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By: Sahar Shahzadi

I am really hoping that after reading these slides people become more aware. I hope
that you will be able to realize all the discrimination going on around us. I want people
to be able to realize that its not just one persons fault. Most of the time this
discrimination is because many people think that homeless people brought it upon
themselves, and it’s their fault. I really want people to be aware of the fact that we can
make a change instead of passing around judgments. I want to raise awareness of the
fact that the government can prevent this discrimination and they can help improve
our communities for the better. Having a home should be a natural right not a luxury.
Sadly, in our society that isnt the reality. however if we all come together we can make
a change.
Throughout my research I just wanted to know
why exactly people discriminant towards
homeless people. Realistically speaking, I
didn't find any solid answers. In the end I think
it comes down to the statement and thought
of " they brought it apon themselves" or "ugh I
have somewhere to be right now". Sometimes
its hard for us put ourselves in the shoes of
others, but that doesn't mean we can
discriminant against others like that. one huge
factor is we are so used to seeing people out
on the roads. In our community there are so
many homeless people and many people just
think of seeing them as a daily routine unless
they are in that problem themselves.
In this image, it shows how homeless people
are being treated. It’s like no one really cares
and that’s not right. In the image, it shows
how a person continues to walk along
without change when there is a person
sleeping beside him on the street and that’s
because we are so used to this that it is
normal life. We continue to go on to our jobs
Like I said before there wasn't really an exact and school not caring because to us we are
not them.
reason why people discriminate. For my research
on this question, I analyzed some pictures. on
other pictures that I thought stood out was this
Have they prevented
this discrimination?

Many governments do have programs and shelters where homeless people

can go. However, there are also countries that don't have enough of it. In a
way, I think that if we were to look at this from a global aspect we would
really realize the problem. Globally there are many countries that have
restored to making laws and saying that homeless people need to do more.
The laws that they make and what they actually do is what increases the
population of homeless people. Without realizing it they criticize
homelessness but at the same time, they create laws that affect families so
badly that many become homeless. On top of that, there are many laws
restricting homeless people and criticizing them. If they try to get a job the
discrimination comes in the way. People don't give them jobs because they
are homeless but if they don't have jobs they can't get homes. It goes in a
My first detail is from an article named
MDM Company "“Governments are criminalizing homelessJune 1, 2021
people to distract their own failure” from it states “In the UK, for
example, the number of rough sleepers has
more than doubled since 2010 amid
government’s cuts in welfare and social
Here are a few pieces of evidence I have housing programmes.” “But instead of
gathered about how the government actually tackling the root causes of homelessness,
deals with homelessness rather than governments around the world are
preventing it. increasingly targeting people on the streets
My second quote is from with criminal laws and regulations.” it states that My interpretation on this :
“During his first term, the Mayor saw the There have been increasing numbers of
number of New Yorkers in shelters each homeless people. Many governments around
night surpass 60,000 for the first time ever, the world have actually caused this due to
up from 53,000 when he entered office.” them cutting the welfare of the people, but
My interpretation: they don’t want to do anything about it.
After reading this article and going through Instead of trying to prevent homelessness or
the chart on the top it makes me a bit mad. lessen it, they are making more laws. there is
As the years go on you can see that there is an increase in homeless people but it’s like
an increase in the number of homeless the governments keep making it worse and
people. The article said that the new york the general public doesn’t care.
government is trying to expand homeless
prevention more,so I hope that happens.
There are many different ways the
governments can help end homelessness.
If not completely end, then there are ways
that they can decrease the number of
homeless people or even stop the
numbers from increasing. one thing that I
think the governments are doing well is
they give out food. one way that I think
would be very efficient would be if
governments around the world provide
good living places for the homeless people.
in that way they can also provide them
with money. not a lot but some so that
they can go and get a better life. I think
another good way would be if the less
fortunate were provided with jobs. that
way I think there would be less
discrimination with people saying "they
don't try hard enough". Having a home is a
natural right, not a luxury.
Have a great day.

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