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Hamam Hussein 903 June 18,2021

Art Roundtable

1. These two assignments show the difference in skill and

technique I have gained this year in Art class. The first
assignment was a free drawing at the beginning of the year
and the second assignment was a creativity drawing a month
ago. The skill I have improved in this year is the Problem
Formulation standard by expressing my thoughts and feelings or
emotions in my artwork. I have gotten better at expressing
myself and my creativity by letting all of my emotion in my
artwork or when I’m feeling an emotion that I don’t like I just go
and draw or color my drawing in the colors of my feelings. I also
go to the app called Sketchbook Pro because it’s way easier
for me to draw and color, this app helped me a lot during the
times I had bad emotions and it’s all thanks to you that gave
me this app. Let me compare the difference between the two
artwork I chose. The first one it’s just drawing with no colors
because that day I had no idea how to express my feelings in
an artwork. In the second artwork you could see how much I
have improved by showing the colors as my emotions.
2. The first artwork is showing where I started this year as an artist.
Therefore, My struggles were that I didn't know how to show my
emotions in my artwork since then I wanted to improve myself
at that. The thing that helped me the most during that process
was pratinging and when I ever feel an emotion I go and do it
in my artwork by expressing in colors. The artwork that shows
how far I have come is the second one because it shows my
Hamam Hussein 903 June 18,2021

improvement by expressing my emotion in my artwork and by

using colors like each color represents a different feeling.
3. The creative solution I came up with that changed my idea
along the way was instead of drawing my feelings every day
just draw one every week that expresses all the feelings I have
been through that week.This way was better because I get to
draw all the emotions in one drawing. Along the way it was
pretty fun and it used to change the way I see my emotions. I
am really proud of doing that because now I at least got better
at something I liked doing and that will always remind me of Art
class. I don’t think I need to do better because I feel this is the
best I did. I learned a lot while making this project like how to
share a part of my improvement with my teacher and I learned
how in life we always change if we learn or no one will always
remain the same after learning. Also how we have improved
making art with our teacher. This was all, I hope you enjoyed
my Roundtable.

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