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3dQPX) 8aP]³bWPaS[X]TYdSXRXPah
_a^_T[[X]VcWTbd_aT\T[TPSTa³b <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D
RXeX[XP]_^bXcX^]X]Pe^cTcWPc fter telephonic invite to
$,,06GLUHFWRU 4`gZU"*
attend an all-party meet
convened by Prime Minister
WXbc^ah ?& 'U*XOHULDFDOOVIRU :?:?5:2 Narendra Modi in the nation-
al Capital on June 24, the
mainstream Kashmiri leaders,
on Saturday claimed they are
D]XcTS=PcX^]b) 8]SXPWPb
ZLWKSRVLWLYLW\ #$('# not in a position to confirm
their participation in the
0bbT\Q[haTb^[dcX^]^] ?=BQ =4F34;78 340C7B)"'%%!" #$% absence of any formal invita-
<hP]\PabPhX]VXcbeXTfbWPeT tion and receipt of a clear
]^cQTT]aTU[TRcTSX]cWTSaPUc t a time when India is still A42>E4A43) !'&##''& agenda from the Centre. on board all the stakeholders invitation from New Delhi.
A recovering from the hor-
rors of the second wave of
&"("" Majority of leaders, who
publicly opposed the Centre’s
from the region to explore the
possibility of holding Assembly
Former Chief Minister and
PDP Chief Mehbooba Mufti in
X]e^[eX]V<hP]\Pa³b Covid-19 pandemic, AIIMS 02C8E4)&!$$ ! move to Abrogate Article 370 polls after the completion of the Srinagar said, “There is no
]TXVWQ^daX]VR^d]caXTbXb Chief Randeep Guleria has that stripped Jammu & Delimitation process. clear-cut agenda about the
X\_^acP]cPbcWTX]cTa]PcX^]P[ warned that third wave is <070)$(%"#!'( ! Kashmir of its special status in Apart from the Prime talks with New Delhi. However,
R^\\d]XchbcaXeTbU^a_TPRTUd[ inevitable in the next 6-8 weeks August 2019 and were detained Minister, the Union Home I have asked my party’s Political
aTb^[dcX^]^UcWTXbbdT ?& if people do not adhere to :´C0:0)!' ("%$' $ for several months, have Minister and some of the senior Affairs Committee (PAC) for a
Covid-appropriate behaviour. reportedly received an invita- Cabinet Ministers are sched- meeting to discuss the same.”
C4;0=60=0342834B However, the AIIMS must strictly follow Covid- ing behaviour being followed, :4A0;0)!&(&&#& !##" tion to join the parleys at the uled to attend the meeting. Chief spokesman of the
C>;85C;>2:3>F= Director was not in favour of “a appropriate behaviour such as all ideal conditions for the
C=)!# #%'' '"
highest level. Reports also revealed the party Syed Suhail Bukhari in a
7hSTaPQPS) 0UcTa^eTaP\^]cW national-level lockdown, saying wearing of masks and social coronavirus to spread like a fire. Cautiously responding to Centre was preparing ground recorded message confirmed,
^UX\_^bX]V[^RZS^f]RdaQbc^ that it “cannot be a solution” as distancing,” he said. Advising “As we have started unlock- the first such dialogue offer, for the said meeting for a long “PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti
34;78) #"! %' "$
RWTRZcWT2^eXS (bdaVTcWT it adversely affected the econ- the authorities that the moment ing, there is again a lack of some of the Kashmir-based time and had discussed the had received a call from the
CT[P]VP]P6^eTa]\T]cSTRXSTS omy which is still reeling under the positivity rate goes beyond Covid-appropriate behaviour. leaders claimed that at present contours of the political process Centre to attend the all party’s
restrictions imposed in the
past few months during various
5 per cent, area-specific lock-
down and containment mea-
We don’t seem to have learnt
from what happened between
5HOLJLRXVOHDGHUV there was no clear-cut agenda
for talks with New Delhi.
with some of the like-minded
leaders in advance before invit-
meet in New Delhi next week”.
He said the party chief had
phases of lockdown.
“Until a sizeable number of
sures should be implemented.
His caution comes amid
the first and the second wave.
Again crowds are building up...
WRVFRWFKUXPRXUV “Once we will receive a formal
invitation along with the agen-
ing them for the talks.
Responding to the offer of
convened a meeting of the
Political Affairs Committee of
9d[h  people are vaccinated, everyone easing of lockdown restric-
tions in various parts of the
people are gathering. It will take
some time for the number of
DERXWYDFFLQDWLRQ da of the talks then only we can
take a call to join the parleys,”
talks by the Centre several
Kashmir-based leaders claimed
to take a final call on whether
to attend the same or not.
country with people moving cases to start rising at the New Delhi: In an attempt to he said. they have so far received only Meanwhile, hours after

out on streets and roads in national level. Third wave is counter bigoted disinforma- The J&K units of the BJP a verbal invite and were still Mehbooba received an invita-
hoards ignoring all Covid inevitable and it could hit the tion against Covid19 vaccina- and the Congress are also like- looking forward to a formal tion from the Centre for talks
appropriate norms. There have country within the next six to tion, the Minority Affairs ly to be part of these discus- invitation to join the parleys in with State’s regional political
been photographs and videos eight weeks,” Dr Guleria said. Ministry will lauch “jaan hai to sions, which are being seen as New Delhi. parties, her uncle and senior

on various media showing “It all depends on how we go jahan hai” awareness campaign part of efforts to strengthen National Conference pres- leader of the party, Sartaj
crowds thronging the markets ahead in terms of Covid-appro- on June 21 in the rural areas normal political processes in ident Dr Farooq Abdullah on Madni, was on Saturday
and public places with no priate behaviour and prevent- with the help of Muslim, Sikh, the Union Territory. Saturday said they will sit and released from six-month-long

masks or casually tied on ing crowds,” he added. Jain, Christian, Parsi and The much-awaited meet- discuss the strategy to be fol- detention.
mouth with no social distanc- Continued on Page 4 Budhist community leaders. ing is being convened to bring lowed if they get the formal Continued on Page 4

0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78

rom spreading its tentacles

F to gaining ground in just a
few weeks, Delta variant of
Covid-19, first detected in
India, has now made deep
strain if it is not contained.
So far, over 44 per cent of
inroads into the UK, Germany
and the US besides a few other
the US population (146 million
people) are fully vaccinated.
developed countries. The US Government has a A0:4B7:B8=67Q =4F34;78
These countries had goal of vaccinating at least 70
recently claimed to “curb” the per cent of its adult population n the run up to the US
original virus. They are now
again on the edge as the Delta
with at least one dose by July 4.
But with several studies show-
troops withdrawal from
Pakistan’s covert
variant cases have started spi- ing that a second dose of vac- agency — the Inter-Services
ralling, keeping the authorities cine effectively shutting the Intelligence (ISI) — is report-
on their toes. door on the variant, public ed to be helping the Taliban to
“The Delta variant is well health officials are urging peo- forge an alliance with terror them in further onslaught.
on its way to becoming the ple not to delay the second groups Jaish-e-Mohammad The Taliban has reported-
dominant variant globally shot. 2aT\PcX^]RTaT\^]h^U[TVT]SPahb_aX]cTa<X[ZWPBX]VWfW^_PbbTSPfPh^]5aXSPh]XVWcSdTc^_^bc2^eXSR^\_[XRPcX^]bX]2WP]SXVPaW^]BPcdaSPh ?C8 and Lashkar-e-Tayyeba for a ly developed an understanding
because of its increased trans- According to health violent takeover of provinces in with the JeM and LeT for such

missibility,” Soumya experts, the variant is 50 per the war-torn country. attacks in Helmand and
Swaminathan, Chief Scientist cent more transmissible than The Taliban, along with the Kandahar provinces. While the
of World Health Organisation the original strain, engenders Pakistani terror groups, is cap- LeT is assisting the Taliban in
(WHO), said recently. Just last four times more hospitalisation turing weapons stores of the US Helmand, the JeM is operating
month, the WHO had termed risk, and can evade the first Army and opening its offices in in Kandahar.
the Delta variant as a “variant dose of vaccine. Government infrastructure like Recently, the LeT con-
of concern”. The UK too is grappling ?=BQ 270=3860A7 Sector 25 cremation ground in was fondly called, died on Minister Manpreet Singh school and hospital buildings ducted a mine blast in
The US too has classified with the vicious Delta variant. Chandigarh on Saturday. Friday night due to Covid-19 Badal, Har yana’’s Sports reconstructed by India. Helmand in which three per-
the Delta variant of the coron- According to reports, for the egendary “Flying Sikh” Milkha, who was 91, was related complications. Minister Sandeep Singh were The Pakistan Army is sons were killed and the
avirus as a “variant of concern”
saying that it now accounts for
first time in four months, the
UK recorded 11,007 Covid-19
L Milkha Singh, who died at
the PGIMER late on Friday
bid a tearful adieu in the pres-
ence of his family members and
His son and ace golfer Jeev
Milkha Singh lit the funeral
among the other dignitaries
who attended the last rites.
trained in operating the
American weapons, and the
Pakistani terror group had
claimed responsibility for the
10 per cent of Covid-19 infec- cases in 24 hours, driven main- night after a month-long bat- several dignitaries, including pyre. Punjab Governor and Prof Jagat Ram, Director of Taliban has found the role of attack which was later also
tions in America, fearing that ly by the Delta variant. tle with Covid, was cremated Union Sports Minister Kiren Chandigarh Administrator VP PGIMER where Milkha was JeM and LeT handy in both endorsed by the Taliban.
it may become the dominant Continued on Page 4 with full State honours at the Rijiju. “The Flying Sikh’’, as he Singh Badnore, Punjab Finance admitted, was also present. capturing such stores and using Continued on Page 4


t was the same stage where

Dhyan Chand.
A statue of Dhyan Chand
stands outside the stadium.
simple man, a sparse eater
who enjoyed “just a small drink
of whiskey” in evening.
I the first Asian Games were
held, called Ir win
But the place also deserves one
in honour of Milkha, who died
“How, of all people, did I
get this virus into me?” Milkha 2XRZ_dedaVTf]ReZ`_ Chief Minister. He also served
in key positions in the PMO
Amphitheatre before it became last Friday night aged 91, leav- is said to have asked after Modi became Prime
known as the National ing the track and field sport in Gurbachan. If it was a mystery `W4RSZ_VeSVceYZ_ Minister in 2014.
Stadium. Taking over the baton a state of shock. to Gurbachan, it was one also There was speculation that
as the third runner in the 4 x Hurdler Gurbachan Singh to the rest of the country. FA2<DYRc^RXVed Sharma might replace one of
400 metres relay of the first Randhawa, one of the Milkha’s Posted at Secunderabad the two Deputy Chief Ministers
Indo-Pak athletic meet, an contemporaries, who is after being rejected by Army 3;ADeReVGAa`de assisting Yogi Adityanath in the
event which was the idea of remembered as a finalist in the recruiters on three occasions, Government. At present Dr
India’s first Prime Minister 1964 Tokyo Olympics, is in a Milkha told this writer his ?=BQ ;D2:=>F Dinesh Sharma and Keshav
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru to state of disbelief. When last instructor there recommended Prasad Maurya are two Deputy
get people to forget the bitter- Randhawa spoke with Milkha, a princely allowance of C1 a day he speculation over the Chief Ministers in the
ness caused by the country’s
partition, a young Sikh runner
the latter had just ended his
routine jog at Chandigarh.
from the regimental funds to
meet his milk bill because he
T political future of former
IAS officer Arvind Kumar year and was elected as MLC
“With Sharma being made
overtook his Pakistani rival, “I can’t believe Milkha is dead,” would beat all others at cross- Sharma ended on Saturday the next day. Since then spec- vice-president his immediate
looked back challengingly as he said Gurbachan. country runs. “Ik rupaiya taan when Uttar Pradesh BJP pres- ulation was rife that he would elevation to Cabinet is ruled
flew past to give India a win- Appointed as deputy direc- bahut hunda si” (One rupee ident Swatantra Dev Singh be accommodated in the Yogi out as BJP’s constitution calls
ning lead before passing on the tor in Punjab Government’s was then a lot of money), appointed him as party’s UP Cabinet and be given an for one man one post. But it
baton to the fourth and last sports department by then Milkha explained. unit vice-president. important post. does not mean he can never be
runner. Chief Minister Partap Singh That he trained hard is Sharma, an MLC, is con- A Gujarat cadre officer made minister. Then, he will
A new sprinting star had Kairon, in recognition of his known to all who dropped in sidered close to Prime Minister hailing from Uttar Pradesh, have to resign from the party
emerged that day on the icon- 8]cWXb9d]T! (% UX[T_W^c^<X[ZWPBX]VWcWTUP\TS8]SXP]\XSS[TSXbcP]RT numerous achievements on at the National Stadium in Narendra Modi and had left the Sharma had long been one of post,” said Sanjay Dixit, BJP
ic track, now an artificial grass ad]]TabcPacbcWT#\TcaTbaPRTX]cWT9P]dbi:db^RX]bZX<T\^aXP[CaPRZP]S the track which are history, those days. civil service to join politics. He the trusted bureaucrats of Modi leader.
hockey pitch named after 5XT[S<TTcX]6X]FPabPf?^[P]S 0? Milkha is remembered as a Continued on Page 4 joined the BJP in January this since his tenure as Gujarat Continued on Page 4
=4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!!! UX[\bce!
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QTRPdbTfWX[TSP]RTabch_XRP[[hcT]Sc^U^Rdb R^]bXSTafWX[TSTbXV]X]VR^bcd\TbU^a[XeT
\^aT^]cWTR^]cT]c^UcWTXa_TaU^a\P]RTb _TaU^a\P]RTb
cWTR^bcd\TXbfWPcVaPQbcWTPccT]cX^]^U CWTcf^SPhf^aZbW^_fX[[U^Rdb^])
272>:=J R^bcd\TbPaTPRcdP[[hP_Pac^UPQWX]PhP± R^bcd\X]VU^aSP]RT
?VeW]Zi BRWTSd[TSU^a5aXSPhb9d]T 'P]S9d]T 3Ph!)2^bcd\TR[X]XR®0]X]cTaPRcXeT
Z_X+8`2jR_`9Zc`dYZERTYZ>RTYZ\`@_` !$cWTcf^SPhf^aZbW^_fX[[_a^eTc^QTP bTbbX^]fWTaTbcdST]cbRP]SXbRdbbcWTXa
Jf\ZjR<ZeR^fcR d]X`dT^__^acd]XchU^aPb_XaX]VSTbXV]TabP]S XSTPbP]SVTcb_TRXUXRX]_dcb^]cWTXaSTbXV]b
CReVU+&& "! SP]RTabc^[TPa]P]SVTcP]X]bXVWcX]c^cWT CX\T)%_\^eTaPI^^\RP[[
X]Sdbcah3XeXSTSX]c^cf^_PacbcWT 3daPcX^]) W^da
here have been movies that show how the PccT]STTbPaTbdaTc^QT]TUXcUa^\AP\P]³b 5TTb)C$

T Yakuza are a dreaded lot — the underworld
crime lords who run things and control
everything — from people’s lives to businesses. But F418=0A>=8=CA>E4ACBA4CA40C
filled with such articles where the long dead and gone. what is the reality? Do they still wield such power in
2^Rk`_AcZ^VGZUV` villagers have lynched a leopard that Balan plays the role of the the 21th Century? A Family, Japanese drama, fWT]8R^\\XccTSc^caP]bU^a\P]SVa^^\
Z_X+GZUjR3R]R_?VVcR[<RSZ entered the village or the death of an officer well. To see her play an through the eyes of Kenji Yamamoto aka Lil Ken \hbT[UfXcWWT[_^U\h\T]c^ab8R^d[SbTTP
GZ[RjCRRkDYRcReDRiV_R elephant because it entered human understated and somewhat of a yes (Go Ayano) takes the viewers on a journey of a boy \PbbXeTRWP]VTX]\h_Tab^]P[Xch
3cZ[V_UcR<R]R:]R2cf_>f\f] habitat. What is interesting about sir officer is strange though. Over who is taken in by the Yakuza and treated like family EXbWP[<P]^RWPf^aZTSX]?WX[X_b
4YRUUR Sherni is that instead of telling the the years, she has played some only to find himself in a world that has changed so ?Tab^]P[2PaT3XeXbX^]U^a\^aTcWP]bXg
CReVU+' "! story in a docu-style, Masurkar powerful characters like Sulu in much that there is no place for the Yakuza anymore hTPabX]c^BP[Tb[TPa]X]V\P]heXcP[! bc
decided to weave a story around it. Tumhari Sulu, Vidya Bagchi in — a world that now shuns them. RT]cdahbZX[[b5^[[^fTSQhUXeT_[dbhTPabPc
t is rare for Bollywood to make This means that there is bound to be Kahaani and Begum Jaan in Begum But it is more than just about the criminal family, 7PeT[[bSTeT[^_X]VcWTXa?Tab^]P[6a^^\X]V

I a film on animal-human
conflict. Rarer still is for it to
rope in mainstream actors to tell the
an instant connection in the minds
of the viewers.
Vidya Balan who plays Vidya
Jaan to name a few.
Her frustration and need to
change the system that will benefit
their honour and way of life. It is about Kenji’s journey
that began as a street punk to a trusted lieutenant of
the family; his conflict and need to avenge an attack
RPcTV^ahUa^\bRaPcRWc^C Ra^aTfWXRW
story. Therefore, Sherni directed by Vincent, a forest officer, helms this the animal and humans comes on his boss, his need to try and adjust to the changed =^fWTXb[XeX]VWXb_PbbX^]c^
Amit Masurkar is a refreshing film that shows the story from both across as stark and clear. So much world once he is out after serving 15 years behind bars caP]bU^a\X]ca^eTacP]SbWh_T^_[TQh
change even though the run-time of perspectives — the humans who so that the viewers will feel it too. and in the end feel his sadness when he finds that he Va^^\X]VcWT\c^cWTXa]TgceTabX^]
130 minutes is a bit long and have to make a living and the Vijay Raaz as a Professor who has lost all the honour that he once stood for. 8]9d[hWTfX[[QT_dQ[XbWX]VPQ^^ZPb
appears to drag unnecessarily. animal whose habitat is being cut studies moths lends a hand that Go Ayano plays his character well. His anger, a fT[[^]cWTbP\TbdQYTRcRP[[TS6a^^\c^cWT
Masurkar, the man behind films like into. Not to mention the politics that propels Balan’s character. Neeraj young street thug, his rise in the Yakuza, to finally find =TgcETabX^]^UH^dEc^E 
Newton, uses the ageold conflict of comes into play and in the end, it is Kabi, Sharat Saxena, Brijendra Kala, a family that he wanted only to find himself without =^fWTXbBRdQP3XeTaBZh3XeTaP]SP
animal-human rather beautifully — the animal that pays the price. Still Ila Arun and Mukul Chadda do a home, without criminal means and worst of all 9d\_Ta7T[^eTbRWP[[T]VX]VWX\bT[UfWT]Xc
in this case it is a tigress which is there is a silver lining — that Nature their bit even if their presence is in without his adopted family is palpable. R^\Tbc^]TfcWX]Vb8]cWXbfTQX]PaUa^\"

attacking the cattle and then and its creatures are resilient and fits and starts. At the end, A Family is a journey about a man’s need bcadVV[TSc^Tg_aTbb\hUTT[X]VbfXcW _\c^%_\c^SPhWTfX[[cP[ZPQ^dcCWaTT
humans. they were here before humans Over all, it is a movie that to have a family that he can call his own and this makes R^]UXST]RTU^a hTPab8fPbbWhP]S 1XVBTRaTcb^U6a^^\X]V^]TbT[UUa^\
Reading about this conflict is settled, will be there and continue to makes for an interesting watch. this film heartening to watch. X]ca^eTacX]]PcdaT8R^d[S]c^eTaR^\T X]ca^eTacbWh]PcdaTc^PfT[[Va^^\TS
common. Newspaper headlines are be here even though man would be °BWP[X]XBPZbT]P °BWP[X]XBPZbT]P cWTbTbcadVV[TbU^aP[^]V[^]VcX\T1dc R^]UXST]c_Tab^]P[Xch

C 4 ; ; H C 0 ; 4 ³CWXbX]SdbcahXbP[[PQ^dccWT
]CE³b4Z<PWP]PhPZ3a1A 4[PQ^aPcX]VUdacWTa^]cWTcaPRZ
0\QTSZPaeXTfTabWPeTfXc]TbbTS 9PVP]]PcW=XeP]Vd]T PZP AP\YXBPZ_P[ A>>?0;CH068fW^_[Phb1d[Qd[AP]Yd<XbWaPX]3P]VP[CEbAP]Yd:X
=XeP]Vd]TWPb_[PhTSP_a^\X]T]ca^[T T`dP[[hP]SP[fPhbX]bcX[[TScWTaXVWc 1TcXhPP]b_TPZbfXcWB70;8=8B0:B4=0PQ^dcW^fWTaRWPaPRcTaWPb
fX[[TSh^d]VQ^hfW^QT[XTeTbX] Te^[eTSWTaPRcX]VY^da]ThP]SRWTRZ[XbcU^aRW^^bX]V_a^YTRcb
VdXSTP]SVaTPc\T]c^ac^P[[WXb bcP]SX]VQhfWPcXbaXVWc>]cWT^cWTa
RWX[SaT]7TfPbX]bcad\T]cP[X] WP]S1P[PWPbV^^SX]cT]cX^]bQdcWXb QHow has your character evolved?
X]Rd[RPcX]VcWTX\_^acP]RT^UTSdRPcX^] a^dcTP]SPRcX^]bPaT]^cP[fPhbaXVWc8c Bulbul’s character has really evolved; right from
PbP\TP]bc^RWP]VT^]T³b [TPSbc^PR^]bcP]cUda^aTQTcfTT]WX\ the beginning — she was a hot-headed girl in college
RXaRd\bcP]RTbc^h^d]V1WX\aP^ P]SAP\YX\PZX]V1P[PQT[XTeTcWPc and beating up her step-brothers — to now
0PhdSW1WP]dbWP[XAP\YXbca^]V[h AP\YXXb]^cbd__^acXeT^UWX\P]S becoming a Minister’s bodyguard. The character
QT[XTeTS^]T\dbcbcP]Sd_U^afWPcXb P[fPhbbXSTbfXcW1WX\aP^1P[P³b is growing which is great for me; she has become
aXVWcTeT]X]cWT\^bcRWP[[T]VX]V ad]]X]VPfPhfXcWAP]X_dcbAP\YXX]c^ calmer because she is working and has a
bXcdPcX^]=^fAP\YXXb_dccWa^dVWP Pc^dVWb_^c[TPSX]VWX\c^cPZTPbcP]S responsibility on her shoulders. Even though she
R^\_T[[X]VRXaRd\bcP]RTUPRX]VP X]bd__^ac^U1WX\aP^aTbd[cX]VX] still harbours a dream of becoming a national
SX[T\\PP]SP]T\^cX^]P[cda\^X[c^ P[XT]PcX]VWX\UdacWTaUa^\1P[P :PXbT champion in wrestling, she is focused on earning
\PZTPc^dVWRW^XRTQTcfTT]bcP]SX]V PVPX]bcWXbb^]1P[P³bBPdS<P]bdaX P]SWXbUP\X[hX]PSXb_dcTSbXcdPcX^] ZPaTVTX]AP\YXXbRWd]PcXZPbPP\]P. for the family. She has definitely matured.
P]Sbd__^acX]VWXbb^]1P[P^aS^X]V STRXbX^]c^T[^_TfXcWAP]Xc^bPeTWTa fXcW<PWPaPYP]SWXbU^[[^fTab_^X]cX]V 7^ffX[[WTQTPQ[Tc^QaX]V1P[PQPRZ QWhat are some of the twists and turns that the
fWPcXbaXVWcTeT]XUXc\TP]bV^X]V Ua^\cWTPQdbXeT\PaaXPVT_dcbAP\YX UX]VTabPccWT\FWPcSTRXbX^]fX[[AP\YX ^]caPRZ.± show will take in?
For those who don’t follow the show regularly,
here’s a bit of a sneak peek. Shalu is kidnapped by
=470<0A30´BB42>=37><4 3>D1;4CA>D1;4 Rajvir. Will Bulbul be able to save her? Rajvir is
trying to get Shalu married off. Is she is going to
B_TPZX]VWXVW[h^UcWTaTRT]cVXUcbWTV^c ^__^acd]Xchc^Tg_[^aTP]S_dbW\h get married to Rajvir’s friend? These are some of
Ua^\WTa\^cWTaX][PfcWTPRcaTbbbWPaTb Q^d]SPaXTbP]STg_P]S\hW^aXi^]Pb the questions that will be answered in the coming
W^fX]SXUUTaT]cbWTfPbPQ^dcRPab P]PacXbc<hRWPaPRcTabPaTT]cXaT[h episodes. However, there is a lot more ahead with
X]XcXP[[h1dccWP]Zbc^WTaWdbQP]SWTa SXUUTaT]cUa^\TPRW^cWTaP]S8UTT[ plenty of twists.
U^]S]TbbU^a[TPa]X]VPQ^dcRPabWPb Q[TbbTSc^QTP_Pac^UcWTbW^f QFrom a choreographer to acting, how has the
X]RaTPbTS^eTacX\T fWXRWT]PQ[Tb\Tc^bW^fRPbT\h journey been?
0b=TWP<PaSPaTeTP[b)°8fPb]TeTa cP[T]cP]S_TaU^a\SXeTabTbWPSTb The journey was not easy; I would say it was
X]c^RPabQdccWP]Zbc^\hWdbQP]S]^f TeTahbX]V[TSPh8cXbWT[_X]V\Tc^ tough. Choreography was in film and I was
8Z]^fP[[PQ^dccWTaTRT]c\^ST[bP]S X\_a^eT\hbZX[[bPbXcXbeTah looking for acting I was looking at daily soaps right
cWTXa[Pd]RWTb7TXbPRPaPSSXRcP]SWT RWP[[T]VX]VU^a\TP]S8[^eTS^X]V from the start. It was an industry shift. There were
\PZTbbdaTc^RWTRZ^dcP[[cWT[PcTbc TgRXcX]VcWX]VbPbP]PRc^a± lot of struggles initially. I don’t know how many
\^ST[bP]SbcPhX]VfXcWWX\WPbPRcdP[[h 7XQP=PfPQcP[ZX]VPQ^dccWT auditions I gave, I was young, so I was being cast
cda]TS\TX]c^^]TPbfT[[=^c\P]h cTRW]X`dTbPXS)°5^a2?8S^\TcW^S for the younger sister. I wanted to play the central
_T^_[TZ]^fQdcQTU^aT8V^c\PaaXTS8 PRcX]VP]S\hcTRW]X`dTaT\PX]b character. However, the good part the struggle was
dbTc^SaXeTP2^a^[[P1dc\h\^cWTaX] bX\_[TcWPcXbc^ZTT_\hbT[UX]WTa for a short duration; I signed my first show as a lead
[PfVXUcTS\TcWXbQTPdcXUd[1<F"bTaXTb _[PRTP]SaTPRcPb8fX[[S^1dcU^a within eight months of quitting choreography.
RPafWXRWXbeTah_aTRX^dbc^\T]^f8] B^]hB01b9XYPYX2WWPc?Paa:^XX cWT\hbcTahVXa[2WP]SaP?aPQWP8 QYou have been in the industry for 15 years. The
UPRc\hbW^^cbRWTSd[TXbbdRWcWPccWTbT 7PX WPbRP_cdaTScWTX\PVX]PcX^]^U [XbcT]c^\h\PZTabSXaTRc^abP]S lesson you have not forgotten?
SPhb8b_T]S\^aTcX\TX]\hRPacWP]\h cWTUP]bP]S\P]PVTSc^T]cTacPX] RaTPcXeTcTP\c^X\_a^eT\h I have learnt that success and failure is a big part character was extremely stupid sort. I had to really
ITTCEb :hd]AXbWc^]<TX]:PccX W^dbT8cXbPUd]]hbRT]TQdcfWT] PdSXT]RTbfXcWXcbfT[[RaPUcTS Tg_aTbbX^]bP]S\PZT\hPRcX]V of this industry. A lot of people say this, but few switch off my brain to play her. I had lot of fun
1PccXWPbQTT]T]cTacPX]X]VXcbPdSXT]RT h^d³aTf^aZX]Va^d]ScWTR[^RZXcXb bc^ah[X]T=^c^][hWPeTcWT]TeTa QT[XTePQ[T± actually understand that failure is a big part in the playing this role. Bulbul is another role I am
cWa^dVWXcbX]cTaTbcX]Vbc^ah[X]TaTe^[eX]V ]TRTbbPahc^WPeTh^daRPafXcWh^dP[^]V T]SX]VWX[PaX^dbQP]cTabQTcfTT] BWPaX]VWTaTg_TaXT]RT^]W^f long run. If you don’t understand this, you will not enjoying.
Pa^d]ScWTX]]^RT]cf^a[S^Ucf^PS^aPQ[T fXcWP[[cWT]TRTbbPahbcdUUcWPc^]T]TTSb 9P[SXaP\bP]S9X]SP[bX]caXVdTS bWTQP[P]RTbcWTSXUUTaT]RTbbWTbPXS be able to survive here and want to quit. This QWhy do some characters become popular and
ZXSbAXbWXP]SA^[XfW^WPeTcTP\TSd_ c^RPaah± eXTfTabQdccWTbW^fWPbQTT] °CWTaTPaTb^\T_^X]cbfWXRW8ZTT_ industry is all about the journey, there is no others don’t despite hard work put in?
c^aTZX]S[TcWT[^eTQTcfTT]cWTXa_PaT]cb =TWPUdacWTaPSSTS)°FWT]TeTa8³\ ZTT_X]VcWT\W^^ZTSfXcWXcbb_^^Zh X]\X]Sc^RaTPcTPQP[P]RTQTcfTT] destination. Today, you may be successful, There is no thumb rule here. A lot of times,
P]SR^\_[TcTcWTXa²WP__hUP\X[h³ caPeT[[X]VU^a\hbW^^ccWTaTPaTRTacPX] T[T\T]cbVXeX]VP\dRW]TTSTSR^\XR cWTRWPaPRcTabcWTUXabc^]TQTX]Vcf^ tomorrow a failure. Life has been great since I people have loved extreme negative characters. Like
C^VTcWTacWThWPeTe^fTSc^QTcWTV[dT cWX]VbfWXRW8PQb^[dcT[hRPaahCWTRPaV^ aT[XTU>dc^UcWTbW^f³bRPbccWT SXUUTaT]c[^^ZbfWXRWXbaTP[[h understood this lesson. Komolika was a huge hit; people loved to hate her.
cWPcfX[[UX[[cWTRaPRZbcWPcWPeTSTeT[^_TS R^\_Pac\T]c^U\hRPaP[fPhbWPbcWaTT PdSXT]RTXbPS\XaX]V7XQP=PfPQPb X\_^acP]cP]SX\_PRcUd[bX]RTcWT QHow do you choose your projects? So, there is no formula that a particular role will
QTcfTT]cWTXa_PaT]cbBWdQaP=TWP [dVVPVTQPVbP[^]VfXcW "_PXab^UbW^Tb 2^]]PdVWc?[PRT2?bW^fTaX]VWTa bch[X]VU^aQ^cWcWTVXa[bPaTSXUUTaT]c There are three factors. First, the character work. I feel that if an actor is enjoying playing the
<PaSPP]S:d[STT_BXSSWPP]cWEXa P]SbTeTaP[^dcUXcRW^XRTbYdbcX]RPbT8 fXcW\PbbXeTP__aTRXPcX^]bP]S BTR^]S[hcWTXafPh^UaTPRcX]V\dbc being offered has to be strong in the show; this character, the audience understands that and the
BdaahPeP]bWXFWX[T=TWP<PaSPWPb WPeTc^PccT]SP]PfPaSUd]RcX^]^aP] bd__^ac QTSXUUTaT]cUa^\TPRW^cWTaFWX[T is extremely important for me at least for now. It character becomes popular, that’s my
QTT]^]WTac^Tbf^aZX]VSX[XVT]c[hPb TeT]c_^bc\hf^aZ0[b^cWTaTPaTb^\T 8]PRP]SXSR^]eTabPcX^]7XQP 2WP]SaP?aPQWPZTT_bcP[ZX]VX] may change as I grow as an actor. Second, I don’t understanding.
BWdQaPc^ZTT_cWTPdSXT]RTT]cTacPX]TS eTahQPbXRcWX]VbcWPc_T^_[T\XVWcUX]S =PfPQb_X[[TSQTP]bPQ^dcWTaS^dQ[T ch_XRP[7X]SXbWPhPaXb2?Xbc^SPh³b want to land up working all 30-31 days which is QWhat next?
WTabRWTSd[TXbbdRWcWPcbWTWPSc^cda] fTXaSQdc8[^eTc^RPaah\hRdbWX^]bTPa a^[TP]SR[PX\TSW^fWTa 3T[WXVXa[fW^dbTbb[P]VbX]WTa common with daily soaps. I want a healthy work- We are hoping for the second wave to ease. We
WTaRPaX]c^WTabTR^]SW^\T _^SbP]S\h_TaUd\T;PcT[h8³eTaTP[XbTS _TaU^a\P]RTWPeTQTccTaTSfXcW9XYPYX e^RPQd[PahP]SXbPUPbWX^]XbcP8PRc life balance. Three, we are all here for the money, have all been away from home and shooting under
=TWP<PaSPWPbQTT]caPeT[[X]VU^a cWPc8³\Ydbc[XeX]V\hSPhbX]\hRPaP]S 2WWPc?Paa:^XX7PX SXUUTaT]c[hU^aQ^cWcWTRWPaPRcTabP]S that is a factor as well. harsh conditions under the blazing sun for 12 hours
WTabW^^c^]PSPX[hQPbXbP]SWTaaTVd[Pa PccX\TbcWPc\PZTb\Tf^]STaW^f CP[ZX]VPQ^dcWTaS^dQ[Ta^[TbWT ZTT_\hbT[UQP[P]RTSc^T]bdaTcWT QA role that you loved doing. a day. But the cast and the crew are great. It makes
R^\_P]X^]XbWTabfP]Zh]TfRPa bcaP]VThTcUd]]hcWPcXb± bPXS)°8UTT[cWXbXbPUP]cPbcXR SXUUTaT]RTbPaTeXbXQ[T± It was Pari in Dill Mill Gaye back in 2009. I things a bit easy to deal with. We are looking
would like to believe that I am an intellectual. This forward to going home, that’s what is next.



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d]RZ_dVTfcZej`WWZTZR]d IRURQ)ULGD\ `_cYdYfYdiQd !(
BC055A4?>AC4A Q =4F34;78
BC055A4?>AC4A Q =4F34;78 first doses while 15,115 were C0A64CB4C5>A
T he Aam Aadmi Party
(AAP)-led Government
second doses. This brings the 68E8=6901C>
will provide an ex-gratia of C1
crore to the families of six secu-
Son enior Aam Aadmi Party
(AAP) leader Atishi stated
Saturday that Delhi have
tally of total doses administered
in Delhi to 64, 26,302.”
She also emphasised that
rity forces personnel who lost received 1.67 lakh doses of “It has been observed that 6DAD6A0<
their lives in the line of duty. Covishield on Friday for the 18 whenever Delhi has enough
Delhi Deputy Chief to 44 age group, now Delhi has vaccine supply for the 18-44 mega vaccination drive is
Minister Manish Sisodia on
Saturday announced that of the
2.95 lakh vaccines available
for the youth.
age group the vaccination
process speeds up, and when
A being organised on
Monday to give impetus to the
families of six security forces “There are 2 days of the vaccine stocks start dimin- vaccination campaign in
personnel, three belonging to Covaxin and 14 days of ishing the speed of the vacci- Gurugram. According to the
the Indian Air Force (IAF) Covishield available for the nation process also slows down health officials, this mega camp
two from Delhi Police person- youth, therefore we appeal to rapidly.” is being celebrated as “Tika
nel and one from the civil the youth of Delhi to book slots She also requested that, Utsav” by setting a target of
defence, will be provided with taken today. Assam and its wreckage was through the CoWin app and “The youth of Delhi must vaccinating 30,000 people by
the monetary benefits. There are six such families found in Arunachal Pradesh. get themselves vaccinated,” she come forward and book their the district Health Department.
“The Delhi Government who have lost their son while He was subsequently found added. vaccination slots through the “Gurugram ranks first
respects and honours the brav- they were performing their dead due to the crash, while he “8.46 lakh vaccine doses CoWin application. among 24 major cities of the
ery of every soldier in uniform duty to protect the nation. was performing his duty. He are available for above 45 years While they are stepping out country in providing anti-coro-
who risked their lives to pro- Three out of the six personnel had only been three months age category, we have 6 days to get their vaccine jab they navirus vaccine to its citizens.
tect people and the nation. In belonged to the Indian Air into his marriage,” he added. Covaxin and 58 days should also take along any BC055A4?>AC4A Q =4F34;78 Delhi has received vaccine In order to maintain this place
order to honour the bravery of Force, two personnel belonged Similarly, Flight lieutenant Covishield stock available for family member who is of age 45 stocks for youth two days back and save more and more peo-
our personnel, Chief Minister to Delhi Police and 1 was a Sunit Mohanty was on the this age group. On 18th June, and above and hasn’t been elhi reported 135 fresh and the speed of vaccination in ple from this epidemic, the
Arvind Kejriwal initiated finan-
cial assistance for personnel in
Defence Personnel,” he said.
Sanket Kaushik was ACP
same flight as Rajesh Kumar.
Mohanty was from Dwarka, he
77,345 people were given vac-
cine doses in Delhi, so far
vaccinated till now for their
vaccination as well.” “For now
D cases of the coronavirus
disease (Covid-19) in the last
the city has increased, AAP
leader Atishi said while sharing
administration has decided to
celebrate June 21 as Tika
Delhi Police, Defence, Delhi Police who lost his life also passed away due to the 64,26,302 people have been the most important step to save 24 hours with seven more suc- the vaccination bulletin on Mahotsav,” Dr Virendra Yadav,
Paramilitary forces and other while performing duty at plane crash while performing vaccinated in total,” Atishi said Delhi from the next possible cumbing to the infection. Thursday. Civil Surgeon, District
forces who risked their lives to Rajokri Flyover in Delhi. “A his duty. while presenting the Vaccine Covid-19 wave is vaccination. According to data shared “On 17th June, 89,962 Gurugram said.
protect our nation,” he said. truck hit him while he was “We cannot compensate bulletin. Currently Delhi has the vaccine by the health department, the doses were administered. Out Deputy Civil Surgeon Dr.
“Although, we cannot com- checking vehicles around the for their loss but we can pay our Aam Aadmi Party senior stock available and therefore positivity rate dipped to 0.18 of which 60,393 were first MP Singh, who is heading the
pensate for the huge loss every area and he died on the spot. respect for his martyrdom. We leader and MLA Atishi stated everybody must step forward per cent. doses and 29,569 were second vaccination campaign in the
family has to bear. We can at Sanket Kaushik’s family includ- have announced an ex-gratia of that “On 18th June, 77,345 and get themselves vaccinated With 135 new cases, the doses. district, said that a target has
the very least, pay our respect ed his wife and three daughters 1 crore to support his family to doses were administered in at the earliest possibility.” she total number of active cases in The total vaccines admin- been set to vaccinate 30,000 cit-
and ensure the families of these who now depend on his wife live a life of dignity,” he said. Delhi out of which 62,230 were appealed. the city reached to 2,372 of istered in Delhi have reached izens of the district in this mega
personnel live a life of dignity for sustenance, he said. He also talked about Meet which 668 are in home isola- 63,48,920 and 15,36,174 people vaccine festival to be held on
that they receive an ex-gratia of “Their earning source is Kumar, a Squadron Leader in tion, according to the official have been administered both June 21.
C1 crore which may aid and ACP Sanket Kaushik’s pen- the Indian Air Force who died data shared by the health doses. For 45 plus, 8,65,000 “In order to make this
support their livelihoods,” he sion. They do not have other while his aircraft MIG-21 department. doses of vaccines are current- mega camp successful by
said. active earnings. To honour his crashed in an operational fly- According to the bulletin, ly available in Delhi. At least1.5 reaching more and more peo-
Speaking about the recip- martyrdom and support his ing sortie in Kangra hills (H.P.). the city has reported more lakh doses of Covishield for 45 ple in the district, vaccine
ients of ex-gratia amount, family to live a life of dignity, Talking about Vikas Kumar than 14 lakh cases till now. A plus were supplied to Delhi on camps are being organized at all
Sisodia said, “To honour our we have announced an ex- who was a Delhi Police con- total of 75687 tests, including Thursday. For 18-44, stocks of 37 urban and rural health cen-
personnel who risked their gratia of C1 crore to his fami- stable, he said that Kumar was 53942 RT-PCR tests, were con- five days of Covaxin and 9 days ters in the district besides 152
lives to protect and serve the ly,” he said. performing his picket duty. ducted a day ago, the bulletin of Covishield are available,” places,” Singh said.
nation, Delhi Government has Elaborating about it further “During the picket duty, a stated. she added. Dr Singh said that at all 189
announced disbursal of ex- he said, Rajesh Kumar from Swift Dezire knowingly In order to deal with the Delhi Chief Minister places, the first and second
gratia amount of C1 crore to Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi increased the speed when it was “possible” third wave of Covid- Arvind Kejriwal had also doses of the vaccine would be
families of six personnel who was another such martyr who asked to stop and injured Shri 19, the Delhi Government has announced plans to create a administered to all the people
passed away while performing lost his life while performing Vikas Kumar ji. He was shift- speeded up revamping several buffer stock of important med- of 18-44 years and above 45
their duties.” duty in the Air Force. ed to AIIMS thereafter where existing hospitals to increase icines besides other initiatives years of age. All citizens visit-
“The decision to support “Rajesh ji was on an aircraft he was announced dead,” he the number of beds and also to deal with the ‘possible’ fur- ing the camp do not require
families with C1 crore was which took off from Jorhat, said. building new hospitals. ther outbreak. any prior registration.

>`T\UcZ]]dRe$decReVXZT]`TReZ`_d ?82D1<;
“At all three locations, all
stakeholders local police, traf-
fic police, PCR, SWAT and
civic agencies like fire service
and health department were
rushed by the Central Police
Control Room.
Incident Command Posts
were established and defensive
evacuation drill was executed,”
said Biswal.
“The special forces of
SWAT, Special Cell and CISF
(for the metro station) formed ?T^_[TfPXcc^aTRTXeTaPcX^]SXbcaXQdcTS
the inner cordon and anti-ter- P\^]VcWT]TTShQh2^]VaTbb[TPSTab^]cWT
ror operations, as prescribed in ^RRPbX^]^UAPWd[6P]SWX´bQXacWSPhX]=Tf
the drills, were carried out. 3T[WX^]BPcdaSPh ?C8
Hostage rescue, secondary
device check, screening and
securing of suspects etc. com-
plex operations were simulat-
ed with coordination and coop-
eration of all responding
BC055A4?>AC4A Q =4F34;78 inter-agency coordination are terror strike scenario was ini- actors,” he said.
put to the litmus test in various tiated at Ambience Mall, “As special observers,
he Delhi Police on Saturday scenarios. The mock drill was Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant teams of NSG attended all the
T conducted mock drills at
three strategic locations in the
coordinated by Special Cell, the
nodal anti-terror agency of
Kunj, where an improvised
explosive device (IED) was
three scenarios and made crit-
ical evaluation of the efforts,
city with other security agen- Delhi Police,” said Biswal. lobbed by decoy terrorists near response and proficiencies of
cies. “At the old Police its main entrance and there- the responding agencies which
“A coordinated multi-loca- Headquarters (PHQ) building, after, the decoy terrorists fled is required for constant upgra-
tion mock-drill exercise was ITO, the mock drill began the scene while opening indis- dation of professional skills of
held at ITO, Vasant Kunj and with a decoy vehicle reaching criminate fire,” said Biswal. a premier police force,” Biswal
Dwarka on Saturday at 4 pm by the exit gate of old PHQ. After “The third scenario was added.
the Delhi Police in which spe- a brief skirmish with security, simulated at metro station, No untoward incident or
cialized agencies like NSG took a group of decoy terrorists Sector-21, Dwarka where an avoidable panic was noticed till
part,” said Chinmoy Biswal, the entered the building and held explosion was reported near the conclusion of the mock
spokesperson of Delhi Police. some persons on gun-point as the main gate and decoy ter- drill. Response of officers and 8]SXP]H^dcW2^]VaTbb_aTbXST]c1EBaX]XePb
“Mock-drills are the stan- hostage while another group rorists were reported to have personnel of all concerned _aT_PaTbc^SXbcaXQdcTaPcX^]P\^]VcWT]TTSh^]cWT
dard mechanism where by the fled from the scene in a get- forcibly hijacked a metro train districts, units and civic agen- ^RRPbX^]^UAPWd[6P]SWX´bQXacWSPhX]=Tf3T[WX^]
efficiency and efficacy of insti- away car,” said Biswal. found stationary at the plat- cies were found appropriate, BPcdaSPh ?C8
tutional arrangements and “Simultaneously, a second form,” said Biswal. police said.

BC055A4?>AC4A Q =4F34;78 Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) Biswal, the spokesperson of

and placing measures for sys- Delhi Police.
“The committee may also
endeavour to tackle
possible resurgence of
wave in the
temic and voluntary adoption,
thus minimising the need for
coercive enforcement,” said
include the medical & para-
medic establishments (hospi- NEW DELHI: The Delhi hended who was in army uni-
national Capital, the Delhi Shrivastava. tals, laboratories, nursing Police has arrested a 40-year- form. One fake army ID card in
Police Commissioner, SN The CP also asked the field homes, ambulance service old security guard for alleged- the name of Dilip Kumar and
Shrivastava, directed his offi- officers to enlist the coopera- providers, etc.), trade associa- ly impersonating himself as an one mobile phone were recov-
cials to form district and thana tion of citizens in CAB imple- tions and industrial area asso- Army officer to impress ered from his possession,” said
(police station) level commit- mentation. ciations, public lodging facili- women on social media. the DCP. “He was also a mem-
tees for public health care man- “Covid appropriate com- ties, health sector NGOs, edu- The accused has been iden- ber of several groups and also
agement. pliance can be ensured only cational institutions, RWAs tified as Dilip Kumar, a resident in contact with international
“These committees will be when all citizens voluntarily and MWAs, public spirited of Sainik Enclave, Mohan WhatsApp numbers from sev-
meant for providing profes- observe it out of a sense of individuals, creative Garden. Police said that Kumar eral other nations. On exami-
sional response to various sit- responsibility and duty,” said audio/video media profession- was arrested on Friday from nation of the mobile phone, it
uations arising out of public the CP adding that police als, IT professionals and south Delhi’s Greater Kailash was revealed that the accused
health emergencies, movement should prosecute the viola- celebrities with public appeal area when he came to meet a had done video calls with inter-
of migrant labourers, care for tions which should be the min- etc, besides civic agency offi- woman for a date. According national numbers also,” said the
the destitute, elderly citizens imum occurrence and not a cials and other Government to Atul Kumar Thaur, the DCP. “Kumar disclosed that he
and women, food/ration for the norm. functionaries who may also be Deputy Commissioner of posed as Captain Shekhar of
needy and hungry, maintaining “The aforementioned com- invited as special invitees,” said Headquarters will be upgrad- tation of CAB, the CP Delhi respective places. Police (DCP), South district, on Indian Army to impress women
essential supplies, etc,” said mittees will comprise of the Biswal. ed to a Public Health stressed upon enhanced police “The public announcement Friday at 3 PM, police received on social media. On Friday also,
Shrivastava, while addressing concerned police authorities “The meetings will be held Emergency Management Cell visibility in market places and systems should be used to edu- information regarding a per- he called a woman to meet him
senior police officers during his chaired by Deputy in accordance with the preva- which shall function as the areas which are likely to be vis- cate the public and there should son, who impersonated himself at GK for dating. He also dis-
weekly review meeting. Commissioner of Police (DCP) lent public health emergency PHQ Node for supervising ited in large numbers. be no margin for slackness in as an army officer, near closed that he has chatted with
“One of the most impor- and Assistant Commissioner of norms for e.g., during the these District and Thana He again directed that implementation of Covid Archana Red Light, GK-1. some foreign nationals too and
tant objectives of these com- Police (ACP), as the case may Covid-19 phase, preferably vir- Level Committees,” Biswal MWAs and RWAs be involved guidelines in public places,” the “Later, a team was formed shared some videos and pic-
mittees will be to work towards be, for district and thana level tually,” said Biswal. added. proactively to ensure that CAB CP told officers. and deployed near Archana tures with them also,” said the
public acceptance of Covid committee,” said Chinmoy “The Covid Cell at Police Discussing the implemen- is strictly adhered to in their Red Light. Accused was appre- DCP.
=4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!!! ]PcX^]#

Eh`\Z]]VU 3XYbQWebWUc<CC`UQ[Ubd_bUfYUg
Z_F¶\YR_U TUSYcY_^d_?;@QbQcQc<:@\UQTUb
]R_Ud]ZUVd 80=B Q =4F34;78 “The LJP constitution
clearly states that any change
Vilas Paswan’s younger broth-
er Pashupati Kimar Paras was
elected as the leader of the LJP
?C8Q ?8C7>A060A7 Stheixfrom
days after being removed
the post of leader of
Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) in
taking place in the Assembly or
in the Parliament needs to be
approved by central parlia-
in the Lower House.
Chirag Paswan was also
wo people died on Saturday the Lok Sabha, Chirag Paswan mentary board of the party,” removed as the party chief on
T after being hit by stones
falling from the hillside fol-
met Speaker Om Birla on
Saturday and urged him to
Chirag Paswan said.
The LJP leader further said
Tuesday by the rebel MPs.
Following the coup, Chirag
lowing landslips triggered by review his decision of accept- that Birla listened to his argu- Paswan called a virtual
heavy rain. ing one of suspended party ments and assured him of national executive meeting and
Dafedar Singh (65), a MPs as the leader of LJP in the reconsidering the decision in sacked the five rebel MPs
labourer from Uttar Pradesh, Lower House. the light of the new facts put from the party’s primary
was killed after being hit by a Chirag Paswan, the son of forward by the LJP delegation. membership.
stone while he was standing former Union Minister and LJP Chirag Paswan was While addressing a press
near his tin shed in Sungri founder late Ram Vilas Paswan, removed as the leader of the conference on Wednesday, he
area of Gangolihat, Pithoragarh met Birla at the latter’s residence LJP in the Lok Aabha on also asserted that he is ready for
Circle Officer (CO) RS along with the party’s secretary Monday after five out of the six a long legal battle as he is not
Rautela said. general Abdul Khaliq, national MPs wrote to the Lok Sabha the one to buckle down
Singh was hit in the stom- vice-president AK Bajpayee and Speaker. His uncle and Ram under pressure.
ach and head. He died while Bihar unit chief Raju Tiwari.
being carried to a Gangolihat Speaking to the media after
hospital, said the official.
In another incident, a veg-
the meeting, Chirag Paswan
said, “I have conveyed to him
etable trader, Khalil Ahmed
(55), died after being hit by a
(Om Birla) the facts and also
urged him to review his deci-
PWTPS^U\TTcX]VRP[[TSQh2WXaPVVa^d_ ?T^_[TfXcW^dcfTPaX]V\PbZbeXbXccWT6P]VPQPaaPVTX]:P]_da^]BPcdaSPh ?C8
boulder falling from the hillside sion of accepting one of the ?C8Q =4F34;78 tive members are with him.
near the Ghat bridge. He was suspended LJP MPs — Later in evening, Paswan
standing on a stationary truck
when the incident happened,
Pashupati Kumar Paras — as
the leader of LJP in the T he LJP faction headed by
Pashupati Kumar Paras
met Lok Sabha Speaker Om
Birla to present his case 4CA758gZdZed<RdY^Zce` $cUhRgVZ_' cinated only about 5 per cent
of its estimated 950 million eli-
the CO said. Lok Sabha.” on Saturday disbanded all against Birla’s decision to gible population, leaving many
Ahmed owned the truck He said Paras’ appoint- bodies and State units affili- accept the claim of the other millions vulnerable to infec-
and was going to Pilibhit to ment as the LJP leader in the ated with the party faction declaring Paras as the ]RiZejT`_eZ_fVd tions and deaths.
load vegetables for Pithoragarh Lower House is illegal, as the and announced a new nation- leader of the party in ?C8Q =4F34;78 the troops to come up with sug- From Page 1 The AIIMS chief also
when the incident happened, party’s constitution does not al executive. the Lok Sabha. gestions that will augment the According to him, the virus stressed on the need for stricter
said the official. allows this. The decision comes as a Paswan has argued that RPF director general (DG) efficiency of the force,” a senior can make a comeback within surveillance and area-specific
counter-move to the nation-
al executive meeting called by
only the party’s parliamentary
board can take the decision on
C Kuldiep Singh on Saturday
visited the Kashmir valley and
officer said.
He also shared meals with
two months, earlier than the
trend noticed in India so far, if
lockdowns in case of a signif-
icant surge in cases.
2YHUFURUH&RYLG the group headed by Chirag
Paswan in Delhi on Sunday.
its leader in Parliament. Five
of the six party MPs had cho-
reviewed the operations of the
paramilitary force that is
them here, he added. The DG
later visited the south Kashmir
the unlocking process is not
“There needs to be an
aggressive surveillance strate-

With Paras as its presi- sen Paras as their leader in deployed for carrying out operations range of the CRPF “If Covid-appropriate gy in Covid hotspots and lock-
dent, all four other MPs of the place of Paswan. internal security and law and in Awantipora and reviewed behaviour is not followed, the downs in case of any significant
faction figure in the executive The battle over the party’s order duties in the region, offi- highway security, he said. third wave can happen in six to surge. The moment a signifi-

while a few of those party ownership is likely to be cials said. The force secures a “sig- eight weeks. We need to work cant surge in cases is noted in
office-bearers who switched decided in the Election They said Singh first visit- nificant” portion of the Jammu- aggressively to prevent anoth- a particular area and the pos-
loyalty to him from Paswan Commission as both groups ed the camp of the 116th bat- Srinagar highway. er large wave till vaccination itivity rate goes beyond 5 per
?C8Q =4F34;78 Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, have also been inducted. fight for the legacy of popu- talion stationed in Pahalgam. The CRPF has deployed at kicks in,” Guleria said amidst cent, area-specific lockdown
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Paras said in a statement lar Dalit leader from Bihar He met senior officers of least 70 regular battalions in the the backdrop of poor vaccina- and containment measures
ndia has administered more Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, that all other party wings have Ram Vilas Paswan, who died the force posted in Kashmir Kashmir valley for undertaking tion coverage. should be implemented,”
than 27.62 crore coronavirus
doses so far with a total
Telangana, Odisha, Uttar
Pradesh and West Bengal have
been disbanded. Chirag Paswan
has asserted that more than 90
last year. While Chirag
Paswan is his son, Paras is his
and also addressed the troops
during the ‘sainik sammelan’,
counter-terrorist operations
and rendering law
So far, India has fully vac- he said.

of 33,72,742 jabs being given on administered more than 10 lakh percent of the national execu- youngest brother. they said. “The DG encouraged and order duties.
Saturday, the Health Ministry
said. The ministry, in a state-
beneficiaries of the age group 18-
44 years for the first dose of 8B8WT[_X]VCP[XQP]
ment, said 20,49,101 vaccine
doses were administered as
Covid-19 vaccine, the ministry
said. A total of 27,62,55,304
the first dose and 78,394 as the Covid vaccine doses have so far QHZERUQIRUC.LQ RWeVceVdeZ_X_VXReZgVW`c4`gZU VD\VQRWDJDLQVW
second dose in the 18-44 age
group on Saturday.
been administered across the
country, according to a provi- 2GLVKDEDE\UHVFXHG ?C8Q :>;:0C0 OLYHLQUHODWLRQVKLS 9T<c^^eTacPZT0U
Cumulatively, 5,39,11,586 sional report compiled at 7 pm. From Page 1 hospitals and administrative
persons across 37 States/Union As on Day-155 of the vac- ?C8Q 17D10=4BF0A rinamool Congress MLA Jayanta Naskar, who had test- ?C8Q 0;;070103 “In Helmand province, the blocks built by India, he said.
Territories have received their
first dose and a total of
cination drive on Saturday,
total 33,72,742 vaccine doses ten-day-old boy, who was alleged-
T ed positive for Covid-19 in May, died at a hospital here
on Saturday, a health department official said.
LeT has so far attacked dis- Counter-terrorism experts

12,23,196 have received their

second dose since the start of
were given. A total of 29,00,953
beneficiaries were vaccinated
A ly sold by his drug-addict father
for C10,000 in Odisha, was rescued
The 73-year-old legislator, however, had tested neg-
ative for the disease on Friday, a doctor of the medical
Iis nAllahabad
an obser vation, the
High Court said it
not against live-in-relation-
pensaries, hospitals, adminis-
trative buildings and 16 schools
built by India. The Taliban
said the US Army is known to
leave behind war stores that
include sophisticated weapons
Phase-3 of the vaccination drive. for the first dose and 4,71,789 from a woman by members of facility said. ship but denied protection to a has captured at least two and munitions while leaving a
Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, beneficiaries received the sec- Childline with the help of police. The three-time MLA from Gosaba breathed his last couple recently as one of the administrative blocks and has war zone.
Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, ond dose of vaccine. The baby was rescued from a at 8.20 pm, he said. Naskar had tested positive for Covid- partners was married. taken hostage of the captured “Since the Pakistan Army
woman in Mali Sahi area under 19 soon after the announcement of the Assembly elec- A Division Bench of hospital’s staff for treating the is trained in using those
Kharvelnagar police station limit in the tion results on May 2, the official said. Justices Kaushal Jayendra injured jehadis,” a senior offi- weapons, these equipment will
state capital and kept at an adoption The Gosaba MLA was initially treated at the state- Thaker and Dinesh Pathak cial in the security establish- now be exploited by the Taliban
centre, Childline director Benudhar run MR Bangur Hospital and shifted to the private med- said this hearing a plea seeking ment said. and its Pakistani associate
Senapati said. “The father of the baby ical facility a few days back, the official said, adding that protection for a couple, who The Taliban has also issued groups like JeM and LeT for
is a drug addct. Due to financial con- he had comorbidities. was into a live-in-relationship a statement claiming any edu- further consolidating their
straints, the newborns father forced his “Naskar tested negative for Covid-19 on Friday. But but married during the pen- cation acquired through infra- position in Afghanistan and
wife to dump the baby in a dustbin. But, prolonged illness caused damage to his lung,” the senior dency of the petition. structure built by kafirs is not dislodging the security para-
the mother handed over the child to a doctor of the private hospital told PTI. The High Court had earli- acceptable in Islam, implying phernalia of the elected
woman,” Senapati told reporters. West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress er dismissed a plea filed by a that more such attacks against Government there,” an expert
However, the woman who purchased supremo Mamata Banerjee condoled the demise of Naskar. married woman and her live- schools are likely in the com- said. According to reports, the
the child said, “They were about to in partner. ing weeks, the official said. Taliban has already gained a
abandon the baby. Since I have no son, The court also imposed a The irony of the evolving significant hold in 26 out of 34
I bought the baby for Rs 10,000.”
Senapati said, both the buyer and
&RROZHDWKHUWHPSVHWWOHV cost of Rs 5,000 on them,
observing that the woman is
situation in the provinces of
Afghanistan where the Taliban
provinces in that country
where the violence being per-
seller of a baby are guilty under pro-
visions of the Juvenile Justice Act. DWGHJ&LQ'HOKL already married and in live-in-
relationship with another man,
is rampaging is that the cadres
of LeT and JeM will be trained
petrated by the Taliban has
witnessed a marked surge dur-
The police said it was inquiring an act against the “mandate” of in the buildings for schools, ing the last few months.
into the matter and all the facts will ?C8Q =4F34;78 the Hindu Marriage Act.
become clear after the probe is over. While granting protection
A case has been registered in
Kharavela Nagar police station. T he mercury in the national Capital on Saturday set-
tled at a cool 29 degrees Celsius, with winds making
to the couple in the latest case,
the court said, “We are not
From Page 1
the weather even more pleasant. against live-in-relation.” 0dcW^aXcXTbbPXSUaTbWbdaVTWPb From Page 1
The relative humidity, however, was recorded at 75 Earlier, we rejected a plea _dbWTScWTUXVdaTPQ^eT U^a In fact, as per the party
per cent, according to the India Meteorological as the protection was sought cWTUXabccX\TbX]RT[PcT5TQadPah8] statute vice-president is just an
Department (IMD). during subsistence of marriage UPRcWXVW[hR^]cPVX^db3T[cPePaXP]c ornamental post where senior
Mercur y had risen by several notches in of one of the petitioners, it said. WPbcWa^f]Pb_P]]Ta^]cWTD: leaders are accommodated. At
the morning with the minimum temperature settling at The court directed police 6^eTa]\T]c³b_[P]^U[XUcX]V^U present Pankaj Singh, son of
30 degrees Celsius. to provide protection to the aT\PX]X]Vb^RXP[P]STR^]^\XR Union Defence Minister
On Friday, the minimum temperature had stood at petitioners, saying aTbcaXRcX^]bd]cX[9d[h (BTeTaP[ Rajnath Singh and Vijay
25.1 degrees Celsius, three notches below the season’s aver- they were in a live-in-relation- R^d]caXTbX]R[dSX]VAdbbXPP]S Bahadur Pathak are vice-pres-
age, according to the IMD. The maximum temperature ship but subsequently married 8]S^]TbXPPaT]^faT_^acX]VP idents of the party.
on Friday had settled at 36.6 degrees Celsius, three notch- each other. bdaVTX]2^eXSRPbTbSdTc^3T[cP The executive power in
es below the season’s average. Hence, in view of the ePaXP]caPXbX]VP__aTWT]bX^]XUcWT the party wrests with the sec-
According to the IMD website, the maximum tem- orders given by the apex court PePX[PQ[TePRRX]TbfX[[QTPQ[Tc^ retary. A highly placed source
perature in Delhi was recorded at 29 degrees Celsius in the past, they are entitled to cPRZ[TcWT]TfU^a\^U\dcPcTS in the BJP told this reporter
Saturday night. protection, the HC said. eXadbAPXbX]VR^]RTa]bBfP\X] that on Thursday evening BJP
PcWP]c^^_^X]cTS^dccWPcWXVW[h State president Swatantra Dev
caP]b\XbbXQ[TePaXP]cbQ^^bccWT Singh and state Secretary
: X`eC"W`c^Z]\SZ]]Wc`^ ]TTSU^a]TfTUUTRcXeTbW^cb
(Organisation) Sunil Bansal
were summoned to Delhi and
cVXZ^V_e+>Z]\YR X]cWT]d\QTa^UR^a^]PeXadbRPbTb
they returned on Friday morn-
ing. “Organisational issues were
From Page 1 <^bR^f<Ph^aBTaVTXB^QhP]X] discussed and the appoint-
In fact, he was sometimes taken back, slung cWTWXVW[hcaP]b\XbbXQ[TePaXP]c ment of Sharma could be
on the shoulders of fellow athletes, to his place fPbSTcTRcTSX]'("^UP[[2^eXS linked to that meeting,” the
in the barracks near the National Stadium, so _PcXT]cbX]cWTAdbbXP]RP_XcP[ source said.
drained of energy he would be. But then there 3Tb_XcTQTX]VRaTSXcTSc^ The party also appointed
no short cuts for champion athletes. [Pd]RWcWTf^a[S³bUXabcePRRX]T Archana Mishra (Lucknow)
Training was a religion for Milkha. When °B_dc]XZE±[PbchTPaAdbbXPWPb and Amit Balmiki
the National Stadium was taken up activities b^UPaePRRX]PcTSYdbc((^UXcb (Bulandshahr) as State secre-
other than athletics, Milkha could be seen jog- _^_d[PcX^]\PX][hQTRPdbT^U_^^a taries. The party also
ging on the side of the road between India Gate cPZTabPbfT[[Pb_T^_[T³b announced State presidents of
and Tilak Bridge. ]TV[XVT]RTX]U^[[^fX]V2^eXS various frontal organistions of
Milkha’s rivalry with Pakistani sprinter ]^a\b6Ta\P]8]S^]TbXPP]S the party.
Abdul Khaliq is the stuff of story books. But it BX]VP_^aTPaTb^\T^cWTaR^d]caXTb Pranshudutt Dwivedi
was friendly rivalry. Abdul, a Pakistani POW fWXRWPaTZTT_X]VPeXVX[^]3T[cP (Farrukhabad) has been made
after the 1971 conflict, expressed a wish to meet ePaXP]cbP]SbcPacTSP\^aT president of Yuva Morcha,
Milkha. Did the meeting actually take place? PVVaTbbXeTR^]cPRccaPRX]VcTbcX]V Geeta Shakya , a Rajya Sabha
Your guess is as good as mine. P]S`dPaP]cX]TRP\_PXV]c^ZTT_ MP (Auraiya) has been made
(K Datta is a veteran sports journalist) cWTX]UTRcX^]PcQPh Mahila Morcha president ,
Kameshwar Singh (Gorakhpur)
will be the new Kisan Morcha
- .OHDGHUVDZDLWLQYLWH tionship with Delhi. Solutions to J&K’s
problems lie at New Delhi not
president , Narendra Kashyap,
former MP (Ghaziabad) has
LQGDUNDERXWWDONDJHQGD Islamabad, New York or London. Delhi’s been made Backward Morcha
invitation to J&K’s political parties is a president and Kaushal Kishore
From Page 1 welcome development. My question to ,MP from Lucknow has been
Officials said Madni, who was all the political parties is they called us made Scheduled Caste Morcha
under preventive detention at King’s party, now who is king’s party?,” president .
MLA hostel here, was released on Bukhari said in an obvious reference to Sanjay Gond (Gorakhpur)
Saturday afternoon. NC and PDP. has been made Scheduled Tribe
On the other hand, J&K Apni Party Peoples Conference Chairman Morcha president and Kunwar
chief Altaf Bukhari said the solution to Sajad Lone and CPI(M) leader Mohd Basit Ali (Meerut) has been
J&K’s problems lies in New Delhi. Yousaf Tarigami are also expected to nominated president of the
“We openly state that we have a rela- receive an invite to join the parleys. State Minority Morcha.
=4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!!! [P]S\PaZ$


U`h_73¶dgZcefR]^VVea]VR W ?=BQ =4F34;78

ith schools witnessing a

prolonged closure due
parents is pivotal in the
growth and learning of chil-
dren,” Nishank tweeted.
These guidelines are
?=BQ =4F34;78 to the Covid-19 pandemic, the meant not only for parents but
Union Education Ministry on also for caregivers, other fam-
day after its strong stance Saturday released guidelines ily members, grandparents,
A against Twitter, the parlia-
mentary Standing Committee
for parents and caregivers on
how to provide support to
community members and
older siblings engaged in
on Information Technology, children and facilitate their promoting the welfare of chil-
headed by Congress MP Shashi home-based learning. dren.
Tharoor, on Saturday, turned The guidelines empha- The activities suggested in
down Facebook’s request for sised the need for parents to the guidelines are in accor-
coming for a virtual meeting create a safe, engaging and dance with the various stages
instead of physical representa- positive learning environment of school education under
tion citing the company’s Covid for children, have realistic National Education Policy
policies. The committee, in of the Covid pandemic. similar issues and two of their expectations from them, take 2020, the statement by the
fact, proposed vaccinating the With the FB officials mak- senior officials also appeared care of their health and ensure ministry said.
social media giant’s officials ing a bid to appear online, all before the committee physical- a healthy diet, and also have Age-appropriate art activ-
who will come for the meeting the members of the standing ly. Both the officials of Twitter fun, a statement from the ities have been categorized on
with the panel. committee made it clear that no told the committee that they ministry said. basis of 5+3+3+4 system such
The dates for the said meeting can be held online and “give priority to the rules of Union Education Minister as Foundation Stage (age 3 to
meeting has not been finalised the Facebook officials must be their company” following Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank 8years); Preparatory Stage
yet. present physically. which they were told that the said the Guidelines for parent (age 8 to 11 years); Middle
The parliamentary stand- “Taking cognizance of law of the land was supreme participation in home-based Stage (age 11 to 14 years); and
ing committee has also decid- Facebook’s reply, now the chair- and which had to be followed. learning during school closure secondar y stage: From
ed that all other social media man of the committee, sought The committee has taken and beyond have been draft- Adolescent to Adult (age 14-
and web platforms like the list of Facebook officials cognizance of the fact that ed “for parents and caregivers 18 years).
YouTube, Google, etc. must whom the company wants to social media platforms are to provide information on The activities are simple children’s learning by moni- The guidelines also advise cial needs which may be
send their representations phys- send before the committee. being run remotely from out- the ‘why’ ‘what’ and how-to of and suggestive, which can be toring and addressing their schools to involve parents by explored by parents. A separate
ically before the panel. The chairman said the com- side the country and the rules participation in supporting adapted and adopted to local learning gaps.” providing information and chapter has been included in
In its response to the com- mittee will provide COVID made by the government are children during school clo- needs and contexts. The Collaboration of parents ideas on helping students with the guidelines for supporting
mittee, Facebook said its offi- vaccination to such officials and also being ignored. The com- sure, irrespective of literacy guidelines appreciate the role with teachers in documenting homework and other curricu- parents with low or no literacy.
cers could not appear before the will also give enough time to mittee is also particularly con- levels”. of art as a therapy for children and reflecting on the progress lum-related activities, decisions, Schools, teachers and volun-
committee as the company]s come before the committee,” cerned about the misuse of “I strongly feel that a under stress or trauma, the of children in their learning is planning and involving them in teers may take suggestive steps
rules prohibit officials to attend sources said. social media platforms regard- home is the first school and statement said. important for both teachers school decisions, it said. to provide support to parents
any meeting in person during On Friday, the committee ing the propagation of rumours parents are the first teachers. “They (guidelines) also and parents, the statement by Resources have been made who are not quite literate, the
the period of the second wave had called Twitter officials on as well as women’s safety. In this pandemic, the role of lay significance on improving the Education Ministry said. available for children with spe- statement said.


5DKXORYHUSDQGHPLF “The target is 2022. It is
The Punjab chief minister absolutely on target. I men-
said that he was proud of the tioned earlier. Except for one
Congress leader]s hard work or two aircraft, minor delays
and his abiding commitment because of COVID related
to serve the people of the issues, but, in fact, some deliv-
country. eries have been ahead of time.
His Rajasthan counterpart So, broadly, we are absolutely
Gehlot said: “Rahul ji is gen-
uinely concerned about the
on target on the Rafale induc-
tion plan,” he said.
welfare of the poor and down-
trodden. I wish he succeeds in
In 2016, India had signed
an inter-governmental agree-
his endeavours,”
Baghel said that it is not
ment with France to procure
36 Rafale jets at a cost C59,000
easy to stand before the oppos-
ing tide and Rahul is doing so
crore. Defence Minister
Rajnath Singh had in February
and setting an example by
standing above politics of
said the country would have
the entire fleet of the fighter
?=BQ =4F34;78 (Rajasthan) and Bhupesh
Baghel (Chhattisgarh) and
compromise. Rahul respond-
ed to some of the wishes on ?=BQ =4F34;78 tion points erupted after the course, follow it up with de-
aircraft by April 2022.
Addressing the cadets, the
ormer Congress president Shivraj Singh Chouhan Twitter. first stand-off in the first week escalation,” he said. IAF chief referred to unprece- cWT2^eXS
F Rahul Gandhi on Saturday
turned 51, but he did not cel-
(Madhya Pradesh) wished him
on Twitter.
While Delhi Congress
observed the day as “Sewa
ndia is constantly monitoring
the situation at the Line of
of May last year at the Pangong
Tso(lake) there.
“However, in parallel, the
ground realities are being
dented and rapidly evolving
security challenges and _a^c^R^[b
ebrate his birthday in view of “Wishing my beloved Diwas” and distributed face Control (LAC) and the India and China have so monitored closely. Whatever is reminded the young officers
the Covid pandemic. brother Rahul Gandhi on his masks, medicine kits and armed forces are ready to meet far held 11 rounds of military the reality across, in terms of that they were entering the
However, wishes poured in birthday and I join others in cooked meals free of cost to the any challenge, IAF Chief RKS level and seven rounds of current leftover locations, IAF at a juncture when a rapid New Delhi: With the number
from leaders cutting across praising his selfless, untiring poor in the national capital, the Bhadauria said on Saturday. He diplomatic level talks since deployments, any changes, infusion of technologies and of new Covid cases dropping
party lines and Congress work- work to establish an egalitari- National Students Union of also said all the 36 Rafale fight- May last year to resolve the that is being monitored close- combat capabilities was dri- significantly in the last few days
ers. an India in every aspect. His India (NSUI), the Congress] er jets will be inducted into the dispute at the LAC. The armies ly and whatever actions are ving a monumental transfor- and several states announcing
Lok Sabha Speaker Om commitment to the ethos of the students] wing, organised a IAF by 2022. of China and India had dis- required on our part, we are mation in the Air Force. unlock measures, the Indian
Birla took to Twitter to wish the Congress party has been exem- free vaccination camp to mark Reiterating the country’s engaged from the southern taking,” Bhadauria said. He He also highlighted the Railways is helping to bring
Wayanad MP good health and plary,” Stalin said on Twitter. the occasion and the Youth stand on resolving the issues and northern banks of the made these observations after change in operational method- workers to their respective
happiness. Union Minister National Confrence leader Congress distributed free through dialogue with China Pangong lake in February. reviewing the Combined ologies and functioning with workplaces from different parts
Nitin Gadkari too tweeted Omar Abdullah wished Rahul ration to the needy in Delhi. regarding the stand-offs at the The Air Force chief said Graduation Parade (CGP) at development and opera- of the country, ferrying over 32
birthday greetings to Rahul good health and many years Some state Congress com- LAC in Eastern Ladakh, he said talks are on between the two the Air Force Academy, tionalisation of major automa- lakh people in the last seven
saying he be blessed with good ahead in the service of the mittees observed the day by the first attempt is to carry out sides and the first attempt is to Dundigal, Hyderabad. tion and networking projects. days.
health and long life. nation, while former prime distributing ration and other disengagement at the “balance continue with the parleys and As regards the ongoing He exhorted them to hit the A Railway Ministr y
Chief ministers M K Stalin minister and JD(S) president H essentials at no cost to the poor friction points.” carry out the disengagement at induction of the Rafale fight- ground running and prove spokesperson said that from
(Tamil Nadu), Arvind Kejriwal D Devegowda tweeted, “I wish and the needy. Wishing their He was obviously referring the “balance friction points.” er jets into service, he said the their mettle once they reach June 11 to June 17, the nation-
(Delhi), Hemant Soren him well, and sincerely pray leader, the Congress said on to ongoing face-offs for the last “The first attempt is to process will be completed by the field in order to exploit the al transporter ferried approxi-
(Jharkhand), Conrad Sangma that his view of the world and Twitter, “We wish Shri Rahul one year at the Hot Springs, continue with the talks and do 2022. At present, 14 jets have state of art aircraft, weapons, mately 32.56 lakh passengers,
(Meghalaya), Amarinder Singh his compassion defeats the Gandhi health and happiness Gogra and the Depsang valley the disengagement at the bal- arrived at the Ambala air- sensors and technologies to including migrant workers and
(Punjab), Ashok Gehlot narrowness that surrounds us.” on his birthday.” in Eastern Ladakh. These fric- ance friction points. And, of base. their fullest. other passengers travelling by
long distance trains, with an
average occupancy of 110.2

CTRW]^[^VhU^aaTP[cX\T 4Pa[hcTbcX]VX]cTaeT]cX^]RP][^fTa
ATVXbcTa58AbPVPX]bc per cent from areas like Eastern
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
Jharkhand, West Bengal and


PccPRZb^]WTP[cWf^aZTab Odisha to various destinations,
including Delhi, Mumbai,
Pune, Surat, Ahmedabad, and

8]SXP][P]VdPVTbb^^] <70cT[[bBcPcTbDCb
CELL DISEASE Chennai, among others.
The official said that to
PSickle cell anemia can- facilitate the movement of the
not be cured but can be migrant workers from Bihar,
?=BQ =4F34;78 nental proportions. The number treated. West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh
of languages is more than what PMarriage counseling and Odisha to Metros like
technology for real-time Europe has to deal with,” will help in arresting the Mumbai, Delhi,
A translation of vernacular
Indian languages is in the works.
Sawhney said.
He said that India has been
spread of the disease.
PScreening all age
Hyderabad, Bengaluru and
Chennai, the Railways is oper-
The Ministry of Electronics and able to take away check posts groups is essential from ating mail and express specials,
Information Technology with the help of common tax newborn to the old holiday specials and summer
(MeitY) is working on the tech- system in a similar way language PWhen screening ante- special trains.
nology to enable exchange of barrier can be ended with help natal women for sickle cell The official said that all
communications between two of new technologies. “It might principal director, Hematology, diseases, husbands may also these trains are being operated
persons not speaking the same take us 5-7 years but technolo- ?=BQ =4F34;78 Fortis Memorial Research be screened to ensure the as fully reserved trains, keep-
language. gies that are coming in give us Institute in Gurugram. child will not be at risk. If a ing in view the Covid protocols.
This ambitious language an opportunity to aim at this n the occasion of World Geographically, there is a foetus is found to have sickle He said that as on June 18,
translation project, with a time-
line of 5-7 years, is being devel-
kind of ambitious level. We
have to grow content on the
O Sickle Cell Day on Saturday,
health experts noted that while
Sickle cell belt in India com-
prising some tribal communities
cell disease legal medical
termination of pregnancy
?=BQ =4F34;78 lockdown rustications are lifted,
the five-fold strategy of Covid
983 mail, express and holiday
specials, which is 56 per cent of
oped using artificial intelligence internet in each of our lan- early testing of the genetic dis- in Madhya Pradesh, may be advised. he Union Home Ministry appropriate behavior, Test, the pre-Covid levels, are being
and modern technologies to
end the language barrier in the
guages,” Sawhney said.
He announced that NIXI
ease can help lower complica-
tions, vulnerable groups often
Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra,
Gujarat, Kerala, Tamil Nadu
PRehabilitation of sickle
cell patients needs attention
T on Saturday issued advi-
sories to all States and Union
Track, Treat and Vaccination
must be carefully implemented
operated by the Indian
country. will provide a personalised email face limited access to quality care and Odisha. with compensation and suit- Territories to register FIRs in a calibrated way to prevent In addition, about 1,309
“We have started working with 10 GB space to every user for the inherited disorder that In India, an estimated three able employment opportuni- against attacks on health work- further surge of Covid cases. summer special trains have
on a very ambitious national lan- of the website with .in extension. affects hemoglobin. per cent of the tribal population ties provided. ers and implement a five-fold The States were also direct- also been operated to facilitate
guage translation mission. See This email will be available on “More awareness and imple- suffers from sickle cell anemia strategy to prevent the resur- ed to implement regular mon- the movement of people
the magic of new technology. demand. Sawhney said the mentation of new therapies like and another 23 per cent carries gence of Covid -19 pandemic in itoring of Covid-19 appropriate wanting to return to their
For centuries we have lived Indian economy is slowly mov- genetic therapy and Bone and transmits the sickle cell gene and appropriate intervention the coming months. behviour maintenance. workplaces, he added.
with the reality that a person ing towards a digital economy Marrow Transplant is needed to to their children. measures, he said as per a In a detailed advisory, “To reiterate, Covid appro- The official pointed out
who knows only Bengali cannot with IT and electronics getting reduce these disparities,” they Nearly all tribal communi- report. Union Home Secretary Ajay priate behavior includes manda- that these summer special
communicate with a person deeper in each and every sector. said. ties living in forested terrains The only cure for SCD is Bhalla wrote to Chief Secretaries tory use of masks, hand hygiene, trains provide
who knows only Malayalam. The MeitY secretary said “Sickle cell disease (SCD), across the country, have cases of getting a bone marrow trans- to direct district administrations social distancing and also prop- connectivity primarily from
This will change,” MeitY digital services have expanded in which is the most prevalent sickle cell anemia. plant (BMT), which is a proce- to also invoke the stringent er ventilation of closed spaces. states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh,
Secretary Ajay Prakash Sawhney every nook and corner of the inherited blood disorder, is K Vijayakumar, director, dure to replace damaged or provisions of the Epidemic However, easing of restrictions West Bengal, Odisha and
said while speaking at a NIXI country with common service widespread amongst many trib- education, Nilgiris Adivasi destroyed bone marrow with Diseases (Amendment) Act in some Assam to major cities like
event. The event was held on the centres that provide govern- al population groups in India. Welfare Association, who has healthy bone marrow stem cells. 2020 against the miscreants States have led to resumption of Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad,
occasion of National Internet ment services to citizens in 2.51 There are around 13 lakh peo- been working with tribals in Stem cells are easily taken from who attack doctors and health crowding of people in markets Chennai, Pune,
Exchange of India (NIXI) com- lakh village panchayats, while ple affected by the disease every Tamin Nadu said that, “For bet- the donor and planted in the workers in the FIR. etc without adherence to the Bengaluru etc.
pleting 18 years. active internet user base has year in India. While there are ter outreach and impact, the recipient. The advisory directed that norms of Covid appropriate He also said that from
Sawhney explained with an grown from 23.3 crore in 2014 several cost-effective interven- need of the hour is to establish After the BMT procedure, the deployment of quick behavior. June 19 to June 28, approxi-
example that with this technol- to 79.5 crore active internet tions which have successfully cut a specialty hospital with mod- the patient can lead a healthy response teams, help lines must It is, therefore essential to mately 29.15 lakh passengers,
ogy people speaking only users. “Digital payments have down morbidity and mortality ern equipment to screen and and normal life, explained Dr be implemented at all areas to ensure that complacency does including migrant workers and
Bengali will be able to commu- grown exponentially. There are from SCD in developed nations, treat sickle cell patients. Nita Radha Associate Professor prevent attacks against doctors, not set in, and there is no let-up others, have
nicate with those who speak 25.5 billion real time transac- the access to care for SCD in the This hospital should also be and HOD, Department of health professionals and insti- in adhering to Covid appropri- booked tickets in long-dis-
only Malayalam. “India is not tions happening on an annual tribal regions in India is limit- equipped to provide community Pediatric Hematology- tutions. In an another advisory, ate behaviour, while opening up tance mail/express trains.
just a country but has conti- basis,” Sawhney said. ed,” said Dr Rahul Bhargava, outreach, genetic counseling Oncology at SSPHPGTI, Noida. the Home Secretary said that activities,” said the advisory. IANS
=4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!!! ]PcX^]%
B78EB4=0´B$$C75>D=30C8>=30H - .FORFNV

Srinagar: J&K on Saturday
reported 521 new Covid cases,
C=A067D=0C70Q — said, “Some people are talk- how long the corona crisis will Sena, NCP and Congress, said: torial published in its official MVA government, it was in the who get the support of 145 leg- even as recoveries continue to
<D<108 ing about the State Assembly last in the State. We should “ My grandfather and my father mouth-piece “Saamana” had third position. islators (in the 288-member outnumber the infections in the
polls on their own strength. We realise that in the post-Covid late Balasabeb used to say that taken exception to the “Maharashtra Congress Assembly), will form the next Union Territory.
aking an indirect jibe at the should understand what 19 period, we will have bigger we can not do anything if we do Congress’ announcement of chief Nana Patole has government and the CM will Health officials said that
T Maharashtra Congress for
its announcement about con-
going it alone means. We
should not talk about going it
problems on hand. In other
words, we will have to contend
not have self confidence. They
would say that if we have con-
going it alone in the State
Assembly polls. The Sena had
announced that his party
would fight the next Assembly
be decided by them. His state-
ment is also valid.
out of the 521 fresh infections,
175 are in Jammu and 346
testing the 2024 State alone for the sake of elections. with a major financial crisis. All fidence we can survive in any said that the 2024 polls were elections on its own and install Parliamentary democracy is in Kashmir divisions.
Assembly polls on its own The party or people concerned of us are thinking as to what part of the world. It was the still far away, and had sought to a chief minister of the all about majority figures. Meanwhile, 1,197 patients
strength, Chief Minister talk about our strength on all will happen to us. Already confidence that my father had know if there were any plans to Congress. He has also said Those who succeed in it, will be were discharged from hospitals
Uddhav Thackeray said here on issues. If you do not have self people have lost jobs in a big resulted in the birth of the Shiv have mid-term polls. that if the party allows, he him- able to occupy the throne,” it after recovery.
Saturday that if any party with- confidence in yourselves, we way. This is the time when we Sena. At that time “Since all the major polit- self would be the next chief said. Out of the four deaths, two
in the ruling Maha Vikas cannot help it”. should rise above politics and Maharashtrians used to be ical parties have started talking ministerial face. Hence, it is “There is nothing wrong in are in Jammu and two in
Aghadi (MVA) at this critical Taking an indirect pot shot come together and work. That looked down upon by others. about going solo, the Sena and clear that until Patole installs a harbouring political ambitions, Kashmir division. The total toll
juncture talked about going it at Maharashtra Congress pres- being the case, if some people But for the formation of the the NCP will have to contest Congress chief minister in but numbers are required for climbed to 4,238.
alone in the Assembly polls, the ident Nana Patole who has talk about going it alone in the Shiv Sena, Maharashtrians the next polls together in the Maharashtra in 2024, he won’t their fulfilment. Ahead of the Two confirmed cases of
people would slap the politi- gone to town saying that his polls, then people will slap would continue to be ridiculed interest of Maharashtra,” the sit quiet,” the Sena editorial had last Assembly elections, BJP black fungus were also report-
cal parties with footwear. party would contest the forth- such people with footwear” in their own state”. editorial had said. said. leader Devendra Fadnavis had ed on Saturday. So far, 24 such
Speaking at the Shiv Sena’s coming local body and Stare Uddhav, who heads the Uddhav’s indirect criticism The Sena had said that “However, Deputy Chief said he would return to power. cases have been reported in
55 foundation day, Uddhav — Assembly separately, Uddhav ruling Maha Vikas Aghadi of the Congress came two days although the Congress was an Minister (and NCP leader) But he could not do so,” the edi- J&K.
who is also the Sena president said, “We do not know as to (MVA) comprising the Shiv after the Shiv Sena—in an edi- important constituent of the Ajit Pawar has said that those torial had said. IANS


bdQ\XccTSc^?<RPdbT 19?cTa\bXcSd_[XRXch platforms with the hashtag
and then submit a form at
you must tell why all adults
should take the vaccine,”
Kolkata: A shocking incident
has come to light at Kaliachak
rushed to the spot and arrest-
ed Asif. Later, in the presence
Sources in the police said
the gate of the godown was

WTPacQda]X]:TaP[P Shivakumar said. in West Bengals Malda district, of a magistrate, the floor of the close to the entrance and there
Bengaluru: Intensifying its “Nobody persuades adults All the participants in the where a 19-year-old youth godown was dug and the four was no gate that could open
efforts to gain public traction like children do. When chil- campaign will get a “Covid allegedly killed his parents, bodies were recovered from inside and so he had dug a tun-
:D<0A274;;0??0=Q thought about a new dam,” said in its fight against Covid, the dren tell parents to get vacci- Heroes” certificate. “Students sister and grandmother and there. The bodies have been nel to bring the bodies inside
274==08 P C George, seven-time mem- Karnataka unit of the Congress nated, they won’t say no. That from all parts of Karnataka are kept the bodies buried in the sent to the Malda Medical the godown.
ber of the Kerala Legislative party is now wooing children. is why we have launched this free to participate in this com- godown of the house for the College for post-mortem. “The tunnel was made so
he memorandum listing Assembly who is also a farm- Karnataka Pradesh Congress campaign to spread awareness petition and they can share last four months. “The accused has admitted that the local people didn’t get
T 25 demands submitted by
Chief Minister Muthuvel
ing leader from the State’s High
Ranges. He said that the
president DK Shivakumar on
Saturday launched the
in society about Covid vacci-
nation,” said Shivakumar.
their videos with us through
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
The police recovered the
bodies on Saturday and are
that he had killed all the four
persons in February end. He
to know anything,” a senior
police officer said.
Karunanidhi Stalin to Prime Mullaperiyar Dam does not “Vaccinate Karnataka” cam- To prevent damage from and YouTube using the hashtag questioning the accused teen, confessed that he had mixed The police have also come
Minister Narendra Modi on have the strength to hold even paign, a social media video the anticipated 3rd wave, at #VaccinateKarnataka so that who has been identified as drugs in their drinks and made to know that the teen hardly
Thursday have evoked the first the 142 ft water in ts reservoir contest for children to make least 80% of people above the we can view and examine Asif Mohammed, and his elder them unconscious. After that, stepped out of his house, and
wave of strong reaction from and referred to the 2018 deluge videos that urge adults to get age of 18 need to get vaccinat- them,” Shivakumar said, adding brother Arif to seek details he pushed them into a well to none -- not even the maid ser-
neighbouring Kerala. which caused widespread dam- vaccinated. ed. Shivakumar called upon the that this competition aims to about the motive behind the confirm their death. The bod- vant -- was allowed inside the
Stalin in his first visit to the ages to life and property in the The first-of-its-kind com- students to prompt parents inject the positive message of murder. ies were then pulled out of the house. The teen used to order
national capital after assuming State. petition invites 95 lakh students and others to get vaccinated getting vaccinated in the soci- The incident came to light well, taken to the godown food online.
charge as the Chief Minister of What makes the issue from all schools across and curb the further spread of ety. after Arif, who stayed away where they were buried one However, the police admit-
Tamil Nadu had come with a politically sensitive would be Karnataka to make a social Covid. Shivakumar said that there from his home, lodged a com- after another. The police are ted there are still some grey
“shopping list” which includes the approach of CPI(M) media video about Covid vac- “The children of Karnataka is no fee or a complicated reg- plaint with the Kaliachak police also interrogating Arif because areas in the case. According to
demands like raising the water towards the Tamil Nadu’s cination. The 100 best videos are very creative. I want them istration process as the prima- station on Saturday morning, we don’t want to leave anything senior police officers, it seems
level of the controversial demand. The Marxists, their shall be given an Android to find creative ways of spread- ry objective of this campaign is alleging that his brother had to chance,” said Alok Rajoria, unlikely for a 19-year-old to kill
Mullaperiyar Dam in Kerala to poor cousins the CPI and the tablet each, a party release ing a positive message for tak- to motivate children to use killed four members of his Superintendent of Malda four persons and bury them
152 ft and denying Karnataka Congress are in alliance with stated. ing the vaccine. Use song, their time creatively during family and buried the bodies Police. singlehandedly, and it is possi-
the right to build Mekedattu the DMK in Tamil Nadu as well To participate in the con- dance, poetry, drama, art, the lockdown, inspire others to under the floor of the godown The police have also recov- ble that there was some accom-
Dam across Cauvery River. as in rest of the country. How test, children have to post a 2- humour, or anything you like, get vaccinated and create a safe located adjacent to the house. ered Rs one lakh in cash from plice in the case.
He has also asked the the CPI(M) will convince the minute video on social media to create a video. In the video, Karnataka. IANS The police immediately the house. IANS
Centre to retrieve the population in the three districts
Katchatheevu islet ceded by would be of interest.

India to Sri Lanka in 1975 dur- “The exemption demand-
ing the tenure of Indira Gandhi ed by the Tamil Nadu govern-
as Prime Minister. Another ment from NEET as well as
demand made by the Chief other all India engineering
Minister is the abolition of examinations are out of ques- :D<0A274;;0??0=Q course of the interaction that and also in the murder of a per- the Congress leader accused workers. Vijayan with a group course, giving credence to
National Eligibility cum tion. There cannot be two laws 274==08 Sudhakaran had hatched a son by name Babu. Vijayan in the murder of Babu, of armed Marxist leaders reports that all was not well
Entrance Test (NEET) for stu- in the country on an important conspiracy to kidnap his chil- Following Vijayan’s charge a personal bodyguard of the attacked me and I had a prov- within the Congress itself.
dents from Tamil Nadu and issue like this. The admission he political discourse dren some years ago. “It was the that Sudhakaran was a politi- CPI(M) leader. idential escape,” alleged Gopi. V Muraleedharan, BJP
also the dropping of the
Centre’s move to introduce all-
to under graduate and post
graduate courses in engineer-
T between the CPI(M) and
the Congress, the two principal
timely information provided by
a close associate of Sudhakaran
cal criminal and close associ-
ate of the Sangh Parivar, the
“Though Babu was a close
associate of Vijayan, they fell
The Congress leaders
including Leader of the
leader and minister of State for
parliamentary issues tried to
India examination for other ing and medical colleges should players in Kerala reached the that saved my children,” alleged KPCC chief chose Saturday to apart and the murder was the Opposition V D Satheesan chip in with his assessment by
graduate and post graduate be uniform throughout the lowest ebb by Saturday as Chief Vijayan who even termed the retaliate. The day saw fall out of the parting of ways,” joined issue with Vijayan later describing the CPI(M) and
courses. country,” K Ram Kumar, senior Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and new KPCC chief as a mafia Sudhakaran holding a press said Sudhakaran. in the day. “The State is wit- Congress leaders as political
Any demand by Tamil lawyer and Constitutional Kerala Pradesh Congress don. meet at Kochi and spilling Sudhakaran presented a nessing an unprecedented ille- criminals.
Nadu over the Mullaperiyar expert, told The Pioneer. Committee president K Vijayan’s ire against more beans. “Vijayan was the former beedi worker Kandoth gal tree felling scam. Vijayan is The State administration
Dam is sure to create chaos in Political commentators and Sudhakaran threw all laws of Sudhakaran was the fall out of person who murdered Gopi who was a victim of an trying to divert the attention reacted instantly by withdraw-
neighboring Kerala. The 126- former diplomats are of the civility to the winds and called an interview the latter had Ramakrishnan. Since no wit- armed assault led by Vijayan. of the public by raising unnec- ing the police security provid-
year-old reservoir is a bone of view that most of the issues list- each other names in public. given to a vernacular weekly in nesses came forward to testify “During the emergency days, I essary issues,” said Satheeshan ed to him terming that the
contention between the two ed in the memorandum were It began on Friday during which he had said that the for- against him, he was given the was leading an agitation against while leaders like Oommen union minister belonged to
southern States since 1947 political gimmicks. The then the daily media briefing on mer was the prime accused in benefit of doubt and was the management of a beedi Chandi and Ramesh the Y category and the State
when India became an inde- Attorney General Mukul Covid-19 status in the State by the murder of Vaadikkal acquitted,” said Sudhakaran. company for its decision to Chennithala bemoaned the fall administration was not bound
pendent country from the colo- Rohatgi had told a Bench led by Vijayan who alleged in the Ramakrishnan, a RSS activist But was more to follow as terminate the services of some in the standards of political dis- to provide him any security.
nial masters. the then Chief Justice of India

The Supreme Court has R M Lodha in August 2014 that
allowed Tamil Nadu to raise the
water level to 142 ft though the
Dam’s Full Reservoir Level is
India would have to wage a war
with Sri Lanka to retrieve
Katchatheevu islet. 3;A>AeV]]d
172 ft. The contention of Kerala “Katchatheevu has gone to
was that if the water level was
raised from the existing level of
Sri Lanka by an agreement in
1974. It was ceded and now acts
:>;:0C0 14=60;E8>;4=24 ing outfit were “killed, attacked,
tortured and their properties
134 ft, it would lead to a major as a boundary. How can it be second time in a week. Earlier have been making an appeal to looted.” He said how many peo-

disaster putting a population of taken back today? If you want merging from his meeting he met President Ram Nath the government and to every- ple are forced to cough up
more than three million spread
across the districts of Idukki,
Katchatheevu back, you will
have to go to war to get it back,”
E with Union Home Minister
Amit Shah, Bengal Governor
Kovind, National Human
Rights Chairman Justice Arun
one that this is an occasion for
all of us to believe in democ-
money for even carrying on
petty businesses from their
Kottayam and Ernakulam at the AG had been quoted as Jagdeep Dhankhar on Saturday Mishra and two Union racy, the constitution and rule own houses.
the mercy of nature.
“I am sure the Centre
telling the then CJI.
Govindarajan Satyamurthy,
once again raised the issue of
post poll violence saying how
Asking all concerned to
of law.
Appealing “to the bureau-
Dhankhar had no lost with
Bengal Chief Minister Mamata <0<0C0E>FB promptly dissociated itself from
Burla’s statements saying the
would not heed to the demand
made by Tamil Nadu chief
commentator based in
Coimbatore, is of the voew that
the State was witnessing the
worst kind of violence post
maintain peace in the State the
Governor said “I appeal to
cracy and the police in partic-
ular,” he said “They must con-
Banerjee who led her party
Trinamool Congress to a land- C>C7F0AC0;; State party did not subscribe to
such views, Trinamool
minister Stalin. The lives of
more than three million people
most of the demands listed in
the Memorandum were to
polls since the Independence.
Dhankhar who had been
everyone to ensure that there is
peace in West Bengal. The
fine to the code of conduct and
the regulations,” complaining
slide victory in the recently held
assembly elections. The TMC 38E8B8E45>A24B Congress leadership saw in
Burla’s statement a hidden
are at stake. The dam has out- divert the attention of the peo- camping in Delhi for the past worst post-poll violence in the how the people who would not won 213 seats while the BJP got agenda to carve out an “exquis-
lived its utility and it is time we ple from real issues. several days met Shah for the state continues unabated. I confirm to the ideas of the rul- 77 seats. B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q ite saffron zone” for the party.
:>;:0C0 BJP has better organizational

stronghold in North Bengal

a development in which the
political parties
Bengal saw BJP’s “dirty
which the party wants to pro-
tect by dividing the State, TMC
sources said.

C=A067D=0C70Q As 10,317 patients were Ratnagiri (6553), Sindhudurg
Hyderabad: The Telangana
Government has decided to
totally lift the lockdown in the
course of action. The cabinet
discussed the report prepared
by the health department,
from this, the vaccination pro-
gram has gained pace in the
rural areas, leading to increased
designs” to take half of Bengal
by breaking it after failing to
win the State elections, saffron
MP from Alipurduar John
Earlier Chief Minister
Mamata Banerjee told the
media “We will never allow any
further partition of Bengal.
<D<108 discharged from the hospitals (5482), Nagpur (4797), Nashik State. At its meeting held on which noted that with corona protection for larger cross-sec- Burla on Saturday demanded The proponents of such sepa-
across the state after full recov- (4523) and Raigad (4361). Saturday, the State Cabinet dis- cases and positivity rate declin- tions of the population. creation of a new administra- rate status should know that
he Covid-19 infections ery, the total number of people Of the 3,93,12,920 samples cussed the matter and decided ing significantly, the pandem- On June 8, the Telangana tive unit by partitioning the they will get a befitting reply
T dropped to 8,912 in
Maharashtra on Saturday, while
discharged from the hospitals
since the second week of March
sent to various laboratories
across the state so far, 59,63,420
on total removal of the lock-
down which was imposed to
ic is in control in the state.
While the cabinet has
government had decided to
extend the lockdown for anoth-
State “in order to achieve true
development of Bengal.”
from people of the state.”
She said that such sepa-
the daily deaths continued to be last year increased from have tested positive (15.17 per control the spread of Covid in instructed all departments to er 10 days but had increased Burla said that he had ratist tendencies in north
cause of concern as the fatali- 56,99,983 to 57,10356. The cent) for COVID-19 until the state. withdraw all the restrictions, daily relaxation time by four asked the central Government Bengal could be a security
ties climbed to 682. recovery rate in the state Saturday. With the latest instalment there is no clarity yet on allow- hours, from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. to create a new State or a threat for the country. Sources
A day after the State logged dropped from 95.73 per cent to Currently, 8,06,506 peo- of lockdown set to end on ing inter-state bus services. The lockdown, which was to union territory in North Bengal close to her reminded how the
9738 infections and 642 pan- 95.76 peer cent. ple are in home quarantine Saturday, the Cabinet had been Over the past few days, end on June 9, had been (comprising six districts of the region falls in the “Chicken’s
demic deaths, the infections The total “active cases” in while 4695 people are in insti- convened for an emergency corona cases have been steadi- extended for 10 days from region). Neck” where the width of
came down further to 8912, the state dropped from 1,34,747 tutional quarantine. meeting to decide the future ly declining in the state. Apart June 10. IANS “There is no development Indian sub-continent is
while there was no let up in the to 1,32.595. The fatality *rate in in North Bengal. We have seen thinnest (barely 60 km) flanked
substantial deaths recorded the state went up from 1.96 per how thousandsof people from by Bangladesh and Nepal.
day after day.
On Saturday, the state
recorded 682 deaths—com-
cent to 1.97 per cent.
Mumbai recorded 13
deaths and 676infections. As a
0]SWaP[^Vb$Z]Tf2^eXSRPbTbcP[[hPc '"[PZW North Bengal tea estates have
to go out to other statesin
search of jobs … the quality of
Banerjee is also known to have
reminded of the Chinese pres-
ence barely 200 km away.
prising 255 fatalities and 425 result, the Covid-19 toll in the life and income of the people BJP State president Dilip
“old and unaccounted deaths” metropolis increased from Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh East Godavari district Except for Krishna and Meanwhile, 45 more per- is very poor … this is because Ghosh however said that it was
which have been added to the 15,266 to 15,279, while the on Saturday reported 5,647 reported the highest number of Vizianagaram, all the other dis- sons succumbed to the virus in no promises made by the politi- Burla’s personal comments.
state Covid-19 toll as part of the infected cases in Mumbai went new Covid cases, pushing the cases at 1,068, followed by tricts of Andhra Pradesh have the past 24 hours, raising the cians have been kept in the past “You can see how the opposi-
ongoing reconciliation process. up from 7,18,590 to 7,19,266. state’s overall tally to over 18.4 Chittoor (854), West Godavari now reported more than 1 lakh state’s Covid death toll to … hence I have asked the tion MPs and MLAs are
With 682 deaths reported Mumbai with 18,788 cases lakh, even as its active caseload (758), Prakasam (451), Covid cases, though the former 12,269. Centre either to make a sepa- stopped from reaching out to
on Friday, the Covid-19 toll in emerged as the first in the state dropped to 65,244. Krishna (435), Kadapa (388), is also inching closer towards With 1.03 lakh more tests rate State or a Union Territory their people … even with relief
the state jumped from 1,16,674 in terms of maximum number As many as 8,014 more Guntur (360), Anantapur that mark, just shy of 2,000 conducted in the past 24 hours, so that this region can develop,” … there is no democracy in the
to 1,17,356. of “active cases” in the state, persons have recovered in the (326), Srikakulam (245), cases. East Godavari tops the the total number of tests car- Burla said adding “it is my view State … I think he must made
With 8912 fresh infections, while Pune with 18,108 stood past 24 hours, raising the state’s Nellore (235), Visakhapatnam chart with more than 2.5 lakh ried out in Andhra Pradesh so which I have communicated to those comments in that con-
the total infections in the state second, followed by Thane total number of recoveries to (215), Kurnool (173) and cases, followed by Chittoor far has crossed the 2.1 crore- the Centre … now it is in their text,” he said adding “in any
rose from 59,54,508 to (13,523), Kolhapur (11,859), over 17.6 lakh. Vizianagaram (166). 2.1 lakh cases. mark. IANS hands.” case the BJP does not subscribe
59,63,420. Sangli (10,357), Satara (7211), Though the BJP State unit to his views.”
=4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!!! f^a[S&

0?Q 3D108 million, said Jamal Orf, the to have initial results and affected reformists and those
head of Iran’s Interior Ministry turnout figures Saturday morn- backing Rouhani, whose
ing at the earliest. administration both reached
Itialran’s hard-line judiciary chief
won the country’s presiden-
election in a landslide vic-
election headquarters. The
race’s fourth candidate,
Amirhossein Ghazizadeh
“My vote will not change
anything in this election, the
the 2015 nuclear deal with
world powers and saw it disin-
tory Saturday, propelling the Hashemi, had around 1 million number of people who are tegrate three years later with
supreme leader’s protege into votes, Orf said. voting for Raisi is huge and then-President Donald Trump’s
Tehran’s highest civilian posi- Hemmati offered his con- Hemmati does not have the unilateral withdrawal of
tion in a vote that appeared to gratulations on Instagram to necessary skills for this,” said America from the accord.
see the lowest turnout in the Raisi early Saturday. Hediyeh, a 25-year-old woman Voter apathy also has been
Islamic Republic’s history. “I hope your administra- who gave only her first name fed by the devastated state of
Initial results showed tion provides causes for pride while hurrying to a taxi in the economy and subdued
Ebrahim Raisi won 17.8 million for the Islamic Republic of Haft-e Tir Square after avoid- campaigning amid months of
votes in the contest, dwarfing Iran, improves the economy ing the polls. “I have no can- surging coronavirus cases. Poll
those of the race’s sole moder- and life with comfort and wel- didate here.” workers wore gloves and
ate candidate. However, Raisi fare for the great nation of Iran,” Iranian state television masks, and some wiped down
dominated the election only he wrote. On Twitter, Rezaei sought to downplay the turnout, ballot boxes with disinfectants.
after a panel under the watch praised Khamenei and the pointing to the Gulf Arab If elected, Raisi would be
of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Iranian people for taking part sheikhdoms surrounding it ruled the first serving Iranian presi-
Ali Khamenei disqualified his in the vote. by hereditary leaders, and the dent sanctioned by the U.S.
strongest competition. “God willing, the decisive lower participation in Western Government even before enter-
His candidacy, and the sense election of my esteemed broth- democracies. After a day of ing office over his involve-
the election served more as a er, Ayatollah Dr. Seyyed amplifying officials’ attempts to ment in the mass execution of
coronation for him, sparked Ebrahim Raisi, promises the get out the vote, state TV broad- political prisoners in 1988, as
widespread apathy among eligi- establishment of a strong and cast scenes of jam-packed voting well as his time as the head of
ble voters in the Islamic Republic, popular government to solve booths in several provinces Iran’s internationally criticized
which has held up turnout as a the country’s problems,” Rezaei overnight, seeking to portray a judiciary — one of the world’s
sign of support for the theocra- wrote. last-minute rush to the polls. top executioners.
cy since its 1979 Islamic The quick concessions, But since the 1979 revolu- It also would put hard-lin-
Revolution. Some, including for- while not unusual in Iran’s 8]cWXb_W^c^aT[TPbTSQhcWT^UUXRXP[fTQbXcT^UcWT^UUXRT^UcWT8aP]XP]?aTbXST]Rh?aTbXST]c7PbbP]A^dWP]X[TUcb_TPZbfXcWcWT\TSXPPUcTaWXb\TTcX]VfXcW?aTbXST]c tion overthrew the shah, Iran’s ers firmly in control across the
mer hard-line President previous elections, signaled T[TRc4QaPWX\APXbXaXVWcfW^XbRdaaT]cYdSXRXPahRWXTUX]CTWaP]8aP]^]BPcdaSPh 0? theocracy has cited voter government as negotiations in
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, called what semiofficial news agencies turnout as a sign of its legiti- Vienna continue to try to save
for a boycott. inside Iran had been hinting at lower than in Iran’s last presi- napped in a courtyard. At try — as opposed to the long, “crowding” at several polling macy, beginning with its first a tattered deal meant to limit
In initial results, former for hours: That the carefully dential election in 2017. At one another, officials watched snaking lines of past elections. places nationwide. Paper bal- referendum that won 98.2% Iran’s nuclear program at a time
Revolutionary Guard com- controlled vote had been a polling place inside a mosque videos on their mobile phones Balloting came to a close at lots, stuffed into large plastic support that simply asked when Tehran is enriching ura-
mander Mohsen Rezaei won blowout win for Raisi amid the in central Tehran, a Shiite cler- as state television blared beside 2.A.M. Saturday, after the gov- boxes, were to be counted by whether or not people wanted nium at its highest levels ever,
3.3 million votes and moderate boycott calls. As night fell ic played soccer with a young them, offering only tight shots ernment extended voting to hand through the night, and an Islamic Republic. though it still remains short of
Abdolnasser Hemmati got 2.4 Friday, turnout appeared far boy as most of its workers of locations around the coun- accommodate what it called authorities said they expected The disqualifications weapons-grade levels.

29625@74A4¶D46?E6?2CJ 2YTU^_RZUSdcd_ :_UZRRSdeRZ_dWc`^

GXPS\X]XbcTab[^hP[ch_[TSVTc^bT]X^a[TPSTab bQYcY^WWQcdQh g`eZ_X`_F?82
?C8Q 14898=6

head of China’s ruling d_`QiV_bY^VbQ

founded by Mao in 1921,
remained the ruling party since
the People’s Republic of China
He said, “It is necessary for
them to strengthen their aware-
ness of the need to maintain
ready at all times to sacrifice my
all for the party and people and
never betray the party.”
A Communist Party’s cente-
nary celebrations, President Xi
(PRC) was founded in 1949.
The centenary celebrations will
political integrity, think in big-
picture terms, follow the lead-
The exhibition themed
“staying true to the founding 0?Q F0B78=6C>=
?C8Q D=8C43=0C8>=B

Jinping, who has emerged as its be held on July 1 and the party ership core, and keep in align- mission,” was opened on Friday PS^_cTSfXcW (
leader on par with its founder
Mao Zedong, has publicly
has planned many events,
including a military parade.
ment with the central party
leadership,” state-run Xinhua
at the newly-inaugurated
Museum of the CPC in Beijing T he White House has made
clear that President Joe
Itionndia has abstained on a UN
General Assembly resolu-
on Myanmar, saying its
administered loyalty pledge to The party is celebrating its news agency reported. ahead of the CPC centenary. In Biden was opposed to letting views have not been reflected ³hTb´1T[Padb
senior party leaders calling
them to follow the “leadership
centenary year amid growing
global hostility towards China
Xi is originally set to retire
like his predecessors after his
his speech, Xi said the party
members should remain con-
the federal gasoline tax rise at
the rate of inflation to help pay
in the draft resolution and a
“consultative and constructive” e^cX]V³]^´P]S
core” and strive for the coun-
try’s modernisation and nation-
over COVID-19 origin, allega-
tions of human rights violations
second term in 2023, but
expected to continue for life as
fident in the path, theory, sys-
tem and culture of socialism
for an infrastructure package
that a bipartisan group of 21
approach involving Myanmar’s
neighbouring countries is
al rejuvenation. in Xinjiang, Hong Kong and the top legislature National with Chinese characteristics, as senators is trying to craft. important as the international ^cWTaR^d]caXTb
Since Xi took over power
in December 2012, he has been
Xi, 67, who succeeded his
People’s Congress (NPC)
amended the Constitution in
well as always closely follow the
CPC Central Committee in
The gas tax increase was
part of an early package that
community strives for the
peaceful resolution of the issue. PQbcPX]X]V
officially declared as the “core
leader” of the Communist
predecessor Hu Jintao in
December 2012, quickly con-
2018, removing two five-year
term limits, paving the way for
terms of their thinking, polit-
ical orientation and actions.
called for USD 579 billion in
new spending on roads,
The UNGA adopted a res-
olution on Myanmar on Friday
Party of China (CPC). solidated his position heading his lifelong tenure in power. “The party’s history is the bridges, rail and public transit. them of supporting a hike in that called “upon the Myanmar P]SAdbbXP
Standing ahead of the 25- the party, the powerful military He also administered the most vivid and convincing It’s unclear if it will make the gas prices. armed forces to respect the
member Politburo of the party, and the presidency was con- pledge, which said, “It is my textbook,” Xi stressed. final cut and the White House Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden, people’s will as freely expressed for adoption today. We would
which included No.2 leader ferred the “core” leader title will join the Communist Party Efforts should be made to seems intent on making sure it the Democratic chairman of by results of the general elec- like to reiterate that a consul-
Premier Li Keqiang, during a doing away with the collective of China, uphold the party pro- educate and guide Party mem- doesn’t. the Senate Finance Committee, tion of November 8, 2020, to tative and constructive
visit to an exhibition at the leadership. gramme, observe the party’s bers and officials to stay true to “The President has been said that indexing the gas tax end the state of emergency, to approach involving the neigh-
newly-inaugurated museum of In his speech at the exhi- Constitution, fulfill my party the original aspiration and clear throughout these negoti- to inflation was a nonstarter for respect all human rights of peo- bouring countries and the
the CPC in Beijing on Friday, bition, Xi called on the mem- member duties, carry out party founding mission of the party, ations: He is adamantly him. ple of Myanmar and to allow region, remains important as
Xi administered the pledge bers of the CPC to draw decisions, strictly observe party Xi noted. opposed to raising taxes on “It’s another hit on working the sustained democratic tran- the international community
which was telecast by the state- strength from the party’s his- discipline, guard party secrets, More than 2,600 pictures people making less than USD people,” Wyden said. sition of Myanmar, including strives for the peaceful resolu-
run television channels. tory and strive for China’s be loyal to the party , work and 3,500 artefacts about the 400,000 a year,” White House Sen. Sherrod Brown, D- the opening of the democrati- tion of the issue”.
With over 90 million mem- modernisation and national hard, fight for Communism party’s history are on display at spokesman Andrew Bates said Ohio, said a gas tax hike is a cally elected parliament, and by “The fact that there is lack
bers, the CPC, which was rejuvenation. throughout my life and to be the exhibition. on Friday. “Republican thing.” working towards bringing all of support from all neigh-
“After the extraordinarily “Democrats want to fund national institutions, including bouring countries as well as
hard times that ordinary this by taxing people (earning) the armed forces, under a fully several countries in the region
Ec`aZTR]De`c^ (8WKUHDWHQV <TcP[UP]b\^bWPc 2Wcf__Z_X`fe`W Americans endured in 2020 —
job losses, shrinking incomes,
USD 400,000,” Brown said.
The White House is
inclusive civilian government
that is representative of the
itself should, hopefully, serve as
an eye-opener to those who
/HEDQHVH bcD:[XeT\dbXR `ijXV_Rd4`gZU
4]RfUVeeVScZ_Xd UTbcbX]RT_P]ST\XR dfcXVh`cdV_d
squeezed budgets — he is sim-
ply not going to allow Congress
expecting to hear from the sen-
ators crafting the infrastructure
people’s will”.
The resolution was adopt-
choose to pursue a hasty course
of action,” India said, adding

to raise taxes on those who suf- package on Monday. It is scaled ed with 119 countries voting that it does not believe that the
London: Thousands of heavy fered the most.” back from Biden’s proposal, but “yes”, Belarus voting “no” and tabling of this resolution for
metal fans were camping, Kabul: Afghanistan is racing to The federal gas tax stands Democrats are preparing to India along with 35 other coun- adoption at this juncture, is
8f]W4`Rde ZLWKVDQFWLRQV singing — and even moshing
— on Saturday at Britain’s first
ramp up supplies of oxygen as
a deadly third surge of Covid-
at 18.4 cents a gallon and has
not increased since 1993. It
move other parts of Biden’s
agenda in separate legislation
tries abstaining, including
China and Russia.
“conducive to aiding our joint
efforts towards strengthening
New Orleans: Tropical Storm 0?Q 148ADC full music festival since the start 19 worsens, a senior health offi- helps pay for highways and that they could pass using a tool In its explanation of vote, democratic process in
Claudette dumped heavy rain of the coronavirus pandemic. cial told The Associated Press on mass transit programs around that requires only a simple India said “we find that our Myanmar”.
across the US Gulf Coast from he European Union’s for- The three-day Download Saturday. the country. Congress has tra- majority for approval. views have not been reflected “We are therefore con-
Louisiana to Florida as it
chugged inland Saturday, trig-
T eign policy chief Saturday
berated Lebanese politicians for
Festival, taking place at
Donington Park in central
The Government is
installing oxygen supply plants
ditionally relied on the user-pay
principle to pay for road and
The bipartisan plan offers
about USD 579 billion in new
in the draft being considered strained to abstain,” India said.

gering flash floods and torna- delays in forming a new England, is one of a series of test in 10 provinces where up to 65 bridge work, but is increasing- spending, including USD 110
do warnings along its soggy Cabinet, warning the union events to see whether mass gath- per cent of those tested in some ly relying on general funds to billion on roads and highways,
course across the Southeast. could impose sanctions on erings can resume without trig- areas are Covid positive, health accomplish that task. USD 66 billion on passenger
The National Hurricane those behind the political stale- gering outbreaks of Covid-19. ministry spokesman Ghulam Lawmakers from both parties and freight rail and USD 48 bil-
Center declared Claudette mate in the crisis-hit country. About 10,000 fans, a tenth Dastigir Nazari said. AP are wary of attack ads accusing lion on public transit.
organized enough to qualify as Josep Borrell made his of the festival’s pre-pandemic
a named storm at 4 am on comments at the presidential attendance, secured tickets to
Saturday, well after the storm’s palace near the capital Beirut watch more than 40 UK-based
center of circulation had come after meeting with President bands including Frank Carter &
ashore southwest of New Michel Aoun. It was the first The Rattlesnakes, Enter Shikari
Orleans. It was north of the city meeting in a two-day visit to and Bullet for My Valentine. AP
three hours later, with maxi- Lebanon.
mum sustained winds of 45 Borrell’s comments came
mph (72 kph) as the storm amid reports in Lebanese
plodded to the northeast at 12 media that France and the EU
mph (19 kph). The heaviest are putting together proposals
rains were far from the center, for possible travel bans and
near the Mississippi-Alabama freezes on assets of some politi-
state line. cians.
Tornado warnings were Borrell said Lebanese
issued from the Mississippi politicians should quickly form
coast to the western Florida a new government, implement
panhandle. Residents of Pace, reforms and reach a deal with
Florida, called 911 to report a the International Monetary
possible twister that tore the Fund to start getting the tiny
roofs off two homes and dam- country out of its paralyzing
aged at least three others. AP economic and financial crisis.
=4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!!!

:_UZR¶d7J##85AViaVTeVU 5X]<X]aTUdcTbaT_^acb^UP[[TVTSQ[PRZ ,QGLD¶VIRUH[

80=BQ =4F34;78 also been stated that this is also ment said.
the highest figure of deposits in The ministry also ascribed
80=BQ =4F34;78 he Union Finance Ministry the last 13 years. various other reasons for

ndia’s FY22 GDP is expected

T on Saturday said that
increase in deposits of Indians
"Reports allude to the fact
that the figures reported are
increase in deposits and not
possibly on account of the
to grow by 8.7 per cent said
Oswal Financial
in Swiss Banks could be on
account of increase in business
official figures reported by
banks to Swiss National Bank
increase of deposits in the
Swiss banks out of undeclared
80=BQ <D<108

Services (MOFSL) in a report. of Swiss bank branches locat- (SNB) and do not indicate the incomes of Indian residents. It
"Due to the ferocious sec-
ond Covid wave, we have
ed in India and raised Inter-
bank transactions, rather than
quantum of much debated
alleged black money held by
said that that increase in
deposits may be on account if
Ilionndia’s foreign exchange
reserves rose by $3.074 bil-
during the week ended
revised down our real GDP due to an increase in alleged Indians in Switzerland. Further, increase in deposits owing to June 11.
growth forecasts. Compared black money held by Indians in these statistics do not include the business of Swiss Bank According to the Reserve
with our Mar’21 forecast of 30 Switzerland. the money that Indians, NRIs branches located in India or Bank of India’s (RBI) weekly
per cent YoY, we now expect It, however said that Swiss or others might have in Swiss Increase in Inter- bank trans- statistical supplement, the
real GDP growth of 21 per cent Authorities have been request- banks in the names of third- actions between Swiss and reserves increased to $608.081
YoY in 1QFY22, with some ed to provide the relevant facts country entities," the Ministry Indian Banks. Also, it could be billion from $605.008 billion
downward revision in 2QFY22 along with their view on pos- statement said. due to capital increase for a reported for the week ended
as well," sible reasons for increase or The statement added that subsidiary of a Swiss Company June 4.
"However, as Covid cases decrease in deposits so that the customer deposits have in India or increase in the lia- India’s forex reserves com- lion.
have dropped sharply in Jun’21, upwards its FY23 forecasts to the GDP deflator - linked more facts could be presented in cor- actually fallen from the end of bilities connected with the out- prise foreign currency assets Similarly, the value of the
some pent-up demand may be 5.4 per cent now from an ear- with WPI over CPI - has been rect perspective. 2019 in a Swiss Banks. The standing derivative financial (FCAs), gold reserves, special country’s gold reserves rose by
visible in 2HFY22 and lier 4 per cent. revised up to 6.5 per cent or 4.5 Certain reports suggested funds held through fiduciaries instruments. drawing rights (SDRs), and $496 million to $38.101 billion.
1HFY23." "Although we have revised per cent for FY22 or FY23." that that funds of Indians in has also more than halved The government has issued the country’s reserve position However, the SDR value
Consequently, MOFSL we down our real growth forecasts, Resultantly, it said that Swiss Banks have risen to over from end of 2019. The biggest clarifications in wake of wide- with the International slipped by $1 million at $1.512
now project real GDP growth it is interesting to note that our nominal GDP growth is now C20,700 crore (CHF 2.55 bil- increase is in "Other amounts ly held position that it has Monetary Fund (IMF). billion.
of 8.7 per cent in FY22, down nominal GDP growth forecast projected at 15.6 per cent for lion) at the end of 2020 from due from customers". These are curbed generation of black On a weekly basis, FCAs, But, the country’s reserve
from 11.1 per cent expected has actually been raised mod- FY22 vis-a-vis 15.1 per cent C6,625 crore (CHF 899 million) in form of bonds, securities and money in the economy or the largest component of the position with the IMF inched
earlier. erately for FY22 and FY23." earlier and 10 per cent for at the end of 2019, reversing a various other financial instru- unaccounted funds of Indians forex reserves, edged higher by higher by $11 million to $5.011
Nonetheless, it revised "This is primarily because FY23. 2 year declining trend. It has ments, the finance min state- stashed abroad. $2.567 billion to $563.457 bil- billion.

>_Y^dU^dY_^d_TU\Qi 5dT[_aXRTbaT\PX] *UHDWGHPDQGIRU :E82aTR^aSbWXVWTbcTeTacda]^eTaX]

VYhY^W]Y^Y]e] 5H!!! STb_XcT2^eXS (_P]ST\XR
80=BQ =4F34;78
?=B Q =4F34;78
uel retailers spared con-
F sumers of any further
increase in prices by keeping
n a year ( 2020-21) marred
by Covid-19 pandemic,
?C8Q =4F34;78 =PcX^]P[U[^^afPVT retail prices of petrol and diesel
unchanged on Saturday.
and Village Industries
Commission (KVIC) record-
he Government has no aTUTabc^cWT Accordingly, petrol con- ed the highest ever turnover in
T intention to delay fixing
minimum wages and national
\X]X\d\[TeT[^U tinues to cost C96.93 per litre
and diesel C87.69 per litre in
its history clocking C95, 741.74
crore, as compared to C88,887
floor wages, the labour fPVTcWPcXb Delhi. Across the country as crore in 2019-20. This trans-
Ministry said on Saturday.
The clarification comes P__[XRPQ[Tc^P[[ well the petrol and diesel prices
remained static on Saturday but
lated into an increase of 7.71%.
KVIC’s record perfor-
amid reports that forming an RPcTV^aXTb^U its actual retail prices varied mance in 2020-21 assumes
expert group on the issue with
three-year term is an attempt to f^aZTabPRa^bbcWT depending on the level of local
levies in respective states.
great significance as production
activities remained suspended
delay fixing minimum wages R^d]cah In the city of Mumbai, ?C8Q 270=3860A7 The exports programme for more than three months
and national floor wages. where petrol prices crossed has played a key role in help- during the nationwide lock- in Khadi and Village Industry 2019-20, the production in vil-
Earlier this month, the as early as possible," the min- C100 mark for the first time mazon India on Saturday ing thousands of exporters down announced on March 25 sectors in 2020-21 has regis- lage industry sector increased
ministry announced that the
Centre has constituted an
istry said.
The tenure of the expert
ever on May 29.
The fuel price reached new
A said it sees a great demand
from global customers for
from across India sustain and
grow their business while serv-
last year. During this period, all
Khadi production units and
tered a whopping growth of
101% while the gross sales
to C70,329.67 crore in 2020-21.
Similarly, in FY 2020-21,
expert group under the chair- group has been kept as three high of C103.08 per litre on items like hosiery, sports goods ing people globally during the sales outlets too remained during this period increased by the sales of village industry
manship of renowned econo- years so that even after fixing Friday. and other products, manufac- last 18 months of the pandem- closed that severely affected the 128.66%. products stood at C92,214.03
mist Ajit Mishra to provide minimum wages and national It remained at the same tured in Punjab and Haryana. ic, said Abhijit Kamra, production and sales. A host of initiatives like crore as compared to
technical inputs and recom- floor wages, the government level on Saturday. Diesel is The company further said Director- Global Trade at KVI Chairman VK saxena launch of Khadi e-portal, C84,675.29 crore in 2019-20.
mendations on fixing these may seek technical also priced at C95.14 a litre in its flagship e-commerce Amazon India. “We see a said that despite adverse con- Khadi masks, Khadi footwear, The production and sales
wages. The tenure of the expert inputs/advice from the group the city, the highest among exports programme ‘Global great demand for products like ditions, , KVIC rose to Prime Khadi Prakritik Paint, Khadi in the Khadi sector, however,
group is three years. on related subjects, as and metros. Selling’ lowers the entry barri- apparel, hosiery, sports goods Minister’s clarion calls for hand sanitizers, etc., setting up declined by a small margin as
"It has come to the notice when required, it further said. Petrol price has reached er for micro, small and medi- and others from global cus- “Aatmanirbhar Bharat” and of a record number of new spinning and weaving activities
that certain section of the Press The first meeting of the very close to hitting the centu- um enterprises to expand their tomers and for products man- “Vocal for Local”. PMEGP units, new SFURTI across the country took a major
and some of the stakeholders group was held on June 14, ry mark all across the country business and launch their ufactured across Punjab, The innovative marketing clusters, government’s push to hit during the pandemic.
have opined this as an attempt 2021 and the second is sched- extending the scope of historic brands globally from anywhere Haryana and Chandigarh. ideas of MSME Minister Nitin “Swadeshi” and KVIC’s historic The overall production in
to delay the fixation of uled for June 29, it added. high prices that had already in the country. "We truly believe that with Gadkari diversified KVIC’s agreements with Paramilitary the Khadi sector in 2020-21
Minimum Wages and National Minimum wage is different made the fuel rate cross the C With over 70,000 exporters the right set of tools and tech- product range, scaled up local forces for supply of provisions was recorded at C1904.49 crore
Floor Wages by the govern- for different categories of work- 100 per litre mark in certain from different parts of the nology offered by Amazon production and paved the way increased the turnover of vil- as compared to C2292.44 crore
ment. ers. cities and towns of country, the programme has Global Selling, exporters in for Khadi’s successive growth, lage industry sector during the in 2019-20, while the overall
?"This is clarified that the National floor wage refers Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, emerged as an opportunity for the region can create con- he said. pandemic. Khadi sales stood at C 3527.71
government does not have any to the minimum level of wage Rajasthan, Telangana and businesses to grow, Amazon sumer facing global brands Compared to the year Compared to the produc- crore as compared to C4211.26
such intention and the Expert that is applicable to all cate- Andhra Pradesh. India said in a statement. from right here,” he said. 2015-16, the overall production tion of C65,393.40 crore in crore in the previous year.
Group will submit its recom- gories of workers across the

8&2%DQNORRNVWR G_]U^^_gS_]`bYcU$!_V 8<5_a^_^bTb

mendations to the Government country.


?C8Q =4F34;78 80=BQ =4F34;78 In 2021, women account
Sits tate-owned UCO
Bank on Saturday said W omen comprise 41 per
cent of the supply chain
for 15 per cent of executive
level roles in supply chain,
down from 17 per cent in
board will meet next workforce globally in 2021, up 2020.
week to consider raising from 39 per cent last year, "Contrary to other indus- 80=B Q F0B78=6C>=
up to C500 crore as tier- according to a new survey. tries, supply chain’s mission-
II capital. However, 54 per cent of survey criticality during the COVID- he International
The board of direc-
tors will consider the pro-
respondents said that retaining
mid-career women is an
19 pandemic has meant that
many sectors did not reduce
T Monetary Fund (IMF) has
proposed to set up an inter-
posal for raising tier-II increasing challenge. their workforce, but rather national carbon price floor to
capital of up to C500 crore at its sions and loss reserves, hybrid "Lack of career opportuni- continued to hire and even help limit global warming
meeting scheduled to be held capital instruments, subordi- ties is the top reason that mid- ‘The Women in Supply Chain faced talent shortages, espe- and achieve the transition
on June 23, 2021, the lender nated debt and investment career women left a supply Survey 2021’ by Gartner. cially in the product supply toward low carbon growth
said in a regulatory filing. reserve account. chain organisation or provider. Every leadership level saw chains," said Dana Stiffler, vice over this decade.
Tier-II capital of a bank consists The loss absorption capac- The second-most selected an increase in representation, president analyst with the "Gradually increasing price
of undisclosed reserves, reval- ity of tier-II capital is lower option was development except the executive level where Gartner Supply Chain practice. on carbon encourages innova-
uation reserves, general provi- than tier-I capital. opportunities," according to there has been a slight decline. tion and transition to renew-
able energy, clean mobility,
and low carbon technologies,"
?=175_a^_^bTSRP_XcP[ =C?2P\^]V IMF Managing Director
Kristalina Georgieva said on

X]UdbX^]c^bcaT]VcWT] c^_$6aTPc
"Limiting global warming
to 1.5 to 2 degrees will require
T`dXchQdUUTa)8]SAP ?[PRTc^F^aZ
emissions to be cut by a quar-
ter to a half by 2030, and this
is unlikely to happen without
80=BQ <D<108

he proposed capital infu-

a higher yield on a lower tick-
et size loan."
On May 21, 2021, PNBHF
X]8]SXP measures equivalent to a glob-
al carbon price of around $75
per ton by the end of this
T sion in PNB Housing
Finance Limited (PNBHF)
announced a capital infusion
plan of Rs 40 billion through a
80=B Q =4F34;78 decade," she said, noting that
the current global average
would strengthen the compa- preferential issue of equity and TPC has been recognised emissions price is only $3 per
ny’s equity buffers to absorb
any asset-side stress, said India
warrants which would increase
its net worth by almost 50 per
N as a ‘Great Place to Work’
for the 15th year in a row by the
Noting that there has been
Ratings and Research (Ind- cent to over Rs 120 billion. Great Place to Work Institute. progress, with over 60 nation-
Ra). "The proposed infusion is NTPC is the only PSU to al and subnational carbon pric-
According to the ratings significantly higher than earli- consistently feature in India’s ing schemes around the world,
agency, it will also provide the er planned." Top 50 Best Workplaces. This Georgieva said "we have long
company with the capital need- Accordingly, it would be year NTPC ranked 38th, up way to go", reports Xinhua
ed to grow the franchisee. led by the Carlyle group which from 47th position last year. It news agency.
"PNBHF had seen height- holds 32.2 per cent in PNBHF. also won its first-ever recogni- Georgieva said IMF staff is
ened delinquencies and a "Post the transaction, the tion of India’s Best Employers publishing a proposal on Friday
decline in asset under man- Carlyle group would be the sin- among Nation-Builders 2021. that sets out how an interna-
agement in the last two years gle-largest shareholder of Figuring consistently in tional carbon price floor can
due to a challenging operating PNBHF." GPTW’s Best Workplaces List help achieve the goal of accel-
environment amid the Covid- "The other players infusing year on year is testimony of erating the transition to low
19 pandemic," Ind-Ra said in a equity would be General company’s people, practices carbon growth over the course
report. Atlantic Singapore and Alpha and approach, NTPC said in a of this decade.
"The company has already investments. Salisbur y statement. She highlighted three cru-
increased the provision cover Investments, family investment The Great Place to Work cial elements of such a price
for standard as well as stage 3 vehicle of Aditya Puri, former (GPTW) Institute commended floor: it would focus on a
assets. It also plans to increase CEO & MD of HDFC Bank, is NTPC’s employees for being small number of large emitters,
its focus on the affordable also stated to invest in the cap- the torchbearers of a high trust such as some or all G20 coun-
‘Unnati’ segment which offers ital raise." culture. tries.
=4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!!! b_TRXP[(

icking and choosing things is

P a human trait. Be it your

favourite pair of shoes, or
shirts or even COVID vac-
cines. Yes, you read that right.
With more and more options available
in the market, choosing a vaccine has
become a task for many.
There were some people who
preferred Covishield over
Covaxin, while others were XcFTWPeTc^ZTT_
waiting for Sputnik V. To cPZX]VcWTbT
add to the list of choic- ePRRX]TbU^aP[^]V
es, Serum Institute
of India is all set to _TaX^S>QeX^db[hPc
bring Novavax, P[PcTabcPVTfTfX[[
which apparently VTcP[[^cWTa
offers more than 90 per
cent efficacy, in the coun- _aXeX[TVTSePRRX]Tb
try by September, reportedly. X]8]SXPP]S_a^QPQ[h
And given the current situ- cWT]fTRP]RW^bT
ation, when a US university, report-
edly, had asked the students who got cWTQTccTa^]T
vaccinated with Covaxin and Sputnik V °3aAPRWXc
to revaccinate themselves, choosing the BaXePbcPeP
best of the lot may seem as the right
option to many.
“For the more obvious reasons that <TSXRX]T0_^[[^
these vaccines are not giving prevention CT[T7TP[cW
from the disease rather making the dis-
ease pattern less severe, we have to
choose one with a little better studies. rent vaccines show reduced efficacy
Following the advisories are mandato- against the variants namely the Delta,
ry for people traveling to foreign coun- and the South African variant. So,
tries, hence they may select their shot boosters against the newer variants may
accordingly, but for people staying in be needed. Some researchers are also
India Covaxin is equally good or even looking to mix vaccines for a better
slightly better than Covishield in all the immune response,” she explains.
studies conducted so far,” Dr Rachit Dua tells you that booster doses are
Srivastava, Consultant, General needed to increase the amount of anti-
Medicine, Apollo TeleHealth, says. bodies against the infection. In the case
The situation is particularly chal- of COVID-19, we have studies suggest-
lenging for students from India. It is ing declining antibodies and rare cases
becoming increasingly hard to secure an of reinfection too. “Yet, we need some
appointment for a vaccine that will be extensive research on the development,
accepted by American campuses. the longevity and the efficiency of the
Covaxin is not yet approved by the antibodies produced by the vaccines to
WHO. Students who got Covaxin are consider the use of booster dose,” she
concerned about the uncertainty of its says.
approval. On the other hand, Dr Deepak
“The safety and effectiveness of Verma, Internal Medicine, Columbia
receiving two different COVID-19 vac- Asia Hospital, Ghaziabad, says that
cines have not been proved yet, but some booster doses are needed in all COVID-
researchers feel that it may work. The 19 vaccines that are available right now
American universities are about to start in India and it is nothing but simply a
their autumn semester and Covishield second dose.
is the only WHO approved vaccine avail- “Even abroad, except for Johnson
able in India at this time. The and Johnson, all the COVID-19 vaccines
Government has done right in reducing need a second dose, i.e. a booster dose.
the interval for this category of popula- This is because COVID-19 is a novel
tion to 28 days. Rolling out the WHO virus and the booster dose increases its
approved vaccines like Novavax, Pfizer efficacy against the virus,” he explains.
and Moderna in India can make the sit-
uation easy for students travelling abroad 102:C>B@D0A4>=4
but this could take time,” Dr Namita Time and again, experts are empha-
Jaggi, Chairperson — Lab services and sising that the virus is relatively new and
Infection control & Chief — Education it will take us some time to understand
& Research, Artemis Hospitals, it completely. Such has been the case
Gurugram, tells you. with COVID vaccines. There are people
However, if you are not among the who wonder if they test positive after the
people who are travelling abroad, doc- first dose of vaccine, do they have to
tors say being fussy about vaccines is not restart the vaccination process. The
a wise thing to do. answer is no.
“Not taking the vaccine—whichev- “No, there is no need to restart the
er one may be available in India—is not vaccination process again. A COVID-19
a smart move. Almost all existing vac- infection helps the body mount certain
cines drastically reduce the odds of hos- protective antibodies naturally and it will
pitalisation or death due to COVID-19. boost protection and antibody count.
Take whichever vaccine you can when People who recover from COVID-19
it’s your turn. This is currently the World have been found to have all four of these
Health Organisation’s guideline, too, components. Specificity about how long
which urges people to take whichever this natural immunity will last is not
vaccine is available in their countries. clear but various studies show for at least
Globally, doctors believe that barring three months,” Jaggi tells you.
some side effects, a vaccine is better than In a study published in The New
no vaccine,” Jaggi opines. England Journal of Medicine, researchers
Don’t compare 95 per cent efficacy in Iceland studied 1,107 people who had
of one vaccine with 67 per cent of anoth- recovered from COVID-19 and tested
er. This only means the percentage of ferred vaccine is never an option , use the vaccines approved for Indian pop- answer their queries, experts say that it’s positive for the antibodies. Over a four-
people who may not get COVID. All vac- the vaccines that we have and reduce the ulation. The number of deaths report- time we accept the reality and learn to month period, they found that those
cines are 100 per cent effective in pre- chances of having severe infection. “We =>CC0:8=6C74E0228=4 ed following COVID-19 vaccination in live with it until herd immunity is COVID-19 antibodies did not decline.
venting COVID hospitalisations and all should understand these vaccines are F78274E4A>=4<0H14 the country is only 0.0002 per cent of achieved. A study published in the journal
death. With that being said, there is no not the last doses that we are going to 23.5 crore doses administered which is As for the boosters, Jaggi says, giv- Immunity found that people who recov-
doubt that vaccines with higher effica- take. It’s just the beginning of it, we have 0E08;01;48=8=3808B=>C0 within the expected death rates in a pop- ing smaller doses in multiple shots er from even mild cases of COVID-19
cy like the m-RNA vaccines and to keep taking these vaccines for a long B<0AC<>E40;<>BC0;; ulation. It is also important and perti- (boosters) is often better than a large produce antibodies for at least five to
Novavax will however be better. period. Obviously, at a later stage, we will 4G8BC8=6E0228=4B nent to note that the mortality rates for dose of vaccine in a single shot. seven months and could last much
Dr Shar wari Dabhade Dua, get all other privileged vaccines in India those testing positive for COVID-19 dis- “This is because our immune system longer.
Consultant Internal Medicine, and probably then we can choose the 3A0BC820;;HA43D24C74 ease is more than 1 per cent and vacci- builds on our immunity like bricks in a “Natural infection gives you
Madhukar Rainbow Hospital, Malviya better one,” he says. >33B>57>B?8C0;8B0C8>= nation can prevent these deaths. wall; each level needs to be laid before strength for a longer time. Patients, in
Nagar, agrees with Jaggi and says that >A340C73D4C>2>E83 ( Therefore, the risk of dying following the next layer is built. Memory to some such a scenario, may need to revisit their
both Covishield and Covaxin have stud- 0338=6C>C74F>4B vaccination is negligible as compared to pathogens as in Rubella, measles or dosage timeline but be sure not to miss
ies and trials favouring its effectiveness As if multiple vaccines with differ- C0:4F78274E4AE0228=4 the known risk of dying due to COVID- mumps is life long and in some the it. This is because getting a vaccine jab
in multiple variants of COVID-19. “The ent efficacy rates, but with a single pur- H>D20=F74=8CBH>DA 19 disease. Those getting their vaccina- immunity wanes over time as in whoop- will add to your immune strength, over
recently launched Sputnik vaccine has pose —that of reducing the severity of CDA=C78B8B2DAA4=C;H tion need to wait for 30 minutes at the ing cough or tetanus where boosters and above the natural antibodies and
evident studies supporting its efficacy the disease — wasn’t enough to perplex inoculation centre after vaccination as may be required. It may also be required serve additional purposes. So, wait for
too. On the other hand, phase 3 UK clin- people, the first confirmed death of a 68- C74F>A;3740;C7 most of the anaphylactic reactions occur if the virus mutates and variants arise as 90 days post infection and get your sec-
ical trials showed strong efficacy espe- year-old man following vaccination in >A60=8B0C8>=B6D834;8=4 during this period and prompt treatment in the influenza vaccine where we ond jab that can act like a booster for
cially against UK and South African vari- the country is adding to the woes. C>>6;>10;;H3>2C>AB prevents deaths,” Jaggi says. require an annual flu shot with the cur- immunity. It is not advisable to restart
ants with Novavax. In my opinion, all the This has raised several concerns rently circulating strains,” she says. the vaccination process after natural
vaccines that are readily available in among people, especially in the minds 14;84E4C70C10AA8=6B><4 >=4<>A4B7>C Jaggi adds that for COVID, we are infection in between the doses,” she sug-
India today can be taken, because we saw of those who are still already apprehen- B83445542CB0E0228=48B “I have got my first shot of the vac- learning along the way. We are not very gests.
a few cases who got infected with only sive about getting vaccinated. This 14CC4AC70==>E0228=4 cine. The second is due in a few weeks. sure about whether our immunity will Verma, too, is of the opinion that if
mild symptoms, after the vaccination, might give them a reason to not go for ¯3A=0<8C0906682708A?4AB>=
If this was not all, I have been told that last for six months or a year and how a person tests positive after the first dose
and waiting further for newer vaccines nothing less than the best. But this inci- ;01B4AE824B0=38=542C8>=2>=CA>; we may need a booster dose as well. How impactful variants will be in the long run. of the vaccine, there is no way they can
can slow our process of mass vaccina- dent, doctors say, shouldn’t give rise to 2784543D20C8>=A4B40A27 many doses do we have to take and why “But for now, there is a growing consen- restart the vaccination process. The
tion and thus achieve herd immunity,” fear. 0AC4<8B7>B?8C0;B6DAD6A0< will we, if we will still get the infection sus that boosters will be needed. But person must increase the gap between
Dua says. “This incident should not create fear anyway?,” a distressed man asks. whether we will need it for the next year two doses and take the second dose of
Srivastava emphasise on the fact that in the minds of people and there should He is not an exception, there are or not, will again depend on the way the vaccine after three months, as stipulat-
in the current scenario waiting for a pre- be no apprehension about the safety of many who have the same question. To pandemic behaves. Moreover, the cur- ed by the Government of India.
=4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!!! b_^ac 

Southampton: The Indian

cricket team on Saturday wore
black armbands on the second
day of the World Test

Championship final against
New Zealand as a mark of
respect to ‘Flying Sikh’ Milkha
Singh, who passed away after
a month-long battle due to
Covid-19 related complica-
BZX__TaaT\PX]b Top Indian players, includ-
ing skipper Virat Kohli and
d]QTPcT]^]## coach Ravi Shastri, had already
posted their condolence mes-
QTU^aTQPS[XVWc sages on Twitter and the entire
Indian team on the day wore
bc^_b_[PhX]UX]P[ the arm band as a mark of
respect for the departed soul.
bTbbX^]^U3Ph! This is one of the rare
occasions when Indian crick-
et team wore black armbands
?C8 Q B>DC70<?C>= 8]SXPbRP_cPX]EXaPc:^W[XaXVWcP]SQPccX]V_Pac]Ta0YX]ZhPAPWP]TfP[Z^UUcWTUXT[SU^acTPSdaX]VcWT3Ph!^UFC2 5X]P[ 0? for a legend of Olympic sports.
8]SXP´bQPcbf^\P]B]TWAP]PRWPcbfXcWcTP\\PcTCP]XhP1WPcXPSdaX]VcWTXa(cWfXRZTcbcP]S^]3Ph#^UF^\T]´bCTbc /822
irat Kohli led India’s overs could be bowled on GD3 6Y^Q\4Qi# helmet but the blow from

V resolute batting effort

against a high quality
New Zealand attack in testing
Saturday including only 9.1 in
the final session. The opening
day was washed out.
<YfUVb_]#* `]9CD
Wagner did not seem to both-
er him much.
Soon after, the gritty bats-
Williamson did just that.
India decided to stick to
the playing eleven they
?C8 Q 1A8BC>;

ebutants Sneh Rana and

>__ ET]dT BTPb^]
conditions before bad light
brought an anti-climatic end
As expected, Kohli was
ready for the challenge posed
to add 51 runs in the after-
noon with the loss of
man was trapped in front by
another left-armer Boult, who
announced two days ago
despite change in conditions
D Taniya Bhatia shared an
unbeaten 104-run stand for
!# <XRWT[[T6^biZ^0DB 4=6 BWT][Th !
to day two of the World Test by an all seam attack on an Cheteshwar Pujara (8 off 54). swung it back enough sharply while New Zealand went in the ninth wicket to secure a '(&! & ;Tb[Th2^^ZT4=6 8=3 FTcWTaQh ('%
Championship final here on overcast day. He played late Compared to the morning to beat the batsman. with a four-prong pace attack memorable draw for India in $((%%" BWPUP[XETa\P8=3 4=6 1aXbc^[ !!
Saturday. and close to his body, was session, New Zealand’s all In the 41st over bowled by at the expense of a specialist the one-off women’s Test $"(($# 9Tbb9^]PbbT]0DB 4=6 2P]cTaQdah ! $
Rohit Sharma (34 off 68) happy to leave balls outside the pace attack showed much Boult, Kohli wasn’t amused spinner with all-rounder de against England here on
and Shubman Gill (28 off 64), off stump and cashed in on the more discipline. when the umpire decided to Grandhomme being the fifth Saturday. $ ""& 4]XS1PZTfT[[4=6 0DB 0ST[PXST (%'%(
opening for the first time in slightest of scoring opportuni- With the Dukes ball mov- seek third umpire’s help for a seam bowling option. If Deepti Sharma pro- 5PXbT[55TPcdaTb
England, showed remarkable ties. ing around, Kohli paid due caught behind appeal even Rohit and Gill came into duced a dogged resistance
application against the moving His only boundary, a sub- respect to the bowlers includ- though New Zealand did not the middle with a clear game- with a 168-ball 54 in the top- The two teams eventually But the visitors lost four
ball to share a 62-run stand lime cover drive off Neil ing Colin de Grandhomme, go for the DRS. plan. order, Rana top-scored with an decided to shake hands after quick wickets for 28 runs to
before Kohli (44 not out off Wagner, came before lunch but who bowled three successive In the morning, Rohit and Jamieson was the one who unbeaten 80 off 154 balls and 121.2 overs. stare down the barrel at one
124) came into his own with kept the scoreboard ticking maidens to the India skipper. Gill staved off the initial swing provided the much needed frustrated the England bowlers Forced to follow on after stage before Rana and Pandey
a steely knock to take India to with twos and threes. With all the fast bowlers threat posed by the opposition breakthrough by having Rohit with two crucial partnerships being dismissed for 231 in batted for almost 17 overs to
146 for three at stumps on a Kohli’s deputy Rahane did making the ball talk, Kohli was pace attack before New caught at third slip with down the order with Shikha their first innings, India stem the rot as India took tea
start-stop second day. not start convincingly but his patience personified but was Zealand fought back by Southee taking a terrific catch. Pandey and Bhatia (44 not out resumed the final day at 83 for at 243 for 8 with 40 overs still
The skipper got good sup- feet movement and shot selec- quick to pick up runs when removing the openers towards Wagner sent Gill back in off 88) respectively. one but lost talented Shafali remaining in the match.
port from Ajinkya Rahane (29 tion got better as his innings bowled into the pads. the end of the session. his very first over with the one The 27-year-old, who had Verma (63) early. After the break, Rana con-
not out off 79) in the final ses- progressed. Three of his four Pujara at the other end Cool and overcast condi- angling away and straight into taken four wickets in the first Sharma then joined hands tinued in the same vein as she
sion where bad light stopped boundaries came post tea. took 36 balls to open his tions at the Hampshire Bowl the hands of B J Watling, who innings with her off spin, had with Punam Raut (39) and smashed 13 fours in her 154-
play twice before umpires India, who had reached 69 account. Like Gill earlier in the on day two made it a no-brain- had a brilliant day behind the made a national comeback added 72 runs to take India to ball innings to take India’s lead
called it a day. A total of 64.4 for two at lunch, was only able day, Pujara too was hit on the er to bowl first and Kane stumps. with this game. 171 for three at lunch. across the 150-mark.

c^Pe^XS8?; R[PbW
New Delhi: The BCCI seems to have
ensured the participation of the
Caribbean players in the remainder of
05?Q ;420BC4;;4C

6bU^SX7bQ^T@bYh is anxious to translate pole
<YfUVb_]&*# `]9CD into a win after a shredded tyre
ax Verstappen claimed pole DE2CDA@CEDD6=64E# robbed him of almost certain
on Saturday for the French victory in Baku last time out.
the IPL as the organisers of the CPL Grand Prix with Lewis Hamilton’s Mercedes “So far it’s been a really positive weekend, ?C8Q =4F34;78 el to Tokyo from their respective
have revised their schedule to avoid alongside the Red Bull driver on the front row on a track that is normally difficult for us. To locations.
a clash of dates with the Indian T20 to lay the foundations for another gripping get pole position was really nice. he Indian athletes and offi- However, a major chunk of
The IPL was suspended mid-sea-
instalment in this season’s delicately-poised
title battle.
“Great day for us but we have to finish it
off tomorrow and get 25 points — which we
T cials travelling for the Tokyo
Olympics have been asked by
the Indian contingent will leave
for the Games from India and
son last month after the coronavirus Valtteri Bottas in the other Mercedes lost in Baku. Great promise from our side.” the Japanese Government to the regulations will affect their
breached its bio-bubble and is sched- starts on the second row with Verstappen’s After struggling to keep tabs with his Red undergo daily Covid-19 tests for training.
uled to restart in the UAE from teammate Sergio Perez. Bull rival in practice Hamilton was relieved a week prior to their departure The IOA questioned the
September 19. Verstappen leads Hamilton by just four to narrow the gap between them to 0.258s. and not interact with anyone need for the regulations given
According to a report in points in the Formula One word “We’ll keep pushing, keep fighting and from another country for three that athletes from India will be
ESPNcricinfo, the Caribbean Premier championship ahead of the seventh giving it everything. Their long-run pace days on arrival, strictures that fully vaccinated and will be
League (CPL) will now be played in race of the season at the Circuit Paul is a tenth or two quicker than us, but the have left the IOA fuming. undergoing daily tests for a
St Kitts and Nevis between August 26 Ricard on Sunday. car’s in a much different place now,” said Stricter regulations have week before their departure.
and September 15, four days before Hamilton won from pole the the seven-time world champion. been put in place for all travellers “Where and when will the
the IPL’s resumption. last two races staged at Le Castellet “We’re going to fight for a — including athletes, coaches athletes practice as
The CPL was originally scheduled in 2018 and 2019, but Verstappen chance into turn one and there and support staff — who have five days before their competi- days, as everyone has food in the practice/training areas are never
to start on August 28 and conclude on had approached qualifying as the man could be some interesting strat- resided in 11 countries, includ- tion begins. Games Village food hall where empty and athletes and officials
September 19. to beat after dominating the final two egy tomorrow, and I think ing India, where different vari- IOA president Narinder all athletes and officals of other of other NOCs are present all the
The development would please practice sessions. there could be some rain ants of Covid-19 have been Batra and secretary general NOCs are present all the time. time. “While we respect any
the BCCI, especially when participa- Verstappen, claiming his tomorrow, so a chance to see identified, within 14 days of their Rajeev Mehta, in a joint state- “If Food Packets are being country’s decision to keep their
tion of the Australian players in the first pole since the season- a rain master,” he added. arrival in Tokyo. ment, questioned the new reg- delivered outside the rooms of country safe and secure, the ath-
IPL is under doubt. opener in Bahrain, ‘The unfair and discrimina- ulations. the athletes then who will plan letes going out of India will be
“Both IPL and CPL are important tory’ rules have drawn sharp “Athletes are allowed to their body requirements like double caccinated, have RT-
to CWI, to our cricketers and to fans,” criticism from the Indian arrive in the Games Village proteins, food preferences etc PCR tests done everyday for last
Ricky Skerritt, the Cricket West Indies Olympic Association, which has only 5 days before their event. and will it not affect the perfor- 7 days before leaving...
president said. written to the games organising Now 3 days will be wasted, this mance of athletes, who will not “...Then why make the ath-
“CWI’s role was to facilitate committee requesting it to is the time the athletes need to not get their preferred diet, just letes suffer at a time when they
arrangements for a non-overlapping ensure that mechanisms to pre- be moving towards their mode 5 days before the Olympics.” need to peak, once again high-
and smooth transition from one vent Covid-19 do not have any to peak. Highly unfair for Indian Several athletes like ly unfair for Indian athletes
tournament to the next. Cricket ‘adverse and detrimental impact’ Athletes,” the joint statement weightlifter Mirabai Chanu, who have worked hard for 5
administrators must collaborate if on performance of athletes. read. “Where and when will the wrestler Vinesh Phogat and years to be discriminated against
cricket is to survive the risks and costs Athletes have been asked to athletes have their breakfast, Javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra just 5 days before the Olympics,”
of COVID-19.” check into the Games Village lunch, dinner etc during these 3 are training abroad and will trav- the IOA statement read.

=8B7D<07090=Q daughters. people waiting outside to escape the communal riots had initially refused to go to Before his retirement, the
270=3860A7 Famously known as ‘The catch a glimpse of him after and came to Delhi to stay Pakistan but was persuaded legendary athlete became a
Flying Sikh’, Milkha Singh the release of blockbuster with his sister initially. by then Prime Minister four-time Asian Games
he track, to me, was had contracted the deadly biopic on his life Bhaag After three failed Jawaharlal Nehru to face his Gold-medallist and the 1958
“T like an open book, in
which I could read the mean-
virus last month and his first
response to the media after
Milkha Bhaag.
“He (Milkha) fought hard
attempts, he was finally
recruited in the India Army
Milkha’s pinnacle of glory
C ommonwealth Games
ing and purpose of life. I testing positive was “I am 91... but God has his ways and it in 1951 and it was when he came when he participated in Milkha was brief ly
revered it like I would the I will come out of it in flying was perhaps true love and was introduced to the sports the 400-meters race at the imprisoned at Tihar jail, for
sanctum sanctorum in a tem- colours and beat this virus in companionship that both our and his journey to become a 1960’s Olympic Games. travelling on a train without
ple, where the deity resided no time. I have been keeping mother Nirmal ji and now legendary athlete began. Finishing the 400m final in a ticket and was bailed out by
and before whom I would indoors except for morning Dad have passed away in a Milkha made it to Indian 45.6 seconds, he had fin- his sister, who sold her jew-
humbly prostrate myself as a jogging and exercise. I am in matter of five days,” a state- camp in 1956 and booked a ished at fourth spot, missing ellery to obtain his release.
devotee... Running had thus high spirits.” ment from the family on berth for the Melbourne a Bronze medal by just 0.1 The news of his death
become my God, my religion Perhaps, this is how the Friday said. Olympics, beginning his 400 seconds. brought an outpouring of
and my beloved.” legend of the Flying Sikh will Milkha Singh, who m stint. Even though he could mourning and remembrance
This famous quote from reverberate for generations to missed an Olympic medal by It was his victory at the not bring home an Olympic in the countr y. From
The Race of My Life, an auto- come. a whisker in 1960, had set a Commonwealth games in medal, Singh had become President to Prime Minister,
biography of legendary ath- Singh, who settled with new dawn in the country 1958 that catapulted him to the only Indian to have bro- Governors to Chief
lete Milkha Singh aptly sums his wife in Chandigarh in the with a national record in fame. Milkha won India’s first ken an Olympics track record Ministers, sporting personal-
up his dedication and passion 1960s was among the most 400m race that remained individual Gold medal at in 1960 and the event which ities to actors, all took to
for running that made him prominent personalities of untouched for almost 38 these games, a record that made the nation glued to social media platforms to
one of the greatest athletes of the city. The couple worked years. Despite finishing stayed with him for over five their radio sets later inspired mourn the death of a sport-
all time. together in the Punjab Sports fourth at the Olympic event, decades. many to take up sprinting to ing superstar.
The ace sprinter, who Department till 1980s and Singh became a sporting icon With a motto “Don’t stop become the next Milkha For many, the running
was born in 1932 in undivid- were a regular at the with many aspirants taking till you drop” during his Singh. legend Milkha Singh remains
ed India, survived some hard- Chandigarh Golf Course to up sprinting to follow their training, Milkha soon “The one medal I had the best ever to grace the
fought battles on both per- watch their son play there. In dreams although only few became Asia’s best and yearned for throughout my sport and he has left behind
sonal and professional fronts fact, Milkha Singh was him- Indians came close to match received several accolades career had just slipped a legacy and influence that
before his body lost the fight self a golf aficionado and his calibre in the past sever- during his career as an ath- through my fingers because will see him live forever.
against Covid-19 on Friday used to play with many al decades. lete. of one small error of judge- The Flying Sikh, whose
after a month-long struggle. prominent personalities His was a rags-to-riches His visit to Pakistan in ment,” Singh had written in inspiring story began from
His wife, Nirmal Kaur (85), including politicians at CGC. story that began in the pre- 1960 remains another turn- his autobiography recalling the ashes of a violent parti-
former India women’s volley- After the news of the partition era and is tinged ing point in his life when the how he had lost steam short tion, wanted people to derive
ball captain had died due to death of the legendary athlete, with incidents of horror and Pakistan President General of the finishing line. inspiration from the famous
Covid-19 just five days ago. many politicians and other struggle. The most heart- Ayub Khan anointed Milkha From a bloody partition quote “Destroy your entire
Married for 58 years, personalities from the region wrenching part of his life the ‘Flying Sikh’ after he out- to a lost childhood, hard existence if you want to reach
Chandigarh’s evergreen cou- reached his residence in story was when he saw his ran Pakistani Abdul Khaliq won victories to an unforget- the zenith. Cos a seed has to
ple are survived by their son, Sector 8 here to pay their trib- parents being killed during before the Rome Olympics. table heartbreak at Olympics, become one with the dust to
renowned professional golfer ute. The same residence had the 1947 partition. 8]cWXb9d]T! (% UX[T_W^c^<X[ZWPBX]VWbcPacbcWT#\aPRTX]cWT9P]dbi Haunted by the bitter mem- the nonagenarian saw it all in sprout and blossom into a
Jeev Milkha Singh, and three once become a hotspot, with He was lucky enough to :db^RX]bZX<T\^aXP[CaPRZP]S5XT[S<TTcX]VX]FPabPf 0? ories of partition, Milkha his life. flower.”
<PcRWTb7RGD\ ""

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sang ‘Oh wie ist das schön’ (Oh will play Portugal in Budapest. fully than before.
how lovely this is) as they Germany had the ball in the Havertz forced the equaliz-
watched their team dominate net early against Portugal when er in the 35th minute when he
the game from start to finish - Gosens volleyed in a cross from went for Gosens’ cross alongside 4]V[P]SRP_cPX]7Paah:P]T(cTP\\PcT<Pb^]<^d]c (P]SBR^c[P]S
something they hadn’t seen in Joshua Kimmich, but the goal Dias, who deflected it inside the _[PhTabcPZTZ]TTQTU^aTcWTbcPac^U4da^!!\PcRWPcFT\Q[Th 0?

years of underachievement. was ruled out on video review far post.
The 2014 World Cup cham- for one of a number of possible Germany then took the lead
pions had been looking for a infringements. Serge Gnabry through another own-goal soon
good showing at Euro 2020 to was offside and Thomas Müller after. Havertz failed to connect

make up for their first-round handled the ball. with a cross from Müller but
exit at the 2018 World Cup in Ronaldo was the first to Kimmich sent the ball back in
Russia. strike for real. Bernardo Silva and it rebounded into the net off
Both Portugal and Germany sent a ball over Havertz for the unfortunate Guerreiro.
now have three points in Group Diogo Jota, who took the ball on Havertz finally got his goal 05?Q ;>=3>= win their final match against
F, one behind current World his chest and crossed for early in the second half when Croatia.
Cup champion France. Ronaldo’s easy tap in. Müller set him up for an easy ngland missed a chance to Ponderous England’s lack
Hungary has one point and
will next play Germany on
Clearly shaken, a more cau-
tious Germany resumed where
finish. Gosens then headed in
the fourth at the back post from
E book their place in the last
16 at Euro 2020 as Scotland
of cutting edge was a major
issue for Southgate, who
6Ta\P]hbBTaVT6]PQahRT]cTaRT[TQaPcTbPUcTabR^aX]VWXbbXSTbbTR^]SV^P[PVPX]bc?^acdVP[X]<d]XRW^]BPcdaSPh 0?
Wednesday in Munich. France it left off, albeit a little more care- Kimmich’s cross. kept their own hopes alive with responded to Harry Kane’s
a well deserved 0-0 draw on second successive lacklustre
05?Q <D=827

Friday. effort by hauling off his captain
Gareth Southgate’s side after 75 minutes.
ermany finally clicked would have been guaranteed to There had been questions

G into gear at the Euro

Championship, with a
little help from defending cham-
advance from Group D with a
win over their old rivals at
raised about Kane after he
failed to make an impact in
England’s 1-0 win against
pion Portugal. 05?Q 1D30?4BC Nagy’s crossfield ball and played But lethargic England Croatia on Sunday.
The Portuguese became the a one-two with Roland Sallai, managed just one shot on tar- Kane admitted he was not
first team to score two own-goals ntoine Griezmann salvaged outpacing Benjamin Pavard get and Scotland’s combative undroppable this week and
in one game at the continental
tournament, giving the Germans
A a 1-1 draw for France
against Hungary in Budapest as
and holding off Raphaël
Varane to side-foot beyond
display could easily have
earned all three points.
Southgate has a difficult deci-
sion to make over the
a 4-2 victory on Saturday and the world champions missed Lloris at his near post. Despite a flop that saw Tottenham striker, who fin-
ending fears of another group- the chance to clinch a place in Deschamps introduce them booed off at full-time, ished as the Premier League’s
stage exit. the Euro 2021 last 16 on Ousmane Dembélé for Adrien England have four points and top scorer this term but has
Cristiano Ronaldo put Saturday. Rabiot on the hour nearly will be certain of qualifying if suddenly lost his touch.
Portugal in the lead in the 15th Hungary threatened to brought an immediate equalis- they avoid defeat by the Czech With an average age of 25
minute against the run of play. blow Group F wide open when er as the Barcelona forward rat- Republic in their last group years and 31 days, England’s
It was his first goal against Attila Fiola gave the hosts a tled the post. game on Tuesday. starting lineup was their
Germany and his third at Euro shock lead in first-half stoppage France pulled level when a “It was a frustrating night. youngest ever in a major tour-
2020. It also extended his all- time after catching out the long kick upfield by Lloris We know we can play better. nament match and as one of
time tournament record to 12 France defence. sailed over the head of Nagy, We’ve got to give Scotland the few senior players, Kane
goals. But Griezmann, the with Mbappé latching onto it credit. They defended valiant- hardly led by example.
But defenders Rúben Dias Golden Boot winner at Euro ahead of Hungary’s Paris-born ly and played well,” Southgate Meeting in a major tour-
and Raphaël Guerreiro put 2016, equalised on 66 minutes Loïc Négo. said. nament for the first time since
Germany ahead before half- as an unconvincing France His ball across goal was “We didn’t do enough to England’s win at Euro 96, this
time by scoring into their own avoided a first competitive deflected into Griezmann’s path win the game. We have a was a redemptive performance
net. defeat since June 2019. by Willi Orban, allowing the young team and some of them for Scotland, whose fans sere-
Kai Havertz and Robin Didier Deschamps’ side forward to slam in his seventh won’t have experienced a night naded their team at full-time.
Gosens then scored two more top the group with four points, European Championship goal. under this intensity and pres- “We played well. We were
for Germany early in the second one above reigning champions Gulacsi produced a fine sure.” unfairly criticised after the
half — becoming the first play- Portugal and Germany. 0?
save to turn away a fierce shot Scotland, in their first game on Monday. I have a
ers within the squad to score at Hungary earned their first from Mbappé as France major tournament since the good group of players and they
a Euro Championship. point but remain at the bottom Germany, still hoping to qual- 60,000 at the Puskas Arena, the had warned of over confidence pressed for a victory that 1998 World Cup, looked far showed that tonight,” Scotland
Diogo Jota got one back for by the end of the day. ify for the knockout phase for only Euro 2021 venue without against a team expected to fin- would have sent them more composed than in their boss Steve Clarke said.
Portugal in the 67th after France stay in Budapest for a second straight tournament. capacity restrictions due to ish bottom of the group, and Les through to the knockout opening 2-0 loss to the Czech “I’m delighted for the play-
Ronaldo acrobatically saved a their final game against Contending with stifling Covid-19, France controlled Bleus were punished for a brief phase. Instead, they must Republic. ers. You wouldn’t have known
free kick from going out. Portugal, while Hungary trav- temperatures in excess of 30 0C much of the first half. lapse just before half-time. wait until Wednesday’s clash They remain in with a which team was the favourite,
The German supporters el to Munich to take on and a crowd approaching France captain Hugo Lloris Fiola collected Adam with Portugal. chance of going through if they which is a credit to us.”

Copenhagen: Christian Eriksen
surprised the Denmark team
saved,” Maehle said.
“We knew that Christian
and Belgium in its first two
games at Euro 2020 but still has
with a visit in the middle of a was OK but it’s completely dif- a chance to advance from Group 0?Q 10:D
training session and then gave ferent to see him in real life.” B with a win over Russia on
them all a hug, his teammates Denmark lost to Finland Monday at Parken Stadium. t least someone on the
said on Saturday.
Eriksen was discharged
A Switzerland team has a rea-
son to celebrate.
from a Copenhagen hospital on Goalkeeper Yann Sommer
Friday and immediately went to went home after Wednesday’s 3-
see his teammates at their Euro 0 loss to Italy for the birth of his
0aVT]cX]P´b6dXS^A^SaXVdTiRT[TQaPcTbPUcTaWTbR^aTbPVPX]bcDadVdPh 0? 2020 base camp outside the second child, and then rejoined
capital. the team on Friday. Now for the

Midfielder Christian more difficult task of turning
Norgaard and defender Joakim around a failing European
Maehle said it came as a big sur- Championship campaign.
prise. “I didn’t know he was With both teams in a must-

coming, so we stopped the win situation, Switzerland’s game
training session when he against Turkey on Sunday might be enough. much, either, netting only one
arrived,” Norgaard said. just turn into a festival of attack- Turkey on the other side has goal in their two matches. Since
“He seemed to be in good ing football. A draw is of no use lost both of its opening games the loss to Italy, many have
05?Q 1A0B8;80 cross to the back post where spirits, and it gave a good ener- to either as they try to advance without scoring a goal, and turned on coach Vladimir
Rodriguez rose above his mark- gy to the team. We were allowed to the round of 16. coach Senol Günes has apolo- Petkovic for what they see as
uido Rodriguez scored the er to head home off the far post. to give him a hug, and it was And the bigger the margin gized to fans. A spot in the last negative tactics and a lack of cre-
G only goal of the game as
Argentina edged past fierce
Uruguay gradually
stemmed the tide and started to
great to see him walk around
with his son. It was a good day
of victory, the better.
A win would give
16 is still possible, but it would
require a big win over the Swiss
Petkovic has been in charge
local rivals Uruguay in a disap- get a foothold in the game, only in many ways. It was what we Switzerland four points in to turn around a minus five goal since 2014 and he had never lost
pointing Copa America clash on to see Argentina counter at needed.” Group A and a good chance of difference and for results else- a group game at a major tour-
Friday (Saturday morning IST). pace before Muslera parried a The 29-year-old Eriksen qualifying as one of the four best where to go Turkey’s way. nament before being beaten by
The victory sent Argentina fierce Nahuel Molina drive at his suffered cardiac arrest during third-place teams — or even Just like against Wales on Italy. Before the group stage,
joint top of Group A with Chile near post. Denmark’s first game against overhauling second-place Wales. Wednesday, the match on Switzerland had been hoping to
on four points while Uruguay Despite enjoying the lion’s Finland last Saturday and had to However, a goal difference Sunday will feel like a Turkey end its run of three consecutive
remain pointless. share of possession, Uruguay be resuscitated with a defibrilla- 52 1PaRT[^]P^]BPcdaSPhR^]UXa\TScWTbXV]X]V^U<T\_WXb3T_Ph^]PUaTT of minus three is dragging the home game with traveling fans exits in the round of 16 at
These two sides played the were unable to test Argentina tor. “It was emotional because Ua^\>[h\_X`dT;h^]CWT3dcRWU^afPaS´bR^]caPRcfXcW;h^]Tg_XaTbPccWTT]S Swiss down. Depending on and many locals in Azerbaijan major tournaments. Now even
first ever International football goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez. the last time we saw him he was ^UcWXb\^]cWP]S1PaRPWPeT\^eTS`dXRZ[hc^T]bdaTWTQTR^\TbcWTXacWXaS results in other groups, a one- backing the team. reaching that stage would be an
match outside the United A slew of early substitutions lying there on the field being UaTTbXV]X]V^UcWTbd\\Ta /521PaRT[^]P goal win over Turkey might not The Swiss haven’t scored achievement.
Kingdom and have played each in the second half disrupted the

other more times than any other flow of the game and chances
local rivals. were at a premium.
They’ve won the Copa 29 Despite boasting Luis
times between them but famil- Suarez and Edinson Cavani up
iarity can breed caution and for front, Uruguay struggled to cre-
much of the encounter they can- ate any chances of note. 0?Q CD18I4 knockout stage after wins over Russia and
celed each other out. Denmark.
Six time Balon d’Or winner ENGLISH TOUCH den Hazard and Kevin De Bruyne will De Bruyne wasn’t risked in the 3-0 vic-
Lionel Messi had the first real
chance, cutting in from the
Earlier, English-born Ben
Brereton was the unlikely hero
E make their first starts at the European
Championship in Belgium’s final group
tory over Russia while he recovered from
fracturing his cheek and eye socket while
right onto his favored left foot to as Chile beat Bolivia 1-0. match against Finland, coach Roberto playing for Manchester City in the
force a full stretch save from The 22-year-old Blackburn Martinez said. Champions League final on May 29.
goalkeeper Fernando Muslera, forward was born in Stoke-on- Axel Witsel will also play from the start He came off the bench to set up a goal
who was relieved to see Lautaro Trent to an English father and in the game in St Petersburg in Monday as and then score himself in the 2-1 win over
Martinez unable to turn in the Chilean mother, and only made Martinez looks to give three of his most Denmark on Thursday.
rebound. his national team debut on important and experienced players some Hazard has had an injury-affected
Moments later, Cristian Monday when he came off the extra game time after their recent injury season with Real Madrid while Witsel has
Romero rose highest in the area bench in Chile’s 1-1 draw with problems. just returned to full fitness after rupturing
to meet a Rodrigo De Paul Argentina. “Eden, Kevin and Axel will start against his Achilles tendon in January. They both >[h\_XRbW^c_dcRWP\_X^]AhP]2a^dbTabWPccTaTS^]T^UcWT^[STbcf^a[S
cross but Muslera made a com- But Brereton, who has Finland because we need to see how (fit) came on as substitutes against Denmark. aTR^aSbX]PcW[TcXRb^]5aXSPh_a^SdRX]VP\P\\^cWWTPeT^U!""&\PbcWT
fortable save. The pressure was played his entire career in the they are and how long they can play,” Wingers Nacer Chadli and Thorgan DBcaPRZP]SUXT[ScaXP[bV^cd]STafPhX]b_TRcPRd[PaUPbWX^]CWT!'hTPa^[S
relentless in the early stages English Championship, was in Martinez said. Hazard have ‘minor injuries,’ said Martinez, 2a^dbTa^Q[XcTaPcTSR^\_PcaX^cAP]Sh1Pa]Tb´f^a[SaTR^aS^U!" !bTcX]
and Argentina took a deserved the right place at the right time “And it’s an opportunity for us to stretch who is also weighing up whether to start ((fXcWWXbU^dacWcWa^f^UPVaX__X]VUX]P[Pc7PhfPaS5XT[SX]4dVT]T
lead on 13 minutes as Messi got to finish off a rapier counter- their match fitness to the maximum level.” striker Romelu Lukaku for a third straight >aTV^]2a^dbTaWPSP[aTPShTR[X_bTS1Pa]Tb´f^a[SX]S^^aaTR^aSTPa[XTacWXb
to the byline and stood up a attack and hand Chile victory. Belgium has already qualified for the 1T[VXP]_[PhTab4ST]7PiPaSP]S0gT[FXcbT[ 0? game. hTPacWa^fX]V!!'!PcP\TTcX]VX]0aZP]bPb 0?
=4F34;78kBD=30H k9D=4!!! QPRZ_PRZ !

Q How did you come on board for the series, Family Motley. After many years of struggle and hard work, I
Man? got my first project Mary Kom.
Luckily, I was part of a movie A Gentleman direct-
ed by this awesome duo Raj-DK sir. Post that one Q When you got Mary Kom, did you have any appre-

evening DK sir called me n narrated Major Sameer’s hensions?
character. I told him that I would love to play it. Both When you get a chance to perform as a lead oppo-

these directors are great and I love how they work site international super star Priyanka Chopra and your
together so beautifully. They are a lethal combination film is being produced by a living legend Sanjay Leela
of heart and mind — Raj sir is the heart and DK sir Bhansali and directed by multitalented director Omung
+HVKRWWRIDPHZLWK2QOHU.RP is the mind of every project. That’s why they cre- Kumar you just feel blessed and thank the Almighty for
7KHDFWRUZKRSOD\V0DMRU ate such unique projects. giving such an opportunity. Your heart fills with grat-
6DPHHU LQ)DPLO\0DQ VSHDNV F74=H>D64C0270=24 itude. There was no reason for me to say no to the pro-
ZLWK 6KDOLQL6DNVHQDDERXWKRZ Q What attracted you to play Major Sameer? ject.
KHJRWWKLVUROHDQGZRUNLQJ The character is the master mind of the C>?4A5>A<0B0;403
ZLWK)DUKDQ$NKWDU show. He is the head of a huge organisation
and is capable of carrying out huge missions.
>??>B8C48=C4A=0C8>=0; Q What’s your role in Toofan?
I’m playing Dharmesh Patil, a Maharashtrian
He is witty and has the charisma to influence BD?4ABC0A?A8H0=:0 boxer who won many national gold medals and repre-

people. He is flamboyant, at the same time,
he is cautious and focused. To sum the char-
27>?A00=3H>DA58;<8B sents India in international games. It’s beautifully writ-
ten and directed by one of the best directors Rakeysh
acter in a few words — he is the wolf in sheep’s 148=6?A>3D2431H0 Omprakash Mehra sir. We have put our heart and soul
skin. Who would miss out on an opportuni-
ty to play this amazing character.
;8E8=6;464=3B0=90H in this film. I am sure people are going to love it.


Q Were you a bit intimidated when you came to know
Q This is the second time you played a major, 38A42C431H there was Farhan Akhtar and Paresh Rawal?
how did this happen? Before signing any film I always ask who my co-
We can’t compare Major Raunak Gautam <D;C8C0;4=C4338A42C>A stars. I always pray that I get to work opposite the best
to Major Sameer. The two are poles apart. They
><D=6:D<0AH>D9DBC actors so that we can pull off all the scenes beautifully

are totally different and opposite personality and together give the audience the best of the best pro-
and their job is different too. Major Raunak 544;1;4BB430=3C70=: jects. When I got an offer to play Patil and got to know
Gautam is sensitive, caring, patriotic and a fami- about Farhan bhaiji and Paresh Rawal sir, I was on cloud
ly man who can die for his country, family and C740;<867CH5>A68E8=6 nine. I felt on top of the world. I had a great time shoot-
friends. Major Sameer is cunning, ruthless. I want- BD270=>??>ACD=8CH ing with them.

ed to explore these two different personalities. I really
enjoyed playing both. H>DA740AC58;;BF8C7 Q Tell us about Ashram series and your role in
Q How did acting happen?
6A0C8CD34 Aavrodh.
Aashram made history with more than a billion
Bachpan se keeda thha acting ka. I used to write views and people loved my performances as Sub-inspec-

poems, perform them and won many trophies. Having tor Ujjagar Singh. It changed my life 360 degree, which
a flair to perform, I thought of taking professional train- is also one of Singh’s favourite dialogues. Avrodh was
ing so I joined Act One theatre group in Delhi and then also loved by d audience as it was based on Uri attack.
Sahaj Group with Neena Guptaji and Rajendra Guptaji People immensely loved d series n my character Major
in Mumbai and finally Nasseruddin Shah sir’s group Raunak Gautam. I feel truly blessed.

id you know that World Music popularity of the song. Therefore, it is mance,” Abhishek says.

D Day or Fête de la musique

began its journey back in 1982
by Jack Lang, Minister of Culture of
necessary to cater to a younger audi-
ence because, in the end, everyone
should relate to the songs they listen
However, he is not open to devi-
ating, reducing the standard just so the
younger generation can appreciate it
France, as well as by Maurice Fleuret to,” Kaur says. more. However, he does tell you that
in celebration of the Summer Solstice Rohit Kaul, Head, HCL Concerts there are certain points and areas where
that occurs on June 21. Today, four tells you that some of the one can appreciate. “The entire process
decades down the line the festival is cel- changes that have of music should be seen as a sound.
ebrated in 120 countries. taken place since While it is tough for people to under-
The purpose is simple. To pro- these concerts stand ragas and taals, it is easy to
mote: Amateur and professional musi- started have been understand melody. I am open to
cians to perform in the streets, under from the audi- singing in films. I am open to explor-

the slogan make music, a homophone ences’ side. ing music but it doesn’t mean that I will
of Fête de la musique and making all “There have change the traditional values. I will not
genres of music accessible to the pub- have two-three change the value just because I want
lic. In India, due to the diversity, music changes that have more people to come and listen to this
has numerous genres which include
classical music, folk, Bollywood, rock,
and pop. Indian music has a history
been seen in the last
seven to eight years.
First, there has been a
music. Even though change is the only
constant, I will retain the essence of
classical music. Not everyone who 1PQQPaYXX]b_XaTS\T
spanning several millennia that began mix in the audience, till comes to the concerts comes with the
as an integral part of socio-religious life. the time we were doing purpose to analyse it. Some come to
Music was passed down in an oral physical concerts, the num- listen to music. Music has the abili-
tradition — from the guru to the ber of young people was 30- ty to calm the mind,” Abhishek says.
shishya. Over time, music evolved to 40 per cent. Second, the For him, music is life. “It has been
what we hear now. According to Asees
Kaur, who has sung songs like Malang
demand for artists has
evolved. The young audi-
there for me, it is a friend, it has guid-
ed me; it is what is a source of bread '(96+$50$ZKRPDGHKLV
and is at present running a challenge
on Roposo app, a short video platform,
ence has been asking for young
artists although there is still
and butter; so many people have lost
their jobs. For me, music is what is GHEXWZLWK<DDUL\DQLQZDV
tells you that the biggest change she
have observed is the audience’s incli-
demand for maestros,” Kaul says.
The artists too have evolved their
music. It
may have start-
keeping me alive,” he tells you.
VSP Gayatri Sivani, who received IHDWXUHGLQDQDOEXP0HQWDO
nation towards non-commercial music.
“The last two lockdowns showed
art. “The artists are experimenting; not
that the senior artists are not. In fact,
ed from listening to fusion and grad-
ually moving to pure form of classical.
training under violinist Narmada
Gopalakrishnan, tells you that her 6+$/,1,6$.6(1$FKDWVXSKLP
that the audience is open to a new inde- this is one thing that has been seen This is good since it is adding to the musical journey began with vocal
pendent artist releasing their songs and across all artists — the need for exper- eco-system of classical music; at the singing but later, she switched to vio- Y What is the new album Mental about?
appreciated it. We have also seen a rise imentation. The nature of experimen- same time, pure classical is something lin. It is the title of my new album which has just released and
in short format platforms. These have tation has changed as well. It is no EB?6PhPcaXBXeP]X that has sustained itself for centuries “I started learning this instrument has already crossed two million views on YouTube. People are
helped new talents to find themselves longer about let’s add a guitar or drums and will continue to do so,” Kaul says. at age seven. Switching was not a prob- loving it because it has crazy vibes. The song means a lot to me
a platform with a larger audience. We and make a fusion. The younger Abhishek, a young aspiring lem since my mother was there with because it is my first party number and this song has been sung
have also seen how new talents have artists are thinking about what new Carnatic musician who has been giv- me and back then I had not taken by Dev Negi, directed by Rajiv Ruiaji and choreographed by
emerged in one year through these concept they can present to the audi- ing performances since a very young music seriously,” Sivani says. Arvind Thakur featuring me and Preeti Goswami.
apps. These platforms have encouraged ence. Today, it is concept-driven fusion age, tells you that his journey began She opines that fusion works pro- Y How did you end up doing it?
budding artists to shine and rise,” Kaur rather than instrument-driven fusion,” when he picked it up from his moth- vided it is something that is personal There were two reasons for saying yes. First, Rajiv sir, because
says. Kaul explains. er. “Music was a constant in our and the musician knows the intricacies we were planning for a long time that we have to work togeth-
She tells you that the changes that Over the years, what has been home; we went to concerts and I liked of classical. Even though I have not er but dates were not matching, then COVID happened. Second,
music has seen lately, are for the bet- observed is that all forms of music have it and got hooked to Carnatic music.I done any fusion, till now, if I get an the icing on the cake was Dev Negi. Apart from that when I met
ter. “I have seen music directors now their set of dedicated audiences. When have always been interested in all kinds opportunity I would love to explore it. the producer, I liked his idea.
approach talents through these plat- a maestro is performing, it will be a of music; my favourite singer is Arijit But this a not something that I would Y How did your acting journey begin?
forms. Therefore, these platforms packed house and there will be some Singh, I listen to Bollywood and west- like to do permanently,” Sivani says. While growing up I was confused about getting into crick-
become a direct connection between youngsters. There is no threat to clas- ern music. My skill lies in classical. I She tells you that technology is et or acting and the moment I entered college I realised that act-
the artist and the music industry. For sical music. learnt music from my guru AS Murali going to play an important role in the ing is something that excited me more. My maternal grandfa-
music to thrive, the younger genera- “But what is happening is experi- and it has been nine years. I have learnt coming years in music. Many new ther was a director at the National School of Drama and I shared
tion’s choice of music is vital since they mentation, what is also happening is so much from him. Even though I instruments have been added to my thoughts with him. He realised I am serious and asked me
are part of the larger audience. Their that a lot of fringe audiences are get- teach music to young children, I have Carnatic music which is good,” to follow five steps: Learn acting; join a theatre to brush up skills
interest and likability determine the ting converted to listening to classical 0QWXbWTZ2Pa]PcXR\dbXRXP] a long way to go with my own perfor- Sivani says. and perform in front of an audience, get into commercial ads,
assist well-known directors and finally, he told me that when I
go for an audition, I would get something.

;>E4H>D 303 Y What is your role in Aa Bhi Ja O Piya?

I play Kaushal. He is a simple boy from the village and goes
to the city to continue his studies. He wants to implement all
the things he has learnt in the village. There is lots of drama,
>]cWT^RRPbX^]^U5PcWTa³b3PhBD=30H?8>=44A[XbcbfPhbcWPcRP]WT[_\PZTh^daSPSUTT[b_TRXP[[^eTSP]SRPaTSU^a action and good songs. I loved playing this character. This was
the first time I was playing a boy from the village, it was quite
5^acW^bTUXc]TbbUaTPZb)8bh^da 2^]bRX^d[bhh^dab)0_T]^aP 1^^bcTa1d]S[TQh2^]bRX^db challenging. I had to learn a lot of things from my character
SPSPad]]X]VT]cWdbXPbcP]SXbP R^UUTT\dVcWPcbPhb²F^a[S³b 5^^S because of the transparency and simplicity he has for things.
UXc]TbbUaTPZ.0SXSPb8]SXPWPb 1Tbc3PS³cWPch^dVXUcTSh^da ?aTbT]ch^daUPcWTaPWTP[cW Y A fond memory from your childhood days with actors like
R^\Td_fXcWcWT[PcTbc UPcWTafWT]h^dfTaTP[Xcc[TZXS Qd]S[T^UcX\TcTbcTSX\\d]Xch Smita Patil, Raj and Nadira Babbar and Paresh Rawal?
d_VaPSTX]Xcb0SXiTa^ fPb_a^QPQ[hPc^ZT]^Uh^da Q^^bcX]VX]VaTSXT]cbQh I vaguely remember things. During Diwali, Holi or any other
UaP]RWXbT8cXbYdbccWT PUUTRcX^]1dccWXb5PcWTa³b 2^]bRX^db5^^SCWXbQ^d`dTc^U festival I remember Raj Babbarji and others coming to meet nana-
aXVWccX\Tc^VTch^daWP]Sb 3PhfWh]^cVXeTWX\ V^^S]Tbbf^d[SX]R[dST0\[P ji. I remember the aura Rajji and the other actors had. When
:^WVT\U^aPcadTVT\) 5^acWT b^\TcWX]V\^aT\TP]X]VUd[ _^fSTacWT\PbcTaX\\d]Xch these people entered a room, everyone wanted to listen to them,
SPa[X]VSPSbfXcWPbdPeTcPbcT P]ScWP]ZWX\cWP]QhVXeX]VP Q^^bcTaCWXbaXRWTbcb^daRT^U that persona attracts me. It inspired me to become an actor.
fW^[^eTc^_P\_TaP]SbW^fTa VXUccWPcfX[[Q^^bcWXbfT[[QTX]V EXcP\X]2WT[_bX\_a^eT Y How did you end being an assistant director for Krrish 3?
[^eTd_^]P[[_aTbT]cX]VP H^dRP]^_cU^a8\\d]Xch SXVTbcX^]P]SaT[XTeTbPRXSXch Hrithik Roshan’s cousin, Ishan Roshan, was my batchmate
aP]VT^UTg`dXbXcTaX]VbUa^\ CWTVXUcWP\_Taf^d[SP[b^WPeT and friend in Kishore Namit Kapoor acting institute. When pre-
:^WVT\P[XVWcfTXVWc cWTf^]STab_XRTCda\TaXR production of Krrish 3 started, Ishan knew I would love to be a
SXP\^]SYTfT[[TahQaP]SQ^a] ^]b^\T^UcWTQTbcbW^TbPb ?^fSTaaPfd]WTPcTSFX[S Xc³b_aT\Xd\WXVW`dP[XchcTPb part of it. I went to meet Rakesh Roshanji; he understood my
Ua^\cWT7^dbT^U:^WX]^^a VXUcPQ[TPePX[PQ[TPc 5^aTbc7^]ThP]SU[PgbTTSbcWPc bd_TaU^^Sb\PZTbU^aP craziness for cinema and welcomed me onboard.
5X]TcPbcTWPb]^aT[PcX^] bW^_PSXSPbR^X]0_TaUTRc fX[[WT[_h^daUPcWTabcPhUXcP]S cW^dVWcUd[VXUccWPcTgdSTb Y Is there a role that you loved doing?
fXcWUPbWX^]PbXcXbTcTa]P[ R^\QX]PcX^]^Ubch[TP]S WTP[cWh;Pbc[hcWTWP\_Taf^d[S fPa\cWRPaTP]S[^eT2W^^bT I would say Neil in Yaariyan, is special. I to play different
0[fPhbRWTTZQhY^f[cWXb PcW[TXbdaTcWT0SXiTa^5aP]RWXbT P[b^WPeTh^daSPS³bUPe^daXcT Ua^\PfXSTaP]VT^UcTPbP]S shades here. . Then there is Dev Malik from Muzzafar Nagar;
5PcWTa³b3PhVXUch^daUPcWTaP XbP\dbcWPeTbW^TX]TeTah STbXV]bX]cWTXabWXacbR^[[TRcX^] 6aTT]CTPU^acWPc_TaUTRc_^bc VXUcbbTcbX]R[dSX]V>aVP]XR the lawyer from Varanasi Junction or the simple guy from
R[PbbXR_aTRX^dbVXUccWPcWTfX[[ SPS³bfPaSa^QT R^\_aXbX]V^UR^]caPbcX]VbWPSTb SX]]TabX_ Cda\TaXRFT[[]Tbb3Tc^g1^g Heropanti, all have been close to my heart.
RWTaXbWU^a[XUT1aXVWcT]d_ cWPcPSSbPeXQaP]Rhc^Q^aX]V 2WPXCTP?aXePcTATbTaeT6[^f Y What are your upcoming projects?
h^daUPcWTa³bSPhfXcW_aTRX^db 5^aPfPaSa^QTd_SPcT)0[XV]X]V P]SSd[[^dcUXcbB^PSSP[Xcc[T 6XUc^UX\\d]Xch)CWXb5PcWTab 0bb^acTSCTPb6XUcBTcCda\TaXR There is Teer Shane, my first comedy film with Mukesh
RdUU[X]ZbUa^\:^WVT\c^ c^cWT[PcTbccaT]Sb=d\Ta^D]^ Q[^^\c^h^daUPcWTabfPaSa^QT 3PhVXeTPVXUc^UV^^SWTP[cW CTPCP[TbP]S\P]h\^aT0[[ Khannaji, Rakesh Bediji, Tiku Sultania, Zarina Wahabji. Israni
R^]eThh^daeP[dPQ[T[^eTU^a cWXbbTPb^]QaX]VbU^acWP]Tf fXcWcWTbTbWXacbU^aPSdchc^ fT[[]TbbP]Sbca^]VX\\d]Xchc^ cWTbTVXUcbfX[[QT^]PU[Pc $_Ta saheb and Vijay Sherji are also there. There are also two web series
WX\ aP]VT^URWTRZbcaX_TP]SU[^aP[ ^UUSdch^RRPbX^]b h^daUPcWTaEPWSP\•8]SXPfXcW RT]c^UUcX[[9d]T!!!!  — Dilli Wala Dil, I play a Delhi boy and Inzaam, I play a cop.
>Ug4U\XY:e^U" " "!


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ever before have we faced such a Self-esteem is a particular way of experi- cope and manage in stressful situations. No doubt, children miss their friends; their

N disruptive world. It is not sur-

prising, therefore to discover
that so much upheaval can
adversely impact how we feel
about ourselves. The pandemic and lock-
down has left many jobless or with an inse-
cure future, plus difficult home dynamics, all
encing the self. And if that self is at war
because of outside pressure then life is full of
As we grow up, with a certain level of edu-
cation and parental guidance, we assume that
we will be well-adjusted individuals capable of
achieving goals and facing problems with ease.
Children rely on their parents for support,
both physical and emotional. Therefore, when
parents are available fully, mentally and physi-
cally, the child feels secure.
With the pandemic lockdowns, school clo-
sures, and social distancing, many children are
deprived of the everyday experiences that nor-
interactions are an important source of self-
esteem. Parents can help children meet up with
friends online through games or video chat
apps. But maintain a time limit.
Although these seem like insignificant
activities, this approach may create a healthier
self-esteem in the growing child.
of which result in battered egos and low self- But that is not always the case. Often, when we mally build their sense of worth as a unique
esteem. Many struggle to find the self-moti- face certain obstacles in life, we realise a lot individual. Self-esteem is a critical element of 1@D9DE45
vation to pick up the pieces of their life and about our weaknesses and inner strengths. Self- children’s mental health. Children with higher Children benefit from watching adults who
rebuild. For most people it has become a esteem is how we operate in the face of chal- self-esteem tend to have happier lives, better fail but learn from their mistakes and keep on
wellbeing issue. lenges. It is not how others deal with us, but the relationships, and fewer symptoms of anxiety trying. Children are born curious and sponta-
It’s this struggle with the change in lifestyle way we deal with ourselves and the world. and depression. However, routine needs to be neously want to practice new skills, encourage
that has resulted in increasing sense of loneli- maintained, any disruption can affect mental them to keep trying. Avoid criticising their
ness. Some are looking to social media for vali- D8556653D?>D85I?E>75B75>5B1D9?> and emotional health. mistakes or failed attempts. Let them figure it
dation or reassurance and this can have the Recent studies show that the lockdown and Recent research indicates that the increase out for themselves. Children tend to feel moti-
opposite effect on self-esteem. I don’t wish to restrictions has had a significant impact on the in social isolation and loneliness is linked to vated when they achieve a challenging game or
say that social media is all bad, one can also be education, well-being, and mental health of mental health problems, such as depression skill. It helps them test their own abilities. And
comforted by using these sites, especially if you children. and anxiety, self-harm, and suicidal behaviours. when they feel increasingly confident in their
use the platforms to keep in touch with long Children are vulnerable to the behaviours Children who are confined at home with their learning process, their self-esteem rises.
distance friends and relatives, or be in touch of the adults around them. And the messages parents due to Covid-19 may feel more stressed Amidst school closures, children may
with an extended social circle during the lock- children hear become internalised in their and anxious. attend online classes, or maybe they are not
down. But, even during those testing times, inner talk. As a result, self-esteem issues start To create a foundation for children’s self- getting any education at all. In these cases, a
being on social media shapes the minds of mil- from a very young age. Once an unhealthy esteem during the pandemic, parents can still large burden is placed on the parents to keep
lions of people. belief is formed, the child internalises this way do something about it. up their children’s eagerness to learn. But stuck
Emotional turbulence is hardly visible. of thinking into adulthood. It has become even According to studies in child psychology, at home, how can parents nurture children’s
When a person is suffering internally, no one more important to care for the mental well- children’s self-esteem is built on two pillars: interest and joy in learning? Some ways is to
can see the struggle and the pain. The troubled being of the child during the lockdown. Appreciation and aptitude. Children feel good have a schedule like they have in school.
individual may feel useless and unworthy. Parenting is difficult and takes a great toll about themselves when they feel loved and sup- Parents can encourage children to find a topic
Nothing is more important than the judg- on families when everyone is confined at home. ported by significant others (appreciation) and in science, geography, history that fascinates
ment we pass on ourselves: how we esteem The “new normal” means that the way we when they master new skills to achieve their them. Then they are provided with the
ourselves touches the very core of our exis- interact with each other has changed. Just step- goals (aptitude). resources they need to learn more about it.
tence. Self-esteem is considered the most rele- ping out of the house can make one anxious. If B4;54BC44<8B0 They can use free educational resources such as
vant to live a fulfilling life, it essentially refers a child is already prone to anxiety, the social 2A8C820;4;4<4=C>5 1@@B5391D9?> National Geographic Kids’ YouTube channel;
to the way we view our selves — good or bad.
Self-esteem is not a luxury but a vitally impor-
distancing aspect can seem like a form of rejec-
tion. To top it off, masks can contribute to anx-
278;3A4=³B<4=C0; Parents can build safe and supportive rela-
tionships with their children, like maintaining a
create art projects also shared online; and help
children build structures with Legos, blocks, or
tant psychological strength. iety in different ways. Masks hide half the face, 740;C7278;3A4=F8C7 comfortable home atmosphere. Children can even household items.
If you have healthy self-esteem, your beliefs making it difficult to read social cues, like 78674AB4;54BC44< sense tension in a household, and being home In these activities, it is critical for children
about yourself will often be positive, you feel smiles or frowns. And when we want to find C4=3C>70E470??84A all day can aggravate the situation. Ideally, to experience a sense of learning and growth.
good about yourself, and see yourself as deserv-
ing the respect of others. You may experience
ways to relax, breathing deeply is commonly
suggested. How to breathe deeply under a
;8E4B14CC4A maintaining a routine as though kids are going
to school, can maintain a sense of security.
Even small steps on the road toward self-
improvement should be celebrated. When chil-
difficult times in your life, but you will general- mask? That said, masks are critical to protect- A4;0C8>=B78?B0=3 Daily routines give children a sense of stability dren know they are improving themselves, they
ly be able to face them with resilience, without ing against Covid-19, and most kids have 54F4ABH<?C><B>5 and predictability. Consistent rules help bring feel proud and eagerly seek out more activities
having too much of a long-term negative adapted well to wearing them. 0=G84CH0=3 structure to children’s lives and combat the to hone their skills.
impact on you. While parents have to find ways to be proac- sense of disruption and chaos surrounding so And finally, it may be most helpful to
If you have low self-esteem, your beliefs tive and patient, plus keep a cheerful environ- 34?A4BB8>=7>F4E4A many of us. remember that children do better when their
about yourself will often be negative, and you ment, it can create a strain. Therefore, parents A>DC8=4=443BC>14 Another way is that parents can show parents are doing well. Under stressful condi-
put little value on your opinions and ideas. You should first reevaluate whether their own emo- <08=C08=430=H interest in their children’s activities by asking tions, it is more important than ever that we
will tend to focus on your weaknesses or mis- tional and psychological needs are met. 38BAD?C8>=20=05542C questions about their day, and what they enjoy make time for our own tried-and-true mental
takes, and may find it hard to recognise the We all have heard of the airplane safety tip doing. Encouraging them to journal their wellness strategies, be it paying attention to
positive things about yourself. You may also to always put on one’s own oxygen mask before <4=C0;0=3 thoughts and ideas is another way the child nutrition, meditation, turning cell phones off in
blame yourself for any difficulties or failures helping a child: the same applies with emotion- 4<>C8>=0;740;C7 can release some of their pent-up feelings. A the bedroom, reaching out to a friend or if
that you have. al balance, according to psychologists. When family activity, like board games or kitchen need be, connecting with a mental health pro-
A particularly interesting catchphrase was parents mindfully manage their anxiety and work, anything that creates a comfortable rou- fessional.
described by Nathaniel Branden author of The stress, through activities like exercise, good tine, can improve and maintain the emotional
Six Pillars of Self-Esteem. He described self- sleep, and relaxation, this enables them to cope and mental health of the child. Spending time The writer is a Life Coach and an author.
esteem as ‘immunity of consciousness.’ Now and to respond calmly with their children. By is key so that the child feels comforted and She has recently published her book, Reboot,
more than ever it seems relevant in these trying behaving in this manner, this also teaches chil- safe, and able to share his or her fears about Reflect, Revive: Self-esteem in a Selfie World,
times. dren, who learn by example, that they too can the pandemic. with SAGE Publications India
]QWQjY^U F74A420=F46>C>58=3
>Ug4U\XY:e^U" " "!


;<5C81C CE665B9>7 T
he Covid-19 pandemic has shifted the focus to health.
Health was never an individual duty or a part of our
daily chores. It was something to be worried about
only if a disease or injury struck. Preventive health was sel-
dom focused on. Only exceptions were the childhood immu-
nization programmes. Covid-19 has taught how important
internal resilience is. And this internal resilience is a result

of psychosomatic factors which are dependent on our emo-
tional stability. Emotional quotient has been given due
importance in management literature but medical literature

still gives limited focus to the subject. Though of late there
is greater realisation about the importance of emotional well-
being on physical health. The overemphasis on invasive ther-
apy and intensive intervention of the modern medicine sys-
istractions, afflictions, hin- job. She was the life of the parties she like me. I hate myself… I am every- Our ignorance multiplies when get tem was the reason why emotion was not given due impor-

D drances and obstacles of

the mind — are some of
the words that explain
klesha and are the reason
for most of the suffering.
We are born with kleshas as these
are a part of our conditioning of past
attended and would often regale a cap-
tive audience with stories of how she
overcame the odds to become as suc-
cessful as she had. However, a year later,
her company’s fortunes spiralled down-
wards. Many employees lost their
jobs. She was one of them. Her perfect
thing but divine.
Avidya is the basic failure to recog-
nise that you are the Atman and are
connected with every atom that exists;
and the identification of the self with
the ego and all things temporal is a root
of why you are unable to identify with
wrapped in our worldly desires. We
become attached to not only our
desires but also our aversions. Both are
obstacles on the path of enlightenment
because they bind us the our ego. The
goal of yoga is freedom from these
tance. This was evident even in the approach towards coro-
na pandemic. Tweaking of treatments were done with nag-
ging regularity creating a global kerfuffle and trial and error
prevailed. But fear, stress and anxiety took a considerable
toll. Emotions and health are the two sides of the same coin
and in the Indian traditional system swabhav was consid-
ered an important determinant. Swabhav or nature denotes
lives. Our karmas are often influenced world fell apart at the seams. the divinity within. the emotional type of a personality that plays a role in treat-
by these kleshas. They act as speed- Priya was left without the things Avidya is a fundamental blindness D85C896D9>3?>C39?EC>5CC ment of diseases. With more knowledge on psychosomat-
breakers in attaining clarity of mind. that she had based her identity on — about our true nature. It is the inabil- Avidya is a deep rooted condition ic aspects of health, let us examine common emotions and
Kleshas cloud our intellect and obstruct her job and her success. She felt like a ity to experience a deep connection strengthened by life-times of false their effect. Continuous negative emotions have always lead
the evolution of our minds. The kleshas complete failure. Her sense of self with others and to our true self. We see identification but it is a condition that to serious ailments. Even ancient philosophical schools indi-
of attraction, aversion, ego, ignorance worth was in tatters. The fractured this deep seated ignorance play out in can change with intent and practice. cate the importance of swabhav in health. Some common
and fear, are reactions of the mind to sense of self and the crisis of identity every aspect of our life — in our though Hence, dismantling it is a multi layered negative emotions are anger, fear, anxiety, curiosity, stress,
almost every situation. Attractions filled her with self doubt. What Priya F74=F40A4BCD2: processes, our prejudices, our fears, our process. Yoga prescribes a multi- envy and hyper reactivity. While occasional outbursts do
and aversions induce us to react pos- was suffering from is a fundamental 8=86=>A0=24F4 needs, our insecurities and our desires. pronged approach for dismantling its not impact significantly, continuous experience may lead
itively or negatively to most stimuli. misunderstanding of her real self — a 834=C85H>DAB4;E4B That probably explains why we different aspects — Devotion for con- to serious health issues. Swabhav makes one prone to these
Sometimes these lead to guilt, which Klesha known as Avidya! seek reassurance and approval from necting to the higher self, Selfless action reactions, which trigger the mind that activates the
makes us feel inferior and far removed Often described as the obstacle of F8C7>DA?7HB820; others to amplify our self worth; and for detachment from outcomes and endocrine system. This increases or decreases the flow of
from divinity. the mind, Avidya is the sanskrit word 1>384B>AF8C7>DA why transitory things like wealth, meditation for stilling the mind. certain hormones in the blood stream. In anger, for instance,
The Patanjali Yoga Sutras lists five for the absence of knowledge and wis- 5;44C8=6C7>D67CB looks, luxury and success gives us joy Another key to dealing with and it is commonplace to experience that churning in the stom-
such kleshas: dom. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras describe and a sense of worth. Making your dismantling deeply ingrained habits ach which is due to excessive secretion of the hydrochlo-
O Avidya (Misperception) Avidya as the act of mistaking the ¯5>A64CC8=6C74 self esteem contingent upon others is and emotions is to view yourself from ric acid resulting from hormonal reaction. While occasion-
O Asmita (Egoism) impermanent for the eternal, the B02A434BB4=24>5 like digging a pit that you cannot the perspective of an observer as al bouts of anger is perfectly normal, if anger becomes swab-
O Raga (Attachment/Indulgence) impure for the pure, sorrow for hap- F7>F4A40;;H0A4 crawl out of. opposed to a doer. Through practice hav it is dangerous. Peptic ulcers many a times are result
O Dwesa (Aversion)
O Abhinivesha (Fear/Insecurity)
piness, and the not-Self for the true Self.
This deep rooted misperception of our ¯0=3C70C4BB4=24 Even though you are aware that
you alone are responsible for your
and intent, you will notice a shift in
your consciousness that will, given
of excessive and continuous acid secretion in the stomach.
Fear, anxiety, curiosity and stress are emotions that affect
The primary klesha is avidya or real nature, keeps us disconnected from 8B1DA843344?4A inner state, knowing the truth on the time, change your patterns of thought perception, thinking and behaviour in a big way, leading
belief in a delusionary reality or mis- the sacred source and stuck in a state 0=3344?4AD=34A level of intellect doesn’t translate in and perception. to a number of mental and physical complications. Envy is
conception. Avidya is our individual
circle of maya. Crossing the boundary
of self-inflicted suffering.
Within all human beings lies the
<D;C8?;4E48;B to a shift in feelings and behavior. For
there to be a relevant shift, the
Any moment that causes us to
question our pre-conceived and pre-
an irrational attitude towards someone that leads to
hatred, anger, violence and frustration. Continuously nurs-
of maya leads to vidya or enlighten- core spiritual essence known as the understanding needs to percolate conditioned notions about reality has ing anger for somebody harms the envious more than the
ment. Avidya is ignorance and delu- Atman. When we identify with the down to a visceral level. Only then the potential to lift our veil. When the envied. These negative emotions are more of perceived reac-
sion. Naturally, this gives us a jaun- Atman, we experience deep content- will avidya transform into vidya or source of your happiness shifts from tions that harm the perceiver in a three step process. They
diced view of reality. It brings the level ment that is unshakable. Human expe- true knowledge. material things, validation from others affect the thought process then the internal biochemical reac-
of our pure consciousness down to a rience buries this sacred source under When we are stuck in ignorance, and other external triggers to the inner tions and subsequently lead to a diseased body when they
level of body consciousness where the a dense fog of conditioning leading us we identify ourselves with our physi- you being the source of happiness, the persist for long. For healthy body a healthy mind is the first
triggers are the senses and the victim towards ignorance and the false iden- cal bodies, or with our fleeting thoughts fog of avidya will start to lift, slowly but requisite. Our body is an organic machine that is a collec-
our mind. tification with the ego. — forgetting the sacred essence of who surely, plugging you in to the super con- tion of interdependent parts. Health is a holistic concept and
Let us understand this with the I am Priya. I am a Tamilian. I am we really are — and that essence is sciousness — that is eternal and true. whole is always more than the sum of its parts.
help of example: Priya was a manager a manager. I am successful. I am pret- buried deeper and deeper under mul- CWTfaXcTaXbcWTPdcW^a^U7X]V^aXBdcaPbbTaXTb ?PcWPZXbP_a^UTbb^a^U\P]PVT\T]cfaXcTaP]SP]PRR[PX\TS
in a multi-national firm. She loved her ty. I am a failure. I am ugly. People dis- tiple veils. ^Ub_XaXcdP[Q^^Zb _dQ[XRb_TPZTa7TRP]QTaTPRWTSPc__PcWPZXb\/V\PX[R^\

8ccPZTb[Xcc[Tc^ZTT_^dabT[eTbUd[[^UW^_TP]SSXb_T[]TVPcXeXch 3XeX]TU^aRTbPaTVT]Ta^dbc^dbXU^daSTbXaTbPaTP[XV]TS
SdaX]VcWXb_P]ST\XRbPhb0270AH0E8=>3:D<0A>970 fXcWcWT\PcTaXP[]PcdaTfaXcTb098C:D<0A18B7=>8
e are living in a stress-driven era ur bodies are made up of eight

W and with the ongoing novel

Coronavirus pandemic, every
other thing is surrounded by negativity.
O elements (Bhagavad Gita 7.4),
out of which four are gross and
three are subtle. The gross elements are:
Whether it is a news channel or social earth, water, fire/energy and air. The
media, there is not a single space that subtle elements are: mind, intelligence,
seems positive. In such a scenario, even the self-sense/ego. The eighth element is
positive people turn pessimists and lose ether or space. Our bodies are materi-
spirit. Though, these are tough times and al machines (18.61), and they are parts
getting depressed or tense is normal, but of the material nature. The material
remember that if our spirits are high and nature gives us bodies as per our kar-
strengthened, then we can face any unfore- mas; they are results of the karmas done
seen situation with elan. The best way to over previous lives. And our bodies are
keep ourselves full of hope and ward off not independent machines; they are
negativity during this time is to follow the controlled by the material nature.
steps below: Diseases, though not desired by us,
appear according to our karmaphalas.
O Repeat Positive Affirmations: Death also comes as destined. Though
Affirmations are a few words or phrases we can do plenty to keep our bodies fit,
that are repeated to fulfill a desire. It is said the control always remains with the stays awake as required, avoids lots of is activities, i.e. what we do and how
that our mind responds to signals and material nature. suffering. (6.17) The Lord has special- much. Both should be proper. The last
starts accepting what we think. This means Let us go into some details of the ly mentioned eating, recreation, activ- activity mentioned in the verse is sleep-
that if we repeat or think about good functioning of our bodies. People get ities and sleep. Let me start with eating. ing. This is where many go horribly
things, then ultimately our intellect will well functioning bodies, i.e. without seri- What determines what we eat? Either wrong; they feel that the quantum of
respond to it. ous genetic defects, if they have been due to weakness for taste or ignorance sleep can be decided irrespective of the
good in their past lives. Divine forces about what we should be eating, most needs of the body. The human machine
O Chanting Om: One of the easiest and are generous to us if our desires are of us harms our material bodies, which work best when properly rested, i.e. slept
effective ways of warding off negative aligned with the material nature. God are material machines, as pointed out the required number of hours.
thoughts is to chant ‘Om’ whenever you uses us as His nimitta or instruments earlier. Unfortunately, some of us are One must not forget the mind and
feel anxious or stressed out. Just remember the bad news? Relax and add salt to the fill the atmosphere with alacrity and can for what pleases Him, which is to pro- more careful about what we put in our the intelligence. Both are crucial for the
to look for a peaceful place and devote water while cleaning. It is said that salt give you some moments of peace. Burn mote dharma by preaching God’s mes- vehicles than what we put into our efficient functioning of the body. The
your entire focus to chanting. cleanses the negative aura and brings posi- sage while performing worship and let the sages. Rather God is most pleased by mouths. And our material bodies are mind is forever desiring/thinking of
tivity, focus, and prosperity to the family. fragrance changes the mood. sincere preachers. (18.68-69) Arjuna constituted by what we put in. Not sur- something. The intelligence should be
O Lemons for Positivity: Though we can’t was given all kinds of favours by Lord prisingly, we suffer many diseases, used to rein in the mind. Unfortunately,
control what’s going on outside but can O Let the Music Play: Music is a therapy O Shut the social media: One of the main Krishna, because he agreed to act as which could have been avoided. Those, our intelligence is mostly not aligned
manage the things at our home. Lemons and can help you in your direst need. Put reasons for the restlessness and instability Lord’s instrument. (18.73) This should who eat foods in, goodness enjoy good with the realities of life, because we
are the best solution to keep negativity at your headphones on and just rejuvenate of emotions is social media. When you get motivate us to use our bodies the best health for most of their lives extending ignore to look up our scriptures, which
bay and these are easily available in every- for some time. away from negativity, it won’t haunt you. way possible, maybe in God’s service. to the old age. provide the higher information of what
one’s home. Just keep 2-3 lemons in a glass So, the best trick to stay strong and don’t In order to be able to do all of the Like eating, recreation is also dharma is, who God is, what is mater-
bottle filled with water in your bedroom or O Recite Hanuman Chalisa: Reciting lose your mind in these tough times is get- above, we must maintain our bodies important for us, but the choice has to ial nature’s role in our lives is, etc. The
your living room to attract positivity. It is Hanuman Chalisa will calm your mind ting away from social media. nicely. How do we do that? Lord be intelligent. When we confuse recre- whole existence is one unitary whole
said that lemons and water absorb any and gives your strength. It will help you in Follow these simple remedies and keep Krishna has guided in The Gita, “ One ation to be watching programmers and we are all parts of the same.
negative vibe and helps in healing. overcoming nightmares. your spirits high. The time is crucial but whose eating and recreation are appro- made in the lower modes, we hurt our- Existence in isolation is a non-starter.
together we have to fight this together. priate; of one who strives appropriate- selves, i.e. we bring suffering to our- 1XbW]^XXbPb_XaXcdP[faXcTaP]SRP]QTaTPRWTS
O Salt for Strengthening: Done with all O Light Some Sage: Burning of sage can CWTfaXcTaXbP]Pbca^[^VTaEPPbcd2^]bd[cP]c ly in activities; of one who sleeps and selves. The third factor to watch out for Pcb_XaXcdP[/PYXcQXbW]^XR^\

>Ug4U\XY:e^U"  " "!

hy are thousands march- lation of human rights espe- backed trade from investment
W ing against the right-
wing Government of Prime
cially in Hong Kong, Xinjiang
and Tibet.
to lending. Therefore, China’s
overseas engagements like the
Minister Viktor Orban in With all these grandstand- one in Hungary hint at the
Hungary? The principal reason ing, Xi thanked Orban for country’s growing economic
behind the massive demon- safeguarding the overall China- clout hidden behind a long
strations is a proposed Fudan Europe ties. debt-trap.
University (Shanghai) campus, At the moment, Orban’s Currently, Washington has
a Chinese university, at the staunch rival and Budapest come out of its trajectory of
heart of Budapest. Besides, Mayor Gregely Karacsony has self-sabotage with Donald
there is a genuine fear that the renamed surrounding streets of Trump gone and Joe Biden
capital city of Hungary is fast the proposed Fudan University looking up to widely engaging
slipping into the debt trap of after the victims of alleged with the international com-
China with its murky devel- human rights abuses by China munity. He has already indi-
opment projects. in recent times. cated that he will not be soft on
Beijing’s lending and As per the plan of the China. His administration has
investment ventures have mayor, one street will be stated in recent times that
mostly led to a “quiet debt trap” renamed after the Dalai Lama, China is the “biggest geopolit-
in most of the countries so far.
China’s opaque overseas poli-
the spiritual leader who has
been in political exile since
ical test” for the US. Also,
Biden’s just concluded meetings
cies and hidden agenda are an 1958 in India and whom with the G-7 leaders and the X]1dSP_TbcPaTP[[
open secret.
Beijing’s bosses are trying
Beijing consider as a dangerous
separatist in all its official pol-
NATO allies make it clear that
America will strengthen its PQ^dcP]PccPRZ^]
to master the economic state- icy documents. Another road partnership with Pacific and >aQP]bST\^RaPcXR
craft and translating it into a will be named as “Uighur Atlantic nations to contain
massive power play in various Martyrs Road”. This Uighur China and Russia. And this will QPRZb[XSX]V[PRZ^U
parts of the world. China
observers advocate that by
Muslims are those minority
ethnic groups that are victims
be helpful for preventing China
from encircling many parts of
expanding its economic might of China’s genocide in its west- the world, including Hungary, WXbPdcW^aXcPaXP]
(for example Belt and Road
Initiative), Chinese “life-time”
ernmost province of Xinjiang.
A third street will be named as
from building its future Empire
accompanied by absolute
President Xi Jinping and his “Free Hong Kong Road”, a aggression and opaque eco- 1TXYX]VbTR^]^\XR
power brokers are probably in Chinese island outside the nomic statecraft.
a mad rush to buy global good- ?a^cTbcTabW^[S_[PRPaSbaTPSX]VX]7d]VPaXP]±fTfX[[]^cQTPR^[^]h²[TUcP]S±]^5dSP]²PbcWThVPcWTaX]S^f]c^f]1dSP_Tbc7d]VPah^]9d]T$!!  0? mainland that used to be gov- It’s the high time the Tg_P]bX^]P]S
will and influence in many erned by the historic Basic Hungarian Opposition put a TeTaVa^fX]VVaTTS
pockets of the world. expenditure of the campus. isterial stint, first being 1998- rule by decree for an indefinite the cost of their lives. Law as agreed to between full stop to Beijing’s weaponi-
Fudan University is plan- Further, the Hungarian 2002, just for four years. An period, supposedly to contain Many of Orban’s support- Beijing and London on the sation of trade relations with its PaTYdbcPbh\_c^\
ning to open an overseas cam-
pus in Budapest offering mas-
Government would engage a
number of China-based con-
Oxford alumnus, Orban was
once famous as a democracy
the Wuhan-borne Covid-19
pandemic. Critics feel that
ers call this entire affair a mis-
information cacophony from
wake of its handing over to the
former on July 1, 1997.
country. But the Opposition
groups and their sympathisers
ter’s programme in liberal arts, struction companies to com- activist in his youth. Clearly, Orban’s Enabling Act demol- the countr y’s frustrated But unfortunately, today who are now making the VP\TX]4PbcTa]
medicine, business and engi-
neering for about 6,000 stu-
plete the project by 2024.
Also, an opinion poll pub-
one of his greatest contribu-
tions to post-Soviet Hungary
ishes the few remaining cre-
dentials of democratic account-
Opposition. But it is not so
because this deal is sympto-
the Xi regime has twisted the
basic tenets of the original
Fudan University issue a rally-
ing point should not go soft 4da^_T
dents with 500 faculty mem- lished in the beginning of this was no other than the estab- ability in Hungary. This Act has matic of wider concerns to do agreement and set aside the once it dies down.
bers. month by the liberal lishment of the Fidesz, with emboldened him to move for with transparency and cor- unique system of “one country, The current protests in
The Hungarian Republikon Institute, a think other students. And this word an absolute concentration of ruption that is embedded with two systems” principle on the Budapest are all about an attack
Government signed a strategic tank, says 66 per cent of the “Fidesz” refers to “Alliance of power over the flow of infor- the current government of basis of which the island terri- on Orban’s democratic back-
contract with Fudan University Hungarians say absolute no to Young Democrats”. mation about the pandemic Hungary. tory should have been gov- sliding, lack of transparency
on April 27 this year to accom- the campus and hardly 27 per Ironically, today Fidesz is and its management system in Only with the coming of erned till 2047. and his authoritarian policies.
plish this venture in three cent are in favour of it. no longer regarded as a demo- Hungary. Orban to power in 2010, the While a fourth street will But Beijing’s economic expan-
years. This controversial pro- This venture will be the cratic party in Hungary. Orban, Looking at a forthcoming policy makers in Budapest got be renamed after a jailed sion and ever-growing greed
ject is pushing Prime Minister first such Chinese campus in the founder himself, has start- parliamentary election and a new opportunity to initiate its Chinese Catholic bishop. This are just a symptom of a bigger
Victor Orban’s dealing with any European Union nation so ed deviating from the path of high underinvestment in the famous “Eastern Opening” to seems to be a befitting reply to power game in Eastern Europe.
Beijing into a national spotlight far and the first foreign outpost democracy and embracing the country’s public health system cultivate firmer relations with how Orban is planning to push Orban, a post-Soviet right
ahead of parliamentary elec- of the Shanghai-based univer- ethos of “illiberal democracy”. in the last decade, he desper- both China and Russia. Even in his country into China’s debt- activist, who demanded the
tions in the country in 2022. sity. The Orban Government Probably, 2020 was one year in ately needed to control the recent times, Orban attracted trap diplomacy. withdrawal of imperialist
In early April, a Hungarian defends the deal, saying the which he initiated many steps Covid-19 narrative across the the ire of the other EU coun- At this point, it is worth- troops from its soil in 1989,
investigative journalism outlet Fudan campus will enhance the to dismantle the foundations of country. Else, the enraged tries by inching closer to illib- while to understand what is must flash back what he and his <0:70=B
known as Direkt36 reported higher education standard in the rule of law, judiciary and Opposition will hound him for eral regime of Vladimir Putin. China’s model of internation- Fidesz once stood for.
that the pre-tax construction this East European nation. finally, democratic institutions ignoring basic services to His primary motive behind al development. The western
costs of the Fudan Campus are Orban has been the Prime of the country. Freedom of Hungarians. Unlike any this new policy framework model of international devel- (Dr Makhan Saikia has
estimated at $1.8 billion. Minister of Hungary since speech and freedom of press European country, this new law was to simply attract invest- opment is associated with gov- taught political science and
Unfortunately, this cost is more 2010. But he is better known were severely compromised in empowers Orban to punish a ments, to introduce economic ernments, multi-lateral lenders international relations for over
than the entire expenditure of for his authoritarian streak the last year and the Covid-19, person up to five years in opportunities and to forge rela- and non-governmental organ- a decade in institutions of
the education system of the that he has been demonstrat- the global pandemic, gave him prison if he is found to spread tions with anti-democratic isations in rich countries offer- national and international
Hungarian Government in ing for the last more than a the right opportunity to herald false information about the forces in the very aftermath of ing development assistance to repute after specialisation in
2019. Leaked documents reveal decade. Also, he has been func- a regime of terror to Hungary. virus. the global financial downturn. poor nations. However, for globalisation and governance
that the Orban Government tioning as the President of the This March, the Orban’s Thus, a real sword is hang- Not only this, but Budapest also China, development is not all from Tata Institute of Social
would take a hefty loan of Fidesz, a national conservative Government passed a special ing over both the journalists angered more allies in the about aid. Its international Sciences, Mumbai. He is the
around $1.5 billion from a party since 1993, except a act, what the critics justifiably and doctors alike at a time democratic pantheon by pre- development narratives and chief editor of the Journal of
Chinese bank to cover the break between 2000 and 2003. called as “Enabling Act” that when they are trying to grap- venting critical statements from policy paradigms encompass a Global Studies, an internation-
large part of the establishment This is his second prime min- allows the Prime Minister to ple with the deadly disease at the EU on China’s blatant vio- wide range of often state- al research journal)


that we are currently grappling voting rights, a demand that nificant testimony to feminist
January 2011, in the Tahrir
in Egypt, an impor-
event in the history of con-
with. She described herself as
a feminist with a strong empha-
was met by the government in
understanding from the glob-
al south. One of her early
and the very nature of dicta-
torship in Egypt, she was put in
jail for some time and suffered
temporary social movements sis on a feminist perspective of Dr Nawal el-Saadawi’s works, Al-Mar’ah wa’l-Jins all kinds of pressure and attacks
^U4eT _a^eXSTSP was unfolding. Nawal el- both life and work. She also activism followed the above (Woman and Sex) was at several junctures. She was
Qa^PSR^]RT_cdP[ Saadawi was there to partici- described herself as a socialist; traditions of feminist move- extremely significant because also an ardent critic of the reli-
cT\_[PcTX]fWXRW pate in the movement against
the Mubarak dictatorship
the usual comment that she
makes is that “I stand for
ments with newer emphases
and agendas. She took the
she opened up a large terrain
of discussions on subjects
gious right in Egypt. The
Egyptian state on the one hand
0aPQf^\T]bXbbdTb demanding democratic transi- structural transformation”. She leadership in establishing the which required attention from and the right-wing religious
P]S0aPQf^\T]b tion. She stood with the
younger generation in their
has contributed immensely to
making Arab women’s writing
feminist organisation Arab
Women’s Solidarity Association
a woman’s point of view. Her
experience in women’s activism
elements on the other hand
made it difficult for her to do
XST]cXchXcbT[UR^d[S struggle. She was surrounded popular across the world. (AWSA) in 1982. Nawal el- and feminism in the Arab her feminist work. But she
QTSXbRdbbTSX]P by students and young women
and they hailed her as a guid-
Egypt has a significant his-
tory of women’s writing, a new
Saadawi tried to situate
Egyptian feminism in the
world and her experience as a
doctor and her childhood trau-
fought them and survived.
I am witness to the pre-
\dRW\^aT ing force. Nawal el-Saadawi wave of which was started in broader realm of the Arab ma of undergoing female gen- carious nature of her life in
bhbcT\PcXR\P]]Ta was a quintessential political the 1960s with the publication feminism. The Arab world and ital mutation (FGM), all con- Egypt in the 1990s. I had fixed
being who traversed the path of of Latifa al-Zayyat’s famous wider global south became the tributed to her comment to an interview with Nawal el-
D]cX[bdRWf^aZ resistance against dictatorship novel The Open Door. Nawal canvas for her activities and write on “uncomfortable” Saadawi in early 1993 during
\dRW^UcWTUT\X]Xbc and against the ills of contem- el-Saadawi ignited new enthu- thinking. Dr Saadawi’s famous issues. Such writings con- my stay in Cairo, researching
porary capitalism. She left this siasm in the field of women’s book The Hidden Face of Eve tributed to giving courage to on Egyptian feminism. But
SXbRdbbX^]bX]cWT world on March 21, 2021, at the writing through her novels provided a broad conceptual many women activists and when the date of meeting was
0aPQf^a[SfTaT age of 89. like Woman at Point Zero, template in which Arab writers to come up and speak near, I came to learn from the
Her name is one that has which narrated the life story of with the life stories of ordinary century that a new thinking women’s issues and Arab about the unspeakable of those newspaper that there is a death
RT]caTS^]XbbdTb lived with me in my adult life Firdaus, a sex worker jailed for people in Egypt but also criti- about women’s modern edu- women’s identity itself could be times. She gave voices to many threat to Dr Saadawi. She had
fXcWX]TPRW]PcX^]P[ and I was lucky enough to murder. cally exposed the economic, cation was emerging. Women discussed in a much more sys- people who could not articulate to flee from her Cairo apart-
teach about her contributions By telling Firdaus’s story, social and cultural effects of the leaders like Aisha al- tematic manner. Until such their suffering and she provid- ment to the United States. She
Q^d]SPah in my classes in various uni- Nawal el-Saadawi was able to neo-liberal transformation of Taymurriya stressed on work, much of the feminist dis- ed the language to many fem- started teaching at Duke
versities. Her influence on the generate discussions on issues Egypt from the days of Anwar women’s rights to education. cussions in the Arab world inists to put forward their con- University in the US. Thus I
issues concerning the Arab such as sex work, a topic that al-Sadat’s “open door policy” of Early 20th century saw the were centred on issues within cerns in a politically conscious missed my interview with her
world has been an important couldn’t be a matter of public economic liberalisation. emergence of significant fem- each national boundary. manner. Her novels and auto- in Cairo. She came back to
part of our own understanding deliberation until then. Because Nawal el-Saadawi belonged inist activism and the founding Discussions on Arab biographical writings showed Egypt in 1996. In 2011, she was
of the region from a bottom-up of the power of her writing, to a long tradition of Egyptian of Egyptian Feminist Union women’s issues in a connected us the beauty and the travails there in Tahrir Square partic-
approach. We are remembering taboo themes that kept feminist movements and (EFU) in 1923 under the lead- manner across the Arab world of Egyptian rural life as well as ipating in the Arab uprising. I
her as one who stood in the women’s suffering under the activism led by Aisha al- ership of Huda Sha’arawi. were envisaged by Nawal el- the pains of growing up in the am sure that her legacy will
forefront of the feminist move- carpet got some prominence in Taymuriyya in the 19th centu- Major feminist demands were Saadawi so that they could take transformational context of inspire coming generations to
ments of the global south. She women’s writing in the Arab ry or Huda Sha’arawi and Dr educational and legal reforms pride in their collective histo- Egyptian economy and politics. fight for justice.
has been a feminist activist and world, Egypt in particular. She Doria Shafiq in the 20th cen- in favour of women. In the ry of struggle and act strategi- Whether it was Sadat’s regime
organiser, a physician and a also led the way for other fem- tury. It was in the context of 1940s and 1950s, feminist cally in a combined manner. or Mubarak’s regime, Dr Nawal (Professor AK
psychiatrist, a public intellec- inist writers, creative writers in modernist reforms of organisations like Bint al-Nil The Hidden Face of Eve el-Saadawi has always stood in Ramakrishnan teaches at the
tual, a human rights defender, particular, to expand their Muhammad Ali and the emer- were formed under the lead- became a classic work not only opposition to them. She resist- Centre for West Asian Studies,
0:AA0<0:A8B7=0= a world-famous novelist and domains of interest. Nawal el- gence of Islamic modernism ership of Dr Doria Shafiq. in the Arab feminism but also ed many of their policies and School of International Studies,
writer who was deeply con- Saadawi’s and other feminist under the leadership of Such organisations raised issues in international feminism and because of her criticism of Jawaharlal Nehru University,
cerned with a variety of issues writers’ works not only dealt Muhammad Abduh in the 19th of political rights and women’s it still retains its value as a sig- several government policies New Delhi)
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an destiny be changed? Gautam made. That is what binds human beings karmic consequences get carried over to to checkmate carryover implications

C Buddha was once asked. “No. But

you can change your habits, atti-
tudes and mental orientation. Once you
to a cause-effect chain, which sets the
premise on which our destiny stands,
and which stretches on to even next
the next life? Going by ancient Indian
philosophic perception, a being’s life is
structured in three layers — Causal,
from the past, and pick up fresh leads.
Remember, mind is a very powerful
instrument, which can reflect upon itself,
succeed in changing them, destiny auto- birth. Astral, and Gross. and explore one’s own nature — desire
matically changes,” he replied. The para- To, overcome the above vulnerability, Causal body carries the imprints of trends, habits & attitudes, likes & dis-
dox, however, is that for a large majority human beings also enjoy another exclu- the past, which sets the terms of how we likes, prejudices and obsessions as well as
of Indians, sense of ‘fatalism’ seems to be sive privilege — the faculty of discrimi- are expected to come up in life. These indwelling potential. All that is needed is
so deeply ingrained in the psyche, that nate intelligence. They can guide their imprints are picked up by the astral body, to take charge of oneself. Identify,
they refuse to even explore the obvious actions by choice and discrimination. which translates them into action acknowledge, address one’s infirmities
truth. Pandits rely on superstition and The discriminatory ability empowers us through the gross body platform playing and then redefine the thought process
quote shady texts to exploit human vul- to evaluate the choices available, make from the front. All mind functions, through fresh educative inputs. In the
nerability for their vested interests. The right judgment, and pick up right lead. including our memory, remains the pre- process, you may get over all precondi-
paradox, however, is that seldom are But this particular faculty does not play rogative of astral body. As one meets the tioning of mind. Following which, your
people conscious about exploring their out involuntarily. It has to be consciously end of life, it is just our gross body that mind power will be available in full
true nature with the intent to make nec- invoked on every occasion before taking disintegrates. The causal and astral bod- strength, which may know no limits.
essary amend in their approach to life. any call, which remains the prerogative ies, that are just energy fields, are not With your expanded vision and
It is interesting to note that the of ahamkara (Ego). lost. Carrying all memory imprints they improved sense of reasons and judgment,
course of destiny applies only to human The irony, however, is that our ego- move on to higher dimension, to reincar- you may and see things in the right per-
beings. Other species such as plants and tistical mind gets carried away by seem- nate afresh with a new gross body plat- spective due. You will be able to discrim-
animals are bound by their basic nature. ing realities. They, thus, are tempted to form. The newly born has in store all inate between ‘what you want’ and ‘what
They follow a predefined natural cycle take things on their face value. More memory imprints picked up during the is right’ and pick up the right lead. Your
and don’t have the scope of exception. often than not, caught up in the usual past birth, in the form of thought-seeds. inter-personal relations will improve, and
Human beings on the contrary enjoy the flow of life, our egotistical mind doesn’t As and when they get congenial ground therefore, you may be able to relate well
exclusive prerogative of making choices. care to invoke discriminatory faculty for they come into play. So, it is again mind with all and sundry. Evidently then, life
But no sooner is option available, the due diligence. Guided by their instinctive through which destiny indications play may turn into a beautiful experience.
probability of its use and misuse judgment, they jump into action without out. CWTffaXcTaXXbPP]PPbca^[^VTaeePbcdRR^]bd[cP]c
becomes equal. There is nothing like a applying proper forethought, and evi- Here again, since we enjoy choice P]Sbb_XaXcdP[RR^d]bT[[^a2 2^]]TRcf fXcWWWX\PPc
free lunch in this world. One has to own dently to our detriment. option, it also enjoins upon us with the CT[)((  ((' '"&!&"('& "&!&!
up the consequences of the choices The question now is: how does our capability to make conscientious choices 4\PX[)QQWPaPcQWdbWP]_PS\PST^/V\PX[R^\

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