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W^b_XcP[bPRa^bbcWTR^d]cah $$363FKDUJH$\RGK\DWUXVWRI
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P]ScWPcXcWPb[TSc^ePRRX]PcX^] est Bengal’s Governor Jagdeep ;D2:=>F
W Dhankhar, who has been in the
news for his frequent run-ins with Chief
b^dVWcP_a^_Ta\TRWP]Xb\ ?#
*,QGLD Minister Mamata Banerjee, has six
Officers on Special Duty (OSD) while
Iicalnthata temperature
serious allegation
raised the polit-
A09=0C7>:´B C#((2A Rajasthan Governor Kalraj Mishra has Uttar Pradesh, AAP
=Tf3T[WX) 3TUT]RT<X]XbcTa ERXQGWR only one OSD.
According to the websites of the dif-
and Samajwadi Party
leaders, in different

APY]PcWBX]VWWPbP__a^eTS ferent State Governments, there are four Press conferences, lev-
QdSVTcPahbd__^ac^U]TPa[h OSDs to the Bihar Governor and two eled a sensational charge of financial irregular-
C#((Ra^aTU^aaTbTPaRWP]S OSDs to the Uttar Pradesh (UP) ities in land purchase by the Ram Janmabhoomi
X]]^ePcX^]X]cWTSTUT]RTbTRc^a ?=BQ =4F34;78 Governor. Similarly, Chhattisgarh and Trust, which was set up by the Centre for the
U^acWT]TgcUXeThTPab?# Odisha Governors have two OSDs construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
rime Minister Narendra each. AAP MP Sanjay Singh held a Press confer-
<8;:70B8=67´B F854
P Modi on Sunday stressed
the need for open and democ-
An OSD is an officer in the Indian
civil service of the status between a sec-
ence in Lucknow while former SP MLA and for-
mer Minister Pawan Pandey addressed reporters
2WP]SXVPaW) =Xa\P[:Pda ratic societies to work togeth- ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SX_PacXRX_PcTbX]cWT>dcaTPRWBTbbX^]^UcWT6& retary and an under-sec- As per the in Ayodhya. Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra
U^a\Ta8]SXP]f^\T]e^[[ThQP[[ Bd\\XceXacdP[[hX]=Tf3T[WX ?C8
er to defend the values they retary in the Government pioneer Maharashtra Raj Trust general secretary Champat Rai said that
<^WP[XW^b_XcP[SdTc^2^eXS (
hold dear and to respond to the
increasing global challenges.
This message during the three-
He, however, did not name
China during his speech.
called on technology compa-
nies and social media platforms
of India. Recently, a con-
troversy arose after the All
India Trinamool Congress
Bhawan website,
Governor Bhagat
Singh has only one
they will study the charges of land purchase
anomalies and will then reply to the allegations,
In a brief statement here on Sunday Rai said:
aT[PcTSR^\_[XRPcX^]b^] day G-7 summit ending Sunday Participating in the high- to ensure a safe cyber envi- (TMC) MP from Krishnanagar Mahua OSD Rakesh Naithani. But the Shiv “People had charged us with the killing of
Bd]SPhBWTfPb'$P]SXb was in apparent reference to the profile event virtually at a session ronment for their users, Moitra shared details of six OSDs to Sena has claimed that there are a half Mahatma Gandhi hence we are not afraid of
bdaeXeTSQhWTaWdbQP]S^]T growing economic might of on ‘Open societies and open Additional Secretar y Governor Dhankhar and claimed that of dozen OSDs appointed by the such allegations. We will reply at the appropri-
b^]P]ScWaTTSPdVWcTab China and its human rights economies’ at the G7 summit, (Economic Relations), External all of them are somehow related to him, Governor. When Devendra Fadnavis ate time after examining the entire matter.”
record, which emerged as a the Prime Minister highlighted Affairs Ministry, P Harish said. or are from his known circle. was Chief Minister of Maharashtra, he Singh said a multi-crore scam was com-
D´:70=3;>? topic of concern for the G-7. India’s civilisational commit- Asked if the Prime The Governor’s Office and the BJP had appointed eight external aides — as mitted by the trust and its associates through
?0BB4B0F0H India is a natural ally for ment to democracy, freedom of Minister raised the issue of have rubbished the charge. OSDs in the Chief Minister’s Office embezzlement of funds with the cost of the land
3TWaPSd]=Tf3T[WX) ;TPSTa^U the G-7 countries in defending thought and liberty, the Ministry Chinese aggression during the As per the Bihar Government’s (CMO). increasing by C5.5 lakh per second in a gap of
>__^bXcX^]X]cWTDccPaPZWP]S the shared values from a host of of External Affairs said here after summit, the official said it was website, Governor Phagu Chauhan has As per the norms, there are two five minutes between two different purchase
0bbT\Q[h8]SXaP7aXSPhTbW threats stemming from author- Modi’s address. not raised and there are other four OSDs — Vinod Kumar Tiwari, Aides-de-Camp to the Governor, one deeds for the land.
_PbbTSPfPhPUcTabdUUTaX]VP itarianism, terrorism and violent The Prime Minister under- fora where such issues are dis- OSD(J), Sanjay Kumar, OSD(Estb.), from the Armed Forces and the other He urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to
RPaSXPRPaaTbcX]=Tf3T[WX^] extremism, disinformation and scored the vulnerabilities cussed. Mahabir Prasad Sharma, OSD(U) Vinay from the Indian Police Force. set up a high-level inquiry into the alleged land
Bd]SPh?# economic coercion, Modi said. inherent in open societies and Continued on Page 2 Thakur, OSD. The Governor also has Kerala Governor Arif Mohd Khan scam by the Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra
two ADCs — Major Dhiraj Bisht ADC has two OSDs while the Odisha Trust members for purchasing land in Ayodhya.
(M) and Rakesh Kumar Dubey IPS Governor Ganeshi Lal has also two Presenting documents, Singh said the scam
ADC (P). OSDs. The website of Chhattisgarh Raj amounted to C16.50 crore and the illegal act
4`_XcVddYZXY As per the Madhya Pradesh Raj Bhawan also shows two OSDs deputed
Bhawan, there is no OSD to Governor with the Governor Anusuiya Uikey. The
came as a big onslaught on the faith of the mil-
lions of Ram bhakts who had given donations
T`^^R_Ue`eR\V Anandiben Patel. There is only one post Jharkhand Governor has two OSD-
of OSD to Governor in Haryana which rank officers.
for the construction of the grand Ram temple
at Ayodhya.
WZ_R]TR]]`_Af_[RS is lying vacant. Continued on Page 2 Continued on Page 2

<>=8:0<0;8:Q 270=3860A7

he Congress high com-

T mand is expected to soon
take a final call on the prevail-
ing crisis in its Punjab party
unit. Before that, the high
command may again hold talks
with Chief Minister Capt
Amarinder Singh to settle
down on an “all-acceptable”
Days after the party’s three-
member panel, set up to resolve
the prevailing crisis, submitted
its report to the party’s interim
president Sonia Gandhi, for-
mer party chief Rahul Gandhi
on Sunday met the committee
members — the Leader of
Opposition in Rajya
Continued on Page 2
?T^_[TcWa^fRPdcX^]c^cWTfX]SP]SRa^fScWTBPa^YX]X=PVPa\PaZTc^]Bd]SPh AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78
here is good news for shop-
“Likewise, weekly markets
will be allowed to operate but
with restriction,” he added.
T pers and diners in the
national Capital. Delhi’s shops
This means that only one mar-
ket in one municipal zone in a
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 across the city.
With people expected to
will open all days and restau- day. Delhi has 12 municipal ith the Delhi return to restaurants and pubs,
rants will operate with 50 per
cent seating capacity from
Importantly, amid the
W Government announc-
ing the opening of restaurants
the two agencies, Delhi Police
and Delhi Excise Department
Monday. Announcing the third potential threat of third wave of in the national Capital with 50 have prepared themselves to
phase of the unlocking process, Covid 19, the Delhi per cent occupancy, the Delhi intensify checks at restaurants
Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal Government and other law Police has pulled up its socks to from Monday.
said, “Last week, we had enforcement agencies will be enforce the order from Police have issued instruc-
allowed shops in markets to responsible for strict regulation Monday. Police said that action tions to Market Associations
operate on an odd-even basis, of Covid appropriate behav- will be initiated against those across the city to follow and
whereas standalone shops iour. found violating the directions implement new guidelines.
could operate all day. From this The Delhi Disaster issued by the Delhi Disaster Besides the police, the mem-
Monday, all shops will be Management Authority Management Authority bers of market associations
allowed to operate all day. (DDMA) later issued an order (DDMA). Police teams will be will be keeping an eye on the
However, they have to operate to this effect. keeping a vigilant eye on the restaurants.
between 10 and 8 pm.” Continued on Page 2 restaurants, hotels and eateries Full report on Page 3

18BF0944C10=4A944Q ?0AC8E daughter-in-law was a
;D2:=>F Shiksha Mitra. His life
was getting along despite
hen will ma come,” his wife being a cancer
W enquires seven-
year-old Montu (name
patient and the younger
son, 38, being mentally
changed), as he sits in the lap still yearns for his mother. challenged.
of his dadi (paternal grand- “From where do I bring his Once in a week he used to
mother). She keeps quiet, but mother back”, asks Janved go to his village, Gudi Rampuri
when Montu persists with his Singh, a resident of a village in just to spend time with his
query she replies, almost in a Agra and the grandfather of the grandsons. “Now, the thought
whisper, that his mother will two boys. “How long can we of going to the village sends
come soon. placate him by telling him that shivers down my spine. I feel Soon she developed fever and
The elderly lady faces sim- his mother has gone to school scared. What will I tell Montu cough but the family initially
ilar queries from Montu almost and will come back soon,” he when he asks me about his treated it as a viral fever.
the whole day. He along with says in a voice choked with mother,” Singh tells this “On May 12 her condition
his elder brother Rajesh (name emotion. reporter on the phone from deteriorated and she was taken
changed) lost their parents Singh, 71, is a security Delhi. to a private hospital. The doc-
within a span of five days in guard in a private company in Singh’s life changed sud- tors asked for exorbitant fees.
May. Though 13-year-old New Delhi. His 41-year-old son denly in May. His daughter-in- Still we continued with the
Rajesh understands what had was employed in a private con- law, 37, was deployed on duty treatment in that hospital.
happened, the little boy, Montu, struction company and his for the Panchayat election. Continued on Page 2
=4F34;78k<>=30H k9D=4 #!! ]PcX^]!

<eR\Re`deVafa 5PRX[XcPcX]V[TVXcX\PcTcaPeT[c^__aX^aXch)0\TaXRP]
dVRcTYW`cZ]]VXR]AR\ New Delhi: The US mission in India is "active-
ly working" to accommodate as many student visa
caused to students and their families, and we are
actively working to accommodate as many stu-

applicants as possible in July and August, and facil- dent visa applicants as possible in July and August.
itating their legitimate travel remaine a top pri- Facilitating legitimate student travel to the United
ority for it, a senior American diplomat said on States remains a top priority for the US Mission
Sunday. to India," Heflin told PTI in an interview.
?C8 Q B78:0A8?DA0:C0:0 A Pakistani woman was recent- Don Heflin, the Minister Counselor for The official was asked about the rising
ly arrested for entering India and Consular Affairs at the US embassy, also said that uncertainty among the Indian students wanting
arnataka Chief Minister B S staying in the state illegally for more the US-bound students will not require any proof to travel to the US, which had imposed fresh trav-
K Yediyurappa on Sunday said he
has instructed officials to step up
than six years.
"I have directed the officials to
of Covid-19 vaccination to enter the country. They
will need a negative report of their Covid-19 test
el restrictions in May.
"Students returning to academic pro-
search for Pakistani and intensify the search for Pakistani taken within 72 hours prior to their departure. grammes that resume on or after August 1 may
Bangladeshi citizens staying ille- and Bangladeshi citizens staying in There has been growing anxiety among a size- travel to the United States up to 30 days before
gally in the State. the State illegally," Yediyurappa able number of Indian students aspiring to fly to the programme resumes. There is no National
His statement came in the wake told reporters here in his hometown the US for higher studies in view of certain restric- Interest Exception required in this situation," he
of the recent arrest of some in Shivamogga district. H e tions in getting visa appointments due to the coro- said.
Bangladeshi nationals in Bengaluru was on a two-day visit to inspect navirus pandemic. "We recommend continuing students discuss
who had brutalised and sexually various development projects in the The embassy will start giving visa interview their specific resumption plans with their respec-
assaulted a woman after trafficking district including the upcoming slots for Indian studentsfrom Monday. tive universities to develop a travel timeline,"
her from their country and forced airport, slated to be completed by "We recognise the stress and anxiety this has Heflin said. PTI
her into prostitution in the city. June 2022. 0eXTf^UPUadXcbW^__PacXP[[hbdQ\TaVTSX]PfPcTa[^VVTSbcaTTcX]?aPhPVaPY^]Bd]SPh ?C8

BPRWX][TPeTb3T[WXfXcW²_a^\XbT =QXQbUS_bTc"''! APY2<)7XVW?^fTa

cWPcWXbST\P]SbfX[[QT\TcbW^ac[h 3_fYT!)VQdQ\YdYUc U^a\TSU^aRWX[S
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824 Q =4F
Tensions continued to simmer with-
in the Congress in Rajasthan on Saturday C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 whooping 32,733 deaths were record- [PQ^da_aTeT]cX^]
with the Pilot camp getting increasingly ed in the state, of which 16,385 old
ongress leader Sachin Pilot left Delhi restless over allegedly not being given their
C on Sunday evening with a 'promise'
that his demands will be met shortly.
due in the government, and were seen clos-
ing ranks for pressing their demands
Ithatningwhat appears to be a never-end-
fatality reconciliation exercise
is throwing up more questions
deaths were added to the State’s
cumulative fatality tally, after recon-
ciliation of figures.
Sources in the party said Congress strongly. than providing answers, the daily During the last six days alone,
chief Sonia Gandhi is likely to speak to Pilot had openly revolted against the Covid-19 deaths peaked to all-time 8436 deaths ( June 8-407, June 9-400,
Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot leadership of Gehlot which ended after the 2,771 in Maharashtra, as the author- June 10-1,522, June 11-2,213, June 12-
in a day or two to resolve the one year long party high command convinced him that ities added a whopping 2,288 old 1606 and 2288 ) have been added to 3PaZR[^dSbW^eTa^eTa:aXbW]PP]S:^h]PaXeTaX]:PaPS^]Bd]SPh ?C8 Jaipur: Rajasthan Chief Minister
crisis between Pilot and Gehlot. his camp would be given its due in the State deaths to the current tally of 483 fatal- the state’s cumulative tally. Ashok Gehlot said that child
Pilot, however, could not meet any of Government. ities. On a day when the State record- Meanwhile, with daily deaths labor is a stigma which snatch-
the top leaders of the party which includes
Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, Rahul
An All India Congress Committee
(AICC) panel was also formed to iron out
ed 10,442 new cases, the total infec-
tions breached the 59 lakh mark.
reported on Saturday, the Covid-19 toll
in the state jumped from 1,08,333 to 4`_XcVdd ed for the Chief Minister, his
bête noire Navjot Singh Sidhu
es away from childhood from
children. We have to get to the
Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi on who's differences. Jitin Prasada's switch to the BJP The death reconciliation exercise 1,11,104. Similarly, with 10,697 new and his close aide Pargat Singh, root of this problem and eradi-
request reached Delhi. last week made the party high command has exposed the health authorities’ fail- infections reported on Saturday, the From Page 1 and also the Punjab Congress cate it. He said that the State
Pilot has also been offered to take over to resolve the year long crisis in the State ure to plug the loopholes in the death total number of cases in the state went Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge, chief Sunil Jakhar. Government is trying to make
as the AICC General Secretary which he sooner. reporting process in the state. For, the up from 58,98,550 to 59,08,992. Punjab party affairs in-charge It has been learnt that a Rajasthan a model State in pre-
however refused, sources said. Pilot was AICC sources said "cabinet will be state health authorities have been As 7504 patients were discharged Harish Rawat, and former MP detailed discussion was held on venting child labour and reha-
able to meet only Rajasthan incharge Ajay expanded in Rajasthan soon" to induct five adding the previous unaccounted from the hospitals across the state after JP Agarwal. What actually tran- all recommendations, especial- bilitating child labour.
Maken and AICC General Secretary loyalists from Sachin Pilot's camp. The oth- deaths to the daily fatality almost on full recovery, the total number of peo- spired in the hour-long meeting ly about the role of Sidhu, A high power committee
Organization KC Venugopal and a few ers from his camp can be given a place in a day-to-day basis for nearly five weeks ple discharged from the hospitals since is yet to be known, but it has Pargat Singh, the State party will be formed for prevention of
leaders with whom he has been the organisation and other Government now. the second week of March last year been learnt that Rahul was president Sunil Jakhar. It was child labour in the State, in
friendly. bodies. Between May 1 and June 13, a increased from 56,31,767 to 56,39,271. briefed by the panel members stressed that Sidhu could play a which experts will be included.
regarding the key recommen- very significant role for the
dations of the report, besides the party and thus should be suit-
@aa+=R_UWcRfU stamp duty purchased for the first
deal of Rs 4.23920 lakh. 3T[WXbW^_bc^^_T]^]P[[ The graph of Covid 19 cases in the
National Capital is curving down with pos-
other findings.
Notably, the party high
able accommodated.
Sources informed The
From Page 1 "The Trust purchased the From Page 1 itivity rate of 0.35 per cent but the city command has become active to Pioneer that even though Rahul From Page 1
He demanded an ED and CBI stamps at 1711 hrs on March 18, "It is directed that all district magistrates, administration will closely monitor trends resolve the intra-party conflicts heard all the recommendations She died on May 14,” Singh
probe should be done to punish the 2021 while Sultan Ahmed pur- districts DCPs, deputy commissioners of of fresh cases after the latest relaxation simmering in several States, of the committee, including recalls. A few days later his son
guilty members of the chased it at 1722 hrs on the same municipal corporations, and all other remain in force for a week. including Rajasthan. The regarding Sidhu, he did not give also showed similar symptoms
Ramjanmabhumi Tirth Kshetra day. It is clearly a case of money authorities concerned shall be responsible Cautioning the people against third Congress currently has its own any reply or any response to the and was also shifted to the
Trust who are behind this scam and laundering when a property whose for ensuring Covid-19 appropriate behav- wave and urging for Covid appropriate Governments in just three same. The panel also informed same private hospital where he
were playing with the religious market value was Rs 5.80 crore was iour, which is wearing of masks, maintain behaviour, Kejriwal said, "If cases continue States, while it is holding power Rahul regarding the complaints died five days later on May 19.
sentiments of crores of people. first purchased at Rs 2 crore and social distancing, no consumption of liquor, going further down, all restrictions can be in three other States in coalition against the Chief Minister and There was a long pause
Elaborating his point, Singh then it was sold at Rs 18.50 cr. PM pan, gutkha, tobacco, etc.., in all shops, removed in a phased manner, however, if with regional outfits. his style of functioning and the when Singh was asked whether
said as per the documents, includ- should punish the guilty people so malls, market complexes, weekly markets, cases go up, we may have to impose restric- Punjab being the only State urgent need to correct the same, the Panchayat election was
ing land agreement and stamp that the faith of the people in Lord restaurants, mandis, ISBTs and railway sta- tion again." which turned the tide when the coupled with fulfillment of all responsible for the spread of
duty papers, the entire scam was Ram remains," he said. tion, however, only restaurants are allowed The city was under a hard lockdown entire country was swept by the pre poll promises, including coronavirus infection among
committed on March 18,2021 Singh also said that the pur- to open with certain conditions this week. since April 19 with only essential activities Modi wave in 2019 polls, the sacrilege. families. “I do not know …
evening. chase seemed to be a shady deal as Bars are not allowed." allowed. Citing Covid-19 health bulletin, Congress party did not want to The members also report- whom to blame now. Yes, my
Singh alleged that on March 18, it was beyond comprehension that The relaxations implemented last week Kejriwal said that the situation is under con- affect its poll prospects because edly apprised Rahul about the daughter-in-law had gone for
2021, at around 1910 hours, one the Board of the Trust gave its will continue including metro operations trol now but he is concerned mainly about of the infighting. recent statements by the party some training and after a few
Sultan Ahmed and Ravi Mohan approval in just five minutes after with 50 per cent sitting capacity, factories recovering the economy and preparing The high command has MLA and Olympian Pargat days she reported sick. She died
Tiwari purchased Gata number the purchase of the land. and industries, construction activities, gov- infra to face third wave. "We have launched been making efforts to prevent Singh despite the instructions to and a few days later my son
243/244/246 from Kusum Pathak Questioning the sanctity of the ernment offices with full attendance for offi- 22 oxygen plants on Saturday, and Friday, winds of dissidence from erod- all party leaders to not to air died too. I am left with the
and Harish Pathak for Rs 2 crore land deal, Singh said how in both cer above Garde-1, and 50 percent for below three oxygen plants were inaugurated. ing the party in Punjab. Not their grievances in the public. enormous responsibility of my
while the market value of the above the sale agreements, Anil Mishra, that, private offices with minimum atten- From Monday (June 14th), economic activ- only Sonia, but also the Gandhi It has also been learnt that grandsons,” he says.
said land was around Rs 5.80 crore. who is the Trustee of Ram Mandir dance between 9am and 5pm, and all-day ities will start functioning in a restricted siblings - Priyanka and Rahul - Pargat has been reprimanded by Rajesh is a student of Class
"Within five minutes, the land Trust, and Rishikesh Upadhyay, operations of standalone. manner," Kejriwal said. had apparently taken upon the party State affairs in-charge 9 and Montu of Class 5. Both
was sold to the Ramjanmabhumi who is Mayor of Ayodhya, were pre- Taxis, auto and other vehicles will also What is new? themselves to carry out parallel Harish Rawat for his public study in a school near their vil-
Tirth Kshetra Trust for Rs 18.50 sent as witnesses. "Nowhere in the be allowed with a cap of maximum pas- 1. There will be no odd-even formula sessions with the State party statements against the Chief lage.
crore and immediately Rs 17 crore world, the cost of land inflated with sengers. for shops in markets and malls. Shops can leaders in an attempt to save the Minister. Pargat has reportedly “I will ensure good educa-
was transferred to the owners such a rocket speed, so much in just Weddings with maximum presence of stay open only between 10am and 8am. House from being pulled down been warned that strict disci- tion to my grandsons. We are
Sultan Ahmed and Ravi Mohan 10 minutes," he said. 20 guests either at court or inside residen- Essential services shops can remain open by the swirling storm plinary action could be taken not rich. I work as a security
Tiwari through RTGS," he said. "The money was collected from tial premises will be allowed and funerals beyond 8pm. inside.While the Kharge panel against him if he does not stop. guard in Delhi. If a 71-year-old
He said the land (an area of donations of Ram Bhakto who can be attended but not more than 20 guests 2. Dine-in services will be allowed but was holding parleys with the Meanwhile, indications are is working as a security guard
12080 sq meter or 1.208 hectare) in included poor farmers as well as will be allowed. Religious sites will also be with 50 percent sitting capacity, this will be State leaders, the Gandhians that Capt Amarinder will you can understand his com-
question was located at Bagbijasisi industrialists who had great rever- opened but visitors not allowed. Home deliv- on trail basis till June 20; liquor will not be were also holding meetings, or remain in the driver's seat while pulsions. When my son and
village under Haveli Awadh ence for lord Ram. But they are feel- ery of goods will be allowed. served at restaurants. telephonic or videoconferencing his bête noire Sidhu will sit pil- daughter-in-law were working
Pargana and in Sadar tehsil of ing cheated now" he said. Importantly, schools, colleges, coaching 3. Cinemas/multiplexes are not open- sessions with them. lion with Punjab moving we were comfortable. They
Ayodhya. Meanwhile, Mahant Raju Das centres and education institutes will con- ing. Barber shops to be opened but spas, Notably, Rahul had held towards the Assembly elections. used to take care of our daily
"The interesting part of both the of Hanumangarhi temple in tinue to remain closed while social, politi- gymnasiums and yoga institutes will remain telephonic session with more A change in party's organisa- needs. They were also giving
purchase deal was that witnesses in Ayodhya has also demanded a high cal, religious and academic gatherings will closed. than a dozen party leaders from tional structure is also expect- me money for the treatment of
both the deals were Trust member level probe into the allegations. "It not be allowed. 4. Parks and gardens will remain shut. the State, which included dis- ed. Amidst all this, the senior my wife and the other son.
Anil Mishra and Ayodhya mayor is a serious issue and a proper inves- Besides, swimming pools, gymnasiums, Sports complexes have also not allowed to gruntled partymen too, to get Congress leaders, including his Now, what will happen? I am
Rishikesh Upadhaya," he said. tigation is required. ‘ yoga centres, cinema halls, theatres and mul- reopen. hold of the entire situation. critics, have started approaching left alone in this world,” says
The AAP MP further alleged The guilty should not be spared tiplexes; banquet halls; auditoriums and 5. Metro and buses will operate at 50 As a part of the same, the the Chief Minister not only to Singh.
that it was surprising to note that as it is related to the sentiments of business to business exhibition arenas; per cent seating capacity. Standing commute committee members explained get their incomplete works He continues: “Now, their
the stamp duty by the Trust of Rs crore of Hindu who have faith in entertainment parks, water parks and pub- will not be allowed. Also, cabs, autos, e-rick- its recommendations in a done, but also to show their sup- dadi is taking care of the kids.
1.2949860 crore was purchased at Lord Ram and VHP," Mahant lic parks will also remain closed, as per the shaws can ferry up to two passengers per sequential manner to Rahul, port amidst the prevailing cri- But how long will we live? My
least 10 minute earlier than the said. DDMA order. ride. besides the role it has suggest- sis within the State party unit. wife is already a cancer patient
and my son is mentally chal-
lenged and is getting treatment
µH`c\Rd`_V health” in fighting the corona
Indian Government that he was
disappointed for not being able
ment with G7 and other guest
countries stands on its own, and,
from AIIMS, Delhi. I do not
want people to call my grand-
From Page 1 Giving details of the three- to welcome Modi in person at for the first time, India has sons orphans. I have to live till
Harish said the G-7 leaders day summit with special focus the G7 summit, Harish said. engaged in ministerial and they grow up.”
underlined their commitment to on Modi’s participation, Harish Johnson, however, was under- working-level tracks as a guest The family desperately
a free, open and a rules-based said there was also widespread standing and supportive of country. needs financial help. Singh has
Indo-Pacific and resolved to support at G-7 deliberations Modi’s decision to attend the G- He further added that India’s heard that the Government is
collaborate with partners in the for text-based negotiations on 7 summit virtually, reported engagement was fruitful, pro- giving financial support to
region. proposals by India and South news agency ANI. ductive and the Government such children who have lost
India's participation at the Africa for patent waiver on On the issue of climate hopes to take forward the their parents to Covid. The
G7 sessions reflected under- Covid vaccines. change, Modi called for collec- engagement in various initia- SDM of the area had met him
standing within the bloc that res- Moreover, the Prime tive action, recognising that this tives, including in the run-up to a few days ago.
olution to "the biggest global cri- Minister’s participation high- challenge cannot be addressed in the 2021 United Nations Climate
sis of our time" is not possible lighted the understanding with- silos. He also pointed out that Change Conference, also known
without India's involvement and
support, he said, in a reference
in the G-7 that resolution to the
biggest global crisis is not pos-
India is the only G-20 country
on track to meet its Paris com-
as COP26, scheduled for
November. 1T]VP[6de
to the coronavirus sible without India's involve- mitments. The G-7 summit focussed From Page 1
pandemic. ment, he said. As regards the ongoing fight mainly on three issues, includ- According to Rajasthan
The leaders of the world's Britain was heading the against the pandemic, the G-7 ing vaccines and recovery from Raj Bhawan website, Govind
advanced economies held a summit this year and Prime was in consensus to provide the pandemic, the environment Ram Jaiswal is the OSD to
summit in Cornwall in the UK Minister Boris Johnson had capacity in various regional and climate change, open soci- Governor Kalraj Mishra , while
from June 11-13. It is for the first invited Modi to take part in the hubs manufacturing vaccines by eties and open economies. Jammu and Kashmir's
time that the leaders of the outreach session of the G-7. providing finance and technol- The main theme for the Lieutenant Governor Manoj
grouping met in person since the Given the corona situation ogy transfer. summit was ‘Build back better’ Sinha has also one OSD name-
coronavirus pandemic began. at home, Modi preferred to In fact, French President in the backdrop of the pandemic ly Prashant Jankar.
Modi spoke in two sessions participate virtually. Australia, Emmanuel Macron on Saturday over the last 18 months. Harish Uttarakhand Governor Baby
on Sunday on topics of climate South Korea and South Africa urged the G-7 countries to make said leaders of the G-7 grouping Rani Maurya has one OSD
change and open societies. On were the other countries invit- efforts to provide raw material and guest countries including rank officer and two ADCs.
Saturday, he exhorted the inter- ed for the outreach sessions this to India for manufacturing vac- India had a detailed discussion Delhi Lieutenant Governor
national community to come year. cines in large numbers. on the need for reforming glob- has no OSD, only staff officers
together as “one earth one Johnson conveyed to the Harish said India’s engage- al health governance. to his office.



=4F34;78k<>=30H k9D=4 #!! RP_XcP["


BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78

ith the Delhi

intensify checks at restaurants
from Monday.
Police have issued instruc-
districts and they will be con-
ducting surpruse checks to
ensure restaurants follow
ore than 60 lakh people
W Government announc-
ing the opening of restaurants
tions to Market Associations
across the city to follow and
guidelines issued by the
DDMA. Those violating the
M have been vaccinated in
the national Capital, the Aam
in the national Capital with 50
per cent occupancy, the Delhi
implement new guidelines.
Besides police, the members of
rules will be penalised,” said
Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and Police has pulled up its socks to market associations will be Police said that those found
Member of Legislative enforce the order from keeping an eye on the restau- guilty will be booked under
Assembly (MLA) from Kalkji Monday. Police said that action rants. Indian Penal Code (IPC) sec-
Assembly seat, Atishi, said pre- will be initiated against those “If restaurants are found tions 269 (negligent act likely
senting the vaccination bulletin found violating the directions violating the Delhi Disaster to spread infection of disease
on Sunday. issued by Delhi Disaster Management Authority dangerous to life), 270 (malig-
“In Delhi, 30 per cent of Management Authority (DDMA) guidelines, the mar- nant act likely to spread infec-
the total population above the AP]YP]3X\aX (DDMA). Police teams will be ket association can also inform tion of disease dangerous to
age of 18 years has been given keeping a vigilant eye on the Delhi Police and a strict action life), 188 (disobedience to order
the first dose of the vaccine. So received for those above 45 45+. restaurants, hotels and eateries will be initiated against the duly promulgated by public
far, 46,33,650 people have been years of age, out of which 5.58 Meanwhile, on Saturday, across the city. owner and restaurant,” said servant) and section 3 of the AP]YP]3X\aX
given the first dose of the vac- lakh doses are left. Available in Delhi received 72,800 doses of With people expected to Chinmoy Biswal, the Public Epidemic Diseases Act.
cine, which is 30 per cent of stock for 11 days of Covaxin Covaxin yesterday for the return to restaurants and pubs, Relation Officer (PRO) of As per DDMA order, the BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 parts of these states, so that the
Delhi’s total population above and 24 days of Covishield for above 45 years age category. the two agencies, Delhi Police Delhi Police. restaurants can now function workers understand it better, it
18 years of age. Apart from this, and Delhi Excise Department “The police teams will be with 50 per cent occupancy and he Delhi Metro is organis- said.
14.40 lakh people have received have prepared themselves to patrolling continuously in all will open from 10 AM to 8 PM. ing a unique awareness Popular folk songs from
both the doses of the vaccine. campaign about the benefits of these regions are being used in
On June 12, 83,113 people vaccination against coronavirus these shows where the actors
were given vaccine doses in at metro’s construction sites also interact with the workers.
Delhi. In which 54,788 people across the national Capital Informative leaflets about vac-
were given the first dose and BC055A4?>AC4AQ ble” third wave of Covid-19, Region (NCR). cination benefits are also being
28,325 people were given the =4F34;78 the Delhi Government has As part of this week-long distributed among the workers.
second dose,” she said. speeded up revamping sever- campaign, a series of Nukkad All relevant information about
Delhi has less than two elhi recorded 255 new al existing hospitals to increase Nataks (street plays) targeting the benefits of vaccination has
days of stock of Covaxin left for
youth and less than one day of
D Covid-19 cases while the
positivity rate dipped to 0.35
the number of beds and also
building new hospitals.
small groups with a limited
number of workers are being
been compiled in a very lucid
manner in Hindi.
Covishield. “61,000 doses are left per cent. Besides, 23 more Delhi Chief Minister organised at the construction “Approximately, 3,200
for the youth of 18 to 44 years, fatalities were reported on Arvind Kejriwal had also sites since last Wednesday workers are currently working
including 18,000 doses of Sunday, taking the total num- announced the setting up of a while ensuring social distanc- at DMRC’s construction sites
Covaxin and 43,000 doses of ber to 24,823 till now, accord- paediatric taskforce and two ing and all other protocols, the across Delhi-NCR. The num-
Covishield are available, the ing to data shared by the genome sequencing labs as DMRC said in a statement. ber is gradually increasing as
AAP leader said. “We would like health department. well as a plan to ramp up oxy- Professional artists who the lockdown restrictions are
to appeal to the central The number of active cases gen capacity to prepare for a work in commercial movies, lifted,” it said.
Government to maintain a reg- as on Sunday, stood at 3,466, possible third Covid wave that TV shows and web series have Vaccination drives have
ular supply of vaccines for the of which 1,037 are in home could peak at 37,000 cases a been roped in to perform already been conducted at
people of of 18 to 44 years. isolation, according to the lat- day. Nukkad Nataks. Since most of some of DMRC’s construction
Because the more vaccines we est health bulletin. The Government had also the workers come from states sites.
make available to the youth, the A total of 72,751 tests, announced plans to create a like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, DMRC authorities are in
more hesitation about the vac- including 53,885 RT-PCR tests, buffer stock of important med- Madhya Pradesh and touch with the local adminis-
cine will be removed,” she added. were conducted a day ago, the icines besides other initiatives Jharkhand, the shows are trations and private health-
She said that 53,59,910 bulletin said. to deal with the ‘possible’ fur- designed and written in differ- care providers to organise more
vaccine doses have been Anticipating the “possi- ther outbreak. ent dialects spoken in rural vaccination drives at its sites.

CPaVTcc^bTcd_ ! "_[P]cb^U>!PRa^bb8]SXP)?aPSWP] ?82D1<;

he said. taken keeping in view the
State BJP President Adesh problems that were faced by the
Gupta, Member of Parliament people of Delhi for home treat-
Parvesh Sahib Singh, State BJP ment during this second wave,”
Media Head Naveen Kumar, he added further.
State Secretary Sunita Kangra, State BJP President Gupta
Former MLA Dr. Nandkishore said that, when there was acute
Garg, District General shortage of gas in Delhi, peo-
Secretar y Sunil Mittal, ple were wandering here and
President of Maharaja Agrasen there with cylinders, BJP work-
Hospital Shri Ashok Gupta ers went door to door and
and General Secretary Sunil delivered 100 oxygen cylinders
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 sure that the health system of Aron was present. daily. “Everyone saw the way
the country is completely “All the companies under BJP workers worked in the
etroleum Minister sound and this time there will the Ministry of Petroleum are whole country with the spirit of
P Dharmendra Pradhan inau-
gurated Pressure Swing
be no panic regarding oxygen.
No life should be lost at least
setting up such plants from
place to place with their CSR
service and unity. Within the
three corporations, 6 PSA oxy-
Adsorption (PSA) at Maharaja not due to lack of oxygen. funds,” “IGL in Delhi has gen plants have been approved
Agrasen Hospital, Punjabi There is a target of setting installed a plant, installed with and the work is going on at a
Bagh on Sunday. up 1,213 PSA oxygen plants the funds of C2.5 crore, has a fast pace. With this plant,
While inaugurating the across the country from the capacity of 2.5 tonne. With this which has been installed in A^WX]VhP<db[X\aTUdVTTb[^^ZPccWTRWPaaTSaT\PX]b
oxygen plant, he said since PM Care Fund which will be 400 to 500 cylinders can be Maharaja Agrasen Hospital ^UcWTXaW^\TbPUcTaPUXaTQa^ZT^dc^]BPcdaSPh]XVWc
there are indications of the completed by July next month. filled per day,” the minister said. today, people can get the cylin- Pc<PSP]_da:WPSPaX]=Tf3T[WX
third wave of corona in the “The production capacity of the “Gas can also be supplied der filled and take home, so the AP]YP]3X\aX
countr y, the Central new plants to be set up will be from here and cylinders can same can be used in an emer-
Government wants to make 35000 metric tonnes per day,” also be filled. This step has been gency,” he added.

$$3DFFXVHV(DVW&LYLF 7WbQ]]_cdceYdQR\U 6_b]Ub3=_V8QbiQ^Q &"%SXQ\\Q^c"%(

injuries. He was taken to hos-

ging problem in areas around pital in another car by his
Swami Dayanand Hospital. PSO. According to the police
Pathak said that the the incident took place in front
Corporation has been spending Gurugram: Gurugram is the suitability of these cities on the of the SGT University on the
lakhs of rupees every year in most suitable city to live in dur- basis of factors such as popu- Gurugram-Jhajjar Road at
the name of cleaning of this ing Covid-19 times considering lation density, open area ratio around 1.00 pm on Sunday.
non-functional drain for the factors such as population den- and hospital infrastructure. “The former CM was on
last five years. sity, open area ratio and hos- It says that these are far more BC055A4?>AC4AQ his way to Badli in Jhajjar
“The drain was fully com- pital infrastructure, according important than the distance 6DAD6A0< from Gurugram after his rou-
plete by 2016 on paper but in to Square Yards titled Suitability from work or affordability to tine health checkup. When an
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 reality, it was never functional. Index Report. The study con- decide where a homebuyer ormer Chief Minister of Auto car occupants bearing

enior Aam Aadmi Party

Even the contractor who was
supposed to clean this drain
ducted by a data intelligence
and management company,
wants to live during Covid-19.
As per the analysis, Gurugram
F Har yana Om Prakash
Chautala had a narrow escape
registration number (DL9CAE
7177) coming from the oppo-
(AAP) leader and MCD in
Durgesh Pathak accused
wrote to the civic body in
2021, saying that there is noth-
throws light on the suitability
of living and working in three
is the most suitable city to live
from a Covid-19 perspective.
after his car met with an acci-
dent on the Gurugram-Jhajjar
site direction took right turn to
enter the University premises
the BJP ruled East Corporation ing to clean because it is non- prime cities in the country, As per the report, localities in Road on Sunday. hit Chautala’s SUV Volvo BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 fountains need to be kept dry
of issuing tenders for the last functional,” he said. namely Bengaluru, Mumbai the East zone such as sectors Chautala sustained a frac- (HR29AP 1562),” Praveen to prevent water collection,” he
five consecutive years to clean The AAP leader demand- and Gurugram with respect to 52-56, 58, 40-44, 30, 24-27 ture in his arm. His Personal Kumar, station house officer outh Delhi Municipal added.
a non-functional drain con-
structed to solve the water-log-
ed immediate action against the
alleged corruption.
The report ascertains the
were found to be the most suit-
able for living as per the index.
Security Officer (PSO) and
driver did not sustain any
(SHO) of Rajendra Park police
station said.
Corporation (SDMC) has
625 challan and 2,580
The city has reported 61
cases of dengue much ahead of
legal notices to various estab- the season of the vector-borne
lishments after finding mos- disease, which is between July

quito breeding in their premis- and November, according to a
es. SDMC Commissioner civic report released on
Gyanesh Bharti has asked Monday. Incidentally, the cases
health officials to take all the of dengue reported this year are
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 extend all facilities including steps to stop mosquito breed- highest compared to that of last
an ATM and Cash deposit ing ahead of monsoon. three years.
n an initiative to provide machine as well,” said Bharti said that mosquito The civic report released
facilities to police personnel
across the city, Delhi
Chinmoy Biswal, the Public
Relation Officer (PRO) of
breeding takes place in waste
articles like desert coolers,
on Monday stated that 10 cases
of malaria and five cases of
Police Commissioner SN Delhi Police. pots, tyres, etc that get filled chikungunya have also been
Shrivastava on Sunday inau- “The canteen in PHQ has with water. “Preventing the reported till June 5 this year.
gurated ‘Suvidha Complex’ at been provided a bigger and bet- breeding is an effective way to To stop mosquito breeding,
the Ground Floor of the New ter space at the ground floor control vector-borne diseases,” the public health department of
Police Headquarters in the which can accommodate more he said. the SDMC has also contacted
national Capital. visitors. Facilities including air The Commissioner also 1,157 RWAs and has sent five
Police said that the com- conditioning, WIFI, DTH con- directed officials to step up lakh awareness messages to
plex will have facilities includ- nection, water cooler and a sep- work to remove silt from drains the citizens. Dengue breeding
ing Axis bank, staff canteen, arate washroom have been so that anti-larval/insecticidal checkers workers have con-
staff lounge, National provided. Canteen also has spray can be done in these ducted checks at 18,69,259
Agricultural Cooperative modern cooking equipment drains. “Focus should also be households.
Marketing Federation of India where food is cooked in a given to check mosquito breed- Dengue mosquito larvae
Limited (NAFED) bazaar and hygienic environment,” said ing at construction sites, gov- breed in clear, standing water,
officers lounge. Biswal. ernment offices, hospitals, while those of malaria thrive
“Salary accounts of all “Staff lounge is a dedicat- ators attached with officers grains, pulses, oils and oilseeds cated space for officers who are Sundari Nanda and her team police stations, DTS bus depots, even in dirty water. Cases of
Delhi Police personnel have ed space for all police person- may also avail this facility,” said and other daily needs will visiting PHQ for official pur- played a crucial role in con- fire stations and education vector-borne diseases are usu-
been maintained in Axis bank nel from various districts and Biswal. operate six days a week from 8 poses,” said the PRO. ceptualising the facility and institutions. Besides, solid ally reported between July and
since November 2002. The units who are visiting PHQ for “A Nafed Bazaar opened in AM to 8 PM. “Special Commissioner of organizing the event,” the PRO waste should be removed from November, but the period may
bank’s branch at PHQ will official work. Drivers and oper- the complex will provide food Officers Lounge is a dedi- Police, GA & Headquarters, added. the parks while waterfalls and stretch till mid-December.
=4F34;78k<>=30H k9D=4 #!! ]PcX^]#

written, “As per your direction, \^bc^UcWT_aXePcT Hospital, Jaipur said, “We have
we are not accepting any fur- spoken to manufacturers of
ther orders/payment from any W^b_XcP[bPaT^]W^[S both Covishield and Covaxin

private hospital in the country. and they said the government
We await your further direction Tb_TRXP[[hcW^bT has asked them not to supply
with regard to the roadmap for _PcXT]cbfW^]TTSc^ the vaccines directly to private
future supplies to private hos- VTccWTbTR^]SS^bTb hospitals. So, the majority of
pitals.” PaTPccWTaTRTXeX]VT]S medium to small hospitals are
?=BQ =4F34;78 prising 3.49 per cent of the days, the Ministry said, adding S C L Gupta, medical direc- suffering the most.”
total infections, while the the weekly positivity rate fell tor, Batra Hospital said, “The have taken the first dose are “At a service charge of Rs
ndia reported 80,834 fresh national COVID-19 recovery below 5 per cent and was problem is that there is no clar- waiting for their second dose,” 150, we can provide vaccina-
I Covid-19 cases, the lowest
after 71 days and below one
rate has improved to 95.26 per
recorded 4.74 per cent.
About vaccines, the
ity on how we will be procur-
ing the vaccines. When we ask
he said.
P K Bhardwaj, Chief
tion only at our centre. We had
started to go to RWAs and pri-
said they were clueless on lakh for the fifth day in a row, A net decline of 54,531 Ministry said that more than the state government officials, Executive Director and Head of vate sector companies, but now
?=BQ =4F34;78 procuring Covid-19 jabs under while the daily positivity rate cases has been recorded in the 26 crore (26,64,84,350) vac- they say wait till June 21 stat- Department of Surgery, Saroj organising such sessions at this
the new policy announced by further dropped to 4.25 per Covid-19 caseload in a span of cine doses have been provid- ing that the policy is not yet Hospital also said that nothing rate will not be possible.
ed to States/UTs so far. “More clear. has been clearly spelt about Capping the price at Rs 150
the absence of any clear
from the Centre
the State governments
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
and that it has led to the vac-
cination being put on hold at
cent, according to the Union
Health Ministry data updated
on Sunday.
24 hours.
Also 19,20,477 tests were
conducted on Saturday taking
than 1.53 crore (1,53,79,233)
COVID Vaccine doses are
“The central government
also has asked us to wait. We
procurement by private hospi-
tals and how much vaccines
will also impact the entire vac-
cination drive. So a mechanism
about the Covid-19 vaccine their centres. The country’s tally of cases the total cumulative tests con- still available with the have approached the compa- will be given to each private needs to be worked for this
availability under the new They have now sought a has climbed to 2,94,39,989 ducted so far for detection of States/UTs to be adminis- nies too, but they are also not hospital. too,” Gupta said.
national jab policy, several pri- proper mechanism and a sin- while Covid-19 death toll COVID-19 in the country to tered,” it said adding that fur- clear on the methodology of The vaccinations at most of Under the revised guide-
vate hospitals across the coun- gle-window system to be put in surged to 3,70,384 with 3,303 37,62,32,162 while the daily thermore, more than 4 lakh procurement,” he said. the private hospitals are on lines, which will come into
try are a confused lot. Some of place for procurement of vac- daily deaths, the data updat- positivity rate has further (4,48,760) vaccine doses are in In the whole process, hold and the public, especial- effect from June 21, the Centre
them have also flagged the cine doses. They also claimed ed at 8 am showed. dropped to 4.25 per cent . the pipeline and will be Gupta said, vaccination of peo- ly those patients who need to will procure 75 per cent of the
service charge for vaccination that they had approached both The active cases further It has been less than 10 received by them within the ple is getting delayed. “With get the second doses, are at the COVID-19 vaccines being
being capped at C150, saying it the vaccine manufacturers, declined to 10,26,159 com- per cent for 20 consecutive next three days. fear of a possible third wave hit- receiving end. produced by manufacturers
may not be feasible for them to Bharat Biotech and Serum ting India, we want to vaccinate Sarvesh Saran Joshi, pres- while private hospitals can pro-
organise sessions outside their Institute of India (SII) -- and as many people as possible. ident, Rajasthan Doctors’ cure the remaining 25 percent
own centres at that rate. also state governments, but to Meanwhile, in a recent health ministr y, Prakash Government and Regulatory Also several people and many Association and also Managing directly from the manufactur-
The hospital managements no avail. communication to the Union Kumar Singh, Director, Affairs at SII, is learnt to have of our healthcare workers who Director of Shekhawati ers.

2WX]TbTaTbTPaRWTab APY]PcW>:´bC#((Ra^aT ;TUcc^bcPVT

_a^cTbcPVPX]bc D´ZWP]S2^]V[TPSTa
?=BQ =4F34;78

bX\X[Pac^2^eXS ( T he Left parties on Sunday

announced nationwide
two-week-long protests (June
strain to SARS-CoV-2 except 16-30) demanding a roll back
for genetic differences on the of fuel price hike and control- ?=BQ =4F34;78
spike protein, the knob-like ling of prices of essential com-
structure that the virus uses modities and drugs. The five eteran Congress leader and
when attaching to cells,” they
Left parties in a joint statement
accused the Central
V Leader of Opposition in
Uttarakhand Assembly Indira
?=BQ =4F34;78 The researchers further Government of increasing Hridayesh passed away in the
said, “Together with the SARS- petrol and diesel prices “at national Capital on Sunday.
hinese researchers have CoV-2 related virus collected least 21 times” since the She breathed her last at
C claimed they have found a
batch of new coronaviruses in
from Thailand in June 2020,
these results clearly demon-
Assembly elections ended on
May 2.
Uttarakhand Sadan after suf-
fering a heart attack. The 80- administrator. Her contribution
bats including one-- strate that viruses closely relat- “More assaults on people’s year-old prominent leader of to the Congress party will be
Rhinolophus pusillus-- virus ed to SARS-CoV-2 continue to livelihood are being mounted Congress was in Delhi for treasured and cherished by all,
that may be the second-closest circulate in bat populations, and by this relentless rise in prices meetings to review the party’s Sonia said in her condolence
yet (genetically) to the Covid in some regions might occur at of all essential commodities. preparation for the next year’s message.
virus that has swept the world a relatively high frequency.” Instead of helping people to assembly elections in Rahul mentioned that
since it was identified in Now researchers are trying combat the ravages of the Uttarakhand. Indira Hridayesh remained
December 2019, claiming lakhs to locate the original source of ?=BQ =4F34;78 CWTbRWT\TPX\bc^ Covid health catastrophe, the Hridayesh, who was an active for the social service
of human lives. SARS-CoV-2. The researchers UPRX[XcPcTaP_XS Modi government hiked the MLA from Haldwani in the and the Congress till her last
In a report published in the said it’s quite likely that the virus n an effort to encourage new STeT[^_\T]c^U]Tf prices of petroleum products Nainital district, was always a breath. “Her social and politi-
journal Cell, the Chinese
researchers from Shandong
infected an intermediary ani-
mal. The SARS virus that
ideas and concepts, Defence
Rajnath Singh on
X]SXVT]XbTSP]S by at least 21 times after the
announcement of results of
contender of the party’s CM
face in the state.
cal contributions are inspiring,”
Gandhi tweeted.
University said they had assem- caused the 2002-2004 outbreak Sunday approved a C499-crore X]]^ePcXeT the recent assembly elections Prime Minister Narendra Condoling her demise,
bled 24 novel coronavirus was traced to an animal called budget for innovations in cTRW]^[^VXTbU^a on May 2, 2021. This is leading Modi expressed condolence on AICC general secretary
genomes from different bat a civet cat. defence manufacturing. This engaging Industries including STUT]RTbTRc^a to a cascading inflationary spi- the death of Hridayesh. “Dr Priyanka Gandhi Vadra said the
species including four SARS- It would be the closest step will help the small and MSMEs, start-ups, individual ral with the Wholesale Price Indira Hridayesh Ji was at the Congress has lost a brave leader
CoV-2 virus and have found the strain to SARS-CoV-2 except medium scale enterprises and innovators, research and devel- Index (WPI) rising to a eleven forefront of several communi- and popular public representa-
new batch of virus. for genetic differences on the start-ups with India aiming to opment(R&D) institutes and Indian Defence production year high, said the joint state- ty service efforts. She made a tive.
The discoveries in a single, spike protein, the knob-like become a major hub for academia and provide them industry. The long-term effect ment signed by Sitaram mark as an effective legislator Uttarakhand Chief
small region of Yunnan structure that the virus uses weapon production. grants to carry out R&D devel- to be realised by the group is Yechury, D.Raja, Debabrata and also had rich administra- Minister Tirath Singh Rawat
province in China indicate just when attaching to cells, they The C498.9-crore bud- opment which has good poten- the establishment of a culture, Biswas, Manoj Bhattacharya tive experience. Saddened by and Uttar Pradesh Chief
how many coronaviruses can said. getary support to Innovations tial for future adoption for where enlisting the effort of and Dipankar Bhattacharya, her demise. Condolences to her Minister Yogi Adityanath also
exist in bats and how many “Together with the SARS- for Defence Excellence (iDEX) Indian defence and aerospace innovators by the Indian mil- the general secretaries of the family and supporters,” the expressed condolences.
have the potential to spread to CoV-2 related virus collected - Defence Innovation needs. itary is commonplace and fre- five Left parties CPI(M), CPI, prime minister posted on Congress general secretary
people and a wide range of from Thailand in June 2020, Organisation (DIO) is for the The scheme is aimed at quent. Forward Bloc RSP, CPI(ML) Twitter. and former state Chief Minister
domestic and wild animals, these results clearly demon- next five years. The budgetary providing financial support to The scheme aims to facil- Liberation. Congress president Sonia Harish Rawat said it is an
including pigs, cattle, mice, strate that viruses closely relat- support will provide a big nearly 300 start- itate rapid development of new, The Left leaders pointed Gandhi and party leader Rahul irreparable loss for the country
cats, dogs, and chickens, as per ed to SARS-CoV-2 continue to boost to the ‘Aatmanirbhar ups/MSMEs/individual inno- indigenised and innovative out that the prices of food arti- Gandhi said the demise of a tall and the state.
the CNN News. circulate in bat populations, and Bharat Abhiyan’ as iDEX–DIO vators and 20 partner incuba- technologies for the Indian cles have raised by nearly 5 per leader is a huge loss to the party. Hridayesh was a member
The researchers collected in some regions might occur at has the primary objective of tors under the DIO framework. defence and aerospace sector to cent in April. Primary com- Sonia said that Dr of the legislative council in
283 fecal samples, 109 oral a relatively high frequency,” self-reliance and indigenisa- It will support increased aware- meet their needs in shorter modities saw a rise of 10.16 per Hridayesh served the Congress undivided Uttar Pradesh for
swabs and 19 urine samples they wrote. tion in defence and aerospace ness in the Indian innovation timelines, create a culture of cent and manufactured prod- till her last breath and leaves five times. She was elected
from small, forest-dwelling bats “Our study highlights the sector of the country, the ecosystem about defence needs engagement with innovative ucts have risen by 9.01 per cent. behind a legacy of public ser- MLA in Uttarakhand in 2002,
in a tropical botanical garden remarkable diversity of bat defence ministry officials said and, conversely, in the Indian start-ups to encourage co-cre- By the time these commodities vice as an MLA, MLC, Minister, 2012, and 2017. She served as
and adjacent areas in a county coronaviruses at the local scale, here. Defence establishment about ation for defence and aero- reach the retail markets, the Leader of Opposition in a cabinet minister in the gov-
in Yunnan province between including close relatives of both The creation of the iDEX the potential of the Indian space, empower a culture of consumers are charged much Uttarakhand, and above all as ernments of ND Tiwari, Vijay
May 2019 and November 2020. SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV,” framework and establishment innovation eco-system to deliv- technology co-creation and more. a dedicated lifelong Bahuguna, and Harish Rawat.
The Chinese researchers they wrote. of the DIO by the Department er innovative solutions to meet co-innovation within the This is happening while the Congressperson. “She had a great organisation-
said one of the viruses was very The bat species they sam- of Defence Production (DDP) their needs, officials said.. defence and aerospace sector economy is witnessing a deep She was particularly popu- al and administrative capabili-
similar, genetically to the SARS- pled are common across is aimed at creating an ecosys- The DIO, with its team, and boost innovation among recession, galloping unem- lar amongst her colleagues for ty. She had the legislative expe-
CoV-2 virus that’s causing the Southeast Asia, including tem to foster innovation and will enable the creation of the start-ups and encourage ployment, collapsing purchas- her knowledge of legislative rience of 50 years,” said senior
ongoing pandemic. southwest China, Vietnam, technology development in channels for innovators to them to be a part of the ecosys- ing power and rising levels of processes and procedure as Congress vice-president
“It would be the closest Laos and elsewhere. defence and aerospace by engage and interact with the tem. hunger, they said. also her performance as an able Suryakant Dhasmana.

344?0::D<0A970Q =4F visit a vaccination centre which whom I live and share my
34;78 was a few kilometres away social bonding,” she added.
from my village,” she said. Chand Bai’s efforts are not
t a time when instances of With the help of local CSC just confined to her village. She
A wastage of vaccine in
Rajasthan hog limelight and
officials, she then contacted her
block’s health authorities who
is also getting registrations for
vaccination done in her neigh-
when ‘vaccine hesitancy’ is agreed to send their special bouring villages of Dheerpur
being reported from different medical vans for carrying out and Harnath ki Dhani in her
places in the country, the non- the vaccination drive in her vil- development block.
descript Khatauti village in lage. “In the first phase, I got all “Vaccination drives in my
Bansur development block of the 210 residents – 86 in the 45- neighbouring villages are also
Alwar village has stood out. 60 age group and 124 in the going on smoothly and within
Each one of the 723 villagers above 60 years segment – reg- the next few days all its around
above the age of 18 years has istered for the vaccination. 1000 residents will get their first
either received the first dose or Soon, all of them got their first dose of vaccine,” she said with
both. And it has been made jab. And out of these, 74 have a sense of happiness.
possible by a 48-year-old got their second dose also,” she Stating that VLEs like
woman, Chand Bai, whose pointed out. Chand Bai were an inspiration
persistent efforts ensured that When the second phase of for lakhs of her counterparts
the villagers shed their initial vaccination for the 18-45 age across the countr y, CSC
inhibitions and apprehensions group commenced, Chand Bai Managing Director Dr Dinesh
to get inoculated. immediately started getting the Tyagi said: “VLEs like Chand
Chand Bai is a nominated remaining villagers registered. Bai, who is a true social work-
Common Ser vice Centre Last week the vaccination of er, will make India’s vaccination
(CSC) Village Level 513 residents between 18-45 drive a big success. Our 3.7 lakh
Entrepreneur at the remote years of age also got complet- VLEs who run CSCs in all the
village of Rajasthan. ed. “I am very happy to have states are carrying out the reg-
A few weeks ago when the got all my residents’ receive istration process and organiz-
Central Government roped in 0fPaT]Tbb_a^VaP\\TQTX]VR^]SdRcTSQh2B2X]cWTeX[[PVTfWXRWWPbP[[T[XVXQ[T_T^_[TePRRX]PcTS their first dose of vaccine. I ing massive awareness drives.
the CSCs, a Special Purpose ?X^]TTa_W^c^ have a record of all my resi- So far, we have registered over
Vehicle under the Ministry of dents who have got vaccinated 14.5 lakh residents for vacci-
Electronics and IT, for regis- and I am keeping a tab on nation drives. We have already
trations for vaccines in rural 2B2E;42WP]S1PXPcWTa2B2:X^bZPc:WPcPdcXeX[[PVTX]0[fPaAPYPbcWP] rounding the vaccines, she I launched a door-to-door getting the vaccine. After ini- when to give them the second stepped up our drive and with-
areas, Chand Bai, who was just ?X^]TTa_W^c^ decided to dedicate her full campaign in my village. I had tial resistance, people started dose too. It gives me great sat- in a few weeks we hope to reg-
a semi-literate housewife till a time to the vaccination drive. a tough time to convince peo- getting registrations done isfaction to see that I have been ister crores of residents, par-
year ago before opening her of her village for registrations. residents of her villagers “As part of the CSC aware- ple, particularly the senior cit- through my CSC. But another able to give protection from ticularly in rural areas, across
CSC, started contacting people But seeing the resistance from because of various myths sur- ness drive for the vaccination, izens, about the urgent need for challenge was to make them Covid-19 to the people with India.”
=4F34;78k<>=30H k9D=4 #!!

3;A]VRUVcdaVcd`_R_`_ <^cWTa^U:TaP[Pf^\P][P]VdXbWX]VX]0UVWP]
XcReRZ_=R\dYRUhVVa Thiruvananthapuram: The
mother of Nimisha Fathima, a
Keralite woman who landed in
a jail in Afghanistan following
and reports about the
Government's disinterest could
be one view of the Centre.
“But I am very positive
embracing Islam. She changed
her name to Fathima Isa.
She married an alleged
Islamic State (ISIS) operative
:D<0A274;;0??0=Q :>278 “A P Abdullakutty, the was the BJP’s candidate the killing of her IS fighter hus- because there will be other from Kerala and both were
national vice president of the in the 2014 Lok Sabha band in an attack there, hopes views also in the government. I reported missing, along with 19
JP leaders, activists and BJP and K P Muthukoya , the election. that the Narendra Modi- am banking on that. I believe in others from the southern state in
B supporters have become
persona non grata in
party's in-charge of the Islands
are responsible for the state of
Though he could poll only
182 votes, he said the party had
Government will pardon her
daughter and bring her back to
God. I am sure that God will cre-
ate a situation for her return,” she
June 2016 before reaching an
ISIS-controlled territory in
Lakshadweep islands since affairs. The move by BJP popularity in the islands. The India. said. Afghanistan. Fathima gave
Saturday. Most of the shops activists to file cases against a 2019 Lok Sabha election saw “I've heard that Prime Sampath said she wanted to birth there. She and three other
have started displaying boards hitherto film model who made Abdul Khaer Haji, the BJP Minister Narendra Modi is a meet Modi and submit a mem- women had surrendered to the
stating that leaders, activists some unprintable comment candidate polling 125 votes. very kind-hearted person. I orandum, seeking the return of Afghanistan Government in
and workers of BJP would not against the Government of When asked what was the total have full faith in him,” Bindu her daughter. 2019 after their husbands were
be offered goods. India has boomeranged on the strength of the BJP in the Sampath, Fathima's mother told “But no one is there to help killed in the fight with the forces
Though some of the party,” Koya told islands, Koya said : “Please do PTI. She was reacting to me out,” she said. there.
islanders blamed the Islamists The Pioneer. not count the popularity of a reports that the Central gov- The mother said she would When reports about the
for the ‘social boycotting’ of the He said the proposal by the party by the number of votes ernment was not interested in seek the legal route to get her government's disinterest
Hindutwa party, Sayed Lakshadweep Development polled by it in elections”. Koya bringing back her daughter and daughter back home if all efforts appeared in the media on
Mohammed Koya, a BJP leader Authority to widen the roads had left the party the moment three other IS widows of Indian with the Government failed. Saturday, Sampath had said she
in Lakshadweep said the move was an inn-conceived propos- LDA launched its reform origin, now lodged in a Kabul “I have consulted some lawyers feared that her daughter would
was the fall out of the Island al. “We do not need such roads moves. Vernacular media in jail. of the Supreme Court. They fall into the hands of Taliban
Administration’s move to make in these islands because the Kerala say that thousands of Sampath said no commu- have said there is a legal option,” once the US troops withdraw
drastic changes in the lifestyle length of each island is about BJP workers have left the party 2[^dSbW^eTa^eTaCPY<PWP[Pb\^]b^^]P__a^PRWTbcWTRXchX]0VaP^] nication has been received from Sampath said. Nimisha from Afghanistan in September
of the local population. four to five km,” said Koya who over the last one week. Bd]SPh ?C8 the Government on the issue Sampath was a Hindu before this year. PTI

1W^^\X_^^YP]^UBaXET]ZPcTbfPaPBfP\hcT\_[TX]9P\\d =6CSXaTRcbD?6^ecc^b_TRXUh C=<X]cPbZb^UUXRXP[b

<>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D Tirumala Tirupati
Devasthanams Board and the
viding direct and indirect
opportunities to the people of
7PbcX]P_daFX[S[XUTBP]RcdPah _[^cb^U[P]S^f]TSQh
ammu popularly known as
“City of temples” on Sunday
address of another
Union Government for fulfill-
ing the long pending wish of
people of J&K and North India
the region.
The prestigious project will
include a host of pilgrimage
Q^d]SPahfXcWX]%\^]cWb ?C8 Q 274==08

“architectural grandeur” in its for establishing the temple of facilities and other Educational New Delhi: The National mitted to the State Government 32-ground land parcel here
long list of 'historic' temples
after Lt- Governor Manoj Sinha
Lord Balaji on the land of Shri
Mata Vaishno Devi.
& Developmental infrastruc-
ture like Veda Pathshala- class-
Green Tribunal (NGT) has
directed the Uttar Pradesh
and thereafter, the Additional
Chief Secretary,
A worth crores of rupees
and owned by a Shiva temple
performed 'Bhoomi Poojan' “Lord Balaji’s divine bless- rooms, hostel building & staff Government to issue notifica- Forest and Environment, was taken over by authorities
ceremony for construction of ing is a state of inner celebra- quarters; pilgrims’ amenities tion specifying the Hastinapur UP, may ensure that further on Sunday while officials were
Sri Venkateswara Swamy tion. Ved Pathshala in the sec- complex, Kalyanamandapam, Wildlife Sanctuary boundary action is completed within directed to initiate action to
Temple by Tirumala Tirupati ond phase will strengthen the Vahanamandapam etc. within six months. next three months,” the bench take possession of nearly more
Devasthanams (TTD) in foundation of Indian culture. The government of A bench headed by NGT said. 100 plots of land belonging to
Majeen village of Sidhra. The construction of the temple Jammu and Kashmir on Chairperson Justice Adarsh The NGT made clear that the same shrine, the govern-
The temple complex with will also open up opportunities March 31, 2021 had granted the Kumar Goel noted that a sta- in case of failure, it will be open ment said.
various amenities for pilgrims across sectors and it will cer- state land measuring 62.10 tus report has been filed on to either party to move the tri- The temple's executive
and other allied infrastructure ;c6^eTa]^a<P]^YBX]WP cPZTb_PacX]1W^^\X?dYP]^UBaXET]ZPcTbfPaPBfP\h tainly change the economy of acres under Khasra number behalf of Uttar Pradesh to the bunal after six months, seeking officer took over possession of
is expected to be ready in 18 CT\_[T^UCXad\P[PCXad_PcX3TePbcWP]P\bPc<PYTT]9P\\d the region”, observed the Lt 243 in Village Majeen of effect that steps have been coercive measures against the land and buildings on
months on a piece of 62.10 Governor. Jammu tehsil in favour of TTD taken and proposal was erring officers. Poonamallee High (PH) Road
acres of land at a cost of 33.22 Before Covid-19 pandem- He further informed that The temple will become a for building of a temple and its pending consideration before The counsel appearing for in downtown Kilpauk here, an
crores in two phases. ic jammed wheels across the the Tirumala Tirupati major religious and pilgrimage allied infrastructure on lease the Na the State of UP submitted that official release here said adding
Union Ministers G Kishan nation an estimated population Devasthanams Board will destination attracting a lot basis for a period of 40 years “It is stated by the counsel after approval of the proposal Hindu Religious and Charitable
Reddy, Dr Jitendra Singh, OSD of 70-80 lakh pilgrims were establish a Gurukul/Veda more tourists, which will ulti- on payment of nominal for the State that delay has by the Environment Ministry, Endowments Minister P K
in the Commerce Ministry arriving here to perform Mata Pathshala to promote the mately give boost to the reli- ground rent of Rs 10 per kanal taken place due to pandemic a committee for rationalisation Sekar Babu and top officials
and former Chief Secretary Vaishno Devi and Amarnath Sanskrit language and ancient gious and pilgrimage tourism, per annum without charge of and the Rationalisation with the Commissioner, were present. The HR & CE
BVR Subrahmanyam, pilgrimage. The local econo- culture of Vedic teachings and besides providing ample liveli- any premium. Committee is now likely to Meerut as Nodal Officer has Minister directed officials to
Chairman TTD Board, Y V my is also expected to gain with learning. The board has also hood opportunities, and socio- An amount of Rs 1.98 complete its work within three been appointed on November initiate action including taking
Subba Reddy, Ram Madhav, the creation of huge infra- agreed to set up centres of economic upliftment of the lakhs was paid to Government months and thereafter the State 17, 2020. up survey work to take over an
Member, National Executive, structure alongside the famous excellence in the field of health- people of the region, added the of Jammu and Kashmir Government will issue final The counsel for the additional chunk of 96.5
RSS, and several other digni- temple complex. care on the lines of its excel- Lt Governor. towards lease charges for a notification within three Ministry of Environment, grounds, also belonging to the
taries also attended the cere- While speaking on the lence centres in Andhra The Lt Governor said that period of 40 years. The pos- months. Forest and Climate Change same temple.
mony. occasion, the Lt Governor said Pradesh. except for the main pujaris of session of the land was taken “We direct the (MoEF) confirms that the pro- In total, Sri
The ambitious project that the magnificent divine Terming the occasion as a the temple and the core super- into the fold of TTD on April Commissioner, Meerut to posal received from the State Ekambaranathar temple in
when completed is also expect- temple when completed will be historic and proud day for vision team, it will also have a 19, 2021 from the government ensure that the rationalisation was duly approved in 59th Kancheepuram owned 141
ed to boost pilgrim traffic in a centre of faith as well as des- J&K, the Lt Governor large number of local people of J&k, duly concluding lease process is completed within meeting of the National Board grounds (each ground is 2,400
the region. tination of spirituality. expressed gratitude towards for the management, thus pro- agreement. three months and report sub- for Wildlife. PTI sq ft) on PH road here, the
release said. The total land
parcel is estimated to be worth


Following completion of

a 99-year lease to a charitable
trust which ran a school on the
:D<0A274;;0??0=Q :>278 routine of feeding people The daily collection of each of and Kochi are conduits for the premises, the matter went to
C8AD278A0??0;;8 whose livelihood has been these beggars crosses C2,000 drug mafia who use them to C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108) home to check, the vehicle got the Madras High Court.
thrown off the rails. “There are per day,” said Iyer. This is not push narcotic materials to reg- sucked into the well in front of After the court's ruling, the
hat Kerala and Tamil certain people begging for alms an isolated incident as syndi- ular customers. “The beggars video clip showing an SUV my eyes. Everything happened trust administration handed
W Nadu need immediately
is a comprehensive law banning
in certain areas, like Toll Plazas
and in front of places of wor-
cates operating all over Tamil
Nadu and Kerala make a “giant
decline the offer of food from
all good Samaritans and prefer
A being sucked into a sink-
hole that had developed after
in a few seconds. It took a few
minutes before I realised what
over the land and buildings to
the temple's executive officer
begging of any kind, according ship who politely decline my kill” by deploying beggars at to be in dirty surroundings. an RCC slabs covering a well had happened,” Doshi told here on Sunday in the presence
to Pidi Arisi Krishna Iyer, a offering of food. I deployed vantage points. This is to ward off the police,” gave way in a suburban hous- local police. of senior officials including
social activist of repute based people to track their Sudheer Damodaran, said Damodaran who has stud- ing society following heavy Before long, the incident – Principal Secretary (Tourism,
in Tiruchirappalli. antecedents and the findings social activist based in Kerala’s ied their antecedents. rains, went viral in Mumbai noticed the unusual sight when thanks to the video that had Culture and Endowments) B
“Though there are many were shocking,” said Iyer. Thrissur has a similar incident According to Damodaran, beg- and other parts of the country the vehicle was beginning to gone viral – became talk of the Chandra Mohan.
institutions that help persons He saw most of the beggars to tell. “The rape and murder gars in Thrissur and Kochi are on Sunday. cave into the well through the town. On its part, the Years ago, land measuring
who do not earn anything by getting food (mutton or chick- of Sowmya, a Thrissur girl by getting free biriyani and liquor The freak incident took sinkhole. Brihanmumbai Municipal 12.5 grounds, also owned by
themselves and have to beg for en biriyani with drinks) a person named Govindchamy for the services they render. place at around 8.30 am in The video that went viral Corporation (BMC) rushed its the same temple was handed
their daily survival, nearly 80 brought to the spot by persons in 2012 has a lot to do with the “It is not possible to ban Ramnivas Society on Cama shows the rear half of the vehi- team with pumps to empty over by the trust, which ran
percent of them prefer to be in who come riding their bikes. begging mafia in Kerala. begging by legislation because Road at Ghatkopar in north- cle getting completely sucked swollen water in the well. The Seetha Kingston School on PH
the streets begging for alms. “The riders bring backpacks Govindachamy was a beggar the mafias get political and reli- east Mumbai. The owner had into the well through a large police also rushed to the scene. road to authorities and with the
But what is disturbing is that containing food and drinks. who was returning to his base gious patronage. The lawyer parked the vehicle on the RCC sink-hole. On its part, the society present handover, the trust has
they are all part of a mafia The beggars need not depend in Thrissur by train when he who argued in the High Court slabs covering a community Kiran Doshi, the owner of management requisitioned a handed back 44.5 grounds that
operated by cruel dons who do on the vegetarian dish offered came across Sowmya. The for Govindachamy was charg- well. the vehicle, came to know crane to lift the vehicle from the it had in its possession previ-
not come out in the open,” Iyer by me,” he said. hunter pushed down the victim ing millions per appearance Following the heavy inces- about the incident, when his bottom of the well, which is ously.
told The Pioneer amidst his Further investigation took from the slowing train, raped and you can imagine the hold sant rains witnessed during cleaner told him that the vehi- nearly 50 feet deep. Efforts were Out of the total 141
daily chore of offering free Iyer to many shocking realities. and murdered her. Though of the dons,” said Damodaran. the past four days that had led cle was tilting and going under on till late in the night to grounds owned by the temple,
food to the needy in times of “The bike driver who delivers the trial court sentenced him to Krishna Iyer continues his to inundation in the housing the ground. Even the driver had retrieve the vehicles from the 44.5 grounds have been taken
Covid-19. the backpack was found to be death, the High Court quashed fight for the establishment of society, the slabS either appar- not realised that the vehicle was bottom of the well. over by authorities and in
Iyer (42) is a familiar figure the son of the beggar and he the death sentence,” said Tiruchirappalli free of beg- ently were swept away or they being sucked into the well Fortunately, there was no respect of the remainder of
in Tiruchirappalli city and sur- owns many houses in Tiruchi Damodaran. ging menace despite the non- fell into the well, causing the through the well. one in the vehicle when it 96.5 grounds, action would be
roundings because of his daily which have been rented out. He said beggars in Thrissur cooperation of officials. huge sink-hole. The residents “When I ran out of my sank into the well. taken, the Government said.

<^aT19?[TPSTab\PhY^X]<dZd[X]C<2 0bbP\?^[XRTU^X[bRPcc[Tb\dVV[X]VPccT\_cUXaTbX]PXaX]bT[USTUT]RT
Dhubri (Assam): The Assam Police
resorted to firing in the air after being
the river route.
Acting on a specific input, two
Sarma said when the police chased
the smugglers, the boatman anchored
B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 of their “future plans.” BJP’s SC/ST cell said, adding “no Didi … but I have understood my attacked by a group of cattle smugglers, teams of police personnel were sent in it on the bank of the river and then
A powerful Matua leader and one can live in the BJP with hon- fault and am willing to return to and rescued 30 bovines from them as many boats around 8 pm, Dhubri they attacked the police teams with
ays after BJP national vice- BJP MP Shantanu Thakur and our … Though I don’t say that I her party.” along the India- Bangladesh border in ASP Rosyrani Sarma said. The teams sharp weapons.
D president Mukul Roy joined
the Trinamool Congress, a num-
MLA Subrata Thakur from
Bongaon too are in the “tentative
am quitting immediately, I can’t
ignore Mukul da’s presence in my
Rajib Banerjee on Saturday
made a “courtesy call” at TMC
Dhubri district, a senior officer said on
Sunday. The incident took place on
of police personnel chased the smug-
glers' boat and signalled them to stop
“The police personnel retaliated
and were forced to fire about six
ber of his loyalists in the saffron list” of turncoats, sources said political career … he has always spokesperson Kunal Ghosh’s res- Saturday night near Birshing Char but they tried to escape from the spot. rounds in the air in self-defence. The
outfit are making efforts to cross adding both the leaders have not been my leader.” idence saying he had not decided (sandbar) bordering Bangladesh when A boat carrying cattle was inter- smugglers managed to escape from the
the floor. Among them are at least attended crucial party meetings Yet another Roy loyalist about his future yet. The lesser the cattle smugglers were on their way cepted at around 10.40 pm, the addi- spot taking the advantage of darkness,”
3 MPs, 13 MLAs, and some other post elections. Sabyasachi Dutta too has started Trinamool leaders have however to the neighbouring country through tional superintendent of police said. the officer said. PTI
state-level functionaries. Supporting Roy’s move sounding expressed their reservations about
According to sources, Roy has Kirtanya, another MLA from “incoherent” within the BJP. taking him back in the party.
given TMC national general sec- Bongaon North seat, said “of Dutta, a former TMC MLA who On whether these leaders
retary Abhishek Banerjee a list of course Mukul da’s exit will hurt had followed Roy into the saffron would be taken back into the party
BJP leaders including some MPs the BJP. A leader of his status outfit, blamed the BJP for its loss the Chief Minister earlier catego-
and MLAs who could switch over should have been given more in Bengal. “They had employed so rized the group of turncoats into
to the TMC. Some influential BJP responsibility in the party.” many Hindi-speaking leaders who “extremists” — those who attacked
politicians from North Bengal, Another leader Sunil Singh, a were not properly understood in the party and its leadership bru-
where the saffron outfit has a good former MLA and relative of BJP interior parts of Bengal … it was tally — and “moderates” — like
support base, could also switch NP Arjun Singh, said “Mukul da a strategic blunder … there was no Roy “who did not make provoca-
sides under the influence of Roy, has a huge contribution in the face against Mamata Banerjee, a tive statements and was not vehe-
insiders say. party’s winning 18 seats in the Lok powerful national leader,” Dutta ment in his remarks.”
Roy, a former Railway Sabha elections,” adding he would said. When asked as to whether he She said “the party will con-
Minister, on Friday re-joined the love to be with him all the time. was planning to join the TMC he sider the case of “moderates, but
TMC — a party that he had Another BJP MLA Biswajit said “for now I am in the BJP.” will not forgive the extremists.”
founded with Chief Minister Das boasted of his “good family Roy’s loyalists apart there are Meanwhile, in a cutting
Mamata Banerjee in 1998 and left relations with Mukul da and other leaders like Rajib Banerjee, remark Bengal Opposition Leader
in 2017. Roy’s son Subhrangshu, Abhishek Banerjee. When asked a former minister who too left the Suvendu Adhikari who himself
also a former Trinamool MLA whether he too would try to find TMC before the elections, former left the Trinamool a couple of
joined his old party along with his a toehold in the ruling outfit the Bengal Deputy Speaker Sonali months before the elections,
father. BJP leader gave a cryptic reply. Guha, who quit Trinamool after warned the possible deserters
Already BJP MLAs like Ashok “Let us see what happens in failing to get a nomination, are saying, “all the MLAs who are
Kirtaniya, Biswajit Das, the saffron future.” also in the race to join the TMC. planning to quit will be tackled
party’s State SC/ST cell chairman Roy had not been properly Former TMC MLA Dipendu legally … I know how to use the
Dulal Bar, and former MLA Sunil dealt with by the BJP leadership, Biswas on Sunday said that he had anti-defection laws in an appro-
Singh have started dropping hints Dulal Bar the State president of “done a great mistake by leaving priate manner.” 8]SXP]aWX]^RTa^bVaPiTX]bXSTcWT?^QXc^aPFX[S[XUTBP]RcdPahX]<^aXVP^]^]Bd]SPh ?C8
=4F34;78k<>=30H k9D=4 #!!

UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa


7 CWTUd]SP[[^RPcTSc^P[[<?bU^a[^RP[PaTPSTeT[^_\T]cXbWPaS[hdcX[XbTS
M Parliament Local
Area Development
S cheme,
MPLADS, which allots C5
crore annually to every MP,


scheme should be revived.
fully utilised by every member,
EHFRPH D 3DQGRUD·V ER[ 7DNH WKH +HQGHUVRQ would spend C19,825 crore
us ignore the sixth year for the
account of MPLADS.
PDGHD8WXUQRQFHLWFDPHWRSRZHU,IPXFKRIDQ\ZDUUHSRUWLVWREHNHSWKLG ing what they have done with was out of regard for me or tion time in case you contest Therefore, some MPs have a
GHQHLWKHURQJURXQGRIPLOLWDU\UHOHYDQFHRUSROLWLFDOVHQVLWLYLW\WKHSXUSRVHRIWKH their C25 crore during their in expectation of our spend- for the Lok Sabha next time.” go at a few projects and leave
terms. There is no audit at all. ing C4 crore. The audience Meanwhile, someone the remaining funds
QHZSROLF\ZLOOEHORVW7ZRWKHUHLVDFOHDUFDVHIRUWKHEXOOEHLQJWDNHQE\WKHKRUQV At its most practical, it is laughed, which eloquently non-political suggested that unspent. Some distribute
DQGSDVWZDUUHFRUGVEHLQJGHFODVVLILHGDWRQFH$'HIHQFH0LQLVWU\RIILFLDOULJKWO\ money for jam. At its inaction, meant the latter. I said we I should build as many the money among local
VDLG´7LPHO\SXEOLFDWLRQRIZDUKLVWRULHVZRXOGJLYHSHRSOHDQDFFXUDWHDFFRXQWRI it remains unspent. It was would meet again to decide Sulabh Shauchalayas as pos- MLAs and others. Others
WKHHYHQWVSURYLGHDXWKHQWLFPDWHULDOIRUDFDGHPLFUHVHDUFKDQGFRXQWHUXQIRXQG introduced by Prime Minister what development works we sible on Vadodara’s streets. use their own NGOs. The
Narasimha Rao, in my view, to should do and where. The common people, espe- whole scheme is so clumsy
HGUXPRXUVµ(YHQWKRXJKWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVIDFHGFRQGHPQDWLRQIRULWVUHDVRQVIRU keep the MPs happy as his The next day I went to cially the women, would that it is wasteful. It was
WKHZDURQ,UDTLWGLGGHFODVVLI\UHFRUGVLQWRPDUNWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\7KH Congress Government was see the District Collector, bless you. This suggestion comprehensively useful if
GRFXPHQWVVKRZHGKRZLQHSWO\LWFDXVHGDQGKDQGOHGWKHZDUEXWWKHFRXQWU\GLG some 50 MPs short of a major- who was warm and friend- not only gave me confi- the purpose was only to dis-
crore annually; Manmohan
ly. My request to him was to
help me implement this
8=38E83D0; dence but also a reliable,
known and professional
tribute perquisites to the
LWKDVQRSODFHWRGD\ZKHQWHFKQRORJ\KDVWXUQHGZDULQWRDQDOJRULWKPDQGZKHUH Singh increased the figure to scheme as I had no machin- <?B 0A4=>C implementer. In spite of these short-
HYHU\PLOLWDU\PRPHQWFDQEHUHFRUGHGOLYHDQGVWUDWHJLHVDVVHVVHGDQGDQDO\VHG C5 crore, again to keep the MPs ery. I went on to say that I 022>D=C01;4 It took two odd years to comings, if there be a parlia-
LQUHDOWLPH$WEHVWROGILOHVFDQPXGG\WKHUHFRUGVRILQGLYLGXDOV³ SROLWLFDORU happier. In both cases, this did not wish to mix it up get all the piece of land too mentar y consensus for
PLOLWDU\³ ZKRPDGHFRQWURYHUVLDOGHFLVLRQV8QFODVVLILHGUHFRUGVFDQDWEHVWNHHS scheme was a baksheesh to with my business. His advice C>0=H>=4 for 10 bus stops in the city. resuming the grants to MPs,
every MP in exchange of sup- was that I should set up an A460A38=6F70C In the rural sector, 88 brick be it so. But a change in pro-
port, present or future, to the NGO and get the scheme and mortar bus stops were cedure is necessary; let a
Government — as cynical as implemented through it. C74H70E43>=4 built, fortunately obliged by keen MP apply to the
that. Another wise man I con- the same agency. Medical Finance Minister giving
Rather than comment, let
me give my own experience of
sulted advised me to get my
party MLAs together and a C!$2A>A4 equipment for Ahmedabad’s
public hospital Sheth Vadilal
what s/he proposes to do
and how, within how much
the C4 crore allocable to me for few active workers, and then 3DA8=6C748A Sarabhai, a computer system time. If an earmarked joint
my two-year membership. My
party allocated to me
verbally distribute the total
fund amongst them. That C4A<BC74A4 in a school in Vadodara city
and several anganwadis in a
secretary finds the proposal
viable and useful for the
Vadodara, the city as well as meant that if an MLA was to 8B=>0D38C0C few villages were also set up. particular area, an approval
the district. We are talking of get C20 lakh, up to this fig- 0;;0C8CB<>BC Imagine the amount of work could be given but subject to
the period towards the end of ure, whatever work he rec- that could be done with a audit by a licensed auditor
2000. The party held a meet- ommended in his con- ?A02C820;8C8B mere C4 crore! empanelled for MPLADS.
ing of local workers, of whom
some 30 persons turned up.
stituency, I would sign on.
He would do the rest and I
<>=4H5>A90< In many cases, the MP
finds it difficult to imple-
The result would be benefi-
cial to the area’s people, exe-
They warmly applauded my would ask no questions, 0C8CB8=02C8>= ment projects. In my time, cuted economically and with
coming and garlanded me. I
had never before been so hon-
except go to inaugurate his
work if he invited me. The
8CA4<08=B no particular item could
entail more than C10 lakh.
a degree of uprightness.
(The writer is a well-
oured. In my brief speech, I wise man went on to say: D=B?4=C This meant that I had to known columnist and an
thanked them but asked jocu- “Then you see how these spend my total grant on at author. The views expressed
larly whether their warmth people work for you at elec- least 40 small projects. are personal.)

3?F94*133EB13I9>697EB5C>55454 BcP[X]WPS^__^bTS
2[TP]6P]VP<XbbX^]f^aZTabb_aPhQX^aT\TSXPcX^]b^[dcX^]X]cWTaXeTaPc3PbWPbWfP\TSW6WPcX]EPaP]PbX ?C8 cWT^_T]X]V^U
Sir — The official COVID-19 toll so far in
India is around 4 lakh lives. However,

experts are of the opinion that this is not an 6^eTa]\T]cad] RT]caTb 4Pa[XTa cWT 2T]caT
accurate figure. They think that the real fig- _a^eXSTSUaTTePRRX]PcX^]^][hc^cWaTT_aX^aXch _^fTacWT3<:[TS
ure will be much higher. It is assumed that Va^d_b)7TP[cWRPaTf^aZTabUa^]c[X]Tf^aZTabP]S 6^eTa]\T]cXb^_T]X]VcWTbT
over a million people may have lost their _T^_[TPVTSPQ^eT#$hTPab4[bTU^acWT '## [X`d^abW^_b
7KHZRUOGIUR]HLQSUD\HUVIRUDJRRGKDOIKRXUZKHQ lives due to COVID-19, which is considered PVT Va^d_ cWT ePRRX]Tb fTaT UaTT ^][h Pc cWT
BcPcTad]RT]caTb0bcWT2T]caT\^eTSc^PRT] CP\X[=PSd19?_aTbXST]c
the second largest cause of death in the
&KULVWLDQ(ULNVHQFROODSVHGGXULQJD8()$PDWFK country. It is worrisome that COVID-relat- caP[XbTS _a^RdaT\T]c \TRWP]Xb\ cWT D]X^] ¯;<dadVP]

ed data is not properly collected and main- 6^eTa]\T]cbPXScWPcQ^cWcWTBcPcTP]S2T]caP[

help combat the third wave. WPbQa^dVWcUaTbWW^_Tc^bcdST]cbThTX]V CWT2T]caTfX[[SXaTRc[h_a^RdaTcWaTTU^dacW^U TabP]SbXbcTab
dents or industrial disasters, the families of _a^RdaT!$_TaRT]c^UcWTS^bTbcWa^dVW^_T] _a^VaTbb ^U ePRRX]PcX^] P]S STVaTT ^U cWT 1diiTS0bh\\Tcah
RIHYHQWVDVPLOOLRQVRISDLUVRISDOPDIWHUSDOPSLHUFHG as the Government holds the responsibility cWTBcPcTbfX[[WPeT]^a^[TX]_a^RdaT\T]cP]S ePRRX]Tb0]d\QTa^U\TPbdaTbX]cWTaTeXbTS bd_TabW^ac^]T
WKURXJKWKHHYHQLQJDLULQLWVKXUU\WRFODVSWKHXQEH to compensate those rendered jobless or des- cWT2T]caTfX[[SXbcaXQdcTePRRX]Tbc^BcPcTbU^a _^[XRhfX[[WT[_b\P[[Ta_aXePcTRT]caTbQPbTSPc bXST[^eT5Tf
UaTTfW^fX[[X]^Rd[PcTcWTXa_^_d[PcX^]b aT\^cT[^RPcX^]bc^_a^RdaTePRRX]Tbd__[h5a^\ _T^_[TZ]^f8WPS
OLHYLQJH\HVDQGTXLYHULQJOLSV7KHSDOSLWDWLRQLQWKH titute, it has the responsibility to compensate
the families of COVID victims. 5a^\ 9d]T !  TeTah 8]SXP] RXcXiT] fX[[ 9d]T! P[[RT]caTbfX[[bcPac^]bXcTaTVXbcaPcX^]
DQHPRWLRQDOXQLRQRIWKHWZRULYDOVDQGWKHLUVSHFWD data. As a consequence, it has raised doubts the (2021-2030) decade a time for ecosys- Instead of reducing tax on Remdesivir ¯B^]P<^WP_PcaP
WRUIDQVLQWKHIDFHRIWKHIHDURIWKHXQNQRZQ$VD about India’s real COVID-related death toll. tem restoration, and called on the world to and anticoagulants like heparin, medical grade
In fact, many countries have not reported
restore at least 1 billion hectares (2.5 billion oxygen, oxygen concentrators, ventilators, CWXb4]V[XbWQPc
KHOORQO\DIHZVHFRQGVDJRZLWKWKHKRVWVGRPLQDW acres) of degraded land in the next decade. BiPAP machines, pulse oximeters and test- cX]V[X]Td_XbUaPV
Venu GS | Kollam It is also an alarming situation that if the ing kits from 12 per cent to 5 per cent, and X[TFTWPeTc^
LQJWKHRQILHOGSURFHHGLQJVDQGWKH)LQODQGQDWLYHV ecosystem services decline at a steady rate, from 18 per cent to five per cent for hand sani- ]^fbcPac[^^ZX]V
HJJLQJWKHLUWHDPRQWRSXWVRPHVSLULWLQWRWKHJDPH 53?<?7I=?B5@B539?ECD81>53?>?=I an estimated $10 trillion in global GDP may tisers, temperature checking equipment, gas Pc_[PhTabP]S
Sir — This decade has been designated as f^]STaX]VXUcWTh
be lost by 2050. In this context, Uttarakhand, or electric furnace for crematoria and from
also called the Dev Bhumi (god’s paradise), 28 per cent to 12 per cent for ambulances and
has become the first State in the country to keeping the tax on COVID-19 vaccines
H[FKDQJHRIDIIDLUVWKXVIDU³ DOVRQRZVWRRGDVKHURHVVKRXOGHUWRVKRXOGHUZLWK a wake-up call for humanity to revisit the assign monetary value to natural resources unchanged at five per cent, the GST Council
like air, water, forest and soil to arrive at should have made all COVID-19 related
try’s growth. In fact, economic parameter
Gross Environmental Product (GEP) in products, technologies and service tax-free.
evaluating the GDP. It is inconceivable that the Government
Vijay Singh Adhikari | Nainital is insisting on raising revenue by taxing what
WKHVSHFWDWRUVLPPHGLDWHO\IRUJHGLQWRRQHHQWLW\DVROLGPDVVRIKXPDQLW\LQWKHIDFH half of the world’s GDP is dependent on nat- is needed to fight the battle against the pan-
RIXQDQWLFLSDWHGDGYHUVLW\WKHPRVWQRWDEOHEHLQJLQWKH),)$:RUOG&XSZKHQ ural resources alone. 7CD3?E>39<1>43?F94!)B5<956 demic. Why on earth should any
But several developed and developing Sir — The GST Council meeting has turned fTTZ8UcWTRPbTb
:HVW*HUPDQJRDOLH7RQL6FKXPDFKHUGHOLEHUDWHO\WKXGGHGLQWR)UHQFKSOD\HU3DWULFN countries, in the guise of developing natur- its back on COVID-19 relief. The lone deci-
Government with compassion and empathy S^]^cX]RaTPbTfT
%DWWLVWRQDQGNQRFNHGKLPGRZQXQFRQVFLRXV%XW6DWXUGD\QLJKW·VVFHQHZDVDWDG al areas, resort to commercial plantations sion we might be satisfied with was the
tax electric/gas furnaces used in crematoria? fX[[R^]cX]dTfXcWcWT_WPbTfXbT
G David Milton | Kanyakumari d][^RZ
PRUHWRXFKLQJSHUKDSVDUHPLQGHUDVLWZHUHLQWKHVHWU\LQJWLPHVRIWKH&29,' and designate them as forested areas, which waiver of the tax levied on two critical drugs
no wonder then that the UN has declared Tocilizumab and Amphotericin B. BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
=4F34;78k<>=30H k9D=4 #!!

gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa


he Corona pandemic may have brought

;?D1BA8A09 T about sharp deceleration in India's eco-

nomic growth - the sharpest ever during
the lastfour decades or so - but has yield-

The wealth of investors in the stock market
UDWH 7KH FROODWHUDO GDPDJH EHFDPH HYLGHQW WKURXJK Indian equities (market value of shares multiplied
DQGZDWHUWRWKHJOREDOSUREOHPRIFOLPDWHFKDQJH7RGD\HYHU\ 113 trillion (a trillion equals 100,000 crore) as on
declined from Rs 203 trillion during 2019-20 to
Rs 197 trillion during 2020-21. As a result, the
YLUXOHQWYLUXVHVVXFKDVWKHQRYHOFRURQDYLUXV6$56&29IRU market capitalization to GDP ratio almost dou-
H[DPSOH bled from 56 per cent during 2019-20to 115 per
VOLYHV cent during 2020-21.
VDLGDQDVWRXQGLQJOLIH\HDUVKDYHEHHQORVWZRUOG is the total value of goods and services produced
ZLGHLQFOXGLQJ,QGLDGXHWRWKHSDQGHPLF6WDWLVWD'DWDILJXUHV during a specific time frame say a quarter or a year.
Used worldwide, it is the most crucial economic
VKRZWKDWWKHZRUOGORVWRYHUWULOOLRQLQHFRQRPLFRXWSXW7KHVH indicator for reflecting on the economic health of
VDLO increasing prosperity for its people and vice versa.
VSHFLHVWKH\GR ic destroyed economic activity on a mammoth
LQWHU scale, annihilated millions of micro, small and
medium enterprises (MSMEs), took away jobs of
tens of millions and severely impacted earnings C>BD<D? 2100,000 crore announced by the (MFIs). One wonders whether this intent of the Atmanirbhar package
of others, one section that went unscathed was the C747867;H Finance Minister, Nirmala reserved quota of Rs 25,000 crore to provide succor to MSMEs and
corporate sector in particular, the investors who 8=4@D8C01;4 Sitharaman (May, 2020) under the actually went to small players. millions of workers in informal sec-
made huge gains from their shareholdings in cor- >DC2><4 'Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan', a Consider Rs 300,000 crore tor etc., on ground zero, the money
porate entities across all categories such as large- 3DA8=6!!! mere about Rs 200,000 crore was meant for MSMEs or identified was given mostly by way of tax cuts,
caps, mid-caps, small-caps etc. So, what explains F0B3D4C74 spent on catering to food and other stressed sectors under the reduction in interest rate, loans, liq-
this anomalous situation? 6>E4A=<4=C bare basic needs such as higher sub- Emergency Credit Line Guarantee uidity support and clearance of dues
The market value of a share depends on the A4;H8=6C>> sidy on LPG, hike in wages under Scheme (ECLGS). As against a tar- which contributed to enrichment of
demand or investors' interest which in turn, is a <D27>= MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi get of eight million MSMEs bene- those (read: corporate) who were
function of the company's current profitability and <>=4C0AH National Rural Employment ficiaries, only four million got loan already well-off. The latter also
their assessment of how this is expected to be in BD??>ACF7827 Guarantee Act), financialassistance aggregating to Rs 150,000 crore. gained a lot from the reckless
the years to come. F0B0E08;43 to farmers under PM-KISAN, ex- Even today, the money available spending by governments in devel-
EHFDXVHWKHYLUXVLQWKH During the year, profitability of majority of the <>BC;H1H gratia to Jan Dhan (JD) accoun- under the scheme remains un-uti- oped countries (a gargantuan US$9
ODWWHUXQGHUJRHVPXWDWLRQDQGEHFRPHVFRQWDJLRXV9LUXVPXWD listed firms increased despite decline in revenue. 2>A?>A0C4 tholder etc. under PM Garib Kalyan lized; this has prompted the trillion was pumped in) even as a lot
WLRQVDUHQRUPDOSURFHVVHVLQWKHHYROXWLRQRIDYLUXVDQGRFFXU This was made possible due to higher prices of 4=C8C84B0=3 Yojna (PM - GKY). Government to extend the scheme of that money found its way to
their products on the one hand and reduction in The rest Rs 1900,000 crore was till September 30 and even relaxed emerging market economies includ-
DWJHQHOHYHODQGWKHUHIRUHFDQQRWEHDYRLGHG expenditure (that included expenses on wages and C>>;8CC;4 given as(i) liquidity support by the conditions to allowfirms with ing India.
9DULRXVVWXGLHVSRLQWRXWWKDWLQWDFWHFRV\VWHPVDQGELR salaries, other fixed costs, interest outgo, etc.) on 58B20;BD??>AC RBI (measures announcedby outstanding up to Rs 50 crore (up To sum up, the highly
GLYHUVHQDWXUHKRWVSRWVDUHVXSUHPHO\VXFFHVVIXOLQGUDZLQJ the other. As regards expectation for the future, 5A445>>3 Governor, Shashikant Dason March from existing Rs 25 crore) avail of inequitable outcome during 2020-
WKHFUXFLDOOLQHRIVHSDUDWLRQEHWZHHQKXPDQVDQGDQLPDOV%XW investors including foreign investors have confi- BD1B838B43;?6 27 and April 17, 2020injected close the facility. 21 was due the Government relying
LQVDWLDEOHKXPDQKXQJHUIRUQDWXUDOUHVRXUFHVGULYHQHFRQRP dence in the fundamentals of firms and their abil- ?<:8B0=4C2 to Rs 500,000 crore followed by Look at the payment of Rs too much on monetary support-
ity to deliver good returns in the medium to long- F782710A4;H another Rs 300,000 crore on May 65,000 crore to fertilizer manufac- which was availed mostly by corpo-
VSKHUHRIWKHZLOGSODQWDQGDQL term. This is vindicated by a record FPI (foreign 22); (ii) increasing resources of turers (in additionto Rs 71,000 rate entities and too little fiscal sup-
portfolio investment) of about US$37 billion dur- >5<8;;8>=B banks and other financial institu- crore allocated in the budget for port (free food, subsidized LPG,
PDOZRUOGWKDWDUHUHSOHWHZLWKKLWKHUWRXQNQRZQYLUXVHVWKDW ing 2020-21. ;>F8=2><4 tions (FIs) to enable them on-lend; 2020-21) towards subsidy dues PM-KISAN etc) which barely
V Even the measures announced by the Union 40A=4AB:44? (iii) releasing pending dues to agen- being carry forward from previous helped tens of millions low-income
GRPDLQKDVLWVRZQVHWRISHQDOWLHVDQGDVVRFLDWHGFRVWV Government and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) C748A7403 cies tasked with implementation of years. These payments went towards earners keep their head above water.
7KHEUHDNDJHRIHFRV\VWHPLQWHJULW\XVXDOO\RFFXUVZKHQ purportedly to revive growth, boost aggregate 01>E4F0C4A welfare schemes of theUnion bolstering their bottom-line. In contrast, imagine if all of the Rs
GHIRUHVWDWLRQFKDQJHLQODQGXVHDQGPLQLQJVRUWRIDFWLYLWLHV demandand promote 'inclusive' development Government. A big slice of these Likewise, Rs 90,000 crore given to 2100,000 crore under the
DERXQG7KHVHDFWLYLWLHVWULJJHUHGE\KXPDQLQWHUYHQWLRQKDYH with emphasis on reinvigorating MSMEs ended fundseither landed with corporate power distribution companies Atmanirbharpackage were to be dis-
DQLUUHYHUVLEOHLPSDFWRIWKHHFRV\VWHPELRGLYHUVLW\DVWKH\IRU up adding to the fortunes of the corporate sector. entities or remained un-utilized. (PDCs) (amount since raised to Rs tributed among 40 crore workers in
The steep reduction in the corporate tax rate For instance, out of the Rs 130,000 crore) eventually landed the informal sector. This would have
HYHUDOWHUWKHLQGLJHQRXVVSHFLHSRSXODWLRQDQGGHQVLW\7KLV to 15 per cent for new enterprises set up after 100,000 crore auction of targeted with power generation companies given the much-needed boost to
KHOSVYLUXVHVWRVSLOORYHUPXWDWHDQGPXOWLSO\ILQDOO\OHDGLQJ October 1, 2019 and to 22 per cent for existing long-term repo operations (TLTRO being former's pending dues to the demand across all sectors and resul-
WRPRUHWR[LFDQGFRQWDJLRXVSKHQRW\SHVDJDLQVWZKLFKKXPDQ entities (subject to their foregoing exemption and - 1) of three-year tenor bythe RBI, latter. As for food subsidy, the tant fillip to inclusive growth, but
LW\KDVQRNQRZQUHPHG\RUSURWHFWLRQDYDLODEOH deductions available under existing dispensa- Rs 75,000 crore went to the big cor- Government paid to the Food that was not to be.
*LYHQWKHVHFRQGLWLRQVLWLVHDV\WRFRPSUHKHQGWKDWUHVWRUD tion)meant leaving an additional about Rs 150,000 porate. The apex bank tried to rec- Corporation of India (FCI) Rs Even as the pandemic contin-
WLRQRIORVWHFRV\VWHPVDQGHQVXULQJSUHVHUYDWLRQRIH[LVWLQJ crore in the hands of corporate in a full year. The tify this anomaly when under the 350,000 crore (as per RE) over and ues to bite during the current year
corporate entities also benefitted from the reduc- TLTRO 2.0 (April 17, 2020) it above the budget provision of Rs as well (though, to a lesser extent),
RQHVLVDSULPDU\SULRULW\IRUPDQNLQG,QGLDPXVWXQGHUVWDQG tion in the policy rate (interest rate at which RBI reserved 50 per cent of additional 116,000 crore for 2020-21. A good will the Government give a big fis-
WKDWWKHELRGLYHUVLW\RIWKHHFRORJ\LVLUUHSODFHDEOHDQGWKDWWKH lends money to commercial banks) by 1.15 per liquidity injection Rs 50,000 crore chunk of this was used by the FCI cal push directed at these most vul-
GLVUXSWLRQRIWKHVDPHPHDQVLQYLWLQJFHUWDLQGHDWKDQGGHVWUXF cent during 2020 over and above a total cut of (The author is a policy for small and mid-sized non-bank- for clearing dues to its nerable people? Going by Finance
analyst. The views
WLRQ7RZDUGVWKDWHQG,QGLDPXVWWDNHLPPHGLDWHPHDVXUHV 1.35 per cent delivered during 2019. expressed are personal.) ing financial companies (NBFCs) creditors/companies. Minister's stance thus far, it seems
WRSUHVHUYHWKHVDQFWLW\RILWVHFRORJ\E\ILUVWJHQWO\HQFRXUDJ Of the much trumpeted special package of Rs and micro-finance institutions Thus, contrary to the stated unlikely.
QLW\WKDWKXPDQVDUHERUQZLWK °19?8C24;;27845 °B4=8>A2>=6A4BB;4034A

n wake of the Indo-UK and for most states it constitutes 2018-19, India exports only Rs domino effect that makes the ital and higher taxes in India, exported from India every year,

I trade discussions, many

'experts' argue for reduc-
tion in tariff, particularly
slashing custom tariffs on
imported Scotch and on
15-30 per cent of revenue.
Customs duty is not even Rs
5000 crore in comparison.
Second, this industry uses agri-
cultural products as primary
5 crore worth of alcoholic prod-
ucts/beverages to the UK,
against import of Rs 1300 crore.
Clubbing alcohol under a much
bigger Food & Drink category
domestic industry the net loser.
Two, introduction of Scotch
whisky at lower price attacks the
profit driving end of portfolio
of Indian companies, thus jeop-
interstate restrictions and high-
er evaporation losses.
Also, many states offer
concessionary taxes on import-
ed products, but reduction in
the whole of the EU including
the UK accounts for less than
Indian industry is not
against reducing customs duty
'Intermediate' products which F9>?468A8 raw material and nearly 50 to claim favourable balance of ardising their viability.Third, customs tariffs cannot be done on alcohol, but it should be in
they say are nothing but high- lakh farmers depend on it. It trade is highly misleading. Indian premium whiskies like without removing compen- a phased manner and up to a
strength, potable, undenatured provides employment to 20 The second argument is Amrut, Paul John or Rampur satory state-based concessions point where it creates a level
ethyl alcohol used for bottling lakh people. Any disruption will also a misconception. Scotch are now regarded amongst the as otherwise it will create a playing field.
and blending in India. have widespread ramifications whisky goes through two major best in the world but are unable hugely discriminatory tax Accordingly, it has put for-
They argue on three main for the government, farmers stages of productions -- distil- Indian farmers and manufac- to make the same headway in regime against Indian products. ward its recommendation to
grounds. One, that India has a and labour market. lation and bottling. The turers. the domestic market due to an If we talk about reciprocal reduce import taxes, aggregate
large trade surplus in the cate- The problem with the first 'Intermediate' Scotch whisky is The third argumentmisses unsupportive regime and duty concessions, the problem of customs duty and AIDC,
gory and can afford greater argument is that it hides the actually the output of the first out on three vital points. One, reducing customs duty further is that barriers put up by the UK from 150% to 100% now and to
imports; two, customs duty true balance of trade on alco- stage, it has been produced and in product categories with mul- just will not help. are not tariff based but non-tar- 75% in five years' time. It has
reduction on intermediate prod- holic beverages using a wider matured in Scotland. What tiple price segments like whisky, Another notion worth dis- iff ones. India, being a sugar also recommended a threshold
ucts will encourage 'Make in head of 'Food and Drinks'. If happens in India is only bot- consumers seamlessly shift to pelling is that Scotch whiskies producing country, has evolved import price for taxation at $5
India'; and three, even if tariff is (The author is Director one separates alcoholic bever- tling. Therefore, while incen- the next category up or down are costlier to produce. Rather, whisky recipes based on spirit per bottle, and reciprocal con-
reduced the bulk of consumption General of the ages/products for human con- tivising Intermediate products depending on affordability. it costs at least 50 per cent more distilled from molasses. The UK cessions from the UK allowing
will remain locally produced Confederation of Indian sumption from the wider club- through reduced or zero duty So, when a Scotch whisky to produce a whisky of similar does not accept this as it is not whiskies from India to be
whiskies -- so why bother. Alcoholic Beverage bing of Food and Drinks, a very will lead to an increase of usage is sold at a lower price it takes quality in India than in "recipe standards". The result of allowed in the UK market as
Companies. The views
This industry contributes expressed are personal.) different picture emerges. of bottling plants in India, away consumers from products Scotland. This is primarily on these non-tariff barriers is that 'Indian Whisky' without mini-
nearly Rs 250,000 crore in taxes As per DGFT data for which will be a big loss for in the price segment, starting a account of a higher cost of cap- of the 70 lakh cases of whisky mum maturity conditions.
=4F34;78k<>=30H k9D=4 #!! f^a[S'

0?Q 20A18B10H4=6;0=3 demonstrate the benefits of doses the World Health
democracy and freedom and Organization said is needed to
eaders of the Group of human rights to the rest of the vaccinate at least 70% of the
L Seven wealthy nations
staked their claim on Sunday to
But health and environ-
world's population and truly
end the pandemic.
leading the world out of the mental campaigners were dis- Half of the billion-dose
0?Q 14898=6 coronavirus pandemic and cri- tinctly unimpressed by the pledge is coming from the
sis, pledging more than 1 bil- details in the leaders' final United States and 100 million
t least 12 people were killed lion coronavirus vaccine doses communique. from Britain. Canada said it
A and 39 seriously injured on
Sunday after a gas line explo-
to poorer nations, vowing to
help developing countries grow
“This G-7 summit will live
on in infamy," said Max
also would give 100 million
doses, and France pledged 60
sion tore through a residential while fighting climate change Lawson, the head of inequali- million.
neighborhood in central China. and backing a minimum tax on ty policy at the international aid The vaccines are due to be
Responders to the early multinational firms. group Oxfam. “Faced with the delivered by the end of 2022,
morning blast in the city of At the group's first face-to- biggest health emergency in a but Biden said the leaders were
Shiyan in Hubei province sent face meeting in two years, the century and a climate cata- clear that the commitments
more than 150 people to the leaders dangled promises of strophe that is destroying our they made to donate doses
hospital, according to officials support for global health, green planet, they have completely wouldn't be the end.
quoted by state media. energy, infrastructure and edu- failed to meet the challenges of The U.S. President said
The cause of the explosion cation. the group. “It's not good enough for our times." getting shots into arms around
remains under investigation. The leaders wanted to Johnson said the G-7 us to just rest on our laurels and Despite Johnson's call to the world was a “gigantic, logis-
Stall keepers and customers 8]cWXbX\PVTcPZT]Ua^\PeXST^U^^cPVTad]Qh2WX]Pb22CEPUXaTUXVWcTafP[Zb show that international coop- would demonstrate the value of talk about how important those "vaccinate the world" by the tical effort” and the goal may
buying breakfast and fresh veg- ]TPacWTPUcTa\PcW^UPVPbTg_[^bX^]X]BWXhP]RXchX]RT]caP[2WX]Pb7dQTX eration is back after the democracy and human rights values are,” he told reporters end of 2022 the promise of 1 not be achieved until 2023.
etables at a food market were ?a^eX]RT^]Bd]SPh 0? upheavals caused by the pan- to the rest of the world and help after the 3-day meeting on the billion doses for vaccine-hun- The G-7 also backed a
the majority of victims when demic and the unpredictabili- “the world's poorest countries Cornwall coast. “And this isn't gry countries — coming both minimum tax of at least 15% on
the explosion hit shortly after dents at companies and on pipelines ripped open follow- ty of former US President to develop themselves in a way about imposing our values on directly and through the inter- large multinational companies
6 a.m., according to the reports. campuses, all must work ing a leak. Donald Trump. And they that is clean and green and sus- the rest of the world. What we national COVAX program — to stop corporations from using
The blast struck a two-story together to shoulder their Frequent deadly accidents wanted to convey that the club tainable.” as the G-7 need to do is falls far short of the 11 billion tax havens to avoid taxes.
building built in the early responsibilities, strengthen are usually traced to weak of wealthy democracies —

1990s, which includes phar- their political comprehension adherence to safety standards, Canada, France, Germany,
macies, restaurants and other and root out the causes of poor maintenance and cor- Italy, Japan, the United
businesses. More than 900 such hazards," Xi was quoted as ruption among enforcement Kingdom and the United States

people were evacuated from the saying by the official Xinhua bodies. Those responsible are — is a better friend to poorer
area. News Agency. often handed harsh punish- nations than authoritarian
Images showed rescuers The Shiyan explosion came ments, but high demand and rivals such as China.

climbing over broken concrete a day after eight people died the desire for profits often Speaking at the end of the
slabs to reach those trapped and three others were injured trump such concerns. three-day summit in southwest 0?Q =4F@D0H4=6;0=3 The president is highlight-
inside. when toxic methyl formate Among the worst acci- England, US President Joe ing very fundamental differ-
Chinese president Xi leaked from a vehicle at a dents was a massive 2015 Biden, who was making his resident Joe Biden is taking ences with Trump over climate
Jinping called for a thorough
probe into the cause of the blast
chemical handling facility in
the southwestern city of
explosion at a chemical ware-
house in the port city of Tianjin
first foreign trip as leader, said
it was an “extraordinary, col-
P a series of subtle jabs at
Donald Trump at the end of the
change and national security at
a news conference Sunday.
?C8Q ;>=3>= News' on Sunday when asked
about the issue.
in order to create a "good Guiyang. that killed 173 people, most of laborative and productive Group of Seven summit, sug- Biden says that he does not orld leaders gathered at "But, on balance, we do
atmosphere" for the 100th
anniversary of the founding of
The blast appeared similar
to one that occurred in the
them firefighters and police
officers. The blast was blamed
British Prime Minister
gesting there was a “genuine
sense of enthusiasm” among
view NATO as a “protection
racket.” That's a contrast to
W the G7 Summit in
Cornwall discussed the possi-
not believe that it came from
a laboratory. We think it is
the ruling Communist Party on northeastern port of Qingdao on illegal construction and Boris Johnson, the summit's foreign leaders that the United Trump who said that foreign bility that a laboratory leak in much more likely to have
July 1. in 2013, in which 55 people unsafe storage of volatile mate- host, praised the “fantastic States was engaged on world countries should pay for the pres- central China's Wuhan city jumped from animal species,"
"In light of numerous acci- were killed when underground rials. degree of harmony” among issues. ence of the U.S. Military abroad. may have a connection with he said.
the start of the Covid-19 pan- WHO Director-General
demic, with the World Health Dr Tedros Adhanom
:eR]jacV^ZVcdRjd (UGRJDQDQG%LGHQ 4YZ_RYZedSRT\Re8(df^^Ze Organisation (WHO) chief
saying all hypotheses behind
Ghebreyesus told reporters on
Saturday that the theory was
eR]\d`_4YZ_R the origins of the deadly dis- raised during a formal session

PHHWDWDWHQVHPRPHQW 3Phb^U³b\P[[Va^d_ ernment here, state-run Global
Times quoted statement issued
ful of countries," it added.
To another question that an
ease remain in play.
UK Foreign Secretary
Dominic Raab said that offi-
at the G7 summit in Cornwall
dedicated to health matters
and that identifying the source
0?Q =4F@D0H4=6;0=3 IRU7XUNLVK86WLHV V[^QP[STRXbX^]bPaT
by China's Embassy in London,
rebutting G-7 criticism against
Beijing. Answering a question
announcement will be made at
the G7 summit on the provi-
sion of one billion doses of
cials "compared notes" over the
theory that the pandemic may
have originated from a leak
of the pandemic was a core
part of showing respect to the
millions of people around the
0?Q 0=:0A0
Ithetalian Premier Mario Draghi
says the dominant theme of
However, besides blasting [^]VV^]T)1TXYX]V on issues covered by the G-7
Summit on pandemic response,
COVID-19 vaccine to coun-
tries in need, the statement list-
from a lab in Wuhan, calling
for further investigations.
globe who have died from the
deadly virus. "Yes, it was raised,
Group of Seven summit resident Joe Biden and the decision in speeches, economy, trade and global sup- ed about what China has done However, he asserted that the and we discussed about the
was how to respond to China
and other autocratic govern-
P Turkish counterpart Recep
Tayyip Erdogan have known
Erdogan didn't immediately
hit back at Washington. The
?C8Q 14898=6 ply chains and US efforts to
“seizing” the opportunity to
including providing free vac-
cines to more than 80 devel-
UK's "best information"
remained that it "jumped"
origins," he said in response to
a question.
ments. each other for years, but their muted response suggests he hina on Sunday asserted bond with other Western coun- oping countries exporting vac- from animals to humans but "The first phase of the
Draghi said Sunday that
China has the right to a great
meeting Monday will be their
first as heads of state. And it
wants a good relationship with
Biden, said Rachel Ellehuus, an
C that the days when global
decisions were dictated by a
tries to safeguard the “rules-
based international system”,
cines to 43 countries.
"We have delivered 350
admitted they did not have "all
the answers".
origin study was not conclusive
so there are four hypotheses,
economy but that practices comes at a particularly tense analyst at the Washington think "small group" of countries are the Chinese embassy state- million doses to global part- "That's why international- but [it's] not conclusive yet. So
like coercive detention and moment for relations between tank Center for Strategic and long gone, hitting back at the ment said there is only one sys- ners, more than any other ly we wanted the review to be we believe that all four
using forced labour were out of their two countries. International Studies. G-7 summit where Beijing was tem, the international system, country in the world," it said. able to go into China to get all hypotheses should be open,
step with the vision of the The list of disagreements is “Not least because he needs at the centre of severe criticism which is led by the UN. "China is fully implement- the answers, so that we have and we need to proceed with
world's democracies. unusually long for the two that economic relationship with over the COVID-19 origins, "We always believe that ing the G20 Debt Service the full picture rather than the second phase, to really
He said the position taken NATO allies: There's U.S. the U.S. And the appearance of human rights violations and its countries, big or small, strong or Suspension Initiative for these possible, potential, plau- know the origins,” said Dr
wasn't particularly tough, but Support for Kurdish fighters in a cooperative relationship in mega Belt and Road Initiative. weak, poor or rich, are equals, Poorest Countries and has so sible options,” Raab told ‘Sky Ghebreyesus.
was rather realistic, in view of Syria, as well as Turkey's pur- order to retain his base, which As the leaders of G-7 -- and that world affairs should be far deferred repayment of more
the necessity to cooperate on chase of a Russian weapons sys- is very much built on a func- Canada, France, Germany, Italy, handled through consultation than USD 1.3 billion worth of
climate change, rebuilding the
world after the coronavirus
tem. And in April, Biden infu-
riated Ankara by declaring
tioning Turkish economy that
is tethered into the West,"
Japan, the United Kingdom
and the United States -- met in
by all countries," it said.
"The days when global
debt. This is the highest defer-
ral amount among the G20 =Tf8baPT[X6^ecc^QTbf^a]X]
pandemic and other issues. that the Ottoman-era mass Ellehuus said. London where US President Joe decisions were dictated by a members,” it said.
He also said his Cabinet killing and deportations of However, before leaving Biden made a strong bid to rally small group of countries are While Biden's efforts mak-
would be reviewing the con- Armenians was “genocide.” Sunday for the NATO summit the allies against China's eco- long gone," it said. ing headway to forge a consen-

troversial 2019 trade and infra- Previous U.S. Presidents in Brussels where he will meet nomic clout, human rights "There is only one system sus with other G-7 and EU
structure deal Italy's previous had avoided using the term out Biden, Erdogan described the besides its reluctance to agree and one order in the world, that countries came as a surprise to
government signed with of concern that it would com- president's comments on the for a probe into the COVID-19 is, the international system China, analysts here cautioned
Beijing. Over U.S. And other plicate ties with Turkey, which killings of Armenians living in origin, Beijing appeared defiant with the United Nations at the Beijing about the US successfully ?C8Q 94ADB0;4< coalition met to confirm the
objections, Italy in 2019 is fiercely proud of its Ottoman the Ottoman Empire as “very and firm questioning the rele- core and the international pushing its Build Back Better government.
became the first G7 country to history and insists that those negative” and an vance of the bloc. order based on international World (B3W) plan to counter srael's parliament is set to Informed sources said that
sign onto China's “Belt and
Road” initiative,
killed in the early 20th centu-
ry were victims of civil war and
“approach (that) has seriously
upset us.”
While there is no direct
response by the Chinese gov-
law, not the so-called system
and order advocated by a hand-
Beijing's multibillion dollar Belt
and Road Initiative (BRI).
vote on Sunday on a new
led by Yamina
"they all re-affirmed their com-
mitment and it was all set to go
head Naftali Bennett, ousting ahead”.
Prime Minister Benjamin The approval by the
"$\Z]]VUZ_Y`daZeR]ReeRT\ ?^_TST\P]SbU^^S
Netanyahu from power after an
uninterrupted 12 years at the
helm of affairs.
Knesset would bring to an end
12 years of uninterrupted rule
by Netanyahu, 71, who holds

Z_`aa`dZeZ`_YV]UDjcZRe`h_ _T^_[T^UCXVaPh The prospective govern- the record of being the longest-
ment - an unprecedented coali- serving Prime Minister in the
0?Q F0B78=6C>= soured relationship and accu- Rome: Pope Francis demand- tion of ideologically divergent country's history.
sations by each country that the ed Sunday that humanitarian political parties drawn from the Having served in the posi-
t a low point in US-Russian other has cheated on past arms 0?Q 148ADC attack on Saturday killed 13 two missiles. The attack aid reach hungry people in the Right, the Left and the Centre, tion earlier between 1996 and
A relations, President Joe
Biden and Russian President
The fabric of arms control issiles have hit a hospital
civilians and injured 27, adding
that it involved rocket and
destroyed the polyclinic depart-
ment, the emergency and the
war-torn Tigray region of
northern Ethiopia, where
along with an Arab party - has
a razor-thin majority of one
1999, Netanyahu last year sur-
passed the record held by one
Vladimir Putin appear to agree
broadly on at least one thing —
has been fraying, notably with
the abandonment in 2019 —
M in a northern Syrian town
controlled by Turkey-backed
artillery shelling of the hospi-
tal. The governor's office
delivery rooms, the group said.
Two of the 13 people killed
Ethiopian and Eritrean sol-
diers are blocking food deliv-
The Knesset (Israeli parlia-
of the Jewish state's founding
leaders, David Ben-Gurion.
their first face-to-face meeting first by Washington, then by fighters, killing at least 13 peo- blamed the attack on Syrian were hospital staff and two eries and other assistance. ment) is scheduled to meet at The formation of the new
Wednesday is a chance to set Moscow — of the ple, including two medical Kurdish groups. were ambulance drivers, said Francis called for an imme- 4 PM local time and sans last- government would end the
the stage for a new era in arms Intermediate-Range Nuclear staff, and putting the facility out A war monitor, the Britain- SAMS, which supports the diate end to the fighting in minute grand surprises, political impasse in the coun-
control. Forces Treaty, which had gov- of service, activists and an aid based Syrian Observatory for hospital. Eleven of its staff Tigray, the return of social Bennett, an old-time associate try that saw four elections in
Whether that leads to actu- erned a whole class of missiles group said. Human Rights, put the death were injured. The hospital has harmony and for “all food aid of Netanyahu and leader of the less than two years leading to
al arms negotiations is anoth- for more than three It was not immediately toll at 18. The discrepancy been put out of service and and health care assistance to be right-wing Yamina party, would inconclusive results.
er matter, complicated by the decades. clear who was behind the could not be immediately rec- patients were evacuated, the guaranteed.” take over the mantle from his But opinion polls suggest
shelling, which came from onciled. group said. Speaking at his Sunday one time mentor leading a that majority of the Israelis do
areas where government troops The Syrian American SAMS called for an inves- noon blessing, Francis said he fragile government with a not look too hopeful regarding
and Kurdish-led fighters are Medical Society, or SAMS, an tigation into the attack on the was thinking of the people of razor-thin majority of 61 law- the longevity of the coalition of
deployed. aid group that assists health hospital, one of the largest Tigray who have been “struck makers in a 120 member house. eight disparate parties who do
The governor of Turkey's centers in opposition areas, facilities in northern Syria that by a grave humanitarian crisis Ahead of the vote in not see eye-to-eye on most of
Hatay's province, across the said al-Shifaa Hospital in the offered thousands of medical that has exposed the poorest to Parliament, heads of the eight the critical issues facing the
border from Afrin, also said the town of Afrin was targeted by services each month. famine. AP factions constituting the new country.

0?Q 50;<>DC7 British media reported that the situation was quite differ- Northern Ireland.”
Prime Minister Boris Johnson ent and that it's not appropri- Relations between Britain
ritain accused European asked French President ate to hold that kind of com- and the EU have soured since
B Union leaders on Sunday of
holding the “offensive” view
Emmanuel Macron when they
met Saturday in the English
UK Foreign Secretary
the UK made its final break
from the bloc at the end of
that Northern Ireland is not seaside resort of Carbis Bay Dominic Raab said the idea 2020, more than four years
fully part of the United how he would feel if sausages Northern Ireland was not an after voting to leave.
Kingdom, as Brexit cast a shad- from Toulouse could not be integral part of the UK was “not The EU is angry over the
ow over the Group of Seven moved to Paris. They said only offensive, it has real world British government's delay in
summit. Macron replied the comparison effects on the communities in implementing new checks on
Britain and the EU are in did not work because Paris and Northern Ireland, creates great some goods coming into
a spat over post-Brexit trade Tolouse were part of the same concern, great consternation.” Northern Ireland from the rest
arrangements that could see country. “Can you imagine if we of the UK, as was agreed in the
British sausages banned from The French presidency did talked about Catalonia, the Brexit divorce deal. The bloc is
entering Northern Ireland, the not deny Macron had made the Flemish part of Belgium, threatening legal action if the
only part of the UK that bor- comments. It said he was northern Italy, Corsican France, U.K. Does not fully bring in the
ders the 27-nation bloc. The explaining “that Toulouse and as different countries?” he said checks, which include a ban on
dispute is raising political ten- Paris were on a geographical on Sky News. “We need a bit of chilled meats such as sausages
sions in Northern Ireland, unity of territory, Northern respect here. And also, frankly, from England, Scotland and
where some people identify as Ireland is on an island. The an appreciation of the situation Wales going to Northern
British and some as Irish. president wanted to stress that for all communities in Ireland beginning next month.
=4F34;78k<>=30H k9D=4 #!! \^]Th(


eRi`_aVec`]UZVdV]+AcRUYR_ P\XS_P]ST\XR)4gA186deBdQQPaP^ ?C8Q =4F34;78
?C8Q =4F34;78
<8=8BC4A<D<>= poor this year alone besides
spending money on vaccines ormer RBI Governor D T otal outstanding dues owed
by electricity distribution
7867C0G4B8= and healthcare infrastructure.
Asked about Congress
F Subbarao has expressed
concerns over “extreme
utilities or discoms to power
producers fell 11.2 per cent to
19?AD;43BC0C4B leader Rahul Gandhi’s repeat- unevenness” in economic C81,628 crore in April 2021
ed attacks on the Modi gov- recovery and “sharpening from a year ago.
?C8Q =4F34;78 ernment for skyrocketing fuel inequalities” between upper Distribution companies
prices, Pradhan said, “Why is income segments and lower (discoms) owed a total C91,915
ith petrol and diesel fuel expensive in Maharashtra, income households in the crore to power generation firms
W prices climbing to record
high, Oil Minister Dharmendra
Rajasthan and Punjab (which
are ruled by the party)?”
country, cautioning that the
trend will hit growth prospects
in April 2020, according to por-
tal PRAAPTI (Payment
Pradhan on Sunday asked “If Rahul Gandhi is con- going forward. Ratification And Analysis in
Congress Governments in cerned about the poor being hit Terming the uneven recov- Power procurement for bring-
Rajasthan and Maharashtra to by fuel prices, he should ask ery “morally wrong and polit- seem impressive but note that ing Transparency in Invoicing C67,656 crore in March this initiative to help gencos remain
cut sales tax if the party was chief ministers of Congress- Rajasthan levies the high- ically corrosive”, he said liq- this is coming on a very low of generators). year. afloat. Later, the liquidity infu-
concerned about fuel price ruled states to cut taxes. He est value-added tax (VAT or uidity in the domestic market base of last year. However, outstanding dues Power producers give 45 sion package was increased to
burden on common man, but should ask (Maharashtra Chief sales tax) on petrol and diesel and foreign fund inflows are “Even if we clock this of discoms towards electricity days to discoms to pay bills for C1.2 lakh crore and further to
did not say if BJP-ruled States Minister) Uddhav Thackeray to in the country, followed by leading to soaring of prices of growth rate, the output during producers have been increasing electricity supply. After that, C1.35 lakh crore. Under the liq-
like Madhya Pradesh and reduce taxes,” he said. Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, stocks and other assets despite this fiscal 2021/22 will still be year-on-year as well as month- outstanding dues become over- uidity package, over C80,000
Karnataka, where petrol has He, however, did not say if Andhra Pradesh, Telangana disruptions due to Covid pan- less than the output two years on-month for years showing due and generators charge crore has been disbursed.
crossed C100 mark, would do BJP-ruled states like Madhya and Karnataka. demic. ago before the pandemic hit us. perennial stress in the power penal interest on that in most Discoms in Rajasthan,
the same. Pradesh and Karnataka, which The ex-central bank gov- Compare that with China sector till February this year. It cases. To give relief to power Uttar Pradesh, Jammu &
Petrol and diesel have risen too have seen petrol price cross ernor further said that earlier which never fell below its pre- has started tapering off from generation companies (gen- Kashmir, Telangana, Andhra
to an all-time high across the
country after fuel rates rose by
Rs 100 a litre mark due to local
taxes, would follow suit.
?Tca^[SXTbT[_aXRTb expectations of a sharp eco-
nomic recovery this year have
pandemic level and the US
which is expected to recover to
March 2021.
Total dues in April
cos), the Centre enforced a pay-
ment security mechanism from
Pradesh, Karnataka,
Maharashtra, Jharkhand and
C5.72 to C6.25 per litre in less Fuel prices differ from state aT\PX]d]RWP]VTS been dashed by the new pan- its pre-pandemic level this increased sequentially com- August 1, 2019. Tamil Nadu account for the
than six weeks. This is due to to state depending on the inci- demic wave. year,” the former RBI chief pared to C78,841 crore in Under this mechanism, major portion of dues to gen-
a combination of rising inter- dence of local taxes such as ^]Bd]SPh “The economy contracted said. Expressing concerns, March this year. discoms are required to open cos, the data showed.
national oil prices and record- VAT and freight charges. And last year, for the first time in Subbarao said that while the Total outstanding dues of letters of credit for getting Overdue of independent
high central and State taxes. because of this, petrol retails at New Delhi:Fuel prices which four decades, by as much as 7.3 majority of people have lost discoms had dipped 3.4 per power supply. The Centre had power producers amounted to
Talking to reporters on the over C100 per litre mark in have been rising over the past per cent. That was less deep jobs and saw reduction in their cent in March this year from C also given some breathers to 53.04 per cent of the total
sidelines of an event organised seven states and union territo- one month remained than we had first feared but still income, the wealth of some 81,687 crore in the same month discoms for paying dues to overdue of C68,732 crore of dis-
to inaugurate the oxygen plant ries -- Rajasthan, Madhya unchanged in the national deep enough to have caused rich individuals have increased last year. gencos in view of the Covid-19- coms in April 2021. The pro-
set up by Indraprastha Gas Ltd Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Capital on Sunday. In Delhi, distress to millions of families during the pandemic period. The PRAAPTI portal was induced lockdown. The gov- portion of central PSU gencos
at Maharaja Agrasen Hospital, Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka petrol was sold for C96.12 in the informal sector. There “The positive wealth effect launched in May 2018 to bring ernment had also waived penal in the overdue was 30.52 per
he said central and State and Ladakh. while diesel was priced at C was expectation of a sharp of the upper income segments in transparency in power pur- charges for late payment of cent.
Governments need additional Of these states, Congress is 86.98 per litre, both at the same recovery this year but those juxtaposed with the negative chase transactions between dues. Among the central public
money from the taxes on petrol in power in Rajasthan and is a levels on Saturday. Fuel prices expectations are now tempered income effects of the lower generators and discoms. In May, the Government sector gencos, NTPC alone
and diesel to meet expenses for coalition partner with Shiv have increased in the last two by the impact of the second income households tells a story In April 2021, the total announced C90,000 crore liq- has an overdue amount of
fighting pandemic as well as Sena and NCP in Maharashtra. consecutive days across the wave,” Subbarao told PTI. of a very uneven recovery and overdue amount, which was uidity infusion for discoms C5,167.11 crore on discoms,
development work. BJP rules Madhya Pradesh and country. In the financial capi- The RBI too reduced its sharpening inequalities. This is not cleared even after 45 days under which these utilities followed by Damodar Valley
“I accept that fuel prices are Karnataka and Ladakh too is tal of the country, Mumbai, growth forecast for the current morally wrong and politically of grace period offered by gen- would get loans at economical Corporation at C5,156.34 crore,
pinching consumers,” he said, under central rule. Andhra both petrol and diesel were fiscal by one percentage point, corrosive,” he said adding that erators, stood at C68,732 crore rates from Power Finance NLC India at C3,416.18 crore,
adding the government is Pradesh has YSR-Congress in sold for C102.30 and C94.39 per from 10.5 per cent to 9.5 per it will also have a big impact on as against C76,117 crore in the Corporation (PFC) and REC NHPC at C2,261.05 crore and
spending C1 lakh crore on power while TRS rules in litre, respectively. PTI cent, he said adding that even growth prospects going for- same month a year ago. The Ltd. THDC India at C1,134.17 crore
providing free food grains to Telangana. 9.5 per cent growth might ward. overdue amount stood at This was a government in April 2021.

([FKDQJHVWRVXVSHQG FC>R^]eT]TbZTh\TTcX]V^UcaPST<X]b 0\Pi^]8]SXPc^X\_PacR^aT =C?2X]eXcTb4^8

WUDGLQJLQ'+)/ ^]9d[h $^]UXbWTaXTbbdQbXSXTb \PRWX]T[TPa]X]VbZX[[bc^ U^aWhSa^VT]UdT[
\PZTbcdST]cbX]SdbcahaTPSh RT[[QPbTS_X[^c
VKDUHVIURP0RQGD\ Fishing communities of
developed countries use high- _a^YTRcb
from June 14. ly mechanised boats for fishing,
The approved resolution which are called mother boats New Delhi:State-run power
plan provides for delisting of wherein they have processing giant NTPC has floated a glob-
equity shares of the company. units also. al expression of interest (EoI)
As per the circulars, the As India’’s subsidy is min- for setting up hydrogen fuel-
company made an announce- imal and provided to small and based power backup system
ment on June 9, saying that “no marginal fishermen, it has and a standalone fuel-cell based
value was attributable to the sought more time to imple- microgrid system, a statement
equity shares as per the liqui- ment the norms or disciplines, said on Sunday.
dation value of the company ?C8Q =4F34;78 subsidies contributing to over- which would be finalised after Through these projects,
?C8Q =4F34;78 estimated by registered val- capacity and overfishing. complete negotiations, on the NTPC is looking to further
uers appointed under the he chief of the World Trade “It will be an online meet- prohibition of subsidies for strengthen its footprint in green

L eading exchanges BSE and

NSE will suspend trading in
Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Board of India (Insolvency
T Organisation (WTO) has
convened a meeting of all trade
ing of the Trade Ministers.
WTO Director General Ngozi
fishing activities in Exclusive
Economic Zones (EEZs). ?C8Q =4F34;78 applications through an
and clean fuel, the company
said.NTPC will collaborate for
the shares of Dewan Housing Resolution Process for ministers on July 15 to iron out Okonjo-Iweala has called the There are primarily three immersive three-day course, it implementation and further
Finance Corporation Ltd Corporate Persons) differences with regard to pro- meeting of the trade negotiat- areas of fishing - territorial mazon India on Sunday added. Participants of the ML commercialization of the pro-
(DHFL) with effect from
Regulations, 2016”.
According to the circular
viding fisheries subsidies,
sources said.
ing committee on July 15 on
the matter,” sources said.
waters (12 nautical miles from
the sea shore), EEZ (exclusive
A announced the launch of
an integrated learning pro-
Summer School will be identi-
fied through an online assess-
jects. This is in line with
NTPC’s initiatives towards
The move, aimed at avoid- issued by BSE, “to avoid mar- The aim is to conclude the While developed nations economic zones - 200 nautical gramme for students to learn ment. adopting hydrogen technolo-
ing “market complications”, ket complications, trading in negotiations soon and after are pushing for prohibitions on miles), and high seas. applied Machine Learning It is open to engineering gies. The power PSU is explor-
comes against the backdrop of the securities of Dewan that a text is finalised so that an subsidies, India wants an equi- India wants that fishing (ML) skills, making them students in their pre-final/final ing the use of hydrogen-based
the National Company Law Housing Finance Corporation agreement on fisheries can be table and balanced outcome as activities in territorial waters industry ready for careers in the year of Bachelors, Masters or fuel cells-electrolyser systems
Tribunal (NCLT) approving Limited will be suspended reached in the forthcoming the country provides support to should be completely out of the new technology. The pro- PhD studies across select tech for backup power requirement.
Piramal Group’s resolution plan w.E.F June 14, 2021”. Ministerial meet of WTO in its small and marginal fisher- ambit of the agreement, while gramme - ML Summer School campuses in 2021, including Currently, the backup power
for the bankrupt-DHFL. In November 2019, December in Geneva. men who depend on the sector adequate time should be given - has been introduced to help Indian Institute of Technology requirement and micro grid
The resolution plan under Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Hectic negotiations are for sustenance. to implement commitments train students in ML and (IIT) Bombay, IIT Kharagpur, applications are being met
the Insolvency and Bankruptcy had referred DHFL -- then the going on in Geneva on the mat- Unlike rich nations which of the agreement in EEZs. address the growing demand IIT Delhi, International from diesel-based power gen-
Code (IBC) was approved by third-largest pure-play mort- ter. The objective of these provide billions of dollars of For this, the country has for talent with this skill set Institute of Information erators. Looking at these as
the tribunal on June 7. gage lender -- for resolution negotiations is to discipline subsidies to their fishermen, asked for the necessity of an across various industries, Technology (IIIT) Hyderabad, early adopter use case of hydro-
In separate but similarly- under the IBC. It was the first subsidies with the overall objec- India’’s subsidy amounts to appropriate and effective spe- Amazon India said in a state- Birla Institute of Technology gen basedtechnologies, NTPC
worded circulars issued on finance company to be referred tive to have sustainable fishing only about Rs 770 crore. The cial and differential treatment ment. The curriculum will (BITS), National Institute of is working towards creating
Friday, BSE and NSE said they to the NCLT by RBI using spe- and to eliminate IUU (illegal, government provides subsi- (S&DT) for developing coun- cover the fundamental con- Technology (NIT) solutions which are a green
would suspend trading in the cial powers under Section 227 unreported and unregulated) dies on things like fuel and tries and LDCs (least developed cepts in ML, while linking Tiruchirappalli and Anna alternative to diesel generators.
shares of DHFL with effect of the IBC. fishing subsidies and prohibit boats. countries) in the negotiations. them to practical industry University among others. PTI

0gXb1P]ZbcPZT 9@?`YUcUdd_Wb_gQc &$,7IXOO\JHDUHG 1PQPAP\STe³b

X]<Pg;XUT[XZT[h VY^Q^SYQ\cUbfYSUc _a^eXbX^]X]VU^a?B1bcWXbhTPa
`\QiUbcZ_Y^dXUVbQi d_c^C#"Ra
80=BQ =4F34;78 Even in FY21, a substan-
X] ! '\^]cWb ?C8Q =4F34;78
s the Central Government
tial portion of capital was
released right at end of the fis-
?C8Q <D<108 Financial Services (C1,800
crore), Fusion Microfinance E dible oil firm Ruchi Soya,
which is owned by Baba
A draws a plan to privatise at
least two public sector banks
cal year in March.
“Front loading of capital
ith payments major (C1,700 crore), Fincare Small Ramdev-led Patanjali (PSB) this fiscal, it has also will help PSBs to strengthen
W Paytm’s board reported-
ly approving a bumper share
Finance Bank (C1,330 crore),
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank
Ayurveda, has filed draft doc-
ument with SEBI to launch a
decided to front load capital-
isation of State-owned banks
their financials that may again
get impacted this year with
sale plan running north of (C1,000-1,300 crore), Medi follow-on public offer (FPO) so that the balance sheets of weak lending and stress com-
C22,000 crore, the IPO market Assist (C 840 crore) and Jana for raising up to C 4,300 crore. some of these entities are ing back on a lot of their cred-
is set for a big days as over a Small Finance Bank (C700 80=BQ =4F34;78 orandum to the District The FPO is being launched strengthened ahead of possi- it assets with Covid pandem-
dozen financial services play- crore), among others. Collectors in all states in the to meet the SEBI norm of ble sale. ic continuing to disrupt busi-
ers, including fintechs, are set And the board of the or more than five years, Country. On the other hand, minimum public sharehold- Sources said that PSBs nesses.
?C8Q =4F34;78 to mop up over C55,000 crore
this fiscal from the market,
biggest payments bank Paytm
has reportedly cleared an over
F Amazon, Walmart-owned
Flipkart and many other for-
the trade delegations will meet
the Chief Ministers and
ing of 25 per cent in a listed
entity. Ruchi Soya filed the
may be provided this year
just after their first quarter
This could also help in
taking out weak banks out of
C22,000 crore IPO. Together,
with the proposed
Bank is likely to
in Max Life
according to investment
With more than a dozen
these financial services com-
panies are set to garner around
eign-funded e-commerce com-
panies have indulged into all
kinds of unethical business
Finance Ministers of their
respective States urging them to
set up a monitoring mecha-
draft red herring prospectus
(DRHP) with market regulator
SEBI on Saturday, sources said,
results before October. This
would be a departure from the
practice of previous year when
the PCA (prompt corrective
action) framework that would
be helpful in their possible pri-
Insurance to about 20 per cent insurance, asset management, C55,000 crore from the public. practices with an objective of nism for e-commerce trade in adding that the company plans bank capitalisation was under- vatisation this year,” said an
over the next 12-18 months, commercial banking, non- If materialised, the Paytm issue taking control of not only the the State for ensuring strict to raise up to C4,300 crore taken late in the year and official source on the condi-
said the insurance company’s banks, microfinance, housing will be the largest IPO ever in e-commerce but even the retail implementation of FDI in e- through the share sale. towards the end of fiscal. tion of anonymity.
CEO Prashant Tripathy said. finance and payment bank the country, eclipsing the hith- business of India, the commerce policy of the
Currently, Axis Bank and players already filing draft doc- erto largest issue - the C 15,000- Confederation of All India Government.
its two subsidiaries - Axis uments with the market regu- crore share sale by the govern- Traders (CAIT) said. Simultaneously, the trade
Capital Ltd and Axis Securities lator Sebi for public offerings, ment in national miner Coal Their sinister designs have associations will send an e-mail
Ltd - collectively own 12.99 per the financial services sector is India in October 2010, says greatly vitiated the e-com- to Prime Minister Narendra
cent in Max Life Insurance post set to dominate the primary investment bankers seeking merce landscape of the coun- Modi and Commerce Minister
approval of the deal in April issues or initial public offerings not to be quoted. Investment try, the traders body said. Piyush Goyal urging them for
this year. With this, Axis enti- (IPOs) over the coming bankers and analysts consider In view of such a situation, an immediate direction to the
ties have now become co-pro- months. the IPO boom to be reflective the Confederation of All India CCI for initiating an investiga-
moters of Max Life with three Some of those who have of the ongoing bull run and Traders (CAIT) has launched tion of the business module of
board seats. “Axis Bank is to already filed the draft red her- thus advice retail investors to be an “e-commerce purification Amazon and Flipkart, issuance
increase to 19.99 per cent in ring prospectus (DRHPs) with cautious while parking money week” from Monday to June 21, of a fresh Press Note removing
tranches. Thirteen per cent is the Sebi include Aadhar in new companies.VK which is gaining massive sup- the flaws of Press Note 2, and
already done over the next Housing Finance (C7,500 Vijayakumar, chief investment port from thousands of trade setting up of a Regulatory
two quarters, we will seek crore), Policy Bazaar (C4,000 strategist at Geojit Financial associations across the mechanism at the Centre to
approval for the balance seven crore), Aptus Housing Finance Services in Kochi, said the Country. monitor e-commerce business
per cent. So, it will reach about (C3,000 crore), Star Health performance of the IPO mar- During the e-commerce in India. The CAIT has also
20 per cent and that will be the Insurance (C2,000 crore), ket usually has a strong corre- purification campaign, the declared to launch a digital sig-
ownership of Axis Bank,” Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC lation to the performance of the trade organizations across the nature campaign across the
Tripathy told PTI. (C1,500-2,000 crore) Arohan secondary market. country will handover a mem- Country on this issue.
=4F34;78k<>=30H k9D=4 #!! 1^[[hf^^S



F 4 1 1 4 3

@1BD81 >5?7 ]Q[Uc_eddXUSQcUV_b
U^fYb_^]U^dQ\\icecdQY^QR\U_VVYSUc cleaner than others but is also
Implementing this solution
orporate sustainability has their organisation into an speaks volumes about a compa-

C become increasingly significant

over the last few years. Lately, it
has been observed that employees,
eco-friendly and sustain-
able one. Many top com-
panies have already start-
ny’s stance on sustainability and
green practises. Installing solar
panels will directly reflect an
especially from the millennial work- ed their journey in organisation’s commitment to ;D20
force, look out for companies focussed achieving environ- achieving sustainability in the One young boy in a seaside town on Italian Riviera expe-
on environmentally sustainable prac- mental sustainabili- workplace. riences an unforgettable summer filled with gelato, pasta
tises and programmes. These pro- ty. If MNCs can and endless scooter rides. Luca shares these adventures with
grammes are crucial in building a pos- implement sustain- Organise employee awareness pro- his newfound best friend, but all the fun is threatened by
itive brand image, retaining top talent, able policies at work, small grammes a deep secret. It releases on June 18 on Disney+.
and driving profit for any organisation. and medium businesses will Employee awareness programmes
Employers and leaders will be sur- follow in their footsteps. Listed should be a regular occurrence. Aware
prised to notice the sincerity and below are a few practical and effec- employees will become mindful
mindfulness of the workforce in per- tive sustainable practises that employees who are conscious of the
fecting sustainability initiatives. should be employed in every work- environmental impacts of their actions
Moreover, involving employees in place. in their daily lives.
such practises leads to a more engaged Hosting environmental aware-
and motivated workforce. Introduce and implement a recycling ness programmes, recommending
programme educational documentaries can edu-
Sustainable practises for the work- Recycling programmes in the cate the employees and make them
place workplace will give a head start to often talked Switch to PCW paper aware of the need for being extreme-
Some simple but effective every- employees on their journey to sustain- about the benefits The paper industry ly responsible about their actions and
day practises add to building a sustain- ability. These programmes enable of this initiative — generates huge amounts of life choices. Moreover, they are more
able workplace in the long run. Here employees to learn about adequate right from saving up waste every year. Sadly, engaged in creating an eco-friendly
are some steps that you can adopt: waste disposal and the recycling on petrol to seeing a paper also happens to be the and green workplace, ending up with
QKeep recycling bins around the process. There should be accurate positive change in one stationery item corpo- a sense of satisfaction.
workplace as a part of a recycling pro- signage for disposing of degradable, their body and mind- rate offices use a lot. Here’s
gramme. non-degradable, and recyclable waste. set. another finding — Post-con- Keep indoor plants around the ?D=227 140CB!
QGo paperless. Opt for electron- Asking employees to recycle dis- These positives sumer waste or PCW paper is workspace Two years after you were introduced to the students
ic files, cloud storage, and cloud- carded paper or reuse the paper for can be used to create a known to use 45 per cent less Indoor plants are known to reduce of Rosewood High, they are back with new friendships,
based collaboration options. photocopies can ensure optimal use of reward system for the energy. 87 per cent of indoor pollutants with- new rivalries and a rush of adrenaline along with a dark
QSwitch to motion-activated lights resources while generating minimum employees. Using an AI-pow- So switching to PCW paper or in 24 hours. It is recommended for all twist. It releases on June 27 on ALT Balaji.
that turn off automatically when no waste. Another way to go about this ered corporate wellness solution recycled paper will drastically reduce employers to invest in quite a few
one is in the room. initiative is by using refillable pens only. in the form of a mobile application, waste generation.This is a common indoor plants for the workspace as this
QReplace disposable utensils with These small steps have a rather posi- weekly targets can be set for employ- practise in our company and employ- also eases anxiety to a great extent.
reusable ones. tive impact on the waste management ees. The app can be designed to help ees are more than happy to be active
QAsk employees to keep comput- of the company. employees achieve health and wellness contributors in reducing waste gener- Time for mindful action!
ers and laptops in sleep mode to save through various activities and fitness ation as well as greenhouse gas emis- Creating an eco-conscious work-
energy. Encourage employees to cycle to challenges. Whenever employees sions. force has become a top priority for cor-
The practises mentioned above work reach their targets, these can be porations around the world. Such
take little effort but go on to produce In a pre-Covid world, using pub- incentivised with redeemable rewards. Encourage employees to volunteer in actions not only create a green and sus-
tangible, long-term results. lic transportation could significantly Recognising their effort helps community environmental drives tainable workplace but also drive
As one of the most populous contribute towards reducing CO2 motivate them and all corporate lead- Companies can either partici- business growth and profit. Research
countries, with a huge consumer base emissions. Now, public transportation ers should try something along sim- pate in or host environmental drives shows that 77 per cent of consumers
for any thriving business, India’s role is out of the question due to the ongo- ilar lines. The results would not dis- from time to time. Community par- want brands to be sustainable and
in sustainability cannot be under- ing pandemic. But, if we were to talk appoint them. ticipation and involvement are crucial environmentally responsible while 57
mined and many businesses and about alternatives, employees can use to bringing about large-scale changes per cent are willing to change their
organisations are rising to the challenge eco-friendly modes of transport like Install eco-friendly lighting in the locally. These eco-friendly drives and purchasing habits to reduce the neg-
already. They are doing so by integrat- cycles and e-bikes. Cycling to work workplace programmes can be anything from ative impact on the environment.
ing the UN’s Sustainable Development reduces the carbon footprint and helps After conducting an employee cleaning up the locality to planting a Building sustainable practises in
Goals (SDGs) with their business employees stay fit while increasing their survey sometime in May 2019, we few dozen saplings around the neigh- the workplace is all about taking
strategies. Such mindful strategies will savings. switched to eco-friendly lighting to fur- bourhood. Participating in such dri- those seemingly tiny but meaningful
drastically ease the environmental Our organisation has always ther enhanced our green practises. ves makes employees feel engaged and steps on the ground level. Employers
costs resulting from the patterns in pro- encouraged employees to cycle or Something as simple as changing proud of the organisation they work need to recognise the beauty and
duction, consumption, resource, and even walk to work. We started this ini- a light bulb can have a considerable in and the values it stands for. power of an eco-friendly workplace :65270?C4A!
energy usage of a company. tiative as a sustainable practise on environmental impact. LED lights are and take initiatives to achieve the same The blood-soaked land of Kolar Gold Fields (KGF)
It is high time for all businesses to World Environment Day, 2018. Even also easier on the surroundings. Use solar energy every day of the year. has a new overlord now — Rocky. Bloodier battles and
be conscious about their environ- after the nationwide lockdown eased Moreover, they produce far less toxic Using solar energy at workplaces (The author is co-founder and darker days await as Rocky continues on his quest for
mental footprint. Employers and lead- last year, many employees continued gases and use 75 per cent less energy and organisations can do wonders. CEO of a leading employee unchallenged supremacy. It releases on July 16 on
ers must innovate ways to transform cycling to work. The employees have as well. This form of energy is not only engagement solutions company.) Amazon Prime.

air fall is a huge concern for quarter teaspoon of vinegar to add
H many women across the
world, and if you are one of them,
shine to your hair along with a few
drops of sandalwood essential oil.
you should know that many treat- This pack gives instant sheen and
ments can help with this issue. 6XPPHUVFDQVSHOOZRHVIRU\RXUKDLU%XW lustre.
The only problem is that not
everyone has enough time to visit '5 %/26620 .2&++$5 KDVVRPHUHPHGLHV To treat dandruff
the salon to get one of these treat-
ments. With a busy schedule, tak- XSKHUVOHHYH We all have a common
enemy. Yes, dandruff. No matter
ing time out to get your hair treat- how much oiling we do, having
ed can be a hassle. However, an effi- dandruff in summers due to
cient and smart way to prevent and sweating is inevitable. To combat
stop hair loss permanently is by this enemy the best thing you can
trying out some homemade hair try is a pack made of half a table-

masks. spoon of lemon juice and a quar-
ter teaspoon of vinegar. Use a cot-
For sun-damaged hair ton ball to apply this mix all over
Sun-damaged hair needs prop- your scalp. Comb your hair after
er care especially if you are out in application. It might cause some
the sun often or if your hair has irritation or itching but don’t
;PVPP] P]S6PSPa)4Z?aT\:PcWP_PcWQaTPZX]VUX[\b^U8]SXP]RX]T\PaT[TPbTSPc been chemically treated. The UV worry that means it is working.
cWTQ^g^UUXRT^]cWTbP\TSPh!hTPabPV^C40< E8E0 WXcbcWT]^bcP[VXPQdcc^] rays weaken the shaft of your hair
and fade the colour of your hair.
Do this no more than once a week
as too much may lead to hair fall.
agaan needs no introduction. It was Ashutosh said, “The box office response feel. The steam engine used for the Make a nourishing pack at
L a film that made its mark not just in
Hindi cinema, but the world stage too.
to my first two films jolted me. It also
enlightened me to come back with a
shooting was hired from the Railway
Museum in Delhi to bring alive the real-
home by mixing one banana with
one teaspoon of cream and a
Nothing beats a good hot oil
The national award-winning docu- story that I believed in; a story that istic feel of that era. quarter teaspoon of castor oil. Put There is one thing we com-
mentary Chale Chalo highlights the would encompass a cinema-loving Talking about the film, Sunny Deol it on for half an hour and rinse it four-five drops of lavender essen- spoon of your conditioner. Apply pletely forget when we have dam-
making of this masterpiece, showing us audience. And the outcome was the expressed, “Gadar is a beautiful love off thoroughly. It might take one tial oil. Leave it on for four hours it thoroughly on your scalp and aged hair, we will go to salons for
the struggle and belief that went behind script of Lagaan. I was fortunate to have story. I was in Ooty shooting for a film or two washes for the banana to and then rinse it off. hair strands, keep it on for 30 min- treatments and apply the most
Ashutosh Gowariker’s dream project. Aamir Khan back me on this one, when Anil narrated the story to me and completely go from hair, it’s the best utes and then rinse it off with your expensive hair care products but
Made on a then-unprecedented despite our previous film not doing well I instantly fell in love with the project. nourishing hair pack that you can To aid hair growth shampoo. You can use a light we ignore the most potent thing
budget of approximately C25 crores, at the box office. I thank the audiences Like always, I went with my instincts and easily prepare at home For those who want to know conditioner afterwards if your hair that can reverse hair damage —
Lagaan is a story of perseverance and for showering so much love and admi- that’s how it all started. I have had the the best solution for hair growth, is too dry. This will not only make a good hot oil massage.
inspiration which also reflects through ration to Lagaan over the years” opportunity to play some great charac- For oily hair there is a very simple one sitting in your hair grow faster but will also Take a tablespoon of
its team’s conviction. The movie produc- At the same time, 20 years ago, ters throughout my career but there was Oily hair can be very difficult your kitchen. The vitamins, min- add lustre to your hair. coconut/olive oil and add a tea-
tion went through multiple challenges Sunny Deol roared to save his love and something special about the character to maintain. You are always busy erals and fatty acids in ginger pro- spoon of castor oil along with
like gathering a crowd of 10,000 people beloved nation in Gadar: Ek Prem of Tara Singh. He is soft and sweet but scheduling your hair wash and mote hair stimulation which leads For dry and brittle hair three or four drops of lavender
for the cricket match sequence, shoot- Katha and the echo has stayed alive with can turn the world upside down when thinking whether you are over- to hair growth. Ginger contains Excess use of hair colour, essential oil to it. Heat the mix a
ing under severe weather conditions, the audience even today. Directed by it comes to his family and country. Back shampooing your hair. Moreover, gingerol which improves blood cir- chemicals and exposure to the sun little and massage it gently in
limited supply of water and electricity, Anil Sharma, no stone was left unturned then, we didn’t predict that the dialogues oiling becomes impossible. Besides, culation, leading to hair growth. can lead to dry, brittle and dull hair. your scalp and hair at night.
transforming a building into a hotel in while giving the ‘real touch’ to each scene and songs of the movie would become hair masks make the scalp oilier Take one teaspoon each of But who would want that? So a Shampoo it out in the morning.
a small village in Gujarat for the accom- in the movie. The train sequence, at the a rage.” and you just wish you had dry hair. coconut oil, argan oil, ginger juice simple solution is to make a con- Follow this routine at least once
modation of the cast, A K Hangal brav- beginning of the movie, was shot at the Despite releasing at the same time, Coconut milk is the healthiest nat- and onion juice. Combine it with ditioning pack at home. in two weeks as it is extremely
ing an injury to finish shooting his part Amritsar station where the historical these blockbuster films individually ural ingredient for healthy hair. If half teaspoon castor oil, two drops Take one or two tablespoons beneficial.
and even Ashutosh directing from a cot events shown in the movie had actual- created history on their merit and have you have oily hair, you should try of lavender essential oil and one of hair conditioner, depending on (The author is founder &
after suffering a slipped disc. ly occurred. The station was given the left a lasting impression for generations mixing freshly extracted coconut drop of rosemary essential oil. Mix the length of your hair, and mix it chairperson of an aromatherapy
Elaborating about the film, look of the 1940s to give an authentic to come. milk with a squeezed lemon and all these and finally add one tea- with one teaspoon glycerine and a cosmetic brand.)

CA4=3 1;0I4A
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cd]Xchc^U^[[^f^daX]cTa \T[^Sh[haXRbP]SeXbdP[b
0Rc^a:0CA8=0:085 ^_T]TSd_^]VTc TbcbP]SbcPacf^aZX]V^] ^U²7PPcTWPPcSW^aX³Xb 0\TaXRP]bX]VTab^]VfaXcTa90B>=
cX]VQPRZc^]^a\P[[XUTPUcTaaTR^eTaX]V cWT\8c^^ZP]^][X]T cWT^]TfTP[[[^]VU^a8 34AD;> WPbcPZT]d_P]TfW^QQh
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BWTaTRT]c[h_^bcTS^]b^RXP[\TSXP P]S8\dbcbPhXc³b _PaT]cbfW^bP]V cahX]VSXUUTaT]caTRX_TbX]^aSTac^_dc
°1PRZPcXc?^bc2^eXS8³eTWPSc^QT TgcaT\T[haTUaTbWX]VP]S c^VTcWTaU^a$hTPabP]S WXbRaTPcXeXchc^V^^SdbT
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cPZTh^dacX\TP]S[XbcT]c^h^daQ^Sh P]SSXUUXRd[cQdccWTh R^\_^bXcX^]P]SXcR^] WPSc^UXVdaT^dcfWTaTc^_dc\h
H^dWPeTV^^SSPhbP]ScWT]cWTaTPaT QaTPZXcS^f]c^bX\_[T eThbcWT\TbbPVT^UTcTa RaTPcXeXch8³eT]TeTaQTT]PR^^ZCWXb
SPhbfWT]h^dUTT[TgWPdbcTSPVPX] bcT_bfWXRW\PZTbXc ]P[[^eTfXcW^dcP]h XbSTUX]XcT[hb^\TcWX]V]TfcWPcWP_
6^X]Vb[^fP]ScadbcX]V\hQ^Sh³bWTP[ bTT\`dXcTTPbh³ TgcaPePVP]RT³ _T]TSSdaX]VcWT_P]ST\XR±3Tad[^
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=4F34;78k<>=30H k9D=4 #!!


Q\dUb^QdYfUccQic1=B9D1>: 9>49G1B
ast week, the World Health need of the hour,” said these quacks. The

L Organisation (WHO) reported a 13

per cent decrease in new COVID-19
cases in India. However, the number of
block medical officer, on the other hand,
stated that trained healthcare workers are
going to villages for inspection, vaccination,
new infections in the country remains the and to provide medicines on a regular basis.
highest in the world. As the pandemic At the block level, consultation, medicine
continues to hold sway over large swathes, and inspection are available.
rural areas with no proper health infra- Regardless, the pandemic has
structure are bearing the brunt. This has undoubtedly exposed the condition of
forced villagers to turn to quacks (med- health infrastructure in rural areas. The
ical practitioners who have received no situation in Bihar’s Vaishali district is also
formal training) for treatment. similar. Basant Kumar, a homoeopathic
The lack of information about govern- practitioner from Chaklahlad village in
ment hospitals, medicines, treatments and Vaishali district, while sharing his expe-

vaccinations has affected the regulation of rience, said, “I went to the block health
the virus in rural areas. Furthermore, the centre to get the rapid antigen test
villagers’ concerns have been heightened done. The centre was crowded with no
by the fact that there are few or no doc- COVID-19 guidelines being followed.
tors in the government hospitals in their Although I had registered myself, due to
areas. In such a situation, the quacks have the huge crowd, I had to return without A09H>68 1A07<0:D<0A =8:D=9 98 UTT[b
assumed a larger role, ironically so, in sev- getting tested. Two days later, I received cWPc6^SQTX]VaTVPaSTSPb
eral villages across the country. a message on my mobile number inform-
The situation in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur ing me that I had tested negative. I was ^\]X_aTbT]cXbP\XbR^]RT_cX^]8U
district is no better. The district has the shocked to receive that message.” WTfPbfXcWX]dbfWhf^d[SfT
highest number of reported cases in the Basant claimed that several people in
country. While the government reported his village received negative reports _aPhc^QTUaTTSUa^\cWTca^dQ[Tb
208 COVID-19 deaths between April 1 without being tested. He believes that ^UcWXb[XUT.
and May 20 in the district, according to even in medical colleges, Covid positive
a report published in an online portal, 315 the unprofessional behaviour of the staff patients are not being cared for. Villagers oday we all are living in an age where
people were cremated at Muktidham cre-
matorium during this time. The rural
at block hospitals. “Both my brother and
I had tested positive. After several attempts
have become hesitant about visiting
government hospitals and started rely-
T technology rules, yet many of us believe
that God is everywhere and in everything
areas of Sikanderpur, Mothijheel, Town to be examined, the doctor at the block hos- ing on these quacks. around us. According to most religious schol-
Thana, Khabda, Ramdayalu, Patahi, pital prescribed medicines like It should be noted, however, that the ars, God is present in every creature and
Bhagwanpur, Patahi, Bhikhanpura and Paracetamol, Doxycycline and vitamins purpose of this article is not to recognise every particle is his manifestation. However,
Mushahari block were most affected. The with no guidance or concern for patients,” or glorify quack doctors. But, at the same is it really so?
lack of proper treatment resulted in the Ankush informed. According to him, time, it is equally important to note that Since the infiniteness of God leaves no
death of many patients in these areas. chemists and quacks are more concerned if properly trained, these quacks can play room for any other existence, some people
Ragini, a resident of Alkapuri colony in than doctors about the well-being of the a critical role in reaching out to villagers. put forth arguments to say that, besides God,
Muzaffarpur, expressed that people were villagers. The government should consider train- whatever else appears has no real and sepa-
terrified at the mere mention of COVID- In Paru block, which reported sever- ing these quacks on COVID-19 proto- rate existence. They say that what you call
19. al positive cases, dispensary employees and cols and benefitting from their knowl- ‘souls’, embodied in various forms, aren’t sep-
“Those who test positive are isolated quacks were treating people. Accepting edge and the relationship they share with arate from and
in rooms. However, because the virus is quacks as the first line of defence against villagers in creating awareness about pre- identical with
highly stigmatised, the infected person is COVID-19, District Councilor, Devesh ventive measures and vaccination in infinite God.
not treated well by the public. Imagine the Chandra stated that they are a lifeline for these hard-to-reach areas. West Bengal The distinc-
situation of the infected families without more than 50,000 people in the block. government has already ordered to train tion which we
any support from their neighbours,” said These quacks, who do not have medical and tag quacks with health workers to n o t i c e
Ragini. degrees, but practice medicine based on help in surveillance so that the COVID- between the
Ankush Singh, a resident of Manika their practical experience, have kept the sit- 19 treatment (of patients) can start embodied
village in Mushahari block, while express- uation in the villages from going haywire. Paru Block had decided to come forward were scared and unwilling to get vaccinat- early; specifically in remote rural areas souls and God
ing widespread fear among the rural pop- Quacks Balram Shah, Umesh Prasad, and assist the villagers. “Whatever medical ed and, therefore, we decided not to leave where proper doctors are not readily is, according
ulation, added that even after he recov- Ganesh Pandit, Asharfi experience we have gained over the them under such circumstances. available. If successful, other states to them, only
ered from the virus, no one was concerned Bhagat, Parmeshwar years, the villagers are benefiting from We are likely to get infected in the should also follow suit. in appearance.
about his well-being. He also pointed out Prasad, and others in it. The situation was such that people process, but helping people is the 2WPaZWP5TPcdaTb They call it a
dream or an

illusion. Is that
really the
case? If that’s
true then why is there so much strife,
hatred and sorrow in this world? For ages,
humans have prayed to God and undertak-

en penances to get a glimpse of him or
receive his blessings.
Now, from a rational point of view, the
very act of prayer is contrary to the belief in
God’s omnipresence, because if he is present
everywhere and in every one what is the need
6XPPHUVDUHERXQGWRGUDLQ to pray? And why have saints, seers and other
WKHHQHUJ\RXWRI\RX holy people searched for the supreme God
if he is everywhere? Furthermore, dreams,
'2//< .80$5 VXJJHVWVVRPH as far as man understands them now, are rep-
resentative of suppressed wishes, reminiscent
RSWLRQV\RXFDQDGRSWWRVWD\RQ of past events and certain emotions which
are waiting to be fulfilled or exteriorised.
WKHSDWKWR\RXUKHDOWKJRDOV They are not unreal but are correlated to the
Thus, it is unphilosophical and illogical
ummers can be difficult in a lot benefits and flavour. to theorise that God is infinite and that the
of ways as the heat has drastic
on us in the form of heat
You can replace your
tea and coffee with
souls or jivas are not different from him and
that the world is a mere dream. The truth is
stroke, sunburn and dehydra- green tea. As per that souls are infinitesimal points of light,
tion among other things. With the research, if drunk in Similarly, incorporating something we all succumb to. Start your mornings with healthy eternal in their existence and God is a
soaring temperature, even when moderate amounts, it can be as seeds and olive oil will pro- But it increases our sugar intake, food supreme point of light.
most of us are restricted indoors, hydrating as water. Its anti- vide you with a fibre-rich which is the case even when we Breakfast is the most impor- When souls are suffering, they call out
it is easy to lose focus on our inflammatory properties will help diet. make smoothies and shakes at tant meal of the day. How you start to God to come and liberate them from their
health. Severe sweating can cause with other summer issues like home. Instead of using sugar, use your day essentially determines the bondage and end their misery. It is thus obvi-
an electrolyte imbalance due to cooling down the redness and Do yoga and low-impact exercis- healthier alternatives like honey rest of your day. It is recommend- ous from this that the soul is not God. If it
the loss of sodium from the body swelling of sunburn, acne or irri- Don’t overeat and es to remain fit and stevia. Stevia is a non-nutri- ed to start the morning with light were God, then it would not be undergoing
and often demotivates people tation. add healthy alternatives to your While it is unimaginable to tive and zero-calorie sweetener and healthy food like corn flakes suffering in the first place. And this also
from working out. The same is diet indulge in a heavy workout dur- that is made of steviol glycosides or muesli. It will keep you filled for shows that God is not omnipresent. If he was
followed by a loss of appetite and Meditate to stay away from When you lose appetite dur- ing the summer months, you extracted from the leaves of a longer and won’t be heavy on the present everywhere, then there would have
an absence of cravings for oily, stress ing summers, it is easy to fill your- don’t want to lose your gains in plant with the same name. It is gut. One can also go for summer been no need for anyone to pray and beg him
high-calorie foods. These factors It is easy to be irritated and self with finger foods or other terms of weight loss by missing known to reduce calorie intake, fruits as they will keep you hydrat- to come and end their sorrows, right?
can be used to your advantage if restless during summers due to junk food, often resulting in exercise. Hence, do yoga and blood sugar levels and risk of ed as well. Because he comes and liberates human
you wish to lose weight, by fol- the unbearable heat. In present overeating. To avoid unhealthy other low-impact exercises that, cavities. In a nutshell, keep yourself at souls from the bondage of vices, which are
lowing certain dietary habits and circumstances where you are food habits, opt for healthier apart from helping you keep fit, ease with light foods and exercis- the root cause of all human suffering, God
fulfilling the cravings for light and working from home, you can get alternatives. Add foods like act as a stress-buster. This can Healthy snacks es. You wouldn’t want to miss out is called a liberator. Remember, human
cold foods. stressed. All this will affect your quinoa, trail mix, seeds, and olive include walking, swimming, For your hunger pangs, on healthy ingredients in your diet, souls come into these bondages precisely
mental peace, hence it is recom- oil to your diet. Not only will this cycling or elliptical cardio too. always keep healthy snacks and therefore incorporate them into because they are not God, who is never cap-
Drink lots of water and healthy mended to indulge in a long ses- keep you full, but its added ben- cookies with you, especially if your food in different ways. It is tured by bondages as he is pure. That’s the
beverage alternatives sion of meditation to stay away efits will help lose weight. Quinoa Re duce sugar intake and you are diabetic. Sort out your possible to have a tasty and healthy reason why can purify another soul because
The best way to remain from stress which triggers hor- is one of the healthiest and most replace it with healthy alterna- snacks for midday, post-lunch, diet at the same time. all souls are caught in the same quagmire of
hydrated in summers is by drink- mones like cortisol resulting in versatile ingredients out there, tives midnight in the form of trail (The author is director and vices. So, let us connect to that one supreme
ing a lot of water. You can put a weight gain. Cortisol doesn’t only which is power-packed with We may not want to eat mix, cookies and granola bars. It founder of an entrepreneurial source and enlighten ourselves with his pos-
sliced lemon and some mint cause sugar cravings but also nutrients and can be easily incor- heavy foods but craving cold soft will deter you from indulging in venture in the wellness and skin- itive energy and powers to live a life of abun-
leaves in your water jug for added slows down metabolism. porated into most dishes. drinks during the summers is eating unhealthy snacks. care space.) dance.


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VaPbbR^dacc^da]P\T]c2X[XRf^]cWT (cW

cWaTfS^f]cWT>[h\_XRVPd]c[Tcc^ 0? Q ?0A8B was waiting on Sunday. the French Open in 2016,
0\TaXRP]aXeP[ATVP]B\XcWQhb\PbWX]VWTa Djokovic looked drained along with nine titles at the
\QPRZbca^ZTf^a[SaTR^aS^]Bd]SPh alented and tenacious early, and the 22-year-old Australian Open, five at
Tas they come, Novak
Djokovic was not
about to concede a thing
Tsitsipas had the upper hand
for two sets.
“It was not easy for me,
Wimbledon and three at the
US Open.
Of just as much, if not 1PaQ^aP:aTYRXZ^ePaXVWcP]SR^\_PcaX^c:PcTaX]PBX]XPZ^ePZXbbcWTRd_PUcTa
after dropping the first two both physically and mental- more, significance to the
MALVIKA REACHES FINAL sets of the French Open ly,” Djokovic said, “especial- ultimate outcome on
5aP]RTb0]]PCPcaP]^eP!  "!  c^
final against his younger,
fresher foe, Stefanos
ly over the past two or three
Sunday: Djokovic entered
the day with a 34-10 record Barbora completes rare sweep,
T]cTacWTf^\T]bbX]V[TbUX]P[PcAB; Tsitsipas. Eventually, though, in five-setters — including a
Djokovic looked dimin-
ished and depleted at the
outset Sunday. By the end, he
Djokovic started making
fewer mistakes, got his best-
in-the-game returning on
men’s-record 31 wins in
Grand Slam matches of that
length — while Tsitsipas
wins women’s doubles crown
05?Q ?0A8B on I can really enjoy because
DU PLESSIS RECOVERING was at his imperious best. track and served so flawless- was 5-4. I have pretty much achieved
01D37018)<dRWc^cWTRaXRZTc The top-seeded ly down the stretch that he On a sunny and breezy rench Open champion everything I really wanted.
R^\\d]XchbaT[XTUB^dcW0UaXRP]bcPa5PUSd Djokovic came all the way
?[TbbXb^]Bd]SPhbPXSWTfPbQPRZUa^\cWT back to beat the fifth-seed-
did not face a single break
point over the last three
afternoon, with the temper-
ature approaching 80
F Barbora Krejcikova com-
pleted a rare sweep of titles
Now I can just improve,
that's the only thing I can do,
W^b_XcP[P]S²aTR^eTaX]V³PUcTabdUUTaX]VP ed Tsitsipas 6-7 (6), 2-6, 6- sets. degrees Fahrenheit, Tsitsipas at Roland Garros as she won just improving.”
R^]RdbbX^]SdaX]VWXb@dTccP6[PSXPc^ab?B; 3, 6-2, 6-4 for his second That enabled him to needed just over 100 min- a third women’s doubles In addition to her pair of
\PcRWPVPX]bc?TbWPfPaIP[\X championship at Roland complete his sixth career utes to grab a big lead on major trophy with fellow trophies, Krejcikova will
Garros and 19th Grand Slam comeback from two sets Sunday. Czech teammate Katerina reclaim the No 1 spot in the
MILKHA’S WIFE NO MORE title overall. down — and second of the A supreme returner and Siniakova on Sunday. doubles rankings next week.
<>70;8)=Xa\P[:PdaU^a\Ta8]SXP]f^\T] Djokovic is now just past week. imposer of his will, Djokovic Less than 24 hours after “We will have a little bit
e^[[ThQP[[cTP\RP_cPX]P]SfXUT^U<X[ZWP one major trophy away Indeed, the International grabbed early breaks of serve she claimed her maiden sin- glass of champagne,”
BX]VWSXTSPcP<^WP[XW^b_XcP[SdTc^ from tying the men’s record Tennis Federation said in each of the third, fourth gles slam title, Krejcikova Krejcikova said. “I already
2^eXS (aT[PcTSR^\_[XRPcX^]b^]Bd]SPh of 20 shared by Rafael Djokovic — who trailed 19- and fifth sets. became the first woman said I don’t really drink but
Nadal and Roger Federer. year-old Lorenzo Musetti Shadows were spreading since Mary Pierce in 2000 to I think it’s a time to actually
MANKAD IN ICC HALL OF FAME And reigning Australian two sets to none in the across the court as the sun lift both trophies at the clay- celebrate it. I think we going
3D108)CWT822^]Bd]SPhX]SdRcTS  Open champion Djokovic fourth round — is the first descended in the early court major. Only seven to really enjoy.”
XR^]b^UcWTVP\TX]R[dSX]V8]SXPbEX]^^ now stands halfway to a cal- =^ePZ3Y^Z^eXRcWd\Qbd_fXcWcWTRd_PUcTaSTUTPcX]VBcTUP]^bCbXcbX_PbX] man in the professional era evening and, though women have completed the Krejcikova, who defeat-
<P]ZPSX]c^XcbX[[dbcaX^db7P[[^U5P\TfXcW endar-year Grand Slam, cWTXaUX]P[\PcRW^UcWT5aT]RW>_T]c^da]P\T]cPccWTA^[P]S6Paa^bbcPSXd\ to win a Grand Slam tourna- Djokovic complained that titles sweep at Roland ed Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova
X]?PaXb^]Bd]SPh3Y^Z^eXRf^]%&!%%"%!%# 0?
cf^_[PhTabTPRWUa^\UXeTTaPbSPcX]VQPRZ something no man has ment after twice facing a 2- the artificial lights were Garros. for the women’s singles title
c^RaXRZTcbTPa[hSPhb\PZX]VXcc^cWT[Xbc accomplished since Rod Serb likened to scaling Mt matches at the clay-court 0 deficit in sets. switched on, he shined when “Right now after all of on Saturday, also became
Laver in 1969. Everest — in a semifinal that major tournament. Experience could have it mattered the most. this happened, this last two the first player to sweep both
HASAN ALI TO MISS PSL The 34-year-old lasted more than four hours Djokovic also defeated been a factor, too. This was another match weeks, last two days, I feel titles at any Grand Slam
01D37018)8b[P\PQPSD]XcTSUPbcQ^f[Ta Djokovic eliminated 13-time Friday night. Nadal in Paris in 2015 before This was the first major that lasted more than four really relieved and relaxed,” tournament since Serena
7PbP]0[XfX[[\XbbcWTaT\PX]STa^UcWT?B; French Open champion That was only Nadal’s losing that year’s final, and it final for Tsitsipas and 29th hours, and Djokovic was up Krejcikova said. Williams at Wimbledon in
QTRPdbT^UUP\X[hR^\\Xc\T]cb 0VT]RXTb Nadal — a challenge the third career loss in 108 appeared as if the same fate for Djokovic, who also won to the task again. “I just know from now 2016.

Rome: 8cP[h\XSUXT[STa<PaR^ETaaPccXXb

05?Q ;>=3>= fX]PVPX]bcCdaZThQdcWPbaTcda]TSc^
aheem Sterling ignited W^_TUd[cWT!'hTPa^[SR^d[SQTUXcU^acWT

R England’s Euro 2020 cam-

paign as the Manchester City
forward’s clinical finish sealed a 1-

0 win against Croatia in their
Group D opener on Sunday. Lisbon: ?^acdVP[b9^P^2P]RT[^WPbcTbcTS
Gareth Southgate’s side were _^bXcXeTU^a2^eXS (P]SXb^dc^U4da^cWT
struggling to break down Croatia STUT]SX]VRWP\_X^]bP]]^d]RTS^]
until Sterling struck in the second Bd]SPh<P]RWTbcTaD]XcTSb3X^V^3P[^c
half at sun-baked Wembley. ^][^P]c^02<X[P]WPbaT_[PRTScWT
The 26-year-old’s first goal at a <P]RWTbcTa2XchaXVWcQPRZX]cWT?^acdVdTbT
major tournament — in his 13th b`dPSfXcWcWTcXc[TW^[STab^_T]X]VcWTXa
game — was the perfect riposte to 6a^d_5RP\_PXV]PVPX]bc7d]VPahX]
critics who questioned Southgate’s 1dSP_Tbc^]CdTbSPh
decision to select him instead of
Jack Grealish. 14=I4<06A84I<0==58=4
Sterling has endured a che-
quered relationship with England
fans after being hounded following
his tame performances at Euro
1T[VXd\bCW^\Pb<Td]XTaaXVWcRT[TQaPcTbfXcWA^\T[d;dZPZdPUcTabR^aX]VWXbbXSTb 6Ta\P]h^]CdTbSPhCWT_PXaT\TaVTSUa^\
2016. cTP\bUX]P[UaXT]S[hfX]PVPX]bc1d[VPaXPUXeT
He also struggled to hold down bTR^]SV^P[PVPX]bcAdbbXP^]BPcdaSPh 0?
a place with Premier League cham- St Petersburg: Belgium striker doubled Belgium’s lead on 34 U^a1T]iT\PP]SRP[UXbbdTU^a6aXTi\P]]
pions City this term, culminating even win a major tournament for substitutes and scored late to help utes later, making the 37-year-old Romelu Lukaku sent a message of minutes before Lukaku put the
in his lacklustre display in their the first time since the 1966 World Austria beat North Macedonia 3- veteran the second oldest player to support to his stricken Inter result beyond doubt with a late AD43864AA403HC>64C38ACH
Champions League final defeat Cup. 1 Sunday in Group C. score in the tournament’s history. Milan team-mate Christian second goal. Munich: 2WT[bTPSTUT]STa0]c^]X^
against Chelsea. In truth, this was a far from It was Austria’s first win at a Only Ivica Vastic was older when Eriksen after scoring, as his dou- Belgium, the world’s top- AdTSXVTaX]bXbcb6Ta\P]h]TTSc^VTcP[Xcc[T
But, days after he was given an convincing performance, but major football tournament in 31 he scored for Austria against Poland ble helped the Red Devils open ranked team, are under pressure SXachX]cWTXa4da^!!^_T]TaPVPX]bc
MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Southgate will take heart from the years and its first ever at the at Euro 2008 when he was 38. their Euro 2020 campaign with a to deliver at the European 5aP]RT^]CdTbSPhX]^aSTac^bdQSdTcWT
Honours List for his anti-racism way his team kept their nerve on a European Championship. 3-0 win over Russia on Saturday. Championship as some pundits f^a[SRWP\_X^]bU^afPaSUXaT_^fTa5aP]RT
campaigning, Sterling enjoyed a pressure-packed occasion. Austria defender Stefan Lainer FINLAND SNATCH WIN Lukaku gave Belgium an claim this is Martinez’s last bcPacPbR[TPaUPe^daXcTbU^acWT6a^d_5R[PbW
perfectly-timed moment of England host neighbours scored the first goal in the 18th Copenhagen: Finland beat early lead in Saint Petersburg, chance to win a title with an age- fWX[T6Ta\P]hbSTUT]RTUPRTbPbcTa]cTbc
redemption. Scotland in their second Group D minute, and then grabbed a white Denmark 1-0 in their opening then shouted “Chris, Chris, stay ing squad. WPeX]V[TPZTS!V^P[bX] "VP\TbcWXb
In a rematch of the 2018 World match on Friday before taking on shirt from the bench to deliver a match of Euro 2020 which was strong - I love you” into a pitch- Yet even with Manchester bTPb^]5aTbWUa^\fX]]X]VcWT2WP\_X^]b
Cup semi-final won by Croatia, the Czech Republic in their final message to Christian Eriksen, the overshadowed by Christian Eriksen side camera during the celebra- City playmaker Kevin De Bruyne ;TPVdTUX]P[fXcW2WT[bTPAdTSXVTaX]bXbcb
England were hampered by a lack game of the first stage on June 22. Denmark midfielder who collapsed collapsing and having to be revived tion for his opening goal. and Borussia Dortmund mid- cWT6Ta\P]bRP]X[[PUU^aSc^P[[^f5aP]RTb
of cutting edge until Sterling came on the field on Saturday in on the field by medics. “I am really happy with the fielder Axel Witsel sidelined by bcPaU^afPaSb[XZT:h[XP]<QP__TP]S
to the rescue. AUSTRIA’S 1ST SUCCESS Copenhagen. Joel Pohjanpalo scored the win, but it was hard for me to play injury, Belgium were too strong 0]c^X]T6aXTi\P]]a^^\c^PccPRZ°>U
Sterling’s winner eased the ten- Bucharest: Austria finally earned a “Eriksen, stay strong,” the mes- only goal on the hour mark of a because my thoughts were with for Russia. R^dabTcWThWPeTV^^SU^afPaSbfTWPeTc^
sion at Wembley and got fans bel- victory at the European sage read. Group B match which was Christian Erkisen,” said Lukaku, Before kick-off, the Belgium QTaTPShc^fX]cWT^]T^]^]TRWP[[T]VTb±
lowing ‘Football’s coming home’ in Championship, and they got the Austria’s lead didn’t last long, stopped for nearly two hours after who revealed he cried tears of team were booed for taking a AdTSXVTabPXSFTWPeTc^QTP[Xcc[TSXach
the hope England can emulate goals they needed from the bench. though. Danish playmaker Eriksen concern before kick-off for his knee to highlight racial injustice, ]^cP[fPhbQT]XRT^acahc^_[Ph]XRT
their run to the semi-finals when Michael Gregoritsch and North Macedonia captain slumped to the turf towards the Inter team-mate. while their Russian opponents U^^cQP[[°0VPX]bc_[PhTab[XZTcWT\h^dWPeT
they hosted Euro 96, and maybe Marko Arnautovic both came on as Goran Pandev equalized 10 min- end of the first half. Substitute Thomas Meunier stood. AFP c^cWa^fS^f]P\PaZTa±


Rome: 8cP[h\XSUXT[STa9^aVX]W^bPXS^]
05?Q 18A<8=670< Southampton: Indians bats- between and this is where 2WP\_X^]b;TPVdTca^_Wh°CWXbVa^d_
man Cheteshwar Pujara says you need to understand and aTbT\Q[Tb2WT[bTPXcbf^]STaUd[cWThPaT
ew Zealand overpowered New Zealand will have the accept the challenge. b^Wd]VahP]SfP]cc^_a^eTb^\TcWX]V
N England by eight wickets in
the second Test at Edgbaston on
advantage going into the
WTC final after playing a
Mentally you have to be
strong, your concentration
Sunday as they sealed a 1-0 Test series against England needs to be up to the mark.” R^]UTaT]RT°FTWPeT[TPa]TSR^PRW
series win with more than a day but India will utilise the Pujara, who has scored A^QTac^<P]RX]Xb_WX[^b^_WhfWPcWT
to spare. available time to prepare 6244 runs in 85 Tests, said fP]cbXbX]^daWTPSb°8bcX[[WPeTPVaTPc
Set a target of just 38 after well for the title clash, start- reaching the WTC final is a STbXaTc^fX]8S^]cfP]cc^bc^_]^f8
England tailender Olly Stone ing here on June 18. special achievement for the f^d[S[XZTc^Tg_TaXT]RTcW^bTbP\T
was out to the very first ball of While the Indian squad Indian team. T\^cX^]bfXcWcWT]PcX^]P[cTP\±
the fourth day, the Blackcaps fin- is training by playing intra- “Personally it means a
ished on 41-2. squad matches after com- lot to me because I am play- 4A8:B4=BC01;4?>BC2>;;0?B4
Tom Latham, captaining pleting their quarantine ing this one format and this Copenhagen: 3T]\PaZ\XSUXT[STa2WaXbcXP]
the team in place of the injured period, New Zealand is the most challenging for- 4aXZbT]aT\PX]TSX]W^b_XcP[QdcXbX]P
Kane Williamson, hit the win- trumped England 1-0 in a mat in cricket. We have ²bcPQ[T³R^]SXcX^]PUcTaR^[[P_bX]VX]WXb
ning boundary to be 23 not out =TfITP[P]S_[PhTabRT[TQaPcTfXcWcWTfX]]Ta´bca^_WhPUcTafX]X]!]SCTbc 0? two-match series in the run- worked really hard as a team R^d]cahb4da^!!VP\TPVPX]bc5X][P]S
C^\;PcWP\bTR^]S[TUcbWPZTbWP]SbfXcW4]V[P]SbIPZ2aPf[Th 0?
after the first Test of a two-match of rest before India but we’ll cel- underperformed. Credit to New up to the World Test for a period of time to reach ^]BPcdaSPhcWT3P]XbW5^^cQP[[D]X^]
series at Lord’s last week ended ebrate as well — we’ve not won Zealand, they have outper- Championship final. pionship,” Pujara told man from Saurashtra said here. 31DbPXSBd]SPh°CWXb\^a]X]VfTWPeT
in a draw. here since 1999, so it’s important formed us throughout the The Indian players “So we are not worried more than anything, adjust- “So, I am sure all the b_^ZT]c^2WaXbcXP]4aXZbT]fW^WPbbT]c
Victory gave New Zealand to celebrate those achievements,” game.” played in the IPL before the about that, we will try and ing to the fickle England guys are looking forward to WXbVaTTcX]Vbc^WXbcTP\\PcTb7Xb
just a third win in 18 Test series said Latham at the presentation Matt Henry was named T20 league was suspended focus on these 10 to 12 weather is a big challenge for the final and winning this R^]SXcX^]XbbcPQ[TP]SWTR^]cX]dTbc^QT
in England, and a first this cen- ceremony. player of the match following due to coronavirus. days which we have for the players. final will mean a lot to us. W^b_XcP[XiTSU^aUdacWTaTgP\X]PcX^]±cWT
tury after their 1986 and 1999 By contrast, this was overall figures of 6-114. “They will obviously preparation. We are also “Playing in different But even to reach the final U^^cQP[[Q^ShbPXSX]P_^bcc^CfXccTa
triumphs. England’s first series loss at South Africa-born opener have advantage having going to play a practice conditions in a single day the team has worked really
And it means they will head home since a 2014 defeat by Sri Devon Conway was named played two Test matches game and we will try and here is the most challenging hard for two years.” <0C274BC>30H
into next week’s inaugural World Lanka. New Zealand’s player of the before the final but when it make the most of what we part for a batsman because The 33-year-old said the 6FRWODQGYV&]HFK5HSXEOLF SP
Test Championship final against “It hasn’t been our best series after he followed a comes to final we will give have. If we utilise these days if it rains you go off the field Indian team is a well-knit 3RODQGYV6ORYDNLD SP
India at Southampton in confi- week, has it?” England captain remarkable 200 on Test debut at our best and we know that well I feel that our team will and then suddenly it stops unit as the players have spent
dent mood. Joe Root told BBC Radio. Lord’s with 80 in the first innings our team has the potential to be up for the final.” raining and you start again. considerable time together in 6SDLQYV6ZHGHQ DP
“It’s great to get an extra day “I think we’ve massively of this match. do well and win the cham- The middle-order bats- “So there are breaks in the bio-bubble. PTI ;XeTccT[TRPbcXX]BB^]hCCT]!!=

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