A Letter To Romeo

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A Letter to Romeo

By: Little Miss Psyche

Maybe…Maybe I was just so used to the thought of love being so perfect. All the
butterflies and cloud nine moments whenever I’m with you. I always thought it was a
fairytale… You could have been my prince; I could have been your princess… But maybe
they were right. Maybe I wasn’t anyone’s princess –and never will I ever be. Maybe I
should’ve just listened when they told me to run as fast as I can. The monsters are coming
and you’re not going to save me. I shouldn’t have believed that you would…Then maybe…
just maybe, I wouldn’t have been hurt.
My eyes were all puffy, my nose and whole face red, and my throat sore, tired and
exhausted from all the crying and screaming I’ve done for the past few days. Asking myself
for the millionth time, how could you break something this precious and rare? How could
you have turned something this special to end in despair? I can still remember it all back
then…All those beautiful memories, when we’re driving down the road and singing songs in
your car. You would laugh at all my jokes and look at me like I was the only thing in the
world that mattered… Or so I thought. Those days when photo albums scatter across the
whole room and your cheeks were turning red. You used to be this little kid with glasses and
a huge grin on his face. You would always feel embarrassed about it, but to me it was the
cutest thing in the world. I can almost picture it, but then you made me realize how shameful
it was to even believe.

All those moments in the middle of the night where we would dance around the
kitchen in the refrigerator light, listening to the tune of our hearts and you would always tell
me how beautiful I was even in the dark. It took me a few days until I realized it was all just
a lie. I was living in your chess game, and you change the rules every time. I know its long
gone, and the magic is not here anymore…But I just want you to know that I might be okay,
but I’m not fine at all…

How? Why? I don’t even know. Maybe it was me and my blind optimism to blame.
Maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much. Or maybe this thing was
already a masterpiece, until you tore it all up. Maybe it was you and your use of words, it
was you and your eyes…and your smile…and your laugh…and every single thing about
you…But maybe it was just me…It was just me all along. And now, I’m a crumpled up piece
of paper waiting to be burnt to ashes by your flames.

Sometimes, good things fall apart to make way for better things. So maybe you did
break my heart. Maybe you did win this time. But one day, you’ll realize that you just lost
the one real thing you’ve ever known in your whole life...and by then I would just be there to
tell you that you shouldn’t have. You shouldn’t have lied. You shouldn’t have broken me like
a promise you never once kept. By then, you wouldn’t have had your Juliet running away
and never coming back again…

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