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Instructor’s Name: William Fusese Program: Procesamiento de Lacteos

Student’s Name: Juan carlos Sanchez toloza Date: 22/

I. Change the following rules to sentences with MUST or MUSTN’T


-Do not smoke in your room.

-Do not take food into your room.
-Pay for your room on the day you arrive
-Do not wash clothes in your room.
-Return to the hotel by 10:00P.M every night.
-Turn off the T.V after 11:00P.M.
-Do not bring visitors to your room.

I. You must do not smoke in your room

II. You must do not take food into your room.
III. You must pay for your room on the day you leave.
IV. You mustn’t do not wash your clothes in your room.
V. You must return by 10:00P.M. every night.
VI. You must turn off the T.V after 11:00P.M.
VII. You mustn’t bring visitors to your room.
VIII. You must ask the reception desk if you want to use the telephone.
IX. You must leave the room by 9:00A on the day you leave.

II. Write the correct name under the pictures.

_car_ _bike__ _helmet__ __highway __ __ad____

__left________ __right_________ __stop_________ __traffic light__ _street__

III. Write sentences with Must or Mustn’t using the following signs.

.must use traffic light mustn’t enter mustn’t lie down

E.g. You mustn’t sleep in class.

a) You Mustn’t eat in the class

b) You Must helmet when drive
c) You Must stop
d) You Must cross the street
E) You must go left
F) You Mustn’t use cell phone
G) You Must use traffic light
H) You Mustn’t enter
I) You Mustn’t lie down

IV. Reading Comprehension: School rules

Read the texts about the school rules and fill in the table.

Hi! My Name is Michael, I’m sixteen years old and

I live in London. There are many rules in my
school! We mustn’t listen to music, we mustn’t run
in the corridors, we mustn’t eat chewing-gum in the
school,... But we must wear a uniform. I hate the
school uniform! Another rule that I don’t like: we
must do our homework! If we break the school
rules, we have detention!
Hello! My Name is Annie, I’m sixteen years old
and I live in Houston, Texas. We must follow a lot
of rules in our school. We mustn’t smoke in the
school and we mustn’t take our smartphones to
school, but nobody follows that rule! We must
arrive on time at school. If we are late, the
headmaster calls our parents and we have detention!
We must read a lot of books and do our homework.
Hi! My Name is Alex, I’m seventeen years old and
I live in Paris. We must listen to our teachers in our
school and we must be polite. We mustn’t fight in
the school and we mustn’t swear! We mustn’t be
late in school and we mustn’t sleep in class! We
mustn’t listen to music in the classroom or in the
corridors, but we can listen to music in the
Students We must… We mustn’t…
Wear uniform Listen to music
Michael do our homework Run in the corridor
Eat chewing gun in class
Follw a lot of rules in our school Smoke in the school
Annie Arrive on tine at school Take our smart phone to school
Read a book and do our homework

Listen to our teachers Fignt in the school

Alex Be polite Swear
Be late in the school
Sleep in class
Listen to music in the class room
Yo u __________
. Yo u _______
must a he lme t whe n yo u
st o p at
go skat e bo arding.
a re d t raf f ic
light s.

C o mple t e wit h t he right o pt io n:

st o p / no t st o p we ar / no t we ar M U ST o r M U STN ’T . The n add
t he ve rb give n. Fo llo w t he e xample .

Yo u ___________ Yo u ____________ Yo u ____________

_________ yo ur t o o muc h f ast ________ drive
t e e t h e ve ry day. f ood. dange ro usly.

brush / no t brush e at / no t e at drive / no t drive

Be f o re a me al, Yo u ____________
yo u _________ Yo u ___________ an o pt ic ian if yo u
_________ yo ur ________ f ro ze n! c an’t se e we ll.
hands. Take a c o at o n!

wash / no t wash be / no t be visit / no t visit

Yo u ________ Sshhh! Yo u Yo u _____________

_______ mo re ___________ t he a smalle r jumpe r.
ic e c re am se c re t .
t o day.

have / no t have t e ll / no t t e ll c ho o se / no t c ho o se

Yo u‘re skinny.
C riminals We _____________
Yo u _________
_____________ t he do c t o r. Yo u
________ mo re .
f ro m jail. are wo rse .

e sc ape / no t e sc ape e at / no t e at c all / no t c all

Be po lit e ! Yo u _______
Yo u __________
_________”Thank yo u”.
_______ wit ho ut
sun c re am.

t an / no t t an say / no t say
1. You must wear a helmet when you go skateboarding
2. You must brush your teeth every day
3. You mustn’t eat too much fast food
4. You mustn’t drive dangerously
5. Before meal you must to wash your hands
6. You must be be frozen take a coat on
7. You mustn’t an optician if you can’t see well
8. You must have more oe cream today
9. Sshhh you mustn’t tell the secret
10. You mustn’t choose a smaller jumper
11. Criminals mustn’t escape from jail
12. You’re skinny you must eat more
13. We must call the doctor you are worse
14. You mustn’t tan without sun cream
15. Be polite you must say thank you

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