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Name: _Tony Wang__________ Date:__6/7/2021________ Section_903____

Directions: Write a reflection/artist statement that explains your growth in art this year. It must be at least 3
paragraphs in length. The purpose of this assignment is for you to be able to communicate to your audience
(teachers, parents and peers) the process you used and the artistic choices you made. Tell a story about your
process of making this artwork. Use the guiding questions to help you organize your statement. Start by setting up
your artworks in front of you and thinking of how you have improved. Then move on to writing.
this statement will be an important piece of evidence for your roundtable.

Artwork #1 Artwork #2 Artwork #3 (optional)

Artist: Tony wang Artist:Tony wang Artist:
Title: My Prized possessions Title: Seeabile sound Title:
Medium: Medium: Medium:
Size: ____”Tall x ______“Wide Size: ____”Tall x ______“Wide Size: ____”Tall x ______“Wide
or digital size:1249 × 937 or digital size:703 × 937 or digital size:
Date: 12/10/2020 Date: 5/9/2021 Date:

Paragraph # 1- How have you Your answers here: Throughout this year I have improved on shading in
grown artistically in one of the
shadows in my drawing. We did a still life drawing that required some
following ways...
shading and I did a really good job on that art work. The other skill I have
Choose AT LEAST ONE of the
following to answer. gotten better at doing this year is showing my creativity in my art work. For

What skill or technique have you example, for the assessment where we had to draw what our favorite
improved in this year?
(Problem Formulation Standard, Research song made us feel, I expressed my creativity. I also improved in drawing
still life objects, they look pretty realistic if i throwed in some color.

How have you gotten better at

expressing yourself and your
(Communication Standard)

How have you improved in a

standard? Explain.
- Research, or finding good
information, good examples,
and good inspiration.
- Interpretation, or using your
research in your work, using
inspiration, and using what
you have learned.
- Communication, or saying
and expressing thoughts,
feelings, and emotions in
your artwork.
How have you developed a
project from beginning to end?

Paragraph # 2- How does the work Your answers here:

you chose PROVE that you have
grown? ANSWER ALL. When I started this year on our first few assignments (Contour Practice:

Part 2 ) I did not know how to shade and my sketches were pretty bad lol,
It’s time to get specific...
But as the year moved on I improved and learned how to shade. My main
Which artwork shows where you
struggles during the start of this year was to get used to drawing and
started this year as an artist? What
were your struggles? What did you sketching stuff out. I got better at drawing lines and sketching images.
want to get better at?
The thing that helped me the most was sketching and using my creativity
What was the thing that helped
The artwork that shows how far i have come is my prized possessions
you the most?
and Color and music, i shroud some good sketches and shading and the
Which artwork shows how far you
have come? How does it show your amazing line job, this shows that i have the skill to shade objects in a
drawing and sketch out its 3d figure.

Paragraph # 3- Reflection Your answers here:

Some problems i had i searched up on youtube how to create that imagi,

I'm most proud of learning how to shade and sketch drawings better. What
What creative solutions did you
come up with to deal with challenges I could have done better is add in some color and be more creative with
that you faced along the way? OR
the colors.
How did your ideas change along the
What are you most proud of? I learned that I have improved on a lot of things this school year. It opened
What could you have done better?
my mind to try and learn new things in the upcoming years of my

What did you learn while making highschool.

this project?
Somethings to include
- About yourself
- About making art
- About life

4 Level Work:

1. Create a final draft of your artist statement in a new doc. Edit your writing to create a final 3
paragraph essay. Share it with this assignment. Roundtable art :L
2. Record Video or Sound of you talking about your work and reflecting on your year as an
artist. You may read from your artist's statement. Share the recording of this assignment.

Use this rubric to understand what you will be graded on and aim to improve your assignment BEFORE
turning them in in order to maximize your scores. You should be aiming for 3’s and 4’s on all the standards!

Standard Mastery 4 Meets- 3 Approaching- 2 With Help- 1

Communication 1 - I can clearly I can clearly I can organize and With assistance I
Incorporates ideas and organize and organize and record my thoughts can clearly
evidence purposefully record my record my thoughts and ideas about organize and
thoughts and ideas and ideas about the project with record my thoughts
about the project their project in little detail. and ideas about
Organize in great detail. some detail. the project with
little detail.

Interpretation - I can analyze my I can connect my I can choose I can choose

Explaining evidence evidence to evidence to support evidence to support evidence to support
support my claims. my claims. I can my claims. I can my claims. I can
I can show a clear show some relation show a little show a little
Organize relation between between my relation between relation between
my artwork and my artwork and my my artwork and my my artwork and my
growth. growth. growth. growth with extra

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