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KTO Karatay University

2020-2021 Academic Year

Spring Semester IMT206 Interpreting Techniques Midterm

21956019 Mehmet Özgü Aras


A) UNSC(S) sends(V) a signal(O)

The UN Security Council (UNSC)(S)on March 10 managed to pass(V) a resolution condemning

the violence against peaceful protesters(O) in Myanmar and pledging(V) "continued support
for the democratic transition(O)" in the country.

It(S) also stressed(V) the "need to uphold democratic institutions and processes, refrain from
violence, fully respect human rights and fundamental freedoms and uphold the rule of

Nevertheless, the UNSC(S) failed(V) to call the events in Myanmar a coup(O) in the face of
objections from China and Russia.

Michal Lubina(S), a political analyst at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, told(V) DW that
there is scope for the West and Beijing to agree on the way forward in Myanmar(O).

"China(S) would have rejected(V) such a (UNSC) statement(O) in the past without much ado.
That it(S) has not done(V) so suggests(V) that there are points of agreement with the
West(O)," he said. Even though both sides(S) have(V) common interests(O) in Myanmar,
Lubina said, they(S) do not cooperate(V) enough because of the systemic and geopolitical
competition between them(O).
UNSC sends

pass resolution
condemning violence

con. Support protesters
also +
democratic inst.
stop violence
human rights and law

B Failed
UNCS to say coup


Michal Lubina agreement
Told possible

rejected before

there are
points in west

they (china and west)

share goals
will not do
=global competitors


C) Güvenlik Konseyi gönderdiği mesajda, Myanmarlı protestoculara şiddeti kınadı ve

desteklerinin süreceğini bildirdi. Ayrıca demokratik kurumlara, insan haklarına ve hukuka
vurgu yaptı. Ama Konsey olaylara darbe deme başarısını göstermedi. Michal Lubina; Çinle bu
konuda anlaşmanın hala mümkün olduğunu, geçmişte Çin reddetse de batıyla ortak noktada
ve amaçlarda anlaşılabilceğini söyledi. “ama yapyacaklar çünkü onlar çıkarları çatışan küresel

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