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Artwork #1 Artwork #2 Artwork #3 (optional)

Artist: chloe yuen Artist: chloe yuen Artist: chloe yuen

Title: My Prized Possession Title: Still Life Self Title: Color And Music Medium:
Medium: Medium: Size: 12 ”Tall x 9 “Wide
Size: 12 ”Tall x 9 “Wide Size: 12 ”Tall x 9 “Wide or digital size:
or digital size: or digital size: Date: May 21, 2021
Date: December 10,2020 Date: March 19, 2021

I have grown artistically by expressing myself and my creativity. I learned that expressing

yourself in art can show how you feel during the time you were doing art. The colors and the

way you use it can let you express how you feel and show how creative you are. This showed

me that there is no right or wrong way for you to express yourself in art. I learned that different

colors can show how you feel.

The work I chose helped prove that I have grown because I started art not knowing

much even though I had taken art classes before and knowing a little bit about the color wheel.

The one thing that helped me improve in art is all the comments my teacher had left for me on

my submitted work. I struggled through creativity, but I learned that everyone’s artwork will look

different and unique in its own ways. I think the color and music artwork really showed my

creativity because it showed what processed through my head as I listened to a song.

A creative solution I came up with when I had to deal with challenges by looking for

inspiration but not copying the inspiration. I am most proud of what new things I have learned

from Art this school year. I learned there is no right or wrong way when it comes to expressing

yourself. I learned life isn't always easy but to live in the moment, either draw or take a picture of

something you want to remember. I learned something about myself which is that I am not very

artistic but if I put my mind to it, I can do it.

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