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Because of its compactness and simple structure, notched function is achieved to reject worldwide interoperability for
there may be many applications may exist in microwave (even microwave access, WLAN, and X-band signals. The multimode reconfig-
terahertz) systems. urable band-notched characteristic is realized by integrating four
switches onto the TS-TSIR and the PSLR. Simulated and measured
results show that this antenna, with multimode reconfigurable character-
istics and dual band-notched function, can operate from 2.7 to 12 GHz
This research was supported by Basic Science Research Pro- (VSWR<2), which includes the entire UWB band. This antenna main-
gram through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) tains omnidirectional radiation patterns that is suitable for UWB appli-
funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology cations. V
C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett

(2012R1A1A1041888). 56:570–574, 2014; View this article online at

DOI 10.1002/mop.28152
1. V.G. Veselago, The electrodynamics of substances with simultane- Key words: ultrawideband antenna; dual band notch antenna; reconfig-
ously negative values of e and l, Sov Phys Usp 10 (1968), 509–514. urable antenna; T-shaped stepped impedance resonator; parallel stub
2. R.A. Shelby, D.R. Smith, and S. Schultz, Experimental verification loaded resonator
of a negative index of refraction, Science 292 (2001), 77–79.
3. G.V. Eleftheriades, A.K. Iyer, and P.C. Kremer, Planar negative
refractive index media using periodically L–C loaded transmission
lines, IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech 50 (2002), 2702–2712. 1. INTRODUCTION
4. A. Lai, C. Caloz, and T. Itoh, Composite right/left-handed transmis- Since the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) allocated
sion line metamaterials, IEEE Microwave Mag 5 (2004), 34–50.
the frequency band 3.1–10.6 GHz for commercial ultrawideband
5. A.B. Kozyrev and D.W. van der Weide, Nonlinear wave propagation
(UWB) systems, UWB radio techniques have been widely stud-
phenomena in left-handed transmission line media, IEEE Trans
Microwave Theory Tech 53 (2005), 238–245. ied both in industry and academia [1–4]. As one of the key
6. H. Kim, A.B. Kozyrev, and D.W. van der Weide, Linear tunable components of the UWB systems, antennas with wide band-
phase shifter using a left-handed transmission line, IEEE Microwave width, compact size, and omnidirectional radiations, have been a
Wireless Compon Lett 15 (2005), 366–368. hot topic and have attracted much attention in recent years. A
7. A.B. Kozyrev, K. Hongjoon, A. Karbassi, and D.W. van der Weide, number of UWB antennas have been reported and investigated
Wave propagation in nonlinear left-handed transmission line media, for meeting these purposes mentioned above [2–4]. However,
Appl Phys Lett 87 (2005), 1–3. there are some existing narrow-band systems over the desig-
8. H. Kim, A. Kozyrev, A. Karbassi, and D.W. van der Weide, Com- nated UWB frequency band, such as worldwide interoperability
pact left-handed transmission line as a linear phase-voltage modula-
for microwave access (WiMAX) operating at 3.4–3.69 GHz,
tor and efficient harmonic generator, IEEE Trans Microwave Theory
WLAN operating at 5.15–5.35 GHz, and X-band satellite com-
Tech 55 (2007), 571–578.
9. K. Krishnamurthi, E. Boch, R.G. Harrison, A Ka-band planar tripler munication systems working at 7.7–8.5 GHz, which may inter-
based on a stacked symmetric InP heterostructure-barrier varactor, fere with the UWB systems. To mitigate the potential
In: IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vol. interferences, a lot of UWB antennas integrated with single or
2, Orlando, FL, 1995, pp. 549–552. dual band-notched characteristics have been reported and are
10. J. Min, S. Cho, H. Kim, Y. Kim, K. Lee, D. Kim, H. Yune, U. well designed [5–11]. Most of these band-notched characteristics
Hong, Design for frequency tripler using novel band-pass filter with are realized by etching various slots either in the radiation patch
low insertion loss, J Korean Inst Commun Sci 31 (2006), 1031– or in the ground plane. The etched slots will leak electromag-
1036. netic wave, which deteriorates the radiation patterns. To circum-
11. C. Baer and T. Musch, A passive 8 to 24 GHz frequency tripler
vent above shortcomings, some band-notched UWB antennas
based on microstrip line circuits and schottky diodes, In: 2010 Asia-
are proposed by using integration with parasitic strips [9] and
Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings (APMC), Yokohama,
Japan, December 7–10, 2010, pp.164–167. stubs [10]. Although these UWB antennas can achieve good per-
formance, they can only be used as band-notched antennas. To
remedy this defect, designing a band-notched UWB antenna
C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
with reconfigurable function is desirable and attractive.
Recently, several reconfigurable band-notched UWB antennas
A COMPACT CIRCULAR SLOT UWB are studied [11, 12], but most of them have either one reconfig-
ANTENNA WITH MULTIMODE urable notch band or one reconfigurable mode [11].
RECONFIGURABLE BAND-NOTCHED In this article, an effective method is utilized to design a
CHARACTERISTICS USING RESONATOR miniaturized UWB antenna with multimode reconfigurable dual
AND SWITCH TECHNIQUES band-notched characteristics, which has six reconfigurable
modes and can have two notch bands either both at WiMAX
Yingsong Li,1 Wenxing Li,1 and Qiubo Ye2 band and X-band or both at WLAN band and X-band. By inte-
Department of Information and Communications Engineering, grating a two-stage T-shaped stepped impedance resonator (TS-
Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001, China;
TSIR) inside the circular ring radiation patch and by etching a
Corresponding author:
Communications Research Centre, 3701 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, parallel stubs loaded resonator (PSLR) into the CPW transmis-
Canada K2H 8S2 sion line, two notch bands are achieved. To realize the multi-
mode reconfigurability, four ideal switches are integrated into
Received 21 June 2013 the TS-TSIR and the PSLR. By controlling the states of the
switches, the proposed antenna can be used either as a dual
ABSTRACT: In this article, we propose a circular slot ultrawideband band-notched UWB antenna, or as a single band-notched UWB
(UWB) antenna with multimode reconfigurable dual band-notched char- antenna, even as a UWB antenna. To verify the design, two
acteristics. By using a two-stage T-shaped stepped impedance resonator antennas with all the switches ON or OFF are fabricated and
(TS-TSIR) and a parallel stubs loaded resonator (PSLR), dual band- measured. In this study, the presence of a metal bridge

570 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 56, No. 3, March 2014 DOI 10.1002/mop
Figure 1 Geometry of the proposed multimode reconfigurable dual band-notched UWB antennas (a) antenna 1 and (b) antenna 2. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

represents ON state and the absence of a metal bridge represents W8 5 1 mm, W9 5 1.2 mm, g 5 0.2 mm, g1 5 0.3 mm, g2 5 0.3
OFF state for designing the ideal switches [11–14]. mm, s 5 0.3 mm, R 5 11.6 mm, r1 5 6.6 mm, and r2 5 5.1 mm.


2. ANTENNA DESIGN To investigate the performance of the proposed antenna, the
The geometry of the proposed multimode reconfigurable dual band-notched characteristics and the multimode reconfigurable
band-notched UWB antenna is illustrated in Figure 1(b), which function are studied by using HFSS and are illustrated in Figure
is printed on a substrate with a relative permittivity of 2.65, loss 2. In this design, the band-notched characteristic is obtained
tangent of 0.002, and thickness of 1.6 mm. At the beginning, a from antenna 1, which is also the reconfigurable antenna with
dual band-notched UWB antenna is designed, which is denoted all the switches ON. It can be seen from Figure 2(a) that
as antenna 1, and is shown in Figure 1(a). Antenna 1 consists of antenna 1 without the TS-TSIR and the PSLR is a UWB
a circular wide slot in the CPW ground plane, a radiating patch antenna with an impedance bandwidth of 9.3 GHz, which ranges
of circular ring shape, a TS-TSIR inserted inside the circular from 2.7 to 12 GHz. In this case, antenna 1 covers the entire
ring radiation patch, a PSLR embedded in the CPW transmis- bandwidth from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz designated by FCC in 2002
sion line, and a CPW ground plane together with a 50 X CPW [1]. For the case of antenna 1 with only TS-TSIR, the proposed
feed structure. The 50 X CPW feed structure is comprised of a antenna is a band-notched UWB antenna with the notch at 3.5
CPW-fed transmission line with a width of W4 5 3.6 mm, and GHz WiMAX band, which can mitigate the potential interfer-
the gap g between the CPW-fed transmission line and the CPW ence from WiMAX communication systems. For the case of
ground plane is 0.2 mm. To render this dual band-notched antenna 1 with only PSLR, the proposed antenna is also a notch
antenna reconfigurable, four switches, namely switch-1 (SW1), band UWB antenna at X-band to reduce the interference from
switch-2 (SW2), switch-3 (SW3), and switch-4 (SW4), are used 7.7 to 8.5 GHz for satellite and military communication systems.
for implementing the states of these switches to design the pro- When the proposed antenna has both TS-TSIR and PSLR, it is a
posed multimode reconfigurable dual band-notched UWB UWB antenna with dual band-notched at 3.5 and 8 GHz, respec-
antenna, which is denoted as antenna 2 and is shown in Figure tively. This antenna can be used for suppressing the interference
1(b). To keep the symmetry and to achieve good radiation pat- from both the 3.5 GHz WIMAX band and the X-band.
terns, the SW3 and SW4 are turn ON or OFF simultaneously, Figure 2(b) shows the reconfigurable function of the pro-
which means these two switches can be implemented as one posed antenna, which is described as antenna 2 and is shown in
switch in this design. Figure 1(b). To implement the ON state of SW1, a strip line
The antenna model is constructed and simulated using com- with length of 1 mm and width of 0.6 mm is used to replace
mercial electromagnetic simulation software HFSS, and the final SW1. For designing the ON state of SW2, a strip line with
optimized parameters of the antenna are as follows: L 5 32 mm, dimensions of 0.6 3 0.3 mm2 is used, while for SW3 and SW4,
W 5 24 mm, L1 5 3.9 mm, L2 5 2 mm, L3 5 3.1 mm, L4 5 4.5 two strip lines with size of 0.5 3 0.3 mm2 are used. It has been
mm, L5 5 4 mm, W1 5 5 mm, W2 5 8 mm, W3 5 2.6 mm, found that antenna 2 with all the switches ON is a dual band-
W4 5 3.6 mm, W5 5 0.6 mm, W6 5 3 mm, W7 5 5.6 mm, notched UWB antenna with the desired notches at 3.5 GHz

DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 56, No. 3, March 2014 571
Figure 4 Comparison of the simulated and measured VSWR charac-
teristics of the fabricated antennas. [Color figure can be viewed in the
online issue, which is available at]

band including 4.915–4.945 GHz in Japan and 5.15–5.35 GHz

in Europe. When SW1 is ON and SW2, SW3, and SW4 are
OFF, antenna 2 is a UWB antenna with a single notch at 5 GHz
to reduce the interference from C-band and WLAN band. For
the case of SW1 OFF and SW2, SW3, and SW4 ON, antenna 2
has a notch band near 8 GHz, which can prevent the potential
interference from X-band satellite communication applications.
Antenna 2 with all switches OFF is a UWB antenna covering
the entire bandwidth designated by FCC. When SW1, SW2 are
ON and SW3, SW4 are OFF, antenna 2 is a band-notched UWB
antenna with a notch at 3.5 GHz WiMAX band. Another two
Figure 2 Performance of the proposed multimode reconfigurable dual reconfigurable modes with SW1 OFF and SW2 ON are not
band-notched UWB antennas (a) Band-notched characteristics and (b) included in this article, because these states can be controlled by
reconfigurable characteristics. [Color figure can be viewed in the online turning SW1 OFF. On the basis of the discussion of band-
issue, which is available at] notched characteristics and the reconfigurable functions, we can
conclude that the 3.5 GHz WiMAX notch band is generated by
WiMAX band and X-band. When SW1, SW3, and SW4 are ON using the TS-TSIR, and the 5 GHz WLAN notch band is
and SW2 is OFF, antenna 2 is also a dual band-notched UWB obtained by first stage of the TS-TSIR, while the X-band notch
antenna. However, the two stop bands are located at 5 GHz is realized by using the PSLR. The center frequency of these
WLAN band and X-band. In this case, antenna 2 can be used to notch bands can be controlled by adjusting the dimensions of
mitigate the interference from C-band (4.4–5 GHz), WLAN the TS-TSIR and PSLR.

Figure 3 Prototypes of the fabricated antennas (a) antenna 2 with all switches ON and (b) antenna 2 with all switches OFF. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

572 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 56, No. 3, March 2014 DOI 10.1002/mop
Figure 5 Radiation patterns of the fabricated antennas (a) E-plane radiation patterns of antenna 2 with all switches ON, (b) H-plane radiation patterns
of antenna 2 with all switches ON, (c) E-plane radiation patterns of antenna 2 with all switches OFF and (d) H-plane radiation patterns of antenna 2
with all switches OFF. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

To validate the simulation results obtained by using HFSS, the

proposed antennas with all switches ON and OFF are successfully
fabricated and measured, and the photographs of the fabricated
antennas are shown in Figure 3. The measured VSWRs of the fab-
ricated antennas are obtained by using Anritsu 37347D vector net-
work analyzer and shown in Figure 4 in comparison with the
simulation ones. We can see that the proposed antenna with all the
switches ON can operate from 2.7 to 12 GHz, except the two
notch bands (VSWR > 2) at 3.3–4.2 GHz for rejecting WiMAX
signals, and 7.7–9.2 GHz for rejecting unwanted signals from
downlink of X-band satellite communication systems and ITU 8
GHz band. The proposed antenna with all the switches OFF is a
UWB antenna having a bandwidth of 9.3 GHz, which covers the
entire UWB band. Although the measured and simulated results
agree well, there are some discrepancies that are mainly due to
fabrication tolerance and manual welding inaccuracies. Radiation
patterns of the fabricated multimode reconfigurable dual band- Figure 6 Gain of the fabricated antennas. [Color figure can be viewed
notched UWB antenna with all the switches ON and OFF at 3.2, in the online issue, which is available at]

DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 56, No. 3, March 2014 573
6, and 10 GHz have been measured and are shown in Figure 5. It WiMAX and WLAN, IEEE Trans Antennas Propag 59 (2011),
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notched characteristics and the reconfigurable function are imple-
C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
mented within a limited space, and the two notch bands are real- V
ized by using the TS-TSIR and the PSLR, and the multimode
reconfigurability is implemented by using four switches. Measured PLANAR DUAL- AND TRI-BAND
and simulated results show that the proposed reconfigurable UWB BANDPASS FILTERS USING SINGLE
antenna can reject the unwanted signals from WiMAX, WLAN,
and X-band by turning approximate switches ON and OFF. Addi-
tionally, it can be used as a conventional UWB antenna if desired.
Moreover, the proposed antenna has a compact size and could be Kai-Da Xu,1,2 Yong-Hong Zhang,1 Yong Fan,1
used for portable UWB devices to eliminate unwanted electromag- Joshua Le-Wei Li,3 William T. Joines,2 and Qing Huo Liu2
netic interferences and the design method could be conducive to EHF Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science, University of
the design of miniaturized UWB antenna with multiple band Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke
notches and multiple-mode reconfigurable antennas. University, Durham, NC 27708; Corresponding author:
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Institute of Electromagnetics, University of Electronic Science and
Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China
This work was partially supported by a grant from the National
Defense “973” Basic Research Development Program of China
(No. 6131380101). This article is also supported by the National Received 25 June 2013
Nature Science Fund of China (No. 60902014 and 51209055),
Nature Science Fund of Heilongjiang (QC2009C66). The ABSTRACT: A planar single improved dual-mode ring resonator
authors are also thankful to Hebei VSTE Science and Technol- loaded by four mushroom-shaped stubs based on a simple feed scheme
ogy Co., for providing measurement facilities. is presented for design of dual- and tri-band bandpass filters (BPFs).
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