Animals at The Zoo-Pivot Chart

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Zoo Location Animal Count

North Lion 58
SouthWest Leopard 1
South Lion 2
North Bobcat 52
South Leopard 4 ANSWER
West Tiger 22
West Leopard 1 Animals at the Zoo
SouthWest Leopard 2
North Tiger 1 Animal Bobcat Leopard Lion Ocelot Tiger
South Leopard 4 180
West Lion 23
South Bobcat 32
North Leopard 1 140
South Tiger 2 120
West Leopard 1
South Lion 13
North Bobcat 2 80
South Leopard 1 60
West Tiger 4
West Leopard 23 40

SouthWest Leopard 1 20
North Tiger 2
West Lion 23 North South SouthWest West Total R
South Bobcat 32
North Leopard 13
South Tiger 2
West Leopard 1 Sum - Count Animal
South Lion 41 Zoo Location Bobcat
North Bobcat 2 North 56
South Leopard 1 South 64
West Tiger 4 SouthWest
West Leopard 23 West
SouthWest Leopard 1 Total Result 120
North Tiger 2
South Ocelot 2
North Ocelot 41
South Leopard 2
West Tiger 1
SouthWest Ocelot 1
North Ocelot 56
Using the data, try creating a
chart similar to the image
given. You are free to use
Pivot Table/Pivot
Chart/Chart for creating your
chart. Make sure you have
elot Tiger inserted the proper Title,
legends and so on.

West Total Result

Leopard Lion Ocelot Tiger Total Result

14 58 97 5 230
12 56 2 4 138
5 1 6
49 46 31 126
80 160 100 40 500

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