Homework: Exercise: 1

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Exercise:  1

1. I was making my dinner at 8 o’clock last night.

2. Joe and Sam were using the wrong textbook in the class yesterday.
3. Who was that guy you were dancing with at the party?
4. Paula was coming home from school when she saw an accident.
5. In 1999 my father was living in Dublin. That’s where he met my mother.
6. He was opening the box when he cut his finger.
7. This time last week, we were visiting my grandmother.
8. I was sitting at the back of the classroom so i couldn’t see the screen.
9. I was starting to do my homework when my friend sent me a message.

Exercise:  2

1. I switched-off the computer because it was making a strange noise.

2. My dad was listening to classical music when i arrived home from school.
3. We were playing video games when my mum said turn the volume down.
4. My cousin met his wife, Blanca, while he was living in Italy.
5. My little sister drew a picture while I was studying  for my French exam.
6. While they were to fix the computer, all the lights went out.
7. When we left school yesterday, it was pouring with rain.
8. When you saw Paul, he was wearing a black jacket?
9. I was trying to log on when the WIFI stopped working.
10. While Dad was printing an article, the printer ran out of paper.

Exercise: 3
1. I always keep some extra money in my bag in case of emergencies.
2. I'll read it tonight at home.
3. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
4. She grew up on a farm.
5. The information is at the top of the page.
6. I found my keys on the desk.
7. He is waiting at the entrance.

Exercise: 4

1. Mike has never had an accident and he has been driving for years. 
2. She had no idea it was so late because she hasn’t been watching the time. 
3. Have you been taking the medicine regularly, Mrs. Smith? 
4. They eventually found the dog after they have been looking for it all the night 
5. How long have your father been working for the company when he retired?

COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown has brought about a sense of fear and anxiety
around the globe. This phenomenon has led to short term as well as long term
psychosocial and mental health implications for children and adolescents
COVID-19 affects all of us, no matter how old we are. Like with everyone, not every
child reacts the same way. Some children might not be very concerned, whereas others
develop unpleasant feelings. Like adults, children also have different personalities and
levels of resilience, which affects their wellbeing. Some children might develop higher
levels of stress, feeling restless or grumpy. Some might develop anxiety and become
irritable, aggressive or scared. Depending on how long the situation lasts, feelings of
sadness or depression could appear, which could lead to social withdrawal or crying. All
these feelings can also display in physical reactions including stomachaches, headaches,
or loss of appetite.
to sum up , the impact of media can have a negative effect on children, just as it might
have on everybody. The continuous stream of reports and pictures of people who are
getting sick and even dying that children are seeing on TV, the radio, and social media
can lead to fear and anxiety.

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