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Alamat : Jl. Y.A. Lamaka No.143 Kel. Kali Kec. Biau Kab. Buol 94563
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Mata Diklat : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : XI
Semester : Genap
Bentuk soal : Esai
Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021

1. Read Procedure text below then answer the questions correctly!


1. Two eggs
2. Onions
3. Garlics Chilli (if you like spicy)
4. Salt
5. Vegetable oil
1. Firstly, cut into pieces the garlic, onions, and chili
2. Second, break the egg into a bowl
3. Third, put the garlic, onions, chili, and salt into the bowl
4. Then, mix them gradually
5. The next step, heat a frying pan
6. After that, pour the dough into the frying pan, wait until it looks yellowish
7. Next, lift using spatula and put it in a plate
8. Finally, omelet is ready to serve

Questions :

a. How many eggs do we need to make an Omelet?

b. What do we mix after break the egg into a bowl ?
c. What do we use to put omelet in a plate?

2. Read the Factual Report "Tornado" below, and then answer the questions!

The word tornado comes from Spanish language and means to twist or turn. A
tornado is a whirlwind produced by atmospheric conditions, mainly extremely low
pressure, during a severe thunderstorm.

Tornadoes usually turn counterclockwise. They appear as funnel shaped

columns of violently rotating winds that reach down from a storm and touch the ground.
Although a tornado is not always visible to the eye, tornadic conditions can still be
picked up on radar, or the tornado may become visible once debris and dirt are pulled
into it.

A tornado may also be referred to as a funnel cloud, but this is technically not a
correct term. While the two words are sometimes used interchangeably, a funnel cloud
is different, not in its make up, but in the fact that it does not touch the ground. Another
name that is often used to describe a tornado is twister, due to its violent twisting

The tornado is one of the most unpredictable and destructive forces of nature,
often destroying everything in its path. A tornado is usually preceded by severe storms,
which may include lightning, high winds, and frequent hail. It can change course without
notice, and is usually accompanied by a roaring sound, or as some describe it, the
sound of freight train.

a. What does the word tornado mean?

b. What is a tornado?
c. What do tornadoes look like?
d. What are the other names of tornadoes?

3. Read an Analytical Exposition Text below, and then answer the questions!

Smoking in Restaurant

Smoking in restaurant is just not on. It must not be allowed because it is

rude, harmful to others and dangerous for the smokers.

Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the some affects

all people and can turn them off their food. People pay to taste good food and not
to be put off by foul smelling smoke.

Another reason smoking should not be allowed in restaurant is the harm it

can do to others. Passive smoking that is breathing in smoke made by a smoker
can lead to asthma attacks and even cancer.

Finally, smoking is dangerous and health risk to the smokers. Cigarettes

cause heart and lung disease and people should not smoke anywhere, not just in

Therefore, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others and a

health risk to the smokers and should not be allowed in any restaurants.

a. What is the title of the text?

b. Show which is part of introduction. body and conclusion by writing in this

introduction body conclusion

…………………. ………………………….. ………………..

………………… …………………. ……………

……………….. ……………… ……………………

4. Read carefully and answer the questions

Ara : Good afternoon Mrs.Tina.

Mrs. Tina : Good afternoon Ara. What are you doing?

Ara : I’m looking for a book. Could you do a favor for me

Mrs. Tina : What is it?

Ara : I need a book about science. Would you mind showing me it?

Mrs. Tina : No, of course not. Can you look for it on the shelf over there?

Ara : Umm… I have searched it but I haven’t found it. Would you please look
for it together?

Mrs. Tina : I have two books of science. Both of them are “My body science” and
“A Philosopher looks al science”. Do you like both of them?

Ara : Really? Can you lend me the second one, please?

Mrs. Tina : I’ll lend you if you give it back soon.

Ara : Certainly. I’ll return it immediately. Thank you.

Mrs. Tina : You’re welcome.


a. Where does the conversation take place?

b. What is Ara looking for?

c. How many books does Mrs. Tina have?

d. Write one expression of asking help from the dialog above!

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