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Made by: Nikita Petrov

I have grown in shading, and drawing digitally. Before this year i always drew on

paper but i started using sketchbook pro and it helped a lot, it's much easier to draw

with. And Mr Rizzo has taught me a lot about shading, where and when I should be

shading, and he taught me to also draw in 3d. So over time I did more shading and

my drawings looked way better.

It shows I have grown because it shows the difference between the details and

shading. And shading is a skill I have chosen to show how I worked on it. Also it

shows how i grew in 3d, and pov, because it shows how the phone is sticking up and

everything else. And I'd say that it shows great improvement from my first couple

drawings that I did physically.

The main solution I created is starting to use sketchbook pro. I started drawing

digitally and it was way easier. Though I'd say if I were to draw on paper it would

look way better because on paper I can use a pencil instead of a mouse. In some

assignments I showed my paper drawings and it looked much better than when I first

started. Although my digital skills have improved a lot throughout the year.

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