Third Condicional Exercise

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1. Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type III) by putting the verbs into the correct form.

1. If you (ask)   me, I (help)   you.

2. If we (go)   to the cinema, we (see)   my friend Jacob.

3. If you (speak)   English, she (understand)  .

4. If they (listen)   to me, we (be)   home earlier.

5. I (write)   you a postcard if I (have)   your address.

6. If I (not / break)   my leg, I (take part)   in the contest.

7. If it (not/ start)   to rain, we (walk)   to the museum.

8. We (swim)   in the sea if there (not / be)   so many sharks there.

9. If she (take)   the bus, she (not / arrive)   on time.


1. If you had worked hard, you         the exam.

2. If they had taken him to hospital earlier, he         .

3. I         you the document, if you had given me your email address.

4. He         the bus, if he had woken up earlier.

5. If I         you were coming, I would have prepared a delicious meal.

6. If you         late, you would have caught the six o'clock train.

7. I         you a present if I had known it was your birthday.

8. If the weather had been better last weekend, we         to the beach.

9. If you          to the meeting yesterday, you would have met Jane.

10. The accident         if the driver hadn't been driving fast.

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