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The Herald Name:

Force Lo re Steel Sway

Moves Start with one of the moves below. Spend 5 charges
to unlock a new move.
n Wi t h a Tho u s an d F ac es Th e My t hic D im en sio n
You gain power by embodying an icon: the gruff You have a den where props from the icons you’ve
sheriff, the martial artist, the femme fatale, etc. embodied are reverently displayed. So long as
This power has four sources: you store props from an icon there, you don’t lose
Props: When you first use an item to make your charges when you move from it to a new icon.
appearance more like the icon, gain 1 charge.
M e t ho d Ac to r
Stage: When a scene from the icon’s myth comes When you play a role, you fool the entire world.
to pass - a duel at high noon, an experiment in a You may spend a charge to fully submerge
lightning storm, a footchase through a market - yourself in a role: for the next hour, no-one will
gain 1 charge. recognise you as anyone other than the role.
Actor: When someone becomes a key part of Th e H e ro 's J o u rn ey
your role’s narrative - mentor, sidekick, beloved, When an actor starts helping you, mark a second
nemesis etc - gain 1 charge. role. Combine the two and say what hidden
When you risk your life to act like the icon would, depths the actor has revealed in the icon.
spend 1 Charge to get advantage on a roll.
Th e M ask s o f G o d
If a piece of Gear is also a prop for your current
C harg es: icon, you may spend 1 charges to give it a tag
relevant to the icon’s myth.
Lo c al H e ro
Get an Inheritance move from your Family. Take a
new one each time you shift roles.

Roles Harm
Choose the kind of icon you’re emulating: When you mark a harm slot,
Mentor: Shift to this role when you act as a give it a label that suits your
mentor for a prodigy, and add +2 to Lore or icon; get 2 charges if you give it
Sway. The GM says what the homeland hopes a penalty. Clear labels when you
they’ll accomplish. change icons.
Hero: Something must be found, rescued or When you die, lose all charges
conquered. Shift to this role when you take and return to consciousness in a
on the quest to find it, and add +2 to Force or safe location. If you die with no
What do you desire? To find every scrap of lore left behind on the symbols and stories of the World Before. Steel. Say how your family will suffer if you fail. Dead charges, you die for real.
To immerse youself in them, to let them all wash over you... until someone else stares back from the mirror.
Antihero: A terrible threat must be
Stats Looks Backstory confronted. Shift to this role when you draw Gear and Notes
You have 0 in each, plus your Androgynous, transgressing, Read these out and ask for first blood, and add +2 to Sway or Steel. When you Zoom In, describe the icon you’re
Family bonus. concealed. volunteers: The GM says what you’ll have to sacrifice to hunting and gain 1 Data to use on finding their
Sardonic glances, cold stare, overcome it. memorabilia.
and I met on a secret
piercing gaze. street, hunting for lost knowledge. Trickster: Shift to this role when you trick
Menacing aura, peaceful aura, a figure of authority, and add +2 to Lore or
haunted aura. I loved before, under a
Force. Tell us why your family is complicit in
Husky voice, mellow voice, raspy different name.
the authority’s injustices.
is helping me usher Lose charges and stat raises when you shift icons.
my full potential.

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