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Art of the Bedchamber

turies is the importance of ching con- and her nose perspires, slowly emhracc
servation as a theoretical base and the her.
Third, when her tongue sprcadslt' and be-
codification of the stages and signs of sex-
comes lubricious. slowly press her.
ual arousal, the postures and methods of Fourth, when secretions appear below and
love making, and the benefits and ills of her thighs are damp, slnwly take hold of
sex. her.
Credit for' preservation of the /shimp6 Fifth, when her throat is dry and she swal-
classics belongs to conscientious Japanese lows saliva, slowly agitate her.
collectors and copyists. Given the frag-
mentary nature of these sixth to ninth These arc called the "signs of the five. de-
century texts, who could have expected sires.'' When all of the signs mamfes~
originals to surface from the early Han? then mount her. Stab upward. bu~ don?.
After Ma Wang tui, dare we now hope penetrate. in order to stimulate its ch r.
that buried somewhere in China arc sex- When the clz'i arrives, penetrate deeply
ual texts of the late Chou? and thrust upward in order to d istn . "b u te
the heat. Now once again withdraw so as
not to cause its ch 'i to dissipate and for
her to become exhausted. Afterwa~d.
Uniting Yin and Yang practice the "ten movements,.. unite
according to the "ten postures, ... ~nd
Ho yin yang combine the "ten refinements." Uniting
bodies after sunset, 17 the c h ·1· ex t"'en ds to
This is the method for uniting yin and the "ancestral gate." 18 Now observe the
yang: "eight movements~" listen t~) the ~·five
sounds"; and examine the signs of the
Clasp her hands 1 and cross over to the out-
side of her wrists;2 "ten exhaustions."
Stroke the "elbow chambers"·3 The "ten arousals"l'J begin with .ten,
Go beside the armpits; ' then twenty, thirty, forty. fifty. sixty·
Move up to the "stove frame"-4 seventy, eighty, ninety, and one hundr~d.
Go to the "neck region"; ' Move in and out without reachmg
Stroke the "receiving basket";s orgasm.
Cover the "encircling ring";6
Descend to the "broken basin"·7
Pass over the "sweet wine ford'~-s One arousal without orgasm makes the
Cross the "Bounding Sea";9 ' cars and eyes sharp and bright.
Ascend "Mount Constancy";to Two and the voice is clear.
Enter the "dark gate";II Three and the skin is radiant.
And mount the "coital sinew." Four and the back and flanks are strong.
Five and the buttocks and thighs become
By sucki~g her "ching spirit''l2 upward, muscular. 20
Six and the "water course" 21 flows.
one can hve forever and be coeval with Seven and one becomes sturdy and strong.
heaven and earth. The "coital sinew"l3 is Eight and the pores are lus~r~rns.
the "coital channel" within the "dark Nine and one achieves spmtual illumina-
gate." If one is able to lay hold of and tion.
stroke it, this causes both bodies to be Ten and the hody endures.
pleasurably nourished and joyfully radi-
ant in a wonderful way . 14 Although full These are the "ten movements":
of passion do not act. Exchanging exha- The first is "roaming tiger."
lations and embraces. carry out the tao The second is "cicada clinging."
of dalliance step by step. 15 This is the tao The third is "measuring worm."
of dalliance: The fourth is "roe deer hutting."
The fifth is "locust spreading."
First, when her ch 'i rises and her face be- The sixth is "monkey's squat."
comes flushed, slowly exhale. The seventh is "toad in the moon."
78 Second, when her nipples become hard The eighth is "rabbit bolts."
The Han Classics Rediscovered
The ninth is "dragonflies." closures and unblocks obstructions. The
The tenth is "fishes gobbling." "central treasury'' 25 benefits from the cir-
culation and becomes full.
The "ten refinements" are: The symptoms of the "ten exhaus-
The first is up. tions " 26 are:
The second is down.
The third is to the left. With the first exhaustion [the semen] is
transparent and cold when emitted.
The fourth is to the right.
With the second exhaustion it has the odor
The fifth is rapidly.
The six is slowly. of burnt bones.
With the third exhaustion it is dry.
The seventh is sparingly.
With the fourth exhaustion it is congealed.
The eighth is frequently.
The nineth is shallow. With the fifth exhaustion it is fatty.
The tenth is deep. With the sixth exhaustion it is slimy.
With the seventh exhaustion it is slow.
The "eight movements" are: With the eighth exhaustion it is oily.
With the ni'iith exhaustion it is sticky.
The first is "clasping hands." With the tenth exhaustion it is corrupt.
The second is "straightening elbmvs."
The third is "extending heels." When you reach the "corrupt". exhaus-
The fourth is "hooking from the side." tion it once again becomes shmy and
The fifth is "hooking from above." clear on emission. This is called "great
The sixth is "entwining thighs." violence. "27 The symptoms of "great vio-
The seventh is "calming the movement." lence'' are perspiration about the nose,
The eighth is "quivering." white lips, involuntary movements o!the
arms and legs, and buttocks lifting off t~c
"Clasping hands" means that she desires mat. Death itself approaches. 28 If 1~­
contact with her belly. "Straightening the stead, when the ch 'i begins to well up m
elbows'' means that she desires her upper the ··central extremity, '' 29 one. co~cea~s
body to be rubbed and scratched. "Ex- the spirit, then spiritual illummat1on is
tending heels" means that penetration is attained.
insufficient. "Hooking from the side"
means that she wants her side rubbed.
"Hooking from above'' means that she
wants her lower body rubbed. "Entwin- Discourse on the Highest Tao
ing thighs" means that penetration is ex-
cessive. "Calming the movement" means under Heaven
that she desires shallow penetration. T'ien-hsia chili-tao t'an
"Quivering" means that she wants to be
held for a long time. Huang Shen 1 addressed a question to Tso
When she holds her breath. it means Shen2 saying: "The penis 3 .is b~rn to-
that she is experiencing inner urgency. gether with the 'nine onfices . an_d
When she pants it means that she feels 'twelve segments, '5 but why does it die
intense joy. When she moans it means first?''6 Tso Shen replied: "Do not ov~r­
that the "jade pod" 22 has penetrated and excrt yourself: do not indulge in exc.ess1ve
the pleasure 23 begins. When she exhales sorrow or joy: do not overeat or ~lnnk t?
it means that the swcctncss 2·t is intense. excess. Its location is extremely ym and tt
When she grinds her teeth and her hody is not exposed to yang. If it is en.1~1loyed
quivers it means that she wants the man abruptly and violently without wc_utmg for
to continue for a long time. it to be strong or for both part1e~ to _be
In the evening the man's ching is fully aroused, there will be immediate m-
strong; in the morning the woman's ching jury. Avoid calling its name and _conc~al
is concentrated. Using my ching to nour- its form. It is because of excessive vio-
ish the woman's ching, the anterior chan- lence and lack of propriety that, alt hough
nels are all activated; and the skin, ch'i. it is born together with the body. it is first
and blood are stimulated. This opens to die." 79
Art of the Bedchamber

If [the penis] is enraged but not i(:lrge, Four arousals and the hackhnne becomes
the flesh has not yet been aroused. If it is strong.
large but not stiff, the sinews have not yet Five arousals and the buttocks become
been aroused. If it is stiff but not hot, the muscular.
Six arousals and the "water course" flows.
ch'i has not been aroused. If [the penis] is Seven arousals and one bc:comcs stout and
employed before the flesh is aroused, it
strong. ..
becomes flaccid. If it is employed before Eight arousals and the will is magnified and
the ch'i is aroused, it hides. When the expanded.
three are all aroused, this is called "the Nine arousals and one follows the glory of
three levels of arousal." heaven.
Ten arousals and one manifests spiritual
There are ''eight benefits" to the clz'i and
Discourse on the highest tao also "seven ills." Those who arc u~­
under heaven able to use the "eight benefits" to nd
Like the obscurity of water or the ch'i of themselves of the "seven ills'· find
spring and autumn, if what passes is not that at forty their sexual ch 'ii~ red'!ced by
seen, we cannot receive its contribution· half, at fifty their mobility is impaired, at
if what comes in the future is not seen i sixty the ears and eyes no longer are
feast on its gifts. Oh, be careful, indee,d! sharp and clear, and at seventy they are
The matter of achieving spiritual illumina- dried up below and withered above. Not
tion consists of locking. If one carefully exercising their sexual ch 'i, tears . fl~JW
h~lds .the "j.ade" in check, spiritual illu- ceaselessly . 1 1 There is a tao for rega1mng
mmation will he achieved. The art of one's strength. Eliminate the "seven
~anagi!1g the body takes ching conserva- ills" to revive from illness; use the
~1~n as. its first task. When the clzing is full "eight benefits" to increase the ch'i. The
it mevitably escapes; when it is dificient it old regain their strength, and the stroi~g
must be strengthened.7 The process of do not decline. The gentleman ch~cll:' in
supplem~nting loss must address itself to peace and contentment, eating. dnnk1n~,
t?e deficiency. Carry this out by first sit- and indulging his desires. The pores. ?f his
tm~ down together. The hips, buttocks, skin are fine and dense; the ch 1 and
nose, and .mouth each play their part in blood are full and abundant; and the
turn. Mov1?g back and forth, how can I body is light and agile. However, when
stop th~ chmg when it is about to escape? disease menifests within, it cannot be
There is a .fixed law governing deficiency controlled. He becomes sick, perspire~,
and repletion. Engage wisely and never and pants. He suffers internally and his
be careless ..If you do not harass and do ch'i is out of order· the condition is incur-
not ex.haust it, the sinews and bones will able. Suffering internal heat. he dri~ks
be swift and strong. Arouse8 the '". d.
. "9 d . Jd c
herbal infusions and applies moxibustl0!1
spnng an . nounsh yourself with her to improve his clz 'i; he takes tonic n~~di­
fragran.ce. W1th~raw slightly and pene- cines to help his exterior. However. II he
trate slightly; wait for fullness, this is the is excessive in sex, illness cannot be con-_
rule. When the three harmonious ch'i arc trolled and boils and swellings appear. If
ar?u~ed, [the penis] is sturdy and strong. the ch'i and blood are full and abundant.
W1shmg to regulate this, one must be hut the "nine orifices" arc not regulated
guarded 10 in one's speech, and then by and above and below not exercised. then
locking the "jade" during arousal, one boils and ulcers appear. Therefore,. b~
can become an immortal. skillfully employing the "eight bcncfl_ts
to eliminate the "seven ills.'' the ''tive
One arousal [without orgasm] and the ears illnesses" cannot manifest.
and eyes are sharp and bright.
These are the "eight bcnctlts":
Two arousals and the voice becomes clear.
Three arousals and the skin becomes The first is "regulating the ch 'i."
80 radiant. The second is "promoting saliva.··
The Han Classics Rediscovered
The third is "understanding the proper Passion without potency is called "incom-
time." petence."
The fourth is "storing clz'i." Panting and internal disorder during the
The fifth is "harmonizing the saliva." act is called "affliction."
The sixth is "stealing clz'i." Forcing oneself to engage in the act when
The seventh is "waiting for abundance." there is no desire is called "termination."
The eighth is "stabilizing imbalance." Performing the act in haste is called
These are the "seven ills":
These are the "seven ills." Thus those
The first is "blockage."
who are skilled at using the "eight ben-
The second is "leakage."
The third is "exhaustion." efits" to overcome the "seven ills" will
The fourth is "absence." find that the ears and eyes become sharp
The fifth is "affiiction." and clear, the body light and agile, and
The sixth is "termination." the clz'i of the sexual organs stronger.
The seventh is "waste." One enjoys length of years and lives in
constant happiness.
This is the method for practicing the There are two things that human
"eight benefits": beings fail to study: the first is breath and
Arise in the morning and sit up; straighten- the second is food. Failing these two, the
ing the spine, open and contract 12 the remedy is none other tha~ st.udy and
buttocks, pressing down. 13 This is called practice. Therefore, that which mcrea~es
"regulating the eh'i." life is food and that which decreases hfe
While eating and drinking, relax the but- is sex. For this reason, the sage follows
tocks; straighening the spine, contract the correct principles in the matter of sexual
buttocks and open the clz'i. This is called union. Thus,
"promoting the saliva."
First dally for your mutual pleasure, doing The first is "tiger roaming."
anything your heart desires. This is called The second is "cicada clinging."
"knowing the proper time." Beyond this, the third is "in~h '':'?rm."
Engage in the act while losening the spine, The fourth is "roe deer buttmg.
contracting the buttocks, and pressing The fifth is "locusts spreading." Rest from
down. This is called "storing ch'i." penetration.
Engage in the act without haste or rapidity, The sixth is "monkey squat." .
moving in and out harmoniously. This is Beyond this, the seventh is "toad m the
called "harmonizing the saliva." moon."
Withdraw, lie down, and have your partner The eighth is "rabbit bolts."
raise it. When it is enraged it should be The ninth is "dragonflies." . ,,
let go of. This is called "storing the ch'i." Beyond this, the tenth is "fishes gobbling.
Just before finishing, penetrate from the
rear, but do not move; absorb c/z 'i. press
The prccec d .mg are ca II e d th e "ter1 pos-
down, and still the body waiting patient-
ly. This is called "waiting for abun- tures."
Washing it when finished and resting when The first [refinement] is "promoting the
enraged is called "stabilizing imbalance." clz'i."
The second is "establishing the taste."
The precceding are called the "eight ben- The third is "regulating the joints."
efits." The fourth is ··e~ncouraging prosperity."
The fifth is "proper timing.·•
The sixth is "perfection of talent."
These are the "seven ills": The seventh is "slight movement."
Suffering pain during the act is called "in- The eighth is "waiting for fullness."
ternal blockage." The ninth is "ordering life."
Perspiring during the act is calkJ "external The tenth is "resting the body."
Engaging in the act without stopping is The preceeding are called the "ten refine-
called "exhaustion." ments." 81
Art of the Bedchamber

The first [of the "eight ways"] is called "ris- her heart. "Calming the movement"
ing high." means that she desires shallow penetra-
The second is called "lowering." tion. "Quivering" means that she has
The third is called "going to the left." achieved the greatest joy. These are
The fourth is called "going to the right." called the "eight observations."
The fifth .is called "deep penetration."
The sixth is .called "shallow penetration."
When the ch 'i rises and her face be-
The seventh is called "moving rapidly." comes hot, gently murmur to her. When
The eighth is called "moving slowly." her nipples become hard and she per-
spires, slowly embrace her. Wh~n. her
The preceeding are the "eight ways." tongue spreads and becomes lubnc10~s,
slowly press her. When secretions mms-
The "ten refinements" are now com- ten her thighs below, slowly hold her.
plete, the "ten postures" displayed, and When her throat becomes dry and she
the "eight ways" combined. Make physi- swallows saliva, slowly agitate her. These
cal contact after sunset so that the are called the "five signs" and the "five
perspiration does not escape. The ch'i ex- desires." When all the signs appear you
tends to the "blood gate"; suck and swal- may mount her.
low, swaying in front. This opens the If [the penis] is enraged but not large,
channels and loosens the sinews. Now it means that the skin is not yet aroused.
observe the "eight movements" to deter- If it is large but not hard, it means ~h~t
mine the location of her ch'i; understand the sinews are not yet aroused. If 1!. ~s
the "five sounds," which is later and which hard but not hot, it means that the ch I IS
earlier. not yet aroused. When the "three arous-
These are the "eight movements": als" have manifested you may penetr~1te.
The first exhaustion is when the [c/Hng]
The first is "joining hands." emitted is transparent and cold. The
The se~on? is "straightening the elbows." second exhaustion is when it has the od~r
The third is "calming the movement."
of rotten bones. The third exhaustion ~s
The fourt? is "extending the heels."
The fi.fth i~ "entwining thighs.,, when it is dry. The fourth exhausti01: IS
The s1xth 1s "quivering." when it is congealed. The fifth exha~st10.n
The seventh is "hooking from the .d ,, is when it is dry. The sixth exhaust10n IS
Th · h h · si e.
e e1g t is "hooking from above." when the ching is like millet or s<?q~hum.
The seventh exhaution is when 1t is ob-
These are the "five sounds": structed. The eighth exhaustion is whe.n ~t
The first is b.reathing from the throat. is oily. The ninth exhaustion is when_ it ~s
The second 1s panting. slimy. With the tenth exhaustion it :s
The third is moaning. brackish.1 4 When brackish, it once again
The fourth is exhaling air. becomes slippery and may [spontaneous-
The fifth is biting. ly] be emitted in the early morning.
Observe the "five sounds" to know her
The first [part of the female genitalia] is
heart; observe the "eight movements" to called "hairpin channel."
know her pleasure and openness. The second is called "scaling net rope."
"Joining hands" means that she de- The third is called "(?) gourd."
sires contact with her belly. "Straighten- The fourth is called "rat wife ...
ing her elbows" means that she desires The fifth is called "grain seed."
her upper body to be rubbed and scratch- The sixth is called "wheat teeth."
ed. ''Hooking from the side" means that The seventh is called "baby girl."
she desires her sides to be rubbed. "En- The eighth is called ''going back."
The ninth is called "what dwelling."
twining thighs" means that penetration is The tenth is called "red(?)."
too deep. "Extending her heels" means The eleventh is called "red (?)."
that penetration is not deep enough. The twelfth is called"(?) rock." 15
"Hooking from above" means that stim-
82 ulation from below has not yet reached Those who obtain this and refuse to Jet it
The Sui-Tang Classics Reconstructed
go only hasten the approach of death. "sealing net rope." When she exhales it
The pores become coarse; the waist and means that the voluptuous sweetness is
heart are destroyed; the lips become intense and she is beginning to experi-
completely white; and the perspiration ence pleasure. Whe she bites and her
flows all the way to the feet. The afflic- body quivers it means that she wishes not
tions of sexual exhaustion are legion. to be abandoned but continue for a long
Among the skills possessed by men, time. Therefore. the male belongs to
a knowlege of women is indispensible. yang that is external and the female be-
When one docs have a woman. only the longs to yin that is internal. The male
skillful arc equal to the task. Do not be should be rubbed on the outside and the
too generous nor too controlling; do not female should be rubbed on the inside.
be too taxing nor too apprehensive. One This is called the art of yin and yang,
must be slow and patient; one must be or the principle of male and female. If
gentle and sustained. If one acts as if one practices this without success, the
finished but not finished. the woman will fault lies in insufficient mastery of the art.
be greatly pleased. When she breathes The essence of dalliance is slowness. If
from her throat it means that being stimu- one proceeds slowly and patiently, the
lated below she emits yin and i; full of woman will be exceedingly joyful. She
yang. When she pants it means that her will adore you like a brother and love yo.u
ch 'i is rising and her countenance natural- like a parent. One who has mastered this
ly opens. When she moans it means that tao deserves to be called a heavenly gen-
her buttocks arc sore and she moves her tleman.



Introduction published in 1903, entitled Slwang-mei

ching-an ts'wzg-shu (Shadow of the dou-
With the exception of The Prescriptions ble plum tree collection). . .
of Su Nii, all the works in this section are The Tung flsiian tzu is n~)t l.isted. 1 ~
translated from reconstructions based either the Han or Sui dynastic h1stone~,
on fragments preserved in a Japanese first appearing in that ?f the T'a_ng, but 1 ~
compendium of Chinese medical litera- shows every sign of bemg one of the mo~
ture, the lshimpi5, compiled by Tamba intact texts in the /shimp6. Maspero attn-
Yasuyori between 982 and 984. The late butes the authorship to the seventh cen-
Ch'ing-early Repuhlican scholar Yeh Te- tury physician, Li Tung-hsiian, but van
hui (1864-1927) made the exciting dis- Gulik argues that the s~yle ai~d con~ent
covery that titles in the twenty-eighth sec- belong to the Six Dynasties ~en_od ( thlfd-
tion of the lslzimp6, "Fang-nci" (Art of sixth centuries). The Prescnptwns ?f ~u
the bedchamber), closely corresponded Nt"i, by contrast, is listed in the Sm_ bib:
to those listed in the History of the Sui liography but is not found in the ls~w~1po
bibliography, and concluded that these fragments. Yeh 's text of the Prcsc_npllo1~s
represented the survival of sexology clas- is taken from Sun Hsing-yen's Pmg-clzuz
sics long since lost in China from the Han kuan ts'w1g-slw, which in turn is based on
to the T'ang. Yeh included his recon- the T'ang work Wai-t'ai pi-ya? fa~1g ~1Y
structions of the lshimp6 sexology clas- Wang T'ao, who cites Chen Ch uan s Ku-
sics in a collection of rare works he saw chin tu-yen as his source. Yeh supple- 83

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