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Militarism Belief that a country should have a strong

military force

Alliances An association made between person or

nation out of common cause

Imperialism A country expanding itself through diplomatic

or warfare like methods

Nationalism Pride and loyalty to one's country

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Heir to the Austri-Hungary throne, whose

assassination led was the final event before

Powder keg A short stout barrel with gunpowder inside

Triple Entente Alliance between France, Britain, and Russia

Triple alliance Alliance between Germany, Austria Hungary,

and Italy

Central powers The most influential nations at the time, being

all of Europe

Allied powers Britain, France, and Russia

Sarajevo Serbian town where Archduke Franz

Ferdinand was killed

What I knew What I learned

MAIN The Triple alliance was made in secret

Dramatic increase in weapon forging There were multiple alliances, not just 2
Imperialism was advertised as both good and
bad in different areas
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed,
sparking the WW1

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