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Design Objectives for Four-Resistor Bias Network

V EQ = R EQ I B + V BE + R E I E
VCC = 12V
V EQ – V BE – R EQ I B
I E = ---------------------------------------------------- or R1 22 kΩ RC
RE 36 kΩ
V EQ – V BE I1
I E ≈ ---------------------------- for R EQ I B « V EQ – V BE
R EQ is designed so that its voltage drop is R2
16 kΩ RE
negligible. 18 kΩ

In this case, I E is determined by V EQ , V BE

V EQ – V BE 4 – 0.7
and R E . I E ≈ ---------------------------- = ---------------- = 206µA .
RE 16k

Another constraint is power dissipation. Choose I 2 ≤ I C ⁄ 5 . Now, power dissi-

pated in R 1 and R 2 is less than 17% of total quiescent power. Also, I 2 » I B for
β F ≥ 50 .

Lecture 28 28 - 1
Basic Current Mirror
For VBE = 0.7V, βF = 100, VA = 0V and IS =
VB, 12V VCC, 12V
1.4x10-16A (redundant). Find IREF and IC2.
Assume that both transistors are matched. R
IREF 56 kΩ IC2
Both transistors operate in forward-active
V B – V C1 IB1 + I
12 – 0.7 B2
I REF = ----------------------- = ------------------- = 202µA VBE
R 56k
I C1
I REF = I C1 + I B1 + I B2 but -------- = I B1 = I B2

∴I REF = I B2 ( β F + 2 ) ⇒ I B2 = 1.98µA

Therefore, I C2 = β F I B2 = 198µA ≈ I REF

IC 198µA – 16
I S = ---------------------- = ---------------------- = 1.37 ×10 A
V ⁄V e 0.7 / 0.025
e BE T

Lecture 28 28 - 2
Two-Resistor Bias Circuit
Find the Q-point for the circuit shown if βF = 75 and VBE = 10V
0.7V. 1.2 kΩ
10 = 1.2k ( I C + I B ) + 5kI B + V BE 5 kΩ
Assume transistor operates in forward-active region, IC
I C = β F I B and 10 = 1.2k ( β F I B + I B ) + 5kI B + V BE . IB
10 – V BE
IB = --------------------------------------------
1.2k ( β F + 1 ) + 5k

10 – V BE 10 – 0.7
I C = β F I B = β F --------------------------------------------- = 75 -------------------------------------------- = 7.25mA
1.2k ( β F + 1 ) + 5k 1.2k ( 75 + 1 ) + 5k

 IC 
V CE = 10 – 1.2k ( I C + I B ) = 10 – 1.2k  I C + ------ = 1.18V
 β F

Since V CE > V BE > 0 , our assumption is correct.

Lecture 28 28 - 3
A PNP Transistor Example
Find the Q-point of the shown circuit
since the emitter is connected to a higher potential than the
base we have V
EB = 0.7V 2 kΩ

The emitter current is found through the loop IE

β = 100

10 = 0.7 + 2I E to get I E = 4.65mA


Assuming forward active region we have I C = αI E = 4.6mA 1 kΩ

Checking the region of operation by calculating V CB we get
V CB = – 10 + I C × 1K = – 5.4V

it follows that the Collector-base junction is reverse-biased and our assump-

tion of forward active region is correct

Lecture 28 28 - 4

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