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Learning Activity 2

A. Evidence: The perfect city / town

Imagine that in 10 years your city / town will be perfect. What will it be like? Think about the problems your city has now and how
they can be solved for it to be perfect in 10 years. Write a description of your city in 10 years. Use will and the vocabulary learned
in this learning activity. Highlight will-sentences with green and vocabulary words with blue. Remember to use connectors and

Fuente: SENA

It would be a city without so much drug addiction and for that they
"I think my city will be better in 10 years. Probably there will not be would have to toughen penalties against the cultivation, manufacture
traffic jams anymore. Also public transportation will be clean, and distribution of psychoactive substances but the most important
efficient and organized. For this to happen, the roads will have to be thing would be create small businesses in the communes where young
in perfect conditions. people have the opportunity to work and get ahead.
One of the main problems that my city has is the vehicular congestion,
After solving social problems and creating better job opportunities, it a solution would be build more roads could even be private highways
will be the safest city in the world. In addition, we will have the best where a toll is charged to be able to transit them, you could also build
museums and art galleries. Besides, there will be a lot of green high or underground roads.
areas and parks to enjoy. We will have the best football team, not The contamination It is a big problem that we have to deal with in my
like the one we have now which performs poorly. I believe people city and to improve this big problem, we must encourage the purchase
will be friendly. And finally, the most important aspect will be to have of electric vehicles by offering good prices and charging places for
more public universities, so everybody will have the chance to these, too the metro system should build aerial cables to all the
study. communes and exercise more control over companies and chimney
It will be as nice as a European city, but a lot more enjoyable and
vibrant though.”
B. Evidence: Who would I like to be?
Think about your future. What plans do you have in mind? How do you want your life to be in the future? Write a composition about your future in which you answer the
following questions:
My future life Write your future life (200 words)
Fuente: SENA
I would like to live in a smaller city En su escrito debe incluir estas preguntas (No debe responderlas individualmente
near the beach, like Santa Marta. I sino INCLUIRLAS en el escrito
really like swimming in the ocean
and enjoying hot weather. Though
I would like to live in a European country, but really my dream would
Bogota is a nice city full of
opportunities, but I am tired of
be to live in Germany since it has a great quality for its inhabitants, it
contamination and stress. It would has beautiful places to visit such as forests, rivers and large built
be a good change. structures.
After I finish at SENA, I would like to I am currently studying an electronics technology and I am going to
continue studying. I want to be a start internships very soon, if everything goes well and I finish my
psychologist, so I want to study technology I want to continue studying electronics because it is what I
psychology at National University am passionate about.
because they have the best
Psychology programs in Colombia. I have a friend who studied there and he was quite
happy with the university.
I would like to work for Google. They say it is the best company in the world. Employees
I would like to work in a place where I can apply all my knowledge, I
don’t have to wear a tie and they can play video games and relax when they feel tired. That am professionally valued and I can meet all my expectations.
would be quite the opposite of my current job, where I have to wear a uniform and deal Yes, I would like to get married, but I would not like to have a family,
with stress all day. because I want to focus on traveling and indulge myself and I feel that
I don’t think I would like to have a family. Instead I would love to be alone, at least in theif I start a family I will not be able to fulfill this because I will have to
focus a lot on my family.
near future. I could consider the possibility of a family later on, after having enjoyed life for
some years. I like playing guitar too much, but currently I can't play guitar because
One thing I would really like to practice is swimming. I really love swimming. Unfortunately
a guitar string broke and I don't have the money to buy the guitar
I cannot practice now because my free time is quite limited. However, after I finish at SENA,
I may have some extra free time which I can occupy swimming. strings.
I would like to know any European country, but if the budget is not
Would you like to get married and have a family? Why / why not? much, some area full of flora and fauna here in Colombia, because
I wouldn’t like to get married. I would like to be single forever, so I can go to parties and Colombia has some very beautiful places to visit.
enjoy with my friends. Maybe one day in the far future I will have a family. But in the near
future, I want to be single.

Criterios de evaluación

Realiza predicciones haciendo uso de la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.

Criterios de evaluación

Utiliza like teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

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