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Blockchain Transaction Processing

Article · May 2018

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-63962-8_333-1


46 10,643

2 authors:

Suyash Gupta Mohammad Sadoghi

University of California, Davis University of California, Davis


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Blockchain Transaction
In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto (Satoshi 2008) came
up with the design of an unanticipated technology
Suyash Gupta and Mohammad Sadoghi
that revolutionized the research in the distributed
Department of Computer Science, University of
systems community. Nakamoto presented the de-
California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA
sign of a peer-to-peer money exchange process
that was shared yet distributed. Nakamoto named
his transactional token as Bitcoin and brought
forth design of a new paradigm blockchain.
The key element of any blockchain system
Blockchain consensus; Blockchain data manage-
is the existence of an immutable tamper-proof
ment; Cryptocurrency
block. In its simplest form, a block is an encrypted
aggregation of a set of transactions. The existence
of a block acts as a guarantee that the transactions
have been executed and verified.
A newly created block is appended to an
A blockchain is a linked list of immutable
existing chain of blocks. This chain of blocks
tamper-proof blocks, which is stored at each
is predominantly a linked list which associates
participating node. Each block records a set
one block with the other. The initial block of
of transactions and the associated metadata.
any such list is a genesis block (Decker and
Blockchain transactions act on the identical
Wattenhofer 2013). Genesis block is a special
ledger data stored at each node. Blockchain was
block that is numbered zero and is hard-coded
first perceived by Satoshi Nakamoto (Satoshi
in the blockchain application. Each other block
2008), as a peer-to-peer money exchange system.
links to some previously existing block. Hence,
Nakamoto referred to the transactional tokens
a blockchain grows by appending new blocks to
exchanged among clients in his system as
the existing chain.
A transaction in a blockchain system is
identical to any distributed or OLTP transac-
tion (TPP Council 2010) that acts on some data.

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

S. Sakr, A. Zomaya (eds.), Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies,
2 Blockchain Transaction Processing

Blockchain Transaction Processing, Fig. 1 Basic blockchain representations

Traditional blockchain applications (such as Bit- servers of the blockchain system (Nawab 2018).
coin) consist of transactions that represent an ex- These transactions act on the data stored on all
change of money between two entities (or users). the participating servers. In its vanilla form, a
Each valid transaction is recorded in a block, blockchain transaction could be visualized as a
which can contain multiple transactions, for ef- set of read/write operations performed on each
ficiency. Immutability is achieved by leveraging node of a replicated distributed database. To de-
strong cryptographic properties such as hash- termine an ordering for all the incoming trans-
ing (Katz and Lindell 2007). Figure 1 presents the actions, each blockchain application employs a
structure of a simple blockchain. consensus (Steen and Tanenbaum 2017) protocol.
A blockchain is a linked list in a true sense, as A distributed consensus algorithm (Lamport
each block stores the hash of the previous block 1998; Gray and Lamport 2006) allows a system
in its chain. Each block also digitally signs its to reach a common decision, respected by the ma-
contents by storing the hash of its contents inside jority of nodes. Recent blockchain technologies
the block. These hashes provide cryptographic present several strategies for establishing consen-
integrity, as any adversary intending to modify sus: Proof-of-Work (Jakobsson and Juels 1999;
a block needs to also modify all the previous Satoshi 2008), Proof-of-Stake (King and Nadal
blocks in a chain, which makes the attack crypto- 2012), Proof-of-Authority (Parity Technologies
graphically infeasible. A key design strategy is to 2018), Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (Cas-
construct a Merkle tree (Katz and Lindell 2007) tro and Liskov 1999; Cachin 2016), and so on. To
to efficiently store and verify the hashes. Thus, quantify the allowed set of nodes that can create
each block only stores the root of the Merkle a block (or participate in the consensus process),
tree, as given the root, it is easy to verify the it is also necessary to characterize the topologies
immutability. for blockchain systems.
The preceding discussion allows us to sum-
marize that a blockchain aims at securely storing Blockchain Execution
a set of transactions. In the succeeding sections, Figure 2 illustrates the three main phases required
we discuss in detail the transaction processing in by any blockchain application to create a new
a blockchain system. We also study mechanisms block. The client transmits a transactional request
to validate these transactions and analyze some to one of the servers. This server multicasts the
blockchain applications that employ the same. request to all other servers. We term this phase
as transaction dissemination. Once all the servers
have a copy of client request, they initiate a
Key Research Findings consensus protocol. The choice of underlying
consensus protocol affects the time complexity
Transactions in a blockchain system are iden- and resource consumption. The winner of the
tical to their traditional database counterparts. consensus phase generates the next block and
These transactions are issued by the clients to the transmits it to all other servers. This transmission
Blockchain Transaction Processing 3

Blockchain Transaction Processing, Fig. 2 other servers. (b) Servers run the underlying consensus
Blockchain flow: Three main phases in any blockchain protocol, to determine the block creator. (c) New block is
application are represented. (a) Client sends a transaction created and transmitted to each node, which also implies
to one of the servers, which it disseminates to all the adding to global ledger

process is equivalent to adding an entry (block) to valid block. Hence, if all the nodes have same
the global distributed ledger. resources, then each node has equal probability
of creating a block (We are assuming fair and
Blockchain Topologies ideal conditions, where each node works inde-
A key parameter that renders the design of a pendently.). Private blockchain systems are at the
blockchain application is the categorization of other end of the spectrum, as they allow only
nodes to be part of the application. Recent some nodes to be part of the consensus process,
works (Pilkington 2015; Cachin and Vukolic and only a subset of these nodes can generate
2017) categorize blockchain systems as either the next block. These systems could be utilized
public, private, permissioned, or hybrid. Al- at a banking organization which only allows its
though the characteristics of a public blockchain customers to participate in the consensus, while
is clearly stated in the community, there is its employees are only permitted to commit the
no common consensus on the terminology results by creating a block.
pertaining to the other terms. Hybrid blockchain systems attain a middle
We categorize blockchain systems under four ground between the two extremes. These sys-
heads: public, private, permissioned, and hybrid. tems allow any node to be part of the consensus
Figure 3 presents a pictorial representation of the process, but only some designated nodes are
different categories. In these figures nodes that allowed to form the next block. Cryptocurrency
are not allowed to participate in the activities Ripple (Schwartz et al. 2014) supports a variant
pertaining to the network lack connections to any of the hybrid model, where some public insti-
node in the network. We use different circles to tutions can act as transaction validators. Per-
demarcate different zones of operation; certain missioned blockchain systems are the restricted
nodes are allowed to lead (or create the block), variant of public blockchain systems. These sys-
and some are allowed to participate in the con- tems enlist few nodes as the members with equal
sensus protocol. Public blockchain systems such rights, that is, each node as part of the system
as Bitcoin (Satoshi 2008) and Ethereum (Wood can form a block. These systems allow us to
2015) allow any node to participate in the consen- represent internal working of any organization,
sus process, and any node can generate the next social media groups, and an early stage startup.
4 Blockchain Transaction Processing

Blockchain Transaction Processing, Fig. 3 Topologies for blockchain systems. (a) Public blockchain. (b) Hybrid
blockchain. (c) Permissioned blockchain. (d) Private blockchain

Blockchain Consensus However, it is possible that multiple nodes could

The common denominator for all the blockchain lay claim for the next block to be added to the
applications is the underlying distributed con- chain. Based on the dissemination of the new
sensus algorithm. Nakamoto suggested Proof- block, this could lead to branching out of the
of-Work (Satoshi 2008) (henceforth referred as single chain. Interestingly, these branches are
PoW) for achieving consensus among the partici- often short-lived, as all the nodes tend to align
pating nodes. PoW requires each node to demon- themselves to the longest chain, which in turn
strate its ability to solve a nontrivial task. The leads to pruning of the branches. It is important
participating nodes compete among themselves to understand that a node receives incentive when
to solve a complex puzzle (such as computation it is able to append a block to the longest chain.
of a 256-bit SHA value). The node which com- Hence, it is to their advantage to always align
putes the solution gets the opportunity to generate with the longest chain; otherwise they would
the next block. It also disseminates the block to end up spending their computational resources
all the nodes, which marks as the proof that it for zero gains. Note: PoW algorithm can theo-
performed some nontrivial computation. Hence, retically be compromised by an adversary con-
all other nodes respect the winner’s ability and trolling at least 51% of computational resources
reach the consensus by continuing to chain ahead in the network. This theoretical possibility has
of this block. practical implications as a group of miners can
In PoW the accessibility to larger computa- share resources to generate blocks faster, skewing
tional resources determines the winner node(s). the decentralized nature of the network.
Blockchain Transaction Processing 5

Proof-of-Stake (King and Nadal 2012) be used alongside nonpublic blockchain systems.
(henceforth referred at PoS) aims at preserving The key idea is to designate a set of nodes as B
the decentralized nature of the blockchain the authority. These nodes are entrusted with
network. In PoS algorithm a node with n% the task of creating new blocks and validating
resources gets n% time opportunity to create the transactions. PoA marks a block as part
a block. Hence, the underlying principle in PoS of the blockchain if it is signed by majority
is that the node with higher stake lays claim to of the authorized nodes. The incentive model
the generation of the next block. To determine in PoA highlights that it is in the interest of
a node’s stake, a combination of one or more an authority node to maintain its reputation, to
factors, such as wealth, resources, and so on, receive periodic incentives. Hence, PoA does not
could be utilized. PoS algorithm requires a set of select nodes based on their claimed stakes.
nodes to act as validators. Any node that wants to Proof-of-Space (Ateniese et al. 2014; Dziem-
act as a validator needs to lock out its resources, bowski et al. 2015) also known as Proof-of-
as a proof of its stake. Capacity (henceforth referred as PoC) is a con-
PoS only permits a validator to create new sensus algorithm orthogonal to PoW. It expects
blocks. To create a new block, a set of validators nodes to provide a proof that they have sufficient
participate in the consensus algorithm. PoS con- “storage” to solve a computational problem. PoC
sensus algorithm has two variants: (i) chain-based algorithm targets computational problems such as
and (ii) BFT-style. Chain-based PoS algorithm hard-to-pebble graphs (Dziembowski et al. 2015)
uses a pseudorandom algorithm to select a val- that need large amount of memory storage to
idator, which then creates a new block and adds it solve the problem. In the PoC algorithm, the ver-
to the existing chain of blocks. The frequency of ifier first expects a prover to commit to a labeling
selecting the validator is set to some predefined of the graph, and then he queries the prover for
time interval. BFT-style algorithm runs a byzan- random locations in the committed graph. The
tine fault tolerance algorithm to select the next key intuition behind this approach is that unless
valid block. Here, validators are given the right to the prover has sufficient storage, he would not
propose the next block, at random. Another key pass the verification. PoC-based cryptocurrency
difference between these algorithms is the syn- such as SpaceMint (Park et al. 2015) claims PoC-
chrony requirement; chain-based PoS algorithms based approaches more resource efficient to PoW
are inherently synchronous, while BFT-style PoS as storage consumes less energy.
is partially synchronous. A decade prior to the first blockchain
Early implementations of PoS such as Peer- application, distributed consensus problem
coin (King and Nadal 2012) suffer from non- had excited the researchers. Paxos (Lamport
convergence, that is, lack of single chain (also 1998) and Viewstamped Replication (Oki
referred as “nothing-at-stake” attack). Such a sit- and Liskov 1988) presented key solutions to
uation happens when the longest chain branches distributed consensus when the node failures
into multiple forks. Intuitively, the nodes should were restricted to fail-stop. Castro and Liskov
aim at converging the branches into the single (1999) presented their novel Practical Byzantine
longest chain. However, if the participating nodes Fault Tolerance (henceforth referred as PBFT)
are incentive driven, then they could create blocks consensus algorithm to handle byzantine
in both the chains, to maximize their gains. Such failures. Interestingly, all of previously discussed
an attack is not possible on PoW as it would consensus algorithms provide similar guarantees
require a node to have double the number of as PBFT. Garay et al. (2015) helped in
computational resources, but as PoS does not establishing an equivalence between the PoW and
require solving a complex problem, nodes can general consensus algorithms. This equivalence
easily create multiple blocks. motivated the community to design efficient
Proof-of-Authority (Parity Technologies alternatives to PoW.
2018) (henceforth referred as PoA) is designed to
6 Blockchain Transaction Processing

PBFT runs a three-phase protocol to reach a are relieved from the task of ensuring a global or-
consensus among all the non-byzantine nodes. der for the client requests. This task is delegated
PBFT requires a bound on the number of byzan- to the client, which in turn informs the replicas if
tine nodes. If “n” represents the total number they are not in sync.
of nodes in the system, then PBFT bounds  the˘ The protocol initiates with a client sending
number of byzantine nodes “f ” as f  nC1 3
; a request to the primary, which in turn sends
PBFT-based algorithms have an advantage of a pre-prepare message to all the replicas. The
reduced resource consumption but suffer from structure of the prepare message is similar to
large message complexity (order O.n2 /). Hence, its PBFT counterpart except that it includes a
these algorithms are preferred for restricted or digest summarizing the history. Each replica, on
small blockchain systems, in order to have less receiving a request from the primary, executes
message overhead. the request and transmits the response to the
The algorithm starts with a client sending a client. Each response, in addition to the fields in
request to the primary node. The primary node the pre-prepare message, contains the digest of
verifies the request, assigns a sequence num- history and a signed copy of message from the
ber, and sends a pre-prepare message to all the primary. If the client receives 3f C 1 matching
replicas. Each pre-prepare message also contains responses, then it assumes the response is stable
the client’s request and the current view number. and considers the request completed. In case the
When a replica receives a pre-prepare message, number of matching responses received by the
it first verifies the request and then transmits a client are in the range 2f C 1 and 3f , then it
prepare message to all the nodes. The prepare creates a commit certificate and transmits this
message contains the digest of client request, certificate to all the nodes. The commit certificate
sequence number, and view number. Once a node includes the history which proves to a receiving
receives 2f prepare messages, matching to the replica that it can safely commit the history and
pre-prepare message, it multicasts a commit mes- start processing the next request. All the replicas
sage. The commit message also contains the di- acknowledge the client for the commit certificate.
gest of client request, sequence number, and view If the client receives less than 2f C 1 responses,
number. Each replica waits for receiving identical then it starts a timer and informs all the replicas
2f C1 commit messages, before executing the re- again about the impending request. Now, either
quest and then transmits the solution to the client. the request would be safely completed, or a new
The client needs f C 1 matching responses primary would be elected.
from different replicas, to mark the request as Although Zyzzyva achieves higher throughput
complete. If the client timeouts while waiting for than PBFT, its client-based speculative execution
f C 1 responses, then it multicasts the request is far from ideal. Zyzzyva places a lot of faith on
to all the replicas. Each replica on receiving a the correctness of the client, which is quite dis-
request from the client, which it has not executed, comforting, as a malicious client can prevent the
starts a timer and queries the primary. If the pri- replicas from maintaining linearizability. Aard-
mary does not reply until timeout, then the repli- vark (Clement et al. 2009) studies the ill-effects
cas proceed to change the primary. Note: PBFT of various fast, byzantine fault-tolerant protocols
heavily relies on strong cryptographic guarantees, and presents the design of a robust BFT proto-
and each message is digitally signed by the sender col. In Aadvark, the messages are signed by the
using his private key. client using both digital signatures and message
Zyzzyva (Kotla et al. 2007) is another inter- authentication codes (Katz and Lindell 2007).
esting byzantine fault tolerance protocol aimed This prevents malicious clients from performing
at reducing the costs associated with BFT-style a denial-of-service attack, as it is costly for the
protocols. Zyzzyva (Kotla et al. 2007) allows the client to sign each message two times. Aadvark
replicas to reach early consensus by permitting uses point-to-point communication, instead of
speculative execution. In Zyzzyva, the replicas multicast communication. The key intuition be-
Blockchain Transaction Processing 7

hind such a choice is to disallow a faulty client is a network of nodes (also known as miners)
of replica from blocking the complete network. that take a set of client transactions and validate B
Aadvark also periodically changes the primary the same by demonstrating a Proof-of-Work, that
replica. Each replica tracks the throughput of the is, generating a block. The process of generating
current primary and suggests replacing the pri- the next block is nontrivial and requires large
mary, when there is a decrease in its throughput. computational resources. Hence, the miners are
The authors use a simple timer to track the rate of given incentives (such as Bitcoins) for dedicating
primary response. their resources and generating the block. Each
RBFT (Aublin et al. 2013) is a simple ex- miner maintains locally an updated copy of the
tension to Aardvark. RBFT aims at detecting complete blockchain and the associated ledgers
smartly malicious primary replica, which could for every Bitcoin user.
avoid being detected malicious by other replicas. To ensure Bitcoin system remains fair toward
The key intuition behind RBFT is to prevent the all the machines, the difficulty of Proof-of-Work
primary from insinuating delays that are within challenge is periodically increased. We also know
the stated threshold. Hence, the primary could re- that Bitcoin is vulnerable to 51% attack, which
duce the throughput without being ever replaced. can lead to double spending (Rosenfeld 2014).
To tackle this problem, RBFT insists running The intensity of such attacks increases when
f C 1 independent instances of the Aardvark multiple forks of the longest chain are created. To
protocol on each node. One of the instances is avoid these attacks, Bitcoin developers suggest
designated as the “master instance,” and it exe- the clients to wait for their block to be confirmed
cutes the requests. The rest of the instances are before they mark the Bitcoins as transferred. This
labeled as the “backup instances,” and they order wait ensures that the specific block is a little deep
the requests and monitor the performance of the (nearly six blocks) in the longest chain (Rosen-
master instance. If any backup instance observes feld 2014). Bitcoin critics also argue that its
a degradation of the performance of the master Proof-of-Work consumes huge energy (As per
instance, then it transmits a message to elect a some claims, one Bitcoin transaction consumes
new primary. Note: RBFT does not allow more power equivalent to that required by 1:5 Amer-
than one primary on any node. Hence, each node ican homes per day.) and may not be a viable
can have at most one primary instance. RBFT solution for the future.
protocol has an additional step in comparison Bitcoin-NG (Eyal et al. 2016) is a scalable
to the three phases in PBFT and Aardvark. The variant to Bitcoin’s protocol. Our preceding
client node initiates the protocol by transmitting discussion highlights that Bitcoin suffers from
a request to all the nodes. Next, each node propa- throughput degradation. This can be reduced by
gates this request to all other nodes, and then the either increasing the block size or decreasing the
three-phase protocol begins. This extra round of block interval. However, increasing the former
redundancy ensures that the client request reaches increases the propagation delays, and the latter
all the instances. can lead to incorrect consensus. Bitcoin-NG
solves this problem by dividing the time into a
set of intervals and selecting one leader for each
Blockchain Systems time interval. The selected leader autonomously
orders the transactions. Bitcoin-NG also uses
Bitcoin (Satoshi 2008) is regarded as the first two different block structures: key blocks for
blockchain application. It is a cryptographically facilitating leader election and microblocks for
secure digital currency with the aim of disrupting maintaining the ledger.
the traditional, institutionalized monetary Ethereum (Wood 2015) is a blockchain
exchange. Bitcoin acts as the token of transfer framework that permits users to create their
between two parties undergoing a monetary own applications on top of the Ethereum
transaction. The underlying blockchain system Virtual Machine (EVM). Ethereum utilizes
8 Blockchain Transaction Processing

the notion of smart contracts to facilitate they received from the clients and propose those
development of new operations. It also supports transactions to their respective UNL for vote. If a
a digital cryptocurrency, ether, which is used transaction receives 80% of the votes, it is marked
to incentivize the developers to create correct permanent. It is important to understand that if
applications. One of the key advantages of the generated UNL groups are a clique, then forks
Ethereum is that it supports a Turing complete of the longest chain could coexist. Hence, UNLs
language to generate new applications on are created in a manner that they share some set
top of EVM. Initially, Ethereum’s consensus of nodes. Another noteworthy observation about
algorithm used the key elements of both PoW Ripple protocol is that each client needs to select
and PoC algorithms. Ethereum made nodes a set of validators or unique nodes that they trust.
solve challenges that were not only compute These validators next utilize Ripple consensus
intensive but also memory intensive. This design algorithm to verify the transactions.
prevented existence of miners who utilized Hyperledger (Cachin 2016) is a suite of
specially designed hardware for compute- resources aimed at modeling industry standard
intensive applications. blockchain applications. It provides a series
Recently, Ethereum modified its consensus of application programming interfaces (APIs)
protocol to include some notions of PoS for developers to create their own nonpublic
algorithm. The modified protocol is referred blockchain applications. Hyperledger provides
as Casper (Buterin and Griffith 2017). Casper implementations of blockchain systems that
introduces the notion of finality, that is, it ensures uses RBFT and other variants of the PBFT
that one chain becomes permanent in time. It consensus algorithm. It also facilitates the
also introduces the notion of accountability, that use and development of smart contracts. It
is, to penalize a validator, who performs the is important to understand that the design
“nothing-at-stake” attack in PoS-based systems. philosophy of Hyperledger leans toward
The penalty leveraged on such a validator is blockchain applications that require existence
equivalent to negating all his stakes. of nonpublic networks, and so, they do not need
Parity (Parity Technologies 2018) is an ap- a compute-intensive consensus.
plication designed on top of Ethereum. It pro- ExpoDB (Sadoghi 2017; Gupta and Sadoghi
vides an interface for its users to interact with 2018) is an experimental research platform
the Ethereum blockchain. Parity can be regarded that facilitates design and testing of emerging
as an interesting application for the blockchain database technologies. ExpoDB consists of a set
community, as it provides support for both Proof- of five layers providing distinct functionalities
of-Work and Proof-of-Authority consensus algo- (refer to Fig. 4). Application layer acts as
rithms. Hence, they allow mechanism for users of the test bed for evaluating the underlying
their application to set up “authority” nodes and database protocols (Gupta and Sadoghi 2018).
resort to non-compute-intensive, POA algorithm. It allows the system to access OLTP benchmarks
Ripple (Schwartz et al. 2014) is considered such as YCSB Cooper et al. (2010), TPC-
as the third largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin C TPP Council (2010), and PPS Harding et al.
and Ethereum, in terms of market cap. It uses a (2017). Application layer acts as an interface
consensus algorithm which is a simple variant of for the client-server interaction. Transport layer
BFT algorithms. Ripple requires a number of fail- allows communication of messages between the
ures f to be bounded as follows:  .n1/=5C1, client and server nodes.
where n represents the total number of nodes. Execution layer facilitates seamless execution
Ripple’s consensus algorithm introduces the no- of a transaction with the help of a set of threads.
tion of a Unified Node List (UNL), which is a These threads lie at the core of the execution
subset of the network. Each server communicates layer as they run the transaction, abide by
with the nodes in its UNL for reaching a consen- the rules of stated concurrency protocol, and
sus. The servers exchange the set of transactions achieve agreement among different transactional
Blockchain Transaction Processing 9

Blockchain Transaction Processing, Fig. 4 Architecture of ExpoDB

partitions. ExpoDB provides implementation for Future Directions for Research

eight concurrency controls and three commit
protocols. ExpoDB also characterizes a storage Although blockchain technology is just a decade
layer (Sadoghi et al. 2018) for storing the trans- old, it gained majority of its momentum in the
actional data, messages, and relevant metadata. last 5 years. This allows us to render different
ExpoDB extends blockchain functionality to elements of the blockchain systems and achieve
the traditional distributed systems through a se- higher performance and throughput. Some of
cure layer. To facilitate secure transactions, Ex- the plausible directions to develop efficient
poDB provides a cryptographic variant to YCSB blockchain systems are as follows: (i) reducing
– Secure YCSB benchmark. ExpoDB also con- the communication messages, (ii) defining
tains implementations for a variety of consen- efficient block structure, (iii) improving the
sus protocols such as PoW, PBFT, RBFT, and consensus algorithm, and (iv) designing secure
Bitcoin-NG. lightweight cryptographic functions
10 Blockchain Transaction Processing

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