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If The Roles Were Reversed

Would You Be Happy?

If you wouldn't allow it why should they?

By: Chantae Grant

If you wouldn't allow it why should they?If you would wouldn’t allow it why should they?If
you wouldn’t allowEvery
it why 60 seconds,
should they?Ifone
you animal
wouldn’t suffers abuse.
allow it why should they?If you
wouldn't allow it why to 65%
should of all
they?If youabused animals
would wouldn’t are
allow it why should they?If you
wouldn’t allow it why are you
should they?If twowouldn’t
types ofallow
animalit whyabuse:
should they?If you wouldn't
allow it why shouldpassive andwould
they?If you active cruelty.
wouldn’t Approximately
allow it why should they?If71% you wouldn’t
allow it why shouldofthey?If
people youwho are reported
wouldn’t allow it whyforshould
they?If you wouldn't allow it
why should they?Ifviolence
you would also abuse
wouldn’t their
allow pets.
it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it wh
should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn't allow it why should
they?If you would wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should
they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn't allow it why should they?If
Think about it.

you would wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If yo
wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn't allow it why should they?If you would
wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t
allow it why should they?If you wouldn't allow it why should they?If you would wouldn’t
allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it
why should they?If you wouldn't allow it why should they?If you would wouldn’t allow it wh
should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn allow it why should
they?If you wouldn't allow it why should they?If you would wouldn’t allow it why should
they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If
you wouldn't allow it why should they?If you would wouldn’t allow it why should they?If yo
wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn't
allow it why should they?If you would wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t
allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn't allow it
why should they?If you would wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it wh
should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn't allow it why should
they?If you would wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should
they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn't allow it why should they?If
you would wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If yo
wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn allow it why should they?If you would
wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t
allow it why should they?If you wouldn't allow it why should they?If you would wouldn’t
allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it
why should they?If you wouldn't allow it why should they?If you would wouldn’t allow it wh
should they?If you wouldn’t allow it force-feed chemicals
why should they?If to allow it why should
you wouldn’t
they?If you wouldn't allow itconduct
why shouldrepeated
they?If yousurgeries
would wouldn’t on allow
them, it why should
they?If you wouldn’t allow wires in their
it why should brains,
they?If crush allow
you wouldn’t theirit why should they?If
you wouldn't allow and much
it why should they?Ifmore. Nowouldn’t
you would animals areit safe
allow why should they?If yo
wouldn’t allow itfrom
why should they?If you wouldn’t
experimentation allow it why
primates, dogs,should
rats,they?If you wouldn't
allow it why should they?If
mice, you would
rabbits, pigs,wouldn’t
fish, allow
and itcatswhy are
should they?If
just a fewyou wouldn’t
allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn't allow it
of the animals who are routinely used in these
why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why should they?If you wouldn’t allow it why
These animals need help and what
you can do to be a helping hand is
donate to your local animal shelter.

Animal shelters
need food, bedding
and other supplies.
Many need
veterinarian care,
medical assistance
Your donations will
help provide the
care abandoned
animals need until
a suitable home is
found for them.

Approximately 7.6 million companion pets are

surrendered to a shelter every year; 4.2 million
are dogs and 1.4 million dogs are euthanized.
Animals have no voice of their own, no social
safety net and very few rights under the law.
They are vulnerable and, unfortunately,
mistreated more often than most of us would
like to think.

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