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) Adjustment of Differential Liberation Data to Separator Conditions Muhammad A. Ai-Mrhoun, SPE, Kng Fahd U. of Ptroleum ond Minerals ‘Summary Seluion gave aio (GOR) and oil formation volume factor (VF) ace normally obined fom differential or fash iteration tents. However, nelter the siferentl eration proces nor the Mash Nberaon process can repeseat the uid low in peta reservoirs. Therefor, data obtained from any ofthe (0 15 prO- cedures must be adjusted wo approximate the fui behavior i the reservoir. At low pressures, the conventional mehod of edjusent Yields negative values of tluon GOR and values of ll FVF of fess han l. This of cour, is nt physclly core. "This pier presensn new method fer adjusting he dterenta ‘ibeaion data to teperorsondon, Me new methad overcomes ‘he liminion of he conventional sjusinen method snd makes ‘he Jow-prearere extention of ho cove of soluion GOR snd ot VE more aecrae, The meta i Bed on the fact that data ‘bteines from bth ie ferential nd ah brain texts sold el the same vale of ive denity a eervolr endian ‘Thenew method i teed ving 425 PVT flo, yielding res that tse consist withthe pyscalekvir of slsion GOR wd ol FVE. Introduction 1a the diferent Ubecaion process, gu i removed as it 1e- less frm the ol inthe sh ibeaton process, howe, te Terated gs le ot removed andi lowed to reach eqlisiim wth the oi ‘Generally, petroleum engineers consider the the gx bration srocee inthe reservar can be represen by the ferential I~ Graton process" The Msi proced fom the reservoir to the Srface fe considered to undergo a fash process. "The diffrenlal colton GOR le not ti rome as the Nash {olution GOR, as shown in Fig 1. Sina, the dierent and ‘ash oil PVFe ae not the same as depicted in Fig 2 Ths, regardless ofthe tesing procedurts— sh or diferemtab—some {omecion eds to be made the obtain’ dats to approximate {he ld behavior in he ol production proces. "The actual as ertion proces he reservoirs nite ash nor diferent. In conan focal he process I ash, but in tec, the proces is diferent In some othe Teale he pro- fess doesnot mach elder of hem. A combination lst proposed by Dodson eta i probly the lest to the reaervoir process ‘At each slop ofthe dill berion tes ol sample ie {aken and Nsbied 1 obtain Ry Band, Heve tc be seen that all roperten,includiog th ya fre st ferent ressues,Alliough this combination test san ioproverent over the difeeniil ane fies Iherston tes, i dee not mach the sual reservoir behavior. The appendix 10 Ref, 4 explains the ‘itferertat and flash processes andthe corbinacn test From the ombination test that produces difereat values for, a 7 at ‘iferont pressures, ts jstfeé to adjust all the properties ob- talned by the differetal liberation test wo Mash sepuatr condi- Sons, neling a8 "The Maid propiis obilne by combining dat rom the dif- ferent and fash iteration et ay be called the “combination ‘uid properics" Tato cata are used deere the values of a6 ty hac Sie ist amir solution GOR and oil VF ot presaures below bubblepoint To ‘alee the combination Suié properties from sanzard dts flys several astmpions were aipultd, Bu thse assump ‘ions it te range of appition. "This paper desribes sew mtbod to adjst he ferent! ‘ibertiondats to spate condition. This method overcomes the Aindvacages nd imsion ofthe existing metiod enc comes up ‘witha comedicn proce ht eu n2 cote yea ead Current Correction Procedure “The exiting mao fer stig the erent bern eat ‘prt codton wa usd on ever anumpuons th mest Irporart of wich a supltes by Ams et) ae Te supa ate ft of ge emarng io lon ae crv cntors ht wl be bated upon produsng tt igud {0 te separ by # Nath berstio procest i the eterece ‘eon os ain soliton en the stxetaly ibeted fs cect forth serv hike ofthe «The lionahp been the ol FVEs of Oath od ite: tally seated pls oun conan oer the ete press rang of ite ip egnion for, the conexed diferent solution GOR at provers bow Elect pres, according 10 the Fis mptonmentontd above 8 flows: Re Bay (Bae~ Ral Pay/Bads : a where Rentoation GOR adjusted to separator condor Rirbebblgpintsosion GOR oblined fm te separate et ‘ReCBabitepeintslton GOR osained y te fleet! ‘on txt ecient tleon GOR: Sgebabtepent il ‘EVP dashed ough be spas to sock condo nd Baabubepent ol PVP aieeaialy Mernledw socom cordon. impiety, teased fret slain GOR a presse aoe te bablgolm ressre iy sora a seul (be fDtaos GOR a he bbblepon bined from the ep Rem Raytho™ Py sescesnsseerveees®) According othe socond assumption, tbe edusted diferent ‘il PV at peste teow the bubblepoin| presi is evalua froma cobinuion of ffeil iberation dt an epost dat: tat, B= Bu Balad PS Pay ooo creeseeeen hore Bg =ail PVP obsines by diflorenal eration ets, nd Boll PVP agate to separator condons. plc, the sjuste ferential oll PVF at bubepsig es- sure qual i the ol PVF at bubblapintpessore obtained fem the separator est tha B= Bays P Py an “ Disadvantages of the Current Correction Procedure “The aurtnent method we in he industry a8 outlined shove he the folowing dsadvantges "AUiowe reste, the sation GOR became negative. This doce not conan t tho physics rend a, should be eg oor (enter dan zea This is undoubted the eel of nat taking ito ecount te reared sdostnen in gas snd oil elie desir ‘The gs liberated in the flere becation test has 2 lave 0. the gas rete dency ise teat that aktaned from he deta beatin fest This Besa ofthe ation ht he ast fp In peste reduction dav to amexphere peste he Gi Fern iterion ih berating 9 exw be aloes of gar relive censy bervean the bubblepoit an he lowest rts propetonaly, “Tele preseas he djsueat of theo ive density curve to he separator conden. Cole 1 sad 2 in Table 6 fom ‘able 2 Coloma ete tame at Column 2 beoaee the erent practice nes he dilferenl vlan whoa carecton. Colum « Pathe om 21 Fig. 6 shows the two cores of he ‘teen da and he es coreeon mathad foro elie any based on By 11s eaieable a, at bablepott pes ‘he cow mslad sumer the ash valor atte sted “lis. A simeepar pressure be new method aks the il a 20555 Ree saa & Gaieing Soluion GOR Dien OiLEVE Presse Fig. Typical solution GOR curves. ‘elie dense fr te fth and eel Uberin ee are ‘ieent «For the corceton of oi PVE, te valu obtained at lower peste leds value fess than, ich aes anf fo {be plea! tele Hecate of thize problem, Ihe rnge of ppltion ofthe caulaion procedures le 1 peeturts ‘ove 500 pl. Actually, the following eerste shuld be tex Be * han the vals of eomeced properties ete used to cle tae te lve relive doit bublopoi preset not ges wth the fa veal relive denny af babblepolel pes ‘Sie These data soul yah ame vale of leave Coy " bubbesoat peste, This pole ie encoutred bessure of 2d gas ave censles sandr cenvone ae m8 saeted (0 separator coniions, a can be son fom te fellowing equation: a2 (gt RIB JOR YDIBag cece 6 ‘The New Method ‘The pow metodo ajusment ofthe diferent eration dt to the separmor cngions i bued on the elowng assrmpion +The propares chine om the fea inion eat ‘ubblepoat ee erected To bubble pot poperderoblaned by ‘he fish ert est. The eseeced proper nlads GOR, of VF, and ll and ps rlaive denies. 1 The propeiesotaved from helt teen! iberion sage he atraupere reste o nt nts any comecon. Tht ‘Scoasidered «fash ‘bention * Tae propa e pase betwen bbbepcn presse and smogphei peso ne ete ropononally. THe properties ‘Gat ned to Be ecu ome feet iteration fet the feparir tes ae GOR, al FVF, cll lave deat, and gat rete daa, “The adjusted diferent) aon GORs asus below bubbepoie ae evaluated fam te following epson Ret Ra gla) oo seve 6) ‘Te adjusediffrenial oll EVE at presurs below the binbepoint peur are evahated from he Following eqution: Ba Bag (Be Base o ere 6)= Bay Bygl Oa Ba) aw The adjusted diferent gos reatve density a pressures below bubslpoit is cvalusts from the flloingeouton Wer Tat BD verre cove) where (as Tad") une 203 SP Rese Bias & Brie Pressure, psi Fg. 2—Typea ff VE curves. and where yy the gu eave deny ate lowest peste, ‘with an vole tat snot equa t 270, "Te acted fra oleate cesiy and APL gavisy ‘preset below the bubble pctv ar veh rm the folowing exons Yee te ta He : a) Yop MLS Ig= BIS, oo nr 02) [Recendy, MeCaint dtcovered thet he equton commonly sed to elie the solnlon GOR Is corset He suggested tation sais 6 in this paper. Ths suppor the peseok Inthe, which was ghey preseated in Ref. MeCain® howe ‘her conieed te sqon wed to clclte il FVF fro isk ‘BVT repons (E93) to be corect At meninod eal, the Sale f tol #VF obtained lower preter ans fo 9 tle (esse whic des ot conf 1 the py! Seevie Rosults and Discussion ‘The new metho of suing he eferenal eration dt to he Scpasteconlon ha bean testo 425 PV ies with 3181 ata poise allover the worl, andthe results consistent wile pyle Blur. Table 7 epithe saa! arly of the ‘ses di, Te ses rau en example for one exp Inet ase ses fom a PVT le (ven in Table 2) ae ‘eseled ie Table 3 Uhroug 7. “ible 3 pst ie adjustment ofthe saluion GOR cune «© tte septa condone Columes {and 219 Table 3 ae from ‘Tele 2 Calums 3 ealealned fom Ba, J, and Column 4 Is ‘leaned fom By 6 Fig 3 shows ete curve: dire Ad, theexsing earecion metos (B91), aad the new tbo (aq 6) Al ie atleptn presi, be values dated a oth ew and exiting madods ae equal othe bbblepot value cb- Tene oom fash Ierain Al atmosphere press, oth the SifferenttHsmton vale ond the vale obser be mew Method we the sue abd ae equal aero, THs the expecta “TABLE {—SUNAIARY OF VALIDATION DATA Prone Marana OUFVFatn +020 an Presse, pl 2 ans Taree *F a 00 oR, seuss 2 an ‘Gas relavedenaly ose aes (tle cnty oss 61 Aero esey 1874 4320 Giese dere at 0490 08s | o cerry i a i z 2 8 Press, Fig. S--Acjstent of estate dency osoparearcondtions. Ruag bubbapoict souloe GOR obtained by the deena Iberwion tet Rg = bobble! soln GOR obtsined fom th spertor Ry = solsion GOR otsne by the eiferentl ibenton "= Socks ol gai, *APL = a lative densty (c= 1) “es = Bus relative dant otane by the ern Merton et er=1) as elvederly band rm the separ et ie ‘yp = al eleive des (water 1) sya = bubblepin olive density (water 1) “Yo = ol elie dara ced bythe teenth bert es ont= 1) cl relive enly cued from the separator et (teen) Yo © oil lv density a pressre p cad reserve temperature war 1) Sebeript (f= iter erin test (7 = Baan Uberion wat th fret age amber o ages i the fern) eration test pe = i os tie ety ‘ : io 3 om B Pressure, psi Fig. 7—Caleulsted ea late dent a reserve operate. ~ GSLs Me) Pe APE) cere Oil Relative Density Press, pb Fig. 6—Agjurtman of tate deny 1 separator conden. Acknowledgments “The auior ie rtf wo the Dep of Pavoleum Englceing 30 ing Patd U0 of Pevoleum and Mineral, Deahan, Sava ‘rain for the fies ied to pom te preset wok aod for ‘tae apo References Stan, MCB: Vlei nd Pe Berio of Of FH ‘rion Spats, Milt Pit neal (1977) 2 Maui WD. Jes Th Propet of Parlin iy, seconded, Pe a (990 293. 3. Dotan CR, Cod Dad ize. 1: Applicaton of ako ‘oy PVT Du fo Reser Enpieig Probe” Ten. AME (59) 1982, |News, Pinang Applets of Pe Bota of Ce Oi al Cand Sues" JPP Ou 1905 1 ‘hry Bab DM ea Wing, AL: Pee Renee ‘Buber, Mee Book Co. Inc, New Yor Cay (1903 sss, MC, WD Je “Ansys Bick Oi PVT Repo Raikes” pe SPE 7868p th 202 SPS Ana! Tee CoP ‘ete nt Ein, Sen Ano, Tecs, 29 Seer? Gea 7 abarious, 1A. "Adpate of Diet Lerion Dao ‘Sepntor Conon” pepe SPE S234 pened he 201 SPE ‘Mla Eat Oi Show, Hebi, 7-0 Mach, Si Metric Conversion Factor SARL 141SK0315+ "APD i 1599 870 | 2 2831 685 oF CRANE pl x 6996 757 SRI Lee ef (I 1801 175, B00 = K B01 = sda? Nuhammod Al Ab-Maboun & a preter ond torn cha tion of ie Pelicum enghecteg Dept ot kg Fons U of Fotoleum ond Minera Deatwan. Sous Arsbia. e-mc forounmaldupmecuse, He sso hleres Reuse fic Dropetion ond fron enghwoemng ond he as pablnad Sever togaren ond fochaicol papers. Maan Flos 8S Sogice F Gavel angrowrra ana cn MS dogioa hath ‘rss: tom fg Soh. of Posleum ang Neral ong Pab cages h poteisum angheatn tm tho Uf Oxaro- ‘mo. Ho ved es © 201-G2 Wr Baingusned Lacie, ne 200 $6 Rasen aon & Exile = PIs ye (ars) clei ee ‘e < -J ASIST A ONS iseeere

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