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Their reputation is built on the following guiding principles:

Always deliver the highest standards of cleaning

Attention to detail is critical in commercial cleaning and the Castle Cleaning team pride
themselves on their impeccable cleaning quality which is always delivered on time.

Customer service is our top priority

From initial scoping through to the actual cleaning and post project follow up, Castle Cleaning's
customer service is second to none. Their management team are active in every project to
ensure that clients are satisfied.
Health and Safety of our clients and staff is of paramount importance

Castle Cleaning Service is committed to protecting its clients and staff from the hazards of
cleaning. All necessary OH&S rules and regulations are strictly followed, and their teams come
equipped with the leading equipment (checked and tagged regularly) and materials. All cleaning
projects are backed by one of the industry's most comprehensive Public Liability policies. Like in
the days of Covid- 19, our staff will be following all the SOPs strictly. Safety of our staff and
clients will be first priority.

All staff are fully trained and committed cleaning professionals

A cleaning job is only as good as the staff that do the work. All Castle Cleaning staff are
carefully selected, go through a thorough training process.

Be flexible - Adapt to the challenging schedules of our clients

Cleaning is often the critical last step in development projects. With a large team of cleaners
and advanced scheduling software, Castle Cleaning can be as flexible as your project requires.

Castle Cleaning offers an extensive range of cleaning services which can be tailored to meet
your requirements. For more information about our services, contact us today!


Our Cleaning Service's objectives for the first three years of operation include:

• To create a service based company whose #1 goal is exceeding customer's expectations.

• To increase our number of clients served by 20% per year through superior service.
• To develop a sustainable home-based business, living off its own cash flow.

• The utilization of Our Cleaning Service on a regular basis by at least 30% of

the leads that contact us for more information.

Market analysis summary

Our Cleaning Service will target the working ladies of the households, working couples, upper
middle class and upper class. We are offering a high quality, totally trustworthy service for
households. Our service will ooze professionalism. We are perfectionists and this will be clear
by our service. We will be targeting the following groups:

 Upper class people

 Upper middle class people
 Working ladies
 Working couples

All of these targeted groups appreciate a professional, reliable, trustworthy, cleaning service
and are willing to pay a premium to get this top shelf level of service. We will be marketing our
service to these people through word of mouth referrals as well as through membership lists.

Salary Distribution of Multan:

The median, the maximum, the minimum, and the range

Salary Range

Salaries in Multan range from 20,000 PKR per month (minimum salary) to 354,000 PKR per
month (maximum average salary, actual maximum is higher).

Median Salary

The median salary is 80,800 PKR per month, which means that half (50%) of the population are
earning less than 80,800 PKR while the other half are earning more than 80,800 PKR. The
median represents the middle salary value. Generally speaking, you would want to be on the
right side of the graph with the group earning more than the median salary.


Closely related to the median are two values: the 25th and the 75th percentiles. Reading from
the salary distribution diagram, 25% of the population are earning less than 45,400 PKR while
75% of them are earning more than 45,400 PKR. Also from the diagram, 75% of the population
are earning less than 221,000 PKR while 25% are earning more than 221,000 PKR.

Different cities of Pakistan have lots of cleaning services. But all these services were usually
provided in the bigger cities than Multan, now we will be providing our cleaning services to our
valuable clients.

Feasibility Analysis:

A feasibility study, as the name suggests, is designed to reveal whether a project/plan is

feasible. It is an assessment of the practicality of a proposed project/plan. A feasibility study is
part of the initial design stage of any project/plan. It is conducted in order to objectively uncover
the strengths and weaknesses of a proposed project or an existing business. It can help to
identify and assess the opportunities and threats present in the natural environment, the
resources required for the project, and the prospects for success.

Feasibility analysis is the process of determining if a business idea is viable before spending
resources on it. Most entrepreneurs do not conduct a feasibility analysis before launching their
ventures. Feasibility analysis has four components:

 Product/service feasibility
 Industry/target market feasibility
 Organizational feasibility
 Financial feasibility

Product/service feasibility analysis:

Product/service feasibility analysis is an assessment of the product or service being proposed in

the sense that it is what customers want and that it will have an adequate market. There are
benefits of conducting a product/service feasibility analysis. Like getting the product right the
first time, we would know what the customer wants from us because we asked them. A segment
of customers emerges because the firms or individuals that participate in the feasibility analysis
often become the firm` s first customers. By asking prospective customers to test the usability of
a product or the ease of use of a service the firm avoids any defect in product/service design.

After recognizing the gap in the market, we developed an idea and to execute the idea we
needed to conduct a survey that whether the services we are going to offer are attrtactive for
our market or not. There is no point of offering services which does not attract the potential taget
customers. The business will fail with a huge loss.
We choose the primary method for the survey and from the primary research we concluded that
the services we are going to offer in the market are attractive to our target market. The services
we want to offer were appealing for the audience.

Product/Service Desirability

 The first component of product/service feasibility is to affirm that the proposed product or
service is desirable and serves a need in the marketplace. You should ask the following
questions to determine the basic appeal of the product or service:
 Does it make sense? Is it reasonable? Is it something consumers will get excited about?
 Does it take advantage of an environmental trend, solve a problem, or fill a gap in the
 Is this a good time to introduce the product or service to the market?
 Are there any fatal flaws in the product or service’s basic design or concept?

The proper mind-set at the feasibility analysis stage is to get a general sense of the answers to
these and similar questions, rather than to try to reach final conclusions.

Product/Service Demand

The second component of product/service feasibility analysis is to determine if there is demand

for the product or service. There are two techniques for making this determination: administering
a buying intentions survey and conducting library, Internet, and gumshoe research.

Buying Intentions Survey

A buying intentions survey is an instrument that is used to gauge customer interest in a product
or service. It consists of a concept statement or a similar description of a product or service with
a short survey attached. The statement and survey should be distributed to 20 to 30 potential
customers (people who completed the concept statement test should not be asked to complete
this survey). Each participant should be asked to read the statement and complete the survey.

How likely would you be to buy the product or service described above, if we make it?

How much would you be willing to pay for the product or service?

Where would you expect to find this product or service for sale?

 Definitely would buy

 Probably would buy
 Might or might not buy
 Probably would not buy
 Definitely would not buy

Industry/target market feasibility

It is an assessment of the overall appeal of the industry and the target market for the product or
service being proposed. There is a distinct difference between a firm’s industry and its target
market, which should be clearly understood. An industry is a group of firms producing a similar
product or service, such as computers, children’s toys, airplanes, or social networks. A firm’s
target market is the limited portion of the industry that it goes after or to which it wants to appeal.
Most firms’ start-ups typically do not try to service their entire industry. Instead, they select or
carve out a specific target market and try to service that market very well. For feasibility analysis
the entrepreneurs should consider the following issues:

Industry attractiveness

An industry that is growing is more attractive because it is more receptive to new entrants and
new product introductions. The most attractive industries are characterized as the following:
Being large and growing (with growth being more important than size). Being important to the
customers. These markets sell products or services that customers “must have“ rather than
“would like to have“ .We will follow the same concept of what our customers must have rather
than we would like to have, the customer will be considered the king in our organization and so
we would treat our customers like one.

Organizational Feasibility analysis:

Organizational feasibility analysis is conducted to determine whether a proposed business has

sufficient management expertise, organizational competence and resources to successfully
launch its business. We are well aware of the fact that our organization will be of the first
organization in Multan that will be providing such services, therefore to get such an efficient
management team will be a bit difficult task but we will be hiring top management which have
expertise and skills to oversee the business. The team will further be trained to get proper
output, the staff will be selected by the management, the staff will also be trained.
Financial feasibility analysis

Financial feasibility analysis is the final stage of the feasibility analysis. A quick financial
assessment is sufficient because the business environment will evolve. The most important
issues to consider are: capital requirements, financial rate of return, overall attractiveness of
investment. Capital requirements. We should assess the feasibility of raising enough money to
fund the capital requirements for the business. New firms need money for hiring employees,
office or manufacturing space, equipment, training, research and development, marketing. At
the feasibility analysis stage it is not necessary for this number to be exact.

Marketing Plan

We will market our company through a three pronged approach. One prong is the distribution of
a color brochure detailing our services. The distribution of this document will be targeted to hit
our chosen segment. This will be done by setting up strategic relationships with organizations
whose members fit our targeted customer profile. We will gain access to organizations through
deals where the club owners will receive our services for themselves to test the quality so they
then feel comfortable with helping us by being a "cheerleader" for our service.

The second prong of our approach will be through word of mouth referrals. We will offer an
economic incentive) to our customers if they bring in new business for us. We believe this will
be effective because the financial incentive will motivate their behavior, and people naturally like
to share good things with their friends.

Our third and final prong is our Social Media Strategy. We will be on Twitter, listening to our
customers as well as letting them know about our promotions. We will be on Facebook and
Linked in with reviews and some environmentally safe "do it yourself" home cleaning remedies.
This will let our customers get to know our employees in other circumstances than trying to get
their business.

Sales Plan

The sales process will begin through the qualification of leads generated from our marketing
campaign. The marketing campaign will primarily generate leads through interest sparked from
our brochures. Someone will call to receive more information about our service, while we will be
able to give them an estimate over the phone, we would prefer to be able to get into their home
and speak with them. On one hand we would be able to offer them a more accurate estimate.
More importantly however, it provides us an opportunity to impress them with our company. We
feel confident that since we are dealing with the affluent, who for many services are less price
sensitive, are more likely to be impressed with our professionalism, "feel" an immediate trust
bond forming, and sign up for the service.
For those clients whom we are only able to speak with over the phone, we will initially quote
them a price. Because they are less price sensitive then the general population. Our Cleaning
Service will explain all of the different training systems and methodologies that each employee
goes through, and what expectations are reasonable for the customer to form about our
superior service. This conversation will leave the prospective customer the impression that our
mission is indeed different from the run of the mill residential cleaning services and that the
price differential is justified.

Lastly, we will be qualifying the leads by explaining up front that our service is more expensive.
This is not a fact that we are trying to hide. We are setting up an expectation for the customer
that they can indeed expect more with our service. This "angle" is based on the assumption that
many people are not thrilled with their current cleaning service. Sure they clean adequately, but
there is not a trust bond formed as if you had the same house cleaner for 20 years who helped
raise your children. This is how we will differentiate ourselves and ultimately win over new

Critical Success Factors

The key to success in the cleaning industry is human resources, people. Recruiting, hiring,
training and supervising staff and also developing management, supervision talent in house. We
feel the best way to grow and sustain it long term is by developing our cleaners into supervisors.
Each lead person is creating the next lead person. Trying to hire supervisor’s from other
cleaning businesses comes with a lot of challenges, some have bad habits to begin with that are
difficult to change. Also run the risk they quit after a short time and have information about the
internal workings of the business and client lists, training material etc.

Training and supervision will be key success factors. The challenge In the cleaning business is
employees are working at the customers location, mainly unsupervised on an hour by hour
basis. This is why hiring the right people in the first place is so critical and then getting them in a
routine through training.

We will create a culture of everyone sticking together and supporting each other. With 90% of
the workforce working remotely it becomes important we communicate with each other on a
regular basis and trust each other.

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