
I'm complicated because I must get what they like. I had several
opportunities, but would rather sacrifice myself studying and working hard to
achieve my dreams.
I recognize that these people are more pragmatic and sensible than I am.
I happen to be very demanding and sentimental.

≈ "When I die do not talk bad about me because I will not be here to defend
myself. Speak of my virtues instead of speaking of my faults because I do not
have them. Finally, what should be assimilated is hit, the mistake should be
discarded or corrected as gently as possible to avoid arousing aggression but
encourage to do better”

≈ The tears wash the soul. Tears of emotion or tears of sorrow.

Tears of either love or lack of love. Laughter and tears. Live, live! Die, die! And
spring up again with laughter and tears.

≈ Laughter flooding of joy. Laughter drowning despair. Wings false hiding

sighs impossible.

≈ Scares in the courts so much marital separation, happens every minute in

the Western world, in disputes appear spiteful accusations. Where is the love
from the beginning? Converted into hatred for disappointment.
After having given herself with confidence, ingratitude or lack of understanding
of death hurts.
The more the attachment to a person, the more difficult becomes the capacity
for forgiveness. They say that he who loves does not kill, those who love not
hate, he loves does not impose conditions: say.
"An unexpected betrayal provokes fury and impulse betrayed person hurts
whom the wounded to death."
Up to what point our society used with concepts may admit unexpected
Are few people who have so nobly, few understand that character is not
always firm, which fluctuates according to situations that arise, that the
resumption may be better, there will be another chance.
We have infinite capacity to love, but the company places limits and
hierarchies in love like to say, "Should only love Jesus more than God, that the
family, outside of that nothing should be revered." "It must be love family
more than the others," "should love mankind more than the beasts." Teach to
appreciate plants and elements as indispensable for humanity and not for
them to have life, awareness and sensitivity.
The attachment to those around us happens from childhood.
Young people usually enjoy and fall in love with several at once. They say that
this is not love. But it is a form of love, love immature.
Over time the plurality in simplifying feel, will because life teaches that it is
better not to complicate things, many loves hinder more than cheer. Many
wealthy live surrounded by libidinous and self - interested people, they live in a
world hypocritical, success is apparent.
The poor remain more united by the difficulty economic, fight over the lack of
money that the lack of affinity.
"Who has the maturity choose one partner and a few friends because there is
easier to achieve authenticity of being, deep in feeling, because that way so it
can more security and peace of mind?"
The famous split up and tomorrow they have others in place. Feel wounded
pride , and so do not admit that they are suffering much less who are alone,
on the contrary, most famous confesses that "everything is great, better than
ever and do not lack suitors."
There are those who after a heartbreak refuse to love again: love never! Seem
cold, but are not , they put a wall in their lives the trauma experienced,
are bitter just for loving others .

Cold they are those who boast that with the separation are better than
ever. "It is good to have time to suffer and wait for the pass torment, be open
to receive a new dawn with more strength and wisdom."

≈ There are people who say the Europeans have more culture, are more
refined. In addition, blame the miscegenation have generated in Latin America
that people do not pay.
We live among people who plunders public goods, which paint graffiti walls,
littering the streets, who do not respect anyone, who take pride in breaking
the law and breaking the other. When someone good - natured attempts to put
sense into town and tries to make it clear that the people have to have
knowledge to be able to claim rights, readily appear those who worship counter
saying that a people is to be like that , that the corrupt in power is right and
each sentence a choir responds with provocative laughter.
Europe also has gone through a very similar phase in the dark medieval time
where the dead people from starvation kept the luxury of royalty paying high
taxes, living in poverty in the midst of thieves, rapists, murderers, lacking the
scandalous with cheap fun for all.
The cruel inquisition practicing both sadism in the name of God no less cruel
than the Roman or Eastern wars, all by someone have dared to write concepts
contrary to implanted by the Benedictines in the writing of the Bible, thus
keeping in ignorance to the people to ensure the power absolute.
Similarly today there creeds advancing in the name of Jesus with the
prohibition of other knowledge to obey only the book implanted by
them. Fanaticism is dangerous because it lends ear deaf to other
thoughts. The "Holy Inquisition" spoke more of hell than anything else, and
today many evangelicals also use the same method of frightening with Satan
and God with a despot.
"In fact in all civilizations existed and there are the same dilemmas and
difficult to fight so much ignorance among the least prudente
And so much hypocrisy and ambition between the dominant"
In sensitivity and sense, the world not advanced. While awareness and
thought, advancing still in its infancy. "And no economic or scientific
advancement that solves the head and the human soul"
A religion contrary to the advancement of thought is an
entity retrograde seeding pills atrophy and addictive mind and
customs. Then they say that Karl Marx was wrong. In addition, do not come
to say that only Jesus lived persecution because many enlightened that
they do not know also suffered rejection and torture. These exclusionary
"also" reject the wisdom and do not practice universal brotherhood that
performs spirituality.

≈ There are people who do not ask me but to others about me.
I, not to meet someone I guide myself for what others say because most likes
gossip and slander. I go to the person's home, see their books, their likes, and
ask questions to find out his thoughts.
Strangely there are people who do not offer even a glass of water to a stranger
ch omega in your home and also refuse to take something in the house who

first visit m because they say : first have to know. I like to offer the best of my
kitchen when someone comes to my house, even if it is unknown why the good
receipt gives the first impression about the host.

≈ All Socialists were called in early dictators for propagating changes and
human love, but fear change.
Time passes and warlords saw heroes to the people, the political right makes
sure not speak more of these precursors to change or else, try to take some
advantage of the fame of others for any political campaign or criticize the
Socialists and anti-American.
It is immoral that some churches to impose the policy not to allow the
scientific evolution ca, but are certain to argue the same as the Socialists: it
is immoral the monopoly of and
stations radio and television, which is immoral accumulation d and assets
hands of a few. Immorality sows amorality as well being the democratic
sense of the times and it suits the mobsters that consolidate the crime
industry shrewdly.

≈ To know that humanity remains essentially the same at all times, with
similar dramas in many places, read great humanist as French and Russian
writers, among many others.
The pillars of the earth, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Angelique, Father
Goriot, the miserable, War and Peace, Doctor Zhivago, Anna Karenina and
In Brazil Jorge Amado describes people from all life.
The writer James Michener is one of my favorites, author of books describing
filmed authentically societies of land where he passed.
To escape from reality into fantasy, still remain the best, classics such as The
Arabian Nights, Around the world in eighty days Twenty thousand leagues of
submarine trip, among many others.
Since my three year olds would rather read than play outside it was always
very dreamy and meditative. At present little read, I donated many books,
tired of humanity. Still being dreamy and meditative. More than ever am:
introverted, introspective, serious, away from the world.
I never have been to give laughter, but do not give up my smile, my eternal
joy alongside the sadness that nestles in my dark circles. Do not give
up dance, music, travel and my biggest hobby: my husband.

≈ I as above, sad? In spite of so much goodness and beauty in the world,

there has never been a time of peace. To live in peace is necessary justice,
welfare, freedom, joy of living. All of this makes up the happiness, more
personal fulfillment of the most cherished dreams. "Even getting this
personally, the presence of problems unrelated to weigh because we are
Why in the world should be so suffered? It is imperfect, it is unfair! Someone
tells me is to keep freedom. What is it? Freedom is so desired such as love,
freedom is conditioned and not simple delivery to the luck with apathy. "Every

time it strives to achieve the desired, not because it is free without the
fulfillment of our desires, we live tied."
Live in freedom is to live free from grips and problems are life’s grips. "Live
in peace, relief who is free from problems. However: the problems
of others also affect us because we are part of others. "
For a sentimental human being like me, joy and sorrow go hand in hand. Live
life with passion in joy and sorrow.

≈ The pill of God, so called the latest scientific discovery, speaks of eternal
pursuit of the raw material forming the universe. Dust containing various
elements atom - containing substances. From many parts of the parts of the
parties, they ended up finding the very first forming particle.
Behind it is the spiritual substance that precedes the material world.
Praises to God! And blessed are the scientists, missionaries as willed by which
the Creator is manifested.

≈ The truest expression of a people lies in dance and music. Bodies never
lie. Agnes de Mille.

≈ The man cannot have what not understand. Goethe.

≈ In the precincts of women in police stations and elderly of Brazil there are
frequent complaints of prejudice, lack of respect, sexual harassment and
rape. My husband and I always lived prejudice, always. He blonde European
long-haired, tattooed, wearing earrings and necklaces, I exotic brunette with
long hair and rebels, both: hippies, naturalists and spiritualized, but for some
little heads give the impression of it being a drug dealer and I his victim, some
say : looks at her dark circles (I've always been olheirosa or braun shadow
from eye). There are those who smoke in his presence purposely and comment
back: it must be selling drugs. Boys and girls drive you languid gazes
offering. Married women and even their young daughters seek the look of my
husband even though I on their side and they even being embraced their
husbands. Homosexuals look down on me saying he must have found this on
the beach, naughty!
There are those who invent further saying yesterday she has been with
Young adults and married or do not provide me with the same gesture that
look people seeking sex. There are those who say their marriage should be
only facade (we have been married for over forty years in the civil and
I have neighbors that from the day of our shift in the new apartment direct
indirect always me behind my back, never dare to give me sung in front
because I am very serious in the streets giving no occasion to anyone and my
husband acts like me. Even the parents encourage their children to disrespect
me, it's amazing!
As you know, I like animals there are those who abuse their pets, make noise,
scandal, to give shots in the air to get my attention and I: nothing. So much

so that I keep most of my windows closed, and there say the guarana in the
absence of its cola is alligator (I do not know what that means, but I imagine),
when he gets Cinderella will have to pack their bags and get to work, the
crown must have money to pay for this steak, that salmon!
They are people who look the woman like a piece of meat and nothing
else. Once I was talking on the phone with my husband and the neighbor
sharpened ears and tells me to hear, like, like! Ah! Ah!
After the neighbor phoned a woman saying, I miss you! In addition, he's
married. Poor woman! How could she not pre-feels her husband's
shenanigans? Where is your sixth sense? I always hit psychology to people.
Children, youth and adults of both sexes look for my husband with approving
smile as saying it! Takes advantage of this!
"They have nothing to do or are unloved because well loved ones are not
caring about the lives of others and see happy couples feel joy, not envy. Are
people of low character, stray bodies and empty souls, measure everything
with the libido of so much ignorance and so much insecurity in their lives that
need to destroy, laugh, slander, speak woes and others to feel someone and to
drown their inferiority ".
I know it's better not figure it out, prejudice is widespread in the world and
degrades the human soul because in other species that does not exist. But
someone has to report this lack of education, this rabble who lives saying, my
brother! Good-bye! However, they live outside the law, without decency,
without God.

≈ No library, have we? Neither past nor future. Ray Bradbury .

≈ Who has a rich interior, little need from abroad. José Martí.
≈ The best you can do in life is becoming a person and held materially and
spiritually, not only for their own benefit but rather spend all you know and
what it is for those who can: always.
This adds happiness, strengthens the soul.
≈ God is a filigree infinite star!
≈ The human being is the most animals dangerous land. If he behaves
within the law, it is only because the law punishes. Aramis Maiblum.

≈ There are so many religious and political laws, we summarize in one

sentence only: to be correct.
Roberto Leal.
≈ A writer Brazilian says, like many conservatives, the former President Lula
of Brazil and current President Dilma do not know speak. He has no
terminology and she hesitates to speak much. Says not to know who the
president Dilma, and she is already more than two years in office!
From the first speech as president, Lula was very: expressive, concise,
objective denoted a great intelligence, security, and their terminology was not
sophisticated, far-fetched, but it was always efficient, accessible to all kinds of

people and with a philosophy nothing cheap. Lula is a doctor in Brazil,
profound psychologist and body of the Brazilian soul.
President Dilma is shy, speaks little, yet she also spoke from the beginning
showing a lot of knowledge and tenacity and its multiple actions in a difficult
time on the planet, reveal your intelligence and common sense.
Should criticize many councilors and some members actually illiterate, but not
why but for being ineffective.
I, even with years and years of study in areas of knowledge, I am not prone to
speak, sit panic having to speak in public. However, I'm very expressive
dancing and very expansive writing.
And the purpose of illiterate deputy, it is not a wise person who has not
learned to read or write, but it is ignorance, yet was elected with more votes
than others and was also a contest between "The hundred better Brazil". It
must be a joke which like souls equally ignorant finding most of the

≈ The psychologists begin to put on the head of modernity in marriage

nobody is anybody. But you say, "my" husband, "my" wife as they say: my
house, my car, my shoes, my dog, etc.
Sure each one is each one, but marriage is a union to share material things
and enjoy affinities, there "my" becomes "our".
A couple in love there is interdependence, who loves depends on the other to
feel good. Who loves feels like a bolero says: slave and master of the
universe. He who loves wants to do everything for the beloved person as a
slave and feel that your loved one belongs to you; it makes you feel on top of
the world. Being one another is the highest good: my man, my wife.
Pity that many do not think so; they do not know what is the happiness of
loving and being loved with total dedication.

≈ The machismo does not characterize only the poor class, there is much
machismo among politicians, police, military, businessmen, among the richest
and most powerful in the end. Religions are also in majority, sexist, inculcating
that a woman should always be submissive, soft, and it should be smart not
contrary to her husband, but finding a way to get what you want with
diplomacy and cunning. There are evangelicals who ask women to not let
sleeping husband's side when they are on the outs.
It is unbearable to have to stay next to the person who hurt us to at this
point it is better to step aside and reflect for even touch on the then own
mistakes in consciousness and there to reconcile with each other nostalgia.
The endless speeches woman managed many rights, but it is to be smart, do
not use aggression rather convincing arguments with what is right and what is
wrong. The most intellectual ended up recognizing women's arguments,
understanding the claims, the right to be valued. So these men over head and
sensitivity were willing to help in the tasks of the home and to better
understand female behavior.
Intelligent couple is one that a conflict praises the good partner and not only
requires whatever wounding.

Couple in harmony is one who never stops dating, leaving as in the youth
time to have fun.
Happy couple is the one who is aware that the actions set the day day of the
order and make life easier and to share tastes and leisure is essential in a
loving relationship.

≈ Most representatives who before were such idealistic rebels, behaves in

office with friendly gesture with those who were his enemies. They say they
are not enemies, but opponents, to be civilized is to practice diplomacy, which
combines better when there is tolerance that democracy is living peacefully
with setbacks, that these are only differences of opinion.
There are a number of reasons to justify the relationship: civilized, democratic,
diplomatic, tolerant, etc. between enemies in power.
Hands go by, smile, hug, to visit family and celebrate dates, go out together to
have fun.
The same applies to couples who separated hurt each other, and then continue
seeing himself as if nothing had happened.
"The best way to change the world is by love, is giving a hand to those who
have offended us to be more reflection and recognition. I always defended this
thesis and made enemies become my friends admired my ability to forgive
without making noise even feeling very sore. "
But not always agree with that, there are things that do not I saldo
I never wanted disgrace but that the person who offended me was aware of
what made me because I also went to err moved in the minds and hearts by
the fingers of the Universal Light and know recognizable e errors and
remorse torture enough. This also has to be overcome because you can not
walk forward when we do not forgive ourselves.
"After errors we must build a better personality"
There is no greater peace than this: to know that progress within.

≈ The moon seems undaunted before our suffering, the universe is always
indifferent in the presence of many cruelties, nature has no mercy, not even
God then.
So many think and indeed, it seems to be. But the earth, the moon, the
universe, God in the end are always moving, action, reaction, in the process of
harmony and justice, only our perception does not capture this by being our
different time, the pace of time is different from species to species, from
planet to another galaxy to another galaxy and so.
Sooner or later, in this or in another incarnation pains pass, injustice becomes
justice, wishes come true, it happens due to all back to normal and as
says Ecclesiastes in the Bible: God restores what happened.
Even though it is difficult to accept such tardiness to resolve the difficulties. It
is an agony!
There is a tragic point and there is a bright spot where the fluids act magically
associated with our receptivity to attract or repel the fluids of the universe that
are divine fluids.

I always asked God to make me feel the pain I witnessed in others and know
how it feels a dying man. They told me not to touch an epileptic when they
have seizures, I was not sure of it and one night slept with his mouth open
looking at the ceiling, had convulsions, was dream and reality, it was
nightmare and vision, I was already asleep and awake now , could not get up,
needed the touch of someone to return to normal, he could not raise his voice
or stop shaking, suddenly a very critical point my inner defense or my angel
touched me and I reacted. Ali knew that the touch can do miracles, and
massaged all over the body dogs suffering from epilepsy, to each finger paw
greatly improved and the presence of someone with good will have comfort.
Again I was still in bed, paralyzed, I could not move or breathe,
felt suffocating , again dependent on someone to help me react and I could
not help, but the help came in a split second when I could not stand . So when
my mother had nightmare I was going to touch her and she reacted
immediately in contact with my vibration. So I know that die overnight stay is
not to die peacefully as many believe.
Ever I witnessed death with great pain, at least with much discomfort. Rarely
someone dies very slowly or will the reality towards the beyond without dying,
is alive, but is feeling "over there than here." This also I wanted to try and I
felt that getting increasingly poor is a total impotence, is going to fade
inexorably unable to react.
I have also felt sharp pains of the kidneys and it is a martyrdom, there the
dying must be helped to die. It is cruel stop life with continuous pain, unless
there is hope, unless the dying as if still waiting and prefer death. "Most loves
life so much that rather wait for death even though it will suffer until the end."
It may be a pious act turn off the power of someone who no longer feels life
but can also happen that one day the patient returns to be aware. If there was
this possibility and died, should not unsettle this fact because anyway, death
brings other possibilities and better, that is, for more joy for those who died, if
he had a good life, of course.
Death is like giving birth, the pain becomes intense immediately after birth, so
only the soul is detached from the body, she feels relief and lightness. Spend
nine days still close to your body until you feel its lightness leads
to float higher, feels he is shining , that if u astral body is flying like a bird,
like an angel and there starts a new life, one new reborn. You will have more
than ever all that craves will have more power to do what he always wanted to
be and do. Already a troubled soul, take in have peace, yearn to return and to
complete the process of transcendence .

≈ love life with fervor . Life here in cahoots other extraordinary

lives. My extensive soul cries out for more voice and brightest wings.

≈ You can have ugly appearance, but the animal and plant love you for who
you are.

≈ The beautiful and wonderful Brazilian singer Maysa and Dalva de

Oliveira were victims, not lack of love, but the evil-love and who is unloved

feels undervalued at all. Sad complaints in his songs the consecrated stirring
the deep feeling of souls because most go through similar dilemmas and
because we identify to be: brothers.

≈ I'm like Cuba, "others will not let me fulfill my desires"

It is unbelievable that even today there is so much arrogance, wickedness,
slander, envy, indifference of the powerful infusing fear and cowardice in
the most ignorant.

≈ Many Mormons prohibit gifts symbolize appreciate or gratitude. They need

to understand that birthdays and other celebrations in life creates m a divine
link. They say that Jesus gave blood to wash the evil in the world (but
evil: still ), why not leave the man donate some blood to save lives?
It may be that negative energy being transmitted, but nothing soul that cannot
be healed back the balance.
There are religious contracts exchanged!
≈ So many wonders move us in God's creation and human invention. The
upside should love and desire to be individually joy for you and everyone here
to the secret of the universe.

≈ The view of nature in remote areas is stunning, the sea, the river, the
waterfall, the countryside, the mountain, the village in the valley, gardens,
Those as far away is on the drift of God.
For their knew the indomitable power and the wonder of nature, for there the
work never stops.
Paradise loses flavor when you live trapped and lonely. Ali's life suffocates.

≈ Opportunities always appear, but they lack means to carry out the order.
≈ God is the woman of the shadows fluttering turning into light.
≈ A singer famous betrayed his wife and being discovered she proposes an
open marriage. She tries to understand perhaps because so much love and
despair. But not for long and the separation came. Ali in a report ex-husband
says he can now start living as married very young and her side never felt
herself free. Showing his side macho says is never alone, then tries to correct
said saying it's just a joke. Many marriages end up well, the woman fighting
for her husband get your desire, then when she gets older is exchanged for
another younger. The woman tends more to reflect in solitude, the futile man
not to lose the pose is keen to flaunt a new love.

≈ People say they do not agree with certain things, but we respect the
opinions of others. They tolerate other races, homosexuals, people of other
religious beliefs or political, but! Take away them.

≈ The torture physics is terrible, psychological well. Both can leave sequels
for life and both can lose importance with time. Of all the ways, I think that the
soul, even suffering like meat, has more resilience than the body.
Overcoming is essential to walk forward.

≈ The truth hurts, but it opens the possibility of forgiveness one day.
The lie and doubt too torment and there are executioners who enjoy live
tormenting its partners.

≈ Corner mystical Scorpio.

The Cosmic Wind Shu sustain me of the bad air that persecute me wanting to
destroy things that are dear to me.
The Frog Barca lead the ship of my dreams from the deep ocean of my soul to
the summit of the highest wave.
The silver beauty Isis lighted the darkness where they live my secrets and the
smiling side of Lady Moon: Nefth take me to spread in all souls my passionate
Osiris who I am daughter elevate my mind on the more golden mountain.
My mother leafy Geb me delight forever in his flowery and fragrant arms. And
sing with me all loves, and fly with me the souls made butterflies, birds,
angels, dancing universal sieve made by the goddess of goddesses: the
ultimate Eternity !

≈ If the sex is more important than love, there will never be faithful.

≈ The invention of fire and the wheel brought a great step for
civilization. The natives who are still unaware of the use of the wheel should
know that it greatly facilitates the crops, rather than using balaio, use the
The peasant save working animals like the eastern pulling the man himself
the wagon. Among so many wonderful human inventions, for me
the greatest of the greatest was the discovery of anesthesia.
I will have studied who invented, but do not remember or recall the questioned
doctors, this is very unfair, I have to forget the person who eased the pain of
amputation, the removal of bullets and teeth. Thereafter the penicillin,
the vaccines, the so ro . In order for me to medicine was the most
indispensable inventions. The greater the formula to find die without normal
be any pain.
Successively I think electricity was a great invention that brought to light the
refrigerator, the TV, the computer and so many wonderful machines. The lava
slate, lava dishes are domestic workers. Treat everyone with affection; the
house gets life for incoming energies.
I think the invention of the telephone was more important than the plane.
Among the means of locomotion all wonderful, I think the train is the best to
shorten distances no less danger to man and the environment.

The current inventions to manufacture car moved to water, which warns and
brakes in danger, is a great thing! How nice it would be if China
distribute bicycles to the world at low price!
Do not forget the bread, cheese, wine, juices and chocolate.

≈ Compare a blonde-haired person with a brown-haired person is like

comparing a Victorian garden with a tropical garden. Worse still looking
landscapes with different charms and say that everything is the same. The
indifference and coldness hurt.

≈ I know a place with so much water, but dangerous to have many stones in
narrow courses and insects insistent both on the beaches and in the
woods. And because it is so more preserved.
≈ They say the animals are afraid of the doctor because they do not have
The animal fears the doctor why it causes pain as well as a child and even an
adult dread going to the doctor. The animal also gets to be aware that a doctor
is to treat healing. My dog trembled at Vet table, but one day has realized he
needed the doctor and asked me with her expressive eyes that took action
because he was feeling ill. On that day, he did not shake and meekly let
himself treat. In the days that passed my puppy was looking closely at each
item landscape as the garden, the waterfall ... It reminded me of a man who
was suffering from prostate cancer and sensing his last days, he was strolling
around the edge of the sea and the canal as if saying goodbye to everything.
He died and my dog too.
Dogs do not distinguish the red, blue and green. Rats, snakes, hummingbirds
distinguish more colors than humans do.

≈ Agriculture, education, health, infrastructure, environment and other items

are important. There are so many things to do always.
Since former President Lula came to power in Brazil, there have been major
leaps forward in all areas as never before: this is undeniable. Still missing
much progress in all areas.
Brazil is a capitalist country, very consumerist.
There are people accustomed to having many things for free, without much
effort, badly behaved citizens not taking into account their duties because they
justify putting all the blame always the authorities, all the corrupt so
pessimistic way of looking at things.
The independence of Brazil from the Portuguese crown was paid more than
anything with coffee; debts grew with the release of the slaves appearing
slums by the lack of jobs and housing. "Brazil lived in debt from the
Brazil has always been the land of social contrasts that seem impossible to
solve increasingly increasing misery, vice, crime, despite many attempts to
improve things.

Authorities and citizens are already used to living in an environment of
promiscuity and corruption endless where few cannot change everything, but
bear in mind that these were the few that turned the tide.
No one could change everything in a century only.
There are lands in antiquity were miserable, criminal and corrupt, and
currently have concerned citizens, exemplary. Even knowing this, many
Brazilians still so relaxed and irresponsible.
Brazil is even a contrast of conduct, there are very sacrificed and delivered to
Still Brazil is a land of exuberant nature and friendly people, the cradle of great
values in all areas of knowledge.

≈ At maturity discovers a secret that more pleasurable intercourse: dating

forever. The affection of appetite never ends.

≈ A lilting Brazilian says he hates to be called well - behaved.

In our time more than ever, many of the greatest idols are badly behaved
artists, addicts, scandalous, vulgar and expensive to the most willingly in
futility. In our time to be decent, reserved, behaved, sweet and more virtues
seems to be shameful.
Said singer declared that in his recent marriage found that anal sex is
pleasurable. No doubt it is at the end of the anu is also an erogenous body, but
... I needed to say that to so declare itself as the most daring? I liked her
better when she was a different girl the most futile, when it was special, a rare
natural beauty and angelic today as libidinous and designing.
The Brazilian presenter Eliana is different when it was called: very uptight at
all, found that as a compliment with sweet smile approved the review saying
Pop Greek singer Vicky Leandros eighties, daughter of the great Greek
composer Mikys Teodorakis , was known in his time for his modesty and
gentleness, with sweetness and charm she presented her room decorated in
classic Greek style and a sober purple dress enhanced her femininity ... But
most prefer irreverent artists. Irreverence has its charms, too bad it is usually
accompanied by vices and scandals.

≈ There are people who consider religion and philosophy

mere speculation and never prove anything. This type of people that you love
pragmatism, ever stop to think that there is so much not provable, but that
changed existing reality in many areas?
The intuition of beings that leads them to have vision of the past, pre-
feel danger, to envision the future, dreaming sleep and fantasize agreed.
The perception of visible and invisible to us, but that we experience,
we experience as love, compassion; all this is undeniable.
In fact we would not be loving or compassionate if only we had appreciated
we had aprecia-te

Our inventiveness. To be creative needs to the soul that cannot prove their
existence in tangible way the body, but it is the purest form of reality that
moves the world.
"It's the feeling that drives the thinking is the thinking that drives knowledge
and happen."

≈ The most hidden my verses to God arise with the effluvia of the full
moon where dew and tears are deep emotions that spill into infinity not fitting
over itself, so the beautiful state of grace too makes us " suffer from
overflowing joy and perpetuates the time ending up in the stillness
of fullness " .
The lovely moon is God, is your jewelry or your dress, it is one of the
many faces of its feel, its manifestation, its cry of life.
The moon is so clear that everything is distinguished as if it were day.

≈ The women are flowers worthy of life to be admired inside and out, they
want to flourish so extolling the existence, sowing joy, good and beauty. But
there are men who are proud of them, it seems that beauty embarrasses
them, the selfish and mean spirited them presents those minds only
consuming act of the flesh and the virtues it rather quietly hide as the envious
who can not admire without feeling is inferior and then destroy lives looking
for the best in others. But there are men who are quite the opposite,
that appreciate and pride of women at the same time beautiful, intelligent
and deep soul.

≈ Our ignorance is our greatest poverty and greater disgrace.

We are so ignorant and clumsy, unpredictable, foolish and insensitive in so
many things!
After the "Homo Sapiens" what will come?
Does the great sages do not really fear the agony of death?
Or in the future there will be unease over at death? Because that is the great
Life is one only, the next will be a continuation of this life and so nothing is
lost, nothing is lost that love for God made all good: eternal.

≈We had visite the wonderful Quinta da Boa Vista in Rio de Janeiro,
the Museum: Loreley. At the entrance already has biological evolution from the
beginning to the appearance of man. Beautiful indigenous works. So beautiful
people the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Plus the beautiful and fascinating
animal world.
Nobody in the museum spoke to the ancestors, no one felt a shred of love for
dinosaurs and other creatures, the less felt love for the brethren of the
universe, for our planet, other planets, other galaxies, constellations; for most
are mere things and not lives. What a pity!

≈ Jesus did not found a church, his life exemplary brotherhood and love for
the Creator is enough. Many enlightened existed and there are no found a
church, but spreading the thought, encouraging felt deep
ment and reflection , nothing more.
There are cultures that only spend what they know to the tribe without
further pretense.
There are many contradictions in Christianity, full of cruel stories, sad
mistakes and markedly separatist. Most chases fans as politicians chase votes
measuring power.
The worst thing is to find the owner of the truth knowing a book only about
having religion "valuable compendium of world wisdom." Whether all
costs that extinguish other creeds and only one will prevail all over the
planet, not to search for knowledge, much less think of "universal
brotherhood" ignoring, being indifferent to other creatures as if only a tiny
conglomerate in the universe possess the knowledge and love of God.
Jesus spoke in parables, which is not clear to many, also not known for sure if
Jesus would have said the same to his apostle Peter that all he forgive on earth
will be forgiven in heaven. It consider the Pope "representative of God on
earth," to be considered holy and infallible and so have to
be absolutely heeded his orders: it is much pretension.
The world has witnessed the clergy so much cruelty to humanists.
"The spirituality is to condition the feeling of brotherhood with all creating a
great family." For Christianity alone is worth the Christian family.
Jesus was Palestinian, Tiradentes was Brazilian in their territories both are
admired, but not as valued because as they say: "holy house does miracles"
nor God satisfied everyone within a territory only.
Artists and athletes are valued more.
Thinkers, mystics, researchers, scientists are more anonymous.
Those who donate their lives for their ideals are labeled as crazy or
revered without following your ideas, your examples.

≈ An authority with characteristic vehemence of conservative says that

Paraguay did not hit on any finger even to depose former President Fernando
Lugo as Paraguay's independence was not spilled a drop of blood. But it is not
so, Lugo former president of the opposite party to the Paraguayan political
tradition and innovative ideas from the beginning suffered cons that preyed
its fall. While the heroes of the independence of Paraguay from the Spanish
crown, they were arrested and shot, they say, because they secretly conspired
with Brazil that Paraguay is Portuguese colony.
In addition, that authority says loud and aggressive tone that Paraguay has
always been a sovereign nation and never needed heroes neighbors to follow
their way. Not so, the lack of diplomacy and the Paraguayan is rebellion of the
people or the state, made many victims and caused much retardation.
It also says that they did not intend to approve never Venezuela's entry in
Mercosur to be the keys dubiously elected president and for being a dangerous
war strategist for Paraguay.

Hugo Chaves hated by the conservative elite, was elected in majority by the
people and the revolutionary idealists, the same as Lula in Brazil. Many would
vote again in them. Former President Lula, Rafael Correa, Hugo Chavez, Evo
Morales, Cristina Kirchner, Mojica and others have the same ideals of
brotherhood of Latin countries as had Bolívar, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, José
Martí and others. The brotherhood of many stretches up to other distant lands
and deprived of democracy and autonomy. Keys had every right to say that
just as Israel is the gateway to the Americans in the Middle East, Colombia and
Paraguay would be the "American military entrance doors" if it happens a
disagreement threatening war. Logically Paraguay that has always been a
neutral country and submissive to the interests of the greatest
representatives of the world, would not want to contradict. Paraguay began
claiming rights and achieving more progress from the term of former President
Fernando Lugo.

≈ The being human gives fear is false and dangerous as anyone.

≈ The painting that most fascinated me in my childhood was a tree with

cartoon orangeades flowers and painted in the style for my mother to me.
All those years ago I lost contact with my beautiful mother, with my family,
with relatives and friends of the past.
My husband and I are getting close to our wedding in Gold and we have
contact with friends who are our family by affinity.
Maybe there is another dimension encounter with the past, but that does not
mean that we will be united again because they do not belong to us, because
we are different. There will be no sorrow because consciousness is clearer
than ever and tempers will be reconciliation, all loves. Brotherhood.
Those who followed the path of their religion, their beliefs, tastes, being good
people: conquer the extent desired by them.
Biodiversity is huge in the world of God, eternity provides a life according to
the sown , according also to the desired and that is fair so it is useless
disrespect, want to change, to destroy other religions, other cultures, other
customs provided they do not cause aggression .

≈ There are words so beautiful extolling the Creator when exalts life and love
as the Song of King Song Solomon in the Bible as the Prayer of St. Francis of
Assisi, as the moving poem of Seven Alfa seals the philosopher
Omega Friedrich Nietzsche .

≈ Apologists of sex, more than advocates of good nutrition, not

lacking in our Western culture as libidinous and especially in Brazil
where all should be sexy.
For the elderly it is recommended less food, but to encourage the sexual act is
committed until the end of life. Certain that the sexual act as food are nice
things, but appetite diminishes with age in all species for convenience body
and soul.

Much appetite for food and sex is characteristic of youth but also many
ideological and leisure initiatives, so it should be avoided as much repression
but inculcate values for youth learn to enjoy without extrapolating.
"As much desire that one has to extend the energy through the years, changes
personality, tastes are refined, more touches on the spiritual enjoy."
Instead of ingesting large amount of fat, the body calls for food that is more
natural. Sexual desire decreases giving way to a need for solitude and
reflection, more warmth in the home at the same time there is desire to care,
family care and not having it invades depression.
Instead of disco or nightclub, the elderly prefer nature, ride, trip, lunch in
restaurant, family reunion or with friends, good music.
Old age is the age to enjoy the feeling sown is done, complete, and
happier. Old age is a preparation for death where the conduct is more likely to
be guided by the spiritual pleasure that the carnal pleasure and this is not
a sign of being dead, on the contrary, is alive and more intense than ever.
After the death happens reborn in a new dimension.
Turtle beautiful caterpillar of this life a beautiful butterfly on the other.
get up the light and diaphanous astral body flying like a bird.
Then acquire the ability to be angel in the vastness.

≈ What God bless all the hardworking for a better world.

Bless the compassionate. Bless the erring to find the paths that lead to
There are many truths, many ways the diversity of God.

≈ At no time was an absolute master of the truth because time reveals

eternal truths and always surprises with new discoveries and new findings.

≈ What wonder ! So new discovery in almost all scientific areas! Human

fantasies usually came true.
Ever wonder? The honeymoon even exists! It is not really honey, but it's a
sweet planet. No wonder so much because our land also features fresh and salt
water and other sweet and savory.

≈ The cow and chicken give the man food as complete as milk and egg. The
man does not recognize, does not thank enough and not considering the kill
and eat.
Horses, donkeys, dogs are friends and slaves of man and this merciless
abandon them or kill and eat.
The saga of nature in man's hands is terribly painful. Homo
sapiens continues being so primitive in thinking, insensitive and foolish.

≈ The democracy takes much into account the free will and the right of
individuals: very well. The laws put borders to the insane impulses: very well.

Buddha said that the guidance and awareness work together to make
judgment and maintain balance each willingly. N the Bible says: Mowing your
decision and you know suffer but will come one lesson that will recover.
Vices, immoralities, cause dilemmas individual and social.
Nothing is resolved without own will to overcome and without the affection of
someone on our side. Best is to live within the rules and opt for physical and
psychological attitudes that expand the horizons of the mind and feel no bad
devices. There is so much pleasure serving therapy, including profession.

≈ The loss of a love, failure in any business and the tears have always
been considered by many: shameful. Few are those who admit they are
suffering and need to be alone with the pain of the moment.
Living life is to accept the moments of suffering as much as experiencing the
joy. Are faces of life that contribute to deepen the feelings and thoughts, to
reach maturity and to transcend?

≈ The dog is mine, is my son, the woman is mine. It is often said and
consider ourselves their owners. They say that no one is anyone's property,
but every time I live with a loved one: let me feel that this being is mine, as I
also sit belong whom I love beyond life, for all eternity.
To love is to give, to serve at the same time rule when it is returned.
"The creatures are God and God belongs to creatures."

≈ I have been accustomed to call the universe Tree of Life as a call to the
Creator Universal Light. The Almighty and they all belong.
"The Unicdade is the union of body and soul of the world."

≈ Recently the scientists found that the ocean animals have

consciousness. There are still those who believe that plants have
Not only man has senses, sensitivity and intelligence.
The man who is still not found that little known about other loved for being
too slow and insensitive. Animals and plants are more psychologists, guess our
intention, feel more what will happen in the environment.

≈ wrote since Brazil and Scorpio is guided by the number seven, and by the
number eight. Both powerful numbers for both the triumph and for the failure.
This deduction was to have the Brazil born officially as a nation in November.
But there are those who say that the day of independence on September 7 was
the day of birth as a sovereign nation, even if it has not yet been legally
recognized as such. Thus the guide Brazil would be the number five.
The house number five tends to be relaxed and detached.
The company number five must inspire confidence and seriousness.
Person with that number of name or birth tend to like games, risk, drugs,
magic, to explore unknown worlds in order.

The wizards use the combination of 1 + 4: Creator and creation being a
powerful appeal for help. The positive side of people guided by the five would
be the friendly side, extravagant, extroverted and bold sense of getting what
you want.

≈ People look for a detail of the body feeling sexual attraction finding the
most important sex in the relationship, but there are those who fall in love at
the person 's face because beyond physical beauty, his face more reveals the
soul, such people gives more value the love that sex, people like that is
more faithful . The affinity unites more than appearance. The love itself is
a magic inexplicable.

≈ The day will come when there will be no need for religion because the
world will comply belief the basis of all religions is to feel love for the Creator
and the creatures. The religion is only the love. Love involves deep feeling
and loving action, that is, generosity.
Love builds, dreams, is dedicated to all that is best as the arts and all kinds of
knowledge for a better world is to anyone.
Love does not divide but unites because it assumes that all existence is
the Creator God of the product being mother and father, brother and friend at
the same time. True love has no measures or hierarchies, divine love apart and
must therefore not be loved known as the unknown for us because we belong
to a spiritual kinship and materials: all without exception.
The universal brotherhood that I advocate both based on the love.
We must be loving as God is: If giving into good and beauty.

≈ The plants and animals should not suffer by being pure beings, noble,
good and essentially without purging nothing to transcend because they are
already transcended spiritual being higher beings than men.
"The spirituality is independent of religion being essentially linked to nature
and the universe from the bowels of creation without dialogue or learning." "
To be spiritual is to have intense inner life, microcosmic and macrocosmic
cahoots" It's feel penchant for the common good which is all that God
expects of all. To be spiritual is to be loving to all beings of creation and love
involves action charity, understanding, respect, admiration, adoration, praise
for all that God made.
For God is not about love, more or less value, their love is dedicated with the
anointing each entity of nature in which men are. The only difference in
creation is that being human has the ability to be spiteful ignoring the order
of the universe.
The animal is not sadistic or hooked.
The animal does not abandon their young and fight with claw for them.
The human animal leaves the child in the trash, or play in the river, makes
beggar or criminal.
"The animal defends his belongings and struggle for survival even with
cunning, but not plot wars or aspires fancy powers, it follows the course of

nature where fully realized sit, but is lost in the destructive world of men." The
more man creates devices separating nature, increases
their discontent making it their ambition a vicious circle.

≈ It is a joke! Police detained an actor with drugs, but was soon released
because it says not being a drug dealer but only user.
No user would be no drug dealer. Aramis Maiblum.

≈ It was to be no more religions in the world, but as said the visionary Karl
Marx, "capital is the corruption and religion is the addiction of people."
More than ever there is sowing religious fanaticism, separatism, intolerance,
pursuing numerically and geometrically more fans to sport power, their
marches and cantatas are scandalous stopping traffic thinking so are praising
God, but they are only praising their churches.
They say the others are satanic and that only they are the good for
being Christians and say that only the Bible contains the word of God.
Most Christians unaware of other books, other beliefs, does not think, just
obey and it calls faith. Not aware, lacks civility, violates the right to life worthy
of their human children and children animals, should not be stealing light,
misery afeia everything and it cannot be God's will. Use the Beatitudes of Jesus
as justification that God prefers the poor and that the concept of poverty and
wealth creation was human because in nature there is no social class.
Jesus said it is hard for a rich man can reach the spiritual dimension because
of the overriding interest of the majority of the rich: materiality, but that does
not mean you should live poorly.
Serious diseases and many other difficulties attacked the masters who lived
very dispossessed. This will certainly not be God's will.
The practice of charity gives great pleasure soul and a lot of self-esteem and
this can happen not only leading a very poor life.
"Not to be confused lead a simple life with lead a life devoid of comfort."
The master Buddha, having renounced the pleasures of life, he saw that
poverty was not ideal and concluded his doctrine saying neither extreme
poverty nor extreme wealth, the right is the middle way.
God does not speak to men; He manifests through men the words in singing,
dancing and other laudable human attitudes.
God is revealed in each entity of nature.
The universe shows us the beauty of the Creator being all-good and
beauty: expression of God. Above all is the silence that most feel the
presence of God and his presence has no words, contains more singing,
dancing, poem, colors, shouts, more feeling than words.
Beings living in nature reveal a holy aura because worship the silence
and silence appears to reflection that opens step
to wisdom and communion with the infinite. The book of God
of creation has not ephemeral words of men, but experience God in the feel
of the interior of the soul with the inside of each existence to which we also

≈ The world was created by God, an infinite spiritual being manifested in
materiality with love, good and endless beauty. The love moves the world; the
soul of the world is God. The divine link sustains the world.

≈ For the love of the Creator we love creatures. Putting an end

to slavery and the training of animals that are unveiled for love. Only the
human being does not know how to live in peace, in silence. You have to talk
or drink or invent actions constantly. The addictive imbalance.

≈ I belong to God, my husband, my dogs at my plants, my home, my

friends, the birds that visit us, those who manifest elements belong to the sun,
the stars and all the planets also, I belong to my teachers and friends light. In
addition, God and all existence belong. "Creator and created to belong."
I am the servant of them all as they also serve me.
To love is to serve, to give, is to match and then be happy.
"My angel and all my beloved; I want so much not be more brokenness, but
joy as you are: my joy. "
Pick up signals not just me or the will to overcome just me. I must
have average to accomplish my purpose. I know that opportunities abound in
life, but makes not always embrace the causes with so much sacrifice, self-
destruction to an end. "Both suffer tired."
I know the sick soul recovers when the clouds pass, but leave sequelae in body
and memory. I will get over the past remembering only the lived joys and will
rapidly my steps with love and faith in the powers that surround me
and never let me down at the precise moment.

≈ For God nothing is impossible, but the man did.

God is not a magician who brings up everything from nothing. Creation is
the proof that all is product of a process of formation. God does not appear
a cake but the cake prepared with the ingredients and each ingredient sprang
from its own essence to accomplish things with his soul, with his love.
Man has to work hard if you want to get something beyond nature arranged by
the Creator. It is not God nor the state nor the parents, but the
man responsible for their fate; he must make his own miracle.
The ones above are the part that corresponds to them and the rest is with
himself, thanks to yourself to have merit before God, before the country,
before the family. Quantum physics explains the strength of the magnetic
fields to which many call a miracle. We must be aware of the possibilities
existing in the universe for all the layout of the Architect of the world.

≈ There are strikes and serious strikes. All have the right to claim rights,
but there are those who undermine the strike to students, hospital, workers
who need to get the job. In addition, the worst is that among the strikers there
troublemakers who scandalized profanity, prey upon public property and
business, are there to to enjoy morbidly provoking anger the authorities.

≈ Still others will in comparing Brazil to land the first world that passed in
the distant past also by extreme poverty and corruption, but progressed
becoming stable society. In addition, in the first world, there is so much
difference in the mentality and geography creates not so distant and difficult
paths and Brazil.
Worse, want to compare Brazil with neighboring lands that have a more
homogeneous mindset and a much smaller geography. Chile, Uruguay,
Argentina, for example, have similar citizens from north to south and shorter
distances as well as much less towns of reference and, usually, only the capital
city politically important. However, Brazil is a very heterogeneous country
starting with continental size with geography and remote settlements of the
other, with different mentality, with different realities. The Rio behaves
differently from a Sao Paulo, the man of Ceará is different from a Gaucho, for
differs in the position and behavior of a small-town Amazon.
In Brazil there say that the ideal is to live in Italy, France, the United States,
but there are also places not so recommended.
Outside the Brazilian is reputed to be false and opportunistic, rude,
disrespectful or himself appearing too simple in dress, setting noise until dawn,
wiping his nose with hands, spitting on the ground, touching the bragueta
showing language, throwing trash on the floor, sticking line, disobeying traffic
laws, smashing or defacing the city is finding it so "expert". There northeastern
high that speaks proudly displaying knives there talking to Rio dismal slang
dealers displaying heavy weapons to children as a trophy, as self-assertion.
Displays the side of "fagot" meaning: diverted, perverse, publicly revealing to
the word "fuck off" the wish to injure raping, uses his penis as the preferred
weapon in the back is the woman or the man.
The Brazilian has a reputation in the world to be bisexual or more homo that
straight. The Brazilian woman is reputed to worship excesses in appearance as
in sexual practice.
Promiscuity is such as dishonesty among not only pudentes or burgesses or
media as in all occupations.
that Brazil is said to be macho and used to receive all of grace "for being
poor," selling child or plays in the trash or in adverse life taking advantage of
it, it also takes advantage of the father, mother, friend, the state always takes
the blame for him not to comply with their citizen duties, family, good
Outside there is so much surveillance because citizens naturally well-behaved,
neat, respectful, correct, honest, ethical, self-citizen inspects each other. Being
more civilized requires healthy eating and well presented, correct service and
not as in most Brazilian shops where the seller makes the customer unseemly
A higher being does not learn n children or abandoned animals. Houses,
squares, everywhere there should be flowers, preserved facilities.
But just stop being a tourist, spend time abroad to see that Brazil, despite the
odds has, besides the beauty of nature, also Brazilian exemplary in kindness,
the affection, and there are many outstanding not only in the samba and
football as well as in many areas of education, art, sports, science.

≈ Nothing is less tolerated and more envied than the poor who comes to
power without the right ever to progress. In addition, what the house cleaner
who can be the wife of an important man without the right never to be
considered a fine woman.
≈ Understand nerd man that the dog feels a member of the family and as
such also want to be on the couch, have your beautiful and clean handkerchief,
not being cold, eating by the time the others eat without being waiting
humiliatingly they have done to then he have to eat the rest on the ground. It
is prejudice and racism treat human animal different from the animal that is
to be sacred, pure, good and more beautiful than the man is. Also, learn the
man's animal nature is essential to be serene.

≈ The vote of chastity and poverty not be God's will and He the Creator of
sexual pleasure and the pleasure of physical, psychological, mental and
spiritual progress. The important to the Creator is that his creatures without
exception are of goodness, love and happy.

≈ God is in principle: a being static spiritual, sequence a being expanded,

and incorporated spiritual.
"God is the Universal Soul from where all fluids of existence."
The spirit animates the body.
S in the vital essence all existence succumbs, but the law of eternity ends that
all matter has its utility and function always renewed. The matter returns to
dust as the origins, will again be constructive. The macro and microcosm
renewed by divine will.
God: spirit being moving in its creation with love, art and science forever.

≈ Students searched at the school entrance to see if they are with mobile or
weapon. Parents outraged by this. My husband and I were always searched
from head to toe in travel because of our hippie type. In Sweden where the
consumption of alcoholic beverages haven not perdition, most of the
population says it would accept being filmed in homes for safety.
If the good of all, we must collaborate and who should not is not afraid.

≈ An evangelical American candidate for president says that rape happens by

the will of God!
Many things happen undue and improper whole is a cause that will have its
effect one day by God’s law of justice inherent in creation.
"Not because the vein of my soul flows the light of the Creator that I have not
the fault of my actions." Do not blame the child to the parents for what you
did, either God or the devil or spirit of a dead or the state or the society
by erropróprio . "Be aware of your actions and be corrected." In addition,
do not say after God saved him save himself by his own initiative,
have merit means to be worthy by own effort.

≈ If all existence was purely materials , appearance elements,
classifications, if every decision is of neurons and nothing else, then, as
overlaps in existence so much beauty, so much feeling, so much love, so much
harmony, immense intelligence?
So why suffer from disharmony with the loss?
What sense has the existence if all were merely ephemeral?
“Whether or not believe in God, there are men who are good and productive,
not for fear of God, but of their own accord " .
Still, the joy of life becomes meaningless if the world were just something
physical and passenger with nothing transcendent in the wonderful nature.

≈ The founder of a church says hate religions, but finds his: mistress of the
truth. Religious fanaticism has caused so many wars, oppressions, so much
suffering and retardation knowledge, social inequality, fighting, bullying, killing
crops and more! However, most religions also have great truths, goodwill and
The diversity of appearance and customs is the will of God and the more you
know other cultures, most beautiful legacies appear , and more is added the
love for the Creator because there are so many different and wonderful things
to be experienced with admiration, with anointing.

≈ Many think that being president is to stop all power for himself, but no
president decides alone but is the Senate approving or not the
proposals. There is always discussion and differences, petty interests, deceit,
The sense of democracy sends negotiate with the enemy, be flexible, tolerant,
hold contrary situations, provide deaf ear to offenses and more. Take steps to
export the production of certain fruit that did not come to the market and was
lost, there begins the opening of large trades, to export record. But it is not
enough because there are many villages forgotten with stagnant agriculture
by various difficulties. Lack incentive and lack union, establish cooperatives
requires several minds to think the same and work together.
If there are volunteers willing to cooperate in the defense of the environment,
will run into the City Hall with staff doing nothing , saying that have been sent
posters in schools and that they do not fit them to do what is not programmed
as the proposal to go to the riverside to them personally explain the amount of
plant on the river banks, the damage fell trees to make charcoal, paper and
furniture, the cruelty of cage birds, how to treat cattle, etc. No one wants to
do anything to change, is desperate or Suffern person. But there are places
where the mentality is different and the neighborhood is united, listening
proposals, there come out measures for the preservation of life in nature, to
increase production, to create sales cooperatives.
There are places where anglers given an allowance to cross the forbidden
fishing time, but few anglers are mobilizing to try together: production and
trade alternatives.
Conservatives say the unemployment insurance has always existed, family
support, etc. and criticism of the bourgeoisie was huge when someone turned

the family purse, light help, gas, reinforcement in school meals, family activity
in schools on weekends, creation more vocational schools and colleges for the
less privileged. Ali began stealing picnic, the stock of computers and sewing
machines stanching a place in the kitchen brand new machine to make bread,
even with cookbooks: all stopped without anyone to use.
In schools, the parents play ball with your kids on weekends and mothers try
to learn some crafts. When the teacher proposes to mount a small exhibition to
start selling handicrafts produced, many wonder how to sell herself. There is
no union and no interest in studies of the children. The teachers smoke and
gossip too, do not seem dynamic. Here comes the demand of the Ministry of
update because there is little education among teachers. However, here there
are exceptions, different mindset in schools activating sports and science
Citizens we should not create proposals, only criticize , rather hear criticism
from outraged journalists and few are interested in listening to political
debates, many find to imperative the government put TV channels to
personally communicate made the day because most prefer to listen to
journalists are limited in selling scandals. There are TV channels hiding the
truth about your favorite, slander your opponents and call it: freedom of
the press in times of democracy. Democracy became a circus displaying
offenses and there is representative to protest!
Who comes with revolutionary ideas is called a terrorist, crazy, of outdated,
ignorant and radical.
Sure many poor are ungrateful to government aid that is money of the working
people, but has also been proven to provide land, housing, food, leisure, to
help universities in vocational schools, was not so wrong not because many
have agreed to dynamism wanting to progress with dignity.
Better than the inductive method of Aristotle's deductive method of Plato,
better to first learn the alphabet is to start reading immediately a fact to
arouse more interest and then explain grammar.
Progress has come for all, it bothers conservatives who prefer the mandate of
Americanized intelligentsia.
Not always the nations of ancient Europe were exemplary, the white race was
warlike, cruel, ambitious, oppressive, exploitative there that so much
corruption, too much misery and barbarism.
Many do not admit that a president from poverty is wise, criticize him for
offering barbecue for everyone, but no one criticized when a corrupt spent so
much money to assume the presidency with excessive vanity and no one
complains when Americans spend so much money in the presidential
celebration. The wise and sensible President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff offered
a typical Brazilian national table with wine, ordered to decorate the Palace
of Government with pictures of Brazilian painters and this: not
interested journalists. When former President Lula of Brazil left office, many
could not stand to see you with good life, but no one criticizes the good life of
a former Brazilian president loved by conservatives for being intellectual and
have put the economic situation stable level. Nobody talks that left the
nation sunk in unemployment and distrust so much that it seemed a miracle
that with the successor Brazil has come to be: one of the world's largest
economies hitting record production and export. No one says that the wife of

that ruling, it also intellectual, was very expensive dresses and jewels of Paris,
for example.
Many things that former President Lula implemented in Brazil, so criticized:
never disappear because they benefit to all social strata, even indirectly.
Many corrupt, in fact, they do not want political reform, much less educational
reform and still less they have done the dirty business of the mafia now
called crime industry.

≈ Seeing the films Chaplin believed that he was a compassionate person, to

read their sentences further, for example to say that the dancer is half nun,
half boxer. He did not see with good eyes that his daughter Geraldine practiced
ballet, perhaps know it requires a lot of physical, on the other hand, let her an
actor that also has its difficulties. Not so much what made me lose some of my
admiration for him, but his very sophisticated personal life, he had Haras and
riding is a sport with which not sympathize, alias any sport with animals It is
to my liking. Charles Chaplin loved caviar and laughed to see the shrimp being
thrown alive into boiling water. In Brazil, a nobility of man also claims to be
your trivial open champagne and caviar, as Napoleon was vain and like most
little people is said to be a stallion, a great conqueror of women. I say step he
was impeached with a similar blonde-haired woman with a princess, a doll, and
she died of love for him.
I would like the elite was less expensive and vain, more collaborative,
spiritualized, but most pudentes is futile and cold people.

≈ It is essential to follow the daily lives of children and pets who are
our foster children. They appreciate more the dedication of the family of
strangers because the model in their lives is the family.
The world is getting more and more depressed, the individual feels alone,
needy, and especially children, the elderly, women and animals are more
The welfare is not enough to be happy, caring is essential in "day to day" and
not just occasionally. Having affection, would hold more disease and
hunger. Without all the warmth and beauty and looks sad, there body and soul
The animal that creates a craze like biting furniture, biting its own tail,
defecate near the owner: is stressed or all time tired or lacks
some nutrients or good aliments. Stroll more outdoors with him to balance
your energy, refold the affection not only stroking the head, also caress the
neck which will make him lift his chin and sits more important. The caress the
belly is for the dog as the foot massage to the woman, a delight.
"Against stress nothing better than changing environment, out to have fun."
There are several toys to let off; the cheapest is to take a plastic bottle to
knead it. In pet shops sell is anti-stress natural made of flower petals.
I repeat that in life the key is to have no ceiling and food, but the most
important is the love that always celebrates with affection and pleasure.

≈ There are people who have so weird sea fright, forest, animals, insects, all
nature. Those who do not love the earth tend not to care about the beauty of
the sky, only care about the everyday urban and familiar, out of it feel
helpless, insecure, and neurotic.
No contact with nature you cannot train more generous and happy beings, so
there are religious who are totally wrong to say that should love God more
and less to others. Mystics who dedicate their lives to meditation or called by
some spiritual retreat are great gazers and dedicated to the nature where
you feel the pulse of God. Who loves all and each existence immensely:
feels grow your love for the Creator and for yourself.

≈ The small flowers of almond exude on my window a honey smell. I call it:
Banyan tree or tree of life. She nestles birds become so! It is a divine poem.
Brazil is the land of birds, just a tree, a dirt track to day and night chanting so
many types of birds. But the man the cages for them to hear sing
with despair and disenchantment, unlike the singing of birds in the wild:
the man has no heart!
The Ibama in Brazil releases the birds in captivity and trading of non - native
plants turning these sentient beings: enslaved lives, overwhelmed, unhappy: it
is murder, cruel, subhuman.

≈ There is no distance for those who love each other.

≈ Scientists: there are intangible living beings, intelligent and

sensitive without physical brain, without demonstrable explanation.

≈ love forests and mountains, fields and lakes, valleys, precipices. I like
waters fall, the streams, and springs. However, the sea that my soul expands,
there appears to be no boundaries to the heart fly, fly! In addition, the sea
that is more complete me that short front of Copacabana beach in multiple
landscapes: Rio de Janeiro!

≈ I am of peace and love, not war. Working for a living is not war, work may
even be tasty. War is a bloody aggression. Since the wars happen most to
gain territory that promises wealth: why humans do not like animals fighting
for territory and female: fighting only the leaders? This means that fight face
to face the presidents and no one else! Will see! There will seriously try to
stop wars!
In the wars appear lower instincts as killing with rage, rape, torture, steal,
cheat. That leaves after serious sequelae such as cyclo-thymic personality such
as schizophrenia, psychosis.

≈ There was the cutest couple in the world that Elvis Presley and Priscilla

Those years marked the world with Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren, and Marilyn
Monroe. Lovely creatures! But I wanted to be a young man from hundreds of
participants won the contest to play in the English film Juliet Capuleto, was an
Argentine sixteen year old named Olivia, do not remember the name, she had
an angelic beauty.

≈ By playing kittens in the sea? I asked as a child and said to me, to drink
water. There I discovered the immediate human cruelty to the innocent.

≈ The Last Supper of Jesus have been tense knowing the danger of death
and the cross has been more feared. Tragic memories depress or revolt,
should be forgotten worshiping only happy moments and the valuable legacy
of brotherhood . Pay homage to Jesus and also to so many souls who left
their legacy of brotherhood, among them Karl Marx, Latinos Ernesto Cardenal,
Leonardo Boff, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Simon Bolivar, Eva Peron, Che
Guevara, José Martí and many others! Who else moves me is St. Francis of
Assisi said, Brother Wolf, Sister Star, mother earth.

≈ One dark night in the sky snaking saw colored lights. Someone wanted to
give many people looking at the night sky with this thrilling beauty.

≈ Many politicians are patriots wishing to sow generously and more equality
in the land, others say they have the same mission, but the same is chasing
prestige and power.

≈ Juscelino Kubit s c hek put Brazil up, enthusiastic, saying that all was
possible and that phrase infused courage in his youth, said that will grow Brazil
fifty times in just five years. Betinho.

≈ Take care for your child and your pet not to contract skin cancer, take
care of their teeth. Like humans, animals are also increasingly contracting
prostate cancer or uterine or breast. Give the right food because will be much
later suffered prohibit habits wrong feed; heal the heart, liver, kidneys,
pancreas, and intestine. See several doctors.

≈ This wanting to be always child has its pro and con. It's good to be
playful company of people, but not irresponsible people also do not think
it wrong to be serious, but always humorous. That is not easy because serious
people are feared getting lonely.
The ideal is to know when to be serious and when to be cheerful person.
Several children, including me, we played a funeral and only my mother sent
me to sit in a chair, I was so sad that I said to myself, when I should not
laugh, remember this moment, and it was so. In the convent, we played hide
and seek in a low voice becaust was forbidden to scream.

I learned to be moderate, wept in silence and when they saw me I smile full of
tears, and then went away on the edge of noisy waterfall alone to weep there
screaming at ease. My laughter caused me fright because there remembered
me punished in the chair at the funeral where others were crying, also the
death of the animals would not let me laugh ever, so I was "more than smile of
laughter, more melancholy than weeping". As dance and philosophy teacher, I
was a friend, good-natured, but very demanding and my severity made me
suffer, there walked away to cry because I've never been so cold or so hard.
I'm more of "joy and zest for life," keep more contact with beings from other
dimensions. I consider myself fortunate because a long time to correct my
mistakes, made me into a better person , I got so much desired thing, I love
my profession, my husband, my friends, my students and colleagues sincere. I
know so much and have so much thanks to my own merits. I struggled a lot
and I thank the countless people of this and other dimensions that helped me,
thanks to nature, the stars and all the faces of God. The one that pushed me
to go face in life was my mother, also the obstacles that I lived and awards
What most encourages are not critical but the praise. Everyone has
strengths and weaknesses. I like to respect the laws and order.
I like to simplify life and not be looking for sophisticated things in love, the
course of nature is quieter, mainly spirituality gives great peace. Tolerant
look and I am in many areas, in other'm very conservative. I preserve my
peace me away what displeases me, me silencing. I do not fight for human
acceptance of who I am but desire that "everyone think to be better." Only one
thing saddens me and ends with me, "compassion for the environment, plants,
animals, the suffering of the dying."
Humans only think about having children and produce only the children, but
the elderly, the poor, the outlaws are becoming into oblivion, loneliness,
abandonment, without a sense of life without an incentive to make him
something to be better and happy.

≈ A writer says: happiness today is the misfortune of tomorrow. In addition,

many and I corrected him: there is not evil that by good does not come.
However, life is a devier eternal and our dimension happen cycles of loss and
greed, that is, life snake all, everything is paid: very expensive, every
mistake and also every pleasure results in suffering, is why many fear be
happy. It is also why the great masters recommend moderation and know all
that sound joy is not only solemn, it also reaches the top of enjoys
the fullness , the mystic knows that.

≈ I do not really like the saints of Christianity that were warriors because
they do not think well in war, but extreme evil. To this day Christianity
reveres Israeli struggle and the struggle of the Crusades that have always
been bloody, both wars continue to this day.
I do not understand the decolonization of people so peaceful that preached
universal brotherhood as São Francisco of Assisi. Christians do not value
nature, separating the creation of your Creator.

≈ There are people who they will having never guilty of anything, talking
about his mistakes they say they do not have them, telling them that in the
past were also thus defend themselves by saying that the past is gone
and worsen offend saying, and you also made in past such thing and does
everything an elephant!
With such a person does not to discuss. You are talking about the
error that person and not the error of the other, may even speak also about
the error of the other, but first see the error itself, recognize
because no acknowledgment of guilt not there will be improvement in itself.

≈ Numbers, words, comparisons with something like the serpent meaning

long life or meaning the path of awareness, are symbols results of human
inspiration. The word does not always mean "word", for example, the word of
God does not mean that God speaks to man in a human language. God did not
write any book, but the writing of God is everywhere as a manifestation of
the divine. Many men inspired discover God in conversation with himself in the
contemplation of nature, observation of the stars, in happiness, in adversity.
God speaks in the book of nature, weather, and the wonderful and tragic
events. A child expresses God, an animal, a plant, a mineral, a man; all
existence speaks of God and is best expressed in silence. "The wisdom found
in the silence that is a profound and eloquent master more than a lot of laughs
and tears, a thousand textbooks."
There have always been and there will be beings of all species in revealing
something about God, therefore the truths of existence. In addition, there will
always be new posts, new discoveries, more enlightening revelations,
calculating corrections more knowledge. While the world is going to correcting
errors and repeating, mistakes will stating certain truths and improving the
concepts. So why are the product of the mentality of an era, because we are
fallible: we are susceptible to errors, but there are those who have the divine
gift of being visionary talking about the findings of their psyches on certain
There are many truths alike in the world, yet different time expression because
creation is a fascinating diversity and the more you
discover different cultures, more God tells us of his love and more lights up
our love for the Creator and all creatures earth and the known universe and
even unknown to us, but sensed, felt, experienced in the depths of our
meditation and contemplation.
The reflection observe and think, meditation empties the mind of all analyze
lighting suddenly the light bringing new
discoveries. The contemplation experience the greatness of God and
creation, intimately feels a union or communion with the infinite savoring
the fullness.

≈ The conflict more ancient on earth is the pose of a territory, Israel, for
example, has the support of the most powerful on earth and first-rate weapons
for fighting. Palestine, the land of Jesus, sit invaded and fight with more

poverty. The European monarchy was also oppressive, especially with
farmers and small producers leaving them in very poor condition.
The Latin America, like Africa, lives forever the conflict of land claimants as
the Indians, African descendants and the settlers of European origin. Always
also the nature suffers because of unscrupulous human
occupation. In Brazil, it happens always-dry killing plants, animals and
humans from hunger and thirst. The popular song of Luis Gonzaga : White
Wing, not get compassion and action needed to change this situation.
There are studies eternal, eternal processes, neglect of many, is an agony!

≈ As a child I hear that many lands have rampant corruption. Corruption

existed always-in more civilized lands and lands invaded by more pudentes.
The world taught all sorts of tricks to survive and corrupt. Colombo predicted
environmental decay of the then new paradise earth saying that nature will
ultimately greed of men by land, gold and the wood. After saying that
Colombo desapareceu do mapa . To date the ambition wreaks havoc on
several grounds, including in Brazil: forever.
Even in times of democracy in which happen more corruption cases, corrupt
larger still unpunished laughing from fallen enemies, hiding behind the
"front". The village also learned the tricks to get ahead in life at any cost and
so every day more grows the decadence of customs among citizens of every
class social, not to mention the addictions, vandalism, the banditry.

≈ Since there is always humanistic sowing thoughts, peace and love

through politics, religion or other activities.
We not personally know Jesus, the Bahai, Rumi, Buddha, Yogananda, Lao Tze,
Tchuang Tzu, Francis of Assisi, Ernesto Cardenal, Elder camera, Leonardo Boff
and many others, but we know that there were people with profound
spirituality, sense of brotherhood, preaching peace and boundless love.
As beings human, they have agreed and wrong, but good intentions
to improve over time through new generations.
Who am I to judge those great souls? But I know that not every story about
them is complete and well interpreted, for example, Jesus said: Blessed are
the poor. Had the philosophers say, this caused a lot of submission and
To say, it is easier for a camel from the eye of a needle than a rich man to
enter the kingdom of God. This created in many a feeling of contempt for the
good stuff and the people who live in abundance in their own right.
Answering the question of why a divorced woman cannot return to rebuild his
life with another, they say that Jesus said that man should love his wife as
himself. This response did not address the issue on women's freedom to
express their opinions, to give your opinion and not only obey her husband or
simulate to get what you want.
He has even told Jesus that God will accept all forgiveness or conviction given
by Peter and his successors. This gave free will to some horrific Crusades, the
so-called Holy Inquisition, oppression, Christianity deification, contempt for
the world and the destruction of other cultures.

There were reports of resurrections in many parts of the earth; you know that
people taken for dead again have felt under the earth or face itself in hospitals
after developing to certain powers. Many patients rotting away on the edge of
death, back to you with a bit of affection, but does Jesus raised Lazarus even
that was decaying. In addition, if that was the rich imagination of the Jewish
people, superstitious like many other people, adding facts as do the fishermen
of Brazil and other provincials people? Who knows? The human fantasy that is
rich in imagination could in time achieve what seemed impossible and as we
imagine that there are beings from other dimensions that have powers here on
earth also there were and are many reports of humans who have special gifts
by the divine will.
In the Revelation of the Bible, it says that Jesus and not the Creator will come
to raise the dead and send to hell to incorrect.
Bible scholars say that hell was a fire, which cast those condemned to death as
the thieves crucified and that Jesus would have given it as example of
destruction of impure souls.
In ancient times, since before Christ there were those frightened to hell, but
the good conscience say that God would not be more cruel than their own
creatures making an eternal torture, but would give the opportunity to
regenerate with metempsychosis or transmigration of souls that purging the
error to learn to be a better person
by própriaconscientização , remorse and correction . The theory of
reincarnation is very old and was written on ancient bible
being suppressed by a Catholic Pope at the time of Indulgences. (the
marriage of priests and women priests were removed from the beginning of
Christianity). Oldest religions say that the spiritual world above the material
world and the spirit inherited from the divine essence is nature eternal , that
an earthly life just is very little to polish the soul and transcend, so it
is necessary souls transmigration up if lapidary to reach the state
of Nirvana or higher spiritual dimension or high soul by the lightness of
The Hinduism not despise the body, on the contrary, the body learn yoga
discipline facilitates spiritual ascent. It also recognizes as the natural sciences
that matter has cycles to renew that with the death inert matter is to be used
to re-create another existence. In the East does not cling to the body
because they believe that the body is to be transformed into something
else useful to the life and the soul levitará free of the body, the spirit also
called the subtle body, it is a transparent and luminous state.
The Catholicism says that man has three enemies are the world (neglecting
the creation), the demon (said to be a powerful evil spirit and enemy of God.
But in the book of Job in the Bible it is written that the devil is a servant of
God by which man discovers himself same. it turns out a vital action putting
in evidence yourself the ability staff to overcome. "Thus the devil is a
symbol of weakness, of negativity, of offenses of life that serve
to strengthen the personality and teach a better life getting more
spiritualized to transcend "). In addition, the meat (Which would be the
despised body, sex, desire to materiality) (angel and devil are nothing more
than the opposing forces acting in life as the poles: positive and negative that
activate the light.).

And I was getting through
to find contradictory despise the creation. The paths of life with its
successes and blunders have a reason to be in this life, the body being
matter created by God, despise it on the one hand and on the other
to hold both him to the point of believing that Jesus will resurrect every man
with material body: should lead to reflection.
Do the souls in the other dimension are so matter of the body?
It will not be better to feel relief to convert the beautiful caterpillar or body
beautiful and lightweight butterfly that would symbolically the soul that is by
nature flying?
He says another part of Christianity that at death the body, the soul in
sin also dies, says more: that other creatures do not have soul: this is the
most amazing. So what happens to the soul of nature immortal made of the
eternal Spirit substance that holds the eternity of the world spiritual and
the material being susceptible to material phenomena or cycles of life and
the soul is always individual? "There is no life without soul." "There is no
superior nor inferior creature."
On the one hand some say that Jesus to resurrect not allowed to touch him,
others say it was embraced on the one hand say that Jesus levitated and
seemed increasingly transparent on the rise. Others say levitated with the
material body. It seems by this description that Jesus was an extraterrestrial
as in fiction films that even show the power of disintegration and reintegration.
And there are those who claim that Jesus meant it with his words: my kingdom
is not from this planet.
Anyway I nãoacredito the existence of a cruel hell of a cruel God. I believe
that reincarnation is the answer to many apparent injustices of life, I
believe that each one suffers for his mistakes, but that God would not allow
an eternal suffering and would rather want the regeneration of each child
your every creature is a child of God is the species whatever. All created
existence transcends because the Soul of the world involves all.
I believe in transformation, not the destruction, I believe that every cause
has an effect for better or for worse, and that the purpose for all existence is
the transcendence in the spiritual world.
The world has gone through several transformations. Never will be a
definitive end, the original powder that turned to dust again taking new forms,
the powder has several elements forming existence.
The creation of God is eternal.
Only religions originated in the Middle East believe that God is far away from
the earth, the earth not is the garden paradise created by God. They believe
that happiness and the encounter with God is possible only in a future far and
in a place called heaven or kingdom or glory of God. On the otherside say,
the land is the kingdom of God that God will reign here even for Terrain.
But I believe the universe which the land part has in place
all elements similar, the whole creation is a paradise. God is
in all the extent of its creation, is in each existence
the material and immaterial.
I am like the natives and how the mystics who do not separate the physical
from the metaphysical world, who feel the presence of God in every beauty

of nature. The Arab mystic Rumi said, where it wants you to look is the face of
God. Our Indians also speak it.
For me the word of God is the feeling of His presence in everything that
moves me. Love immensely each existence with anointing; everything of God
is so fascinating to me that makes me more and more in love, in love with

≈ What else can I tell my brother that you no longer may know of my
heart? Receive my embrace outer and an affectionate kiss this typical Latin.
≈ I'm Terrain, land is my home, starry, moonlit or sunny sky is my roof. I
am also a heavenly because the land is part of the sky and lies within the
Milky Way, one of the many beautiful expanse of galaxies with fascinating
planets. All fantastic landscapes to lose sight form my space. I am in the
mantle tissue by my beloved Creator and me so many brothers also loved as
God loves all existent in the same art. I am my beloved, my plants and pets,
have so many teachers and books, visible and invisible friends. I am in
glory, sit embrace of the Creator and of all creation. I am happy.
"What you have and what it is depends largely on the will power of each one."

≈ say they do not love what you do not know, but in the depths of being
there is a vibration, a penchant for power hidden. People who go are not as
indifferent as it seems because the case arrived compassion invades us.
It is the magic link of universal brotherhood and not everything has to be
explained or understood as the man schism but understood sense. In addition,
the difficulties of life tend to put limits in love, what a pity!
To love everyone is not necessary to have , just feel heat fraternal .

≈ The convictions calls opinion result of observation, reflection, research,

personal experience. The wise men by nature have a vision deeper thing
without prior learning.

≈ The feelings develop with the cultivation of thoughts and participation in

cultural events. Only the professional education and practice of modern
consumption does not guarantee the depth of feelings, it is more likely
to atrophy inspiration in good and beauty, hampers proper expression turning
to one person be closed, indifferent, cold.
We must put in schools since early disciplines as philosophy, psychology and
art, play music, dance, painting, ceramics, especially the knowledge of history
and geography of the different cultures.

≈ All species have self - respect, when they fail they feel ashamed when
wounds feel humiliated. It turns out that the arrogance human ignores the
right to dignity in other beings.

≈ The generations suffer consequences unintended no fault of their own,
this is unfair, but makes up for all the time. As animals, accept with serenity
the vicissitudes of life, not run away from suffering, wait for the storm to pass
that renewal always happens for the better.
Do not spoil the happiness it deserves blaming himself with the misfortune of
others, no one will get away with the coming of new generations through all
that we have passed because all must learn to evolve with the difficulties of
life. “Do your part leaving their constructive seed to others, especially to those
most in need of help and affection."
And do not be spreading the idea that happiness is found only in another
world, that God is not here, that the Creator will come to be only chosen and
on the earth is paradise. Know that all existence was created with supreme
love for God is a being infinitely superior above our ability to understand, but
we can understand with the saying of the heart that reveals the depths of the
soul, there appears the intimate conviction that absolutely all creation will be
stoned to distinguish the sense of eternity found anywhere in the universe is
put in the right size at the right time. God is everywhere at all times and with
Him nothing is lost, all is recovering.
Life with dimensions of happiness and suffering is a constant path to better,
life would be much better if not for the difficulties created by man himself.
"There is no savior possible if each does not activate its own will be better to
deserve the fullness that is in heaven and heaven is here and God is here
where it's a part of his beloved creation with the same intensity in all its
extension ".
You cannot be happy with so much suffering? It depends on your point of view,
which "has done for himself and for others will be collaboration to rise to
universal brotherhood." It is the universal embrace that feels God in
a unique communion, this is possible, take example of nature, and
meditative beings, find wisdom in the infinite love and silence. "Living life is
to taste the sweet and the bitter and opt for ambrosia."
Conquer and help others to achieve their paradisiacal state.

≈ There are those who are keen to find that the past was always better, that
only in the present time there is so much corruption, so much crime, so much
immorality. "Since the beginning of civilization men appeared saying that the
world is near the end because of the inordinate desire for power, because of
the oppression, banditry." Every kind of crime that exists today has always
existed The only difference is that today is known more for the progress of the
media and seems more frequent by overcrowding because there are ants that
are everywhere but humans invading all habitable spaces to finding the right to
disrespect space and privacy of other species, nor the neighbors own space
Pedophilia, rape, infidelity of both parties, promiscuity, deceit, lies, envy,
ambition, slander, usury and so much more " always " took place. Wars,
torture, manipulation, while teachers, prophets, heroic beings and exemplary
“always " existed not only in the past.
"The history and the present reveal that whenever there has been progress
in certain areas and return in others." At present, the materialism is at its

peak and decays culture, with it the morale is low, but well looked when it was
so different? In antiquity knew more on wise, today the wise are more
anonymous, but it was also always so.
In short, I think from all time on earth, the present is even better because
there is more awareness of the right of all beings, not just man. All
biodiversity, to the existence said to be inert, witness life force through the
electromagnetic fields in the existing macro and microcosm.

≈ The spirituality based on the inner wealth, that is, to be a person with
deep feelings. Spirituality spreads love and respect for each existence because
she experiences the divinity at all. And there is no better construction of a
physical and psychic world with love.
"Do not complicate life with religions, spirituality is the doctrine of love"

≈ Goodbye friend, brother! Friend for years, in remembrance friend, friend

for a day, a couple of hours, for a moment, friend to pass without speaking.
To remember each other's only smiles.

≈ The Brazilian soul live your joy and sorrow in the romantic samba Nelson
Cavaquinho . And sing for us all: Martinho da Vila, Beth Carvalho , Leila
Pinheiro and light Clara Nunes .

≈ I had a beautiful dream! I dreamed that euthanasia was approved and I

chose to die in my beloved company looking to Copacabana beach and the
locals playing drumming and dancing a samba.
All as love is lost after death? On the contrary!

≈ They say our planet is wasted half of what you eat and this is a lack of
respect for the farmer, land, water, ace trees. True, but can reuse the
food thrown out turning manure and the land is very grateful.

≈ All the teachers, the tribes have left us the legacy of love and respect for
all creatures and the choice of a simple life to be happy.
Never power, war and hatred brought happiness. More than ever the
world needs to live more simply, it does not mean giving up the beauty, but
the superfluous. Use the car as little as possible, content with little and good
vegetarian food. Do what he pleases with mastery, useful, spread joy and
wonder, does not comment nor hear anything except the wise. Good friends,
good music, dance, walk. Love contemplation, silence, and smile.

≈ Select jewelry for the sake of beauty as well as being creative and
cheaper, does not harm the earth as do the mines in search of precious
stones. Good taste and good sense is not to overdo anything.

≈ In this life is born, grows, develops, dies and transcends. The mission is
to develop the individual talent or gift generously adding happiness valuing
the delight of a spiritual life that culminates in transcendence. Life and death
go hand in hand every day for everyone. Our cells are living beings fulfilling
the mission of fortifying our body; we facilitate this mission taking care of our
food. Everyone, even the cells after death must transcend.

≈ If you want to see people of all classes to look disenchanted, will the
DMV: DMV of Rio de Janeiro.

≈ The majority of the sacred books presents myths with symbolic language
describing fights between gods, wars, warrior and God as his creatures as
submissive servants. In interviews listen to Brazilian athletes, artists, workers
talking with pride that are warriors.
There are those who claim that man was not born to live in balance and at
peace that seek war.
Many mystics and more spiritual philosophers claim otherwise, that life is a
path to transcendence and for such a mission is to be peace and love . Sow
each his gift, spoon there after the effort much satisfaction for themselves
and for all. The realization of the praises giving strength to more good
deeds. lucky same is the one who fulfilled his mission, quiet lives without
more neurotic, knowing enjoy life with health and joy without ever running out
of love for uniqueness.
"Most of the creeds is complicated, but most teachers is simple and
short." That nothing of God to be a warrior nor life to be a war, nor the
creatures just be servants!
Just as parents serve and educate his children, so the M and from the
universe protects us and educates. What most parents want is
the happiness of the children and the children want to see their parents
always happy. When the Mother of the universe in the bore - created flowed,
flowed, whatever! - Also felt very happy and what most want is that your
creatures are well, love and happy and not to be their slaves nor
bloodthirsty and vicious warriors as most of humanity is.

≈ If you save what? The mission is to be of love, good and happy

to transcend.

≈ In SUIPA of Rio de Janeiro dedicated to the protection of animals, I saw an

old man limping badly, but coming every day just to give affection to
abandoned animals. The affection heals more than the ceiling and food.
Also I witnessed old ladies with arthritis pain in the hands, still without
stopping to caress her sick animals, as if to inject them health and love.

≈ The Brazilian singer Martinho da Vila says that the problems and the past
do should turn jokes in present. For most to life is a long agony, nevertheless
it is so beautiful !

≈ The stories of Rabindranath Tagore and Christian Andersen , among
many others, report concerns and sad childhood realities in their
countries. Tales, myths, legends world report the desire for contact with
the fantasy where desires are possible and reality, which hampers
desired. Life is comparable to these accounts; life is a mixture of dream and
reality where the individual has to be a magician to get your goals. The paths
teach that life requires the naming of internal power: the individual and the
external power: the universe fluids known with different names like sympathy,
thanks, miracle, blessing, etc. the more the individual struggles, the more
difficulties appear, the more it is close to the goal, more conspiracies happen
and when all seems lost, comes the happy goal.
Fight alone useless little trust only in reality does not take forward but one
advances confidently in the power of mind and feeling conspiring with the
lights of the universe: our sisters, fingers of God.

≈ God named as a subject or as a verb (And the Word was made supplement
matter) does not matter. What they mean is that the principle: one S spiritual
er had discernment volunteer: a gradual way flow of Essence a spiritual
reality and another material reality in eternal in league action. The action or
movement trainer was always gradual and curved.
The identity of God finds in the whole creation in its entire course directed to
transcendence. And you: Santa, to experience the Great Spirit always
in cahoots in the physical and metaphysical, as your body and your soul that
interact in the way of transcendence.

≈ Each existence takes brand only in the body, it dies, turns, but your brand
will continue in the body astral. It turns out that the soul is only transiting
in various bodies before transcend. The astral multiple acquires then a
form set . In the spiritual world, each flush has a name.

≈ I did not take a role model in my life, but examples to improve

myself. More I formed my character according to my principles.

≈ The attitude optimistic is the best way to flush out the internal monsters.

≈ God and parents do not reject the criminal son, it must be recuperate.

≈ We are only dust in outer space, but the powder is composed of several
particles. Each element has its importance in the universe. For tiniest a
creature is, is important cosmic by the will of the Creator. Small beings also
have beautiful dreams that drive them to accomplish great things.

≈ has to be less space for humans and more space for plants and
animals. We need to plant thus multiplying the number of springs and animals
and thus improving the climate.
There are people who refuses to feed the pets because they fear the town too
much. If you happen, overpopulation in nature must be because the man is
causing imbalance in their invasion in the spaces of nature finding more right.

≈ God is not a human being with whom we can talk face to face in our
language. God is a gigantesca expandida alma or greatest, flying and
flung soul throughout its creation. The Creator is revealed in contemplation of
the splendid creation in the smallest details we observe is stepping into our
There are in all and on all his light and shade quickening.
All creatures form the compendium of God more eloquent than all
languages. The languages do not translate God as feeling deep. More to study,
God must be experienced.

≈ Do not demand either the partner or other person values him as yourself
appreciates. No one understands more to us than ourselves. It is so because
every life is unique, even though similar, each individual so lonely. And you
know recognize the other, saves praise, likes to please, to be kind, deepens
in soul of a loved one?

≈ Buddha believes in a spiritual Being that manifests itself as a creative

force and ordering the world as such is a perfect mind. Man discovers
in silence , there the mind itself reveals the truths and feeling improves, a
divine feeling of fullness that is the state of Nirvana , there is annihilated the
possibility of reincarnation disappear egocentrism taking it to be generous, to
feel that the detachment and compassion conduct being and transcends the
spirit in pure joy.
Buddha does not disprove God, just do not question focusing solely on what
matters to make being at the end, what matters is the Creator that His
creatures are of love, well and happy.
Hunger, poverty, pain, austerity, renunciation of the beauties of life led the
Buddha to conclude that the extremes do not balance, but the middle path
leads to a zen. Moderation grants serenity.

≈ The Arabs not having around a robust nature, contemplating the beauty of
the sky that caused them to be great connoisseurs of numerology,
mathematics, astrology and astronomy, as well as being wonderful poets. In
the desert the setting sun, the stars, the full moon appear larger and the
mirage looms imagination.

≈ The setting is beautiful, robust, magnanimous with phenomena that

frighten to cause disasters even though passing and renewing.

There is a lot of aggression between beings and more than anyone among
men. There are so many souls valuable, but side by side with the joy walking
pain. The good Earthlings dream of: "like a paradise earth in peace
forever"; no more religions or flags but brotherhood , synonymous with
fraternity, Marxist, communism, socialism, unity, universal love. ”It’s what
God longs for his creatures.”
We have to change, not aggression or suffering some!

≈ I do not understand one love without attachment. Detachment cause

doubts and doubt torments. A meeting only by the company or gender lacks
emotion. Life without romance is not worth it.
Desire to belong to someone, feel is owned and owner, how
to feel jealous, between all beings and even among polygamists.

≈ A person says that what the partner does outside the home is not
How not? Partnership form pair. A family is a society and any society is
a commitment. Boss and employee, parents and children, partners have
the sense of responsibility to each other. Harmony exists where there is
respect, consideration, loyalty and will not say that loyalty has nothing to do
with fidelity and that just the good treatment when you are together.

≈ A religious leader says that Jesus was born in a stable in the presence only
of Mary and Joseph. The cribs are different in different cultures. According to
the inspiration and elements of the place adds in the crib animals like cows,
donkeys, sheep, waterfall, trees, coconut flower, corncob, peanut paste to be
distributed at midnight among children. Others use Daddy Claus figure with the
Christmas tree, sparkles and stars. A bakery decorates the tree with biscuits
and sweets. It is lovely the meeting of various cultures.
Bible pages were torn out with accounts of Jesus' childhood, non - Christian
lands say that Jesus was a child prodigy who after traveling through Egypt and
India presented in Jerusalem with much knowledge and arguing with the
Pharisees and scribes, politicians of the time, He offended them saying ah!
Pharisees hypocrites. Jesus wanted is to found a church of peace and
love between the Creator whom he called Father, and all creatures, but his
desire for justice-criticized politicians of his time and that, plus its popularity
made him the enemy of the powerful and plotted one way to be murdered by
his own people by distorting his words.
The desire for fraternity of Francis of Assisi was also not respected because
many churches seek just the opposite: in the name of an imperative God stop
the power for himself and manipulate minds into believing that
God intended bloodshed, as if this was the way to end the mistakes and
evolve the human spirit.
They say that God punishes a finite error cruelly infinite.
≈ In our time should be no more wisdom secrets revealed to the initiated
only. The inquisitors wanted to retain all knowledge for you to subdue. Since

ancient times, there were sacred or occult societies to protect from persecution
and extermination.
The knowledge available to everyone threatened placing the man as
a bottom that was absolute obedience to the ruler of the church that said
spreading the word of God in a book regarded as absolute perfection, written
by men of a world point called saints and favorite God's.
Learning think for yourself consciousness enhances an emerging
mindset different that values life more inside, people like being there
anonymously lives more alternatives spiritualized.

≈ In the land there are numerous points magic which hangs in the air an
energy that attracts all creatures. The presence of God feel a lot more points
in climactic nature that prevails in places where civilization and the thirst for
Which happens a lot of aggression and constant bloodshed cannot be
place favorite of God. Only man distinguishes favorites in creation, your poor
opinion only man to a tiny part of the universe is the favorite of God. Thus, put
to the Creator as a being of feeling inferior. In nature there is hardly
any parents enjoying one more child than another In true love, there is no
hierarchy or measures to love.

≈ I see the animals enjoy their space with all that fits in your
universe. Their expression of contentment is simple and charming, his
gestures, his eyes, his posture reveal sweetness or bitterness.
Seek to understand your pet as he understands it without using words but
with your way of being. Love deeply as he loves. Be your best friend, as he is
the best friend, brother, son and boyfriend in the world.

≈ The more I write what I think and sit, more is pleased my soul and
more tears flooded me.
Not everyone will agree with my writings and seek deliberate errors, even if it
is slandering me. Dear Readers: approve what they like me and correct my
mistakes not necessarily criticizing me not to hurt me already so I
suffered for my mistakes. Type the your thinking, it progresses over time. I
do not have the last word, even trying hard to think properly, I know that in
time others will write more evolved thoughts, better analyzed. I am a
beautiful, but small human scale and others will sow more heights as always
should be.

≈ There are wonderful human beings, but most are monstrous.

≈ Do not forget that the body astral is loads more beautiful and
lighter than the physical body. All things have around the way a glow and an
astral hair. You can also give life to something with its own energy. Do not
forget also that in the fullness of state disappear all grudges and nothing-past
matters more.

≈ A good citizen requires behavior rather exemplary and does not live
complaining of life, the state, the family, the spouse because he is
happy with it, that's what matters most. Enrich your being and
make question to practice universal brotherhood. Even in the midst of
difficulties feel is safe, above, and attract the good vibes of the universe.

≈ Music, dance, books, trips were part of my life. Outside of that, I have
always been dreamy and planner of my future, especially the desire of a great
love was remarkable, sought in every man that attracts me the perfect love. I
suffered a lot, but I believed against all winds and got the more my heart
longed to believe before anything myself, the Creator and all creatures that
form his divine entourage. Always wanted to be a joy for all, God, nature,
Opened me less with my teachers known through books, with my idols dance,
music, poetry with being gone from my side because I feel ashamed to fail, to
suffer, to fail.
In the impasse of my life were I alone with God and nature.
I hope sow joy and more feel the patient reader in spite of some

≈ wants to be remembered forever. So give away a CD with his music and

that is good taste or a book that leads to reflection.

≈ The spirit world is asexual, there just matter that souls are of love, well
and happy.

≈ Reflect in difficult times, the marriage is an entity life together where

much is learned about the nature of itself it and partner. Appreciate the
affinities and rebuild the union being one be better able to give happiness
because the affection does miracles more than words. Who never had
disagreements do not know what it is to feel nostalgia of the loved one, this
because the loved one become our sought half. Not married life that suffocates
but the lives of single where it is not known to whom it belongs, where there
is the joy of building a nest for two, where there is whom to lean.
If donating win if: self-esteem and security.

≈ A great love causes immense joy at the same time causes deep sadness. It
sings like no one best Brazilian samba Martinho da Vila. Was in Germany
studying, working and sighing for my childhood dream to come to live in Rio de
Janeiro, our best friends then living in India invited us to live with them, but I
immediately thought of Martinho da Vila that to hear him I would leave me
dying of miss Brazil. The nostalgia is the result of attachment and love
is included attachment. In Guarani miss it says: techagaú or VYA î Yahweh, in

Spanish: añoranza or nostalgia, in English: I miss you in German: sehnsucht or
vermissen in French: nostalgie.
Loving others is to be immensely happy and eternally melancholy.
"All that is huge cheers and makes you sigh." If everyone was happy!
The unhappiness of others affect us because we are brothers, from others.

≈ The poetry follows the rhythm of the heart, has its own music, a world of
winding colors, delicious perfume. Happy who can express themselves in words
poetically, because the true language of the soul is the music that as nature
says much more than words.

≈ Fix is not to punish is to educate. Popular saying.

≈ Mel Gibson portrayed in his film the cruel and humiliating public killing
of Jesus, and yet morbidly Christians worship the cross: a deadly weapon
at the time, and talk of holy land as if only there had been born holy people,
more place of bloodshed forever.

≈ said that Brazil is still the land of opportunity because it is not usual in the
world's first land out to sell homemade products without official license; Brazil
may sell up pineapple slices or pieces of watermelon to survive. That has its
downside is the lack of supervision to ensure hygiene and equal rights for
everyone because there are those who pay rent, electricity, water, and other
employees are positioned in front shop selling fruit, garlic, kebabs,
etc. without a license, without even if wiping his nose with the fingers touching
the products at the same time touch the money, even sleeping there in ugly
tent and no bathroom. They are also beggars spreading garbage on the street
and called attention respond rudely causing all because they know that no one
can touch them without punishment.
The selling goodies on the trains cause noise pollution afected nerves of
workers, selling something at the traffic lights are in danger of accidents and
many cross the signals without any respect.
The tax and the guards do not care! There are parks made so carefully with a
lot of money of the people and there come the taggers, those who bathe in the
fountain, the sitting on the grass, the breaking plants, playing trash on the
floor as if it were something more natural world, who have been dating
outrageously to the point of making sexually explicit. The people do not want
to get into trouble because the end all on equal. Lack of citizenship,
education, policy, ethics and aesthetics is shocking in many parts of Brazil.
≈ What else can save the land from disasters is: to plant more
trees. A corrupt politician from Sao Paulo says that it is better to bother with
the hunger of children with the environment.
There are rich preferring a golf course to create an environmentally protected
park in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Sound leisure and beauty that provide plants
and animals do not compare to the practice of this sport dull called golf.

≈ In a building the cleaner missed at work and only she was feeding the cat,
it was locked in the basement and gave birth. They spent the days and the cat
was starving pups were suckling to erode the mother's flesh. How much
barbarity because humanity!

≈ Blessed be the conductor Paraguayan Herminio Giménez and the

Argentine maestro Ariel Ramirez presenting the roots of music making sigh
to those who only like European classical music.

≈ Dear students! My soul dance in you, as my body can no longer dance

with the technique that ballet requires. Thanks also to my students from
Germany and Brazil who continued my teaching dances whole earth and to
travel the outer space through dance. In Rio de Janeiro I got my ultimate goal:
the cast dances “Integration ". Now I can rest in peace.

≈ I am cheerful but serious character. The ar rival

'm not laughing of others, nor malicious criticism, nor the impudence, to
If in my youth I tried something illegal, always I regretted not come on
the front. I like to be among people laughing, even without me laugh out loud,
but I hate peddling.
I know it's not good to take life always very seriously, but I insist
on education and delicacy. In retrospect in view pas time we always end up
laughing at ourselves. However, there is also nothing wrong with being
serious. Those who know me know that I am, and demanding, very loving.

≈ The New Year has more to do with Jesus whose doctrine is summed up
in peace and universal love . Religions born in the Middle East today are
those that promote more wars, pursue power, and oppress women and
innocent beings. In the West the most criminal, corrupt, false, separatists,
towering lie between Christians.

≈ The contemplation of the beauties of heaven and earth

in approaching God is the universe that inspires us to beautiful deeds and

≈ We believe in eternal life, we are not friends of death because she

in humiliates much, only to see the agony already desperate. I hope
that scientists change it for all beings!
≈ Soul deep has the being who loves music, dancing, animals, nature, the
stars, the colors, and the silence. In all this God throbs.

≈ The smallest feline is a masterpiece.

The day will come that the killing of an animal is considered a crime.
Leonardo da Vinci.
≈ The dog's mission is to take care of your space, so he barks proudly.

≈ What is bureaucracy? It is the art of creating problems to raise money.

TV Program: Sesame Street.
≈ Man must strive to be a friend of the animals, the nature of the
stars. There you will find that all are similar and that humanity is not the best
of creation.

≈ Life seems a long agony for those who do not worship the joy.

≈ In the Bible it is written, God of hosts, the people of God warrior.

There priests saying that the Supreme or Supreme Pontiff is no bridge, but
"God's representative" on earth and as such is Santo.
War called holy, extreme cruelty and scheduled call: Inquisition. Sects
Calls: Army of Salvation, Soldiers of God, Assembly of God. Since ancient
times Catholicism persecuted and condemned the scientists, thinkers,
further to the followers of other faiths and today is no different
because many Christians continue fighting reading other books or else turn
thoughts of Seicho doctrine in aye, for example, as coming of Christianity.
The Jewish book Thora and the Christian Bible book mention numbers like
three, four, seven, eleven, twelve without explaining the meaning because
they ignore the ancient wisdom, forbid marriage to people of other faiths and
belief in numerology. However, said books mention guesses or interpretations
of dreams, appearances, and rituals cruel to animals. Put hierarchies in
errors as serious or deadly sins and venial or less serious. Also in love they
put grads as deserving more love God, the saints, men and almost nothing
other creatures of God as other stocks were things done for the good pleasure
of men , including foster contempt for what they call: world, demon and meat
as if they were aberrations created by God, including his wife, tribes, animals,
nature, the stars.
Dangerous religions are drastic, cruel in their demands. Inconceivable stoning
and burning of women, the offerings with killing animals. In the Bible itself,
there are those who oppose these insane laws supported by much of the
clergy. Hundred times the Bible was corrected and researched by historians
and scientists grudgingly Rome and Israel, to hunt diplomas and publicly
prohibit excavation and contrary statements to the scriptures of the Bible as
the Inquisition times. Contrary said by Jesus that the truth sets because there
creeds tying minds in a time more than proven that many sacred books have
truths and also They have serious errors of the human mind.
The concept of God and the old laws need to be analyzed.
The doubt, the research and reflection enhance the know .
Wisdom freed from ignorance and rejoices the heart.

Every existence has its reason for being. The human animal has the
ability inventive and analytical with good will can learn a lot of nature
and perform all the necessary calm.

≈ The majority of humanity suffer from insecurity that cause the complex
of superiority and inferiority. Many hate animals and human animals more
independent, with its own personality.
Most do not accept other customs, even acknowledging, not admit the other's
value. Human beings are too stingy.

≈ The rain is the best garden man the earth, nor every trick man can react
to the earth as rain can.

≈ There will never be enough literature to describe all the wonders

of creation, its beauty, nobility and superiority in so many ways. Talk more
with plants that are essential protective of life on the planet.

≈ In a nutshell Kabbalah gives us the Creator and creation in the form of

a tree representing the universe and numbers symbolizing the process of
creation. The age - old: Vedas or sacred books of India also speak of the
power of numbers and the universe, describes a tree on earth reflected in the
water symbolizing the universe material and spiritual. We do not reach to
imagine how the Infinite is really because we are part tiny it.
The Taoism presents the universe as a circle or path to be followed in various
life cycles to achieve Nirvana or completeness of which also speaks in
Hinduism and Buddhism.
The Buddhism speaks of correct life by giving up personal desires to preserve
peace, triggering generosity to all creatures, lead a life contemplative to find
wisdom and attain Nirvana thus ending the individual process of
metempsychosis or rebirth to purify it of errors They cause suffering.
In addition to simplifying the custom, be loving and generous, take an intense
inner life. Buddhism advises not choose or extreme poverty or extreme wealth
to attract suffering and injustice, to choose the middle path thereby
maintaining better balance. It also says that to preserve peace not live
thinking or talking or listening or practicing evil.
The Hinduism presents God in in various names and symbols according to
His action, Shiva or God creating as a dancer in eternal movement.
In Egypt, also the Creator takes various names according to their share in
the creation and represented a material symbol, the fire symbolizing the
Creator Spirit in eternal movement.
All faiths, from tribal worshiped the sun as a symbol of the Creator or God
who gives life and the procreative nature symbolized in the phallus, the
bull. At the end all the symbols reflect the will of the Creator.
The moral not precisely born of religious belief but to establish order and
respect. The love for the Creator also is not born by imposition but
by recognition of the greatness of His creation.

"Masters and thinkers from around the world advocating the love of God
in cahoots with love for all creatures thus resulting in the feeling
of fraternity that inspires perform noble deeds."
Religions tend to complicate life with numerous laws and taxes as follows
only one creed as only truth.
The Christianity complicates the simple doctrine of Jesus with laws and
repetitive readings for life of one book.
The Buddhism which is also based in love and an intense inner life, has so
many rules of yoga, hatha yoga. Meditation rules Hinduism appear included
in Kabbalah. Christianity seizes phrases esoteric. The spiritualism seems
more evangelizer. Without any of these creeds do nothing
to integrate religions that could be more simple and to the point, because
what matters is being a person of goodness and love.
The difference fundamental between religions is that older describe God as
Creator Spirit of the material and spiritual world, God set
in everywhere , inside and outside of everything, giving life and eternity to
the universe, directing all to transcendence, for this aspiring always love,
goodness and beauty.
Already Judaism , Christianity and religion Muslim believe in
God separate from his work and limited as the man, so much that can be
seen face to face talking as man to man, asking each one in his own language:
those who believe and who has?
As if God did not know his best creatures that each knows himself and as if
God cared religions.
Neither science nor philosophy, nor religion matter to God, but that his
creatures are of love, well and happy.

≈ The sadness makes us feel that we are alone, abandoned, mainly we feel
misunderstood by our partners or family members. Know
that all are relatives in the creation and each one is different, unique.
Perhaps there is someone just like other in the world, but confirm that each
tree leaf like the back of each hand is different, unique. There may
be affinity in a couple, but there is always a difference annoying,
disappointing. "Everyone feels alone to be different from everyone," this should
not grieve but open understanding that one cannot demand of life a partner
or a friend totally in agreement with us. "Even though each different in their
identity not totally alone." Do not count only with the humans company, every
star in the sky, every tree in sight, each planet, the whole earth, the
ancestors, the known masters through books, the saints, the angels, all the
deities of God are to around and each entity of creation reveals God's
We are so small in cosmos and it seems that no one notices us, but nothing is
unnoticed, the time of bonanza always there to reach for those who do not
invoke the divine graces spread in the universe.
"Nobody loves most and understands his person than yourself" .
Receive love and understanding giving love and understanding.
The Creator, who is also single, knows and loves his creatures as anyone,
knows more than everyone knows and feels steeped in his work.

"Love each and every thing as God loves: willingly or without limit."

≈ Not good cheer alone but also suffer alone, but it is preferable to save the
other of our suffering is nothing they can do for us, but if you need a
shoulder: Unburden.
At the time of suffering, the consolation should be soft, let cry, comprising
repeat and tell the truth: that the pain will pass because the weather eases
when a schism not to surrender in disgrace.
Pain is horrible, but you can take advantage of suffering transforming lives for
the better. Do not say, for example, is not worth crying for man none! Or: You
have to be strong, hard not to succumb! Or, you are orphan and poor, have to
fight alone!
This hurts brutally, open your eyes look more tenderness.
Be cheerful, transmit optimism and serenity.
Man himself usually causes suffering. However, there are numerous beauties
and joys to be praised forever.

≈ In verse Brazilian poet Vinicius de Morais says, "is not that I do not love
you more, I happen to be sad." The soul has the ability to greatly feel the joy
and the sorrow of this world as other worlds. Even without seeing a person
with a loving failure bolero sings the song hurts. It hurts the sorrow of others
because they are our brothers, there is a vital link.
A great love is beautiful too and do suffer for some impossible and, like
all extreme beauty: stretches the soul until it hurts.

≈ Read all the sacred books and deepen more on feel and
knowledge, reflect on who wrote the inspired of God. God never spoke the
language of men because the language of men is complicated and the
expression of God feels more in the manifestations of nature that in-
complicated human speech.
God communicates through sound and colors of thunder, volcano, waterfall,
sea roar through the howl of a wolf, dance of people and animals, through the
trees moved in the wind, the grass perfume, flowers, forests, in the corner and
the flight of birds.
The tiny sand and many stars reveal the Creator.
The creation is the compendium of God. The man who feels, who cannot read
nature, do not find God or with all the books.
"The great masters received the revelation of God in the silence, through
the contemplation of nature in a climactic and lonely point, there where the
inspiration and concentration attract fantastic visions and God is fantastic and
not human nor distant but is the expansion and deep self ".
Who am I to doubt the Bible - someone- says "You no one is an inferior being
in the creation", each creature is the daughter of Mother Creator who loves
each existence without putting more or less importance at all. "Everyone has a
gift or talent or mission," not only the prophets you know through a book only
were lights, "you too can and should light their own lamp, you can
also contribute thoughts and feelings useful for you and for all. Be seed is

to be a spokesman for God and that is not privileged to anyone because
everyone is here to be gardeners of God and of itself”
It is natural that doubt and questions precede the formation of own
conviction, doubts are not temptations of an enemy of God as some claim to
frighten you so afraid to think for yourself, to induce him to obedience through
what they call faith which is only to be the easiest way to get blind obedience.
So why God put the question and the reasoning in the minds of all beings?
All have the ability to think, feel, suspicious, believe for yourself. The existing
power by calling Creator's will demon and other angel is only massager
for you to discover their own judgment. It is in the inside of each one that
shows the behavior of possibilities such as: do this or that? The decision is up
to each one, so call free will.
Be responsible for your actions, make it deserving of thanks for self-
action. The angel of darkness or hidden the soul is the same angel of light,
light your light. "Your shadow should induce you to light your light"
There are other energies, forces, or malignant and benign spirits? The
polarities are needed to produce electricity contributing benefits or harms in
accordance with the personal will that should always be the search
for balance and altruism. This best explains the esoteric and quantum
Through time they come up good news to life thanks to the brain and heart,
that is, each must clear his conscience, this forms with errors, doubts,
curiosity, concern, question, thought, belief, know. "After a fall make him a be
much better, their own will find echo in the universe"
Each time will perfecting, correcting, adding more truth, it is to innovate. You
like any saint or teacher or scientist or artist, you can contribute a seed
illuminating increasingly developing physical and psychic in the world. Is each
and every existence a builder, gardener, is more a deity, another bright
finger of Universal Light.
Do not be submissive, obedient and only, has self-esteem because each has
its importance by the will of the Creator because God does not speak but
is manifest through each creature as through each existing landscape here as
elsewhere the celestial sphere.
Listen to your inner voice, the feel of his soul, and find response in Mother
Nature and in every corner of the sky. God manifested in the macro and
microcosm. I repeat so many things because there are so many who
underestimate and fear God, fear to think for yourself, fear to love others
being all beloved children of God. No favorite creatures to a magnanimous be
like God, He does not have the human habit of putting graduates importance
among beings.
The land is not a place of fifth category as journalist hostile claims to be. The
land is as important as any other celestial body and this confirms God
through science that proves that the ingredients of creation are the same
throughout the universe.
Do not think the dust is negligible, air, water, hot, wet, and other chemical
elements compose intelligently nomenclature of life. Within each element,
meet other elements such as atom. The powder is not simple, but a
compound from the stars constantly in order to create and procreate ever.

The church said that is not contrary to the Bible to be only her the word of
God. They suggest that a kid group of people only had the privilege of
speaking with the front Creator forward as if God were a being of human is the
best and why the human is his favorite. That would be illogical for a perfect
Creator, just and loving. Just look at the creation, knowledge of history
and natural sciences to realize as soon as the human being is not more
important than others existent are.
The church said that the Bible says the earth is the place central in the
universe, the earth was square, that the sexual act was sin that divorce is p
because only God disunites. Then it was corrected the holy book appearing
divorce among evangelicals. In Catholicism there is only entitled
to separation, no right to remarry or the commune.
Catholicism eliminated the right to marriage of priests who formerly married,
disappeared the concept of reincarnation, eliminated the writing on
various views and resurrections, burning textbooks of ancient
wisdom, silencing on other prophets, saints, miracles in the
world, condemning every other religious practice.
still exists in the Middle East lands the lack of women's right to make a new
life, to re-marry. There are lands where the widow who refuses to be buried
with her husband, lives recluse, excluded from society.
Until not long ago the divorce was legally approved in America, first in Mexico
and then in Uruguay. Even today, many churches do not see with good eyes
the right to make a new life after a failure in love. If God is love never, admit
that plagued lifer a union where love is over, that God is not to blame, but
because man has free will rightfully have a brain on the neck and the ability
to raise awareness and choose. It is time to light their own lamp for
the benefit of all souls as so many copies made and make new generations
through time.

≈ The main thing is do not listen and obey, but meditate and love, the
meditator gains wisdom and health. Who loves values?

≈ I said that the carnival of Rio de Janeiro is the largest entertainment world
for the love of life and life as the birthday and the New Year and other
holidays, is love and fest for mother nature for our Mother with his
creatures and nature is God heart. Rio Carnival parade the greatest
painters, sculptors, designers, makeup artists, the best dancers, the most
beautiful men and women, the best percussionists, singers and only at the
carnival man and woman can be - without illusion- king and queen in crowd,
feel is most appreciated !
Now I want to say that it is time for politicians, artists and religious, all stand
up in defense from peens of animals, until the Indians should be aware of this
and adorn with bands and other crafts that so well they do. Churches and
samba schools boast overly expensive luxury can create cheaper beauties and
benefit those in need with the leftover money.
As humankind is not touched that not only children should be helped, so
many irresponsible to prevail for existing nurseries and care that most
benefit the children after they grow turning youth without resources for study,

housing, work with no help to accomplish youthful dreams, to find employment
and housing.
Even in our time there is more opportunity to study and work, to have housing
or land itself, there are difficulties by overpopulation and competition. And
nature retreats increasingly with so many people plaguing the few areas of
possible dwelling on earth.
Chance there is collaboration on festive dates to brighten the elders, to make
life easier in psychiatric homes to recover criminals, to protect animals,
the forests, the springs? These are left behind, the world
thinks only in children, and more children.
"Adopt children and abandoned animals, is only a matter of love. The
consanguinity does not guarantee the disappearance of fights or ingrate"
The example of change should from the religious, of artists,
of politicians. There is so trivialization of the crime, so
scandalized apology of sex and war, extol horses to serve the man in the
Certainly the animals find monsters and mad men to practice bloody wars
are by religion, homeland, for power, for capital. Present to King David, the St.
George, to Alexander the Great as these bloodthirsty warriors had acted in
holiness being the war the worst of human crimes and a disgrace in our time,
at least for the few humans who thinks differently.
The ideal having to carry weapons is conflicting. I repeat: the universal
brotherhood, recognition of uniqueness is very necessary.

≈ Who feels accomplished in life does not fear death more,

sit immune before the eternal vicissitudes, it's disgusting brutality of
progress and return values in the new generations.
The feeling of loneliness, weakness, impotence round, but the person
held muss will the beauties that it fits under the sun.

≈ said that bamboo after blooming dies. I witnessed the lucidity of sick
animals and humans looking more energetic than ever and suddenly decay and
die; an illusory joy before the last suffering! I witnessed the premonition of
his own death three dogs; one of them saw something and barked to this
presence not displayed for me. Another had a visit from his mother and that
yes I had daytime vision. Another also witnessed the invisible someone for me
warn you the proximity of death. I was also advised of all this ahead of time in
a dream, then the fear accompanied me increasing my impotence, but
reminding me that I should accept the inevitable future with serenity. In
addition, serenity takes to return after death.
"The final moments of life occur always with malaise, with sudden sharp pain,
respiratory failure with cardiac dysrhythmia; the agony is monstrous , death
humiliates, plays in the face to our defeat, our impotence, do not respect our
wishes, not value our efforts, expressed in mercilessly. "
Even after death comes a moment of rebirth in ineffable light and even if every
loss is recovered, death should not be cruel after having done everything
possible and impossible not to make mistakes and live for the sake of life.

There is a solution in the nature of God waiting for the inventive and
analytical capacity of human beings to discover the formula for a dignified,
happy death, in a farewell party and not in pain.
Death is the greatest tragedy in the creation, the worst time in life, it
is shocking, traumatic, cannot be so, there is much injustice.
Not knowing why life has to end so dramatically, it is difficult to conform. If
we knew why the fatal hour, better would accept the loss of this life cycle. But
we know that eternity exists and that the soul rise is a wonderful elevation,
is not illusion or consolation, we know by experience, because we sense,
because the sense of justice tells us the certainty of cycles and eternity.
The scientists can discover many things, but cannot break the existence
of cycles, growth, death. This creative spiritual energy and ordering
existing behind it , scholars cannot decipher or change. This is where
scientists show the unbelievers the existence of a higher being never fully
explained or fully unraveled.

≈ I thought that having a home away from home for all where I live with my
beloved enjoying a pool, springs in the woods, with a waterfall singsong, with
serene lake, ducks, geese and birds become, it would suffice me to do without
the ocean. All this was paradise, but the absence of the sea, landscapes and
culture unique to Rio de Janeiro did not give me peace.
I experienced the ups and downs of life intensely, remember the happy times,
but happiness always existed without peace. Whenever something was
missing to complete me, always something to solve, always a concern
that does not leave fully live the happy moments.
Arrives in senility where you can enjoy personal accomplishment: having
realized many dreams, but it also depresses see that around life is respect with
the same old problems.
Why want to live over a hundred years seeing new generations going through
the same difficulties that we? The worst thing is to see that time is increasingly
in a year we live the presence of two or more years for what has been on
the rise in couple of messes has anyone even want to remember. And if we
want to remind others of our tastes, no one is interested, with twenty years of
difference to youth already considers us overcome. Youth always think wiser,
our company becomes embarrassing, in the streets and in business
are ignored.
If we lived three hundred years, we would have to live in isolation with people
our age and nothing else. Is this worthwhile?
Despite the odds there is so much hope in the scientists because we earthlings
love very life in this so beautiful dimension.

≈ The words of Jesus: give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God
what is God would say, "do your duty to the state and do your duty to
God." The duty to God is a duty to himself and to all creation because what
transcends the soul is the fraternity, is to sow the gift we have. The internal
power to sow good and beauty has every creature, so all are deities, all are
light, bright rays of Universal Light.

The money and the language are things of man civilized and nothing has to
do with God. Look at the tribal societies that have worked for not to interfere
with the ambition of Homo sapiens.

≈ Over the years stated the conviction that life is dangerous everywhere in
the universe. Natural phenomena are catastrophic , frightening, life is in low
populated mountain, the little desert town, the vast population in the seas,
human conglomeration within living spaces of the earth, show the human
power in destruction . Civilizations, the wonderfully inventive
progress, breathe heavy metal, weight everywhere, many triggers, much
oppression, endless poverty and intolerance of differences.
Life is brutal and we are accustomed to witness it, the brutality of life causes
many diseases, fatigue and depression. However, we cling to life in the hope of
achieving peace, balance, a more egalitarian life with deeper feelings where
the values are, above all, spiritual.

≈ My puppy blind and deaf he was very suddenly. Now she is levitating,
flying ever lighter, beautiful and luminous. Now she is viewing the sky, the
trees, the sea, the stars, distinguishing colors, listening to the sound of the
ball and the magnificent birds singing. Now she is with their animal family and
with our friends light.
Now she sees us, distinguishes us. In addition, we do not see nor hear nor
touch more, it hurts the heart, destroys all the body even though she is now
better than ever.
Fly my little princess of the house, little mama! Come to me the scene where
you would sit at my feet while I was writing, leaned on me in bed, I see clearly
in my mind when you turned sighing happy in his bed after lunch...
One day we will meet my dear Moci Mocinha of my heart and will be so
beautiful! So beautiful in return to see, see all how much we love life and see
everything that pleases us forever in peace. Be happy, happy!

≈ There are ancient peoples and tribes talking about with nature, with
animals, with the country, with the ancestors. All faiths say that the woman is
something beautiful and essential in the life of man, speak of her duties and
children. They say the wife, children, parents, others, God should be loved, but
almost everyone still dominated by the blind obedience to God, the rulers
and the householders. Little remains of office of elder, healer or doctor of the
tribe and the chief or community leader, let alone the matriarchal time.
Finally, you talk freely and even manages rights for women, for children and
for the animals, although the animal rights restricted to pets, as they call the
animals that were to be registered as adopted children of the family.
There is still much prejudice towards women and towards animals and we
talk. The human animal is, in relation to the animal: arrogant, sadistic,
enslaving, racially, ethnically, all solely because the animal
has look different physical human being and that is to say that
animals surpass in beauty and well to humans.

In sensitivity and sense other beings in excel, are a lot smarter in many
areas where the human animal uses his inventive and analytical skills to
achieve, for example fly. Neither the aircraft exceeds the flight of birds, no
opera singer moved more than the birds singing. Out of many skills of animals,
they know read nature more than men who do not have the vision of
approaching danger as the catastrophes of nature, the proximity of death in a
family. Animals warn and the man does not understand the animal
often mean more to the person with whom they live than otherwise.
Animals are innocent in many ways, in others they are more psychologists,
visionary, balanced and practice the religion of nature that is, each fulfilling
its mission exercising the gift or talent received for landscaping the universe
to keep eternity, praising each day life as anyone living without vices,
without crime, without excesses and without misconduct or
overpopulation unless the man induces it. The animal has more
serenity that man and trust in eternity, in the reunion.

≈ The animals suffer horrors in laboratories to benefit human health and the
man abandons them when they get sick or old or blind, they are
then condemned without mercy to die in the gas chamber! No help
for veterinary scientific research , biologists, political, religious, citizens
are indifferent to other beings like other creatures were not part of
the universal family , and they say to love the Creator without loving his
creatures! Think is rational and the best of creation, the more intelligent,
reliable, indispensable, good and beautiful!
In the company of men or abandoned on the streets, many animals
suffer from serious diseases such as kidney failure without there being the
possibility of a transplant, the animals suffer from heart, liver, spleen,
pancreas, intestine, obesity, diabetes, epilepsy. The animals are sacred beings
are our brothers!
Where the fraternity beloved by St. Francis of Assisi? The churches just
want fans and politicians just want votes.
≈ Look landscapes, the sky, the animals. Then look at the cities of men, as
the Indians say: the view of the white cities hurts the eyes. Look then
a Gentile: see this picture is the ugliest. Or do you think beautiful the naked
figure of the man, his head, ears and noses without a charm like animal?

≈ Poor of beautiful flowers beautiful poppy and marijuana plant that officials
send burn because they used to convert into hallucinogenic drugs. They serve,
such as morphine for medicinal purposes relieving pain, as many use alcohol
and smoking to relieve the burden of life in certain situations. I am totally
against the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs in life there other ways to
maintain balance and gain joy as practicing yoga, swimming, dancing,
meditation, etc.
These plants are guilty of anything; they have the function to be used as
medicine with a doctor’s prescription.

Burn our vegetable brothers who are living beings, sensitive as we:
is crime! Vegetables fulfill the duty to donate to any living being its fruit,
leaves, seeds, shade and oxygen.
We must be careful when pruning because the leaf is the organ
of respiration of the plant is old and should not be pruned drastically, smaller
and new leaves should be left forever.
Do not kill the plants for the wood, use bamboo as beautiful and no need to
pass. I sit penalty to the roots that is eaten, even being torn when the plants
are already old.

≈ believed in written in the Bible that God promised a land for a

people favorite? The whole land belongs to earthlings and the division of
space is up to the beings that inhabit it . All stocks are children of the
Creator being inconceivable in good conscience that the Creator has
favorites among his creatures because it does not exist even among men who
are often unjust. "Eternally warrior earth is not a saint”
God is not only called Jehovah, there are many people that name God
according to the language and conception, for example, the Guarani tribe
called the Creator: Tupana , which means Almighty. Also the
call Ñandeyara which means our owner. Do not confuse
with Ñandejhara which means our ancestors. Tupasy means Mother
Nature. Para means colorful landscape and water landscape.
In the Middle East where machismo reigns and authoritarianism, everything is
usually put as God's will for credibility and submission. Although at present,
the three major religions of the Middle East, which are also the main in the
Western world, are being forced to review their concepts and put new
"The whole earth is willed by God as all the planets and all the stars. All
stocks are sacred to come from God and all are important exist in the
dimension that is, so nothing will be lost forever, God even set all to be
restored one day. The spiritual world above the material world and this has
ultimately always stand forward and help the spirituality that gives fullness. "

≈ In my youth I promised myself I would not convert a boring old me,

I always would like to go on Saturdays to dance at the disco and listen to
modern hits. However, like it or not, we move. Now I like to dance only at
family gatherings between friends, rock like the years sixty, seventy, and
eighty. I am not a fan of current hits.

≈ The Universal Light is the mother creator of the universe and nature is the
mother procreative.

I≈ Even though I am sun daughter, love the dark landscapes that soothe

≈ The existence of the spiritual world above the material world. We were
first androgynous. There are many mythological versions of human
appearance, most agree with science: we come from the dust, wrinkled with
mud as they say many, ie with forming elements. This leaving a woman from
Adam's rib should not be interpreted literally, but deciphering the
meaning or else take as a popular expression of the time. No creature was
beginning already male or female and no one appeared being an adult. Chicken
from the egg, the egg shaft atom and this compound is also a press until the
particle that gave a blast heard only by the creator at the beginning because
no doubt there is a brain eminently spiritual behind the chaotic ordering all
ingredients existence of an impressive and imposing manner Intelligence and

≈ The ideal that should be embraced by all is the brotherhood: universal

love. God reveals himself as Creator and creatures in unconscionable and
infinite love.

≈ God saved me from death in the flood (God has no preference). (And the
drowned were not loved by God?).
God wanted me fall in love with another woman (God has nothing to do
with your feelings and your free will).
Jesus came into my life and saved me from addiction (God recognizes
the merits of each: you must break free from its moorings, God helps those
who help themselves).
Jesus loves you (loves everyone).
God is faithful (God is faithful to the order and logic in all that does).
My car is guided by God (such madness must be forbidden).

≈ Do not understand why politicians, artists, athletes, TV presenters gain

figures astronomical, and others of the same profession efficient living
"cafeteando poverty" as says an old tango.

≈ Women charmingly feminine and delicious, tender gestures, sweet voice,

young laughing and weeping, women like Marilyn Monroe, Maria Shell, Jennifer
Aniston, Luísa Mell, Regina Duarte, Marjorie Estiano, Nanda Costa, Patricia
France and incomparable Thalía !

≈ Striking people for me have always been revolutionary. In classical

music, who like Bach? However, Chopin imposed his Romanticism;
Beethoven broke the rigidity of the classics. In the ballet Swan Lake, Giselle
and The Sylphs enchant me. He came to counter the rules graceful Isadora
Duncan. Firebird was remarkably innovative and many choreographies Sergé
Lifar. The consecration of Vaslav Nijinski spring with the sound of music
Stravinsky messes with my secret wild.

≈ I'm glad to see the mansions with swimming pools and gardens of the
rich and not only see tragedy and ugliness of the needy. Ever wondered if
there were only modest homes? I do not have much money, but I am glad that
there are those who have, thank God there are people living in abundance.
Just I wanted to do everything possible to eradicate poverty and build
homes beautiful for those who could not as they reach the top.

≈ In the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro there is a grove of trees like

those you see in Walt Disney movies: huge trees, deformed, monstrous. I
was in love for this majestic beauty expressing inner strength. Praised are
those trees and the God Artist that did!

≈ The soy protein and gluten steak should be better prepared, more
widespread and available to all. All creatures have to be vegetarian and loving
each other. We must change all for the better.

≈ The fights in the family say happen because the interaction is discovered
more defects. It turns out better than in families there is a lot of
misunderstanding, many demands awakening aggressiveness, charging too
much creates conflict and separation.

≈ speak of redemption, salvation, chastity, sin, forgiveness, condemnation,

darkness, only truth, commandments, etc.
It is better to speak of divine light we carry deep in the soul and
that each access at any given time expanding its horizon.
There are so many wonderful truths discovered in the inner nature of contact
with external nature.
Who has more contact with the creatures to the Creator loves more because
God is within each existence is the nature that is.
"Love is born spontaneously where we divine qualities" We love God in things
and around everything.
In love there is no law, love is everything.
Ernesto Cardenal says that hatred is only lack of love.
The doctrine Messianic teaches that hell is the suffering caused by poverty,
disease and conflict.
"We must eradicate suffering purifying body and soul in loving, cheerful and
festive touch with all stocks and not only religious rituals among humans, man
has to evolve to be able to eradicate imperfections as any kind
of aggression in creating"
The love is not limited to creating therapies in the temples in order expansion
of a creed only. Love makes flourish art, science, all forms
of altruism among humans and so many gifts wonderful by nature. Nature
inspires us to live party, to praise, to be grateful and generous sharing all
good and beauty.
"Take the example native and loved the natural fraternized with each other
and always influenced by nature and by the stars"

The religions should revere most, praise, and exalt: love all of heaven, all the
earth because all is the face of God!

≈ God serves all your creation for love. Inventories serve each other for
love. Thus, Creator and creatures feel uplifted.

≈ With experience each being discovers his capacity.

God does not put the proof anyone because knows the heart of each one,
more than everyone knows himself.

≈ will cross flying mountains, seas, and golden music I will find those
times with all the beloved landscapes and all stocks that moved me in adding
life many teachers and friends light. And I will not stop there, I will see while
other wonders of outer space, embrace the many unknown brothers!

≈ In the cartoon the child loves heroes because they are vigilantes, like
laugh at the clumsy and reject the bad ones.

≈ All are born innocent until a danger urges to react defensively. Thus begins
the influence of the environment, the awakening of the instincts and
character of inheritance of other lives is our or ancestors.

≈ Passion of Christ: the murder of Jesus!

Cross Veneration: torture weapon of humiliation and death!
The pain of martyrs killed by not deny its ideals, he served as the example to
be better, but never ended with error original human: selfishness and greed
that causes so much damage.
That salvation, redemption that, nothing! Which generations pay errors a
while: it is true, but it was never just pay for the mistakes of others, even
though brothers: this would not be divine. In addition, if God experienced
corporal punishment: lost of the map of suffering!
The man caused his own suffering choosing to live outside the course of
nature and to “overcome" this fall soul: God sent illuminators. Many
being able to light their own light in meditation to experience cosmic
≈ Respect may be required, but not love. This appears.

≈ Who lives on the nature and the stars do not need religion because
it experiences the glory of God.

≈ Cosmogony: philosophical view on the origin of the world.

Cosmology: scientific insight into the formation of the world.

Both fascinating as astrology, astronomy, numerology, mythology, animism,
pantheism, physics, and metaphysics.

≈ If absolutely all that happens is God's will, then no one is guilty of

anything, then all is only fatality.
I believe in predestination, but the order of the world would be unfair if the
cosmic consciousness could not harmonize with the personal will on
the destination. Alias, that grace has live if there is no initiative individual to
instruct, build for themselves and others?
If our fate is to be a mere instrument, then we lack merit, it is worth. Nothing
happens by chance? Much happens carelessness.

≈ The spirit seeks to maintain the balance, it oscillates

between being and not being. The transcendence is to rise and can stay in
the stable dimension always be.
The serenity is experienced often, but imperturbability
is incomprehensible in terms of a world so poorly. Therefore we must keep
the magic contact between the physical and metaphysical elements.

≈ Many publishers asked textbooks or children's stories or novels or

evangelist book or self-help or: recommendation of a well - known writer. I
do not know personally anyone I sent my written for a former president of
Brazil giving him gift my books and asking you please give reading to some
well - known writer and that writer find that at least one written my deserves
some please recommendation help me. Ali get a response from an entity that
I never knew existed telling me that this institution does not accept grants
or donations being an entity integrating Latin and African. I am Latin, I
speak in my writings on integration Latin, Terrain and universal, and I was not
asking anything of that institution, on the contrary: I already pay helps
many institutions. Now I devote myself only to help the animals, forests and
elders. Humanity beast be damned!

≈ Uncle Anise: a lifetime you were gardeners having the most beautiful
and moving hands of the world I have ever seen!

≈ The most touching couple I met through a book was the Indian
poet Rabindranath Tagore taking the hand of the deaf and blind
writer Helen Keller for you to pass the vibrations of a book he was reading.
I read the poems and thoughts of Tagore since my childhood. He resigned his
title of nobility, criticized the National Socialist policy of Germany at that time,
spread the ancient wisdom of India, received Nobel Prize for Literature, and
founded children's schools. In his stories, there is deep sadness in speaking of
needy children.
"Tagore think like me, that the reach of all love, good and beauty that make
up the paradise desired, can and should happen here experiencing each be
your divine inner power granted by God"

I think the mission of all existence in creation is not only ensure the harmony,
it should be added more and more love, good and beauty. The human being
has to develop its ability to improve the existence not only for the country but
is for the whole earth stretching the family love for all existence seen and
intuited in the universe. It comes down my desire for universal
brotherhood and not reduce the world in the navel boss.

≈ At all times there was vision of flickering lights or fireballs and is not self-
suggestion did not, I was a kid when I saw along with the neighbors in my
neighborhood a great fire, the men went toward the fire and did not find . In
all ethnic groups in the world and in all religions, the symbol of God is the sun
or the fire or light, also believe the spirits are visible as lights or incorporated
into any creature.
Theosophy says that God was a spark appeared in colorless space (dark)
looming instantly and spreading himself this spark and consecutive sparks
looming, this material creation was the spirit world lit appearing in spherical
The creation emanated material in this divine substance , a hot energy
getting in each particle created as light drop of God considered in every
lifetime inner light background of being or soul from which flows the feel and
drives deep thinking.
Each existence material has the spiritual side giving you vital energy
and power predetermined or gift or talent to be developed as a mission
making is therefore a deity.
It seems to have gone all in perfect condition of the plant and deteriorated
with use, light and heavy elements formed the yin and
the yang, energy positive and negative or forces. Time teaches through the
electrifying experience of these polarities. This Taoist theory is very clear.
However, in most ancient accounts of cosmogony uses if the myths to explain
the creation, many rely reports about wars between gods or between angels
to explain the forces of nature instituted by God.
India God takes a different name according to its action in creation. In
Kabbalah God's actions happen through the angels, and the name of each
angel is related to God. Man sees the action as a war , like earthling tends to
deify the earth and as a human tends to deify the man whereas the earth,
Adam and Israel were the favorites of God throughout the universe
causing envy in more spiritual beings evolved , which
makes contradictory this hypothesis. "Being superior to God and angels do
not have favorites or envy or inclination to fight or measure to love about"
Many to the letter being comparative, poetry and symbolic language from
antiquity to be deciphered perceive the myths.
Positive and negative forces are in and out of us deployed by the force of
events thus appear instincts, intuition, consciousness leaning in to enjoy
dangerous things or in appealing court. "Development cycles are not wars"
The account of Adam is not about the first man, but the man on the stage of a
being going down to think (early Homo sapiens).
The awareness and instincts represented in the serpent, the woman, and not
the evil of such beings to be the first step of man to reflect on yourself and
your possibilities.

There has always been human contact with spiritual beings or aliens or
ancestors also always been dreams and fantasy. Imagination fertilized many
The human being has a morbid relationship with the wars, look daily
commotion as a war, look at the action of the cells in the body as a battle only
with tasks to be accomplished.
God does not direct wars or have enemies, so that God commanded Moses
combat or Arc de Joana time found that cannot be divine order, if only because
these wars have been lost. So that God was proving too is meaningless, God
does not need anyone put to the test because he knows the nature of each
creature more than this is known to himself. Trials happen to every being to
test self-discovering personal overcoming capacity.
The embodied beings are fragile. The Arc of Joan as Jesus and like many other
martyrs cried to God in time of suffered.
Mystics meditating on high points of nature they heard the
voice inside exposing the pro and cons of taking certain decisions to the point
of wanting to chase him the temptation to drop them ideal for live in peace. I
do not believe in a rebel angel or anyone evil forever, but I believe there are
spirits of dead rebels not transcended to have to be born again to purge their
mistakes and who like to disturb and destroy as between the living. Satanic is
human. The sale of the soul to the devil means giving spiritual values for the
acquisition of goods only materials that ultimately steals the peace .
They talk about women who like the Virgin Mary received signs that parried an
enlightened being, they say that Maria married with the elder Joseph being just
a thirteen year old, normal in certain countries; all this seems gossip or
slander. It is worth saying that the apparition of the Virgin Mary is more
frequent than the appearance of angels, Jesus or God. My mother had the
vision of Jesus; I had in childhood appearance in the Creator's dreams as a
bearded old man, then a bright, transparent tree. Vision in the day I had a lady
with medieval European peasant atavio in a dream I see all kinds of animals
and plants, formless beings or face, all talking to me without words and I
understand all too well, only agreed forget the conversation. In a dream, I
travel by land and space sighting fantastic landscapes. I even say here is that
Mary and other women's appearances are more frequent because they are
associated will mother nature.

≈ To say that Nietzsche and Einstein were agnostics is not

true, Nietzsche criticized Christianity and German National Socialism, he was
influenced by Zarathustra, believed in metempsychosis, your vision of God was
mystical identifying the Creator with eternity and practiced shamanism of
American Indians singing and dancing. Einstein said that his creed is summed
or addition up in amazement to contemplate the grandeur of the universe
transpiring the existence of an indescribable intelligence. Said in philosophical
discussions that God does not play dice creating at random, also he said that
would be watchmaker God is and that I would find God's thoughts.

≈ almost lose their lives in an accident, but it made me discover that the
impact does not feel pain, adrenaline is an excellent anesthetic, the head

becomes a whirlwind, consciousness is veiled, the pain appears later on
the whole body. At one point, it seems that iron fingers on our faster inside
that human fingers fit bones and muscles accurately.

≈ I cannot unite with God, as I want in the churches, repeated prayers and
lugubrious cantatas seem bland, I prefer the mother's arms Nature. When
dating the moon, the clouds, the blue diaphanous, when I hold an animal or to
my husband when I caress a plant, I bathe in the waterfall, sit the embrace of
God and thank you without asking anything else. The Creator and his
creatures including the first particle, the dinosaurs, the Ides beings and those
who will come to the far future, are always in my greeting to the Creator. My
Universal Light, my creative mom!

≈ I have a habit of hiding the thumb in hand when I sit insecurity.

A minha mãe me persegue em sonhos me intranqüilizando, aparecendo séria,
controladora, acusadora, me cercando sempre. Um dia pedi a ela em minha
oração que fique em paz comigo, que não entendo dela ter tido desde sempre
tanta raiva de mim. Eu cometi muitas criancices, a meu ver nada de tanta
gravidade, as gravidades nunca foram intencionais, os meus fracassos, as
minhas tragédias me lapidaram com enorme sofrimento e as
minhas reflexões fizeram de mim uma pessoa bacana que sempre quis
ser: bem e alegria para todos . Uma vez tive visão do meu finado pai
aparecendo com um terno branco todo elegante, eu agradeço a sua
preocupação e lhe peço fique em paz e feliz na esfera onde está. Depois sonhei
com o pai que me criou a quem mais me apego, ele estava muito jovial e
esportivo num caminho verde e ensolarado, ele sorria para mim com toda
doçura me dizendo dessa forma que lembre dele assim quando ficar triste.
Desde então cada vez que eu canto no violão evocando principalmente a
minha mãe e o pranto me ameaçando, ali revejo a estampa do meu pai me
sorrindo e também coloco em mente o sorriso feliz do sacerdote Gerrit da
Holanda que abençoou meu casamento: então fico feliz. Agradeço os sonhos
fantásticos with known friends and strangers so kind, every type and size of
stars, animals and plants, luminous beings, earthly landscapes with gigantic
water and houses with futuristic architecture that welfare provide me all day.
My mother should be happy because all the curses that fell upon me to
pass. Still I should much finesse to it, my father and my sister, I am sorry from
the bottom of my soul does not have greater purchasing power to pay them a
little sacrifice I caused. I'm not rich nor poor, I am very well served materially
and spiritually.

≈ To say that the angel is an internal or external voice to us whatever we

hear internal voices and externally, are divine signs.

≈ They say that if they were all lights would be shocked that heavy elements
are needed. I believe a light world should not necessarily need gravity.

≈ The progress came in the slums with the good intention of many, then the
emerging class in these neighborhoods began with the discrimination of the
underprivileged not giving them step. The mother of Calcutta Theresa was
right to say that so much physical poverty and discouraged soul.

≈ I thank my plants of yesteryear who came to visit me and talk to me in

dreams. The beautiful leaves and flowers of the plant tobacco never be
converted into addiction, it offends to our Mother Earth.

≈ For I like someone I need to know what to think and feel, all physical
beauty collapses if a person is dull of mind.

≈ To not succumb before such violence and given the inability to modify all
as you want, it is worth remembering all won by great humanists, the
achieved for themselves and others. Remember the happy times and have
the intimate conviction that after all how much we love death will be found
again in a much better ball. Do not cry for gone beings because they are
experiencing the fullness of eternity.

≈ Hell is to be in the middle of need and suffering without being able to get
rid of it.

≈ The alcohol and all drugs steal the shine of our spirits.

≈ The longed - for freedom of expression in democratic time in which we

live has become a big business in the hands monopolist spitting every day
crude and ugly realities feeding the psyche of citizens with social and cultural
garbage resulting in more annoying that exists: the spiritual poverty.
≈ God is immense, universal, ocean. My soul is also huge!

≈ Sell soul to the opulence is not itself be proud, one day the emptiness of
being results in distress.
≈ The elephant viewing is irretrievably lost before death began to cry. Since

then the hunter gave up being such a supporter of turning elephants. When an
elephant is killed, the entire herd must die because this is traumatized for life!
So loving elephants are to each other and love with good human friends.

≈ The lion probably orphan appeared on the site of a couple and raised by

them until one day has grown so much and decided to leave him at the zoo. A

year later went to visit him, the lion recognized their creators and embraced
with visible tenderness that all were moved. Be embraced by a lion is
the highest honor. Do not fear the embrace of a lion, but of a being human.
In misadventure enemies animals saw friends like the dog chasing a rabbit
ended up falling into a hole and remained there for days when the owner found
his dog put him out of the hole, the dog did not want you to follow without first
checking that the rabbit it was also safe position and more: fired up rabbit
giving him a kiss.

≈ China was a teenager flirt like most at that age, one day his mother Issa

discovered in the bush with a guy and getting chastised both China fully with
bruises after her mother took her to a convent. When he left there, still young,
he was submissive, introverted until one day died of severe pain in the breasts,
a result of the beating he had taken from the mother.

≈ The puppy Musi lived quiet with a family where he was pampered by

Surya, the couple's daughter. One day Surya went to study abroad and Mushi
was no hygienic care or affection. Surya returned from vacation, Musi
recognized a couple of days after she arrived and the party in his little heart
was so intense that crowed. But Surya started again and then suffering of Musi
was higher, without understanding the absence was every day at the bus stop
to wait for her. Passed up another couple of years, Surya returned, Musi was
old and crippled, Surya complained to the mother who loved animals, fed
them, but it was not careful and caring as her daughter. Daughter and mother
stroked the Musi without him react by being bitter. Surya lived in Musi of

memory with another image and continued to go to the bus stop to wait for
her. One day, having been almost blinded by old age, the bus hit him and
died. Surya belatedly recognized their fatal mistake with Musi could have done
his best to take it with you.

≈ The c will Tito had gangrene in the language as a result of he playing with

the night frosh, the owners have realized when Tito was hidden in the shadow
dropping the eyes sparks of pain. The veterinarian sacrificed, there remorse

arose: "Tito did not die; we could have had his tongue cut out and live the
feeding and giving a lot of affection."

≈ Blackie was a bitch who lived in a lonely house being fed the
neighborhood. Blackie was a very loving mother, her young could adopt but
her. One day someone came who rented the house and tried to Blackie like
queen for the first time was being so spoiled, but said owner went bankrupt
shortly after and Blackie was again alone. She urged support for a neighbor,
but this had just adopt another dog abandoned and Blackie frowning asked
why she had no such luck. Nightshade lost in the streets, there the neighbor
was thinking it should have adopted it to also, that somehow all at home could
have split the food by little it is because the affection bears the setbacks of life.
The Peruvian writer Ciro Alegria He wrote the book: Dogs hungry, telling

the story of farmers, peasants and dogs facing a crisis and death. A page
reports that a dog looked to its owner at the time of death so hungry, moving
for the last time in the tail sign of affection while complaining: Did I not done
all that I could? And Wanda , the old and understanding mother of many
dogs, he returned to the farm after having passed the crisis and understood
that the fatal hour was to leave each to seek their bread.

≈ The puppy with blue eyes without being weaned yet, it has already been

put on the street, at the moment understood her situation and was barking
behind the people begging company. Another dog already crippled would also
following someone who had just rising to the bus and getting it back into

≈ Arkus was a dog forced to live in absolute silence in the apartment as well
as in the street when walking skirt. The tour was limited to go out to the point
of urinating at length after so much retention, defecating and already back.
The bath boiled down to take a spray against itching and ready. A neighbor
was willing to take Arkus account and in the couple of days we got her caring,
she gave the owners a shampoo and medicinal soap because the dog was
itching buttocks and was losing a lot of hair, including the neighbor asked

permission to owners for herself bathe the dog. The owners were hurt weird,
elongated face as if the neighbor had committed the worst crime in the world.
There are similar reactions in the complex of guilt or inferiority or superiority:
all revealing insecurity. This case seemed to nearby that it was more low -

natured people, those looking for trouble, maybe unresolved with themselves
by imposing aggressively to hide your empty.

≈ Damy would walk with his old and grumpy owner who grumbled all the

way to Damy not stop or look sideways. Poor little lady!

≈ Yorky so small was brutally attacked by her owner to have urinated in the

apartment and died. The Dona Barbara was ordered by IBAMA: defender of
animals in Brazil, to pay the sum of three thousand Reais ( Brazil money ) and
nothing else, not a to-do with other dogs to learn how to care for and reflect.
Dona Barbara said he was sorry and that was it. No, it was not only not that!
The puppy killed Yorki told the angel of Dona Barbara that she forgive you and
will love you forever. The Santa Maria Goretti also said on his deathbed that
the man stabbed her fourteen times she forgave him. Divine beings have a
deep understanding of human nature, there where humans would deny
forgiveness flatly. On second thought, anger leads him to commit in an instant:
atrocities, because no one in their right mind sins. The most terrible is that
there are very aware of the evil people who plan smartly as the mobsters of
the crime industry, including political and religious, rich and poor leading
seemingly honest lives, working earnestly with their churches and
municipalities, enjoying poems and sentimental music thus manipulating all
occupations in search of votes.

≈ Judge was a scary dog by its size and so repulsed by women until the

husbands boatman again on the street. Judge so loved always wanting the
best for each family. No matter this injustice because you judge the Celestial
Tropical Garden: the dimension that corresponds to me, I will be more
protective of animals. We will meet all love, dance the universal wheel, which
raises souls, and never suffer in universe!

≈ The walker feels lonely and misunderstood as the paths through which so

many people with eternal indifference. In men, streets intersect with other
men, with animals, with trees without a minimum of affection for these
brothers. It costs so much to love other life? This is not nonsense, is a spiritual

≈ In every corner of the earth for animals who professed so much love by

the owners them following to the falls and getting on the grave, or waiting
for the reunion on the roadside, or at the train station or at the door of the
house, or hospital corridor where they were the last time. There is horse alone
following the same path at the same time we used to walk with his
owner. Their dog that keeps going to the newsagent every morning to bring
the newspaper on the nose. Another dog owner waiting for the evening with
the slipper on the muzzle.

"The animals pre-feel, know and fear death, but clearly believe that death is
not an ultimate end."

≈ The lizards showed up looking closely, the new owner of the place was
gathering stones to make a cozy recreation area. When facing the lizards on
the corner looking at him with question, she captured the minds of these
friendly bugs and answered them with a smiling glance: yes! I'm doing a stone
nest to you from the side of the house, here we will be happy living together.

≈ The seller of building materials had so many big birds living in this ugly

place without a tree or lake docked a cheerful and familiar look for animals. A
customer denounced and forest police took the birds to a place of IBAMA in
Brazil, but it happened that some birds died of sadness despite the efforts of
supporters and the owner of the building materials house also died after a
heart attack. Den: the whistleblower and the forest police were repentant and
learned that "good intentions do not always lead to good result." This was a
case of love and love between man and animal is above any vicissitude.

≈ Someone says it is unable to create an animal, you should not have. This

reminds me of the Brazilian novel Surrogacy Gloria Pérez where the beautiful
actress Claudia Abreu says, then only rich can have children?

Illness and death of children and animals also occur in wealthy families, so it
should be planned in advance all what you want in life to prevent tragedies
that lead to having terrible remorse.

≈ The goldfish played only in the lakes, There the fish were not to be the
very cold water. A man caught and brought home, his wife mourned the death
of the fish, even though the woman tasty meat had remorse for breaking the
short happiness of little fish, she apologized for the goldfish and this has
forgiven recognizing that they found just when they were going through
difficulties and hunger. Still the woman was sad forever
because "cannibalism is cruel and unfair."

≈ The website owner had an urgent debt to pay and had no money, there

appeared the neighbor telling you that a guy was cutting its pine and was
transported by a truck. The site owner has to see the truck and cut pine. For
no complaint, the person paid an indemnity. The tree gave his life for the
farmer pay off debt. Still this mourned the death of the tree and was
thinking about the "strange ways of life keeping with the death of others."

≈ The worker won many rights in the world today. However, with the
economic crisis, unemployment and extreme competitiveness: again lacking
respect for the worker having to undergo humiliating impositions. Wanting to
keep the job the employee is to mouth shut representing what it expected.
Thus worldwide. The man has the more power, it continues to be so rude,
selfish and even more aggressive than in the time of the caves.

≈ The revolutionaries are lovers of peace and justice, and rise in

demonstrations exposing their ideas and claiming rights, write poems, songs
and plays, they learn to fight with weapons to defend themselves in
confrontation with the police, kidnap personalities to ask in exchange for the
freedom of political prisoners. Most revolutionaries do not want to terrify

because it would place up to the oppressors who are heartless, but in prison, a
revolutionary: tortured with the greatest coolness and ferocity, learn
immediately that with these monsters the only possible language is not back
too sadistic, but face them in armed struggle.

The revolutionaries who do not die are seen as useless, crazy, anti-
democratic, dictators, as developers of disobedience and disorder, as outdated
in their ideologies. Revolutionaries missing will be forgotten by conservative
politicians, even by innovative policy and the bourgeoisie. Those who appear
today as leaders, avoid talking of past torture. This is to be a diplomat; the
diplomat uses strategies, and this means negotiating peace closing his eyes
and mouth things, running his hand, hug, and smile to appease the spirits. In
sum, the falsehood always prevails in all areas of human life.
Revolutionaries murdered in fighting or in prisons causing scandal and more
revolt: they saw martyrs in history and are lessons for a better life. Exemplary
lives are many, mostly: anonymous, seeding themselves what else has to

"Man learns very, very slowly to be more spiritual, yet they are the few
teachers that made life worth living." Mahatma Gandhi , Mandela, Lula: loved
by the crowd and also despised by many. Martin Luther King, Che Guevara: no
longer bother. Darcy Ribeiro, Lionel Brizola, Oscar Niemeyer, Fidel Castro,
Hugo Chavez: considered outdated. Evo Morales, Rafael Correa, Cristina
Kirchner, Dilma Rousseff, Mojica: the mad aim of defending, the capitalist
Systems destroying bodies, souls and nature. Happen to be judged the
greatest oppressors of the world causing the poverty of many lands? The
imperialists were ever people with his enemies. Random stop to see the virtues
and the feel of the revolutionary and against so they passed, the wounds
endured, the ferocious walls of denying them the way? Chance arrived
someone would attack without reacting? Jesus performed miracles happen in
their homeland. The envious and unbelievers drove him a withering glance
arrogantly saying: you do not fool us! Jesus has been also criticized,
persecuted, and then used by the power hungry”. By the way, of Jesus, it is
repeating his words to many oppressor nations considered fine: cast the first
stone who never made a mistake. Also please note the chilling words of the
Paraguayan writer Rivarola Matto: the man trying to do good, cause terrible

≈ The award-winning Brazilian journalist Fernando Morais wrote several

books, including “The Island " which speaks of the revolutionary Fidel
Castro and its socialist struggle in Cuba, Angola and other lands of Africa and

Latin America. Fidel Castro was arrested dictator Batista's time, time that Cuba
was paradise of capitalism extravagances and all excesses. Luxury hotels and
casinos frequented by famous actors infiltrated the American mafia, awarded

with several figurines of film Oscar. The Island was also attended by
personalities from around the world. The voice of Fidel Castro was heard by
radio throughout Latin America. When Castro took power in Cuba, he shocked
the world leading in the wall to the members of the dictatorial regime of
Fulgencio Batista. Immediately Cuba suffered persecution, slander and severe
economic sanctions starting if economic rationing for the Cuban people to
survive. The capitalist nations also dependent the American empire

supported with like the American desire to assassinate Fidel Castro and end
Cuba leaving it isolated from the world. Poor nations eternally indebted to
America, were silent, frightened by the threat of economic sanctions. The fine
for an American couple have gone to Cuba to attend musical show one night
only, so traveling from Mexico to Cuba, was high. Imagine then the fine for
entrepreneurs who dared to negotiate with Cuba led them to bankruptcy.

When rebellious nation were punished by the powerful, the one that was
succored the Soviet Union, this matter Cuban sugar. The Cold War between
the two world powers ended with the overthrow of the Soviet Union. So
Cuba impoverished economically, but flourished in various fields,
Cuba stood out in the educational and cultural education,
had universities attended by students from various parts of the
world, hospitals sought by serious ill of other nations, even had doctors and
civil engineers sent by Cuba as volunteers for some nations in South America
and Africa. The new Cuba being loved the National Youth and around the
world, was highlighted in the theater, dance, music, painting and sports like
never before. Cubans love the national cinema, Brazilian soap operas and
reading. Read the book: " The last soldiers of the Cold War " (referendum
to Cuba and the USA), the book also written by Brazilian journalist Fernando
Morais, read here in detail very interesting all that was done to hinder the
production of books, such point of being difficult to Cuba with purchase of
paper, with interference in the communication area having to ration the use of
light, phone, making it difficult to communicate over the Internet; all by
constant sabotage located in various anti - Castro organizations in Miami.
Many Cuban-Americans come from Batista time millionaires, adding more
capital with Cuban entities release from oppression, slavery, poverty,
militarism, terrorism and other thousand arguments invented to disqualify the
Cuban regime to the world, even to this seek more money through drug
trafficking. With the fall of the Soviet Union, no longer having to negotiate with
Cuba, Castro opened the doors to the tourism industry back so renowned
hotels and restaurants. Cuba flourished rapidly with tourism, but the anti-
Castro organizations in Miami bombed hotels and restaurants in Cuba and
travel to Cuba companies rooted in Mexico. Poverty came roaring back to
missing fuel to keep circling cars sixties kept by hand by the Cubans; the

buildings were in neglect and the Cuban capital Havana looked like a ghost
town. Castro then bought bicycles from China, there creativity of Cubans
turned the bike in cargo vehicle and tourist transport.Some companies
installed in Cuba did not surrender and fought the Americans in a firm voice,
for example, a luxury hotel chain in Spain declined to give a penny to US or
leave Cuba and if it happens: the hotel chain threatened to leave Miami. Also a
Brazilian company reminded the Americans that they made the contract with
the English according to the laws of England and did business in Brazil
according to Brazilian laws and that this company has nothing to do with the

In addition to the bombs rained down on Cuba bacteria and

poisons destroying crops, pamphlets cajoling the Cuban people with medals of
the Virgin and prayers to raise awareness and urge to destroy mills
and burn crops. So volunteers Cuban aviators devised with the government a
leak in the anti - Castro organizations in Miami to discover their plans. So
Fidel Castro warned emphatically to the terrorists that if re-invade Cuban
territory by air or by sea, he will give orders to tear down the invading planes.
He said that this defense would any country threatened in its sovereignty. In
addition, it happened dying four crewmembers of the invading aircraft. The
Cuban-American terrorists defended themselves saying the plane and the dead
were civilians. Mafia Cuban-American made a funeral to envy to
mobsters Italian Americans. The Company and the FBI in no way interfered
only acted as they entered drug game and Cuban espionage as in this case.
Castro says that "America is who else practicing espionage, especially in
Cuba." Castro, the possible and the impossible to speak with the president and
with high US government officials have even done, even claiming the defense
of Cuba that espionage was understand only to discover the intentions of the
Cuban-American terrorists installed in Miami, anyway Cuban operation was
condemned and the prisoners were held incommunicado in American prisons.

Incommunicado are also political prisoners in the US prison at Guantanamo

Bay: a place of abandonment, neglect of any right. The same happens in other
American prisons worldwide. And the world prefers to ignore on the violation
of human rights perpetrated by the Americans in various parts of the world
because most Western nations closes his eyes to the torture and approves the
killing of people who do not accept to abide by the standards of the imperialists
of the world, yes they, apparently, has the right to nuclear and chemical
weapons, even weapons to interstellar wars have . The war in Irak cost
American: forty times more than expected and never found chemical weapons,
then an American psycho sent hang the Iraqi leader and continues to chase the
American Oil, prestige and power.

Does not exist in Cuba physical torture, the punishment is: temporary or life
imprisonment and the death penalty, not like in the US, but the old system
time of Latin American independence: the shooting in the wall. "The right to
strike hunger is the right of any prisoner happening in Cuba as
in other prisons in the world"

There are Cuban intellectuals who is exempted from prison, but not allowed to
leave Cuban territory. Beyond that, any Cuban could leave the island, but few
nations facilitated the entry of Cubans who were not anti - Castro. Russia and
Angola have always liked Cuban tourists.

Several times there was release of Cubans to go to the United States, the
Cubans are the most privileged foreigners in America, yet were not always
welcome and live in America, even in Miami with so many Cuban immigrants,
not cheap not, there the healthcare system is not good as in Cuba, or must
pay private clinics which are expensive.

Fidel Castro spent his defeat with their aviators imprisoned in America. The
anti - Castro terrorist Miami put as terrorists the defenders of Cuban territory.
Family members of the four attackers to Cuba, put their dead as victims of
the Cuban regime. Making things worse, one vessel sank way to Miami
surviving only a boy who went with his mother, she died. The boy’s father
wanted his son back, but the Cuban family in Miami and an American license
wanted the boy to stay with them. It was decided that the boy had to go back
to Cuba with his father and returned.

Former US presidents reveal dissatisfaction with so much injustice with

Cuba. Many current American leaders and the past, many conservative
American citizens and supporters of the capitalist system in the
world: always been enemies of Fidel Castro as they once were Luther King,
Ghandi, Mandela, Brizola after Lula, keys and many others. But time reveals
the rotting of grain-thin. Read the books: The island and the last soldiers of
the Cold War Brazilian journalist Fernando Morais , I assure you it's like
staying with the rapporteur face to face and not wanting it to stop even for a
moment. So interesting, instructive, shocking and fantastic as action and
thriller. Fidel Castro declared that wrong too, but he is not guilty of the
poverty in which Cuba was. He negotiated the hidden Cuban products to
purchase oil, medicine and food for its people. It was like a father forbidden to
open business, and then to look for hidden places to sell their products for fear
of being caught by the tax, so make some food for the children.

"And Fidel never surrendered to the whims of imperialism, impregnated in

Cuba his strong character, his rich personality, his compassionate, generous
spirit, his fraternity. The Cuban people inherited proud to be special, different,
conscious, more inclined to make fun of psychic wealth that the rampant
materialism and never enough of the capitalist world. "

≈ There would be less expenditure of energy and lightness if

the designers launch a new fashion for men who dress with sobriety every
day. At least it would create suits sleeveless. At least convert the tropical
Caribbean shirts guayabeiras that are more our style, in social clothes for our
tropical climate.

≈ I 'm done Animal soul flying bird. Others are animal, vegetable, or tribes

unwilling to move. This reminds me of Pablo Neruda of Chile say, your

destination is the beach and my vocation is the sea.

≈ One day I saw in a kitchen cheap , put spray on her, she was still without

flee from the place, there found out I was protecting two cubs underneath it.
It made me very ill, asked for forgiveness and promised never to kill the
cockroaches that are my sisters, from then on my husband plays out
cockroaches without killing, I when I see a cockroach I trigger the
spray away from her, like the smell it has time to escape. Also, keep the floor
always with bactericides to prevent the advance of the bugs in our corner.

≈ Someone tells me that in India respect the life of an animal because it can
be reincarnated human soul. "I learned that animals deserve respect for
being lives, because they are like us, animals and children of God." I
believe that if a human is born again as animals be: should be to possess the
soul more evolved because animals are pure souls, alias among all stocks
“only human " must hone his soul to transcend. The human dimension is less
than the animal.

≈ They say prayer has power and that those who live devoted to prayer are
those who maintain harmony in the world. I know Christian monks lived not
only praying, also worked as gardeners; they were preparing liqueurs,
chocolate, butter, cheese. Indian monks plant and sell rice. Buddhist monks
protect abandoned animals. "I know they all live charity and also
practice charity in addition to praying and preaching live their creeds" I met

several esoteric centers where he also works, but there are among them who
do nothing out of prayer and preaching, do not know how to wash or a cup, do
not the bed, just wash your clothes and live, for example, asking for wine.
They say religious, poets and philosophers should be fed. They say that
philosophers should rule the world. They forgot there scientists and artists who
then should be fed. Each area of knowledge requires study.

The remuneration of the work ensures the sustenance and self-esteem.
"Nobody wants to sustain whom nothing brings in life."

Each vocation exists to fulfill a mission that must be the reason for being of the
individual. The more you do for yourself and for all: the fastest growing self-
esteem and fastest growing understanding and love for all. There should be
certain duties to fulfill each of which has the profession that you have , that
no worker to feel decreased only making him the heaviest work and he alone
all daily chores, this is the same disregard . Certain that the mental
work also affects the body. The ideal is that each being has the practical side
of life, the cultivation of mind and feelings. In order to be integrated to -
do education, Education, culture and spirituality. Not good in life to
devote exclusively to one thing, that ends in uncertainty before other
facts. "Only the practical life or only theoretical life does not discover the
different flavors of life." So many are acculturated, ignorant, without ever
experiencing the realization of being, without feeling happiness, without
experiencing the fullness.

Person who does a lot, but unilaterally , never rests, never seems you do
enough, knows no other satisfaction but to do the usual.

≈ The Brazil, even with large defects, have

personalities outstanding in all areas of knowledge, not being under any

nation. Many Brazilians speak well only the rulers who had a higher education,
especially of a former president who earlier stabilized the currency, but it was
short lived because just his term leaving the country at the bottom, so Brazil
was internal and externally very "discredited and debt." Who even raised
Brazil's hole and was discredited former President Lula with his tact and
wisdom. Never Brazil and many nations never had, as President efficient was

Luis Lula. In addition, like many, wanting to do well, and missed faced beasts
too. However, nothing disparage as a human being extraordinary in this
century and in the history of Brazil. There is no virtuous without blemish.

≈ Indifference. Many killers of undercover CIA in Operation Condor in the

military of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia were taught
methods of torture and murder: still alive and unpunished today. The world
does not rebel against the American order to boycott the economy of certain
Asian nations leading them to bankruptcy. Europeans readily obey and feel
sure they meddle punishing people who do not even know. And they are never

punished for serious mistakes they make up more than many and forever. And
promptly Brazilian journalists call the imperialist countries: It is inaccessible,
almost impossible contact with the great representatives, even with the less
influential it is difficult, and if someone comes to play an inappropriate subject
for them, employees and agents ignore, turn their backs, let alone talking, not
think ill educated and disrespectful, before as well, they are made of
indifferent or offended. "There boss defiantly, shut up" The majority of
journalists news what conservatives want to hear, crimes and scandals keeping
the people in suspense addiction. Political and war news pass the censorship
before publication. It is very difficult to claim justice, most powerful
is untouchable. A falsehood, calumny, slander, envy, lying, aggression,
ambition, cause indifferent and that is depressing.

≈ The bees produce propolis to close their doors, the queen bee produces
royal jelly, the workers produce honey: and the man trots, steals all of
them without remorse. all of them without any remorse

≈ The plants communicate and reproduce through flowers. Flowers are

faces and soul of the plant. Friends of the flowers are hummingbirds and
insects. In addition, the man cut the flowers to wilt see them in a pot and say
you love flowers! Also puts the plants in their homes, away from the natural
habitat where they can live with the sky, the sun, the rain, insects and birds
become. What's more, not content with all this: the man eat the flowers and
feel important, you feel you have fine taste.

≈ The desire causes anxiety and distress. The realization freed from the

hold and raises self-esteem culminating in peace and joy.

≈ Spring up always in existence new cravings to live. It is flowing from non

- being to be, always.

≈ a film actor Richard Gere He interpreted the life of a Japanese university

professor who when he died, his dog was waiting for you at the train station.
Nine years later the dog also died. Friends from the train station paid tribute to

the dog with a statue of him waiting in his place. If this dog after the death of
the owner had not only been pampered with biscuits but had taken it from the
patio into the house, pampered in the lap, sleeping on the side of the owner:
the dog may be consoled gradually on way again. However, they left him alone
with his thoughts in the doghouse in the yard where he used to play with the
owner, so your only reference in life was the owner. Like us: the dog does not
forget the loved one ever, and how we the dog also has the ability to return to
love to get out of depression that death produces.

The animal, more than men believe in a reunion because it feels that life
continues after physical death. The animal feels sad and angry when they let
him away from the habitat of the owners, the dog, as a child clings to his

Over time the poor conforms to the order that he had to stay in another
room. Take at least into account that in difficult times, as man, any
animal also needs to treat. The German language being a difficult, but very
expressive, has a word describing exactly what each one needs in time of
sorrow: Zugehôrigkeit : feel that belongs to someone, you are not alone.

≈ There are religions that require achieving perfection of being in this

dimension of contrasts to ascend to another dimension without suffering. Other

religions say is necessary equilibrate, the polarities tweaking the way to
the state of Nirvana or dimension of fullness where the spirit is freed from
suffering. The philosopher Heraclitus explains this as being life a
constant flow of not being always experiencing new achievements. Each

season as each life cycle, has moments of restlessness and quiet. Do not suffer
so much, the clouds will give way to a new clarity. Several deaths occur within
us "in this life" to renew be. With optimism, the setbacks go fast and the joys
return "in this life." Discover your talent and put into practice the mission to be
fulfilled to be happy and spend happiness. "Do everything with love and joy
for life you match the right time" In the spiritual
world missions continue to sustain the happiness of living. Then happiness,
glory, or fullness may be experienced here The size no more suffering can

be experienced here and not only in a distant place. Of all the ways the
important thing is that the fullness ecstasy, but this state of grace in which

time our stops, has another side that is active: a nice to-do which
helps always with the well-being of himself and all. This is not fight but is
action, flow life.

≈ The pain is sacred shine and fruitful. Manuel Ortiz Guerrero Paraguay.
Pain is also intense suffering, traumatizing and gloomy. However, goes,
everything goes. Look reborn with confidence. Strive to be happy. Want is
power. Pain is considered a condition for learning to be better and happier.
Pain should not be remember, revered but the joys that also renew feel.

≈ Both sacrifices science, philosophy and art for good, for beauty, for love,

for joy! Man realizes his intimate through this knowledge that make life worth
living. "But anything that man does is better than nature." It seems same
routine ever see the day and night. Mechanically man reaps the fruit of a tree,
take a swim, watch a bird without seeing, without stopping as the poet or as
the mystic to contemplate, to embrace with all your soul thanking the divine
nature where even a grain of sand shines for life. Need for a little not only
affection, consideration, attention to notice that every day dawn and dusk
provide new shows of joy, good and beauty. The man little or no value to

routine home where every day the woman puts a beautiful table and a tasty
food. The woman does not value her husband every day carries out its work
to give support and possibility of having a so cheerful and quiet weekend with
family; so the human being little or no value the gifts of nature and nature is
the heart of the Creator. The man is a fool who only values the family and
nature after the loss of these gifts of life. These losses cause bitter tears.

≈ Few are those who can live and authentic and independent. Most live
playing the role, which requires the family, the company, the rules of the
university, dictatorial churches, the state. The man is authentic night when
they lie down in bed, there it is: himself. There are two places within the walls
where you can meditate and be with yourself gaining great tranquility and
renewal: the bed and the bathroom. "Look nature where the authenticity of

God is revealed" The authenticity in others it is unbearable for
the envious who cannot get out of mediocrity.

≈ The student veterinary burned your dog to have bothered you barking,
and the profession of a dog is to be lookout, so the bark it is a duty. The
soulless paid only a fine and continued to be accepted as a veterinary student
without showing the slightest remorse. Ever thought in animals in confinement
to be food, medicine and power of man? As if there is a food only to activate
the human libido! What a monstrosity, indifference and rot in humanity!

≈ The puppy Maltese liked to bark on the porch every afternoon coming

back from the ride there for six hours, but an annoying neighbor shouted once:
have shut this beast! - There is no worse beast than human being stupid.

≈ We were we passing through a German town and in the evening we used

to leave the alley of apple trees until you see a lake enchanted face a dark and
lonely castle, then we continued the green field through a barn where a white
horse used to be left by his owner after the ride, there the beautiful white
horse named Aki left the stable in getting us around and talking to him. At first
Aki took some getting away from us without expression, but on the fourth day
of our visit when he saw in the distance, he came and rushed happy to accept
this time our afternoon visit.

Sorry Aki! Just this room evening was our last day in place. Aki certainly will
not understand why our disappearance after he received us with so much

≈ I put all the chopped corn morning in the window for the birds. One day I

saw some balls made of mud and without thinking I cleaned the window and
there I put the corn, then noticed that the tree bump face of a bird window
looking at me intently. I found out later that these clay balls were a show
of gratitude. The offended birds never returned to my window.

≈ When back to listen Disco Stomp, Mammy Blue, Runaway, The Oldies, The

Archie's Dynamic Duo, Los Iracundos, America, Nicola di Bari, Costa Cordalis,

Daniel Gerard? Remember de Luisito Aguilé, Palito Ortega, Bob, Larry,
Leonardo Fabio? Thankfully that time I have Barbara and Dick discs, Adamo,
Adriano Celentano, Nicola di Bari, Demis Roussos, Trio Cristal, Javier Solís,
Lucho Gatica, JulioJaramillo, José Feliciano, Nat King Cole, Charles Azsnavour,
Jean Michell Charrè, country and blues and rich Hits collection of famous rock
and those golden years of music, hulking naturalistic mentality of hippies
alongside dictatorships and revolutions. Thankfully, twist and rock touch on the
keyboard and singing on the guitar: La nave del olvido, heated, Vuelvo a reir
and to sing, Lindo sueño, lavandina, Palo beautiful, cumbias, boleros, sambas,
serenades, guaranias and many other topics of my time has passed. In those
moments, I relive the encounter with the "Class of Sighs" from my school.

≈ Remember always samba as Nelson Cavaquinho, Adoravam Barbosa, Noel

Rosa, Pixinguinha, Ari Barroso, João Nogueira, Joao Gilberto, poets as Vinicius
de Morais, Chico Buarque, Dolores Duran, Martinho da Vila, Zeca Pagodinho,
Beth Carvalho. Do not forget never the lovely Clara Nunes, the passionate
Maisa, the charming Gal Costa, of Agepê, Gonzaguinha, Petronius. Also praise
the Caboclo Roots, Quintet Raped, The Tabajaras Indians, Almir Sater, Elomar,
Fagner, Zeca Baleiro, Robertinho of Recife, Teixeira de Manaus, Renato
Teixeira, Renato Borghetti, Bone, AtahualpaYupanki, Jorge Cafrune,
Violeta Parra, Sandro, Fácio Santillán , Uña Ramos , and many other valuable
human of our going-Latin strain.

≈ Meetings and disagreements, charms and disappointments. It is easy to

say, never forgive a lie, a betrayal. If the separation is final bitterness is

strong. If there is reunion with the partner after a reflection on the weaknesses
and other errors, the relationship will be more aware. However, if a relapse
occurs and another and another: life becomes a torment.

≈ The Bible says that after having created man, God repented. In another

passage he says that evil is inherent in man. Lawyers say it is the human
nature unacceptable behavior by law. That sad! Others like Mohammed in

the Koran and the philosopher Rousseau claim that man is good by nature
and that society corrupts.

≈ Be against work, against the races against the fight against the laboratory
experiment, against excessive training with animals. Learn the animals to be
happy without many complications.

≈ In a nation with more people extroverted as in Brazil, many value

honesty, the impudence, the effrontery, the shamelessness, calling all

this authenticity . I am also very authentic even though modest, shameful,
peace and not scandal, like natural diet, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, do
not use drugs, am in favor of monogamy , simplification of life, I am
meditative and my way of being does not deviate to accept any fashion or - do
not match with my principles . In my youth I was already like that, but tried,
a few times a boldness of immediately regretted as if my world to end. There
are so many examples that life lightly It does not lead to a good end. A

woman appreciated for being a prostitute for lack of money, it is famous for
many years, cannot get out of the economic squeeze. Those that can better
financial life, living spending in this competitive environment, appearing before
the cameras very well loved, but living in the eternal discontent. I do not doubt
that everyone has a dissatisfaction in life, but vulgarity is shocking and
disgusting to me and to many. Lack ethical and aesthetic physical, psychic,
mental and spiritual.

≈ All are equal as creatures and different as individuals, and everyone

needs a model that transmits security as a leader. Even learning to walk alone,
the company in cheers and complete.

≈ the wonderful scientists Japan studying the see animal: living water that

after aging is renewed . In addition to the prolongation of life, want to heal

diseases with implants even machines that allow live normally. May God inspire
them to carry out the mission for which they were made? It is up to everyone
in the creation build and not destroy perfect life. This is not playing God but

take seriously each his mission to deify the world. At the end we are all
deities, ie, we have a gift: a specific power.

≈ I saw a Brazilian TV channel one lioness who adopted the calf of an

antelope and carried him to his place. The lioness could not leave the puppy
alone at the sight of lions, so starved calf and the lion crying sought another
antelope cub and brought three to his place. TV does not say whether the
lioness then was helped to create the three antelopes, only says that
psychologists assume that the lioness would have lost your puppy getting so

≈ It is forbidden to kill because that mug of neighbor and regresses the soul

of the killer you also harming the body. Back to live to purge the impurities
and all cutting is very painful. The effects in creating happen in numerical
proportion. Three times or seven times.

≈ Do not collaborate with the slaughter of the animals are

our brothers because they are also children of God, rather than why: animals
also love life and also suffer Visit slaughter houses, see torture in the

experiment labs, forced food for geese for their patients liver pate turn, the
release of birds in hot water without having completely lost consciousness, the
suffocation of fish out of water, the release in hot water Marine living animals,
others being eaten alive. Learn the release of live chicks in crushers to turn
flavoring broths and sauces. Notice the air of fear and panic of pre-death
feeling the animals at that time their bodies exude toxins that will harm the
cause of their sacrifices are all carnivores. The animals, including man, are
killed for food. This is crazing, do not believe this is God's will. The Creator
laid out justice in nature and no suffering will go unpunished. The dilemma is:

there must be suffering and killing to survive? If compassion and collaboration

exist in nature, why the Creator would be less compassionate? He being
Almighty, by allowing so much misfortune? The view of creation reveals
wisdom, joy and endless beauty. Humans cause other woes. The
transformations in the creation and survival happen often with suffering. Even

saying the Bhagavad Gita of India that all has its reason for being and God
considers the whole, it is still difficult to accept eternal bloodshed by being
painful. I believe that this cannot be God's will that made the creation so

The nature does its part by restoring losses. It is for the man who invents
and analyzes, “change” imperfections.

≈ The day comes giant monsters to enslave man pulling heavy load, put in

cages to men for them to see sing of despair, they put on weight in cubicles
preventing movement, take the skin raw, to make money and fame at the
expense of trained men severely to die in combat, there the human being will
know how much evil he did to the animals. The man does not stop there, has
disregard for the plants as if they were objects of decoration and nothing
more, thinking that the welfare of other beings is reduced to give food only
and until the man needs love and fun in life to consider happy. The man is
considered the right to use and abuse of nature as if it were your belongs
with the owner of all is the Creator. "Who does not respect the land and its

inhabitants, who improperly behaves at sea and on the beach doing crazy
things, bothering others, should not be entitled to anything, so do not deserve
citizenship who pollutes the air, who dirty the city, the abuser the water, who
disrespects others are the species that is because we are all children of God
and the love of God does not have favorites "

≈ Who says regret not anything or who is afraid of nothing, or is a being

very profligate, indifferent, cold, or is trying to be transpire security has not.

≈ If being an atheist does not believe in the existence of a concrete

presence called God, then I am an atheist. I do not believe in the existence of

God or the devil or wizard in person. The beings represent in symbols like
the devil to be like a fearful, as represented in God Ganesha: the brightness of
the light hidden Universal on earth represented by the elephant, or God
represented in the bright sun that gives life, etc. Do not believe that God
forbids His images because no one worships the images but what

they represent, as it is not the picture that love is but what it represents.
Images or sculptures or photos are inspiring us closer to what we love. Do

not believe that God is jealous of fervent love for any being of its creation
because as the artist: God is happy when they love their work and the work of
God went out of their secret. "God does not give orders nor prohibits It
inculcates and inspires" I believe in the world of incorporeal beings or
spiritual called light spirits of angels, deities, including spirits of bygone beings.
The spiritual world and the material world there side by side being explained
in dimensions. The material world is derived from the spirit world. There is
a Grand Spirit that engages and enlivens everything and whose essence is
the reason for living flowing at all. Remember that each existence is a deity Ie

has a specific gift. Every existence has its upside and others can influence
downside acting in order to polish the being are others: physical or
metaphysical beings. The existence of positive and negative elements acting is
a fact. The elements are also lives and every life has a mission. As the
natives, animist and pantheistic: I believe that all have life and whole life turns
to ascend one day to another dimension.

Life within life as the forest on the mountain, like the fish in the sea, like the
cells in the body, etc. To describe the personality the man of God
represents symbolically or give name to its attributes as the Guarani tribe
describes God in Tupana name that means: Supreme Being, All - Powerful .
Esoteric call the God of Power, motor force. The description of God is
fascinating and endless. "Read my book: Philosophy and Religion " Man is
also recognized for its personality formed over time, for example: Luis is a
beautiful man, teacher and gardener, with strong character, disciplined,
honest. However, Luis will have a personality defined only after his
transcendence. All is in principle singular acquires a plural bodies because
of attitudes; these are ferments soul for her to be polished back to being
pure spirit. The spirit is light, bright and transparent nature. Its
beauty surpasses the previous forms. In the end, "God is not a specific
person or abstract but much higher nature, the presence of bright, attractive,
engaging, entrancing, inspiring, glimpsed, felt deeply and powerfully in and
out of all good and beauty of His creation that is closely cahoots”

≈ Thanks to my cells, chromosomes and all the animals who collaborate to

sustain my body. My body was not always rich in health to enable these beings
a better life and that I have guilt for having eaten food often inappropriate and

have crippled my body with hard work, tiredness and brokenness. But one day,
my little big brothers employees, astral body we too shall experience a new
dawn and found our lights will play in good joy. Everything will be so full.

≈ Those who know me always spoken of my joy of living. Know that I still
having achieved so much desired thing, and still managed to be what I am, I
am afraid of people, mainly of any authority. I try to hide, but my skin shivers
when someone tells me, for example, the Rector wants you. Among friends
and students'm loose but tremble with fear as if I had committed something
wrong when some superior wants to see me. This comes from childhood where
all internal were afraid of the nuns and teachers. When appears in my dreams
my mother or my sister or my sponsor, they show seedlings and serious with
me and when you wake up I am sure that the day something wrong will
happen to me. It is a trauma I take from childhood because at that time is

corrected to a child very tightly in my case with daily whipping of my mother

or slaps and other punishments nuns for some mischief or error by me
committed, and " many times nothing made for deserve reprimand or
punishment "Before we ended up smack in front of everyone to have gotten
himself into the conversation of adults or to have upset some argument of
superiors. I try to tell myself that have nothing strikes me that the past is far
because I am now better and happy, but it is not always so, there are times
when I have to go to the bank to withdraw money, pay bills, apply for
a passport to travel and things like that look nothing, leave me stressed, so
many people on the street It is already reason for me to get home take a

good shower and tea to regain her composure. Always I went a few friends
the suspicion that I have the most, always been more friendly nature that
humans, always been more alone as the scorpion Scorpio and as I
am. However , I am one of the happiest women in the world because I
am beloved by my husband, friends, animals, plants, masters, stars,
elements, light friends and the Universal Light, for all this Tree of my life so
colorful, perfume and melodious. "Over the years I was immune to many
things and others I got compassionate ".

≈ Sad to know that there are men who believe the good intentions of hippies

were utopias or romanticism, as if this was hilarious. Sad to know that there
are men who magnify themselves saying that man was born to shine, only
man has thought and so it shines brighter than the stars.

God is a bright spirit, His entire existence has inherited the brilliant mind, and
among all creatures, only the human need polishing its brightness.

≈ God is intense shadow and bright light.

≈ " I have the God in all forms. The sit in the sweet caress and my
husband's smile. The see dance in the butterfly, sing in the voice of all the
birds. The see the wandering cloud in travelers birds. I hear His voice in the
uproar of the children, the joy of the dogs. The sit in the rain, the see the
dew, the elegance of a horse. I fill His Majesty the giant ship of my
life. Sento His majesty on the mountain and His peace in the countryside. I
receive His message in the voice of teachers and the signal of the stars.

Warms me the fire that vibrates his dancing passion. Refreshes me tenderly
in the stream of babble. I fill His audible laughter in the Cascades and his
shadow in the woods. I am His taste in delight fruits and Its scent on wet
ground. I hear the choir of his soul in the voice of the deep and the marina
shell. I fill His masterful embrace in contemplation of the night sky. The Se in
kisses Valentine and sunset. Poem exudes the watercolor in the morning.
His robe is embroidered star, His crown is rainbow. Feeling the size of the
galaxy rests in moss and sand. Honing, his bellowing, his bark, and a thousand
voices of a thousand lives sprout from His essence. Showed in science,
he finds in thinking, feeling! "

===Sadness and joy do not cause tears, but extreme pain or other
emotion cause tears.

≈ For the sake of the planet should be barred from the map, including

me. Over time others will come to correct my mistakes and add know. I hope
not to be judged rashly and fiercely. Take into account my inordinate love for
all, my immense passion to the unknown for me. God and all His are my joy!

≈ The human being is the existence less serene , but those who try to live

in balance with other beings, as many elders, native and mystics, this rule all

the superfluous, is not seduced by extremes, living in pure joy, is authentic
and deep. Who does not know this life the glory and fullness, do not know
what is to feel the taste of eternity .

≈ I speak in my books Latin with its capital Weena Port . Latina is the
name of any country in Latin America. They regarded as the Latin land
offspring with language derived from Latin. Weena mean a native language:
woman and other means maiden or, as they say in Brazi: girl girls or, as
Christians: a virgin. Port is port. In addition, I speak of being the land of
cumbia and calypso when all the Latin lands also like salsa, samba, cha-cha-
cha, bolero, guarania, taquirari and more!

≈ There are native names as sweet as Tami marsh flower, Dali Valley

flower, Nelly flower of heights. Two of these form my name.

Luz de Miel is the name of my angel. Selva Belfior is the name of my soul.
This is my trinity. "It has everyone of this name to do with me."

≈ One day we will meet again in Heaven Tropical Garden; which corresponds

in size. We earthlings love known landscapes and I love the unknown universe,
but pre-order kin, for brotherhood. From the Planet of Flowers will sight all
known landscapes, then fly in diaphanous and bright astral body discovering
other wonders of outer space and never, never will be suffering for anyone.
The Creator's place my husband and me as servants of plant and animal
brothers and together we will be in close contact with the protectors of all the
elements of creation. Bright and happy fulfill a divine mission to spread joy
forever and forever. "In the name of Heaven, Earth and the Universal Light."

Hi. Regrettable also error. There remember the philosopher and sociologist Rousseau saying:
There is more near than a steep between know liege and ignorance. And the Master Bhagwan:
it is better to feel, but told about to many wonder.

Luz de Miel

Luz de Miel writes about spirituality and the
universal brotherhood. Deep feeling for
animals, nature and God.
» Bubbles Dance: it is not only a historical and educational reading. It
contains philosophical view about dance and psychological on the dancer
and their environment. Pleasant reading, in a good mood. Focuses on
dance as a sacred act of the Creator creating all with pace and
» Philosophy and Art - Two more Faculty of work on Nausea by Jean
Paul Sartre and on the Oedipus complex of Sigmund Freud. More Heart
Moreno where life, stories, letters and poems are not only literary
content addresses from childhood on ethics, religion, society, love,
always giving message of cosmic brotherhood.
» Philosophy and Religion: speculates on the formation of religions,
why and for what, and religious thinkers over time. As in previous
books, the author always clarifies her opinion on the human attitude
towards God and the world and her universal message of brotherhood.
» Lights of Silence, Shine in Shadow, Flowers of the Soul: holistic
and optimist call from love and spirituality.
» Planet of flowers: Attachment The stranger in the
Foreign and The famous tavern: report on ecological experience,
travel and about the effects of alcohol.
» Scorpian: talks about the sign of the author. Toast Selections:
Compile Pearl Angeli spicy jokes heard.
“Sprout and Flow, Moonlit Soul and Tears: In this last book the
author Luz de Miel appears in photos.


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