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General Assembly

1- Composition (Article 9-22)

Five representative from each member state of UN are nominated to be the part of
General Assembly every year. The total membership of UN is 193. Five persons from
each member state are nominated by that state to be the part of General Assembly.
Hence, there are total 965 members of General Assembly. The principle regarding voting
in General Assembly is one vote for one member state. So, the vote of five persons
nominated by member state to be the part of General Assembly shall be counted as one.
Despite of presence of 965 members of General Assembly, total votes would be 193.
Election among those 965 members of General Assembly is held in september every year
and one of them is elected as President for the year. Similarly, 21 Vice Presidents are
elected. President is only the head of General Assembly.
Five Representatives from one state
But principle follows, one member one vote
President for one year
21 Vice Presidents for one year
Chairman of six committees
2- Functions and Powers
The considerable powers and functions of General Assembly are five in number.
a. Delibrative Function
Delibrative function is that any point of International Law or an International issue
can be discussed in General Assembly. General Assembly may discuss any question
on any matter with in the scope of present Charter. General Assembly may discuss
any question relating to maintenace of peace and security.
Validation of Resolution
The question is that if these questions are brought into General Assembly then what
would be the power of General Assembly on that? Would the decision of General
Assembly be binding on that or not? In International Law it is classified as Hard Law
and Soft Law. Soft Law is a document which is not binding while Hard Law is the
document which is binding. Similarly, some resolutions of General Assembly are
binding while others are not. The issues on which decision in General assembly is
made by two-third majority then it would be binding. The issues on which decision is
made by simple majority shall not be binding. Hence, every issue picked up by
General Assembly is not a Hard Law or binding.
Recommendations of General Assembly have no Binding effect.
b. Supervisory Funtions
It supervises Economic and Social Council and Trusteeship Council and specialized
agencies of United Nations.
c. Financial Functions
General Assembly has the power to consider and approve the budget(Yearly
income+Yearly expenditure) of the organization. The budget is to be passed by two-
third majority of General Assembly.
General Assembly has the Power to apportion the contributions.
d. Elective Functions
General Assembly elects of the members of other organs of UN.
Admission or Expulsion of members in United Nations
e. Constituent Function
If an amendment is to be made in the UN Charter then General Assembly will do it.
3- Voting Procedure
There is two kinds of voting procedure in General Assembly. The resolutions which are
passed by General Assembly are either binding(Hard Law) or non-binding (Soft Law)
resolutions. The resolution which is passed by General Assembly with two-third majority
is Hard Law while the resolution which is passed by General Assembly with simple
majority is Soft Law. Two-third majority is required in General Assembly on important
points and issues while less important like procedural matters are passed with simple
majority. General Assembly is the organ of UN which is also known as world legislature.
For example, if a resolution is to be passed regarding International peace and security
then two-third majority will be required. The election of members of all other organs of
UN and the suspension, expulsion and grant of membership of UN shall be done with
two-third majority. The annual budget of UN is also to be passed by General Assembly
with two-third majority.
On less important or un important policies and questions which are of procedural nature
require simple majority.
4- Uniting for Peace 1950
It is the resolution which is the biggest power of General Assembly. Unity for Peace is a
resolution passed in 1950 and a power was given to General Assembly in this resolution.
The power is that General Assembly can pass a resolution in order to require help from
whole world to control the situation if peace is being threatened anywhere in the world if
in security council a decision cannot be made because of veto. For example, if peace is
being threatened anywhere in the world the it is work of Security Council to maintain
International peace and security and a decision cannot be made by Security Council such
as 14 members agree and one permanent member veto it then the decision will be
rejected and the unanimity of five permanent members which is required does not happen
by any one permanent member then by Unity for Peace resolution the power shifts to
General Assembly that General Assembly shall pass it with two-third majority.
If Security Council because of lack of unanimity of permanent members, fails to exercise
its primary responsibility for international peace and security, the General Assembly shall
consider the matter immediately, with a view for making appropriate recommendations to
members for collective measures to restore the peace.

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