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Pan American Academy Charter School

Daily Lesson Plan

Teacher(s): Ms. Altman Subject: Thinquiry Date: 3/01/2021
Grade: 2nd
Standard - 3.1.1.A9

• Distinguish between scientific fact and opinion. • Ask questions about objects, organisms, and events. •
Understand that all scientific investigations involve asking and answering questions and comparing the
answer with what is already known. • Plan and conduct a simple investigation and understand that different
questions require different kinds of investigations. • Use simple equipment (tools and other technologies) to
gather data and understand that this allows scientists to collect more information than relying only on their
senses to gather information. • Use data/evidence to construct explanations and understand that scientists
develop explanations based on their evidence and compare them with their current scientific knowledge. •
Communicate procedures and explanations giving priority to evidence and understanding that scientists make
their results public, describe their investigations so they can be reproduced, and review and ask questions
about the work of other scientists.

Anchor Descriptor - S.K-2.A.1.1 Identify the applications of scientific, environmental, or technological


Eligible Content - S.K-2.A.1.1.2 Identify examples of technology.

Eligible Content - S.K-2.A.2.1.1 Understand that making a change to an investigation may change the
outcome(s) of the investigation.

Eligible Content - S.K-2.A.2.1.2 Describe outcomes of an investigation.

Objective w/ATL skill:Thinking, Social, Communication, Self-Management, and Research.
Students will be able to communicate the three different types of bridges (beam, truss, and suspension).
Students will be able to think about what bridge should be built for the following situations: for pedestrians,
for trains, and for long distances.
Students will be able to build a paper bridge.
Assessment: Building 3 types of bridges Unit Theme: Engineering in Action

Do Now/Hook: Do Now/Hook Ideas

- Beam Bridge,Truss, and Suspension Bridge Review
- [CRP Vocabulary Personal Dictionary Diagram] Students will be prompted
to fill out the Personal Illustration and Personal Connection as part of their
Personal Dictionary.
Direct - Setting up the Bridge w/ the Materials
Instruction/Inquiry: - [CRP Vocabulary Personal Dictionary Diagram] Students will be given
directions on how to continue filling out or editing the Personal Illustration
and Personal Connection as part of their Personal Dictionary.
Direct I will have multiple ways of engaging, such as visual cues, written exercises, and
Instruction/Inquiry tactile experiences.
Guided Practice: - Building a ‘strong’ paper bridge
- [CRP Vocabulary Personal Dictionary Diagram] While building each type
of bridge, students will be prompted to edit or add to their definitions on
their Personal Dictionary Diagram.
Guided Practice Students will be able to draw responses and/or draw them.
Independent [CRP Vocabulary Personal Dictionary Diagram] Students will discuss their
Practice/Investigation drawings and personal connections in small groups. This is way for student to
: collaborate with each other using the Personal Dictionary Diagram.
Independent Chat and Share out their responses OR class Dojo me their drawings.
Material(s): Paper, Cups, and Coins/ Legos
Paper + Marker
Personal Dictionary Diagram
Integration of Reading/ Writing Speaking/Listening Math
Reading, Writing,
Speaking, Listening
and Math Write their Do Now and Communicate their Math will be talked about
Guided Activity. thoughts and ideas to the as an important tool in
whole group. engineering.
Homework Learning N/A
Homework: N/A

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