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Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tools (BBPT)

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Lesson Idea Name: Adjectives
Content Area/Grade Level(s): 3rd
Content Standard Addressed: Explain the function of adjectives in general and their function in
particular sentences.

Technology Standard Addressed: Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and

responsibly participate in the digital world. 3b: Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity
and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.

Guiding Question(s): What purpose to adjectives serve in a sentence?

Selected Technology Tool:

I used EdPuzzle, I chose a video with a simple explanation and examples of adjectives and added 10
questions to go alongside the content. The questions are either open-ended questions, meaning
students will have to type their responses, or multiple-choice questions, where students have a few
choices, and they have to decide which is the correct answer. Students are to watch the video and
answer relevant questions as they pop up. The video pauses as students respond. This provides
students with opportunities to display their understanding and apply their knowledge. EdPuzzle
tracks every student’s response and progress which teachers can assess to improve the next lesson.
This work should be done individually, which allows students to self-pace their acquisition as well.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s): (Delete red instructions before adding to your Weebly. If you are
unable to add a check mark to the box, remove the box and use a bolded X to identify your selection.
DO NOT use highlighting to select your choice.)

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐


Levels of Technology Integration: (Select the one best level) (Delete red instructions before adding
to your Weebly. If you are unable to add a check mark to the box, remove the box and use a bolded
X to identify your selection. DO NOT use highlighting to select your choice.)

☒ Infusion Level: Students may work at a higher Bloom’s Level, but they do not have any “Voice or
Choice” during the activity and most of the decisions are made by the teacher.

☐ Integration Level: We would like to see ALL lessons/activities reach this level. The project is
student-driven and student-led. Students should have “Voice and Choice” in the activities,
selecting the topic of study and determining the technology tool to demonstrate mastery of the
standard. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator.

☐ Expansion Level: The projects created are shared outside of the classroom, publishing student
work and promoting authorship. This could be reached by showcasing the project on the school’s
morning newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, or publishing via an outside source.
Your student’s projects must be shared locally or globally to meet this level.

TFrazier, 2021
Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tools (BBPT)
Don’t forget to delete red instructions before adding this to your Weebly.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): EdPuzzle allows students to acquire concepts and apply their
knowledge at their own pace. As videos can rewind and be paused, students are taking initiative in
their own learning and learning at a pace that is comfortable and beneficial for them, specifically.
This aligns with UDL principles as students have some autonomy over their submissions. EdPuzzle
also allows for self-regulation as they can self-assess their work with the feedback they receive. This
activity also offers students visual and auditory support as well as activating background knowledge,
as they have previously learned about the parts of speech. The various means of representation
come in during the video as they offer various visual examples of adjectives. Finally, students’
submissions are up to them, this offers some level of different means of expression as their
submissions are individual, but they are expected to submit it in the same format (this can be easily
adapted if needed).

Lesson idea implementation: This activity is most beneficial when students submit their work
individually as it will allow the teacher to accurately assess their progress. Teacher should introduce
topic of adjectives and link/connect the topic to previously learned content, the different parts of
speech, this can serve as a quick review. Provide students with an attainable goal, such as “I can
identify adjectives and their function in a sentence,”. If individual devises are available students are
assigned to watch the short video and smart the 10 questions imbedded in them. Any questions can
be addressed then. Afterwards, review the content of the video (specifically what adjectives can be,
how they can use their senses to find descriptive words for nouns). Teacher may assess the students’
responses as they complete the next activity. Students are to take a piece of paper (or any
modifications needed) and make a diagram or chart with the senses as headers. Then they will pick
one item in the classroom and find at least 3 words per sense that describes that item. Then, they
will partner up and they will have to guess what the other student is describing. Finally, the teacher
should have had time to review the students’ responses and during this time they can address their
answers or any misconceptions or mistakes that might have risen. The results of the video may be
used to differentiate instruction later on to address their specific needs. To extend this lesson, the
final question in the video may be addressed. Students were to write a sentence using adjectives.
They can be exemplified and highlighted during this time, students should discuss their use of
adjectives and how they can implement more or less adjectives to make the sentence more
interesting or descriptive. To conclude, students may come up with one more sentence using at least
3 adjectives.
Reflective Practice:
I think EdPuzzle is an interactive way to teach complex topics, it can be very beneficial especially for
those students who require more engagement and interaction during acquisition. EdPuzzle will not
only give them space to practice their digital skills but they can apply content knowledge
simultaneously, creating a lesson that is benefiting diverse learners. To further extend the use of
EdPuzzle, the use of open-ended questions can be implemented solely, this will require students to
critically think about their responses to formulate a solution rather than choosing one from a few
options. There are other tools that can be used such as for more general topics such as
parts of speech, bubble maps can be created with the different parts and they can branch out into
definitions, example and non-examples.

TFrazier, 2021

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