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Core Values (TIU3)

Knowledge Power

Learning Styles (TIU4) Learning styles with 2 examples – place a star by your preferred styles

Style: Visual* Style: Auditory Style: Kinesthetic

ex. ex. ex.

Watching a video. Listening to textbook. Group projects.

ex. ex. ex.

Pictures and charts. Say things out loud. Class games.

Activate the Brain – The R’s (TIU7)

1. 4. 7. Relationships

2. 5. 8. Routing

3. 6. 9.

Teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

1. 3. Indirect
of vocabulary,
to words.for example, using
vocabulary words in numerous different contexts.

2. 4.
Learning vocabulary
Learning in both
vocabulary written
words beforetext text.
and oral

Strategies for Differentiation (SS2)

1. Student Reflection 3. Flexible Grouping

2. Anchoring Activities 4.
Student Choice
Strategies for Success (SS2-7) Provide 2 examples of each
Strategies for Success (SS2-7) – Provide 2 examples of each

Example 1 Example 2

Cooperative Grouping Think,

MorePair, Share
project based

Graphic Organizers

Advanced Organizers
KWL chart

Similarities / Differences
Comparing and contrasting
A metaphor

Summarizing & Notetaking

3,2,1 Summary

Cues & Questions

1 Last
minute paper on topic

Blooms Verbs (SS8 and SS9)

Create This level of questioning involves judgment based on criteria. Creating uses verbs like
generate, conclude, produce, decide, defend, justify, support. APPS: Do Ink and Chatter Pix.

Evaluate Involves putting together elements to create a new concept. Evaluation uses verbs like critique,
categorize, collaborate, combine, contrast, formulate, integrate, reorganize, and revise.

Is the breakdown of information so that the individual parts and relationships are made
clear. Analyzation uses verbs like diagram, differentiate, illustrate, infer, prioritize, and correlate.
APPS: Course Notes and Popplet.
Refers to the use of abstractions and a transfer into a new situation. The application-level uses
Apply verbs like chart, collect, predict, produce, provide, report, solve, use. APPS: Inspiration Apps
and Multi Quiz.
A level of understanding that shows the individual knows what has been taught and can
Comprehension make use of the material without necessarily relating it to other content. This level uses
verbs like classify, estimate, explain, paraphrase, summarize. APPS: Mental Note and
APPS: Quick Sketch

Involves the recall of fact and learning and uses verbs like define, describe, identify,
Remember label, list, match, name, select. APPS: PowerPoint and Google Docs/ Word.

Four Questions to redrect behavior (CBM5)

1. What are you doing?

What are you supposed to be doing?

Are you doing it?
What are you going to do about it?

Modifications and Accommodations (E6)

Quantity Time Level of Support
Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the number of items that the Adapt the time allotted and allowed Increase the amount of personal assistance
learner is expected to learn or the to keep the student on task, to reinforce or
for learning, task completion, or
number of activities student will prompt the use of specific skills. Enhance
complete prior to assessment testing.
adult-student relationships; use physical
Example Example Example
Reduce the number of social studies Individualize a timeline for completing a Assign peer buddies, teaching assistants,
terms a learner must learn at any one task; pace learning differently (increase or peer tutors, or cross-age tutors. Specify how
time. Add more practice activities or decrease) for some learners. to interact with the student or how to
worksheets. structure the environment.

Input Difficulty Output

Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the way instruction is Adapt the skill level, problem type, or Adapt how the student can respond to
delivered to the learner. the rules on how the learner may instruction.
approach the work.

Example Example Example

Use different visual aids, enlarge text, Allow the use of a calculator to figure math Instead of answering questions in writing,
plan more concrete examples, provide problems, simplify task directions, or allow a verbal response. Use a
hands-on activities, place students in change rules to accommodate learner communication book for some students, or
cooperative groups, pre-teach key needs. allow students to show knowledge with

Participation Notes:
Definition Alternate Goals- Adapt the goals or outcome expectations while using the same
Adapt the extent to which a learner is materials. When routinely utilized, this is only for students with moderate to severe
actively involved in the task. disabilities. For example- In a social studies lesson, expect a student to be able to
locate the colors of the states on a map, while other students learn to locate each state
Example and name the capital.
In geography, have a student hold the Substitute Curriculum- Provide different instruction and materials to meet a learner’s
globe, while others point out individual goals. When routinely utilized, this is only for students with moderate to
locations. Ask the student to lead a severe disabilities. For example- During a language lesson, a student is learning
group. Have the student turn the toileting skills with an aide.
pages while sitting on your lap
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12)

1. Listen to them. 4. Always stand up against bullies for them.

2. Work to boost their self-esteem and self-confidence. 5. Take time to explain why you are doing what you

3. 6.
Don’t make comments about their clothes or items. Keep activities to a minimum or ones that do not
require cost.

Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy Skills (R8)

Strategy name When / how to use it Define it

Exit Slips / Pass I will use this at the end of class, and I’ll use this Exit slips are student responses to
1. because I want students to reflect on what they questions teachers ask at the end of
learned. class.

2. Paired Reading Pair students either with the same reading Paired reading is a research-based
ability or with high and low readers. fluency strategy used with readers who
lack fluency.

3. Word Wall I would use this at the beginning of each lesson A word wall is a collection of words
and throughout. Get students familiar with vocab. which are displayed in large visible
letters on a wall

Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)

Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

1. Prepare the lesson

Graphic Organizer, Highlighted text, Outlining
2. Build background
Contextualizing Key Vocabulary, Personal Dictionaries, Vocabulary Self-Selection
3. Make verbal communication understandable
Appropriate speech, hand signals, sentence strips

4. Learning strategies (this one should be easy!)

I wonder, Thinking cube, 1 minute write
5. Opportunities for interaction
Discussions, group work, four corners
6. Practice and application
Hands on material, Content knowledge, Skills
7. Lesson delivery
Content objectives, vocab objectives, student participation

8. Review and assess

Feedback, Exit slip, Reviewing concepts.

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