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Effects of feeding the herb Borreria latifolia on the meat quality of village

chickens in Malaysia

Ali. A. Abbood,∗ Azhar Bin Kassim,∗ Hasan S. A. Jawad,†,‡,1 Yazid Abdul Manap,§,#
and Awis Qurni Sazili∗,¶,§

Dept. of Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University Putra Malaysia; † Dept. of Veterinary Preclinical
Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University Putra Malaysia; ‡ Dept. of Animal Production, Faculty of
Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq; § Halal Products Research Institute, University Putra Malaysia,
Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia; # Dept. of Food Science, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University Putra
Malaysia; and ¶ Institute of Tropical Agriculture, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

ABSTRACT An experiment was carried out to esti- cooking loss, and redness. The obtained result in this
mate the meat quality characteristics of village chickens study revealed a significance in the interaction of herb
(Gallus gallus) fed diets supplemented with dry leaves by sex in pH parameter and between herb and sex, herb
of Borreria latifolia (BL) used as a potential antioxi- by aging period, sex by aging period, and the herb by
dant source in chicken feed. In this study, 252 sexed sex by aging period interactions with regard to lipid
9-week-old village chickens with mean live body weight oxidation test. The second experiment was to estimate
of 1,525.4 g for males and 1,254.1 g for females were di- the effect of 3 different levels of BL on meat quality.
vided into 7 groups (each group 18 birds) for each sex Four groups were provided and involved: T1 (control),
represented in 2 experiments. The first experiment was basal diet without supplementation; T2, basal diet with
to evaluate the antioxidant activity of BL and the effect 1.5% of BL; T3, basal diet with 2% of BL; and T4, basal
on meat quality through a comparison with Rosmari- diet with 2.5% of BL. The result of this study showed
nus officinalis (RO); hence, 3 groups were conducted a significant effect (P < 0.05) of the dietary groups
and included: T1 (control), basal diet without supple- on redness value, sensory evaluation, and lipid oxida-
mentation; T2, basal diet with 1% of BL; T3, basal tion. A significant effect of sex on fatty acid profile and
diet with 1% of RO. T2 and T3 significantly affect pH lipid oxidation was detected in addition a significant
value, lipid oxidation, cooking loss, and overall accept- effect of postmortem aging period on redness, pH, ten-
ability compared to T1, while no significant difference derness, cooking loss, and lipid oxidation was noticed.
was observed between the dietary groups in respect of There was no significance in the interaction between
drip loss, color, tenderness, fatty acid profile, and meat herb and sex through pH test while a significance in
composition. Furthermore, a significant effect of sex on the interaction between herb and sex, herb × aging pe-
lipid oxidation, pH, yellowness, and fatty acid profile riod, sex × aging period, and herb × sex × aging period
was observed. There was no significant effect of sex on interactions with regard to lipid oxidation was found.
WHC, tenderness, lightness, redness, and sensory eval- It can be concluded that dietary supplementation of
uation. A significant influence of postmortem aging pe- BL improved oxidative stability and enhanced meat
riod was detected on lipid oxidation, pH, tenderness, quality.
Key words: Borreria latifolia, meat quality, village chicken, Rosmarinus officinalis
2017 Poultry Science 96:1767–1782

INTRODUCTION The striking procedures for lessening lipid oxidation of

meat utilize diets containing antioxidants. Currently,
Chicken meat has been recognized to have high sus- attention to natural antioxidants has expanded on the
ceptibility to lipid oxidation due to the high content of grounds that they are thought to be safer than scien-
polyunsaturated fatty acids (Igene and Pearson, 1979). tific antioxidants, and have more noteworthy applica-
Lipid oxidation in meat brings about the disintegra- tion potential for consumer acceptability and time span
tion of flavor, color, aroma, quality, and nutritive value. of usability of meat products (Kang et al., 2008; Park
and Kim, 2008).
Plant phenols show in vitro antioxidant activity, act-

C 2017 Poultry Science Association Inc.
ing to reduce lipid peroxidation as chain-breaking to
Received May 6, 2016.
Accepted January 4, 2017. scavenge free radicals (Proestos et al., 2006; Miguel,
Corresponding author: 2010). Along these lines, they can assume a defensive


part aimed at unsaturated lipids in food against oxida- Table 1. Experimental groups of the research.
tive damage (Couladis et al., 2003). Oxidative deterio-
Experimental groups
ration is the major non-microbial element in charge of
value crumbling in foods (Descalzo et al., 2005). Previ- First experiment Second experiment
ous studies have demonstrated that the negative result T1 Grower diet (control) T1 Grower diet (control)
of lipid oxidation in chicken meat was decreased by uti- T2 Grower diet + 1% of BL T2 Grower diet + 1.5% of BL
lization of diets containing natural antioxidants such as T3 Grower diet + 1% of RO T3 Grower diet + 2% of BL
T4 Grower diet + 2.5% of BL
a mix of medicinal herbs and grape pomace (Goñi et
al., 2007; Jang et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2009) which are BL: Borreria latifolia
RO: Rosmarinus officinalis
common antioxidants rich in polyphenols. Several herbs
have been specified as good antioxidants such as rose-
water access in addition to daily cleaning for drinkers,
mary Rosmarinus officinalis (RO), garden thyme Thy-
feeders, and feces trays. The first experiment involved
mus vulgaris, oregano Origanum vulgare, olive leaves
108 birds (UPM-bred village chickens) were assigned to
Olea europea L., sage (Salvia officinalis) and similar
3 groups (for both sexes) consisting of grower diet as T1
herbs (Rahal et al., 2014). Among many kinds of herbs,
(control), grower diets plus 1% of herb BL as T2, and
Borreria latifolia (BL) is an annual herb and a mem-
grower diets plus 1% of herb RO as T3 (Table 1). The
ber of the Rubiaceae family, which develops as a pre-
second experiment included 144 birds (crossbred village
vailing weed on waste ranges and/or agricultural fields.
chickens) divided into 4 groups containing grower diet
It originated from tropical America and was ordinarily
as control T1, grower diet plus 1.5, 2, 2.5% of BL as
dispersed in India, Southeast Asia, and Malaysia. Bor-
T2, T3, and T4 respectively (Table 1). The chemical
reria alata, Borreria scaberrima Bold, Spermacoce lat-
composition for the herbs and the experimental groups
ifolia Aubl are synonyms for BL. The widespread uses
is presented in Tables 2, 3, and 10 respectively.
of Borreria species in traditional medicine have resulted
The study protocol was evaluated and approved
in considerable chemical investigation of the plants and
by the Faculty’s Ethics Committee for animal use
their active principles. The main groups of constituents
(approval certification No R080).
in Borreria latifolia are iridoids and terpenoids (Con-
serva and Ferreira, 2012). However, there is a dearth
of information and published scientific data on the ef- Slaughtering and Sampling
fects of BL on meat quality as feed supplementation in
chicken diet. Therefore, the main goal of the current re- According to the Halal slaughter procedure as out-
search was estimating the effect of feeding BL on meat lined in the MS1500: 2009 (Department of Standards
quality of village chicken in Malaysia. This aim was Malaysia, 2009) 10 birds per group were slaughtered
achieved by comparing BL with RO in the first exper- at a slaughtering house in the Faculty of Agriculture,
iment. Furthermore, evaluating 3 different levels of BL University Putra Malaysia. After removing the feathers
in the second experiment. with a plucker machine, the pectoralis muscle of slaugh-
tered birds was removed and stored at 4 ◦ C for 1, 3, and
5 d to evaluate the changes in meat parameters during
MATERIALS AND METHODS the post-mortem period. Moreover, samples were taken
from the pectoralis muscle to measure the drip loss (DL)
Plant Material
percentage at d 0. Breast samples were utilized for as-
Samples of herb BL and RO (only the leaves) were sessment of the meat composition, water holding capac-
collected from the nearby areas of University Putra ity, meat color, tenderness, pH value, fatty acid (FA)
Malaysia at Ladang 2 and Ladang 10. Herbs were oven- profile, lipid oxidation, and sensory evaluation.
dried at 60 ◦ C for 48 h and ground to a fine powder.
Meat Analysis
Experimental Animals, Diets and Groups Meat analysis including the moisture, crude protein
Two experiments involving 252 9-week-old sexed vil- (CP), crude fiber (CF), ether extract (EE), and or-
lage chickens were conducted in this study. The experi- ganic matter (ASH) content were measured according
ments were carried out at the poultry research farm lo- to Association of Official Agricultural Chemists AOAC
cated at N 03.00551o E 101.7050o in the faculty of Agri- (1984).
culture, University Putra Malaysia (UPM). The village
chickens were randomly allotted to 7 groups for males Total Phenols Evaluation
and for females (each group 18 birds, 3 replicates, and
6 birds per replicate). All birds were reared by a semi- Tannin extraction was prepared according to the
intensive system, fed commercial grower diets for broil- Barman procedure (Barman, 2004). About 400 mg of
ers (for 21 d prior to slaughter) and distributed into wire ground meat was transferred into a test tube, and then
cages with 6 birds per pen (5’ × 4’ × 1.5’). The birds 40 mL diethyl ether including 1% acetic acid (v/v) was
were fed with experimental diets ad libitum with free added and mixed. After 5 min the supernatant was
Table 2. Chemical composition of Borreria latifolia and Rosmarinus officinalis.

Herbs Chemical composition


BL 14.22 ± 0.01 29.45 ± 0.32 28.44 ± 0.03 2.16 ± 0.06 8.43 ± 0.03 48.52 ± 0.45
RO 17.56 ± 0.02 19.40 ± 0.04 5.12 ± 0.02 15.40 ± 0.01 7.06 ± 0.01 45.24 ± 0.36
BL: Borreria latifolia; RO: Rosmarinus officinalis; DM: Dry matter; TPH: Total phenolic compounds; CP:
Crude protein; CF: Crude fiber; EE: Ether extract; ASH: Organic matter
The first experiment

Table 3. Chemical composition of dietary supplementation of Rosmarinus officinalis and Borreria


Treatments Feed composition


T1 90.24 ± 0.04 20.75 ± 0.7 3.23 ± 0.04 6.43 ± 0.45 7.52 ± 0.25 30.6 ± 0.15
T2 91.33 ± 0.02 22.32 ± 0.45 4.18 ± 0.03 6.15 ± 0.67 7.62 ± 0.32 46.7 ± 0.45
T3 92.35 ± 0.03 23.85 ± 0.36 3.99 ± 0.02 6.25 ± 0.38 7.85 ± 0.25 45.5 ± 0.23

T1: Grower diet as control; T2: Grower diet + 1% of BL; T3: Grower diet +1% of RO; DM: Dry matter; TPH:
Total phenolic compounds; CP: Crude protein; CF: Crude fiber; EE: Ether extract; ASH: Organic matter.

removed and 20 mL of 70% aqueous acetone was added sealed plastic bags. The samples were then cooked for
to the flask and sealed with cotton plug and well covered 10 minutes in a pre-heated water bath set at 80 ◦ C and
with aluminum foil. The flasks were put in an electrical after the internal temperature reached 78 ◦ C of the sam-
shaker for 2 h to complete the extraction. After shak- ples (stabbing temperature probe was used to monitor
ing the samples were filtered through Whatman filter the temperature), the samples were allowed to cool for
paper No 1 and reserved at 4 ◦ C until use. The total 10 min. Then, cooked samples were removed from the
amount of phenolic compounds was estimated based on water bath, equilibrated to the room temperature and
procedure of Makkar et al. (1993). Sample of tannin removed from the bags, and weighed again (w2). The
extract (50 μL) was taken and put in a test tube and percentage of cooking loss was measured as the differ-
950 μL of distilled water was added to make the total ence between the 2 weights divided by the initial weight
volume of 1.0 mL. After that, 0.5 mL of Folin-Ciocalteu and multiplied by 100 (Honikel, 1998).
reagent (FCR) was added and mixed by using electri-
cal shaking. Then, 2.5 mL of sodium carbonate solu-
tion (20%) was added and mixed by electrical shaking
and kept at room temperature for 40 min. At 725 nm Meat Color Measurement
in spectrophotometer, the optical density was recorded
and the concentration was evaluated from the standard A Color Flex spectrophotometer (Hunter Lab,
curve. Total phenol was evaluated as gallic acid (g/100 Reston, VA) was used to determine lightness (L∗ ), red-
g dry matter [DM]) equivalent. ness (a∗ ), and yellowness (b∗ ) values of breast meat
samples. Before using, a calibration for colorimeter
against black and white reference tiles was done. The
Drip Loss (DL) color values of samples (approximately 15 mm of thick-
ness) were measured after a 30-min blooming period
Fresh breast meat samples from each group were (AMSA, 2012) using illuminant D65 as a light source.
weighed and recorded as the initial weight (w1). Then
samples were stored in a chiller at 4 ◦ C. After 5 d of stor-
age, samples were weighed again (w2). The percentage
of DL was calculated and expressed as the percentage
of difference of sample initial weight and sample weight PH Determination
after 5 d storage divided by sample initial weight mul- PH value was determined by using a portable pH
tiplied by 100 (Honikel, 1998). meter (Mettler Toledo, AG 8603, Switzerland). The pH
meter was calibrated with standard buffers at pH 4.0
and then 7.0 at 25 ◦ C. After that, 0.5 g of crushed
Cooking Loss (CL) breast samples were homogenized (Wiggen Hauser R

Frozen samples were transferred from the −80 ◦ C D-500, Germany) for 20 sec in 10 mL ice-cold ddH2 O
freezer into a 4 ◦ C chiller to thaw overnight. After in the presence of 5 mm sodium iodoacetate (Merck
thawing samples were weighed and recorded as the ini- Schuchardt OHG, Germany) to prevent further glycol-
tial weight (w1) and placed in water-impermeable and ysis (Bendall, 1975).

Shear Force Determination was used to determine lipid oxidation in pectoralis mus-
cle. Minced breast samples weighed (0.2 g) into 200 μL
Meat tenderness was determined by using a Volod- ice-cold Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) and homog-
kovitch bite-jaw shear-force test. The analysis was enized for 20 seconds on ice. The homogenized samples
based on the mechanical force (kg) required to shear were transferred (100 μL each sample) to 1.5 mL mi-
the muscle fibers of a cooked meat sample. The eval- crocentrifuge tube. After that, 200 μL of ice cold 10%
uation of cooked meat tenderness was conducted us- TCA (Trichloroacetic acid) was added and incubated
ing the TA.HD plus R texture analyzer (Stable Micro for 5 minutes on ice. Then, samples were centrifuged
System, Surrey, UK). The equipment was calibrated at for 5 minutes at 14000 rpm. Later, 200 μL of each clear
5 kg for weight, 10 mm return distance for height and supernatant was transferred to a new labeled tube and
the blade speed was set at 10 mm/sec. Breast samples 200 μL TBA reagent was added to the tubes. Tubes
were prepared following the procedure described previ- were vortexed and incubated at 100 ◦ C for 60 min. Af-
ously by Sazili et al. (2005). The samples were cooked ter cooling tubes to room temperature, samples were
in a pre-heated water bath set at 80 ◦ C. The cooking vortexed, centrifuged and about 100 μL of each tube
lasted 10 min after a center temperature of the samples was loaded into wells of a clear flat-bottom 96-well
reached 78 ± 1 ◦ C. Then, cooked samples were removed plate. The optical density (OD) at 535 nm was directly
from the water bath, equilibrated to room temperature proportional to TBARS [μM malondialdehyde (MDA)
and transferred into a 4 ◦ C chiller overnight. From each equivalent] concentration in the sample.
of the cooked samples, at least 3 replicate blocks (1 × 1
× 2 cm) were cut parallel to the direction of the muscle
fibers. The average of all block values of each sample Sensory Evaluation
represents shear-force values.
Meat samples were cooked by using an ordinary
kitchen stove for 15 to 20 min in a pot of water to an in-
Fatty Acid Composition
ternal temperature of 77 ◦ C. The samples were allowed
FA profile of fat extracted from the meat samples to cool to 50 to 60 ◦ C for approximately 15 min at room
was determined by gas chromatography (GC) of methyl temperature and then cut into 2.5 × 2.5 cm cubes and
esters. Boron trifluoride/methanol was used for the distributed to the participants to evaluate the samples.
preparation of FA methyl esters (AOAC, 1984). About Fifty panelists comprising different students and staff
7 mL of chloroform methanol 2:1 (R&M Chemicals, Es- members from University Putra Malaysia were trained
sex, UK) was added to each sample (1 g) then shaken for sensory evaluation of meat samples. Each partici-
and vortexed for 1 min. Thereafter, 6 mL of normal pant evaluated 1 sample for each group for taste, aroma,
saline solution was added and the mix was shacken color, texture, and overall acceptability using a 9-point
(1 min) and vortexed (1 min). The mixture was cen- hedonic scale, where 1 = dislike extremely, 5 = nei-
trifuged at 3,000 rpm for 5 min. The lower layer was ther like nor dislike, and 9 = like extremely (Meilgaard
transferred to a cupped methylation tube (10 mL). Af- et al., 2007).
terwards, 100 mL of standard was added and then, the
lower chloroform phase was separated and evaporated
under a steady flow of pure nitrogen (Malaysia Oxy- Statistical Analysis
gen., Bhd, Malaysia) at 70 ◦ C. After sample drying, The experiments were of randomized completely
2 mL of 0.66 N of methanolic KOH (R&M Chemicals, blocked design (RCBD). Chickens were the experi-
Essex, UK) was added and the tubes were transferred mental unit in this study. All the data obtained in
to a water bath at 90 ◦ C for 10 min. Through heat- the present study were analyzed by SAS software 9.4
ing, tubes were shacken after 5 min and then, tubes (SAS, 2007). A comparison between the mean values
were cooled for 10 min and 2 mL of methanolic boron was done by using Duncan’s multiple range tests and
trifloride (Sigma Co., St. Louis, MO) was added to the P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. More-
tubes. Tubes were transferred after that to a water bath over, mean values and standard errors were adminis-
to be heated at 90 ◦ C for 20 min, cooled (10 min), and trated. Data on FA profile of the breast samples were
4 mL of ddH2 O, 4 mL of petroleum ether (Merck, Ger- subjected to 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) us-
many) was added to the tubes. Samples were shaken ing a model that included herb, bird’s sex, and herb by
and vortexed for 1 min, then centrifuged at 3000 rpm sex interaction as possible sources of variation. Addi-
for 10 min. The petroleum ether containing FA (upper tionally, data of meat quality attributes and lipid oxi-
layer) was transferred into 1.5 mL screw capped tube dation were also analyzed by 2-way ANOVA utilizing a
and stored at –20 ◦ C for gas liquid chromatography model that involved herb, sex, and post-mortem aging
analysis. period as well as the period by herb, herb by sex, pe-
riod by sex, and herb by period by sex interactions as
Lipid Oxidation (LO) variation sources. Moreover, the data of the total phe-
nolic compounds were analyzed by 1-way ANOVA with
A thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) a model that involved treatment as a potential source of
assay kit (DTBA-100 BioAssay Systems, Hayward, CA) variation.

RESULTS birds in groups T2, and T3 (Table 5). In addition, no

significant difference between pH value of T2 and T3
The First Experiment was detected. Moreover, a significant effect of sex on
pH values in pectoralis muscle was detected. The males
Chemical Composition of Meat Samples There showed higher pH value (5.95) than the females (5.86).
was no significant (P > 0.05) effect of the dietary sup- Additionally, significant effects of the post mortem pe-
plement on chemical composition in breast meat of riod on pH value in the breast muscle was found. At d
village chicken (Table 4). Furthermore, no significant 5, the pH value was the highest among the post-mortem
(P > 0.05) difference between males and females in CP, period, higher than pH values on d 1 and d 3 while no
CF, DM, ASH, and moisture was detected. However, a significant difference between pH values in d 1 and d 3
significant effect of sex on Ether Extract (EE) value was found. Furthermore, a significant sex by herb inter-
was detected in the females with a higher (P < 0.05) action was detected. However, there was no significance
fat content than males. In addition, there was no sig- in the interactions of herb by period, sex by period and
nificant interaction of herb by sex. herb by sex by period.
Muscle PH Value The pH value in breast muscle of Color No significant difference between dietary
birds from T1 was significantly lower than pH values of groups was found in lightness (L∗ ), redness (a∗ ), and
Table 4. Effect of dietary supplementations of Borreria latifolia (BL) and Rosmarinus officinalis (RO) on meat
composition of pectoralis major muscle in UPM-bred village chicken.

Meat chemical composition


Sex Males 26.60 24.11 24.99 3.53 74.99 0.55b

Females 24.70 23.27 24.16 3.75 75.83 1.61a
Pooled SEM 0.27 0.33 0.48 0.12 0.42 0.55
Treatments T1 23.78 23.16 24.16 3.09 75.83 0.58
T2 22.97 24.08 24.92 3.33 75.08 0.67
T3 24.19 23.83 24.66 3.38 75.33 0.50
Pooled SEM 0.16 0.22 0.46 0.53 0.15 0.23
P Herb 0.3452 0.8435 0.2346 0.1224 0.7652 0.5689
P Sex 0.2468 0.9983 0.4545 0.5566 0.1741 0.0233
P herb∗ sex 0.3256 0.8723 0.7123 0.9335 0.1257 0.6578

T1: Grower diet as control; T2: Grower diet +1% of B. latifolia; T3: Grower diet + 1% of R. officinalis; a–b Means with
different superscripts within the same column differ significantly (∗ P < 0.05), ns: P > 0.05; CP: Crude protein; CF: Crude
fiber; DM: Dry matter; ASH: organic matter; EE: Ether extract; SEM: Standard error of means.

Table 5. Effect of dietary supplementations of Borreria latifolia (BL) and Rosmarinus officinalis (RO) on the
means of pH, lightness, redness, yellowness, cooking loss, drip loss, and shear force of pectoralis major muscle in
UPM-bred village chicken.

Factors pH L∗ a∗ b∗ CL DL SF
a b
Sex Males 5.95 56.02 5.37 15.48 21.41 4.19 0.67
Females 5.86b 54.43 4.67 16.84a 22.33 3.43 0.72
Pooled SEM 0.26 0.93 0.12 0.24 0.61 0.15 0.23
b a
Treatments T1 5.86 55.31 4.62 16.31 23.03 3.89 0.82
T2 5.93a 54.82 5.02 16.62 21.14b 4.04 0.78
T3 5.95a 55.55 5.41 15.55 20.73b 3.50 0.88
Pooled SEM 0.45 0.16 0.34 0.25 0.27 0.33 0.44
Period Day 1 5.87b 55.31 5.79a 16.28 23.68a – 0.86a
Day 3 5.90b 55.66 4.94b 16.78 21.14b – 0.68b
Day 5 5.98a 54.7 4.32b 15.42 20.82b – 0.52c
Pooled SEM 0.35 0.87 0.64 0.56 0.37 – 0.28
P herb 0.0134 0.9657 0.4563 0.3241 0.0456 0.4653 0.8763
P sex 0.0266 0.7658 0.9235 0.0345 0.5647 0.2435 0.3344
P period 0.0447 0.2873 0.0388 0.4563 0.0031 0.6648 0.0232
P herb∗ sex 0.0023 0.6535 0.7761 0.3564 0.8263 – 0.6645
P herb∗ period 0.7483 0.7865 0.6578 0.5674 0.4452 – 0.5446
P sex∗ period 0.5689 0.3536 0.5467 0.4453 0.6731 – 0.1278
P herb∗ sex∗ period 0.9387 0.6574 0.6745 0.8823 0.5643 – 0.9453

T1: Grower diet as control; T2: Grower diet +1% of BL; T3: Grower diet + 1% of Ro; a–c Means with different superscripts
within the same column differ significantly (∗ P < 0.05), ∗∗ P < 0.01, ns: P > 0.05; L∗ : Lightness; a∗ : Redness; b∗ : Yellowness;
CL: Cooking loss; DL: Drip loss; SF: Shear force; SEM: Standard error of means

yellowness (b∗ ) values (Table 5). The L∗ , and a∗ val-

Means with different superscripts within the same column differ significantly (∗ P < 0.05), ∗∗ P < 0.01, ns: P > 0.05; SFA: Saturated fatty acids; UFA: Unsaturated fatty acids; MUFA:
Table 6. Effect of dietary supplementations of Borreria latifolia and Rosmarinus officinalis on fatty acids (FA) composition of pectoralis major muscle in UPM-bred village
ues in breast muscle were not affected by the sex where


there was no significant difference between their means
in males and females. In contrast, there was a signifi-
cant difference between females and males in b∗ values

with the females showing higher values than the males.


The redness value (a∗ ) was significantly affected by the

post-mortem period while L∗ and b∗ values were not af-
fected. At d 1, a∗ value was the highest, while there was



no significant difference between the values at d 3 and
d 5. Furthermore, in all the color characteristics (L∗ , a∗

and b∗ ) there was no significance in the interaction of


herb by sex, herb by period, sex by period as well as
their interaction (herb by sex by period).

Water Holding Capacity Cooking loss (CL) value


was affected significantly by the dietary groups in which

Monounsaturated fatty acids; PUFAn3: Polyunsaturated fatty acids n-3; PUFAn6: Polyunsaturated fatty acids n-6; SEM: Standard error of means.
T1 had the higher CL value when compared to T2 and



T3 while there was no significant difference between
T2 and T3 (Table 5). Moreover, there was a significant

effect of the post-mortem period on CL value. At d 1,



CL value was higher than d 3 and d 5 but there was
no significant difference between the means of CL in d

3 and d 5. Moreover, no significant difference between



the means of CL in males and females was found. The

Fatty acid composition

significance in the interactions of herb by sex, herb by

C18:0 C18:1n C18:2n C18:3n C20:4n C20:5n C22:5n C22:6n



period, sex by period, and their interaction (sex by herb
by period) were not found in this study.


T1: Grower diet as control; T2: Grower diet +1% of B. latifolia; T3: Grower diet + 1% of R. officinalis;
The dietary supplementation did not influence drip


loss (DL) value in pectoralis muscle of UPM-bred village 2.68
chickens and there is no significant difference between

0.6610 0.3556
0.0075 0.0378
0.5673 0.9220

groups T1, T2, and T3. In addition, no significant dif- 0.33


ference between males and females was detected and

also there was no significance in the interaction of herb




by sex (Table 5).

Tenderness (Volodkovitch Shear Force VSF)
0.4567 0.9369
0.7688 0.8771
0.9872 0.1998
The effect of dietary supplementation of BL and RO



on Volodkovitch Shear Force (VSF) value is shown in

Table 5. The dietary groups had no significant effect



on VSF value. T2 was slightly lower than T1 and T3

but not significantly different. Regarding the sex effect,

there was no significant difference between males and





females in VSF value and no significant effect of sex

on tenderness value in the breast meat was detected.
0.2563 0.2278 0.8893
0.3356 0.0135 0.6741
0.8553 0.7895 0.4569

However, there was a significant effect of post mortem




period on VSF. At d 1, VSF value was the highest com-


pared to d 3 and d 5. Increased aging time led to de-




creased VSF value (increased tenderness). Furthermore,

no significance in the interactions of herb by sex, herb




by period, sex by period and herb by sex by period was



Fatty Acid Profile The dietary supplemented groups

Female 1.05


of herb BL and RO had no effect on FA composi-

tion in pectoralis muscle of UPM-bred village chicken

meat (Table 6). No significant difference between the


dietary groups in all FA was found. Moreover, there

Pooled SEM

Pooled SEM

was no effect of sex on saturated fatty acid (SFA),

P herb∗ sex

unsaturated fatty acid (UFA), and UFA: SFA ratio,


P Herb
P Sex


while a significant difference between males and females


in monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), polyunsatu-

Table 7. The TBARS activity showed as mg MDA/kg meat of of sex on sensory evaluation was found between males
pectoralis muscles during post-mortem aging periods in UPM- and females. In addition, there was no significance in
bred village chicken fed dietary groups of Rosmarinus officinalis
the interaction of herb by sex.
and Borreria latifolia.

Lipid oxidation values

Factors Means The Second Experiment

Sex Males 2.36b Chemical Composition The effect of dietary sup-
Females 2.73a
plementation of different levels of BL on meat compo-
Pooled SEM 0.45 sition in pectoralis muscle of crossbred village chicken
Treatments T1 2.61a is shown in Table 10. There is no significant effect
T2 2.50b of the dietary supplement on chemical composition in
T3 2.53b
breast meat of village chicken. Moreover, insignificant
Pooled SEM 0.23
(P > 0.05) difference between males and females in
Period Day 1 2.21c chemical composition of breast muscle was observed ex-
Day 3 2.45b
Day 5 2.98a
cept for EE where the females exhibited higher value.
In addition, there was no significant interaction of herb
Pooled SEM 0.35
by sex (P > 0.05).
P herb 0.0035 Muscle PH Value The effect of the dietary sup-
P sex 0.0001
P period 0.0001 plementation of 3 levels of BL on pH value in pec-
P herb∗ sex 0.0011 toralis muscle of crossbred village chicken during the
P herb∗ period 0.0467 post mortem period was observed as shown in Table 11.
P sex∗ period 0.0051
P herb∗ sex∗ period 0.0134 There was no significant (P > 0.05) difference between
dietary groups in pH value as well as no significant (P
T1: Grower diet as control; T2: Grower diet +1% of B. latifolia; T3:
Grower diet + 1% of R. .officinalis; > 0.05) difference in the interactions of herb by period,
Means with different superscripts within the same column differ sex by period, herb by sex, and herb by sex by period
significantly (∗ P < 0.05), ∗∗ P < 0.01, ∗∗∗ P < 0.001, ns: P > 0.05; SEM: was noticed. Moreover, an insignificant effect (P > 0.05)
Standard error of means
of sex on pH values in pectoralis muscle was shown. Fur-
thermore, significant effect of the period (aging time)
rated fatty acid (PUFA), PUFA:SFA ratio, and PUFA on the pH value in the breast muscle was found. At d 1,
n-6:PUFA n-3 ratio (n6:n3) was found. The males ex- the pH value was the lowest through the post mortem
hibited higher MUFA and n6:n3 ratio while PUFA and period, lower than a pH value in d 3 and d 5 while no
PUFA:SFA ratio were higher in females than males. Ad- significant difference (P > 0.05) between pH value in d
ditionally, there was no significance in the interaction 3 and d 5 was observed.
of herb by sex in all the FA measured in this study. The Color The effect of dietary supplementa-
Lipid Oxidation (LO) Table 7 illustrates the result of tion of different levels of BL on color character-
LO in UPM-bred village chicken meat during storage at istics in the pectoralis muscle of crossbred village
4 ◦ C. TBARS activity estimated as mg MDA/kg meat chicken is shown in Table 11. No significant difference
of pectoralis muscle and a significant difference between (P > 0.05) between dietary groups was found in light-
the dietary groups was observed. T1 showed higher con- ness (L∗ ) and yellowness (b∗ ) values while a significant
centrations of MDA than T2 and T3 whereas no signifi- difference (P < 0.05) between dietary groups was ob-
cant difference between T2 and T3 was observed. More- served in redness value (a∗ ) whereas T4 had the highest
over, the male concentration of MDA was significantly value compared with T1, T2, and T3.
lower than the female. In addition, the concentrations Regarding the effect of sex on color characteristics,
of MDA were significantly affected by post-mortem ag- the L∗ , and a∗ values were not affected by the sex and
ing. At d 1, MDA concentration was lower than d 3 there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between
and d 5. At d 3, the concentration of MDA was higher their means in males and females. However, there was
than d 1 while d 5 was showed highest concentrations a significant difference (P < 0.05) between females and
of MDA. Furthermore, a significance in the interaction males in yellowness (b∗ ) value. The females showed
of herb by sex, herb by period, sex by period, and the higher values than the males. The redness value (a∗ )
herb by sex by period interaction was detected in this was significantly affected by the period (aging time)
study. while lightness and yellowness values were not affected.
Sensory Evaluation The effect of the dietary sup- At d 1, a∗ value was the highest while there was no
plementation of herbs BL and RO on sensory evalua- significant difference between values from d 3 and d 5.
tion of pectoralis muscle of UPM-bred village chicken is Furthermore, in all the color characteristics (L∗ , a∗ and
shown in Table 8. No significant difference was found b∗ ) there was no significance (P > 0.05) in the inter-
in taste, aroma, texture, and color. However, there was action of herb by sex, herb by period, sex by period as
a significant (P < 0.05) effect of the dietary groups on well as their interaction (herb by sex by period).
the overall acceptability. The higher score was noticed Water Holding Capacity The influence of dietary
in T2, followed by T3 and T1, respectively. No impact supplementation of 3 levels of BL on cooking loss (CL)

Table 8. Effect of dietary supplementations of Borreria latifolia (BL) and Rosmarinus officinalis
(RO) on sensory evaluation scores of pectoralis major muscle in UPM-bred village chicken.

Sensory evaluation scores

Factors Taste Aroma Texture Color Acceptance

Sex Male 7.40 6.41 7.01 7.06 7.03

Female 7.13 6.53 6.98 7.06 7.23
Pooled SEM 0.41 0.15 0.18 0.22 0.31
Treatments T1 6.6 6.37 7 7 6.4b
T2 6.6 6.47 6.97 7 7.5a
T3 5.9 6.57 7 7 6.9a,b
Pooled SEM 0.24 0.33 0.26 0.51 0.28
P Herb 0.7564 0.4463 0.4466 0.4653 0.0235
P Sex 0.5563 0.9587 0.3302 0.6611 0.1356
P herb∗ sex 0.7788 0.3564 0.8670 0.6657 0.6640

Grower diet as control; T2: Grower diet +1% of B. latifolia; T3: Grower diet + 1% of R. officinalis;
Means with different superscripts within the same column differ significantly (∗ P < 0.05), ns: P > 0.05;
SEM Standard error of means.

Table 9. Chemical composition of dietary supplementation of different levels of Borreria latifolia.

Treatments Feed composition


T1 90.24 ± 0.04 20.75 ± 0.7 3.23 ± 0.04 6.43 ± 0.45 7.52 ± 0.25 30.6 ± 0.15
T2 90.03 ± 0.05 22.98 ± 0.25 4.23 ± 0.06 6.14 ± 0.42 7.66 ± 0.32 47.5 ± 0.32
T3 90.15 ± 0.01 23.55 ± 0.22 4.35 ± 0.22 6.23 ± 0.33 7.85 ± 0.32 49.4 ± 0.25
T4 90.54 ± 0.03 24.76 ± 0.33 4.66 ± 0.16 6.34 ± 0.21 8.14 ± 0.33 55.9 ± 0.11

BL: Borreria latifolia; T1: Grower diet as control; T2: Grower diet + 1.5% of B. latifolia; T3: Grower diet +
2% of B. latifolia; T4: Grower diet + 2.5% of B. latifolia; DM: Dry matter; TPH: Total phenolic compounds; CP:
Crude protein; CF: Crude fiber; EE: Ether extract; ASH: Organic matter.

Table 10. The effect of dietary supplementations of different levels of Borreria latifolia (BL) on meat composition
of Pectoralis major muscle in crossbred village chicken.

Chemical composition


Sex Males 25.30 23.58 24.41 3.39 75.58 0.82b

Females 26.05 23.50 24.29 3.26 75.70 1.01a
Pooled SEM 0.84 0.26 0.46 0.56 0.56 0.12
Treatments T1 25.78 23.16 24.16 4.09 75.83 0.65
T2 25.22 23.41 24.25 3.42 75.75 0.78
T3 26.53 24.16 24.91 3.03 75.08 0.75
T4 25.17 23.41 24.08 2.77 75.91 0.49
Pooled SEM 0.88 0.41 0.62 0.34 0.22 0.14
P Herb 0.4567 0.2533 0.5667 0.3855 0.3546 0.4573
P Sex 0.7756 0.9110 0.3746 0.7723 0.9487 0.0132
P herb∗ sex 0.8876 0.2435 0.5563 0.2453 0.3226 0.4657

T1: Grower diet as control; T2: Grower diet +1.5% of BL; T3: Grower diet + 2% of BL; T4: Grower diet + 2.5% of BL;
Means with different superscripts within the same column differ significantly (∗ P < 0.05), ns P > 0.05; CP: Crude protein;
CF: Crude fiber; DM: Dry matter; ASH: organic matter; EE: Ether extract; SEM: Standard error of means.

and drip loss (DL) values in the pectoralis muscle of tionally, no significance in the interactions of herb by
crossbred village chicken is presented in Tables 11. CL sex, herb by period, sex by period, and their interaction
value was not affected by the dietary groups in which (herb by sex by period) was found in this study. The
no significant difference (P > 0.05) was observed be- dietary supplementation did not influence DL value in
tween the dietary groups when compared to control pectoralis muscle of crossbred village chicken. In addi-
diet. A significant effect of the period (aging time) on tion, no significant difference (P > 0.05) between males
the CL value was observed. At d 1, CL value was higher and females was detected. There was also no signifi-
than d 3 and d 5 but there was no significant difference cance in the interaction of herb by sex.
(P > 0.05) between the means of CL on d 3 and d Tenderness (Volodkovitch Shear Force) The ef-
5. There was also no significant difference (P > 0.05) fect of dietary supplementation of different levels of BL
between the means of CL in males and females. Addi- on VSF value in pectoralis muscle of crossbred village
Table 11. The effect of feeding different levels of Borreria latifolia (BL) on the means of pH value, lightness,
redness, yellowness, cooking loss, drip loss and shear force of Pectoralis major muscle in crossbred village chicken.

Meat parameters

Factors pH L∗ a∗ b∗ CL DL SF

Sex Males 5.87 54.39 5.34 16.29b 22.02 4.05 0.67

Females 5.86 54.48 5.26 17.61a 22.51 4.19 0.72
Pooled SEM 0.01 0.12 0.45 0.23 0.44 0.66 0.64
Treatments T1 5.86 55.31 4.62 16.30 22.83 3.89 0.75
T2 5.85 54.83 5.05b 16.57 22.58 4.20 0.72
T3 5.87 54.78 5.16b 17.07 23.74 3.98 0.70
T4 5.89 55.81 6.37a 17.85 21.91 3.91 0.71
Pooled SEM 0.09 0.47 0.34 0.03 0.25 0.40 0.22
b a a
Period Day 1 5.83 53.87 6.28 17.09 23.77 – 0.93a
Day 3 5.89a 54.64 4.78b 17.29 21.88b – 0.71b
Day 5 5.90a 54.80 4.85b 16.47 21.14b – 0.59c
Pooled SEM 0.13 0.72 0.57 0.18 0.46 – 0.26
P herb 0.8734 0.4657 0.0224 0.3456 0.2345 0.1133 0.4567
P sex 0.4235 0.3456 0.4567 0.0377 0.6671 0.7765 0.8810
P period 0.0310 0.5678 0.0034 0.4356 0.0243 0.4556 0.0112
P herb∗ sex 0.8813 0.9456 0.3456 0.5546 0.6678 – 0.5567
P herb∗ period 0.6375 0.8471 0.5674 0.8796 0.3465 – 0.8760
P sex∗ period 0.3564 0.8910 0.8476 0.6578 0.4452 – 0.5674
P herb∗ sex∗ period 0.3546 0.4567 0.5674 0.8765 0.7469 – 0.2338

T1: Grower diet as control; T2: Grower diet +1.5% of BL; T3: Grower diet + 2% of BL; T4: Grower diet + 2.5% of BL;
Means with different superscripts within the same column differ significantly (∗ P < 0.05), ∗∗ P < 0.01, ns: P > 0.05; L∗ :

Lightness; a∗ : Redness; b∗ : Yellowness; CL: Cooking loss; DL: Drip loss; SF: Shear force; SEM: Standard error of mean.

chicken is shown in Table 11. The dietary groups had no Furthermore, the concentrations of MDA were signifi-
significant (P > 0.05) effect on VSF value when com- cantly affected by period of aging time. At d 1, MDA
pared to control diet. Regarding the sex effect, there concentration was lower than d 3 and d 5. At d 3, the
was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between males concentration of MDA was higher than at d 1 while d
and females in VSF value which indicates no effect of 5 had the highest concentration of MDA. Furthermore,
sex on tenderness value in the breast muscle. However, there was a significance in the interaction of herb by
a significant effect (P < 0.05) of aging time on VSF was sex, herb by period, sex by period, and the herb by sex
observed. At d 1, VSF value was the highest compared by period interaction was detected in this study.
to d 3 and d 5. Increased aging time led to decreased Sensory Evaluation The dietary supplementation
VSF value (increased tenderness). Furthermore, there effect of different levels of BL on sensory evaluation
was no significance (P > 0.05) in the interactions of of pectoralis major muscle of crossbred village chicken
herb by sex, herb by period, sex by period and herb by is presented in Table 14. No significant difference
sex by period interaction. (P > 0.05) was found between groups in taste, aroma,
Fatty Acid Profile (FA) The dietary supplemented and color. However, a significant difference (P < 0.05)
groups of different levels of BL had no significant ef- between the dietary groups in texture and overall ac-
fect (P > 0.05) on FA profile in the pectoralis muscle of ceptability analysis was found. The highest score in
crossbred village chicken meat (Table 12). In addition, overall acceptability (7.63) was noticed in T4, whereas
there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between insignificant difference (P > 0.05) was detected between
males and females in SFA, UFA, and UFA: SFA ra- groups T1, T2, and T3. Similarly, the higher score in
tio, while the females showed higher (P < 0.05) values texture test was also shown in T4 while no signifi-
of PUFA, PUFA: SFA ratio than males. Moreover, the cant difference between T1, T2, and T3 was detected.
males exhibited higher (P < 0.05) means of MUFA and The influence of the sex on sensory evaluation was not
n6:n3 ratio than females. Furthermore, there was no found, and no significant difference (P > 0.05) between
significance of the interaction of herb by sex in all FA males and females was revealed. In addition, no signif-
measured in this study. icance in the interaction of herb by sex was observed.
Lipid Oxidation (LO) A significant difference
(P < 0.05) between the dietary groups was observed
(Table 13). T1 (control) showed the highest concentra- DISCUSSION
tion of MDA while T4 had the lowest concentration of The results of this study could not be comparable
MDA. In addition, there was no significant difference since Borreria latifolia has not been used as an an-
(P > 0.05) between T2 and T3. A significant effect tioxidant in chicken diets. Therefore, the discussion was
of the sex on the concentration of MDA was revealed. based on the secondary metabolites (the content of to-
The males had MDA concentration lower than females. tal phenolic compounds).

Dietary groups of RO and different levels of BL

Means with different superscripts within the same column differ significantly (∗ P < 0.05), ∗∗ P < 0.01, ns: P > 0.05; SFA: Saturated fatty acids; UFA: Unsaturated fatty acids; MUFA: Mono
had an insignificant influence on CP, CF, DM, ASH,


and moisture of the pectoralis muscle. This result was
in agreement with findings of Jang et al. (2008) who
demonstrated that adding a mix of medicinal herb

extract (MHEM) to broiler diets had no significant


1.73 effect on means of CP, CF, DM, ASH, and moisture
Table 12. Effect of feeding different levels of Borreria latifolia on fatty acid composition (mg/100 g) of pectoralis major muscle in crossbred village chicken.

of breast meat. Furthermore, supplementation of the

rapeseed meal in diets did not affect the chemical com-


position of turkey breast meat (Mikulski et al., 2012).
In contrast, a significant effect of bee pollen as a dietary


supplement on meat chemical composition for broilers



was detected (Haščı́k et al., 2013).

0.4566 Regarding pH value, no significant differences be-

tween dietary groups supplemented with 1% of BL and



1% of RO were observed, while T1 had a lower pH

T1: Grower diet as control; T2: Grower diet +1.5% of B. latifolia; T3: Grower diet + 2% of B. latifolia. T4: Grower diet + 2.5% of B. latifolia;
value compared to T2 and T3. The present result is



consistent with previous work of Chen et al. (2008),

who revealed that dietary supplementation of garlic el-
unsaturated fatty acids; PUFAn3: Polyunsaturated fatty acids n-3; PUFAn6: Polyunsaturated fatty acids n-6; Standard error of means.

evated pH value in pork meat. However, pH value was





not affected by the addition of 1.5, 2, or 2.5% of BL

in supplemented chickens compared to chickens in the

control group. Similarly, Symeon et al. (2014) indicated





that dietary supplementation of cinnamon oil did not

Fatty acid composition

influence the pH value of pectrolis muscle in broilers.

C18:0 C18:1n C18:2n C18:3n C20:4n C20:5n C22:5n C22:6n


Furthermore, the incorporation of oregano had no ef-



fect on pH values in chicken diets (Young et al., 2003).


With regard to meat color, diet supplemented with



1% of BL and 1% of RO had an insignificant effect on

all color characteristics of the pectoralis muscle. The
0.5885 0.8331
0.0092 0.0061
0.4450 0.3399

result obtained was in agreement with the earlier re-



sult of Chouliara et al., (2007) who demonstrated that

color parameters (L∗ , b∗ , and a∗ ) of breast muscle were


not influenced by the addition of oregano essential oil

to chicken diets. The current study revealed that the
0.2234 0.9911
0.5564 0.4767
0.9880 0.3452

addition of 1.5, 2, 2.5% of BL had no effect on light-




ness (L∗ ) and yellowness (b∗ ). This result was consis-

tent with previous work of Souri et al. (2015) who re-
ported that breast L∗ and b∗ was not significantly in-



fluenced by dietary groups of thyme (thymus vulgaris)


and satureja (satureja khuzestanica) ethanolic extracts




in broiler chicken. Moreover, L∗ values were around 55

and similar to lightness values reported by Battula et al.
0.6678 0.8897 0.4567
0.3456 0.8113 0.5500
0.4567 0.5676 0.3488

(2008), Schilling et al. (2008), and Corzo et al. (2009).




However, adding 2.5% of BL to the diet increased red-

ness (a∗ ) value. In line with this result, Young et al.




(2003), showed that a dietary oregano extract increased

a∗ in chicken meat compared to meat of the control




diet. It can be interpreted that dietary supplementa-

tion modifies the meat color by reducing hemoglobin

oxidation and activating mechanisms that modify the

Female 1.16


pigment distribution in the meat. Contrary to this re-

sult, dietary supplementation of garlic decreased L∗ , a∗ ,
and b∗ values in pork meat (Chen et al., 2008).


The drip loss (DL) percentage was not affected by di-

Pooled SEM

Pooled SEM

etary groups. The result of this study is in accordance


P herb∗ sex

with previous work of Young et al. (2003) who demon-


P Herb
P Sex


strated that addition of oregano to broiler diets had an


insignificant impact on DL value. Moreover, including

Table 13. The TBARS activity showed as mg MDA/kg meat of that feeding dietary supplementation of plant extract
pectoralis muscles during post-mortem aging periods in crossbred mixture reduced CL value when compared with control
village chicken fed dietary groups of different levels of Borreria
diet in pigs. The decrease in CL value can be attributed
to the increase in pH value in T2 and T3 compared to
Lipid oxidation values T1. The finding of this study showed the addition of 1.5,
Factors Means
2, 2.5% of BL did not affect CL value. Similarly, Jang
et al. (2008) reported that feeding diets with a mix of
Sex Males 2.33b medicinal herb extracts did not affect the CL value of
Females 2.72a
chicken breast meat during storage. Additionally, there
Pooled SEM 0.02 was no significant influence on CL of pigs fed green tea
Treatments T1 2.61a powder (Sarker et al., 2010).
T2 2.52b The outcomes in this study detected no significant ef-
T3 2.52b
T4 2.43c fect of dietary supplementations on Volodkovitch Shear
Pooled SEM 0.14
Force (VSF) value in pectoralis muscle. The obtained
result was in agreement with previous work of Tavárez
Period Day 1 2.20c
Day 3 2.47b
et al. (2011) who revealed that antioxidant inclusion
Day 5 2.90a in the chicken diets had an insignificant influence on
Pooled SEM 0.35 VSF in the breast muscle. Moreover, Janz et al. (2007)
demonstrated that feeding pigs with oregano essential
P herb 0.0123
P sex 0.0001 oils did not affect VSF value. In contrast, dietary sup-
P period 0.0013 plementation of ginger extract decreased the VSF value
P herb∗ sex 0.0034 (increased tenderness) in buffalo meat (Naveena and
P herb∗ period 0.0022
P sex∗ period 0.0091 Mendiratta, 2004).
P herb∗ sex∗ period 0.0432 The current study indicated that the dietary supple-
T1: Grower diet as control; T2: Grower diet +1.5% of B. latifolia; T3: mentations of RO and different levels of BL had negli-
Grower diet + 2% of B. latifolia; T4: Grower diet + 2.5% of B. latifolia; gible impact on the FA composition of the breast mus-
Means with different superscripts within the same column differ cle. This result is in accordance with earlier findings of
significantly (∗ P < 0.05), ∗∗ P < 0.01, ∗∗∗ P < 0.001, ns: P > 0.05; SEM:
Standard error of means. Smet et al. (2008) who mentioned that supplementation
of dietary antioxidant (including natural tocopherols,
grape seed, green tea, rosemary, and tomato extracts)
60 g/kg of rapeseed meal in turkey diets had no effect on did not affect the FA composition in broilers. Further-
the DL percentage (Mikulski et al., 2012). Conversely, more, insignificant effect of the herb mixture on FA
higher DL value in pectoralis muscle was found after composition was reported in pigs (Grela, 2000; Paschma
feeding diet included oxidized oil in broilers (Zhang et and Wawrzynski, 2003). On the other hand, the addi-
al., 2011). tion of rapeseed meal to turkey diets contributed to
The dietary supplementation of 1% of BL and 1% of an increase in PUFA concentrations in meat (Mikulski
RO decreased cooking loss (CL) value in breast muscle et al., 2012). Moreover, dietary supplementation of
compared to control diet. This result was similar to thyme oil decreased the SFA content in the breast of
that of Kolodziej-Skalska et al. (2011) who indicated broilers (Bölükbaşi et al., 2006).

Table 14. Sensory scores of Pectoralis major muscle samples in crossbred village chicken fed different
levels of Borreria latifolia (BL).

Sensory evaluation scores

Factors Taste Aroma Texture Color Acceptance

Sex Male 7.45 6.43 6.73 7.05 7.17

Female 7.10 6.56 6.93 7.05 7.25
Pooled SEM 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.001 0.01
Treatments T1 6.71 6.22 6.71b 7.2 6.5b
T2 6.92 6.57 6.69b 6.8 6.7b
T3 6.62 6.52 6.56b 7 6.35b
T4 6.64 6.67 7.37a 7.2 7.63a
Pooled SEM 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.02 0.12
P Herb 0.9822 0.6758 0.0123 0.4559 0.0345
P Sex 0.7726 0.8113 0.6770 0.9901 0.7190
P herb∗ sex 0.4367 0.4456 0.2389 0.2558 0.9711

T1: Grower diet as control; T2: Grower diet +1.5% of B. latifolia; T3: Grower diet + 2% of B. latifolia; T4:
Grower diet + 2.5% of B. latifolia;
Means with different superscripts within the same column differ significantly (∗ P < 0.05), ns P > 0.05; SEM:
Standard error of means.

In the present study, the dietary supplementation of FA composition and LO of pectoralis muscle was no-
1% of RO and 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5% of BL significantly ticed. The present study detected no significant differ-
decreased MDA concentrations compared to the con- ence between groups of males and females in CP, CF,
trol diet. At the same level of addition (1%), made no DM, ASH and moisture. This result is in agreement
significant difference between the BL and RO in the with previous work of Sartowska et al. (2014) who re-
antioxidant activity while feeding a diet supplemented ported no significant effect of sex on the means of CP,
with 1.5, 2, and 2.5% of BL revealed a significant dif- CF, DM, ASH, and moisture in breast meat of Japanese
ference between the added levels with regard to antiox- quail. Additionally, insignificant effect of sex on CP,
idant activity. The obtained result of this study showed CF, DM, ASH, and moisture in broilers was reported by
no significant difference between groups that included López et al. (2011). Conversely, a significant difference
1.5 or 2% of BL, whereas addition of 2.5% of BL had between males and females in protein and fat content
the lowest MDA concentration in pectoralis muscle. Low has been reported in broilers (Bogosavljević-Bošković
level of MDA concentration consequently extended shelf et al., 2015). The obtained result of this study showed
life of the meat. The reduction in MDA concentrations a significant difference between males and females in
was due to the higher content of phenolic compounds EE value with the females showing a higher value than
in the supplemented diet compared to control. This re- males due to the higher fat content in breast of females
veals indirect evidence that these antioxidants could be compared to those of males.
absorbed and enter the systemic circulatory system af- Insignificant effect of sex on pH value in pectoralis
ter ingestion. Finding of the current study is in agree- muscle was observed. Similarly, Wheeler et al. (1999)
ment with previous work of Lopez-Bote et al. (1998), and Ngoka et al. (1982) found no significant influence
who indicated that addition of sage and rosemary essen- of sex on pH value in breast muscle of turkeys. In con-
tial oil extract to the diet decreased the lipid oxidation trast, Yates et al. (1976) reported that the pH value in
of broiler meat. Moreover, the extract of grape seed male birds was higher in than female birds. Lightness
(rich in polyphenols) could play a role as antioxidant (L∗ ) and redness (a∗ ) values were not significantly af-
in chicken diets (Brenes et al., 2010). Additionally, di- fected by the birds’ sex. This result was in agreement
etary supplementation of dried guava leaves improved with findings of De Marchi et al. (2005) who detected
the antioxidant activity in broiler diet (Mahmoud et al., no significant influence of sex on L∗ and a∗ values in
2013). breast muscle of broilers. However, a significant differ-
The results from sensory evaluation test revealed that ence between sexes in b∗ value was found. The males
addition of 1% of BL had a significant influence on over- showed lower b∗ value than females. This result is con-
all acceptability of pectoralis muscle compared to con- sistent with findings of Lonergan et al. (2003) and Sirri
trol diet. High score was related to group involving BL et al. (2010) who reported that males had lower b∗ value
which reflects more preference while, no significant dif- than females in the pectoralis muscle of broilers. Due
ference was detected between groups in respect of taste, to higher subcutaneous fat, females exhibited higher
aroma, texture, and color. Furthermore, adding BL at b∗ value than males (Fletcher, 1992). Additionally, the
levels of 1.5, 2, and 2.5% showed an insignificant ef- correlation between fat content and sex effect was doc-
fect on taste, aroma, and color. On the other hand, a umented (Havenstein et al., 2003).
significant difference between groups in overall accept- The drip loss value did not significantly differ among
ability and texture was detected. The higher score was males and females. This result is consistent with pre-
recorded in group that included 2.5% of BL in both vious findings of Zollitsch et al., (1997) who revealed
texture and overall acceptability test. These outcomes that no significant effect of sex on DL value in the breast
agree with earlier work of Jang et al. (2008) who docu- meat. Moreover, Musa et al. (2006) detected that WHC
mented that feeding broiler chicken with diet involving was not affected by bird sex in chickens. The finding of
dietary medicinal herb extract mix enhanced the ac- this study showed no significant effect of sex on CL
ceptability of the meat. Furthermore, addition of garlic value. The obtained result further supports the earlier
bulb and garlic husk to broiler diets resulted in more findings of Lopez et al. (2011) who found no signifi-
desirable texture in sensory evaluation test (Kim et al., cant difference between sexes in CL value in pectoralis
2009). Increasing overall acceptability could be related muscle of broiler chicken. In contrast, lower CL was ex-
to the antioxidant activity of the phenolic compounds hibited by males rather than females in pectoralis major
that would have minimized the protein and lipid oxida- muscle (Lyon et al., 1983).
tion which improved the meat quality. However, feeding A significant difference between males and females in
different levels of a mixture of 6 herbs did not affect the shear force value was not observed. This result agrees
tenderness, juiciness, aroma, and palatability of pork with previous work of Schneider et al. (2012) who re-
longissimus muscle of pigs (Grela, 2000; Janz, 2007). ported that there was no significant effect of sex on ten-
Regarding the sex effect on meat quality parameters, derness value. Several researchers have indicated that
no significant difference was detected between males there is no significant difference between males and fe-
and females in CP, CF, DM, ASH, moisture, pH value, males in tenderness value in breast of broilers (Lyon
WHC, tenderness, and sensory evaluation. Meanwhile, and Wilson 1986, Poole et al., 1999; Northcutt et al.,
a significant difference between sexes in respect of EE, 2001; and López et al., 2011). Conversely, breast fillets
of females had more tender meat than those of males in period (1, 3, and 5 d). The highest value of a∗ was no-
broilers (Lyon et al., 1992, and Musa et al., 2006). The ticed at d 1 whereas no significant difference was noted
difference between all the results can be attributed to between the values at d 3 and d 5. Similarly, Vignola
the difference in age, type of muscle, and the strain of et al. (2009) found that a∗ value decreased during the
chicken used. aging time in lambs. Same findings were reported by
The investigation on the effect of sex on FA composi- Wulf et al. (1995). Redness decline may be attributed
tion revealed that a significant difference between sexes to accumulation of met myoglobin pigment through the
in some FA was detected. Similarly, findings of Rondelli aging time period (Kannan et al., 2001).
et al. (2003) revealed that there is a significant influ- A significant effect of aging time on CL value was
ence of sex on the FA profile in commercial broilers. revealed. At d 1, CL was higher than d 3 and 5. This
The result obtained from this study showed a higher increase of CL was due to the low pH value at d 1 com-
value of MUFA was exhibited in males whereas PUFA pared to d 3 and d 5. The result was consistent with
was higher in females than males due to higher C20:4n, findings of Dickens and Lyon, (1995) who indicated that
C20:5n, C22:5n, C22:6n FA. Conversely, higher value of CL from broiler breast meat decreased when aging time
C20:4n was noticed for males than females in the FA was increased. Other researchers found that CL value
profile of wild duck (Lestingi et al., 2004). Additionally, increased with an increase of aging time (Northcutt et
this study explained that oleic acid had a higher value al., 2001; McNeal and Fletcher, 2003). However, no sig-
in males than females, which is the same result of De nificant effect of aging time on CL in the breast of broil-
Marchi et al. (2005) who reported that oleic acid was ers was documented (Liu et al., 2004; Souza et al., 2005;
greater in males than females in breast muscle of the Mehaffey et al., 2006).
Padovana chicken. Other FA was not influenced by the The obtained result of this study emphasized the
sex factor. In the current study, result of FA composi- effect of aging time on the VSF value in which an
tion displayed a significant effect of sex on n6:n3 ratio. expansion of aging time decreased VSF (increase in
The males exhibited higher n6:n3 ratio than females. tenderness value). At d 1, VSF indicated the highest
Contrary to all the findings above, insignificant effect value, whereas at d 5 was the lowest. Similarly, Thielke
of sex on FA profile in 3 different wild birds was found (2005) found that tenderness was improved (VSF was
(Nuernberg et al., 2011). reduced) through aging time increasing in the breast
LO value in pectoralis muscle was significantly af- of broiler. Similar finding was published by Northcutt
fected by the sex factor. The males exhibited lower con- et al. (2001). Moreover, a positive effect of aging time
centrations of MDA than females. The higher concen- on tenderness value was observed in goats (Teixeira et
tration of MDA in females could be attributed to the al., 2011). It has been reported that increasing aging
higher fat content of females. Holcman et al. (2003) re- time improved myofibrillar tenderness attributes of beef
ported a significant effect of sex on meat quality with steaks (Huff and Parrish, 1993). The significant effect
females having higher fat compared to males of the of aging time on tenderness value was related to the ef-
same age. Another possible effect that increased MDA fect of the enzymatic processes during storage at 4 ◦ C.
concentration in females is the high content of PUFA, Hence, the tenderization was a result of the postmortem
particularly, C22:6 n-3, C22:5n-3, and C20:5 n-3 FA proteolysis process. In the present study, an increase of
which have a tendency to raise the rates of oxidation LO value through increasing post-mortem aging was
(Cosgrove et al., 1987). However, no significant effect detected. The highest value was at d 5 followed by d 3
of sex on concentration of MDA in meat of lambs was and d 1 respectively. The result obtained in the present
recorded (Simitzis et al., 2008). Regarding the sex in- study is in accordance with findings of O’Neill et al.
fluence on sensory evaluation, no significant difference (1998), Ahn et al. (1995), and Lopez-Bote et al. (1998).
between males and females was observed. The obtained In contrast, no significant impact of postmortem aging
results were in agreement with the findings of Lopez et on LO after 7 d of storage at 4 ◦ C was found (Jensen
al. (2011) who reported no significant effect of strain et al., 1995).
and sex on sensory evaluation and compositional char- In this study, the using of 2 types of village chickens
acteristics of broiler meat. Due to the similarity of the can provide a preliminary platform to observe the meat
meat composition, consumers are unable to detect the characteristics in these 2 types of village chickens.
differences in the mentioned attributes.
The postmortem aging period had a significant influ-
ence on pH value, a∗ , CL, VSF, and LO. PH value at d CONCLUSION
1 was significantly lower than d 3 and d 5 whereas there
was no significant difference between pH values at d 3 This current study was aimed at investigating the
and d 5. This may be due to glycolysis (after slaugh- potential antioxidant activity of Borreria latifolia (BL)
tering) taking place to produce lactic acid as a result of and the influence of dietary supplementations of BL
glycogen dissociation which reduces meat pH (Cañeque, on meat quality in village chicken in Malaysia. Deter-
1989). The influence of post-mortem aging period on L∗ mining the effect of dietary supplementation of BL on
and b∗ values was not recorded while, a significant dif- meat quality emphasized a partial positive impact in-
ference between a∗ values was observed during aging volved in enhancing some of the meat quality proper-

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