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Activities FOR

Name ____________________

Julie Brinckloe, the author of Fireflies, wrote very descriptive sentences in this
book. She did this by using vivid words and figurative language to help the
reader visualize exactly what is happening in the book.
Directions: The left column displays a basic sentence that the author could have
written. In the right column, record the descriptive sentence that the author used in place of the
basic sentences to create this popular book!

The author could have …but instead, she wrote this

written this dull sentence… descriptive sentence!

I ate my supper.
(page 4)

I ran outside.
(page 8)

I heard crickets.
(page 10)

Turning off and on, flying

low, then high above my
(page 10)

I put the firefly in the jar.

(page 13)

I felt happy.
(page 13)
Name ____________________

The author could have …but instead, she wrote this

written this dull sentence… descriptive sentence!

Then we ran around and

caught more fireflies.
(pages 14-15)

I looked at the fireflies

from my bed. The jar
(page 20)

The jar turned yellow.

(page 22)

The light got dim.

(page 23)

I closed my eyes.
(page 24)

I got out of bed.

(page 25)

The fireflies flew out of

the jar.
(page 26)

I cried because I was

(page 28)
Name ____________________

Julie Brinckloe, the author of Fireflies, wrote very descriptive sentences in this
book. She did this by using vivid words and figurative language to help the
reader visualize exactly what is happening in the book.
Directions: The left column displays a basic sentence that the author could have
written. In the right column, record the descriptive sentence that the author used in place of the
basic sentences to create this popular book!

The author could have …but instead, she wrote this

written this dull sentence… descriptive sentence!

I forked the meat and corn and

I ate my supper.
potatoes into my mouth.
(page 4)

I ran outside. The screen door banged behind me as

(page 8)
I ran from the house.

I heard crickets. My ears rang with crickets.

(page 10)

Turning off and on, flying Blinking on, blinking off,

low, then high above my Dipping low, soaring high above my
head... head…
(page 10)

I thrust my hand into the jar and

I put the firefly in the jar. spread it open.
(page 13)

I felt happy. I felt a tremble of joy and shouted,

(page 13) “I can catch hundreds!”
Name ____________________

The author could have …but instead, she wrote this

written this dull sentence… descriptive sentence!

Then we ran around and Then we dashed about, waving our

hands in the air like nets, catching
caught more fireflies. two, ten- hundreds of fireflies…
(pages 14-15)

I looked at the fireflies In the dark I watched the fireflies

from my bed. The jar from my bed. They blinked off and on,
glowed. and the jar glowed like moonlight.
(page 20)

The jar turned yellow. The light in the jar turned yellow, like
(page 22) a flashlight left on too long.

And the light grew dimmer, green, like

The light got dim. moonlight under water.
(page 23)

I shut my eyes tight and put the

I closed my eyes.
(page 24)
pillow over my head.

I got out of bed. I flung off the covers.

(page 25)

The fireflies flew out of

The fireflies poured out into the night.
the jar.
(page 26)

I cried because I was The moonlight and the fireflies swam

happy. in my tears, but I could feel myself
(page 28) smiling.
Name ____________________

Directions: The left column displays a basic sentence
that an author could write. In the right column, write a
descriptive sentence that an author could use to
replace the basic sentence!

I could have written this …but instead, I wrote this

basic sentence… descriptive sentence!
You are writing about how your mom made some gooey
brownies, and you just took a bite.

I ate the brownie.

You are writing about how hot and tired you are after
hiking all day with your family on a hot summer day.

I was so tired.

You are describing the pain you felt when you fell off
your bike and skinned your knee.

My knee stung, and I

started to cry.

You are describing the color of your newly-painted

bedroom walls..

My bedroom walls were

now blue.
Name ____________________

Directions: The left column displays a basic sentence
that an author could write. In the right column, write a
descriptive sentence that an author could use to
replace the basic sentence!

I could have written this …but instead, I wrote this

basic sentence… descriptive sentence!
You are writing about how your mom made some gooey
brownies, and you just took a bite. I bit into the warm, luscious brownie
and relief flooded over me. I took
I ate the brownie. another bite, smaller this time, because
I wanted to savor every last morsel
of this chocolatey piece of heaven.

You are writing about how hot and tired you are after
hiking all day with your family on a hot summer day.
When we finally returned to our car,
I dropped my backpack and collapsed
I was so tired. on the ground. Sweat trickled down
my face. Every muscle in my body

You are describing the pain you felt when you fell off
your bike and skinned your knee.
My knee burned like fire, as drops of
blood trickled toward my sock and
My knee stung, and I
tears poured down my face.
started to cry.

You are describing the color of your newly-painted

bedroom walls..

My bedroom walls were now a calming

My bedroom walls were shade of blue, the same color as my
now blue. favorite pair of faded jeans.
Catching Fireflies!
Feel free to check out some of my popular writing PowerPoints, available in my store!
By Deb Hanson © 2016

Clip art by The Doodle Oven & Educlips

Worksheet borders by Kelly Benefield & Krista Wallden

Fonts by Hello Literacy, KG Fonts, and DJB Fonts

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