Comparative & Superlative Adjectives

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Name _________________________

Comparative & Superlative

To compare two things, add –er to the base word.
To compare three or more things, add –est to the base word.

Does the word end with –y? Does the word end with a Does the word follow a CVC
Change the –y to an –i silent –e? Drop the –e pattern? Double the final
before adding –er or –est. before adding –er or –est. consonant before adding
–er or –est.

Positive Comparative Superlative









Name _________________________

Comparative & Superlative

To compare 2 actions, add –er or more to the base word.
To compare 3 or more actions, add –est or most to the base word.

Does the adverb contain just Does the adverb end with
one syllable? Add –er or –ly? Use more or most
–est to the base word. before the base word.

Positive Comparative Superlative










Name _________________________

Comparatives & Superlatives:

Adjectives with 2 or more syllables
When comparing adjectives with two To compare adjectives with
syllables, sometimes you will use three or more syllables,
more or most, and sometimes you use more or most.
will use –er or –est.
Examples Example
simple – simpler – simplest beautiful – more beautiful
polite – more polite – most polite most beautiful

Positive Comparative Superlative









Name _________________________

Comparatives & Superlatives
Directions: Complete the chart.

Positive Comparative Superlative




(physical distance)

(figurative distance)

Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. The sequel was even ________________ than the first movie. (good)

2. Next time I’m going to put _______________ sugar in the pie. (little)

3. The activity at camp that was ________________ was the water

balloon fight. (fun)

4. The __________ mistake I’ve ever made while baking was when I put
one-half cup salt in the batter instead of one-half cup sugar. (bad)

5. We hiked _______________ on Tuesday than we did on Monday. (far)

6. Jan’s viewpoint is _____________ away from mine than I thought. (far)

Name _________________________

Writing Sentences

Ashlee Evan Brooklyn

Born at 10:33 A.M. Born at 10:32 A.M. Born at 10:34 A.M.
63 inches tall 63 inches tall 64 inches tall
Special talent: playing piano Special talent: art Special talent: sports
Character trait: cheerful Character trait: brave Character trait: bossy

Directions: Ashlee, Evan, and Brooklyn are triplets. Write complete sentences that include the given word.

1. tallest- ___________________________________________________


2. older- ___________________________________________________


3. curlier- ___________________________________________________

4. most artistic- _______________________________________________


5. youngest- __________________________________________________


6. shorter- ___________________________________________________


7. most athletic- _______________________________________________


8. better- ____________________________________________________


9. bossier- ___________________________________________________


10. bravest- __________________________________________________


11. most cheerful- _______________________________________________

Name _________________________

You Be the Judge!

Directions: Fill in the blank using the correct form of the word in parentheses. Then, in the space below
each sentence, write your answer in a complete sentence. The first one has been done for you.

the largest
1. Which animal is __________________- an elephant, a hippo, or a rhino? (large)

An elephant is the largest of the three animals.

2. Which animal is __________________- a bat or a spider? (creepy)

3. Which fruit tastes __________________- an apple or an orange? (good)

4. Which color is __________________- pink or navy blue? (light)

5. Which smells __________________- skunk spray, smelly socks, or a dumpster? (bad)

6. Which planet is __________________ to Earth- Jupiter or Saturn? (close)

7. Which coin is worth __________________- a quarter, a dime, or a penny? (little)

8. Which planet is ________________ from the sun- Uranus, Neptune, or Saturn? (far)

9. Which snack tastes __________________- brownies, cookies, or cupcakes? (good)

10. Which animal moves at a __________________ speed- a turtle or a squirrel? (slow)

11. Which genre is _______________________- mysteries or fantasies? (entertaining)

12. Which subject is ______________________ - math, science, or spelling? (difficult)

13. Which sport is __________________ to play- soccer or basketball? (fun)

14. Which season has __________________ weather- summer or winter? (bad)

15. Which activity is __________________ - fishing or hiking? (boring)

16. Which activity is ________________ - dancing, skateboarding, or ice skating? (easy)

Name _________________________

Comparative & Superlative

To compare two things, add –er to the base word.
To compare three or more things, add –est to the base word.

Does the word end with –y? Does the word end with a Does the word follow a CVC
Change the –y to an –i silent –e? Drop the –e pattern? Double the final
before adding –er or –est. before adding –er or –est. consonant before adding
–er or –est.

Positive Comparative Superlative

sunny sunnier sunniest

rich richer richest
slim slimmer slimmest
tiny tinier tiniest
sharp sharper sharpest
lazy lazier laziest
brave braver bravest
fresh fresher freshest
wet wetter wettest
Name _________________________

Comparative & Superlative

To compare 2 actions, add –er or more to the base word.
To compare 3 or more actions, add –est or most to the base word.

Does the adverb contain just Does the adverb end with
one syllable? Add –er or –ly? Use more or most
–est to the base word. before the base word.

Positive Comparative Superlative

generously more generously most generously

low lower lowest
angrily more angrily most angrily
high higher highest
frequently more frequently most frequently
late later latest
softly more softly most softly
soon sooner soonest
carefully more carefully most carefully
cautiously more cautiously most cautiously
Name _________________________

Comparatives & Superlatives:

Adjectives with 2 or more syllables
When comparing adjectives with two To compare adjectives with
syllables, sometimes you will use three or more syllables,
more or most, and sometimes you use more or most.
will use –er or –est.
Examples Example
simple – simpler – simplest beautiful – more beautiful
polite – more polite – most polite most beautiful

Positive Comparative Superlative

nervous more nervous most nervous

embarrassed more embarrassed most embarrassed
serious more serious most serious
determined more determined most determined
perfect more perfect most perfect
quiet quieter quietest
dangerous more dangerous most dangerous
famous more famous most famous
shallow shallower shallowest
Name _________________________

Comparatives & Superlatives
Directions: Complete the chart.

Positive Comparative Superlative

good better best

bad worse worst
fun more fun most fun
little less least
far farther farthest
(physical distance)

far further furthest

(figurative distance)

Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. better
The sequel was even ________________ than the first movie. (good)

2. Next time I’m going to put _______________ sugar in the pie. (little)

most fun
3. The activity at camp that was ________________ was the water
balloon fight. (fun)

worst mistake I’ve ever made while baking was when I put
4. The __________
one-half cup salt in the batter instead of one-half cup sugar. (bad)

5. We hiked _______________ on Tuesday than we did on Monday. (far)

further away from mine than I thought. (far)

6. Jan’s viewpoint is _____________
Name _________________________

You Be the Judge!

Directions: Fill in the blank using the correct form of the word in parentheses. Then, in the space below
each sentence, write your answer in a complete sentence. The first one has been done for you.

the largest
1. Which animal is __________________- an elephant, a hippo, or a rhino? (large)

An elephant is the largest of the three animals.

2. Which animal is __________________- a bat or a spider? (creepy)

Answer will vary, based on opinion.

3. Which fruit tastes __________________- an apple or an orange? (good)

Answer will vary, based on opinion.

4. Which color is __________________- pink or navy blue? (light)

Pink is lighter than navy blue.

the worst
5. Which smells __________________- skunk spray, smelly socks, or a dumpster? (bad)

Answer will vary, based on opinion.

6. Which planet is __________________ to Earth- Jupiter or Saturn? (close)

Jupiter is closer to Earth than Saturn is.

the least
7. Which coin is worth __________________- a quarter, a dime, or a penny? (little)

A penny is worth the least.

the farthest
8. Which planet is ________________ from the sun- Uranus, Neptune, or Saturn? (far)

Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun.

the best
9. Which snack tastes __________________- brownies, cookies, or cupcakes? (good)

Answer will vary, based on opinion.

10. Which animal moves at a __________________ speed- a turtle or a squirrel? (slow)

A turtle moves slower than a squirrel.

more entertaining
11. Which genre is _______________________- mysteries or fantasies? (entertaining)

Answer will vary, based on opinion.

the most difficult
12. Which subject is ______________________ - math, science, or spelling? (difficult)

Answer will vary, based on opinion.

more fun
13. Which sport is __________________ to play- soccer or basketball? (fun)

Answer will vary, based on opinion.

14. Which season has __________________ weather- summer or winter? (bad)

Answer will vary, based on opinion.

more boring
15. Which activity is __________________ - fishing or hiking? (boring)

Answer will vary, based on opinion.

the easiest
16. Which activity is ________________ - dancing, skateboarding, or ice skating? (easy)
Name _________________________

Writing Sentences

Ashlee Evan Brooklyn

Born at 10:33 A.M. Born at 10:32 A.M. Born at 10:34 A.M.
63 inches tall 63 inches tall 64 inches tall
Special talent: music Special talent: art Special talent: sports
Character trait: cheerful Character trait: brave Character trait: bossy
NOTE: Some of these answers may vary.
Directions: Ashlee, Evan, and Brooklyn are triplets. Write complete sentences that include the given word.

1. Brooklyn is the tallest of the triplets.

tallest- ___________________________________________________


Evan is one minute older than Ashlee.

2. older- ___________________________________________________


Ashlee’s hair is curlier than Brooklyn’s hair.

3. curlier- ___________________________________________________

Evan is the most artistic of the triplets.
4. most artistic- _______________________________________________


Brooklyn is the youngest of the triplets.

5. youngest- __________________________________________________


6. shorter- Ashlee is shorter than Brooklyn. OR Evan is shorter than Brooklyn.



Brooklyn is the most athletic of the triplets.

7. most athletic- _______________________________________________


Ashlee is a better singer than Evan.

8. better- ____________________________________________________


Brooklyn is bossier than Evan.

9. bossier- ___________________________________________________


Evan is the bravest of the triplets.

10. bravest- __________________________________________________


Ashlee is the most cheerful of the triplets.

11. most cheerful- _______________________________________________


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