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Name: Mughees Muhammad Date: 6/16/21 Section 901

Directions: Write a reflection/artist statement that explains your growth in art this year. It must be at least 3
paragraphs in length. The purpose of this assignment is for you to be able to communicate to your audience
(teachers, parents and peers) the process you used and the artistic choices you made. Tell a story about your
process of making this artwork. Use the guiding questions to help you organize your statement. Start by setting up
your artworks in front of you and thinking of how you have improved. Then move on to writing.
this statement will be an important piece of evidence for your roundtable.

Artwork #1 Artwork #2 Artwork #3 (optional)

Artist: Mughees Muhammad Artist: Mughees Muhammad

Title: “You are here” Collage

Title: Color Scheme Medium:
Medium: Size: 9 Tall x 10“Wide
Artist: Mughees Muhammad Size: 10 “Tall x 12“Wide or digital size:
Title: Color and music or digital size: Date: June 9th

Medium: May 24th Date: April 26th

Size: 5 ”Tall x 10 “Wide

or digital size:

Paragraph # 1- How have you Your answers here: I have grown artist ally in many ways for example i
grown artistically in one of the
use to not know how to make a collage now i made a full whole collage.
following ways...
Another way I grew artistcally is when I learned to blend and mix colors.
Choose AT LEAST ONE of the
following to answer. Also when i learned about the color scheme and how there is

What skill or technique have you complementary , analogus, tritadic, etc. This is how I grew artiscally.
improved in this year?
(Problem Formulation Standard, Research
How have you gotten better at
expressing yourself and your
(Communication Standard)

How have you improved in a

standard? Explain.
- Research, or finding good
information, good examples,
and good inspiration.
- Interpretation, or using your
research in your work, using
inspiration, and using what
you have learned.
- Communication, or saying
and expressing thoughts,
feelings, and emotions in
your artwork.
How have you developed a
project from beginning to end?

Paragraph # 2- How does the work Your answers here: The work I chose prove that I have grew over time
you chose PROVE that you have
grown? ANSWER ALL. because as you can see these are my best 3 pieces of artwork. In each

one of them you can see I started adding more detail over time. Especially
It’s time to get specific...
in the collage I snipped out a chair and put it in the front. Another way the
Which artwork shows where you
work I chose shown I have grown is if you look back at old artwork I drew
started this year as an artist? What
were your struggles? What did you blobs with straw legs now I actually try to add detail. This is how the
want to get better at?
artwork I chose show I grew.
What was the thing that helped
you the most?

Which artwork shows how far you

have come? How does it show your
Paragraph # 3- Reflection Your answers here: Some creative solutions I came up with to deal with

challenges such as when I messed up my collage I just added another

green snip on top of the part i messed up on. I’m most proud of my color
What creative solutions did you
come up with to deal with challenges scheme drawing because it really shows i understand colors and how they
that you faced along the way? OR
work now. While making this project I learned that colors are unique and
How did your ideas change along the
way? that they can combine and make different things. This is what I have

What are you most proud of? reflected on in art class.

What could you have done better?

What did you learn while making

this project?
Somethings to include
- About yourself
- About making art
- About life

4 Level Work:

1. Create a final draft of your artist statement in a new doc. Edit your writing to create a final 3
paragraph essay. Share it to this assignment.
2. Record Video or Sound of you talking about your work and reflecting on your year as an
artist. You may read from your artist's statement. Share the recording to this assignment.

Use this rubric to understand what you will be graded on and aim to improve your assignment BEFORE
turning them in in order to maximize your scores. You should be aiming for 3’s and 4’s on all the standards!

Standard Mastery 4 Meets- 3 Approaching- 2 With Help- 1

Communication 1 - I can clearly I can clearly I can organize and With assistance I
Incorporates ideas and organize and organize and record my thoughts can clearly
evidence purposefully record my record my thoughts and ideas about organize and
thoughts and ideas and ideas about the project with record my thoughts
about the project their project in little detail. and ideas about
Organize in great detail. some detail. the project with
little detail.

Interpretation - I can analyze my I can connect my I can choose I can choose

Explaining evidence evidence to evidence to support evidence to support evidence to support
support my claims. my claims. I can my claims. I can my claims. I can
I can show a clear show some relation show a little show a little
Organize relation between between my relation between relation between
my artwork and my
my artwork and my artwork and my my artwork and my growth with extra
growth. growth. growth. guidance.

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