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Student Name:

Character Analysis Worksheet

Please complete this worksheet and submit it via Canvas before the end of the session.

Character Name:
Name of Play:
Name of Playwright:

5 ways we learn about a character in a script –

Please answer all that you can find about your character based on the following questions.

1. What the character says

Agatha has a strong sense of justice. She is chaotic good, meaning she has morals but is
willing to break rules to do what is right.

2. What the character does

She wants to fight for her brothers and has a rocky relationship with her sister.

3. What others say about the character

She makes plans without thinking of the consequences sometimes.

4. What the playwright says (in stage directions)

She is strong and aggressive when standing up for her opinion or family.

5. How the character treats others

She has a strong sense of justice and is upset when others don’t.
FACTS & INFERENCES – Please complete the following table with a minimum of 5 of each that
you can find about your character.

Facts - things that are actually said or done that are in the script
Inferences - a conclusion drawn from evidence and reasoning. You can make a
strong guess about a character based on the things they say/do.

1. Agatha has two brothers. 1. Paul and Elliot are her brothers.
2. She wants a scholarship. 2. Irene mentions the scholarship that Agatha
3. Agatha wants to make a stand for Paul. has been wanting for the past 4 years.
4. She is determined to help Paul. 3. She literally states “I want to make a
5. Agatha’s brother, Paul, was expelled. stand…”
4. Throughout the scene she refuses to not
help Paul no matter what happens to her.
5. He was expelled for wearing earrings to
1. She and Irene don’t get along well. 1. They disagree on many points throughout
2. She has a strong sense of justice. the script.
3. Agatha is smart and does well in school. 2. Agatha argues that Paul and Elliot did the
4. Doesn’t really care about school sports. same thing, so they should be punished the
5. Has strong familial ties and believes family same.
comes first. 3. Agatha has been going after a scholarship
for the past four years.
4. She doesn’t care whether Elliot is off the
basketball team, which would affect the
team’s performance.
5. She expects Irene to want to help simply
because Paul is her brother.

Stanislavski’s 4 Elements of Character

● objective
● obstacle
● stakes
● tactics

Based on your research, choose an answer for each of Stanislavski’s Elements of your character.

What does your character want, need? What is their goal?
To have her sister help her bring justice to her brother and make the punishments equal.
What gets in the way of what they want?
Her sister doesn’t want to help and downright doesn’t care.

What motivates your character? What will they gain or lose if they don’t get it?
If she doesn’t get help then she will be the only one standing against the principal. She will
lose her backup.

What does your character do in your monologue to get what they want? What strategies
do they use?
She talks about family and familial ties and brings up justice.

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