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In the article of Jose Rizal about the women and education talks about the rights of women in terms or

education, he stated that men and women should be equal in different aspects including the political
and education. When the Spaniards colonize us the culture of the Filipino were changed and one of
them is the rights of the women. They give importance and value more the men than women. But all of
this will end by the courage and determination of the young women of Malolos.

Rizal pointed out that women should not be always at home cleaning the house and taking care of the
children, women should be like men for God created all gender equal. We know that in the time of
Spanish era the Spaniards didn’t give enough privilege for the indios for they believed that when the
Filipinos learn the culture of Spanish and have knowledge about politics this will result to the
empowerment of the Filipinos against the Spaniards. But aside from that Spaniards also give rules and
regulations that women and men should not be equal especially in terms of education. The women was
only allowed to learn about cleaning the house, cooking , taking care of their children, and about the
church while the men was encourage to have an education until tertiary level. Men is more powerful
that women that Rizal is against of , he said that men and women should be equal. He wrote a letter to
those twenty women of Malolos who fight for their rights, and it stated their that women should have
emporwent against the rule of the Spaniards. He acknowledge the braveness and encouragement of
those young women in Malolos. He even said that women should be given a privilege just like what men
has especially in terms of education. He also said that we are all born free and we doesn’t have a chain
that when we grow that would be the fate we have, we are all have our thoughts and freedom of
decision making in our lives. Rizal also said how a mother should posess just like being a noble wife, he
also stated that we women in choosing our partners we should not be base on looks or appearance of it
but also the inner characteristics of it.

I conclude that Rizal was truly true about women and their education. People should not underestimate
us because what men can do, women can also do. We, women can be also put in political aspects for we
have knowledge and abilities . I conclude that we women in this present generation have already a
freedom, and those women before suffers a lot about getting the freedom. That is why we women
should be grateful for what freedom we have right now because we do not know what struggles and
trials women before experience in order for us to have a freedom and given a privilege just like men.

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