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Physical Setting

Physical setting of Al Quranic park is the most important factor to organize the park setting 60
hector land cover the al quranuc park at a cost of 14.8 Billion.A park is an area of natural, semi-
natural or planted space set aside for human enjoyment and recreation or for the protection of
green environment , trees or natural habitats. Al Quranic parks are green spaces set aside that are
mentioined in Quran or Hadees for recreation inside towns and cities. In this Al Quranic
includes the all facilities proper parking area 3 gates are on free entry and sitting area play land
and 54 plants , glass area and cave of miracle following things are shown in above pics on the
great map.

Enterance Gate
Enterance gate attract the people who want to come and see the islamic insurgancy there ae three
enterance gate people can enter this park at free of cost and easily enter the park as they like The
world' first 'Al Quran Park' opened in Islamabad area , it will provide the visitors a chance to
learn about miracles mentioned in the Holy Quran.
Parking Area
Parking area is very important things that visitors come and easily enjoy the park.In al quranic
park there is huge parking area outside the park thousands of people are visited in this park there
is no shortage of car parking issues in this Al Quranic park visitors can park their cars, bike in
the all sides of this park on complete security protocol. The attractive design of the park
entrance, enclosed by an unobtrusive low wall, reveals the major features inside, bestowing a
welcoming atmosphere.

The Lake
The lake is divided into two, with a walkway in the middle. This lake represents the miracle of
Musa, who saved the people of Israel from Egypt by parting the Red sea. There are a few
fountains in the middle of this lake, as well. So if you are walking on the walkway between the
lake on a windy day, there is a pretty high chance that you’ll get wet.
The Glasshouse
The beautiful looking greenhouse is in one corner of the park. Like every other glasshouse, this
one too houses plants. But unlike others, the glasshouse in the quranic park shows those
mentioned in the Quran and Islamic traditions (also called Sunnah). there are 29 varieties of trees
and medicinal herbs in the facility. These include pumpkin, fig, watermelon, etc. The glasshouse
is air-conditioned. Instead of using traditional air vents, fake trees that blend into the whole
aesthetic of the place are used as air ducts. 

The Cave of Miracles

The cave talks about the miracles given by God to all the prophets mentioned in the Quran and
traditions. Each section of the cave is dedicated to specific miraculous incidents. Animated
videos and sound effects make the stories engaging. on your visit inside the cave, a guide will
explain to you the details and will walk you through them. The cave is huge, but only some of
the features are fully functional yet. One downside is that, at the moment, the videos are only in
the Arabic language. Also, they are designed with kids in mind. So some adults may not find
them really interesting. But the work to translate the videos is underway and will soon be

The Gardens
The orchard garden in the park is quite large. Plants from the Quran and sunnah are present here,
as well. They are well kept and manicured. You can spend hours walking in this garden. Plants
that need not be kept in the greenhouse are grown here. There are about a couple of dozens of
plants in the garden, including the side tree and pomegranate

Apart from lush green lawns and a lake, there are 12 Islamic gardens in Quranic Park. They are
spread throughout the park and contain more than 12 different species of plants.
You can find fig, olive, black seed, cucumber, lentil, ginger, palms, grapes, basil, citrus and
pomegranate orchards. There are even kiosks with gold Arabic calligraphy that describe what
these gardens contain and their benefits
Solar Panel Tress
Keep your eyes peeled for more calligraphy on the solar panel trees that are on the pathway
leading up to the Glass House. The trees serve as benches that provide you shade and the solar
panels located on the top serve to charge your phone as well.

Coffee House
At one corner of the park, you will find One Coffee House, a quaint cafe with friendly staff
serving up coffee, chocolates, and desserts. Located right next to the café is a small playground
for the little ones, so they can be kept busy while you fuel up. People can enjoy coffee when u
feel tired during the park visit and they take rest within the environment.
Jogging Track
Outlining the park is also rubber jogging track and cycling path that also features some gym
equipment that’s free to use some people use this equipment for enjoyment and have fun.

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