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Name: ___________ Date:__________ Section_____

Directions: Write a reflection/artist statement that explains your growth in art this year. It must be at least 3
paragraphs in length. The purpose of this assignment is for you to be able to communicate to your audience
(teachers, parents and peers) the process you used and the artistic choices you made. Tell a story about your
process of making this artwork. Use the guiding questions to help you organize your statement. Start by setting up
your artworks in front of you and thinking of how you have improved. Then move on to writing.
this statement will be an important piece of evidence for your roundtable.

Artwork #1 Artwork #2 Artwork #3 (optional)

Artist: Mubeen Muhammad Artist: Mubeen Muhammad Artist: Mubeen Muhammad

Title:Extraordinary object Title:Color and music

creativity exercise. Medium:
Size: 8 in”Tall x 7.5 “Wide
Date: MAY 24 2021
Size: 1 in”Tall x 4.5 in “Wide
Date: JANUARY 6 2021

Title:My prized possession

digital size: 5.5 in tall and 3.5 in wide
Date: DECEMBER 10 2020

Paragraph # 1- How have you Your answers here: I have grown artistically because a skill or techniqueI
grown artistically in one of the
improved on is adding more details to my artworks and drawings and it
following ways...
can either be color, shading or minor details on the drawing for example
Choose AT LEAST ONE of the
following to answer. on my dragon drawing I added small details on the dragons head like folds

What skill or technique have you and patterns then I shaded it with 4 different colors red, blue, green and
improved in this year?
(Problem Formulation Standard, Research orange which represented the mood of the song imagine dragons -
How have you gotten better at
expressing yourself and your
(Communication Standard)

How have you improved in a

standard? Explain.
- Research, or finding good
information, good examples,
and good inspiration.
- Interpretation, or using your
research in your work, using
inspiration, and using what
you have learned.
- Communication, or saying
and expressing thoughts,
feelings, and emotions in
your artwork.
How have you developed a
project from beginning to end?

Paragraph # 2- How does the work Your answers here: The work that I chose proves that I have grown
you chose PROVE that you have
grown? ANSWER ALL. because In the first artwork I did not show any textures, colors, patterns or

shading all I did was just use pencil with no colors which is bad. Also the
It’s time to get specific...
way I improved was in the second picture you can see I actually added
Which artwork shows where you
details to the crocodile like teeth, scales, nose and color. And finally in the
started this year as an artist? What
were your struggles? What did you color and music assignment I made a dragon with so much detail and
want to get better at?
color + shading and that shows how much I’ve improved since the
What was the thing that helped
beginning of the year.
you the most?

Which artwork shows how far you

have come? How does it show your Which artwork shows where you started this year as an artist? What were
your struggles? What did you want to get better at?

The phone drawing shows when I started as an artist and I struggled with
adding color, textures, shading and much more and I wanted to get better

by adding more detail to my drawings and more color to make it look

appealing to someone so that is what I did.

Which artwork shows how far you have come? How does it show your


The artwork that shows how far I have come is the last one from the “color

and music assignment” I drew a dragon to show the Imagine dragons

believer song. Also I put so many small details into the artwork as you can


What was the thing that helped you the most?

The thing that helped me the most is drawing during my free time.

Sometimes I would just take a piece of paper and draw something from a

game or cartoon like pokemon.

Paragraph # 3- Reflection Your answers here: Some of my ideas changed along the way because at

the beginning of the year I thought I wouldn’t approve in art at all because
I never practiced any of the skills but luckily I learned so much from this
What creative solutions did you
come up with to deal with challenges class like shading, colors, lighting, shapes, mood, tone, hue, saturation
that you faced along the way? OR
and much more. Also I improved so much after using all the things I
How did your ideas change along the
way? learned!

What are you most proud of?

What could you have done better?
2. I am most proud of my color and music drawing which is a dragon I
What did you learn while making made. I am also proud of how much my drawing has improved throughout
this project?
this year. You can see it in my artworks from the first one to the final one. I
Somethings to include
- About yourself improved greatly and it’s all because of you Ms.Neves.
- About making art
- About life

3.I learned how far we have gotten and improved throughout the year.


4 Level Work:

1. Create a final draft of your artist statement in a new doc. Edit your writing to create a final 3
paragraph essay. Share it to this assignment.
2. Record Video or Sound of you talking about your work and reflecting on your year as an
artist. You may read from your artist's statement. Share the recording to this assignment.

Use this rubric to understand what you will be graded on and aim to improve your assignment BEFORE
turning them in in order to maximize your scores. You should be aiming for 3’s and 4’s on all the standards!

Standard Mastery 4 Meets- 3 Approaching- 2 With Help- 1

Communication 1 - I can clearly I can clearly I can organize and With assistance I
Incorporates ideas and organize and organize and record my thoughts can clearly
evidence purposefully record my record my thoughts and ideas about organize and
thoughts and ideas and ideas about the project with record my thoughts
about the project their project in little detail. and ideas about
Organize in great detail. some detail. the project with
little detail.

Interpretation - I can analyze my I can connect my I can choose I can choose

Explaining evidence evidence to evidence to support evidence to support evidence to support
support my claims. my claims. I can my claims. I can my claims. I can
I can show a clear show some relation show a little show a little
Organize relation between between my relation between relation between
my artwork and my artwork and my my artwork and my my artwork and my
growth. growth. growth. growth with extra

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