Activity - 1 Level 4

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Learning Activity 1 / Actividad de Aprendizaje 1

A. Evidence: Take a break

Select a celebration around the world and describe it according to the format. Include images to illustrate your ideas. You can find and example in introductory material section 1. Describing celebrations and
special occasions around the world. You have to make your description in minimum 250 words.
Aspects Description Image
What it is Halloween is
Recuerde que deba anexar una imagen de la celebración. Debe celebrated. a festival of
escribir oraciones completas y con sentido pagan origins
Aspects Description Image in the Celtic
What it is The Carnival of winter
celebrated. Rio de Janeiro festival.
in American
culture, the
Where and It is celebrated in rise in
when it is Brazil from popularity of
celebrated. February 9th to Halloween
14th also coincides
roughly with
the national
Fuente: SENA rise in
spiritism that
began in 1848
Where and Is celebrated
when it is mainly In
celebrated. countries like
United States
Kingdom and
October 31).

What People
people especially
wear. children wear
costumes of
mosters, etc.

What The children

people do go out whith
take on doors
of your
to ask candy
Why it is a Is a special
special nightbecause
celebration. children
adults can
person. Scape
from the real
worldand live

Fuente: SENA

B. Evidence: My holiday trip

Select a place you would like to travel and consider a special celebration to take part in there. Complete your agenda format including information about the celebration and the place you are visiting. You can
see an example in Introductory material section 2. How to make arrangements and predictions. Then answer the questions about your plans.
En el material de estudio encuentra ejemplo del itinerario
Friday Saturday Sunday 1. Where are you going to? I´m going to Miami city
In the I go to the Get up early to Get up early to
beach to bathe go jogging or go jogging or 2. How long are you staying? I´m staying the weekend
enjoy the sun exercise exercise before
3. Who are you visiting? I don´t have family in this city, I just came from vacations
breeze eat a before the hot the hot sun
delicious sun
4. What are you doing on Friday? I´m going to visit the ¨jungle island¨is a
amusement park very beautiful
In the Go to the Go to a Enjoy a lunch
afternoon walled city and swimming in a very 5. What are you doing on Saturday? I´m going to visit the ¨Stiltsville¨ is a show of
eat a delicious pool that is luxurious place
¨kayaks and beach¨
dessert. in the hotel and of very
and tan good gratitude 6. What are you doing on Sunday? To be all day in the sea since it is the last day of
7. When are you leaving? Sunday night is the time of departure
In the evening Enjoy a quiet Go out with my Say goodbye
8. When are you returning? Within a year
dinner by the kids to visit enjoying a
sea some park or group of
9. How are you going to feel after your trip? Much better and happy to have been
tourist center drums and
drinks by the in such a beautiful city
10. What memories are you going to keep? Everything will be imposible to forget
every momento that happens here

Fuente: SENA


Statements True or D. Match each course with the category/ Complete los cuadros de acuerdo a cada
False categoría, luego complete el diálogo
1. John is traveling to Pasto. FALSE course
2. Richard ordered a steak. TRUE - Spring rolls. - Chocolate ice cream. - Deep fried clams. - Grape frappe.
- Fresh oysters. - Creme brulee. - Ravioli. - Banana berry smoothie.
3. John likes vegetables FALSE - Pancakes with smoked salmon. - Cheesecake. - Grilled lamb.
4. John does not know about Richard’s trip. TRUE
- Chocolate milkshake. - Lentil’s soup. - Chocolate mousse.
- Barbecue ribs. - Cappuccino.
5. Richard is excited about the carnival. TRUE
6. Richard is traveling next week. FALSE Main Courses Appetizers

7. John did not have any help for his trip. TRUE
° Spring Rolls ° Deep fried clams
°Ravioli ° Fresh Oysters
8. Nicole is traveling with John. FALSE °Pancakes with smoked ° Lentils Soup
9. Richard is traveling to Cartagena. FALSE
°Grilled Lamb
10. John likes meat. TRUE °Barbecue Ribs

C. CONTEXTUALIZATION: En el material de estudio encontrará un diálogo de

contextualización entre Richard y John, debe escucharlo y/o leerlo para poder Deserts Beverages
responder TRUE o FALSE. Para responder debe colocar el cursor sobre la ° Cheesecake ° Grape Frappe
palabra CHOOSE Y ESCOGER la opción correcta. ° Chocolate ice cream ° Banana berry smoothie
° Crème Brulee ° Chocolate milkshake
° Chocolate Mousse ° Cappuccino

Complete the conversation according to the previous exercise. Utilice el

Vocabulario anterior y complete el diálogo de manera que tenga lógica John: I am going to taste that on then.
Richard: Me, too. I am going to have to eat those prostres too. Thank you. as
Waiter: Good afternoon, gentlemen. Welcome to the Tropical Trees well. Thanks.
Restaurant. Waiter: Your appetizers are going to be ready in five minutes.
John: I’d like to see the menu please. Richard: Ok, thanks.
(10 minutes later)
Waiter: Excuse me, sir. Would you like to order? (They finish eating and ask for the check)
John: Yes, please. I’m going to try (appetizer) Yes, I’ll try this local beer.
Richard: I am going to have (appetizer) Lemonade is fine. John: Waiter!
Waiter: And for your main course? Waiter: Anything else?
John: I ‘m going to have… I am going to have a hamburger and a Richard: Just the check, please.
chocolate ice cream Waiter: Here is your check.
Richard: I’m going to try… Yes, I’ll try this local beer Richard: How much is it?
Waiter: Are you going to want a beverage, sir? John: It’s 10 ANSWER HERE each.
John: Yes, please. I’ll take a… Yes, I’ll try this local beer
Richard: I am going to give ANSWER HERE a try
Waiter: Would you like to order any of our dessert specials?
John: Sure. Which one do you recommend?
Waiter: Let’s see…I would suggest…a chocolate milkshake, a
cheesecake or an ice cream cookie and cream


Criterios de evaluación

Describe celebraciones con la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.

Criterios de evaluación
Intercambia información acerca de intenciones y acuerdos haciendo uso de la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.

Criterios de evaluación

• Intercambia información de restaurantes haciendo uso de la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.

• Describe ocasiones especiales teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario requeridos.

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