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Read the article again. Answer the questions.

1. In the 1950s, what did the government say people should drink?

Two glasses of milk a day.

2. How is government advice about food different today?

They say we should eat more vegetables and less meat, cheese and butter.

3. How much time do UK women spend on a diet these days?

31 years.

4. How did women in the 1950s exercise?

By doing housework.

5. Why do people put on weight more easily today?

Inventions have made our lives easier.

6. In the 1950, when did people visit the doctor?

When they were seriously ill

7. Which health problems are more common today?

Allergies to food, diabetes.

8. Why didn’t people stop smoking in the 1950s?

They didn’t know how dangerous it was.

9. Where is it illegal to smoke in the UK?

In public places like offices, schools and restaurants.

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