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book: A Certain Arrogance; by George Michael Evica

book: The Missionaries: God Against the Indians, and Destroying the Rainforest; by Norman Lewis

The Arrogance of Blue Bloods, Unitarians and Eugenicists, the Wartime Manipulation of Religious
Groups by U.S. Intelligence

Here is a great book that focuses on many issues I first surfaced before 2000 about The Pioneer Fund,
Draper's Unitarian associates, Frederick Osborne, The Paines, and Allen Dulles. Albert Schweitzer
College figures very intricately into his thesis.

Did you know that Robert Welch was a Unitarian and some of Draper's Carolina cohorts as well like
Harry Weyher and some of the members of the Board of Directors of The Pioneer Fund?

The book could be called The Unitarian Connection... We are better than everyone.

Our blood is so pure we stockpile red blood cells and our own plasma so we do not have to get
transfusions from strangers and those who come from the shallow end of the gene pool.

Short Summary of A Certain Arrogance

By George Michael Evica Posted: September 15, 2006

A Certain Arrogance: U.S. Intelligence's manipulation of Religious Groups and Individuals in Two
World Wars and the Cold War-and the Sacrificing of Lee Harvey Oswald by George Michael Evica.
Now available from XLIBRIS, Amazon, Last Hurrah Bookshop, and others.

A Certain Arrogance is based on six years of research and writing and tens of thousands of never-
before-examined documents archived at Harvard Divinity School, Andover-Harvard Theological
Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts; at the Unitarian/Universalist Service Committee offices in
Cambridge; and in Boston at the Unitarian/Universalist Association headquarters.

American intelligence, led by Allen Dulles, manipulated major religious groups through two World
Wars and the "Cold War." In Switzerland, Liberal Protestantism created Albert Schweitzer College,
supported in the United States by the Unitarian Church, the Unitarian Service Committee, and the
American Friends of Albert Schweitzer College, dominated by elite Unitarians with U.S. intelligence

American intelligence apparently used Albert Schweitzer College in cooperation with assets of the
Office of Strategic Services and the CIA, key policy?makers for Albert Schweitzer College. In 1959,
Lee Harvey Oswald, exhibiting extremely suspicious intelligence signals, registered for Albert
Schweitzer College; four years later, Oswald was framed for JFK's murder, and the truth about the
Swiss college was, until now, suppressed.

Assisted by the support of a community of religious individuals and groups, the author of A Certain
Arrogance establishes that Lee Harvey Oswald, a reputed defector to the Soviet Union, was apparently
supplied by U.S. intelligence with official but deliberately faulty military and travel documents in order
to apply to Albert Schweitzer College.

That application linked him directly to a powerful group of American Unitarians, key assets of the
Office of Strategic Services and then the CIA, first in the fight against Nazi Germany and later in the
struggle against international Communism.

Among those elite Unitarians was Percival Flack Brundage, champion of economic and covert actions
of the U.S. war machine when he held important leadership positions in the Bureau of the Budget, as
president of the American Friends of Albert Schweitzer College, and as a key member of the U.S.
intelligence fraternity that ran psychological warfare and critical covert operations.

Both Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles were important actors in that dark spy community.

Lee Harvey Oswald, obviously the product of a U.S. intelligence False Identity/"Illegals" program, was
ultimately patsied on November 11, 1963 in the JFK murder

George Michael Evica's

"A Certain Arrogance"

A Book Review
by Robert D. Morningstar

Oh, how terrible and barbarous are those Islamic Fundamentalists! How devious and demonic appear
those Mullahs and Ayatollahs shown to us on CNN and Fox News each day and night, manipulating
and perverting the religious teachings of a "religion of peace" to indoctrinate young minds towards self-
destruction, suicide bombing and terrorism. How perverse of them it is to use religion as an excuse to
attain political and military objectives.

And, Oh, how much more moral are we than they! We, the self-righteous, morally and ethically
"superior" Westerners who eschew such debased use of religious dogma as propaganda and mass mind-
control tactics in the indoctrination of our own citizens.
"Not so!" might say Professor George Michael Evica, an outstanding and well-respected expert of JFK
Assassination and US Intelligence History, through his riveting new book, entitled "A Certain
Arrogance." In "A Certain Arrogance" (Iron Sights Press, 2006),

Professor Evica reveals the history of the recruitment and indoctrination of US intelligence assets
(spies/assassins) for OSS and CIA beginning during World War II when, through the work of OSS
members Wild Bill Donovan and Allan Dulles, religious institutions, particularly, the Unitarian Church
and the Quaker movement, were used as "fronts" in the selection and culling of candidates for
espionage and special operations by America's intelligences services, OSS and CIA, domestically and

From OSS World War II operations in Switzerland to the Congo of the 1950s and 1960s to Patrice
Lamumba University in Moscow, Evica takes the reader on a meticulously documented tour of
international intrigues involved in the training of intelligence operatives through their education and
indoctrination at various institutions run by religious organizations. Foremost among these in American
intelligence gathering and special operations were the Unitarian Church and the Quakers.

However, Evica shows us that these are not the same Quakers we think of when we remember the
warmth and quiet courage of Gary Cooper and "Friendly Persuasion."

Professor Evica begins his chronicle of covert operations with the recruitment, education and
indoctrination of Lee Harvey Oswald as began his peregrinations in 1958-59 toward his defection to
Russia by passing through Switzerland's Albert Schweitzer College, where the CIA and FBI maintained
contacts and operatives.

Evica chronicles the historic role of the Rockefeller clan in funding "missionary activities throughout
the world" for intelligence gathering and suppression of undesirable activist social movements
beginning in the early 188o's to gather intelligence information in order to quash American Indian
activities in the West. Evica states:

"As early as 1883, the Rockefellers had 'used [Christian] missionaries to gather intelligence about
[Native American] insurgencies in the West or to discourage them.' In the United States and later
throughout Central and South America, Family Rockefeller power was linked to Christian missionary

The Rockefeller method of using Christian military activities in conjunction with financial power
proved to be so successful in consolidating the Rockefeller Empire in the Americas that it was then
employed in the Far East, in China, Korea, Philippines and Taiwan. By 1957, the Rockefellers had
enlisted American Fundamentalist Revivalism as a national power base and put their support behind the
evangelist, Billy Graham.

Evica's book takes the reader back and forth across continents and oceans both to the Far East, Korea
and Nationalist Taiwan, and to Europe, but always after short side trips, Evica returns the travels of Lee
Harvey Oswald as he made his way inevitably to Dallas, Texas and the site of the JFK Assassination.

Ruth and Michael Paine
A Quaker & A Unitarian
Lee Oswald's Dallas "Handlers"

Throughout his meandering journey, Oswald repeated encounters operatives of Unitarian, Quaker and
Southern Baptist Fundamentalist missionary activities. For example, Oswald's "friends" and hosts in
Dallas, Michael and Ruth Paine, who took Marina Oswald under her wing, were associated with both
the Unitarian and the Quaker missionary movements.

Evica suggests (as this writer has often asserted) that Michael Paine, "a physical Oswald double," may
have acted in that capacity to bring attention in a negative way to Oswald's activities by setting up
"political confrontations" at Southern Methodist University on Sundays after attending as "a
communicant at a 'nearby' Unitarian Church."

The religious intrigues surrounding the life and death of Lee Harvey Oswald, as detailed and
documented by Evica in this masterful work, shed a disturbing light on the events in Dallas on
November 22, 1963 and suggest an almost direct link to current history-altering and world-shaping
national and international events in which our nation is today engaged (although "embroiled" may be a
more appropriate term).

The importance of this work is self-evident and shows that the JFK Assassination is as important today
as on the day it happened, exactly 43 years ago today (I chose to compose on this day intentionally for
this reason). George Michael Evica's close friend and research associate for many years, Charles Drago,
writes in his eloquent introduction to "A Certain Arrogance":

"A Certain Arrogance stands as Professor Evica's response to the unavoidable question:

How do we define and effect justice in the wake of the world-historic tragedy in Dallas?

Clearly he understands that, at this late date, being content merely to identify and, if possible, prosecute
the conspiracy's facilitators and mechanics would amount to hollow acts of vengeance.

Cleaning and closing the wound while leaving the disease to spread is simply not an option." Mr. Drago
goes on to make analogy between the JFK Assassination and a cancer that continues to spread through
our government and contaminates and taints our history.

From this short and eloquent diagnosis, current events clearly demonstrate that "the cancer" which
infected government policy and national politics that day in Dallas, November 22nd, 1963 still persists,
continues to grow in virulence and has created an all too patient but sick nation.

The question remains "What is the remedy that will rid us of the cancer but not kill the patient?" This
reviewer's response is:
The remedy that will heal the nation and stop the cancer from spreading any farther is achieving
"Justice for JFK."

I recommend "A Certain Arrogance" to all those good citizens who are interested in recovering our
national security from the Machiavellian manipulation of misguided patriot actors and religious fanatics
who at the core are not dissimilar in credo, strategy and tactics from those same terrorists from whom
they pretend to defend us.


Written By S.R. Shearer

The Pioneer Fund was established as a charitable trust on February 27, 1937 in New York City. Harry
H. Laughlin, Frederick Osborn and textile magnate Wickliffe Draper were the principle founders.[1]
The Fund's stated purpose was to "improve the character of the American people" by encouraging the
procreation of descendants of "white persons" and to provide aid in conducting research on "race
betterment with special reference to the people of the United States."[2]

The current president of the Pioneer Fund is a shadowy figure named Harry F. Weyher, a financier and
corporate lawyer who eschews interviews and runs the Fund without pay or staff from his offices in
New York; he is assisted in his work by four other "Trustees" - one of whom has been Tom Ellis, a
close associate of Pat Robertson and Tim LaHaye in the Council on National Policy (CNP), the
principle coordinating agency in bringing together various members of the religious right with the
business right and the political right. All serve without pay and staff.

The Pioneer Fund has assets of about $5-million and gives away most of its $1-million in annual
income to a dozen or more scholars from Northern Ireland to California who study IQ and genetics. The
Pioneer Fund supported a significant portion of the research cited in the recent best-selling book on
race and intelligence, The Bell Curve, by Richard J. Herrnstein, a Harvard University psychologist who
died in September 1994, and Charles Murray, a political scientist at the American Enterprise Institute.

In the billion dollar world of philanthropy, the money doled out by the Pioneer Fund may seem paltry.
But the numbers don't tell the real story of the Fund's influence. "The Pioneer Fund has been able to
direct its resources like a laser-beam," says one critic, Barry Mehler, a historian at Ferris State
University who has been gathering information on it since the 1970s. "I credit the Fund for being a
major factor in the present resurgence of the biological-determinism movement - a factor that is far out
of proportion to the amount of funds it has."[3]

Whether people revere or revile the Fund, most say it has stretched relatively few dollars a long way.
"It suggests to me that as long as you focus on your mission, you can make an impact," says Dwight
Burlingame, director of academic programs and research at Indiana University's Center on
Philanthropy. "A lot of small foundations search for this kind of niche, where they can try to create an
identity (and an impact)."[4] Mr. Weyher says his strategy has been to do just that.

He chooses from the 30 applications he receives each year those projects that are "too much of a hot
potato" to get money elsewhere.[5]
All of the men connected to the establishment of the Fund were admirers of Adolf Hitler. They believed
unequivocally in white superiority and held that it (i.e., white supremacy) derived from "the
evolutionary process." They were motivated to establish the Fund by what they considered to be the
overwhelming "success" of the Nazi eugenics policy[6] - a startling defamation, but one which is easily

Take Harry Laughlin, the Fund's most energetic early personality, for example: in May 1936, Dr. Carl
Schneider, a professor of "racial hygiene" at the University of Heidelberg and dean of the school's
faculty of medicine (and who, incidentally, also served as a "scientific adviser" for the extermination of
handicapped people in Germany) offered Laughlin an honorary degree of "Doctor of Medicine."

Laughlin was deeply moved; he enthusiastically replied, "I stand ready to accept this very high honor.
Its bestowal will give me particular gratification ... To me this honor will be ... valued because it comes
from a nation which for many centuries nurtured the human seed stock which later founded my own
country and thus gave basic character to our present lives and institutions."[7]

The lives of all the men connected to the founding of the Pioneer Fund exhibit the same Nazi-like
attachments and affinities - and this despite the fact that most of them attempted to distance themselves
publicly from National Socialism as an outright political ideology. Indeed, despite their inner ebullience
towards Hitler, the men connected to the Fund were conscious of the need NOT to appear too slavishly
devoted to fascism as a political philosophy.

Madison Grant, author of The Great Race and an admirer of the work of the Fund - warned Laughlin to
this effect in 1937; he wrote a letter to Laughlin cautioning him against becoming too closely identified
with the Nazis.

He advised Laughlin that, although "most people of our type" are in sympathy with Germany's actions,
eugenicists had to "proceed cautiously in endorsing them"[8] - hence the need to occasionally condemn
anti-Semitism and overt racism as such, if only to keep the Jews and other minorities at bay.

The dissembling apparent here has been all too much a part of the history of the Pioneer Fund, and
continues unabated, even today, as - for example - the manner in which the Fund has attempted to hide
its connection to the passage of Proposition 187 in California (see below); but insofar as the Nazi
eugenics policy itself was concerned, all of the men connected early on to the Fund would have had
little difficulty in agreeing with their colleague Frederick Osborn when he said that the Nazi eugenics
program was the "most important experiment which has ever been tried (in the history of the

Since the end of World War II eugenicists connected to the Fund have tried to separate themselves from
the legacy of the Holocaust and the ideology of Nordic superiority by eliminating references to "ethnic
racism" in their official pronouncements and from the agendas of their various "learned" societies.

For example, in 1954, The British Annals of Eugenics was renamed The Annals of Human Genetics; in
1969, The Eugenics Quarterly, the successor of The Eugenics News, was renamed The Journal of
Social Biology. Moreover, eugenicists dropped the term "eugenicist" in describing themselves and
began referring to themselves as "population scientists," "human geneticists," "psychiatrists,"
"sociologists," "anthropologists," and "family politicians" - all in an attempt to distance themselves and
their work from its hideous outcome in World War II and the Holocaust.

To this end, even the Fund dropped all references to "whites" and the "white race" from its charter - and
it's worked: these moves have helped the Fund regain acceptance in the scientific community. Today
the Pioneer Fund has regained its foothold in academia, financing projects connected to Harvard, Yale,
the University of Delaware, the University of California at Berkeley, etc.[10] - and the same subterfuge
insofar as what the Fund is really all about continues without any apparent letup.

Take, for example, the manner in which the Fund has sought to hide its connection to Proposition 187
(California's 1994 anti-immigrant initiative). Opponents of Prop. 187 charged early on that the initiative
was being partially underwritten by the Pioneer Fund. "Not so!" replied proponents of the measure -
and, strictly speaking, they were right. There has been no direct connection between the Fund and Prop.

But the indirect connection has been extensive and pervasive. The examples are almost too numerous to
mention; take just one: Alan Nelson. Nelson is one of the authors of Prop. 187 and was a driving force
behind the measure. During the almost two-year "lead-up" to passage of the measure, Nelson was
occupied almost full-time on work connected to the initiative. The question is, who paid him during this
time? - an organization calling itself FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform). And where
did FAIR get its income? - from the Pioneer Fund![11]

To say under such circumstances, then, that the Pioneer Fund did not help bankroll Prop. 187 is
disingenuous at best, and somewhat deceitful at worst. It's precisely this kind of dissembling and
duplicity that contributes so greatly to the murky and even sinister aura which surrounds the activities
of the Fund.

German historian and sociologist Stephen Kuhl, author of The Nazi Connection, cautions people of
good-will in the United States to stay clear of those who are connected to the Fund. He warns that the
failure of the German people - especially German Christians - to disassociate themselves early on from
people and institutions connected directly or even indirectly to "race-science," so-called, helped pave
the way to the crematoria of Hitler's Death Camps.

He cautions that the Pioneer Fund is "a Fund that was founded by supporters of Hitler's policies against
ethnic minorities and handicapped people and that provided money for introducing Nazi propaganda
into the United States; it still sponsors research (and projects) that have striking similarities to the work
that provided the scientific basis for Nazi measures."[12]

Benno Muller-Hill, author of Murderous Science: Crimes against Germany's Ethnic Minorities, echoes
Kuhl; Muller-Hill writes that the Death Camps of Hitler's Germany were not the result of a crazed
minority of empty-headed bumpkins, but rather "the result of the work of leading scholars of
international repute ... Nazi racial policies were the work of trained scholars, not ignorant fanatics" - it
was a science gone mad.

Written By S. R. Shearer
Antipas Ministries
Other founders included Malcolm Donald, and Vincent R. Smalley.

Certificate of the Pioneer Fund, February 27, 1937, signed by Harry H. Laughlin, Frederick Osborn,
Wickliffe Draper, Malcolm Donald, and Vincent R. Smalley. Laughlin Papers, Missouri State
University, Kirksville.

Please see Joye Mercer, "A Fascination With Genes: Pioneer Fund is at center of debate over research
on race and intelligence" in The Journal of Higher Education, December 7, 1994, pg. 28.

Ibid., pg. 28.

Ibid., pg. 28.

See Harriet A. Washington, "Vital Signs," in Emerge, Jan. 31, 1995, pg., 22.

Schneider to Laughlin, May 16, 1936 and Laughlin to Schneider, May 28, 1936, Laughlin Papers.

Stephen Kuhl, The Nazi Connection, Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism,
New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), pg. 74.

Frederick Osborn, "Summary of the Proceedings of the Conference on Eugenics in Relation to

Nursing," February 24, 1937, American Eugenics Society Papers: Conference on Eugenics in Relation
to Nursing.

Please see Mohinder Mann and Annie Dandavati, "The Anti-Immigrant Initiative" in India Currents,
October 31, 1994, pg. 7.

Samuel R. Cacas, "Hearing Draws Differing Perspectives on Immigration's Impact on Jobs in

California" in Asian Week, October 15, 1994, pg. 1

Op. Cit., Stephen Kuhl, pg. 106.

My pleasure Charles. You know how passionate I am about this subject and especially about the links
into Draper's Eugenicists.

I have long felt that on 3//22/67 Wickliffe Draper and his family received almost $100,000,000 in Pfd
Stock from Rockwell Intl for clearing the way to allow Rockwell to prosper in the Viet Nam war after
JFK was gone. George Michael's work just seems to confirm my earlier prognostications about Draper
being the textiles connnection into The Richard Giesbrecht Incident.

Sort of like when Doug Blackmon of the WSJournal finally found the document linking Draper to
Mississippi via the Sovereignty Commission five years after I wrote about The Ghosts of Mississippi
and cited this connection in my ARRB testimony in 1994.
Drapers role in eliminating The Freedom Riders may never be proven but he was behind it just like he
funded the murder of Medgar Evers, Jr. Look at the timing of the funds flows from J. P. Morgan's
Draper account to Mississippi Sov Comm. One when Evers died and the next before The Freedom
Riders disappeared.

Could you post some of your comments from the book on the subjects of Frederick Osborne one of the
incorporators of The Pioneer Fund and any references to Wickliffe Draper or Hjalmar Schacht whose
possible son Robert Schacht is an attorney in Providence where Oswalds application to Albert
Schweitzer College was processed.

Would love to hear your quick summary especially about the Dulles connection to a Philadelphia based
Eugenicist since I just happen to be working on a Baltimore blue blood family and their links into the
Daughters of the American Revolution a favorite Draper topic, H. L. Mencken from Baltimore who
used to own The American Mercury before it was bought by the Draper Eugenics types and Ulius
Amoss from Baltimore who was once called "the worlds foremost private eye".

Amoss whose family has a 1200 page customized Geneaologydocument already prepared came from a
family of Confederate Officers who considered themselves Kentucky Bluegrass thoroughbreds, just
like Drapers cronies and his family. Gee Kentucky Colonels involved with American and British
Eugenicists and New England Unitarians whose SH** dont stink.

And they all pray at either Quaker or Unitarian churches and congratulate themselves that they have a
higher percentage of College Graduates than even the Jews. Hmmm... smarter than the Jews, purer than
the Italians and the Polacks who work for them and whiter than the driven snow. And we all wonder
why they go on head hunting expeditions against Pancho Villa?

Hugh Angleton, George Draper and Charles Willoughby used to go out on "bandito quail hunts" in
New Mexico after Pancho Villa and they thought it was like a Fox Hunt. Ta taaaa! Tally Ho. Meet back
at the club for some Mimosas after this is done.

Supposedly the Yalies have captured such trophies as Geronimo's and Pancho Villa's skulls by raiding
their tombs and have stored them at the Skull and Bones Society in New Haven. Sicko bastidges.

A Certain Arrogance is the last published work by the late George Michael Evica. We mentioned the
book in the Evica obituary on this site. There have been very few reviews or notices of A Certain
Arrogance. But since the book deals with an interesting subject -- and personages -- I think it merits
some discussion.

The overall subject of the work is the use of religious institutions by American intelligence agencies for
purposes of infiltration, surveillance, and subversion. It is a subject that interested others in the
assassination field e.g. Jim Garrison. In looking through the late District Attorney's files, I saw that he
had clipped certain articles on the subject.

The book studies the efforts of the American government in this area especially during and after World
War II. The prime focus is on the towering figures of the Dulles brothers: CIA Director Allen, and
Secretary of State John Foster. As Evica notes, the brothers -- especially Allen -- had a history of using
liberal Protestant groups to achieve these kinds of aims.

Some of the denominations Evica names as targets are the Quakers, Unitarians and other liberal
Christian groups. (p. 85) One of the families that Allen Dulles exploited in this regard was the Field
family: Herbert and his son Noel. The author states that Herbert Field's Quaker-based network of
World War I would become an integral keystone of Allen Dulles' OSS spy operations during the
Second World War. (p. 93)

And it was Herbert's son Noel who helped run it for Dulles. There were also Unitarians incorporated
into the spy apparatus like Varian Fry and Robert Dexter. (pgs 98-99)

Evica then points out the interesting paradox that the use of these liberal religious organizations
allowed Allen Dulles an ideological mask over his operatives.

Toward the end of their careers, Fry and Noel Field were accused of being communists. Yet until the
end, Fry was associated with "several right-wing anti-Communist organizations closely tied to the
CIA." (p. 100) Noel Field began his government career as a State Department employee.

He was a Quaker who later befriended the radical Unitarian, Stephen Frichtman, who constructed the
Unitarian Service Committee in 1940. (p. 105)

This committee later became part of a large umbrella group called Refugee Relief Trustees. The man
supervising the Unitarian aspect of this umbrella group was Percival Brundage.

Noel Field began his espionage career by aiding anti-Fascists trying to get out of Spain during the
advent of Franco's rule. Dulles used Field to work leftists resisting the Nazis. Then, by 1943, when it
became obvious that the Allies would win the war, he began using him to strengthen church groups
against communists.

John Foster Dulles, for example, was a leading member of the American Council of the Churches of
Christ. And he used the body "both as a stabilizing factor for ... the German people, and as a stronghold
against Bolshevism." (p. 114)

The body used by Allen Dulles was the World Council of Churches. At a meeting of the group in
1945, German theologian Martin Niemoeller told Dulles's girlfriend and employee Mary Bancroft about
this effort. (p. 116) This religious-intelligence union eventually became so extensive that by 1960 all
liberal Protestant or Quaker/Unitarian welfare agencies were placed under suspicion by the KGB.
( ibid)

Furthering just how secretive and extensive this nexus was is the fact that the curator of Allen Dulles'
personal papers from the time he was fired by JFK until his death was Garner Ranney. (This would
include the former CIA Director's time on the Warren Commission.)

Then, after Dulles died, Ranney was one of a three-person team that governed the release of his papers
through Princeton University. Ranney did the same kind of work for the Episcopalian church of
Maryland. Evica notes that many of these files dealing with Field and the Unitarians have been

And the CIA cleared the boxes of cables and letters between Dulles and Field from the Unitarian
Service Committee files stored at Harvard. And in fact, a writer who did a book on that Committee
wrote to Evica that she had no doubt there were intelligence files on several of the upper level officers
like Dexter and possibly Frederick May Eliot of the American Unitarian Association. (p. 134)

All of the above serves as (rather lengthy) background in the book for what will be the main focus of
the first and last parts. That would be Lee Harvey Oswald and his association with Albert Schweitzer
College in Switzerland, and his later association in Dallas with Ruth and Michael Paine, who were first
Quakers and then joined a Unitarian church in Dallas. (p. 246)

As mentioned elsewhere on this site, Oswald's association with Albert Schweitzer College is one of the
most fascinating releases made by the Assassination Records Review Board. After a struggle with the
FBI for a year, in December of 1995 the ARRB finally released a set of five documents concerning
their search for Oswald in Switzerland -- a place where he was never supposed to have been.

This search was provoked by a request made long ago by Oswald's mother to the FBI. She told agent
John Fain that she had mailed her son a series of letters in Russia in late 1959. Some enclosed money
orders. She got no reply. She was worried he might be lost. She alerted the Bureau to the fact that she
had received a letter from an official of Albert Schweitzer College in Switzerland.

A man named Hans Casparis told her that Lee had been expected there in April of 1960. Casparis also
said that Lee had sent them a deposit registering for the spring, 1960 session.

J. Edgar Hoover then began a search for Mr.Casparis and this college. This search occasioned the
famous June 3, 1960 memo by FBI Director Hoover saying that there may be an imposter using
Oswald's birth certificate.

The FBI representatives in Paris had no idea where the place was, so they got in contact with the Swiss
Police. It took them two months to locate the school. (See Probe Vol. 3 No. 3) So the obvious question
is: How did Oswald know about this college? It is a question the Warren Commission never came
close to answering.

But Albert Schweitzer College fits into Evica's framework since it was founded by the Unitarian
Church in 1953, as the Cold War was ratcheting up. Shortly after Kennedy's murder, in 1964, the
college was closed down. The FBI visited the institution twice: once in 1960, and again in 1963. As
Evica notes, this may be why most of the papers on Oswald from Albert Schweitzer are gone.

(The author notes that the files on the college at its Providence headquarters, where most American
applicant forms were sent, were also spirited away in December of 1963.)

Consider the facts above. Here you have an institution so obscure that the FBI in Paris never heard of
it. So obscure that the Swiss Police took two months to locate it. An institution that actually closed
down within months of JFK's murder -- yet Oswald only applied there; he never attended.
In fact, from what we know, he never set foot in the place. Why did they then close shop, after eleven
years, approximately when the Warren Report was issued? Especially since that report mentions Albert
Schweitzer only briefly and in passing? (Referring to his passport application in Santa Ana California,
here is the entirety of that mention: "His application stated that he planned to leave the United States on
September 21 to attend the Albert Schweitzer College ... ."

(See Warren Report, p. 689) This is stunning in and of itself of course. Since, in any serious
investigation, the mystery of how Oswald found out about Schweitzer would have been of some
importance. Not to mention why he applied there, and why he did not show up. For as Evica notes, the
college did not advertise in the Christian Register from 1948-59. (p. 65)

Evica's book tries to do at least some of the work the Warren Commission chose not to do.

For instance, when he left the Marines, on his trip to Europe in 1959, Oswald mentioned attending a
school in Switzerland on two occasions. (Evica, p. 17) But he did not. He proceeded to Russia. Yet
the Swiss Police found out that he wrote Schweitzer from Moscow confirming that he still planned on
attending the fall semester of 1959. ( Ibid, p. 18)

What makes this episode even more interesting of course is that in this exact time frame Oswald is
getting his so-called "hardship discharge" even though a) His mother had no real hardship, and b) There
is no evidence he helped her through anything.

Interestingly, he told his brother Robert that he was leaving for Europe from New Orleans where he
planned to work for an export firm. When he got to New Orleans he booked passage on a freighter
from an agency at Clay Shaw's International Trade Mart. (Of course, CIA agent Shaw's cover was that
business.) In fact, on a form he filled out there Oswald listed his occupation as "shipping export agent".
(p. 17) Further, he listed his stay abroad as being for only a couple of months.

Yet, if he was attending Schweitzer it would have to have been at least a four-month stay.

One reason that the Commission ignored most of this may be that it did not want to draw attention to
the holes in the paper trail. As I have noted above, some of it is missing -- swept up in the wake of the
FBI investigation.

But even in what was left, Evica points out some tantalizing inconsistencies. For instance, Oswald sent
a deposit to the school even though there is not a written record of his official acceptance. (p. 34) Yet,
as the author notes, this was the official procedure as outlined by the college secretary, Erika Weibel:
you were accepted first, then you sent the deposit.

Further, there is no letter of introduction from Oswald to the college. In other words, there is no
indication of how or why Oswald became interested in attending with his request for an application
form. (p. 32) When Oswald did apply, he used the wrong form. He submitted an application form for
the summer session, not the regular fall term.

This short form was mailed before March 4, 1959. Yet the date on the form is March 19th. He also
sent the longer, correct form on March 4th.
But as Evica notes, since the college wrote Oswald that it got his incorrect form no later than March
28th " the college could not have sent out the longer, correct form to him any earlier than March 28th,
1959." (p. 33) So who got Oswald the longer, correct form before the college sent it out? And who told
him that he sent out the wrong form in the first place?

( This is all reminiscent of Guy Banister correcting Oswald when he put his office address on his Fair
Play for Cuba literature in New Orleans.)

Well, it may be one of the denizens from Banister's office. Evica could not find any evidence that
Oswald attended any Unitarian churches prior to applying to the Swiss school. But a close friend of
Oswald's in the Marines did attend.

Interestingly, it was the Warren Commission's prime witness attesting to Oswald's communist leanings:
Kerry Thornley. At the time he knew Oswald in the Marines, Thornley testified that he "had been going
to the First Unitarian Church in Los Angeles." (p. 21) This particular church is the subject of a sixty-
page FBI report at the National Archives. But when Thornley was then asked if Oswald had any
connection to that church, he replied that he did not. (Ibid)

The man who wrote Oswald's mother, Hans Casparis, is also an interesting character. He is one of the
founders of the college, and in 1959-60 he was billed as the director. In his correspondence with
Oswald, Casparis changed the opening date of the spring trimester three times. But Evica could find
"no record in the available Albert Schweitzer College documents at Harvard Divinity School Library
supporting this schedule modification." ( p. 37)

Evica also found a student who said the pushed back start date never took place. And that Oswald's
name never appeared on any student roster. (Ibid) Need I add that almost all the records for the Friends
of Albert Schweitzer College at Harvard for the 1959-60 term are missing? (p. 289)

All these questions about Oswald, the college, and its sudden disappearance are accentuated by the
questions about Hans Casparis. Casparis wrote that he had graduated from three universities and
lectured at the University of Zurich. But when Evica contacted that university they said he had never
lectured there.

The universities he said he had graduated from were Zurich, Basel and the Univeristy of Chicago. But
Evica discovered that he held no reported diplomas or degress from these three universities. (p. 78)

So from Evica's research, here you had a man who billed himself as a professor of a college who did
not receive a degree from any of the academic institutions he said he attended. And this was supposed
to be one of the "founders" of Albert Schweitzer.

Almost all of the material on Oswald and Albert Schweitzer is at the beginning of the book. And for
me this was the best part of the volume. Evica was not a skilled or supple writer, but when he bit into a
particular issue he persevered and saw it through to the end as he saw it.

No one has taken the Albert Schweitzer story as far as he has. The second reason this demonstration is
valuable is it shows once again that if you press on almost any aspect of the Oswald saga, questions,
inconsistencies, paradoxes in abundance come to the forefront.
How many Marines in 1959 applied for a Unitarian college abroad, sent their deposit forward, and then
never showed up, deciding to defect to Russia instead?

But that is about par for the course with Lee Harvey Oswald. Third, the appearance of Thornley and
Shaw's ITM reminded me of a talk I had with former House Select Committee investigator L. J. Delsa.

Along with Bob Buras, Delsa manned the New Orleans beat for the HSCA. He told me that one of
David Ferrie's purposes as a Civil Air Patrol captain was the recruitment of young men for future
military-intelligence functions.

As alluded to above, the long middle section of the book, ranging approximately from pages 85-219,
basically chronicles how the American government used and abused religious institutions for
subversive ends. This part of the volume could have used compression. In my view, about half of this
part of the book could have been cut with very little of any substance lost.

Evica was a friend and colleague of Peter Dale Scott, and some of the sub-headings and his approach
here reminds me of Scott at his worst. For example, here are a couple of sub-headings: "The
Killian/Brundage/Bissell/Rockefeller Space Program", "The CIA, the Catherwood Foundation, the
Young Family, the Philippines, and Ed Lansdale".

Like Scott, Evica does not use the rubric Chapter, but Essay. Essay Seven is titled "Percival Brundage,
The Bureau of the Budget, James R. Killian Jr., Lyndon Baines Johsnon and the Unitarian Matrix."
And as with Scott, much of the material is just excess baggage. The connections are just too wide to be
material or relevant. Especially in these days that are post ARRB.

But towards the end, the relevance picks up. First, Evica presents interesting facts about Percival
Brundage who was involved with Albert Schweitzer College.

Brundage was a major Unitarian Church officer from 1942-54, when it was cooperating with both the
OSS and CIA. But even more interesting he was a signatory to the incorporation papers of Southern
Air Transport.

In fact, he became one of the registered stockholders in the company. (p. 223) As many people know,
this was a notorious CIA proprietary company that did major air supply missions for the Company in
both Southeast Asia and the Caribbean. It originated with Paul Heliwell's purchase of Claire
Chennault's Civil Air Transport for the CIA.

Civil Air Transport was then broken down into smaller units, one of them being Southern Air
Transport. SAT specialized in the Caribbean area. When the Certificate of Incorporation of the Friends
of Albert Schweitzer College was filed in New York, Brundage was one of the three directors named.

He served as president of the body from 1953-58. So here you had a man who played an importnat part
in Allen Dulles' religious spy apparatus, and who was a major stockholder in a notorious CIA shell
company, and he just just happens to end up the president of Albert Schweitzer College and a chief
member of its American support team.
Then at the end, Evica ties the loop together by profiling the background on the Paines and how they fit
into this milieu. As Evica notes, much of this material is taken from the extraordinary work done on the
couple by Carol Hewett, Barbara La Monica, and Steve Jones.

(Much of which was published in Probe. Evica makes good use of it, but inexplicably he leaves out
some of the more important evidentiary aspects relating to the Warren Commission inquiry.

This includes things like the mystery of the Minox camera and the origin of the rifle allegedly ordered
by Oswald.) As the author notes, this work is so potent that it was attacked by a big gun of the GOP,
Thomas Mallon in his pathetic whitewash of a book, Mrs. Paine's Garage.

Evica uses much of Hewett, La Monica, and Jones's excellent work and even supplements it with other
authors. He makes other good points, like the exquisite timing of the separation of Ruth and Michael
Paine, which made it so convenient for Marina to move in with Ruth before the assassination.

How CIA contact George DeMohrenschildt introduced Oswald to the Paines and the White Russian
community of Dallas-Fort Worth. And at one of the very first meetings of Oswald with this group, Lee
talked to Volkmar Schmidt for three hours.

And according to Schmidt, through Edward Epstein, "Oswald violently attacked President Kennedy's
foreign policy ... Schmidt baited Oswald with a negative analysis of right-wing General Edwin A.
Walker and an impending American fascism." (p. 237) Why Oswald would want to talk to Schmidt,
who was a neo-Nazi fascist, is puzzling. But Schmidt concluded that "Oswald was completely
alienated, self-destructive, and suicidal."

This vignette encapsules what the Warren Commission would do with Oswald several months later: pin
the shooting of Walker and murder of Kennedy on him, and paint him as a sociopath.

I suppose it is just a coincidence that, at this time, Schmidt was living with Michael Paine. (ibid)

Evica closes the book with a couple who emerged as character witnesses for the Paines during the
Warren Commission inquiry: Frederick and Nancy Osborn.

The Osborn family, including his father Frederick Sr., was significantly involved in the American
eugenics movement whose intention was to "create a superior Nordic race." (p. 251) Frederick Sr. also
worked with Allen Dulles in the organization of the National Committee for a Free Europe. (p. 254)
The funding for this group eventually came from Frank Wisner's Office of Policy Coordination in the
CIA. (p. 255)

These were the connections of the friends of the kindly Quaker couple who befriended Lee and Marina.

"A Certain Arrogance" -- the Introduction

Human kind Cannot bear very much reality

- T. S. Eliot, “Burnt Norton,” Four Quartets
Let me be clear from the outset: A Certain Arrogance is no more or less “about” the assassination of
John F. Kennedy than cancer surgery is “about” the tumor.

George Michael Evica, one of the preeminent prosectors of the malignant growth that disfigured the
American body politic on November 22, 1963, for decades has focused his intellect and intuition on the
search for a cure for the underlying disease.

In the course of forty years of research, analysis, writing, broadcasting, and teaching, he has followed
its devastating metastasis through the vital organs of politics (deep and otherwise) to the extremities of
business, culture, and religion. All the while he has cut away necrotic tissue and struggled valiantly,

in the company of a surgical team as distinguished as it is obscure, to keep the patient alive.

Professor Evica, author of And We Are All Mortal: New Evidence and Analysis in the Assassination of
John F. Kennedy (1975; University of Hartford), can be numbered among the most honored of the so-
called second generation of Kennedy assassination researchers.

Their labors to refine, reinforce, expand upon, and draw attention to the discoveries of their
predecessors validate this direct statement of fact:

Anyone with reasonable access to the evidence in the homicide of JFK who does not conclude that the
act was the consequence of a criminal conspiracy is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.

Conspiracy in the Kennedy killing is as well-established an historical truth as is the Holocaust. Further,
those in a position to know this truth who nonetheless choose to deny it in service to the darkest
political and cultural agendas are morally akin to Holocaust deniers.

A Certain Arrogance stands as Professor Evica’s response to the unavoidable question: How do we
define and effect justice in the wake of the world-historic tragedy in Dallas?

Clearly he understands that, at this late date, being content merely to identify and, if possible, prosecute
the conspiracy’s sponsors, facilitators, and mechanics would amount to hollow acts of vengeance.
Cleaning and closing the wound while leaving the disease to spread is simply not a survivable option.

With the nobility of knowledge comes obligation: How can we utilize all that has been learned through
our post-Dallas experiences to heal and immunize the long-suffering victims of the malady of which the
assassination of John F. Kennedy is but the most widely appreciated and putrescent manifestation?

The method by which Professor Evica honors his noblesse oblige is, at first blush, hardly novel. Like
many other researchers, he has chosen to begin his exploration by focusing on an aspect of the complex
life of the lead character in the assassination drama, Lee Harvey Oswald.

To carry the cancer metaphor forward: Think of the falsely accused killer as a tumor cell whose sojourn
through the host organism in theory can be traced back to its source.
Oswald’s movements, however, are not easily discerned. False trails and feints abound. Promising clues
have been obscured by a host of ham-handed interlopers and sinister obfuscators.

Rather than traverse well-worn pathways, Professor Evica sets out by following one of the few
remaining under-examined passages of an otherwise over-mapped life. His uniquely painstaking
investigation of Oswald’s involvement with Albert Schweitzer College (hereinafter ASC), including the
processes and implications of his application, acceptance, and nonattendance, has led both to major
discoveries and to significant refinements of previously developed hypotheses.

In the former category our attention is drawn to what Professor Evica terms “one of U.S. intelligence’s
last important secrets,” the involvement by the Central Intelligence Agency and psychological
operations (psyops) in student and youth organizations – especially those with religious affiliations.

The U.S. government’s faith-based initiatives, it seems, did not originate with George W. Bush’s
alleged administration.

As he meticulously follows Oswald’s ASC paper trail, the author is led not toward the Swiss campus,
but rather into brick walls and empty rooms. A prime example: Oswald applied to the college on March
19, 1959.

Less than two months later, when the chairman of ASC’s American Admissions Committee (and, at the
time, the pastor of the First Unitarian Church of Providence, Rhode Island) submitted to Switzerland
the applications and related materials of prospective American students, Oswald’s folder was included.

Today those documents – critically important evidence in the investigation of the crime of the 20th
century – do not exist in any official repository. This in spite of the fact that copies, or perhaps even
originals, were in the Providence ASC file seized by the FBI after the assassination.

This troubling absence, within a broader context fully substantiated in A Certain Arrogance, inevitably
leads the author to conclude that Oswald’s application to ASC is “a still-protected American
intelligence operation.”

I do not wish to spoil the bittersweet joy of discovery to be experienced as readers accompany
Professor Evica on his journey through unknown territory. Yet the methodology and ultimate value of
A Certain Arrogance as a “whodunit” (as opposed to the “howdunit” nature of the overwhelming
majority of JFK assassination-related volumes) must be fully appreciated.

To discover the identities of Oswald’s early manipulators is to be drawn into the necrotic nucleus of the
disease. And so, thanks to the Evica investigation of the ASC charade, we are left with a preliminary,
shattering conclusion regarding the “who” we seek.

“Whoever directed the Oswald [assassination] Game was thoroughly knowledgeable about both the
OSS’s and CIA’s counterintelligence manipulations of Quakers, Unitarians, Lutherans, Dutch
Reformed clerics and World Council of Churches officials as intelligence and espionage contacts,
assets, and informants.”
From the mountains and snowfields and quaint villages of Switzerland, Professor Evica escorts us
through a darker, more mysterious inner landscape.

Examinations of what he neatly summarizes as “U.S. covert intelligence operating under humanitarian
cover” leads us to a confrontation with psychological operations – psyops and its propaganda,
disinformation, and morale operations alter egos.

Professor Evica was the first to understand the Kennedy assassination and other intelligence operations
as by-design theatrical productions, replete with all the essential elements of drama – including
shameless manipulations of audiences’ minds and emotions. Within these pages he further supports and
refines this hypothesis.

“Psychological manipulations of individuals and groups, whatever the procedure may have been called
in the 18th and 19th centuries, drew upon discoveries in anatomy, mesmerism, hypnotism, counseling,
studies in hysteria, rhetorical theory, psychoanalysis, advertising, behavior modification, and
psychiatry. I

n the same periods, the literary forms of irony, satire, and comedy and the less reputable verbal arts of
slander, libel, and manufactured lies were applied.”

Before we are tempted to argue that the realities of war often require an honorable combatant to mimic,
for a limited period and with noble intent, the darker designs of an evil foe, Professor Evica reminds us
that, “Most of these genres and strategies were enlisted in the service of social, class, and political

He then identifies the likely director of the aforementioned Oswald Game.

C. D. Jackson was “the psyops expert who organized and ran General Dwight David Eisenhower’s
Psychological Warfare Division at SHAEF … an official of the Office of War Information … [and] a
veteran of the North African campaign.”

Jackson’s career and its impact upon American history, heretofore marginally understood at best (he is
widely identified as the Time-Life editor who purchased the Zapruder film) are major focuses of A
Certain Arrogance.

Nowhere is both the validity of Albert Einstein’s observation that “the distinction between past, present
and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion” and the contemporary relevance of Professor Evica’s
discoveries more clearly evident than in the author’s exposition of the Jackson oeuvre. In particular we
are drawn to the discussion of how mass media early on was identified as a key weapon in the mind
control arsenal.

In a 1946 letter to Jackson, General Robert McClure, at one time Eisenhower’s chief of intelligence for
the European theater, boasted to his psyops counterpart of the scope of their manipulation.

“We now control 137 newspapers, 6 radio stations, 314 theaters, 642 movies, 101 magazines, 237 book
publishers, 7,384 book dealers and printers, and conduct about 15 public opinion surveys a month, as
well as publish one newspaper with 1,500,000 circulation … run the AP of Germany, and operate 20
library centers.”

Fairness and balance, it seems, did not originate with the Fox Network’s alleged news division.

Haunting the pages of A Certain Arrogance in the company of the shades of John Fitzgerald Kennedy
and Lee Harvey Oswald is a revelation so menacing in its assault on convention as to provoke a
reflexive shielding of our eyes from its searing light. Yet the author cannot spare us the psychic pain
that is the unavoidable side effect of his scholarship, insofar as such suffering remains the sine qua non
for the eradication of our common malady and the return to robust good health.

Within the nucleus of the disease, Professor Evica has discovered “a treasonous cabal of hard-line
American and Soviet intelligence agents whose masters were above Cold War differences.”

In light of this revelation, we are left with no choice but to embrace a new paradigm of world power.

Professor Evica reveals the universally accepted vertical, East v. West Cold War confrontation to have
been a sophistic construct, illusory in terms of its advertised raison d’etre, all too real in its bloody
consequences, created by the powerful yet outnumbered manipulators of perception to protect what
they recognized to be an all too fragile reality.

The true division of power, he teaches us, then as now is drawn on a horizontal axis.

Envision the earth so bifurcated, with the line drawn not at the equator, but rather at the Arctic Circle.
Above the line are the powerful few – the “Haves.” Below the line, in vastly superior numbers, are the
powerless many – the “Have-Nots.”

Can we bear so much reality?

While contemplating the implications of Professor Evica’s research, I was reminded of how Francis
Ford Coppola struggled to find the best thematic hook on which to hang the plot of The Godfather,

Part III. It is said that he considered and ultimately rejected a treatment of the Kennedy assassination as
the most cinematically viable expression of systemic evil in full flower. Instead – perhaps wisely,
perhaps not – he opted to dramatize the Vatican Bank scandal.

Upon initial examination, the conjoined stories of the looting of the Banco Ambrosiano, the perfidy of
Roberto Calvi and P2, the assassination of John Paul I, and the corruption of the Roman Catholic
Church at its highest levels present as the cellular components of yet another tumor, arguably the most
horrific manifestation imaginable of the disease being probed by Professor Evica.

We are incredulous. We are outraged.

Then reason returns.

The manipulations of religious institutions by elements of the deep political structure for unholy
purposes should provoke neither surprise nor anger. For is not organized religion merely politics by
other means?

The assault on Albert Schweitzer, however, is another matter.

“The ethical spirit … must be awakened anew,” Dr. Schweitzer instructed at the height of the Cold
War. The defiling of the name and the perversion of the mission of that saintly man no doubt provoked
sweet satisfaction within the breasts of those for whom a worldview informed by ethics is simply not a
survivable option.

What then of justice? Have we any reason to expect the guilty to be punished, the disease to be
eradicated. The novelist Jim Harrison:

“People finally don’t have much affection for questions, especially one so leprous as the
apparent lack of a fair system of rewards and punishments on earth … We would like to think that the
whole starry universe would curdle … the conjunctions of Orion twisted askew, the arms of the
Southern Cross drooping.

Of course not; immutable is immutable and everyone in his own private manner dashes his brains
against the long suffering question that is so luminously obvious. Even gods aren’t exempt; note Jesus’
howl of despair as he stepped rather tentatively into eternity.”

It is for us to deliver justice and heal ourselves, to muster the courage to ask questions and the strength
to endure answers.

Within the pages of A Certain Arrogance, George Michael Evica leads by example.

A Certain Arrogance is based on six years of research and writing and tens of thousands of never-
before-examined documents archived at Harvard Divinity School, Andover-Harvard Theological
Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts; at the Unitarian/Universalist Service Committee offices in
Cambridge; and in Boston at the Unitarian/Universalist Association headquarters.

American intelligence, led by Allen Dulles, manipulated major religious groups through two World
Wars and the "Cold War." In Switzerland, Liberal Protestantism created Albert Schweitzer College,
supported in the United States by the Unitarian Church, the Unitarian Service Committee, and the
American Friends of Albert Schweitzer College, dominated by elite Unitarians with U.S. intelligence

American intelligence apparently used Albert Schweitzer College in cooperation with assets of the
Office of Strategic Services and the CIA, key policy?makers for Albert Schweitzer College.

In 1959, Lee Harvey Oswald, exhibiting extremely suspicious intelligence signals, registered for Albert
Schweitzer College; four years later, Oswald was framed for JFK's murder, and the truth about the
Swiss college was, until now, suppressed.
Assisted by the support of a community of religious individuals and groups, the author of A Certain
Arrogance establishes that Lee Harvey Oswald, a reputed defector to the Soviet Union, was apparently
supplied by U.S. intelligence with official but deliberately faulty military and travel documents in order
to apply to Albert Schweitzer College.

That application linked him directly to a powerful group of American Unitarians, key assets of the
Office of Strategic Services and then the CIA, first in the fight against Nazi Germany and later in the
struggle against international Communism.

Among those elite Unitarians was Percival Flack Brundage, champion of economic and covert actions
of the U.S. war machine when he held important leadership positions in the Bureau of the Budget, as
president of the American Friends of Albert Schweitzer College, and as a key member of the U.S.
intelligence fraternity that ran psychological warfare and critical covert operations. Both Allen Dulles
and John Foster Dulles were important actors in that dark spy community.

Lee Harvey Oswald, obviously the product of a U.S. intelligence False Identity/"Illegals" program, was
ultimately patsied on November 11, 1963 in the JFK murder.


Certain Arrogance - Wartime Manipulation of Religious Groups by U.S. Intelligence; by George

Michael Evica

Providing the first global cultural context for the assassination of John F. Kennedy, this investigation
into how United States intelligence agencies and other entities manipulated liberal religious groups and
educational institutions for ideological, political, and economic gain during the Cold War exposes
numerous previously misunderstood political operations.

Including assassinations, these projects include those facilitated by Allen Dulles, John Foster Dulles,
the U.S. State Department, the Office of Strategic Services and its successor, the CIA, and other
individuals and groups.

Focusing on the manipulations of key individuals in the American Unitarian Association, the Unitarian
Service Committee, and the Unitarian-supported Albert Schweitzer College by covert American
interests during the Cold War, this expose asserts that an unwitting Lee Harvey Oswald - an asset and
pawn of American intelligence - was the ideal scapegoat in a tragically successful conspiracy to murder
President Kennedy.

A Certain Arrogance is a reticulation of eight essays on the history of international intelligence

(primarily U.S. espionage), on Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles and their manipulation of religious
groups and individuals to achieve U.S. elitist goals, on the development of U.S. psychological warfare
operations, and on the sacrifice of Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
American Spymaster Allen Dulles, based in Switzerland, had abused religious (largely Protestant)
individuals and institutions for U.S. intelligence through two World Wars and the subsequent "Cold
War." His brother John Foster Dulles also used major religious groups (again, largely Protestant) from
1937 through 1959 to further both his own and the American establishment's political and economic

One religious individual, Noel Field (American Quaker, Unitarian, and Marxist) was used by Allen
Dulles to manipulate religious relief organizations in World War II and in the post war period. Dulles
finally utilized Field to help destabilize Communist Eastern Europe. Dulles apparently collaborated in
this plan with Jozef Swiatlo, a Communist/CIA double agent, who later surfaced in the Warren
Commission's Kennedy assassination investigation of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Swiss based Albert Schweitzer College had major religious origins that were both social and political.
Post war liberal Protestant movements in Europe, including the International Association for Religious
Freedom, helped to create the college in Switzerland, the country at the center of Allen Dulles' fifty
year spy program. In the United States, the college was supported by a powerful coalition of American
religiousliberalism, primarily the Unitarian Church, the Unitarian Service Committee, and the
American Friends of Albert Schweitzer College.

Albert Schweitzer College's history strongly suggests that American espionage assets helped establish
the college and then used it, possibly with the knowledge and even cooperation of some of its religious
supporters in the Unitarian Church movement and those who worked for the college in Switzerland.
One leading Unitarian who worked closely with both U.S. intelligence and the military in the '40s and
'50s was President of the American Friends of Albert Schweitzer College, exactly when Lee Harvey
Oswald applied.

That same intelligence connected Unitarian worked with a second influential Unitarian to help control
U.S. space programs, including the U 2 overflights, and in the '60s, that intelligence connected
Unitarian fronted for a major CIA proprietary. Those who set policy for Albert Schweitzer College
were, therefore, elite members of the establishment and allies of the Central Intelligence Agency. In
1959, Lee Harvey Oswald registered to attend Albert Schweitzer College and therefore became a direct
link between the college and American intelligence.

Whoever masterminded the Oswald college action was knowledgeable about both the OSS's and the
CIA's use of Quakers, officials of the World Council of Churchs, and Unitarians as contacts, assets, and
informants (often as double agents) AND about the FBI's responsibility in tracking down and
identifying Soviet illegals and double agents. Oswald was, therefore, a creature of someone in
American counterintelligence who possessed precisely that double body of knowledge.

At the same time that AlbertSchweitzer College was extending its international recruiting effort, both
the Soviet and American Illegals and False Identity programs were operating. For those espionage
groups, Lee Harvey Oswald initially looked like a candidate for their intelligence operations. But
Oswald was a stunningly imperfect False Identity/Illegals prospect. A faulty False Identity operation
had apparently been carried out using Lee Harvey Oswald and run by a branch of American

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