Biology Study Guide

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Biology Study Guide

Sponges and Cnidarians

1. Sponges- simple invertebrates that live on the ocean floor

2. Cnidarians- simple invertebrates that have a mouth and a large central cavity
3. Tentacles- a long flexible appendages that surround the mouth of a cnidarian
4. Asexual reproduction- reproduction that requires only one parent to produce

 The simples kinds of invertebrates are sponges

 Sponges have hallow, saclike bodies made up of two layers of cells with a
jellylike layer between them. The body has a central cavity with one large
opening at the top
 Cnidarians have a digestive system in their cavity
 Cnidarians also reproduce sexually and asexually. An adult bell-shaped
female produces eggs cells. An adult bell-shaped male produces sperm
 Fragmentation- a piece of a sponge breaks off and eventually grows into a
new sponge
 Budding- a group of cells forms on the outer wall of a sponge’s body. The bud
grows larger and eventually break off from the parent to form a new sponge


1. Flatworms- worms that have a flat body and a distinct head and tail
2. Parasite- organism that lives on or in a host and harms it
3. Roundworms- smooth, tube-shaped worms that are pointed at both ends
4. Segmented worms- complex worms with bodies made up of many segments
5. Fission-type of asexual reproduction in which an organism splits into two
6. Regeneration- process by which an organism grows new parts to replace lost

 Three large groups: flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms

 All worms have three layers of tissue and an organ system
 Flatworms have a digestive cavity with only one opening at the end of the
 Most flatworms are parasites
 Roundworms and Segmented worms have a digestive cavity or tube that is
open on both ends
 Roundworms are the most common on the earth
 Segmented worms have a tube-within-a tube body plan
 The earthworm’s wastes enrich the soil, and its movement loosens the dirt,
making the area better for plant growth
 Flatworms reproduce asexually by fission
 Fission is when an organism splits in two
 Regeneration is the process of growing new parts to replace lost ones


1. Mollusk- invertebrate with a soft body, which is usually converted by one or

more hard shells
2. Visceral Mass- part of a mollusk body that contains the reproductive,
digestive and excretory organs
3. Mantle- fold of skin that wraps around and protects the visceral mass of a
4. Bivalves- mollusks that have two shells hinged together
5. Univalves- mollusks that usually have a single coiled shell
6. Cephalopods- mollusks that have either no shell or a small shell inside the

 Four main body parts: foot for movement, head that contain mouth and
senses, visceral mass, and the mantle
 Bivalves have wedge shaped foot
 Bivalves do not have heads
 Univalves have a large flat foot that ripples as the animal creeps forward
 Bivalves are filter feeders
 Univalves have a mouth and well developed digestive system
 Cephalopods have tentacles to catch and hold prey


1. Arthropods- animals with segmented bodies that have hard outer coverings a
jointed legs
2. Exoskeleton- hard out covering of an arthropod that protects and supports
the animal
3. Molt- to shed an old exoskeleton

 Arthropods make up the largest group of animals

 All share the following traits: segmented bodies, jointed legs, and hard outer
 Functions of exoskeletons: protect them from drying out, protect from injury,
and protect and support the soft inner parts of the animal
 Function of legs: Walking, swimming, hopping and grabbing food
 Arthropods reproduce sexually


1. Insects- arthropods with three pairs of jointed legs

2. Compound eye- eyes made up of many tiny lenses that can sense movement
3. Simple eyes- eyes than can sense only light and dark and cannot form images

 Advantages of compound eyes: very good at sensing movement, help catch

prey and keep insects safe
 Traits of insects: same basic body form, 3 pairs of jointed legs, and Antennae
 Insects are the only invertebrates that can fly

Other Arthropods

1. Arachnids-arthropods that have four pairs of jointed legs

2. Crustaceans- arthropods that have five pairs of jointed legs
3. Centipedes- arthropods that have one pair of jointed legs attached to most of
their body segments
4. Millipedes- arthropods that have two pairs of jointed legs attached to most of
their body segments

 Crustaceans eat by grinding up their food with their powerful jaws

 Crustaceans have separate male and female adults that produce sperm and
 Centipedes’ and Millipedes’ bodies are not clearly grouped into a head thorax
and abdomen


1. Echinoderms- spiny-skinned invertebrates that live in the ocean

2. Radial symmetry- body plan in which body parts repeat around an imaginary
line drawn through a central area
3. Tube feet – water-filled suction cups that are used in movement and in

 Echinoderms have an internal skeleton

 Echinoderms reproduce sexually
 Must include a portion of the central body part for regeneration to occur

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